MESIS :: Volume #2

#149: Finds the clue make to kill

The general manager office, the assistant stands in out of the door, hears the office mouse dá dá dá sound, she knocks on a door, the sound stopped. 总经理办公室,助理站在门外,听见办公室鼠标哒哒哒的声音,她一敲门,声音就停了。 Comes.” The general manager chilly delightful sound conveys. “进来。”总经理清冷悦耳的声音传来。 She holds the achievement of today interviewing to walk, places on the Su Yu desk gently. 她捧着今天面试的成果走进去,轻轻放在苏钰办公桌上。 Today interviews ten people, three eliminate in the written examination stage, two eliminate in the interview stage, remaining five, I according to school record and work experience and other appraisals, divided A Grade and B Grade, Chief Su you look.” “今天面试十个人,三个在笔试阶段淘汰,两个在面试阶段淘汰,剩下的五个,我按照学历、工作经验等评估,分了a级b级,苏总您看下。” Su Yu glances sweeps, looked at the past, said lightly: His examination paper does how?” 苏钰眼波一扫,一份份看过去,淡淡道:“他卷子做的怎么样?” The female assistant extracts that examination paper and answer from the document immediately. 女助理立刻从文件中抽出那份试卷以及答案。 Su Yu is contrasting the examination paper and answer, simple and elegant such as the picture face exposes finally wipes the color, zé zé said: Also really took the perfect score to him, Nanman has not flickered I. Really only used for a half hour?” 苏钰对比着卷子和答案,清雅如画的脸庞终于展露一抹色彩,啧啧道:“还真给他拿满分了,南曼没忽悠我。真的只用了半小时?” The female assistant smiles bitterly saying: Chief Su, the fellow what/anything background, said a half hour of a half hour, a topic not wrong, the solution answers this, is more careful than the reference answer. The whole piece examination paper sits, that called one simple agile, the scratch paper was useless, had not pondered, this examination paper was my random from the online printing, I must suspect that he has carried the answer ahead of time. You have not seen the complexion of interviewers.” 女助理苦笑道:“苏总,那家伙什么来路,说半小时就半小时,一题都没有错,解答题这一块,比参考答案还细致。整张卷子坐下来,那叫一个干脆利索,草稿纸都没用,也没怎么思考,要不是这张卷子是我随机从网上打印的,我都要怀疑他是不是提前背过答案。你可没看见面试官们的脸色。” „Very perverted.” Su Yu smiled, just like glacier defrosting. “是挺变态。”苏钰笑了,犹如冰河解冻。 You have not thought he can't answer?” The female assistant said: Manager Lin they looked that my look is not right, feels my low probably, creates obstacles for young people.” “您就没想过他答不出来?”女助理说:“林经理他们看我的眼神都不对劲了,大概是觉得我下三滥,这么刁难一个年轻人。” Some people told me, he can twenty minutes complete a college entrance examination to simulate the examination paper, the perfect score. I do not believe that now has to believe. Brain thing, everyone has, some people are 250, some people are actually 250.” “有人跟我说,他能二十分钟做完一份高考模拟卷子,满分。我不信,现在是不得不信。脑子这东西,每个人都有,有人是二百五,有人却是二百五。” The female assistant heart said, I gave the person to regard 250 a moment ago. 女助理心说,我刚才就给人当成二百五了。 You have not thought that if he can't answer?” “您就没想过,万一他答不出来呢?” Su Yu chuckle: Cannot answer unable to answer, this enrollment enrolls, this examination paper and interview irrelevant.” Raises the appraisal on hand, how is B.” 苏钰轻笑:“答不出来就答不出来,该录取还是录取,这份卷子和面试无关。”扬起手上的评估,“怎么是b。” Qin Ze's assessment report. 秦泽的评估报告。 The female assistant said: Without work experience, trainee, how the ability to wait for researching, temporarily can only appraise B.” 