Entered Room meeting, the Qin Zefirsteyedid not look at the sliver of brownpainttable, sat wellfourinterviewers, butlookedpouredin the broom of ground.
进了会议,秦泽第一眼不是看长条棕漆桌,端坐的四名面试官,而是看一眼有没有倒在地上的扫帚。Qin Baobaoknow that younger brotherrepeatedlyinterviewfailure, thought that is the younger brotherinterviewis not distracted, thereforeno onewants, then when turned outherpastgraduation«Interviewer108Test» that bought, instructed earnestlytoyounger brother, mustpay attention to the detail, mustestimate the interviewerwithmostexaggeratementality. Qin Zespent for twodaysto readthisbook, the heartssaidyour mother, the interviewerswill really play.秦宝宝知道弟弟屡屡面试失败,觉得是弟弟面试不走心,所以才没人要,便翻出她当年毕业时买的一本《面试官的108种考验》,对弟弟耳提面命,一定要注意细节,要用最浮夸的心态揣度面试官。秦泽花了两天把这本书啃完,心说尼玛啊,面试官们真会玩。
The broomsfall to the groundto hold, is the typicalcaserow. Butin the bookofferstwoopinions, onetypeisto see the falling to the groundbroommusthold, according to the conventionalanswer, shouldpick uprapidlyin the broom of ground, enters the interviewagain, thiswas once regarded asworkscarefully, responsible. Anothertypedoes not hold. Becausealsopossiblyisanti-routine of interviewer, youmusthold, theythought that holds the broomto wantdo for oneselfcontinually, cannot distinguish clearlyownpostresponsibility, in the futureis willing unable to make to order the important matter.
扫帚倒地扶不扶,是典型的案列。但书中又给出两种意见,一种是见倒地扫帚要扶,按常规的答案,应该是迅速捡起掉在地上的扫把,再参加面试,这曾被看成做事细心、有责任感。另一种是不扶。因为也可能是面试官的反套路,你要扶了,他们就觉得连扶扫帚都要亲力亲为,分不清自己的岗位职责,将来肯定做不了大事。had a dumbfounded expression that Qin Zelook, isholdsordoes not hold, askedelder sister, elder sistercould not give the answers. Talked ambiguously, in accordance with the situationhoweverdecided.秦泽看的一脸懵逼,到底是扶还是不扶,问姐姐,姐姐也给不出答案。含糊其辞说,视情况而定吧。Godmotherf**kerin accordance with the situationdecides.
神tm的视情况而定。Sweeps a groundfast, has not held the artificialtest of broomfortunately, heinterviewedso manycompany, thistesthas not really met, wantsto comeisroutineis too old.
飞快扫一眼地面,还好没有扶扫帚的矫情考验,他面试了这么多家公司,这种考验真没遇到过,想来是套路太老了。Qin Zethentakes a look atfourinterviewers, took a look at a data plate, respectivelyismarketing departmentmanager, Investment Departmentmanager, Human Resources Departmentmanagerandassistantsgeneral manager. Two male and two female, a potbellieduncleand a 30 -year-old man, a middle-agedwomanand a youngdelicatewoman who wear the eye.秦泽这才打量四名面试官,瞅了眼铭牌,分别是市场部经理、投资部经理、人事部经理以及总经理助理。两男两女,一个大腹便便的大叔和一个30来岁的男人,一个戴眼睛的中年女人和一个年轻清秀的女人。
The interviewersare also consideringQin Ze, the young fellowleather bagis good, the statureis also good, looksveryenergetic. In the company50~60person, feware more graceful than him.
面试官也在考量秦泽,小伙子皮囊不错,身材也不错,看着很精神。公司五六十号人里,没几个比他帅的。WhatfirstspokewasHuman Resources Departmentmanager, the middle-agedwomanholds the picture frame, the lensflashed throughtogether the sharpreflection: „Qin Ze, in the resumedoes not haveyourassignmentexperience, are yourinternthesemonths, doing?”
