MESIS :: Volume #2

#154: Singing

Qin Baobao from a sofa tiger jump, throws to conducting the back of younger brother. Two long legs flutter the Qin Ze's waist stubbornly, both hands pinch his neck, big angrily said: Qin Ze your black heart's maggot, the elder sister must choke to death your small rascal.” 秦宝宝从沙发一个虎跳,扑到弟弟的背上。两条长腿死死勾住秦泽的腰,双手掐他脖子,大怒道:“秦泽你这个黑了心的蛆,姐要掐死你这小赤佬。” Qin Baobao really wants to cry, thousand against ten thousand against bosom friend are difficult to guard. 秦宝宝是真想哭了,千防万防闺蜜难防。 Qin Ze makes an effort to struggle, wants to fling elder sister, the Qin Baobao two legs can clamp the deceased person, jolts not to fall. 秦泽就用力挣扎,想把姐姐甩下去,秦宝宝两条腿能夹死人,颠来颠去就是不掉下来。 elder sister and younger brother two seesaw battles. 姐弟俩一番拉锯战。 Makes what noise, had the words to say well.” The old gentleman surprised daughter is excited. “闹什么闹,有话好好说。”老爷子惊讶女儿如此激动。 Qin Baobao pays no attention to the father, scolding: black heart's maggot, big scoundrel.” 秦宝宝不理老爹,一个劲儿的骂:“黑了心的蛆,大坏种。” old gentleman had no way to endure, was he scoundrel, what the father is? Takes up the remote control to pull out on daughter butt. Qin Baobao āi yōu, covers butt single-handedly, unwilling seizes the Qin Ze's neck. 老爷子没法忍了,他是坏种,老子是什么?抄起遥控器就抽在女儿屁股上。秦宝宝哎呦一声,一手捂屁股,一手还不甘心的掐住秦泽的脖子。 old gentleman pulled out two ruthlessly, she jumping down of wū wū mournful sound, covers butt, eye is in the tears, suffering and looks innocently own father. 老爷子又狠抽了两记,她才呜呜咽咽的跳下来,捂着屁股,眼儿含着泪光,又委屈又无辜的看着自家老子。 old gentleman scolded: Big person, and a child was equally noisy, makes sense, right that your mother said that should look for the partner to you, without being in love, you will not be mature.” 老爷子骂道:“多大的人了,跟个小孩一样闹,像话吗,你妈说的对,就该给你找对象,没谈过恋爱,你就不会成熟。” Mainly has Wang Zijin this bystander, daughter's performance, lets brag that the tutor stern old gentleman quite feeling loses face. 主要是有王子衿这个外人在,女儿的表现,让自诩家教森严的老爷子颇感丢脸。 Father, you must hit him,” Qin Baobao is pointing at younger brother, the grief and indignation complaint: He gangs up with the married woman.” “爸,你要打他,”秦宝宝指着弟弟,悲愤控诉:“他勾搭有夫之妇。” Marriage?” old gentleman one cold. “结婚了?”老爷子一凛。 That does not have.” Qin Baobao answered. “那倒没有。”秦宝宝答。 Has not married your blind bì bì what/anything,” old gentleman scolded. “没结婚你瞎哔哔什么,”老爷子骂道。 He gangs up with two.” Qin Baobao is unwilling. “那他勾搭两个呢。”秦宝宝不甘心。 That is he has...... this is not good.” old gentleman looks angrily and fiercely, un, has the bystander , the family tradition is certainly honest, is in love is in love, cannot be too undecided, foot treads two ships.” “那是他有本......这个不行。”老爷子横眉立目,嗯,有外人在,门风一定要正派,“谈恋爱就谈恋爱,可不能太三心二意,脚踏两只船。” Who foot treads two ships?” Mother Qin hears the sound, comes out from the kitchen. “谁脚踏两只船?”秦妈听见动静,从厨房出来。 Mother, your son gangs up with the married woman, you hurry to hit him with the father together.” Qin Baobao throws filthy water toward younger brother on, vented the grievance. “妈,你儿子勾搭有夫之妇,你赶紧和爸一起打他。”秦宝宝弟弟身上泼脏水,藉此发泄委屈。 Mother, you do not listen to her to talk nonsense. I am pure, I have not ganged up with Zhang Ya......” Qin Ze to protest. “妈,你别听她瞎说。我是清白的,我没勾搭张雅......”秦泽申辩。 Who is Zhang Ya?” 