MESIS :: Volume #2

#156: Going to work

On Monday, after early morning runs, Qin Ze wore the formal dress, the black pants matching white short sleeve shirt, suit exempted actually, elder sister said in the summer the formal dress, does not need to wear the coat. Wang Zijin brings a light blue tie silently, said that gives the Qin Ze's gift. And is Qin Ze ties personally. But elder sister did not agree, said one is the tie, gave my family A'Ze is silly. Looks at the fool dull brain. 周一,晨跑过后,秦泽穿上正装,黑色裤子搭配白色短袖衬衫,西装倒是免了,姐姐说夏季正装,不需要穿外套。王子衿默默取来一条浅蓝色领带,说送给秦泽的礼物。并亲自为秦泽系上。可姐姐不同意,说一系领带,把我家阿泽给系傻了。看着呆瓜呆脑。 Wang Zijin said, is not the man of tie, is what man. 王子衿说,不系领带的男人,算什么男人。 Qin Baobao refuted, was the tie is not the man. 秦宝宝反驳,系了领带也不是男人。 Qin Ze stares, you said what/anything. 秦泽瞪眼,你说什么。 Qin Baobao was busy at saying, was the tie is in any case unattractive, was especially silly. 秦宝宝忙说,反正系领带不好看,特傻。 Wang Zijin said, my father goes out puts on, was more than ten years of tie, which dares to say stupidly? 王子衿说,我爸出门都这么穿,系了十几年领带,哪个敢说傻? Wang Zijin insists is a tie, elder sister insisted that is not the tie. Two people almost hit. 王子衿坚持系领带,姐姐坚持不系领带。两人差点打起来。 Finally was the tie was going out, after all was Sister Zijin the gift that bought. 最后还是系着领带出门了,毕竟是子衿姐掏钱买的礼物。 Qin Baobao drives to send him to company personally, Qin Ze in front of the building, waves goodbye with elder sister. elder sister in car(riage) throws a thrown kiss, little red BMW drives into the stream of vehicles. 秦宝宝亲自开车送他去公司,秦泽在大楼前,与姐姐挥手告别。车里的姐姐抛来一个飞吻,小红马驶入车流。 Arrived company, he told the reception desk younger sister, oneself comes into the duty. 到了公司,他跟前台妹子说,自己是来入职的。 The reception desk younger sister sizes up up and down, with a smile: Is so official.” 前台妹子上下打量,笑吟吟:“这么正式啊。” Qin Ze stares. 秦泽一愣。 With the assistance of reception desk younger sister, signed a series of related procedures. 前台妹子的协助下,签了一系列相关手续。 The reception desk younger sister leads him to come to an office, said with a smile: Introduced a new colleague to everyone.” 前台妹子带他来到一间办公室,笑道:“给大家介绍一位新同事。” She looks at Qin Ze, Qin Ze is understanding, bright sound said: Hello, I called Qin Ze. Please assist me in any way you can.” 她看着秦泽,秦泽会意,朗声道:“大家好,我叫秦泽。请大家多多关照。” Fair self introduction, this office 11~12 person, the men and women all have, the applause is scattered. 中规中矩的自我介绍,这件办公室十一二人,男女皆有,掌声稀稀落落。 Qin Ze sweeps a colleague in office, at heart one thump, all especially the casual appearance, no is a formal dress. Dammit, elder sister did not say that proper big company, is suit straight with the pencil skirt beautiful elite. Is it possible that did I join not proper company? 秦泽扫一眼办公室的同事,心里一咯噔,全特么休闲打扮,没一个是正装的。妈蛋,姐姐不是说正经的大公司,都是西装笔挺和套裙婀娜的精英嘛。莫非我加入了一家不正经的公司 He mixes in this group of putting on clothes colleagues as one desires, mixed in the duck group like a white swan, hits the white swan of tie. 他混入这群穿衣随心的同事中,就像一只白天鹅混入了鸭群里,还是打领带的白天鹅。 The syrup is awkward. 蜜汁尴尬。 