最先发话的是人事部经理,中年女人扶了扶镜框,镜片闪过一道犀利的反光:“秦泽,简历上没有你的任职经验,请问你实习的这几个月,在干什么?”Comes upis the sharpissue, Qin Zesitson the chair, both handsplaceon the knee, the backis stiff, repliedtruthfully: „Thesetwomonthsare speculating in the stock market.”
一上来就是犀利的问题,秦泽坐在椅子上,双手放在膝盖上,腰杆挺直,如实回答:“这两个月都在炒股。”Marketing departmentmanagersmiledimmediately, hesaid: „Did convenienceaskyourreturns ratio?”
市场部经理顿时笑了,他说:“方便问一下你的收益率吗?”„Ok!”Qin Zenods: „Averagereturns ratioin90 percentabout, highest300 percent. Lowest40 percent.”
“可以!”秦泽点头:“平均收益率在百分之九十左右,最高百分之三百。最低百分之四十。”Marketing departmentmanagerbrow raised, veryastonishingreturns ratio, considering that the recentstock marketrises sharply , is not unacceptable. Otherinterviewersurprise, after allare impossibleto wanthimto deliveraccording to the list, the genuine and fakeare undetermined.
市场部经理眉头一挑,很惊人的收益率,不过考虑到近期股市大涨,也不是不能接受。其他面试官没怎么诧异,毕竟不可能要他交割据单,真假待定。Investment Departmentmanager, about the 30 years oldman, smileshē hē saying: „Says that the trend of recentstock market, somepeoplesaidbulk lotscontinuouslypull-up, will certainlyrise sharply, somepeoplesaid that isbottoming of bulk lotspull-up, is the normal phenomenon, crossedthisto return to consciousness just before dying, will restorelow.”投资部经理,三十岁左右的男人,笑呵呵道:“说一说最近股市的走向,有人说大盘连续拉升,必将大涨,有人说不过是大盘的触底拉升,属于正常现象,过了这一段回光返照,又会恢复低迷。”Qin Zesaid: „Stock marketmustrise sharply.”秦泽道:“股市要大涨了。”Investment Departmentmanagermade„please”hand signal: „Pleasestartyourspeech.”投资部经理做了个“请”的手势:“请开始你的演讲。”Pū......
噗......Qin Zehas almost not collapsedto smileto make noiseat the scene. „Pleasestartyourspeech”is listed aswith the tauntlanguage that „hē hē”shares the honor. Does not know that thisfellowisintendsorhas no intention, plays the stemto playsoflawless.秦泽差点没崩住当场笑出声。“请开始你的演讲”被列为与“呵呵”齐名的嘲讽语。不知道这家伙是有意还是无意,玩梗玩的如此天衣无缝。
The interviewerslook atQin Ze, inthetime of interview, somepeoplesaid that the spring of stock marketcame, somepeoplesaid that returns to consciousness just before dying. Yesand no answeris not the interviewerswantsto listen, butlookedhow the interviewstaffdebated.
面试官们看着秦泽,面试的这段时间里,有人说股市的春天来了,有人说是回光返照。“是”与“否”的答案不是面试官们想听的,而是看面试员工怎么辩论。Qin Zeexpresses for severalseconds, saidslowly: „Judgmentstock marketwhetherhas the foundation that turns bullishmedium and long-term, someinthreereference method.”秦泽措辞几秒,徐徐道:“判断股市是否具备中长期走牛的基础,有三中参考方法。”„One: The economistoftensaid, the stock marketis the economicalbarometer, the general orientationis correct. Therefore the stock marketwalksdoes not turn bullish, mustfirstlook whether the macroeconomicstartsto recover. Butlooks at the macroeconomicrecoveryor not, firstlooks at the economic situation in Europe and US, theireconomicalqualities, directlyare affecting the global financial market. Howas to see, the pmidata of ppidataandHSBCannouncement that the National Bureau of Statisticspublishedcantellus the answer.”
