MESIS :: Volume #2

#159: blood related elder sister and blood related elder sister

Qin Ze travels by the subway to go home, twists the key to open the door, in one share the taste greets the nostrils. Puts the package in the sofa, looked to the kitchen, on the gas-oven boils out the traditional Chinese medicine, the pale blue flame is licking the earthenware cooking pot bottom. The boiling water cluck, the taste fills the air. 秦泽搭乘地铁回家,拧钥匙开门,一股子中药味扑鼻。把包搁在沙发,到厨房一看,煤气灶上熬煮中药,淡蓝色火焰舔着砂锅底。滚水咕咕,药味弥漫。 Qin Baobao moved a small backless stool to defend in one side, lowered the head to play the cell phone. 秦宝宝搬了个小板凳守在一边,低头玩着手机。 What's wrong? Boils the traditional Chinese medicine to do.” Qin Ze asked. “怎么了?煮中药干嘛。”秦泽问。 Throat is uncomfortable.” Qin Baobao pinched the throat, the sound hoarse: Sang the throat sings badly, drank a traditional Chinese medicine to raise.” “喉咙不舒服。”秦宝宝捏了捏喉咙,声音嘶哑:“唱歌把嗓子唱坏了,喝点中药养养。” Traditional Chinese medicine do not drink randomly, who makes you boil. You might as well contain a flake gold throat.” Qin Ze cannot attend to surprised elder sister beginning unexpectedly havingly ample food and clothing, feared that Qin Baobao drinks the traditional Chinese medicine randomly, you show me the formula.” “中药别乱喝,谁让你煮的啊。你还不如含一片金嗓子。”秦泽顾不得惊奇姐姐居然自己动手丰衣足食,怕秦宝宝乱喝中药,“你把方子给我看看。” Golden voice does not have this good.” Qin Baobao hands in front of the cell phone younger brother, opens the message. “金嗓子没这个好。”秦宝宝就把手机递到弟弟面前,打开短信。 The message is Li Yanhong issues her, the content is in one prescription. Qin Ze swept one, relaxing, truly treats throat hoarse uncomfortable small prescription, no problem, the dosage also writes is very clear. 短信是李艳红发给她的,内容是一张中药方子。秦泽扫了一眼,松口气,确实是治疗嗓子嘶哑难受的小药方,没什么毛病,剂量也写的很清楚。 Several days later my new special edition will want,” Qin Baobao complained: First sends single, practicing the song may be tired, a throat day has not stopped.” “过几天我的新专辑就要出了,”秦宝宝诉苦:“先发一张单曲,练歌可累了,嗓子一天都没停过。” elder sister was laborious.” Qin Ze finds the clue make to kill at the right moment. 姐姐辛苦了。”秦泽适时摸头杀。 Qin Baobao opens, and must touch. 秦宝宝”一声打开,并要摸回来。 Qin Ze first low, butt digs, flies instantaneously the elder sister arch. 秦泽头一低,屁股一撅,瞬间把姐姐拱飞出去。 Qin Baobao is angry, wanting to display Life-seizing Scissor Legs, but does not occupy a land area of the advantage at present, referred to the living room sofa, reprimanded tenderly: You come.” 秦宝宝大怒,欲要施展夺命剪刀脚,但眼下不占地利,就指了指客厅沙发,娇斥道:“你过来。” Does not come.” “不过来。” You come quickly, elder sister must teach your small rascal.” “你快过来,姐姐要教训你这个小赤佬。” Makes you suffocate me?” Qin Ze tsukkomi. “过来让你闷死我吗?”秦泽吐槽 What suffocates?” Qin Baobao stares. “什么闷死?”秦宝宝一愣。 No, you go out, I help you look at the medicine.” Qin Ze waves to catch up with the person. “没什么,你出去吧,我帮你看着药。”秦泽挥手赶人。 