reception desk gives him to arrange to approach the entrance position, the work place experts knows, a more common position, is the sweetie pie. Because in there, you have certain free power. Plays the game, to download little yellow piece what/anything, once leads, has enough cushion time, destroys the corpse and leave no trace. The entrance position was miserable, bears the brunt, faces directly making the rounds of guard posts of leader. 前台给他安排在临近门口的位置,职场老手都知道,越不起眼的位置,越是香饽饽。因为在那里,你有一定的自由权。玩玩游戏、下载小黄片什么的,一旦领导进来,有足够的缓冲时间,毁尸灭迹。门口的位置就惨了,首当其冲,直面领导的查岗。 A Qin Ze rookie, definitely cannot occupy the advantageous good position. 秦泽一个新人,肯定占不到得天独厚的好位置。 By gate position two, already some people. 靠门的位置就两个,其中一个已经有人了。 Hello.” Bears the brunt to face directly the leader dignified real man to greet toward Qin Ze. “你好你好。”同是首当其冲直面领导威严的好汉朝秦泽打招呼。 The hairstyle of this real man reminded him of School Grass Zhang Mingyu, but face value must miss a scale, calculated handsome fellow. Looks appearance that smiles, should be originally is of ripe and personality optimist? 这位好汉的发型让他想起了校草张明玉,不过颜值要差了一个档次,也算帅哥了。看那满脸笑容的模样,应该是自来熟和乐观派的性格? When Qin Ze to his somewhat impression, on that day interview has met face to face. 秦泽对他有几分印象,那天面试时打过照面。 I called Yang Jian!” “我叫杨建!” Qin Ze.” 秦泽。” I draw you to enter the group, our section have a group, I this morning just added.” Yang Jian fishes out the cell phone, drags into the section chat group Qin Ze. “我拉你入群吧,咱们这个部门有个群,我今早刚加了。”杨建摸出手机,把秦泽拉入部门聊天群。 Waits for, I change the nickname.” Qin Ze said. “等一下,我改一下昵称。”秦泽说。 The students like with the penguin, the Sir being partial to WeChat. Qin Ze is the latter, because elder sister does not use the penguin. 学生喜欢用企鹅,大人偏爱微信秦泽是后者,因为姐姐不用企鹅。 Qin Ze's WeChat name, originally just like Weibo, but some day, elder sister said that wants us to take the lover name, must have the characteristics, not identical. 秦泽的微信名称,本来和微博一样,但某天,姐姐说要咱们取个情侣名称,要有特色的,没有雷同的。 Network old driver Qin Ze proposed, elder sister is called Female Clothing Bigshot. He called women's wear loli. 网络老司机秦泽就提议,姐姐叫做女装大佬。他叫女装萝莉 Has the characteristics, absolutely not identical. 非常有特色,绝对没雷同。 Qin Baobao accepts joyfully. 秦宝宝欣然采纳。 In any case WeChat good friend such several, except for roommate and elder sister, basic no one. 反正微信好友就那么几个,除了室友和姐姐,基本没什么人。 Yang Jian said: All right, after entering the group, revises the group name card, changes the real name on the line.” 杨建说:“没事的,进群后修改一下群名片,改真名就行。” The Qin Ze heart said, this is not the issue of real name non- real name, this is the personal image. 秦泽心说,这不是真名不真名的问题,这是个人形象问题。 He has not thought that changes what name, changes to the nickname: Qin Ze! 他没想好改什么名字,就把昵称改成:秦泽 Welcome the rookie!” “欢迎新人!” Welcome!” “欢迎欢迎!” „Did little handsome guy assign to our section? nicely done 小帅哥分配到咱们部门了?666 Tonight dines together, asking little handsome guy to eat.” “今晚聚餐吧,请小帅哥吃一顿。” Go away, do you want to dine to eat free?” “滚,你又想免费蹭饭吃?” „Does little handsome guy have the girlfriend?” 小帅哥有没有女朋友?” Qin Ze looked at the chat group, raised the head to sweep a peaceful office, everyone is without turning a hair, a face works hard not to have the appearance that time chatted. 秦泽看了看聊天群,抬起头扫一眼安静的办公室,大家面不改色,一脸努力工作没时间聊天的模样。 