“一:经济学家常说,股市是经济的晴雨表,大方向正确。因此股市走不走牛,要先看宏观经济是否开始复苏。而看宏观经济复苏与否,先看欧美各国的经济状况,他们的经济好坏,直接影响着全球金融市场。至于怎么看,国家统计局公布的ppi数据以及汇丰公布的pmi数据可以告诉我们答案。”Investment Departmentmanagerbreaksdirectly: „As far as I know, the economy of Europe and USis not good, butourcountryreal estatedownward, the policyincomeslides, causes the nationaleconomydownwardgreat stress.”投资部经理直接打断:“据我所知,欧美各国的经济并不好,而咱们国家房地产下行、政策收入下滑,导致全国经济下行压力巨大。”On the data plate of thisfellowwriteshisname: Li Linfeng.
这家伙的铭牌上写着他的名字:李林峰。Qin Zeis calm: „Inthisworld the right and wrongblackis never white, cannotsay that the foreigneconomyis bad, the stock marketoncertaindifference, the stock marketis called the investmentin the foreign country, calledto speculate in the stock marketinChina, speculates in the stock market, canlook over the situationsimply, did thatalsocallto speculate in the stock market?”秦泽镇定道:“这世上从来不是非黑即白,不能说外国经济差,股市就一定差,股市在外国叫做投资,在中国才叫炒股,炒股炒股,这么简单就能纵观大势,那还叫炒股?”Li Linfengnods, approveshisviewpoint, said with a smile: „Continued.”李林峰点点头,认同他的观点,笑道:“继续说。”„Two: Looks at the stock markettrends of foreignseveralbigeconomic powers, theirmarkets, decided the market of global stock market. Domesticstock marketalong withnaturaltrend.”
A Li Linfengbrowwrinkle, „thatshould notbe expected to rise, US , UK , Franceand othercountry's of the storiesin a complete mess.”李林峰眉头一皱,“那就更不该看涨了,美、英、法等国的故事一塌糊涂。”„Thisconcerns the thirdpoint that Isaid.”Qin Zesaid.
“这就关乎我说的第三点。”秦泽说。Li Linfengleans the bodyslightly, makesto listen respectfully to the shape.李林峰微微倾身,做出聆听状。Anotherthreepotential surfaceexamination officialsare also earnest, insideseveralinterview, Qin Zemostcantalk, whatno matterandhesaidistoiswrong.
另外三位面试官也认真起来,几个面试员里头,秦泽是最能侃的,且不管他说的是对是错。„The national condition in eachcountryis different, the domestic stock markettrend, the economyandstock market of foreign country, can only regard the reference. The reason of mystronger tendencystock marketis, domestic economydownward, the bubble of real estategets bigger and bigger.”
“每个国家的国情都不一样,国内股市走向,外国的经济、股市,只能当成参考。我看涨股市的原因在于,国内经济下行,房地产的泡沫越吹越大。”„Ha!”Marketing departmentmanagersmiledone: „Domestic economyis bad, the stock marketshouldlowbe right.”
“哈!”市场部经理笑了一声:“国内经济差,股市应该低迷才对。”„Innormal conditionisthis.”Qin Zesaid: „But, the governmentintroducesa series ofpolicies in March of this yearand in July, twicecuts the interest rateto fall, mayalsoreduce the investment return, the investment of risk-freehighbenefitreduces, thiscauses the bankto haveso muchidlefunds, where will thesemoneyflow to? Another, the industrymarketwas over about past two years low the innovation, the marketis low, last yearwasevenipoalsotime-out, supported the industry, will certainlyhave the newstockrelease, ifmustrestartipo, the marketessentialmusthave a wave of rise, moreoverwas a stablemarket, only thenin this case, canurge the enterprisethroughipo, conducted the direct financethrough the capital market.”
“正常情况下是这样。”秦泽说:“但是,政府在今年三月、七月出台一系列政策,两次降息降准,可也压缩了投资效益,无风险高效益的投资减少,这造成银行有大量空闲资金,这些钱将流向哪里?再一个,过去两年来,实业市场连创新低,市场低迷,去年更是连ipo也暂停了,扶持实业,必将有新股发行,如果要将ipo重启,市场必需要有一波上涨,而且是一个稳定的市场,只有在这种情况下,才能促使企业通过ipo,通过资本市场来进行直接融资。”Marketing departmenteconomicalbrowtightwrinkle.