女助理道:“没有工作经验,实习生,能力怎么样有待考证,暂时只能评估b。” Su Yu sets out to arrive at the corner, puts in the socket of shredder the examination paper and answer, arranges Investment Department him, first follows Li Linfeng to mix time.” 苏钰起身走到墙角,把卷子和答案放入碎纸机的齿槽,“把他安排到投资部,先跟着李林峰混一段时间。” She has about the 1.7 m tall stature, wants the high head compared with the female assistant. 她有一米七左右的高挑个子,比女助理要高一个脑袋。 The female assistant is busy at nodding, in so many new staff, this boy is Chief Su arranges the post personally. 女助理忙点头,这么多新员工里,就这小子是苏总亲自安排岗位的。 After the female assistant withdraws from the office, before Su Yu slightly runs back the computer speedily, the dá dá sound of mouse gets up. 女助理退出办公室后,苏钰一溜烟小跑回电脑前,鼠标的哒哒声响起。 The pit cannot again the pit teammate. 再坑也不能坑队友。 The words saying, this time has not seen Great God to get online, on her a gold is so difficult. 话说,这段时间都没见大神上线,她上个黄金都那么困难。 From the stubbornness to the obstinance, when can arrive in the glory the other shore. 从倔强到不屈,什么时候能抵达荣耀的彼岸啊。 7 : 30 pm, Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin go home hand in hand. So long as Qin Baobao goes to work, she will take a Wang Zijin regulation on the way. Place that Wang Family little elder sister goes to work, is a little far from the underground station. Must first sit the public transportation, then transfers the subway, the coming and going to work is troublesome. 晚上 7 点半,秦宝宝王子衿携手回家。只要秦宝宝上班,她都会顺路去捎王子衿一程。王家小姐姐上班的地方,距离地铁站有点远。要先坐公交,再转地铁,上下班麻烦。 Shrinks at home salted fish, the car(riage) key to Wang Zijin, making her drive. 缩在家里当咸鱼的时候,就把车钥匙给王子衿,让她自己开车。 Passing through the gate, two people smell the vegetable/dish fragrance, the living room table, chocks up the delicacies. 一进门,两人就闻到菜香味,客厅餐桌,摆满佳肴。 Yo, what day, eats today such sumptuously.” elder sister was startled. “呦,今天什么日子,吃这么丰盛。”姐姐吃惊了。 Qin Ze do you want to foster the small fat pig me?” Wang Zijin tsukkomi, swallowed the saliva movement to betray her. 秦泽你是想把我养成小胖猪吗?”王子衿吐槽,吞口水都动作出卖了她。 Today I interviewed successfully, is happy, the pleasant surprise was not pleasantly surprised.” Qin Ze stands near the table, launches the both arms, makes congratulates me quickly gesture. “今天我面试成功了,开心不开心,惊喜不惊喜。”秦泽站在桌边,展开双臂,做出一副“快来恭喜我”的姿态。 Qin Baobao blinks. 秦宝宝眨眨眼。 Wang Zijin gawked staring. 王子衿愣了愣。 Qin Ze closes up the both arms opens again. 秦泽把双臂合拢再打开。 Two elder sister have not gotten an idea, finding the work had anything is quite swollen-headed. 两个姐姐还是没意会,找到工作有啥好得瑟。 When Wang Zijin first responded, put on airs saying: āi yā, congratulations, A'Ze is quite fierce.” 王子衿当先反应过来,装模作样道:“哎呀,恭喜恭喜,阿泽好厉害。” elder sister also get arrived finally, must have false calling out false: Oh, my family A'Ze found to work unexpectedly, elder sister good happy quite gratified, must kiss reward fragrant.” 姐姐也终于get到了,要多假有多假的叫道:“哇塞,我家阿泽居然找到工作了,姐姐好开心好欣慰,必须香吻奖励。” Go away.” Shoving open elder sister of Qin Ze interest is waning, takes a seat silently. “走开啦。”秦泽意兴阑珊的推开姐姐,默默入座。 Originally is I from. 原来是我自嗨而已。 It looks like in elder sister that two name brand schools graduate, finding the work is completely not a proud matter. 在两个名牌学府毕业的姐姐看来,找到工作完全不是一件值得骄傲的事情。 