张雅是谁?” My bosom friend.” Qin Baobao angrily said: Has told him, always do not hit the Zhang Ya attention, he does not listen, others had the boyfriend, said when did not permit to get married.” “我的一闺蜜。”秦宝宝气道:“早就跟他说过了,别老打张雅注意,他不听,人家都有男朋友了,说不准什么时候就结婚了。” Qin Ze rushes to look to Wang Zijin, the Wang Family little elder sister smiling face is light, in the eye passes a faint trace to be low-spirited and angry. 秦泽赶忙看向王子衿,王家小姐姐笑容淡淡,眼中透着一丝丝黯然和恼怒。 I do not have.” Qin Ze debated loudly. “我没有。”秦泽大声自辩。 Qin Baobao cries saying: „Has.” 秦宝宝哭道:“就有就有。” Her squatting lower part of the body, covers the belly wū wū mournful sound to cry suddenly. 她忽然蹲下身,捂着肚子呜呜咽咽哭起来。 old gentleman and Mother Qin daughter responded unexpectedly such big, how how, to suddenly cry, the big person, did not shame bashfully.” 老爷子秦妈不料女儿反应如此之大,“怎么了怎么了,说哭就哭,多大的人了,羞不羞。” Qin Ze seizing the chance black elder sister: Perhaps sees me to have the scandal girlfriend, is not at heart balanced.” 秦泽趁机黑姐姐一下:“许是见我有绯闻女友,心里不平衡了呗。” You roll.” Qin Baobao picks up the remote control to pound him, the tearful eyes look tearfully to Mother Qin: Mother, my belly pain......” “你滚。”秦宝宝拾起遥控器就砸他,泪眼汪汪看向秦妈:“妈,我肚子痛......” Originally was the big maternal aunt comes! 原来是大姨妈来了! Mother Qin saw that knows the daughter the painful menstruation, was busy at going forward to support by the arm: „Aren't you next week? How ahead of time.” 秦妈见状,知晓女儿又痛经了,忙上前搀扶:“你不是下礼拜吗?怎么提前了。” The Qin Baobao sore face blanch, Chuchu (lovely) is pitiful: A'Ze bought many icicles to eat to me yesterday.” 秦宝宝疼的脸发白,楚楚可怜:“阿泽昨天买了好多冰棍给我吃。” Mother Qin and old gentleman on venting anger sees the son. 秦妈老爷子就迁怒的看儿子。 Hey, this black heart's maggot. 嘿,这黑了心的蛆 At this time had not forgotten to hold 这时候还不忘捅我一刀。 The woman menstrual period is ahead of time, is related with many factors, the temperature exceptionally, catches cold what/anything. Is she is night corrupt, turns on the air conditioning to kick the quilt. 女人经期提前,和很多因素有关,气温异常、着凉什么的。准是她自己夜里贪凉,开空调踢被子。 The Qin Baobao painful menstruation suffers extreme distress each time, she feared that the pain is a reason, it is said the painful menstruation obliging pre-natal labor pain is somewhat similar, wants to come is very painful, high school that meeting, the Qin Ze internet searches for this answer. Ridiculed elder sister: This is good, you have a pre-natal preview every month.” 秦宝宝每次痛经都死去活来的,她本身怕痛是一个原因,据说痛经和顺产前的阵痛有些类似,想来是很痛的,高中那会,秦泽上网搜来这个答案。嘲笑姐姐:“这多好,你每个月都有一次产前预演。” Qin Baobao therefore launches one to rip to compel the war with him. 秦宝宝于是跟他展开一场撕逼大战。 Mother Qin and Wang Zijin support by the arm Qin Baobao to go to the room, old gentleman prepare brown sugar and ginger tea, although daughter not frequently in house, but these things are preparing throughout. Parents' love, in point dī dī. 秦妈王子衿搀着秦宝宝回房间,老爷子去准备红糖姜茶,虽然女儿不经常住家里,但这些东西始终备着。父母的爱,在点点滴滴之中。 The non- moment, Wang Zijin has come out. 过不片刻,王子衿出来了。 Wang Family little elder sister handful of a petal watermelon, incites eating that dawdles to incite to dawdle. 王家小姐姐捧起一瓣西瓜,滋遛滋遛的吃。 The Qin Ze expression moment, Sister Zijin, do not listen to Qin Baobao to talk nonsense, Zhang Ya you have also seen, mouth flower, we are very very pure.” 秦泽措词片刻,“子衿姐,你别听秦宝宝瞎说哦,张雅你也见过,口花花的很,我们很清白的。” Wang Zijin is slanting his eyes, imitates the Qin Baobao's tone: Closes my divine horse (anything) matter.” 