Do all these that Li Linfeng, „youmused, have the bigdatato make the support? Without the market surveyandanalysis of longtime, was an armchair strategist.”李林峰若有所思,“你说的这一切,有大数据做支撑吗?没有长时间的市场调查、分析,就是纸上谈兵。”Naturallyhas, Qin Zethesetwomonthsareto dothis, he data that nearlytwoyears of stock marketmarket and recentpolicy and statistics bureaupublished, allgnawed. Who canunderstandunderstood, could not understandfromsystemthatexchangeknowledge. Thickonepile of scratch papersheremainedat home.
当然有,秦泽这两个月就是干这个的,他把近两年的股市市场、近期政策以及统计局公布的数据,全都啃了个遍。能理解的自己理解,理解不了的从系统那兑换知识。厚厚一摞草稿纸他留在家里了。„Iexpressmyview, the speaking incorrectlyplace, severalleaderscriticizefreely.”Qin Zesaid.
The topic of thissimilaracademic debate, the itselfiswhois unable to convinceanyone, everyone hasownview, in the industrytobullishbeing expected to fall of stock market, was arguing.
这种类似学术争论的话题,本就是谁都无法说服谁,每个人都有自己的看法,行业内对股市的看涨看跌,也在争论。Old Gentleman Qinis expected to rise, but the conceptis conservative, thereforethrows the change, Qin Zeis expected to rise, thought that the stock marketwill soar, therefore„losing everything”fullCang.秦老爷子看涨,但观念保守,所以投小钱,秦泽看涨,觉得股市会一飞冲天,所以“倾家荡产”的满仓。Li Linfengcarries the teacupwith a smile, „has the ideavery much.”李林峰笑着端起茶杯,“很有想法。”
The Qin Ze'sconcept, heonlyapprovespart, thisis an interview, is not the academic debate, does not needto be expected to fallbeing red in the face that strugglesbullish, hisgoalwasto test the schoolQin Ze'sspecialization, the answerhas come out.秦泽的观念,他只认同一部分,这是场面试,不是学术争论,没必要看涨看跌而争的面红耳赤,他的目的是考校秦泽的专业性,答案已经出来了。Investment DepartmentmanagerLi Linfenggavegradingat heart, qualified! Sawyoung people who rarelycantalk, seriousboasting, blows is very reasonable.投资部经理李林峰心里给出了评分,合格!难得见到一个能侃的年轻人,一本正经的吹牛,偏偏还吹的很有道理。Human Resources Departmentmanageris not quite satisfied with Qin Ze, becausehedoes not haveworkexperience.人事部经理对秦泽不太满意,因为他没有工作经验。Becausemarketing departmentmanagersectionmove of full, has the indifferentattitude.
市场部经理则因为自己部门已经招满,持无所谓态度。Onlydoes not have anyassistantgeneral manager of statement, at this time, revealedherbigmovefinally.
This 27~28delicatewoman, takes out an examination paperfrom the folder, pushestoQin Ze, said with a smile: „Herehas the college entrance examinationexamination paper, givesyoua halfhour, youcantake the perfect score, companyenrollyou.”
几个经理震惊了。Thisassistantgeneral manageris always benignintoday'sinterview, withoutdeliberatelycreates obstacles for the firstseveralyoung people, the issue that asksis fair, howtohere, the styleallchanged.
这位总经理助理在今天的面试中始终和颜悦色,没刻意刁难前几名年轻人,提的问题都中规中矩,怎么到了这儿,画风就全变了。Gathering the advantageis onlyinvestment company of moderate scale, does not needto raise to the plane of political principle, the college entrance examinationhas not requested the science subjectsforemost person in the fieldcertainlyto take the perfect score.
