MESIS :: Volume #2

#160: Battle of words

Annie, your dizziness?” Qin Baobao in the typing, is pursing the lips to knit the brows, suppressed a lot of anger. 安妮,你的眩晕呢?”秦宝宝噼里啦打字,抿着嘴皱着眉,憋了一肚子火气。 My dizziness do not accumulate?” The Small Waist tone is not quite polite: Your clamp(Yordle Snap Trap)? Does not put the clamp(Yordle Snap Trap) policewoman and salted fish has what/anything to distinguish.” “我眩晕不要攒?”小蛮腰的语气也不太客气:“你的夹子呢?不放夹子的女警和咸鱼有什么区别。” Laughable, have you seen the first-level study clamp(Yordle Snap Trap) policewoman? Elementary students.” Qin Baobao sneers. “可笑,你见过一级学夹子的女警?小学生。”秦宝宝冷笑。 Goes to your younger sister, Spicy Chicken.” “去你妹哦,辣鸡。” What stupidly forked you to say?” “傻叉你说什么?” Two people to spurting, the bad language that in some realities will not say absolutely, stress-free in hits. 两人对喷起来,一些现实里绝对不会说出口的脏话,毫无压力的噼里啦打出来。 Qin Ze adds on the single barbarian to grasp opposite Darius, the typing consoles: Dreadful growth, other bì bì.” 秦泽帮上单蛮子抓死对面的诺克,打字劝解:“猥琐发育,别哔哔。” The Small Waist only merit is obedient, really dreadful eats the economy under the tower, less than half lines. Lee Sin stressed her several times, has not succeeded, dreaded that her dizziness, changes to stress starting off. 小蛮腰唯一的优点是听话,果然猥琐在塔下吃经济,坚决不过半线。盲僧抓了她几次,都没成功,又忌惮她的眩晕,改抓上路。 The next road is the policewoman with the Sona disgusting lineup, has the displacement also to have the dizziness, compares, the crisp barbarian is better to bully. Grasps not dead he also to compel the big move, Darius can on online suppress him to grow. 下路是女警配琴女的恶心阵容,有位移又有眩晕,相比起来,脆皮蛮子更好欺负。抓不死他也能逼出大招,己方诺克就能在线上压制他发育。 Qin Ze helped Annie grasp one time in the middle of the mill tribulation, struck the flying disciplinary punishment to coordinate the Annie dizziness, has since successfully helped Small Waist take the opening a first head/number of people. 秦泽在中路帮安妮抓了一次“劫”,击飞惩戒配合安妮的眩晕,成功助小蛮腰拿下开局以来第一个人头。 Great God nicely done.” Small Waist feeling pleased speech. 大神666。”小蛮腰喜滋滋的发言。 Qin Baobao twisted on the younger brother arm, eats the flavor: You come here to make an arrest, didn't elder sister have this fellow to be important?” 秦宝宝弟弟胳膊上拧了一下,吃味道:“你来我这里抓人啊,难道姐姐还没有这个家伙重要?” Qin Ze argued: Ez with Thresh, is not good to grasp, moreover your line ball was too ruthless.” 秦泽辩解:“ez配锤石,不好抓,而且你们压线太狠了。” He squatted the moment below road thick patch of grass, could not catch the opportunity, the starting off king Lee Sin massacres by the coordination of Darius and under. 他在下路草丛蹲了片刻,逮不到机会,上路蛮王被诺克盲僧的配合下杀掉了。 The Qin Ze key attendance starts off, the thick patch of grass ambush, near the ear resounds the electronic female voice: Double Kill!” 秦泽重点照顾上路,草丛埋伏,耳边又响起电子女声:“doublekill!” What situation, opposite party does Support take the double play? 什么情况,对方辅助拿双杀? The road looks downward, policewoman and Annie in abundance crouches/submits head. Only remains the Sona skirt front of remnant blood floating walks toward the tower, and scolded: Two sb.” 往下路一看,女警和安妮纷纷伏首。只剩残血的琴女裙裾飘飘的往塔下走,并骂道:“两个sb。” Annie caught up to make an arrest from the middle of the mill a moment ago, ambushes in the grass, Sona roused, the heart said that some motherf**ker people helped make an arrest finally, that good-for-nothing dead Jungler. Then flashes before to open in a big way, successfully withstands two people. Qin Baobao also refuses to admit being inferior, the policewoman toward projects a round of rope net behind, the small waist twists, flees toward the enemy, walks A. 刚才安妮从中路赶来抓人,埋伏在草里,琴女振奋不已,心说tm终于有人来帮忙抓人了,那废柴打野。