This month performance has not attained a designated standard, the whole body is incapable, only wants to sleep.” “这个月的业绩没达标,浑身无力,只想睡觉。” In the evening relaxes, the nutrition will unable to follow.” “晚上悠着点,营养会跟不上。” ...... ...... Qin Ze raised the head at a loss, sweeps people, everyone was still the serious appearance of earnest work. 秦泽茫然抬头,扫一眼众人,大家仍旧是认真工作的严肃模样。 Dammit, I really entered not proper company. 妈蛋,我是不是真的进了一个不正经的公司 Do not look, you have not entered the wrong group. Office not good idle chatting, everyone had the words to say in group. The suspicion was tired of you to shield.” Yang Jian said in a low voice. “别看了,你没进错群。办公室不好无所事事的闲聊,大家有话都在群里说。嫌烦你就屏蔽好了。”杨建低声说。 He just entered the group time, had a dumbfounded expression, the contrast feeling is too intense. 他刚入群的时候,也一脸懵逼,反差感太强烈。 The personal information that the Qin Ze point opens this fellow, sees his WeChat name, almost an old blood spurts: Yangpu Qin Baobao! 秦泽点开这家伙的个人信息,看到他的微信名称,差点一口老血喷出来:杨浦秦宝宝 „Do you live in Yangpu?” Qin Ze asked. “你住杨浦的?”秦泽问。 How you know.” Yang Jian gawked staring. “你怎么知道。”杨建愣了愣。 Your name arrived at me poisonously, likes Qin Baobao very much?” “你的名称把我毒到了,很喜欢秦宝宝?” At this point, Yang Jian was excited: You also thought that little girl is good, I looked couple days ago «I am a Singer» is infatuated with her. Too on time, Goddess in Goddess.” 说到这里,杨建兴奋了:“你也觉得那妞不错吧,我前几天看《我是歌星》迷上她的。太正点了,女神中的女神。” „Do you know me?” Qin Ze said. “那你认识我吗?”秦泽道。 Qin Ze, you had not just introduced oneself.” Yang Jian another stares. 秦泽,你不刚自我介绍过吗。”杨建又一愣。 «Singer» has not looked.” Qin Ze draws the conclusion. “《歌星》还没看完。”秦泽得出结论。 Quick, two issues were the chief champion compete for the match again.” Yang Jian said: Finally was Qin Baobao won the champion, was really fierce.” “快了快了,再有两期就是总冠军争夺赛了。”杨建说:“最后是秦宝宝夺了冠军,真厉害。” The colleague in group still in bì bì, little handsome guy a little looks familiar.” 群里的同事还在哔哔,“小帅哥有点眼熟啊。” What did little handsome guy call to come?” 小帅哥叫什么来着?” Qin Ze was at heart steady, without first time recognizes me, explained that is not elder brother's shitheaded fan, even the status exposition, is still only the chart surrounds freshly, hot, worked as the ordinary people. Nowadays, everyone pursued star to be sane, celebrity was also a person, was not sparks/Mars variation, had nothing to make much ado about nothing. Naturally, the little fresh meat fan younger sisters are an exception. 秦泽心里稳了,没第一时间认出我,说明不是哥的脑残粉,即便身份暴露,也只是图新鲜围观,热头过了,也就当平常人了。这年头,大家追星都理智了,明星也是人,又不是什么火星异种,没什么好大惊小怪。当然,小鲜肉的迷妹们除外。 Moreover, he is not celebrity, too do not overestimate themselves. 而且,他也不算明星,不要太高估自己。 Yang Jian said, the intern staff, has three days to five days of training periods generally, then does odd jobs the moon/month, can contact the business. He had two years of work experience. Qin Ze asked that his university graduates, this fellow said that Jiaotong University graduates, you. Qin Ze said oneself are Economics Uni. Economics Uni was inferior compared with Jiaotong University slightly, but the diploma takes, no matter where, the weight/quantity is heavy. 杨建说,实习员工,一般都有三天到五天的培训期,然后打杂个把月,才能接触业务。