MESIS :: Volume #2

#155: Favorite student

I open the door.” The sitting cross-legged sofa looked that Wang Zijin of television wears the slipper, pā dā pā dā runs to the threshold to buddhism. “我去开门。”盘坐沙发看电视的王子衿穿上拖鞋,“啪嗒啪嗒”跑向玄关。 The entrance is standing 30 the vertical man, puts on good-fitting casual suit, the appearance is fair, is passing mild makings. In the hand is raising a fruit. 门口站着一位三十而立的男人,穿合身的休闲西装,外貌中规中矩,透着一股温润气质。手上提着一篮水果。 He sees Wang Zijin, gawked staring, perhaps suspected own going astray gate, glanced a door plate fast. 他看到王子衿,愣了愣,许是怀疑自己走错门了,飞快瞟一眼门牌号。 Hello, I am the Teacher Qin student.” He sizes up Wang Zijin, slightly feels shockingly, Teacher Qin family/home relative? “你好,我是秦老师的学生。”他打量王子衿,略感惊艳,秦老师家里的亲戚? Comes.” The Wang Zijin smiling face is graceful, is sideways to ask the guest to come, then closes the door, bends the waist discovers pair of cotton to tow from the shoes cabinet. “进来吧。”王子衿笑容落落大方,侧身请客人进来,然后关上门,弯腰从鞋柜里找出一双棉拖。 Qin Ze finds out the head from the living room, looked at each other for several seconds with the man, who recalls him suddenly is. This person named Wang Pei, the old gentleman's favorite student, on Qin Ze junior middle school that little while, he almost must visit old gentleman every weekend, consults some issues, or helps Mother Qin do the housework. 秦泽从客厅探出脑袋,与男人对视了几秒,恍然中记起他是谁。此人名叫王沛,老爷子的得意门生,秦泽上初中那会儿,他几乎每个周末都要来拜访老爷子,请教一些问题,或者帮秦妈做做家务。 Afterward university graduated, works to be busy, the come number of times was then short, Qin Ze moved and elder sister afterward lives together. Had the 3~4 year not to see i him. 后来大学毕业,工作忙了,来的次数便少了,再后来秦泽就搬去和姐姐同居。有个三四年没见过i他了。 Wang Pei also stares, stares at Qin Ze to look fiercely, the heart said this is the Teacher Qin son? Does not remember the fading young who Teacher Qin is so graceful. Comes the students of Teacher Qin to know, Teacher Qin has pair of children, a white swan and an ugly duckling. 王沛也是一愣,盯着秦泽猛看,心说这是秦老师的儿子么?不记得秦老师家的衰仔有这么帅。来过秦老师家的学生都知道,秦老师有一对儿女,一只白天鹅和一只丑小鸭。 The white swan on just junior middle school that meeting, one share inborn check person vigor, beguiled attractively. 白天鹅刚上初中那会,就有一股子天生的勾人劲儿,狐媚诱人。 The ugly ducklings attended the high school , compared to select except for the 1.84 m height, the appearance makings are ordinary. 丑小鸭上了高中,除了一米八四的身高比较出挑,外貌气质都普通。 Qin Ze takes is the height of only making a move, the Qin Baobao 1.72 m tall stature, the standing on tiptoes tip of the toe can kiss him. 秦泽唯一拿得出手的就是身高,秦宝宝一米七二高挑个子,得踮脚尖才能吻到他。 Was Wang Pei comes?” Mother Qin shouted one in the kitchen. “是不是王沛来了?”秦妈在厨房喊了一声。 Aunt, is I.” Wang Pei smiles hē hē to say. “阿姨,是我。”王沛呵呵道。 The Qin Ze heart said that on said finally. 秦泽心说,总算上道了些。 In the past this fellow saw Mother Qin, a teacher's wife, may be artificial Qin Ze. your mother, when oneself are Linghu Chong . Returns teacher's wife, what age. 当年这家伙见到秦妈,一口一个师娘,可把秦泽矫情死了。尼玛,当自己是令狐冲啊。还师娘,都什么年代了。 Your teacher in the study room, I makes A'Ze shout one.” Mother Qin is saying: Son, you asked your father to come out.” “你老师在书房呢,我让阿泽去喊一声。”秦妈说着:“儿子,你叫你爸出来。” Wang Pei has to face the reality, good, truly is that ugly duckling, is the growth was slower. 王沛不得不面对现实,好吧,确实是那只丑小鸭,就是发育的慢了些。 Qin Ze to Wang Pei but actually. the hot tea, again went to the study room to shout the old gentleman cup 秦泽王沛倒了杯热茶,再去书房喊出老爷子 old gentleman hear of favorite students arrived, was happy, being all smiles welcomed. 