Qin Baobao wishes for earnestly, turns head to go to the room, after the moment, slightly is running. Offers valuable advice holds up a black golden brocade box. 秦宝宝求之不得,扭头就回房间,片刻后,小跑着进来。献宝似的举起一枚黑金色的锦盒。 Qin Ze thought that logo on box a little looks familiar, said at a loss: What thing?” 秦泽觉得盒子上的logo有点眼熟,茫然道:“什么东西?” Qin Baobao did not say, said with a smile: Opens has a look to know.” 秦宝宝不说,笑吟吟道:“打开看看就知道啦。” Qin Ze opens the box, in the black cotton pad is lying down a table, the black genuine leather watch band, the table body of rose gold, looks is feeling in the high-end atmosphere the scale. 秦泽打开盒子,黑色棉垫里躺着一枚表,黑色的真皮表带,玫瑰金的表身,瞧着就觉得高端大气上档次。 Likes, the Hermès rose gold wrist watch, delivers you.” Qin Baobao feeling pleased say/way. “喜欢吧,爱马仕玫瑰金腕表,送你的。”秦宝宝喜滋滋道。 Ahead of time gives me the birthday present?” Qin Ze takes up the wrist watch, the bulb strokes gently in the table body. “提前送我生日礼物?”秦泽拿起腕表,指肚在表身摩挲。 Of course not,” Qin Baobao said: Your birthdays, elder sister accompanies you to play for day. This reward pleasant surprise is not pleasantly surprised, the accident/surprise is not accidental/surprised.” “当然不是,”秦宝宝说:“等你生日,姐姐陪你玩一天。这个奖励惊喜不惊喜,意外不意外。” Car(riage) of reaching an agreement?” Qin Ze said ill-humoredly: Said again, on the day of the birthday, I must accompany Sister Zijin to window-shop.” “说好的车呢?”秦泽没好气道:“再说,生日那天,我要陪子衿姐逛街。” Qin Baobao air/Qi twists the ear of younger brother, clenches jaws: Who is your biological elder sister?” 秦宝宝气的去拧弟弟的耳朵,咬牙切齿:“谁才是你亲姐?” Qin Ze avoid, stares saying: Reaches an agreement to help me pursue Sister Zijin, does not help not create difficulties.” 秦泽躲开,瞪眼道:“说好帮我追子衿姐的,不帮忙就别从中作梗。” Bah, who creates difficulties, you and Wang Zijin are inappropriate. Looks for other girlfriend again.” Qin Baobao thinks, changed a statement: Said that asks the girlfriend is not anxious, do not forget your bride's price also on elder sister.” “呸,谁从中作梗,你和王子衿不合适。再找别的女朋友。”秦宝宝想了想,改口道:“都说找女朋友不急了,别忘了你老婆本还在姐姐手上呢。” Qin Ze sighed: For What Use Does This Iron Rod Serve Me.” 秦泽叹道:“我要这铁棒有何用。” Qin Baobao said in a soft voice: Men need a watch to promote the personal status and scale, A'Ze must have a watch.” 秦宝宝柔声道:“男人都需要一块表来提升品位和档次,阿泽也要有一块表。” Right, this watch how much dollars?” “对了,这块表多少钱?” The Hermès table, should not be cheap, takes tens of thousands. 爱马仕的表,应该不便宜,怎么也要几万块吧。 Qin Baobao smiles, not many, this price.” 秦宝宝笑眯眯,“没多少,这个价。” She pointed at compared two. 她手指比了个二。 20,000?” 两万?” Fortunately fortunately, 20,000 can accept, now elder sister also calculates that slightly had the net worth. 还好还好,两万能接受,现在姐姐也算小有身家了。 Qin Baobao shakes the head, pupil shining: 200,000, A'Ze, elder sister is good to you.” 秦宝宝摇头,眸子流光溢彩:“二十万呢,阿泽,姐姐对你好不好。” A Qin Ze old blood suppresses the chest, you special also took my bride's price expense.” 秦泽一口老血憋胸口,“你特么是不是又拿我老婆本消费了。” Qin Baobao felt oneself were shamed, angrily said: Fart, this is my racket advertisement gains, your bride's price is not my......” 