他有两年的工作经验了。秦泽问他那个大学毕业的,这家伙说交大毕业的,你呢。秦泽就说自己是财大的。财大比交大稍稍不如,但毕业证拿出去,不管在哪里,分量都不轻。 Qin Ze sat half an hour, does not see what leader to act. Then is gathering the advantage three big office districts to stroll, has the access card in any case, opens access. 秦泽坐了半个钟头,也不见什么领导出面。便在聚利的三大办公区逛了一圈,反正有门径卡,畅通无阻。 He gathering the approximate frame of advantage crossed, three big office districts gather, the 100 many people, the overall is divided into the human resource department, the executive, Finance Department and market research department and R & D center and risk section. The segmentation words, section were many, the stock, stock, the angel investment and venture capital...... then downstairs running smoked a cigarette. 他把聚利的大致框架过了一遍,三大办公区合起来,一百多号人,总体划分为人力资源部、行政部、财务部、市场研究部、研发中心、风险控制部门等。细分的话,部门就多了,股票、期货、天使投资、风险投资......然后跑楼下抽了支烟。 Now elder sister forbade him to smoke at home, really cannot boil, sent his one. Thought probably in this regard found made elder sister's to be dignified, Qin Baobao always enjoys. 现在姐姐禁止他在家抽烟了,实在熬不住,才发他一支。大概是觉得在这点上找到了做姐姐的威严,秦宝宝乐此不疲。 Why as for wants running downstairs, in the first half of the year, Shanghai introduces the new banning smoking laws, allowed to have the smoking area to transform from the past restaurant, hotel, entertainment, public transportation and other places for indoor comprehensive banning smoking, various smoking room establishments will gradually demolish, said simply, is so long as the top of the head has awning place, same banning smoking. 至于为什么要跑楼下,上半年,沪市出台新的禁烟法规,从过去餐厅、宾馆、娱乐、公交等场所允许设吸烟区转变为“室内全面禁烟”,各种吸烟室设置会逐渐拆除,简单的说,就是只要头顶有“棚”的地方,一律禁烟。 Downstairs running looked for a trash can that has the cigarette butt box, in the Qin Ze point cigarette, has a look at that crowd of two goods while convenient also in the water group. 跑楼下找了个有烟蒂盒的垃圾桶,秦泽点上一根烟,顺便看看那群二货是不是还在水群。 The people chatted vigorously, suddenly, a poodle dog head alike person spoke: 众人聊的起劲,忽然,一个泰迪狗头像的人说话了: Sets three topics to everyone, replied accurately, at noon I please eat meal.” “给大家出三道题目,回答正确的,中午我请吃饭。” In group instantaneous silence. 群里瞬间一片寂静。 The Qin Ze point opens the poodle dog, examines that person of name: Li Linfeng! 秦泽点开泰迪狗,查看那人的名字:李林峰 When he, interview Investment Department manager called this name probably, it seems like after oneself, was his soldier hand/subordinate. 他记起来了,面试时投资部经理好像叫这个名字,看来自己以后是他手下的兵了。 first wrote: „ 3 people seek lodging for the night, late 30 Yuan 0.3 person each people pulled out 10 Yuan to sufficiently collect 30 Yuan to give boss. Afterward boss said gives preferential benefit today, so long as 25 Yuan. boss to the server 5 Yuan, called to draw back to 3 people, the server kept dual, everyone only drew back to 1 Yuan. Now we calculate: 3 person each people only spend 9 Yuan, 3 people count 27 Yuan, in addition server's dual, 29 Yuan. 第一题出来了:“有三个人去投宿,一晚30元.三个人每人掏了十元凑够30元交给了老板.后来老板说今天优惠,只要25元。老板给服务生五元,叫退给三人,服务生留了二元,每人只退给一元。现在我们来算:三个人每人只花九元,三个人计27元,加上服务生的二元,共29元。 Excuse me: Where finally that yuan? ” 请问:最后那一元钱哪里去了?”
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