老爷子听得意门生到了,非常高兴,笑容满面的迎出来。 Qin Ze gives the father also to pour the cup tea again. 秦泽再给老子也倒杯茶。 Wang Zijin said I come me to come, but Qin Ze has not made her begin, which her the tea leaves in does not know, pure broken brushes the sensitivity in front of old gentleman. 王子衿本来说我来吧我来吧,但秦泽没让她动手,茶叶在哪她都不知道,纯碎是在老爷子面前强刷好感度。 Mother Qin there good sensitivity unable to brush, she will not prepare food, went in rashly, instead will expose own weak area. Moreover the Mother Qin good sensitivity almost to brush fully. 秦妈那里好感度是刷不到了,她又不会做饭,贸然进去,反而会暴露自己的短板。而且秦妈的好感度差不多刷满了。 The lunch has not completed, old gentleman and student chatted, made son's Qin Ze to accompany in the one side. Wang Zijin does not have to be the determination of bystander, helping Qin Ze also make one cup of tea, sat by him, probably she was Qin Ze's elder sister, the Qin Family eldest daughter. 午饭还没做好,老爷子和学生聊天,做儿子的秦泽就在一旁陪着。王子衿一点都没有身为外人的自觉,帮秦泽也泡了一杯茶,挨着他坐,好像她才是秦泽的姐姐,秦家的长女。 Baobao (darling)?” After Wang Pei and old gentleman exchanged greetings, asked doubts at heart. 宝宝呢?”王沛老爷子寒暄后,问出心里的疑惑。 „It is not healthy, is lying down in the room.” old gentleman said. “身体不舒服,在房间里躺着。”老爷子道。 That may result on the hospital to have a look, other slight illness increasing sickness.” Wang Pei said kindly. “那可得上医院看看,别小病变大病。”王沛关切的说。 All right, where is so pampered.” old gentleman did not say the girl painful menstruation. “没事儿,哪有这么娇贵。”老爷子不好说女孩痛经。 What post were you now?” “你现在是什么岗位了?” Pudong Area manager, two years has not moved the position.” “还是浦东区域经理,两年没挪位置了。” old gentleman nods: „The abundant water is deep and muddy is becomes famous, now you must do is strives for steadily, present society, no matter your ability strong, but must look at the qualifications. At your age, even if there are your father-in-law to lend a hand, still to limit. Then boils the qualifications.” 老爷子点点头:“中丰的水又深又浑是出了名的,你现在要做的就是求稳,现在的社会,甭管你能力有多强,还得看资历。以你的年纪,就算有你那岳父帮衬着,也到极限了。接下来就是熬资历。” Wang Pei said: teacher said is reasonable, I am listening.” 王沛说:“老师说的有道理,我都听着的。” Qin Ze absorbs the stocks speculation knowledge at the same time, has also made the understanding of securities company, the abundant securities 16 years were evaluated 2 for successive 15 years, absolutely are the big shot level colossi of Securities. 秦泽吸纳炒股知识的同时,对证券公司也做过了解,中丰证券连续15年16年被评为2a,绝对是证券界的大佬级庞然大物。 Wang Pei can crawl in the short five years to the region manager position, not pure is his ability, a good father-in-law, listening to old gentleman saying that probably abundant second in command. 王沛能在短短五年爬到区域经理位置,不单纯是他能力强,还有个好岳父,听老爷子说,好像是中丰的二把手。 Very typical peacock male marries the phoenix female example. 很典型的孔雀男娶凤凰女的例子。 In history the most famous peacock male is unfaithful Chen Shimei. 史上最出名的孔雀男是陈世美 The Wang Pei worldly wisdom acts bashful is very good, does not treat coldly nearby Qin Ze, asked: A'Ze, is this miss your girlfriend?” 王沛人情世故拿捏的很好,不冷落旁边的秦泽,问道:“阿泽,这位姑娘是你女朋友?” Qin Ze looks to Wang Zijin, the latter returns by a faint smile. 秦泽看向王子衿,后者回以一个浅笑。 old gentleman snort/hum: She can find the girlfriend who loses face/shows off, only if the ancestral grave braves the light smoke.” 老爷子哼一声:“她能找到这么出彩的女朋友,除非祖坟冒青烟。” This is really the biological father...... 