MESIS :: Volume #2

#150: Emotion and ethics

next day on Saturday, reached an agreement to window-shop, elder sister looks at blazing Sun, instigated the half. Wang Zijin to prevent oneself tans, 5 : 30 gets out of bed early morning runs, Sun jumps out of the horizon, goes home immediately. Makes up to the bath thinks, Qin Ze completes the lunch she to get out of bed. Wears the pajamas of Allah flower bud, wears the cartoon girl of eyeglasses, in the hand the branch pokes a lump of corpulence. Is Qin Baobao gives her the net to buy. Qin Baobao cherishes little bear pajamas, not love is more exquisite the comfortable silk pajamas, said that is the woman of quality pajamas, elder sister is a young girl, must put on to sprout/moe is the style. 第二天周六,本来说好要逛街的,姐姐一看炽烈的太阳,怂了半边。王子衿为了防止自己晒黑,五点半起床晨跑,太阳跳出地平线,就立刻回家。冲完澡补觉,秦泽做完中饭她才起床。穿着阿拉蕾的睡衣,戴眼镜的卡通女孩,手里树枝戳一坨便便。是秦宝宝给她网购的。秦宝宝钟爱小熊睡衣,不爱更细腻舒适的丝绸睡衣,说那是贵妇睡衣,姐姐是少女,要穿萌系风格。 Qin Ze said seriously: Has not listened to the 25-year-old young girl. Qin Baobao hits him. 秦泽一本正经的说:没听过25岁的少女。秦宝宝就打他。 At meal time, Qin Ze is taking a look at two women, isn't window-shops? Isn't buys hold/container hold/container?” 吃饭时,秦泽瞅着俩女人,“不是去逛街么?不是去买包包吗?” Wang Zijin said: Baobao (darling), Sun is really poisonous, the sun block lotion cannot shoulder. Tanning was not good.” 王子衿说:“宝宝,太阳真毒,防晒霜都扛不住。晒黑了可不好。” Qin Baobao said: Un un, that does not go, the nest is at home mildewy.” 秦宝宝说:“嗯嗯,那就不去了,窝在家里发霉吧。” Their opinion reaches an agreement. 俩人意见达成一致。 Qin Ze rolls the eyes, relaxes, according to the Qin Baobao past urogenous, window-shopped must certainly draw in him, acted to carry the package to carry the tool of shopping bag, now must add Wang Zijin. 秦泽翻白眼,也松口气,依照秦宝宝以往的尿性,逛街肯定要拉上他,充当拎包拎购物袋的工具,现在还要加一个王子衿 Qin Baobao plays the cell phone, has the alumnus group dīng dīng dōng dōng information to keep ringing. 秦宝宝玩手机,有个校友群叮叮咚咚信息响个不停。 Today Professor Liu has the course, forms a team to listen?” “今天刘教授开讲座,有没有组队去听的?” Must go, Professor Liu each course I arrive at the seat.” “必须去啊,刘教授的每一场讲座我都到席。” Went together, graduates also went back to listen to his public class occasionally.” “同去,毕业了也偶尔回去听他的公开课。” Previous time listens to his public class, the social philosophy, has the depth very much, benefits greatly.” “上次听他的公开课,社会哲学,很有深度,受益匪浅。” What subject is today?” “今天是什么主题?” «Emotion Ethics», anticipated very much Professor Liu shares own emotion history, hā hā.” “《情感伦理》,很期待刘教授分享自己的情感史,哈哈。” Today although is on Saturday, but do not count on that university really does not have the class in the weekend, particularly liberal arts. 今天虽然是周六,但别指望大学周末真的没课,尤其是文科。 Qin Baobao said: Or we go to Fudan hear of public classes.” 秦宝宝就说:“要不我们去复旦听公开课吧。” That and window-shops what/anything to distinguish.” Wang Zijin is not glad. “那和逛街有什么区别。”王子衿不乐意。 What public class?” Qin Ze said: Mental illness, is separated from university with great difficulty, do you go back to look for the crime to receive?” “什么公开课?”秦泽说:“神经病吧,好不容易脱离大学,你自己回去找罪受?” Our university very famous professor , 30 high-quality uncle surnamed Liu, long may lead. Many female students unrequited love him to come, Cambridge university graduates, the teaching level approves very much.” Qin Baobao praise: I like him very much.” “我们大学一个很出名的教授,姓刘,三十优质大叔,长的可帅了。好多女生都暗恋他来着,剑桥大学毕业,讲课水平很赞。”秦宝宝夸赞不已:“我很喜欢他。” Qin Ze hē hē. 秦泽呵呵一声。 Wang Zijin is stunned: „Aren't you brocon? Likes what uncle.” 王子衿愕然:“你不是弟控吗?喜欢什么大叔。” Qin Baobao soup spurts. 秦宝宝一口汤喷出来。 Wang Zijin covered mouth hastily, awakens the speaking incorrectly words. 王子衿连忙捂嘴,醒悟自己说错话了。 Public class time is 2 : 30 pm, Qin Baobao driving brings bosom friend and younger brother arrives at Fudan, bought three cups of ice to drink in nearby tea with milk shop, in shadow that three people shuttled back and forth in the dryondra, aimless is strolling the campus. 