Qin Baobao did not say that Wang Zijin runs Shanghai to turn to bosom friend, the graduation certificate does not have the belt/bring, naturally this can online check. But work experience, specialized, breaks up the whole into parts to start over from the beginning entirely, now one moon/month wages over ten thousand. It is not the leaving home female of living under subjugation, occasionally can also a stopper Qin Ze spending money. 秦宝宝就不说了,王子衿跑来沪市投靠闺蜜,毕业证书都没带,当然这个可以在网上查到。但工作经验啊,专业啊,统统化整为零从头再来,现在一个月工资过万了。已经不是寄人篱下的离家女子,偶尔还能塞秦泽一点零花钱。 No matter also he does need. 也不管他需不需要。 Qin Baobao puts out a hand to pick chicken stewed in mushroom, Qin Ze holds the chopsticks to hit in her hand, elder sister eats the pain, draws back the hand hastily. 秦宝宝伸手去捡小鸡炖蘑菇,秦泽操起筷子打在她手上,姐姐吃痛,连忙缩手。 nicely done, A'Ze does not use the nest defeat dog when finally at home has not worked.” elder sister venomous tongue retaliation. 666,阿泽终于不用窝在家里当一条没工作的败狗。”姐姐毒舌报复。 Wang Zijin hearing this, hit her. 王子衿闻言,打了她一下。 Qin Baobao is angry: You where?” 秦宝宝大怒:“你哪边的?” Wang Zijin raises the hand, said innocently: Is the hand that it moves.” 王子衿举起手,无辜道:“是它自己动的手。” Qin Baobao pinches Wang Zijin, Wang Zijin rushes to hide Qin Ze behind. 秦宝宝就去掐王子衿,王子衿赶忙藏到秦泽身后。 Qin Baobao sizes up the situation, felt oneself select two not to have the odds of success, is pursing the lips, remains silent to eat the vegetable/dish. 秦宝宝审时度势,觉得自己一挑二毫无胜算,撅着嘴,闷声吃菜。 Finished eating the food, they played in the living room respectively various, Qin Ze consulted the investment company business scope, pondered which section oneself will enter. Wang Zijin discovers a moving people to tears bubble play recently, pursued bustling. elder sister holds her pink notebook, brushes Weibo. They have not gone to the room, the happy joyful reunion in the same place, is feeling passing of time, finally takes a bath to sleep. 吃完饭,他们在客厅各玩各的,秦泽查阅投资公司的业务范围,思考自己会进哪个部门王子衿近来发现一部催人泪下的泡沫剧,追的热火朝天。姐姐捧着她那台粉色笔记本,刷微博。他们都没有回房间,喜欢聚在一起,感受着时间的流逝,最后洗澡睡觉。 Qin Baobao stretches oneself, rubs the nape of the neck that turns sour, heaved a sigh: Several days later must do the advertisement, next month must publish a special edition. Good tired quite tired.” 秦宝宝伸了个懒腰,揉揉发酸的脖颈,唉声叹气:“过几天要拍广告,下个月则要出一张专辑。好累好累。” Wang Zijin is stunned: Publishing the special edition is so quick? I looked that other celebrity publish the special edition, little said two months of time.” 王子衿愕然:“出专辑这么快?我看其他明星出专辑,少说两个月的时间吧。” Qin Baobao said: This did not say, quick 4~5 day on a special edition, slow several months. Good to have thought mixes day that eats to wait for death.” 秦宝宝说:“这个不好说,快的四五天就一张专辑,慢的几个月。好想过混吃等死的日子。” Wang Zijin throws one funnily elder brother's expression: This is not the Qin Ze's life pursuit.” 王子衿抛来一个“滑稽”哥的表情:“这不是秦泽的人生追求么。” Touched somebody's sore spot little elder sister. 扎心了小姐姐 Qin Ze stares her one eyes. 秦泽瞪她一眼。 Qin Baobao cell phone dīng dōng, message prompt. 秦宝宝手机叮咚一声,短信提示。 She holds up the cell phone to look, happy scream, throws and Wang Zijin share: Paper Towel (zhijin), my advertising expenditure to account. The card of Construction Bank is quite slow.” 