王子衿斜他一眼,模仿秦宝宝的语气:“关我神马事。” Qin Ze grinning, Wang Family little elder sister had the discretion that being watertight oil salt very does not enter, the sugar-coated bullet cannot hit, usually does not have few vitality/angry, furthermore the relations have not arrived, Qin Ze has not coaxed her, like Qin Baobao, does not roar familiar and easy. 秦泽咧了咧嘴,王家小姐姐有很滴水不漏油盐不进的谨慎,糖衣炮弹打不进去,平时也没很少生气,再者关系没到,秦泽从没哄过她,不像秦宝宝,哄起来轻车熟路。 Wang Zijin faint smile: You and Baobao (darling) explained that her jealousy may be really big.” 王子衿似笑非笑道:“你和宝宝解释啊,她醋劲可真大。” This saying said...... 这话说的...... The dozen minutes, Mother Qin comes out from the daughter room, near kitchen fiddles with the food, this preparation lunch. 十几分钟,秦妈从女儿房间出来,近厨房捣鼓食材,也该准备午饭了。 Mother, she how.” Qin Ze shouted in the living room. “妈,她怎么样了。”秦泽在客厅喊。 Such, good a point, passing the little while is not sore.” Mother Qin response. “就那样呗,好了一点了,过会儿就不疼了。”秦妈回应。 Qin Baobao exchanged camisole, the bloodstained underpants also gives to trade, lay on the bed half-dead eyah eyah, the fine brow tip was tight. 秦宝宝换上吊带衫,染血内裤也给换了,半死不活躺在床上咿咿呀呀,精致的眉梢紧蹙。 The gate shoves open silently, she catches the eye to look, Qin Ze looks around. 门无声无息推开,她抬眼看去,秦泽探头探脑进来。 Hasn't hurt sorely?” Qin Ze arrives at the bedside. “还疼不疼?”秦泽走到床边。 Sore!” Qin Baobao said pitifully, brown sugar and ginger tea is useless.” “疼!”秦宝宝可怜巴巴说,“红糖姜茶没什么用。” I help you rub.” Qin Ze is saying, raises the elder sister's quilt. “我帮你揉揉。”秦泽说着,去掀姐姐的被子。 Qin Baobao holds down hastily, stares: Does not want you to massage, your black heart's maggot.” 秦宝宝连忙按住,瞪眼:“不要你按摩,你这个黑了心的蛆。” Was half-dead, but also haggles over these. 都半死不活了,还计较这些。 Qin Ze helplessly said: Relieved, your bosom friend what/anything welldoing you do not know that her such, the opening opens mouth. Relax, I have not ganged up with your bosom friend.” 秦泽无奈道:“安心啦,你闺蜜什么德行你不知道啊,她就那样,开局一张嘴。放心,我没勾搭你闺蜜。” Qin Baobao hypocritical say/way: „Do you explained to me do, I did not care that you explained to Wang Zijin.” 秦宝宝口是心非道:“你跟我解释干嘛,我才不关心呢,你跟王子衿解释去。” Qin Ze hā hā smiles: Has explained early, doesn't wait for first to explain to you?” 秦泽哈哈一笑:“早解释过了,非等着第一个跟你解释?” The both legs of Qin Baobao air/Qi kick the quilt ruthlessly: Irritated me, ahhhhh......” 秦宝宝气的双腿狠踢被子:“气死我了,啊啊啊......” The movement is too big, the belly was shaken, was sore. 动作太大,肚子受震荡,又疼了。 He lifts the elder sister's big long leg, holds back three Yinjiao Point positions slowly, is instep Taichong Point, after three minutes, changes into Blood Sea and Two Diji Point, so repeatedly. 他抬起姐姐的大长腿,缓缓按压三阴交穴位,然后是脚背太冲穴,三分钟后,换成血海地机二穴,如此反复。 When chinese medicine proficient is the end of the period to treat elder sister's painful menstruation exchange, later did not have the opportunity, the elder sister's painful menstruation is not every month comes, it comes fortunately today, otherwise on waste points......, I wants not to feel right. 中医精通是期末时为了治疗姐姐的痛经兑换的,之后一直无用武之地,姐姐的痛经不是每个月都来,还好它今天又来了,否则就浪费积分了......咦,我这么想感觉不对。 Ten minutes, Qin Baobao was repeatedly more comfortable, lying down of salted fish was disinclined on the bed. 反反复复十来分钟,秦宝宝舒服多了,咸鱼似的躺在床上懒得动。 Also sore?” Qin Ze asked. “还疼吗?”秦泽问。 