然后一个闪现过去开大,成功顶住两个人。秦宝宝也不甘示弱,女警往身后射出一发绳网,小腰一拧,朝敌人窜去,边走边a。 Annie sees the time to arrive, flees from the thick patch of grass, summon big bear of threatening. Raises Tibbers to drop from the clouds, butt sits to ez side...... 安妮见时机已到,从草丛窜出来,气势汹汹的召唤大熊。提伯斯从天而降,一屁股坐到ez身边...... This idiot was spatially big!! 这蠢货空大了!! Thresh responded quickly, a big move of deceleration enemy, flashed before to the tower, toward threw the lantern while convenient behind, frightened the urine ez to light a lamp hastily, jumps in the arms of Thresh father. He at this time remnant blood. 锤石反应最快,一个大招减速敌人,闪现到塔下,顺便朝身后丢出灯笼,吓尿的ez连忙点灯,扑进锤石爸爸的怀抱。他此时已经残血。 Small Waist willing does not go for wool and come back shorn, flashes before to pursue, thinks that A dead ez , ez projects round of q to decelerate her, Thresh follows close on Flay to sweep turns her, the defense tower makes up the blade, killed Annie. 小蛮腰不甘心偷鸡不成蚀把米,一个闪现追进去,想a死ez,ez射出一发q减速她,锤石紧跟着“厄运钟摆”扫翻她,防御塔补刀,干掉了安妮 Qin Baobao is unwilling, under the squatting tower opens in a big way, the sniper's rifle aims at ez, must kill under the tower. 秦宝宝也不甘心,蹲塔下开大,狙击枪瞄准ez,要在塔下强杀。 Thresh turns around round of q, in the check the policewoman, drags into the defense tower attack range her exactly, the Qin Baobao big move is broken, eats the defense tower two attacks hardly, offers the head/number of people. 锤石转身一发q,勾中女警,恰好把她拉入防御塔攻击范围,秦宝宝大招被打断,硬吃防御塔两记攻击,献出人头。 One of life three big misconception: Under the tower kills! 人生三大错觉之一:塔下强杀! Sona sees no hope, sneaking off of come all alone, the agile typing curses at people: Sb, two brass dogs.” 琴女见大势已去,形单影只的溜走,利索的打字骂人:“sb,两个黄铜狗。” Policewoman are you a final word? Under the squatting tower opens in a big way? You are an actor!” Conceivable, Small Waist before computer had a fit of bad temper. “女警你是煞笔吗?蹲塔下开大?你是演员吧!”可以想象,电脑前的小蛮腰炸毛了。 You shut up, spatial big shitheaded.” The Qin Baobao air/Qi crooked nose, pā pā types the character, rebutted with sarcasm. “你闭嘴吧,空大的脑残。”秦宝宝气歪鼻子,啪啪敲字,反唇相讥。 Small Waist: Brain the brain, plays the game not to bring the brain, is really the elementary student.” 小蛮腰:“脑子呢脑子,打游戏不带脑子,果然是小学生。” The Qin Ze typing said: You is a junior high pupil, where you very to go.” 秦泽打字道:“你是初中生,你好不到哪去。” Small Waist: Great God you help your gay partner not help me, I also be able, when your gay partner.” 小蛮腰:“大神你帮你基友不帮我,我也可以当你的基友。” Qin Baobao: You give the elder sister piss off, God pit, you are spatial, will deliver the double play?” 秦宝宝:“你给姐滚犊子,神坑,要不是你空大,会送双杀?” Sona: You idiot!.” 琴女:“mdzz。” Small Waist: Elder sister? hē hē, dead human and monster.” 小蛮腰:“姐?呵呵了,死人妖。” Qin Baobao: hē hē your younger sister, looks at your data, 1- 3- 1, you are not the waste are what/anything.” 秦宝宝:“呵呵你妹哦,看你数据,一--一,你不是废物是什么。” Sona: You idiot!.” 琴女:“mdzz。” Small Waist: That also kills 2 dead strongly compared with you 0. Spicy Chicken.” 小蛮腰:“那也比你0杀二死强。辣鸡。” Qin Baobao: „The economical second waste, Support surpassed you from the bottom quickly.” 秦宝宝:“经济倒数第二的废物,辅助都快超过你了。” Sona: Mother female genitals, no one managed me.” 琴女:“妈了个巴子,没人理我。” Qin Ze is driven beyond the limits of forbearance, typing: Shut up, can blind bì bì what/anything, hit well.” 秦泽忍无可忍,打字:“都闭嘴,瞎哔哔什么,能不能好好打了。” Then flameout. 这才熄火。 Qin Baobao falls the mouse, pours down to sob, A'Ze, irritated elder sister.” 秦宝宝一摔鼠标,泫然欲泣,“阿泽,气死姐姐了。” Feels relieved, I lead you to fly.” Qin Ze comforts elder sister. “放宽心放宽心,我带你飞。”