她举起手机一看,高兴的尖叫一声,扑过去和王子衿分享:“纸巾,我的广告费到账了。建行的卡好慢。” Money is the 24 hour to the account, before getting off work, company Finance Department hits, this little while arrives at her pay card. 钱是二十四小时到账,下班前公司财务部打出来,这会儿才到她工资卡。 So many?” Wang Zijin is startled. “这么多?”王子衿吃了一惊。 Fierce, several days later one, is I participates in " Appointment with a Nova » pay.” “厉害吧,过几天还有一笔,是我参加《新星有约》的薪酬。” Qin Ze curious collects, wants to look at the elder sister's wages. 秦泽好奇的凑过来,想看姐姐的工资。 Qin Baobao protects the cell phone in the chest, the body will shrink in the future, and kicks younger brother with the foot, did not look to you, does not look to you.” 秦宝宝把手机护在胸口,身体往后缩,并用脚踢弟弟,“不给你看,不给你看。” Her is retaliates Qin Ze to conceal the stocks speculation profit, secretly concealed Little strongbox. 她这是报复秦泽隐瞒炒股利润,偷偷藏小金库。 elder sister is this, always likes in the minor matter and Qin Ze eats the taste. 姐姐就是这样,总喜欢在小事上和秦泽吃味。 Swollen-headed!” Qin Ze rolls the eyes. “得瑟!”秦泽翻白眼。 Fierce fierce, kisses/intimate one.” Wang Zijin said. “厉害厉害,亲一个。”王子衿说。 Two women hug in the same place, kisses/intimate one mutually. 俩女人抱在一起,相互亲一口。 Tomorrow in the weekend, window-shops?” “明天周末,逛街去?” Good, I just want to buy the package package.” “好啊,我刚想买个包包。” Qin Ze smiles touches the elder sister's head: Fierce fierce, finds the clue make reward.” 秦泽笑眯眯的摸姐姐的脑袋:“厉害厉害,摸头奖励。” Qin Baobao the kneeling straight body on the sofa, searches the hand to touch his head immediately, also good also good.” 秦宝宝立刻在沙发上跪直身子,探手摸他头,“还行还行。” Qin Ze touches again: Fierce fierce.” 秦泽再摸:“厉害厉害。” elder sister must touch: Also good also good.” 姐姐就要摸回来:“还行还行。” Wang Zijin whole face excuse me expression. Cannot master this elder sister and younger brother two, this has what/anything to be good to compete. 王子衿满脸excuseme的表情。搞不懂这姐弟俩,这有什么好较劲的。 She does not certainly know, since Qin Ze said smiled to touch dog head the literary reference, found the clue make became one way of elder sister and younger brother two provocation. Who found the clue make, the feeling suffers a loss, must touch. 她当然不知道,自从秦泽道出“笑摸狗头”的典故,摸头就成了姐弟俩挑衅的一种方式。谁被摸头了,就感觉吃了大亏,一定要摸回来。 elder sister and younger brother two your my, no one is willing to suffer a loss. 姐弟俩你一下我一下,谁都不肯吃亏。 Qin Ze was angry, beautiful hair rubs the chicken coop elder sister's ruthlessly. Qin Baobao crawls from the sofa, makes threatening gestures to threaten toward younger brother head greeting. But Qin Ze big Falling Stele Hand turns the elder sister racket on the sofa, turns head to run. 秦泽恼了,狠狠把姐姐的秀发揉成鸡窝。秦宝宝从沙发上爬起来,张牙舞爪气势汹汹往弟弟头上招呼。但秦泽一个大摔碑手姐姐拍翻在沙发上,扭头就跑。 Qin Baobao was wild with rage, āi yōu, hits the Wang Zijin bosom, cannot attend to the forehead hurting, rubbing jumps, barefoots to pursue to younger brother door, two small hands make an effort to knock at the door, angrily said: Opens the door opens the door, you have the skill to touch my head, you have the skill to open the door.” 秦宝宝气疯了,哎呦一声,一头撞进王子衿怀里,顾不得脑门疼,“蹭”的跳起来,赤脚追到弟弟房门口,两只小手用力拍门,怒道:“开门啊开门啊,你有本事摸我头,你有本事开门啊。” The Wang Zijin heart said, these words are quite familiar-sounding, where has listened. 王子衿心说,这句话好生耳熟,是不是在哪里听过。
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