聚利只是中等规模的投资公司,没必要这么上纲上线吧,高考也没要求理科状元一定拿满分啊。Theylooked how manyminutes the Qin Ze'slookhadto pityimmediately, perhaps did thisyoung peopleoffendher?
他们看秦泽的眼神顿时有了几分怜悯,许是这年轻人得罪她了?Smilesto have the women of twodimples, the faint smile: „Has the issue?”
笑起来有两个酒窝的女人,似笑非笑:“有问题吗?”Qin Zesaid: Without the issue, givesmewhile convenient a pen. Then the chairmovesbefore the table, selfishanswer.秦泽说:没问题,顺便给我支笔。然后就把椅子挪到桌前,自顾自答题。Wields the pensuch asflies!
运笔如飞!Passing clouds and flowing water!
行云流水!Bylevel that the Qin Zecracking with the teethskillbookcracks with the teeth, is not a problemwith the high score, with the perfect scoreis not good, buta halfhouris too hasty. Heandfills up the topicto handle the choice question, the highlongcomplexsolutionanswergivessystem.
以秦泽嗑技能书嗑出来的水平,拿高分不成问题,拿满分也不是不行,但半个小时太仓促。他把选择题和填空题搞定,亢长复杂的解答题交给系统。A halfhour, is nothing more or less.
半小时,不多不少。Qin Zeputsto start writing, longputs out the one breath: „Ok.”秦泽搁下笔,长长吐出一口气:“好了。”Ok?
好了?Severalmanagerwhole facedoubt.
逗我呢?Thenhow long?
这才多久?Youdetermined that a halfhourcananswer the perfect score?
你确定半个小时能答满分?Assistantgeneral managerverygoodconcealinglives in the shock in eye, takes outoneto print the goodanswerleisurely, contrasts, looks upQin Zeone.总经理助理很好的掩饰住眼中的震惊,慢条斯理又取出一份打印好的答案,对比一遍,抬头看秦泽一眼。Alsocontrasts, looks atQin Zeoneagain.
又对比一遍,再看秦泽一眼。Is unwilling, compared an answer, with the tone of suspicionlife: „Howyouachieve.”
不甘心,又对照了一遍答案,用怀疑人生的口吻:“你怎么做到的。”„Perfect score?”Human Resources Departmentmanager, wearsmiddle-agedwomanimpatientasking of black frameeyeglasses.
女助理无声点头。„Ido not believe.”Li Linfengsets outto grasp the examination paperandthatanswer, personallycomparison. After the moment, heraised the head, with the tone of suspicionlife: „Howyouachieve.”
“我不信。”李林峰起身抓起卷子和那份答案,亲自对照。片刻后,他抬起头,用怀疑人生的口吻:“你怎么做到的。”„Mymathcomparisonhas the talent.” The Qin Zeheart said that mmp, fathermiantries, howyouwant.
“我数学比较有天赋。”秦泽心说,mmp,老子面个试而已,你们想怎么样。Hethought that thisroutineseems to have met before.
The femaleassistantadjusts the stiffexpression, clears throat, „Mondaygoes to work.”
女助理调整僵硬的表情,清了清嗓子,“周一来上班。”Qin Zethensets outto leave Room meeting.秦泽便起身离开会议。
The young people who outsidemeeting, severalhave not interviewedcollect, „soto be how long?”会议室外,几个没面试的年轻人凑上来,“怎么这么久?”„Whataskedyour?”
“问你什么了?”„Youwent inforty minutes.”
“你进去四十分钟了。”Qin Zeblack an interviewer: „Theirbrainsare sick, makingmemake the highnumberexamination paper.”秦泽黑了一把面试官:“他们脑子有病,让我做高数卷子。”
Does the advanced mathematicsmake the examination paper?
The youthpeople of extraordinary abilitylook at each other in blank dismay.
The interviewerswill really play, can wefirstdownload a science subjectscollege entrance examinationexamination paperspare?
面试官真会玩啊,我们要不要先下载一份理科高考试卷备用?Graduated for manyyears, does not know that the knowledge of high school can also pick.
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