这真是亲爹...... The meal completed, Mother Qin shouted eats meal, son, calls you elder sister to eat meal.” 饭菜做好了,秦妈喊吃饭,“儿子,去叫你姐姐起来吃饭。” The Qin Ze summit runs in Room elder sister, the shade curtain is drawing tightly, Qin Baobao is sideways, a thigh falls on outside, grips the bedding, the fluorescence of cell phone looks in a mirror her cheek. 秦泽屁颠颠跑进姐姐,遮光窗帘紧拉着,秦宝宝侧着身,一条大腿落在外面,夹住被褥,手机的荧光照脸她的脸蛋。 Qin Ze slides, a slap falls on elder sister's butt, ate meal.” 秦泽溜过去,一巴掌摔在姐姐的屁股上,“吃饭了。” The Qin Baobao pain shouted one: You do.” 秦宝宝痛呼一声:“你作死啊。” Sitting up of panting with rage, pounds the pillow to him. 气呼呼的坐起,把枕头砸向他。 Qin Ze catches the pillow, throws on the bed: Is about to eat meal.” 秦泽接住枕头,丢回床上:“快起来吃饭。” Looked that elder sister can also make with him, the explanation belly is not sore. 姐姐还能和他闹,说明肚子不疼了。 On the dining table, old gentleman sits the first place, the left respectively is favorite student Wang Pei and Mother Qin. The right order is the only child son, eldest daughter and Wang Zijin. 饭桌上,老爷子坐首位,左边分别是得意门生王沛秦妈。右边的顺序是独苗儿子、长女、王子衿 According to the home capacity, the Qin Ze's position should be elder sister's, but elder sister fades badly, deliberately separates younger brother and bosom friend. 按照家庭地位,秦泽的位置本该是姐姐的,但姐姐蔫儿坏,刻意隔开弟弟闺蜜 „The Baobao (darling) body selected comfortably.” Mother Qin clamps to the daughter preys together: Eats this, this good.” 宝宝身体舒服点了没。”秦妈给女儿夹一块鱼肉:“吃这个,这个好。” Qin Baobao happy eating: Un, A'Ze helps me according to......” 秦宝宝开心的扒饭:“嗯,阿泽帮我按......” According to what?” Mother Qin closely examines. “按什么?”秦妈追问。 Has pressed the sole board, I am now more comfortable.” Qin Baobao said. “按过脚底板,我现在舒服多了。”秦宝宝道。 old gentleman and Wang Pei continue to talk about work place, finance, national policy and other topics, old gentleman of eating meal few speech are talkative, the technical expression falls, but Wang Pei can always keep up with his mentality. Two people also bottle of white liquors, drink up while talked. 老爷子王沛继续聊着职场、金融、国家政策等话题,吃饭很少说话的老爷子非常健谈,专业术语跌出,而王沛总能跟上他的思路。两人还开了瓶白酒,一边喝酒一边侃。 Mother Qin sighed: Wang Pei, my family A'Ze had you half of prospect to be good.” 秦妈感叹道:“王沛,我家阿泽有你一半的出息就好了。” Qin Baobao refuted: Mother, you feared that was says instead.” 秦宝宝反驳道:“妈,你怕是说反了。” old gentleman reproved: How to speak.” 老爷子训斥:“怎么说话的。” Qin Baobao curls the lip, lowers the head to eat. 秦宝宝撇撇嘴,低头扒饭。 Wang Pei is not angry, for these years the work place exercised good shrewdness. Saying with a smile: A'Ze intern.” 王沛也不生气,这几年职场锻炼出不俗的城府。笑道:“阿泽实习了吧。” The tone that old gentleman expects too much, all day knows speculates in the stock market at home, does not go to look for the work.” 老爷子恨铁不成钢的语气,“整天就知道在家里炒股,也不出去找工作。” Qin Baobao very much doting parent, immediately says: He found to work was good to cut down.” 秦宝宝很护犊子,立刻道:“他找到工作了好伐。” old gentleman stares, she instigated. 老爷子一瞪眼,她又怂了。 Wang Pei said: Likes speculating in the stock market, is interested in coming abundant, I help you arrange.” 王沛道:“喜欢炒股啊,有没有兴趣来中丰,我帮你安排。” Mother Qin went bad happily, clamps the vegetable/dish to Wang Pei: That is embarrassed, on Monday I made A'Ze try in the past.” 