秦宝宝觉得自己被羞辱了,怒道:“放屁,这是我的拍广告赚的,你的老婆本不就是我的......” Excited under almost speaking incorrectly words, her mouth one shrivelled, pretends to wipe tears: elder sister is good to you so, you also slander me, crazed, yīng yīng yīng......” 激动之下差点说错话,她嘴一瘪,假装抹眼泪:“姐姐对你这么好,你还污蔑我,丧心病狂,嘤嘤嘤......” I have not said your what/anything.” Qin Ze coaxes elder sister. “我也没说你什么。”秦泽姐姐 elder sister spends the wasteful problem, is parental poorly raise the male, richly support the female gives, does not arrive is beset with problems, she does not know to save money, this whole life estimated that did not change. 姐姐花钱大手大脚的毛病,都是父母穷养男富养女给惯的,不到捉襟见肘,她就不知道省钱,这辈子估计都改不了。 Some good Qin Family family properties, elder sister are also outstanding, is insufficient embittered wife, but Qin Ze felt oneself do not have the standpoint to blame elder sister. Except that instigated him to steal family's money to buy the icicle in childhood, goes to school after pit his spending money, after elder sister goes to work, Qin Ze also a lot occupies elder sister to be cheap. The cell phone, notebook, the name brand backpack and throughout the year clothes, aren't the ordinary day living expenses, elder sister make? 还好秦家有些家底,姐姐自身又优秀,不至于成“怨妇”,但秦泽觉得自己没立场责怪姐姐。除了小时候怂恿他偷家里的钱买冰棍,上学后坑他零花钱,姐姐上班后,秦泽也没少占姐姐便宜。手机、笔记本、名牌背包、一年四季的衣服,还有平日的生活费,不都是姐姐挣的? Therefore Qin Baobao persistently unreasonable runs his bride's price, he had not opposed. 所以秦宝宝“蛮不讲理”的掌管他老婆本,他也没反对。 Your this black heart's maggot.” Qin Baobao complaint. “你这个黑了心的蛆。”秦宝宝控诉。 Word that where studies? The black heart on the black heart, how turned into the maggot.” Qin Ze tsukkomi. “哪学来的词儿?黑心就黑心了,怎么就变成蛆了。”秦泽吐槽 You are the maggot.” Qin Baobao said loudly. “你就是蛆。”秦宝宝大声说。 I am the maggot, what are you?” Qin Ze is good to say with a smile: White and tender maggot?” “我是蛆,你是什么?”秦泽好笑道:“白嫩嫩的蛆么?” „Do you also talk back?” Qin Baobao stares. “你还顶嘴?”秦宝宝瞪眼。 I made a mistake, should not wrongly accuse elder sister, is my maggot younger brother does not have the conscience.” Qin Ze said: Gives you a fragrance to kiss reward.” “我错了,不该错怪姐姐,是我这个蛆虫弟弟没良心。”秦泽说:“给你个香吻奖励。” Acting recklessly kissed Qin Baobao one. 不知死活的亲了秦宝宝一口。 He wants to look at elder sister to be shy, who knows Qin Baobao scalp to truncate on his head: damned pervert, is elder sister you can kiss?” 他是想看姐姐害羞,谁知秦宝宝一个头皮削他脑袋上:“死变态,姐姐是你能亲的?” panting with rage departure kitchen. 气呼呼的离开厨房。 After going out of the gate, her one second turns hostile, the countenance turns upwards, behind both hands, hopping along. 走出门后,她一秒变脸,嘴脸翘起,双手背后,一蹦一跳。 Soon, Wang Zijin comes back, holds one's nose saying: What taste?” 不多时,王子衿回来,捏着鼻子道:“什么味儿?” Qin Ze holds one bowl of medicine soup to come out exactly: Qin Baobao's wetting one's whistle soup.” 秦泽恰好捧着一碗药汤出来:“秦宝宝的润喉汤。” Participating to be obsolete, he smells on Wang Zijin the light perfume. With the elder sister entirely different two flavors. 