秦泽安慰姐姐 Qin Baobao and he is wins heartless is quite strong, lost must shout 'motherfucker', they have not been short, because went down the road to be punctured together, but flung the pot mutually, then developed the pillow war. Each time is the elder sister disastrous defeats, enters in the bedding to work as the ostrich head conceals, Qin Ze uses the pillow to hit her butt one by one. 秦宝宝和他都是胜负心比较强的,输了要骂娘,他俩没少因为一起走下路被打穿,而相互甩锅,然后发展成枕头战。每次都是姐姐惨败,把脑袋藏进被窝里当鸵鸟,秦泽就用枕头一下又一下打她屁股 The game progresses to the 15 minute, Qin Ze is the head/number of people king, Energy Cultivation Manual that system bestows, changes his intrinsic little, the memory, dedicated and reaction speed...... has the obvious promotion, feeds back to the game, is sharp that the operation changes. 游戏进展到十五分钟,秦泽已经是人头王,系统赠送的能量修炼手册,一点点改变他的内在,记忆力、专注度、反应速度......都有明显的提升,反馈到游戏上,就是操作变的犀利。 The starting off barbarian was grasped, this compels to depend entirely on the wave entire life, the non- wave refuses stubbornly to go home that type. Qin Ze takes care of him with emphasis, he was fat, after fat, killed on various towers, imposing of broadsword dance. 上路蛮子又被抓了,这逼一生全靠浪,不浪死不回家那种。秦泽重点照顾他,他是肥了,肥了之后就各种塔下强杀,大刀舞的虎虎生风。 The Qin Ze casting a sidelong glance map, Lee Sin and Darius disappear, this thinks their going home blood recovery, but soon, in the opposite party also disappears only. 秦泽瞟了一眼地图,盲僧诺克不见了,本以为他们回家补血,可不多久,对方中单也不见了。 It is not good, they steal the dragon! 不好,他们偷龙! Qin Ze hits the signal to single Small Waist immediately, carries the flag to catch up to the Baron direction. 秦泽立刻给中单的小蛮腰打信号,扛着大旗赶向大龙方向。 Small Waist coordinates very much, touches secretly with him. 小蛮腰很配合,和他一起偷偷摸过去。 Qin Ze single 23 year hand fast typing fast: Later I advance to select to fly they, you keep up with the dizziness, snatches Baron.” 秦泽单身二十三年的手速飞快的打字:“待会我突进去挑飞他们,你跟上眩晕,把大龙抢过来。” Small Waist fast is not slow, does not know the single many years: Un un, I have the big move.” 小蛮腰手速也不慢,就是不知道单身多少年:“嗯嗯,我有大招。” Waits for the moment, Qin Ze was supposing was similar, flashes before, is following close on the eq second company, shoulders Lee Sin and Darius. 等候片刻,秦泽估摸着差不多了,一个闪现过去,紧跟着eq二连,挑起盲僧诺克 Annie, looked your! 安妮,就看你的了! By the eruption of Annie, coordinates the big move, kills the trash of three remnant blood, easy. 安妮的爆发,配合自己大招,杀三个残血的渣渣,轻而易举。 At this time, the screen jumped out of the policewoman murder prompt. 这时,屏幕跳出女警杀人提示。 Then elder sister tsundere typing: Dead trash, in the waste the list, my head/number of people surpassed you.” 然后姐姐傲娇打字:“死垃圾,废物中单,我的人头超过你了。” Qin Baobao an exuberant feeling, facial features is flexible, before the data compared with Small Waist, was choked several by her, now seizes the opportunity, hurries to spurt. 秦宝宝扬眉吐气,眉眼儿活泛起来,之前数据比不过小蛮腰,被她呛了几句,现在逮住机会,赶紧喷回去。 Qin Ze at heart one cold, looks at Annie subconsciously, sees only her stupidly to stand in the thick patch of grass motionless, motionless...... 秦泽心里一凛,下意识去看安妮,只见她傻站在草丛里一动不动,一动不动...... Meanwhile, Small Waist typing: You the dead trash, your entire family is the dead trash, under ten thousand years waste ad of road.” 与此同时,小蛮腰打字:“你才死垃圾,你全家都是死垃圾,万年下路的废物ad。” Qin Baobao complains immediately, A'Ze, she scolded you dead trash ....., how did you die?” 秦宝宝立刻告状,“阿泽,她骂你死垃圾呢.....咦,你怎么死啦?” Qin Ze looks at the screen that gets down black, looks after the Baron remnant blood struggles, was killed by the opposite party, turns head again, looks that in raps elder sister that the keyboard spurts mutually, suddenly the feeling heart is quite tired. 秦泽看着黑下去的屏幕,看着大龙残血挣扎后,被对方干掉,再扭头,看着噼里啦敲击键盘互喷的姐姐,忽然感觉心好累。 This whole life does not bring the brass dog. 