公开课时间是下午 2 点半,秦宝宝开车带闺蜜弟弟来到复旦,在附近的奶茶店买了三杯冰饮,三人穿梭在梧桐树的阴影里,漫无目的的逛着校区。 The big hot days, on the road the student are not many, occasionally sees them, is shocking by Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin's form, what a pity they wear the baseball cap and sunglasses. Misses to see the beautiful face. 大热天,路上学生不多,偶尔看见他们,被秦宝宝王子衿的身影惊艳,可惜她俩都戴着棒球帽、墨镜。无缘一睹芳容。 Why as for light/only looked that the form is shocking, these two women wear the white good-fitting T-shirt, breasts erect, waist slender, especially Qin Baobao, fearful 36 D. Where walks to attract the eyeball. The lower part of the body is the cowboy shorts, wraps perfectly round butt, two pairs of white and tender symmetrical thighs, on foot ventilation jogging shoes. 至于为什么光看身影就惊艳,这俩女人穿着白色合身t恤,乳挺腰细,尤其秦宝宝,可怕的36d。走哪里都吸睛。下身则是牛仔短裤,包裹滚圆屁股,两双白嫩匀称大腿,脚上一双透气慢跑鞋。 Wang Zijin does not want wearing sunglasses, but Qin Baobao thought that on own wearing sunglasses, being out of sorts feeling is too strong. And instigates Qin Ze also to wear that dog-headed military strategist sunglasses that buys from the old town, Qin Ze does not kill, since. 王子衿不愿意戴墨镜,但秦宝宝觉得就自己一个人戴墨镜,违和感太强。并怂恿秦泽也戴从古镇买来的那副狗头军师墨镜,秦泽打死不从。 Qin Baobao read the Handan campus, neighbored younger brother Economics Uni, they came out before a lot appointment. Qin Ze to the Fudan familiar house, even elder sister lives in that female student dormitory to know. 秦宝宝读邯郸校区,紧邻弟弟财大,他们以前没少出来“约会”。秦泽复旦熟门熟路,连姐姐住那栋女生宿舍都知道。 Wang Zijin is the first time, the full of enthusiasm visit, acts as the stage use Xianghuitang, Qin Baobao said that the elder sister had sung in the past here, detonates the audience. 王子衿第一次来,兴致勃勃参观,充当舞台使用的“相辉堂”,秦宝宝说姐当年在这里唱过歌嘞,引爆全场。 Constructs during the centennial celebrations Guanghua Building, Fudan highest construction. 还有建于百年校庆期间的“光华楼”,复旦最高建筑。 Library, stadium and female student dormitory, and a president image symbols. 图书馆、体育馆、女生宿舍、以及标志之一的主席像。 elder sister pushes younger brother, said: Does obeisance quickly, blesses you to hurry to marry the wife.” 姐姐推一把弟弟,道:“快去拜,保佑你赶紧娶到媳妇。” Qin Ze rolls the eyes: piss off.” 秦泽翻白眼:“滚犊子。” Wang Zijin laughs. 王子衿大笑。 The public class on Guanghua Building four, can hold the large-scale classroom of 200 person. 公开课就在光华楼四层,一间可以容纳两百人的大型教室。 Before Qin Ze, online has looked at the public class of foreign country, that classroom, entire resembles with Great Hall of the People, the fan-shaped structure, student the feeling of seat somewhat soccer auditorium, the teacher platform was also on big looks like the tribune of leader, blackboard thing eliminated early, changed into the big screen, looked at the domestic university public classroom again, one second of play. 秦泽以前在网上看过外国的公开课,那教室,整的跟人民大会堂似的,扇形的结构,学生的座位有几分足球观众席的感觉,老师的讲台也是高大上则像领袖的演讲台,黑板这东西早淘汰了,换成大荧幕,再一看国内大学的公开教室,一秒出戏。 About taking a seat rate/lead 40 percent, very good popular, today is on Saturday, the person of skipping classes are many. 入座率百分之四十左右,已经很不错的人气了,今天是周六,逃课的人不少。 Qin Baobao selected the rear end remote corner, is as far as possible unremarkable. 秦宝宝挑了个后侧偏僻的角落,尽量不引人注意。 The Professor Liu 32 year, wears the gold thread frame eye, looks refined, but the straight physique can see, he should be the gym patron. Long is truly graceful, in the black hair mixes with some silver threads, is not dyes, is the true youngster is white. 刘教授三十二岁,戴金丝框眼睛,看着斯文,但笔挺的身姿可以看出,他应该是健身房常客。长的确实挺帅,乌发中夹杂些许银丝,不是染的,是真正的少年白。 Hello!” Professor Liu swept a classroom, „many estimates are cursing me at heart, puts the weekend this public class. Should be you and male and female friend appointment, or the dwelling dormitory hits the day of game, actually must run to listen to me to teach. Considering this psychology, I do not mention by name. However, this is the arrangement of school, this pot I do not carry.” “大家好!”刘教授扫了眼教室,“很多人估计在心里诅咒我,把这节公开课放到周末。本该是你们和男女朋友约会,或者宅宿舍打游戏的日子,却要跑来听我讲课。考虑到这个心理,我就不点名了。