插身而过时,他嗅到王子衿身上淡淡的香水味。和姐姐截然不同的两种味道。 In the room in the flavor the taste is too heavy, Qin Ze closed/pass the air conditioning, opens the window to ventilate, result two elder sister hot does not want, sweat profusely. 屋子里味道中药味太重,秦泽关了空调,打开窗户通风,结果两个姐姐被热的不要不要,香汗淋漓。 Is turning on the air conditioning, why must close.” eldest miss Wang Zijin said. “把空调开着,干嘛非要关了。”大小姐王子衿说。 „Is.” Spends wasteful Qin Baobao to echo. “就是就是。”花钱大手大脚的秦宝宝附和。 Is casual you.” Qin Ze throws the remote control, enters the kitchen to prepare food. “随便你们。”秦泽把遥控器一丢,进厨房做饭。 After finishing eating the food, Qin Baobao held the notebook, pā dā pā dā is arriving at the living room, acted like a spoiled brat saying: A'Ze, accompanies elder sister to hit several games.” 吃完饭后,秦宝宝抱着笔记本,啪嗒啪嗒走到客厅,撒娇道:“阿泽,陪姐姐打几局。” Has no free time.” “没空。” Hits.” elder sister drum cheek. “打不打。”姐姐鼓腮。 Hits.” Qin Ze closure finance and economics network. “打打打。”秦泽关闭财经网。 In the evening does not need to look at the bulk lots, work does not have quest, time is also in any case idle. To be he entangled elder sister to play the game initially, goes to work busy elder sister to accompany him to hit several games occasionally. Qin Ze on happy serious, online always some people boasted that the girlfriend accompanies herself to play the game, he does not have the female ticket, then makes up the number with elder sister. 晚上不用看大盘,工作方面也没任务,反正时间也清闲。想当初都是他缠着姐姐打游戏,上班忙的姐姐偶尔陪他打几局。秦泽就开心的不得了,网上总有人吹嘘女朋友陪自己打游戏,他没有女票,便拿姐姐凑数。 Fell the section.” Qin Ze squint. “是不是又掉段了。”秦泽斜眼。 Qin Baobao tearful eyes tearful nod. 秦宝宝泪眼汪汪的点头。 Landing game. 登陆游戏。 You and other meetings, I change rune/symbol writing.” Qin Ze said. “你等会,我换一下符文。”秦泽说。 Un.” Qin Baobao drinks a milk, the white liquid of licking lips corner/horn. “嗯。”秦宝宝喝一口牛奶,舔嘴角的白色液体。 Qin Ze changes rune/symbol writing, a chat frame twinkle non-stop, selects to look: 秦泽换好符文,一个聊天框闪烁不停,点开一看: Great God, did you get online finally?” 大神,你终于上线了吗?” Asked to hold the thigh, opened black.” “求抱大腿,开黑。” Manual star starry eyes.” “手动星星眼。” Great God called his, on Small Waist. 一口一个大神叫他的,也就“小蛮腰”了。 The point opens her good friend head picture to look, your mother, this pit goods fell from silver to the brass. 点开她的好友头像一看,尼玛,这坑货又从白银掉到黄铜了。 Several days that except that most starts lead her to play, Qin Ze hits game to be getting fewer and fewer, occasionally gets online cannot bump into the same place, a time is one week leads her to play probability probably. For nearly half a month, he has not gotten up the game. 除了最开始的几天带她玩,秦泽打游戏的次数越来越少,偶尔上线也碰不到一起,大概是一个星期带她玩一次的概率。近半个月,他都没上过游戏。 Since must accompany elder sister to play, led rookies is also indifferent. 既然要陪姐姐玩,多带一个菜鸟也无所谓了。 The match, counts the seconds...... 匹配,读秒中...... In the chat room, Small Waist hā hā said with a smile: Female Clothing Bigshot?” 