这辈子再也不带黄铜狗。 This game of no suspense lost, Qin Ze does not respond acting like a spoiled and cute brat Small Waist, withdraws from the game. 这局毫无悬念的输了,秦泽不搭理撒娇卖萌的“小蛮腰”,退出游戏。 Qin Baobao panting with rage said: Hey, this dead trash, unexpectedly in addition my good friend.” 秦宝宝气呼呼道:“嘿,这死垃圾,居然加我好友。” She selected the agreement. 她点了同意。 The Small Waist provocation said: Waste, has skill solo.” 小蛮腰挑衅道:“废物,有本事solo。” Qin Baobao hē hē, called out: A'Ze, your friend looks for my duel, oh. that I will not show mercy 秦宝宝呵呵一声,叫道:“阿泽,你这朋友找我单挑,我可不会手下留情的哦。 Beckoning with the hand of Qin Ze interest is waning: You happily good.” 秦泽意兴阑珊的摆摆手:“你们高兴就好。” He wins heartless is very strong, this little while only thought that an old blood suppresses in the chest. 他胜负心很强,这会儿只觉得一口老血憋在胸口。 Qin Baobao and Small Waist start solo, Qin Ze do not need to look on, can guess the result. elder sister's operates well, is only the online duel words, Small Waist absolutely is not her opponent. Qin Baobao makes what/anything to like studying diligently, to practice a hero will look at the video, will look to capture/raid, looks at rune/symbol writing. 秦宝宝小蛮腰开始solo,秦泽不需要旁观,能猜中结局。姐姐的操作不错,只是线上单挑的话,小蛮腰绝对不是她的对手。秦宝宝做什么都喜欢钻研,会为了练好一个英雄去看视频,看攻略,看符文。 Two people personal enemies meet particularly eyes are red, gets online starts the resentment, Life and Death Ignores refuses to accept to do mutually. 两人仇人见面分外眼红,一上线就开始互怼,生死看淡不服就干。 What Qin Baobao plays is Garen, Small Waist or Annie. 秦宝宝玩的是盖伦,小蛮腰还是安妮 elder sister experience that studies from Qin Ze here, duel may not elect the most adept hero, but must choose the soldier or the meat, is at least safe. Cannot be victorious can also run away. The crisp is not good, carelessly by second. 姐姐秦泽这里学来的经验,单挑不一定要选最拿手的英雄,但一定要选战士或者肉,至少稳妥。打不过还可以逃。脆皮就不行了,一个不慎就被秒。 Qin Baobao takes the lead to kill the opposite party three times, has a good laugh. Typing: Dead Spicy Chicken, knows King Great God fierce.” 秦宝宝率先杀死对方三次,仰天大笑。打字:“死辣鸡,知道王者大神的厉害了吧。” Does not give the opportunity that the opposite party spurts, withdraws from the room. 不给对方喷回来的机会,退出房间。 Sofa another head, Wang Zijin casts off the earphone, stretches oneself, said: I must take a bath.” 沙发另一头,王子衿摘掉耳机,伸懒腰,说:“我要洗澡去了。” Also does not know that she is watching what soap opera, in the cell phone broadcasts a woman sad and shrill voice of: Child, actually your father he is not your biological father......” 也不知她在看什么电视剧,手机里传来一个女人凄厉的声音:“孩子,其实你爹他不是你亲爹......” Qin Ze looks at Qin Baobao, the complexion changes. 秦泽看一眼秦宝宝,脸色微变。 Qin Baobao did not know, exhibits working people the most honorable posture, walks two around the tea table, a word does not overthrow Qin Ze at earliest convenience, on straddles his waist, beams from ear to ear: Said quickly Onee-sama is fiercest.” 秦宝宝毫不自知,摆出“劳动人民”最光荣的姿势,绕着茶几走两圈,一言不合就推倒秦泽,跨坐他腰上,笑逐颜开:“快说姐姐大人最厉害。” Qin Ze forces a smile, is perfunctory saying: Onee-sama is fiercest.” 秦泽强笑一声,敷衍道:“姐姐大人最厉害。” Qin Baobao sits on the younger brother waist, the smiling face is bright. 秦宝宝坐在弟弟腰上,笑容灿烂。 Wang Zijin held the pajamas to come out from the room, gawked staring, yeah, you sat on him to do, get down.” 王子衿抱着睡衣从房间出来,愣了愣,“哎,你坐他身上干嘛,下来。” One entrains Qin Baobao. 一把就将秦宝宝拽下来。 Qin Baobao is unexpected, butt falls on the ground, is rubbing buttock, chases down Wang Zijin to arrive at the bathroom. 秦宝宝猝不及防,一屁股摔在地上,揉着屁股蛋,追杀王子衿到浴室。 Wang Zijin, you want to plunge to death me, is good to inherit my ant flower?” 王子衿,你想摔死我,好继承我的蚂蚁花呗么?”
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