不过呢,这是学校的安排,这个锅我不背。” The students laugh. 学生们哄笑。 We come voluntarily.” “我们是自愿来的。” Most likes listening to the Professor Liu class.” “最喜欢听刘教授的课。” Most likes Professor Liu.” “最喜欢刘教授。” Yes, that is really the pleasant surprise. Back then Qin Baobao had also spoken similar words in my class, but I had not treasured at that time.” Professor Liu heaved a sigh. “是嘛,那真是惊喜。想当年秦宝宝在我的课上也说过类似的话,只是当时我没珍惜。”刘教授唉声叹气。 hā hā hā!” 哈哈哈!” The students laugh. 学生们大笑起来。 Qin Ze shoots a look at elder sister, your fortunately this.” 秦泽瞥一眼身边的姐姐,“你还好这口啊。” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes: Talked nonsense, when I have spoken these words.” 秦宝宝翻白眼:“瞎说,我什么时候说过这句话。” The Professor Liu pressure the hand, hints peacefully: Cracks a joke, our school can have superstar, but also once was my student, was honored utmost. I did not boast, was unfair to her.” 刘教授压压手,示意安静:“开个玩笑,咱们学校能出一位大明星,还曾经是我的学生,荣幸之至。我不吹牛,都对不起她。” Qin Baobao is very famous in Fudan, during the school, she is School Flower, School Flower of this year face value explosive table are many, but School Flower of wave big buttocks outstanding big long leg are not many. The male student who covets the Qin Baobao beauty many such as the multitude of people moving to and fro, the Jianghu hearsay, the Qin Baobao's boyfriend is some rich second generation, because often some people noticed that she fools around with some fellow of undistinguished appearance, is not rich second generation, how to pursue to Fudan Goddess? 秦宝宝复旦特别有名,在校期间,她是校花,这年头颜值爆表的校花很多,但波大臀翘大长腿的校花却不多。觊觎秦宝宝美色的男生多如过江之鲫,江湖传闻,秦宝宝的男朋友是某富二代,因为常有人看到她和某个其貌不扬的家伙鬼混,不是富二代,何以追到复旦女神 Now Qin Baobao is more famous, the school knows superstar that «I am a Singer» in has a run-away success is Fudan graduates. Misses to see Qin Baobao's school junior brother to sigh with regret innumerably, when monarch live me not to live, hate not to meet by chance have not graduated. Otherwise decides to be able Goddess to pursue, first several school senior are good-for-nothing. 现在秦宝宝更出名了,全校都知道《我是歌星》里一炮而红的大明星复旦毕业的。无数无缘得见秦宝宝的学弟们扼腕叹息,君生我未生,恨不相逢未毕业时。否则定能把女神追到手,前几届的学长都是废柴 But these compared with school senior of Qin Baobao earlier graduation are also the similar mentalities, I live Monarch not to live, hate not meeting by chance at school, school junior brother are good-for-nothing. 而那些比秦宝宝更早毕业的学长亦是同样心态,我生君未生,恨不相逢在校时,学弟们都是废柴 Only then with Qin Baobao with, or on three next three male students knows that she has is difficult to pursue. 只有和秦宝宝同届,或者上三届下三届的男生知道她有多难追。 What this semester must say is «Emotion Ethics», the previous section class has said that human is the emotion most active animal, was what constructed the current society, was the wisdom? Law? Order? Yes, naturally yes, but these foundations are what/anything, is the emotion. The sociology, ethics and psychology originate from the emotion. Even we spread several thousand years of moral standards, originates from the emotion. Respects the elderly and take good care of the young, brotherly harmony, three cardinal ethical relationships of the social order and five constant virtues...... , if no emotion, the morals lose the significance. But from another perspective, the morals has to suppress the function of emotion.” “本学期要给大家讲的是《情感伦理》,上节课说过,人类是情感最活跃的动物,是什么构建了当今社会,是智慧?法律?秩序?是,当然是,可这些的基础是什么呢,是情感。社会学、伦理学、心理学都来源于情感。甚至于我们流传几千年的道德标准,也来源于情感。尊老爱幼、兄友弟恭,三纲五常......如果没有情感,道德就失去意义。但从另一个角度来说,道德具有抑制情感的作用。” Analogy we often said that older and younger brothers wife not weak, fire protection security against bosom friend. Why will say? Because of the morals in the suppressed sentiment, told you to be contrary to the morals, did not occupy the principle. Again for example quite sensitive words and expressions: incest!” “比方咱们常说,兄弟妻不可欺、防火防盗防闺蜜。为什么会这么说?因为道德在压制感情,告诉你这是有违道德的,是不占理的。再比如一个比较敏感词语:乱(和谐)伦!”
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