聊天房里,小蛮腰哈哈笑道:“女装大佬?” Great God, your friend is really funny.” 大神,你的朋友真逗。” Coarse men like with this name.” “糙汉子都喜欢用这种名字。” Qin Baobao brow raised, must type to spurt, Qin Ze prevents elder sister: She most inexpensive, do not manage her.” 秦宝宝眉头一挑,就要打字喷过去,秦泽阻止姐姐:“她最贱,你别理她。” Qin Baobao snort/hum one, sells younger brother several points of thin surface. 秦宝宝哼一声,算是卖弟弟几分薄面。 Enters the game. 进入游戏。 Qin Ze chose imperial prince(Jarvan IV) Jungler, the Small Waist second to select the list, is spurted one by the other two who have not snatched: sb, brass dog. 秦泽选了皇子打野,小蛮腰秒选中单,被没抢到的另外两人喷了一句:sb,黄铜狗。 You choose Jungler to do, we go down the road.” Qin Baobao discontented knocked his. “你选打野干嘛,咱们走下路呀。”秦宝宝不满的敲了他一下。 Played greasy Support, wants to try Jungler.” “玩腻辅助了,想试试打野。” Jungler and Support most need the overall perception two positions. 打野辅助是最需要大局观的两个位置。 Qin Ze chooses imperial prince(Jarvan IV) Jungler, Qin Baobao to play the policewoman, the Small Waist second chooses Annie, Support is Sona, starting off was known as the real man selects five barbarian kings. 秦泽皇子打野,秦宝宝玩女警,小蛮腰秒选安妮,辅助琴女,上路则是号称真男人一挑五的蛮王。 The game starts, electronic female voice: The enemy side also has the 30 second to arrive in the battlefield, grinds them. 游戏开始,电子女声:敌方还有三十秒抵达战场,碾碎他们。 Qin Ze carries the war flag to directly soar others wild area, hits the signal crazily, lets Small Waist and starting off barbarian helps counter- wildly, but starts off that fellow not bird he, elder sister then supports from below path Ganlai from afar. Three people shrink the dreadful waiting in the thick patch of grass, so long as an opposite party appearance, makes him know, flees from the thick patch of grass not necessarily is Garen, may be three salted fish. 秦泽扛着战旗直奔人家野区,狂打信号,让小蛮腰和上路蛮子帮忙反野,但上路那家伙不鸟他,姐姐便千里迢迢从下路赶来支援。三人缩在草丛里猥琐等待,只要对方一出现,就让他知道,从草丛中窜出来的不一定是盖伦,也有可能是三条咸鱼 minions/soldier enters the battlefield slowly, did not see opposite party Jungler, that only then two possibilities, the opposite party opens blue, or squats by same routine in the red father area. 小兵缓缓进入战场,仍不见对方打野,那就只有两种可能,对方蓝开,或者以同样的套路蹲在己方红爸爸区。 Drags not to have the significance again, Qin Ze took red of opposite party decisively, then runs the road to make an arrest, Small Waist and Qin Baobao are very tactful, has not eaten his experience. In respective return wire. 再拖下去毫无意义,秦泽果断拿了对方的红,然后跑上路抓人,小蛮腰秦宝宝很识趣,没吃他经验。各自回线上。 When Qin Ze squats the starting off thick patch of grass, suddenly the discovery middle of the mill jumps out two to dig out the foot guy: Lee Sin and tribulation. Intercepted elder sister and Small Waist. At heart one cold, is the electronic female voice: Double Kill!” 秦泽蹲上路草丛时,忽然发现中路窜出两个抠脚大汉:盲僧和劫。恰好截住了姐姐小蛮腰。心里一凛,然后是电子女声:“doublekill!” The opening delivers the double play! 开局送双杀!
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