秦妈高兴坏了,给王沛夹菜:“那多不好意思,周一我就让阿泽过去试试。” After the stock market takes shape internally, is very long time, the securities company staff member all forbids to speculate in the stock market, because listing company were not many at that time, is very easy control stock market to amass money. Now was different, listing company is boundless, the securities company staff member same can speculate in the stock market, bottom that same can compensate falls. 股市在国内成型后很长一段时间,证券公司的职员一律禁止炒股,因为那时上市公司不多,很容易“把控”股市从中敛财。现在不同了,上市公司茫茫多,证券公司的职员一样可以炒股,一样会赔的底儿掉。 Qin Ze said: Mother, you do not worry, I just interviewed successfully.” 秦泽道:“妈,你别操心了,我刚面试成功呢。” Mother Qin feels sad for their misfortunes to get angry him not to struggle: Your that what/anything investment company, I listened to Baobao (darling) saying that the internet could not check. Has what skill essence, abundant is the state-controlled, safe, the benefits is also good.” 秦妈哀其不幸怒其不争:“你那什么投资公司,我听宝宝说了,上网都查不到。有什么花头精,中丰是国家控股,稳当,福利又好。” Wang Zijin said with a smile: Aunt, now before is not, the state-owned enterprise is the secured job, the building lives to you. Now, only if can enter the establishment, at least middle management position, otherwise is not different from other places.” 王子衿笑道:“阿姨,现在不是以前了,国企就是铁饭碗,还有筒子楼给你住。现在啊,除非能进编制,起码中层管理职位,否则和其他地方没什么两样。” Wang Pei nods: Is this, but the pressure will not be at least big, benefits many will be more liberal.” 王沛点头:“是这样的,但至少压力不会大,福利多少会优渥些。” Qin Baobao also said: That does not need, A'Ze speculates in the stock market can also make a lot of money.” 秦宝宝又道:“那倒不需要,阿泽炒股也能赚不少钱呢。” Wang Pei accidental/surprised looks at Qin Ze one: I forgot actually, has Teacher Qin to teach by personal example.” 王沛意外的看秦泽一眼:“我倒是忘了,有秦老师言传身教。” old gentleman blushes with shame immediately, by stocks speculation technology, his old driver already wind son. 老爷子顿时汗颜,论炒股技术,他这个老司机已经飙不过儿子了。 „Did that finish eating the food, A'Ze and we go to the study room to chat together?” Wang Pei said. “那吃完饭,阿泽和我们一起去书房聊聊?”王沛说。 Left, the child do not mix.” old gentleman is busy at the idea that eliminates the favorite student to bring contempt upon oneself. “别了,小孩子不要掺合。”老爷子忙打消得意门生自取其辱的想法。 Several people are eating meal, chatting. 几个人吃着饭,闲聊着。 Wang Pei said unintentionally: „Did Baobao (darling) become friends, brings back the family/home to see the parents?” 王沛有意无意道:“宝宝交朋友了吧,有没有带回家见过父母?” Also speaking of the Mother Qin sad place, she heaved a sigh: She must ask a boyfriend to come back to me, I had a dream smile to awake.” 又说到秦妈伤心处了,她唉声叹气:“她要给我找个男朋友回来,我做梦都笑醒了。” Wang Pei stares: Does not have the boyfriend, yes, you now were superstar, did not facilitate to be in love.” 王沛一愣:“没男朋友啊,也是,你现在是大明星了,不方便谈恋爱。” This and celebrity are not related, she has not been in love from the start.” Mother Qin thought that husband's favorite student is not the bystander, the suffering suppresses in the belly has to speak out: You said that big person, how not to straighten out on that aspect.” “这和明星明星的没关系,她就压根没谈过恋爱。”秦妈觉得丈夫的得意门生不是外人,苦水憋在肚子里不吐不快:“你说说多大的人了,怎么就那方面不开窍。” Mother!” The surface that being red in the face that Qin Baobao is hot-tempered, how these words can work as the bystander said. “妈!”秦宝宝躁的面红耳赤,这些话怎么能当外人的面说嘛。 On the Wang Pei face shows the smiling face, aunt, Baobao (darling) is not old, does not worry, said again, the fate has not arrived.” 王沛脸上露出笑容,“阿姨,宝宝年纪也不大,不着急,再说,缘分没到嘛。” He looked at Qin Baobao one, the smiling face is deeper. 他看了秦宝宝一眼,笑容更深。
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