salted fish elder sister pays no attention to him. 咸鱼姐姐不理他。 I walked oh. Qin Ze saying that set out to walk. “那我走了哦。秦泽说罢,起身就走。 Yeah,” Qin Baobao is busy at stopping by calling him, that Chen Qingyuan you have not explained.” “哎,”秦宝宝忙喊住他,“那个陈清袁你还没解释呢。” foolish girl, having what is good to explain that I not good this.” “一个黄毛丫头,有什么好解释的,我又不好这口。” Yes, Wang Family little elder sister is constantly together, you could not certainly have a liking for the small girl.” Qin Baobao sour say/way. “是啊,有一个王家小姐姐朝夕相处,你当然看不上小丫头了。”秦宝宝酸溜溜道。 Sees Qin Ze not to speak, she eats the taste, „before , does not know that who said forever turns toward elder sister's, even if there is the wife is still placed elder sister in the first position.” 秦泽不说话,她更吃味,“以前不知道谁说永远都向着姐姐的,就算有媳妇也把姐姐摆在第一位。” Qin Ze stares: I have to speak such words.” 秦泽一愣:“我有说话这样的话吗。” You have you to have.” Qin Baobao called out in bedding: „The man of meaning what he says cannot marry the wife for a lifetime.” “你有你有。”秦宝宝在被窝里叫道:“说话不算话的男人一辈子娶不到媳妇。” The Qin Ze heart said that the sweet talk that I spoke were many went, every day changed the pattern to coax you, where I could remember. 秦泽心说,我说的甜言蜜语多了去了,每天变着花样哄你,我哪记得住。 Also, can the sweet talk of man believe? 再说,男人的甜言蜜语能信吗? elder sister is now different.” Qin Ze is perfunctory. 姐姐现在不一样了么。”秦泽敷衍。 That elder sister now is what/anything,” Qin Baobao kicks the quilt: salted fish?” “那姐姐现在是什么,”秦宝宝又踢被子:“咸鱼吗?” Do not kick, the belly is also later painful.” Qin Ze holds down her leg, you are the evening kick the quilt corruptly coolly the painful menstruation, Sister Zijin told me.” “别踢,待会肚子又痛。”秦泽按住她的腿,“你就是晚上贪凉踢被子才痛经的,子衿姐都跟我说了。” You rest a meeting.” “你睡一会。” Cannot fall asleep, sang to me,” Qin Baobao said: Perhaps fell asleep.” “睡不着,给我唱首歌吧,”秦宝宝说:“没准就睡着了。” Qin Ze complies, to help the elder sister armpit good quilt happily, the air conditioning furnishing gentle breeze, sits in the bedhead: Came.” 秦泽痛快答应,帮姐姐腋好被子,空调调成柔风,坐在床头:“来了啊。” The pecking head that Qin Baobao anticipates, flashes the bright pupil to stare at younger brother. 秦宝宝期待的啄脑袋,闪着亮光的眸子盯着弟弟 Qin Ze clears throat: I have a short-haired pelt furnace I never to ride......” 秦泽一清嗓子:“我有一头小毛炉我从来也不骑......” The thump of Qin Baobao air/Qi chirp chirp his. 秦宝宝气啾啾的捶了他一下。 Does!” “干嘛!” Sang wrong.” “唱错了。” Sang wrong? I come.” “唱错了?那我重新来。” Un.” “嗯。” Why I have a little elder sister that I never ride...... hits me.” 我有一个小姐姐我从来也不骑......干嘛又打我。” Qin Baobao did not speak, lay down in the bedding, grasped the fist one to beat toward the Qin Ze bosom randomly. 秦宝宝不说话,躺在被窝里,握拳头往秦泽怀里一顿乱捶。 Qin Ze coaxes elder sister, pours water to the living room, the vegetable/dish greets the nostrils fragrant, takes a look toward the table, mother, you are really good, know that today we go home, make so many meals.” 秦泽哄完姐姐,到客厅倒水,菜香扑鼻,往餐桌一瞅,“妈,你真好,知道今天我们回家,做这么多菜。” Mother Qin said with a smile in the kitchen: Which burns for you, today guest.” 秦妈在厨房笑道:“哪是为你们烧,今天来客人。” Guest? Who!” Qin Ze thought that old gentleman had said probably had the guest to come. “客人?谁啊!”秦泽想起来了,老爷子好像是说过有客人要来。 „When your father's student, your junior middle school has seen......” Mother Qin just said, doorbell sound. “你爸的学生,你初中时见过的......”秦妈刚说完,门铃声响了。
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