MESIS :: Volume #2

#141: family feast( „permits knight” for hegemon in addition)

A Mother Qin Chinese chestnut knocks above the daughter, reproved low voice, serious, the grandfather must be angry.” 秦妈一个板栗敲在女儿头上,小声训斥,“严肃点,爷爷要生气的。” Qin Baobao covers the head, sticks out one's tongue toward Mother Qin makes faces. Venting anger kicks a younger brother foot. 秦宝宝捂脑袋,朝秦妈吐舌扮鬼脸。迁怒的踢弟弟一脚。 Qin Ze turns head immediately: Father, she is quite bothersome.” 秦泽立刻回头:“爸,她好烦。” old gentleman strikes an attitude to hit the daughter, frightened she escapes hastily. 老爷子作势要打女儿,吓的她连忙逃开。 Several people laugh. 几人哄笑。 big bro worships, is the aunt and sister-in-law/little aunt worships. Generally is asks the father( grandfather) to bless family security, the enterprise is running free. The sister-in-law/little aunt added a request, asking the father to bless the son sensibly soon obedient, do not annoy his father vitality/angry again. 大哥一家祭拜完毕,然后是大姑、小姑祭拜。大抵就是请父亲(爷爷)保佑家宅平安,事业顺风。小姑多加了一个要求,请父亲保佑自己儿子早日懂事听话,不要再惹他爸生气。 The little uncle and male younger cousin fight a cold war, who paid no attention to anyone recently, Jiang Cheng lived for a week to go back in the uncle home, really could not bear the old gentleman's chicken soup, he also can only listen, in childhood awed to the uncle very much, now has not changed, dares to talk back with the father, but does not dare to talk back with the uncle. Perhaps the shadow at heart childhood, some year when the uncle's family plays, how personally sees the uncle to hang dozen of older male cousin. 小姑父和表弟最近打冷战,谁都不理谁,江澄在舅舅家住了一个星期就回去了,实在受不了老爷子的鸡汤,他还只能听着,小时候就对舅舅很敬畏,现在也没变,和父亲敢顶嘴,但不敢和舅舅顶嘴。许是儿时的心里阴影,某年在舅舅家玩时,亲眼看见舅舅是怎样吊打表哥的。 Also may be the qi field reason, the little uncle does business, old gentleman is university professor, a smooth accident, mechanical serious. 也有可能是气场原因,小姑父是做生意的,老爷子大学教授,一个圆滑事故,一个刻板严肃。 Worships here, almost finished. A few years ago can also set off one string of firecrackers, now does not give to put. 祭拜到这里,差不多就结束了。前些年还能放一串鞭炮,现在不给放了。 The grandfather passed away when the Qin Ze elementary school, probably the liver cancer passed away, will infect that type, Qin Ze has only gone to hospital several times, the family member did not make him. In the impression that old person's appearance is slurred. 爷爷在秦泽小学时就去世了,好像是得肝癌去世的,会传染那种,秦泽只去过医院几次,家人就不让他去了。印象中那个老人的模样已经模糊不清。 Afterward, the people leave the cemetery, drives to move to Qin Ze. Must have food in Qin Family. This worshipped is successfully finished. 随后,众人离开陵园,驱车驶向秦泽家。要在“秦家”吃上一顿饭。这场祭拜才算圆满结束。 Although is old person's death anniversary, but on the table the atmosphere is very warm, after all old gentleman's father died so many years, has gone sadly pale, the relative collects the same place rarely. 虽然是老人的忌日,但餐桌上气氛很热烈,毕竟老爷子的老子死了这么多年,悲伤早就淡去,亲戚难得凑一起。 Baobao (darling), I said that you from Peugeot of my humble self, after growing up, definitely attractive, look became superstar.” The little uncle is the businessman, drink up has one very much. 宝宝,我就说你从小生的标致,长大后肯定漂亮,这不,都成大明星了。”小姑父是生意人,喝酒很有一手。 Baobao (darling), our family/home had/left your superstar, brings honor to ancestors. The big uncle also respects your one cup.” The big uncle goes to work in the state-owned enterprise, drink up simply is the compulsory skill. 宝宝,咱们家出了你这个大明星,光宗耀祖啊。大姑父也敬你一杯。”大姑父在国企上班,喝酒简直是必修技能。 Two uncles are the drunkards, beer, when the water drinks that type, they often said, the beer is wets one's whistle, the white liquor is the drink that the man has. old gentleman is too serious, they do not like drinking with big bro. The old gentleman facial color is not quite a little natural. 俩姑父都是酒鬼,把啤酒当水喝那种,他们常说,啤酒是润喉而已,白酒才是男人喝的饮料。老爷子太严肃,他们不爱跟大哥喝。况且老爷子面色有点不太自然。 The Qin Ze heart said, touched somebody's sore spot the big uncle, has not found my father face to be black, but also brings honor to ancestors. 秦泽心说,扎心了大姑父,没瞧见我爹脸都黑了吗,还光宗耀祖。 Qin Baobao also loves drink up, this is Qin Ze did not feel relieved reason that she plays the nightclub. 秦宝宝也爱喝酒,这是秦泽不放心她玩夜店的原因。 „The song that Baobao (darling) sang was really good, I started to look from the first period.” The little uncle said, I boasted with the business partner, said this is my niece, hey, no one believes.” 宝宝唱的歌真好,从第一期我就开始看了。”小姑父说,“我跟生意伙伴吹嘘,说这是我侄女,嘿,没人相信。” The old gentleman complexion changes, „have you had long known on Baobao (darling) the program?” 老爷子脸色微变,“你早就知道宝宝上节目了?” The little uncle stares, āi yōu, said inadvertently. 小姑父一愣,哎呦,说漏嘴了。 old gentleman killing intentions numerous sees a daughter, sneers does not speak. 老爷子杀机重重的看一眼女儿,冷笑不语。 The little uncle was busy at saying, was A'Ze asks me to keep secret, said that big bro did not want Baobao (darling), when celebrity, actually, had nothing, when celebrity was sight.” 小姑父忙说,“是阿泽请我保密,说大哥不愿意宝宝明星,其实吧,也没什么,当明星多风光。” old gentleman killing intentions sees a son again layer on layer/heavily. 老爷子杀机重重看一眼儿子。 Touched somebody's sore spot the little uncle. 扎心了小姑父。 Qin Ze got angry, little uncle, you do not betray me to be good, then my father truncates me.” 秦泽怒了,“小姑父,你别出卖我好吧,回头我爸削我。” The aunt also inserts a mouth: You also hit be used to it since childhood.” 大姑也插一嘴:“你从小也打习惯了。” Good wants to upset the table. 好想掀桌子。 The Qin Ze corners of the mouth pull out. 秦泽嘴角一抽。 Qin Baobao calls to ventilate male younger cousin female younger cousin, light/only by the living parents who how this possibly hides the truth from, but must Qin Ze scratch butt. However, he has not thought will conceal the truth such for a long time, «on the eve of Singer» plays in the finals exposes, is the unexpected benefit. 秦宝宝打电话跟表弟表妹通过气,光靠这样怎么可能瞒的住父母,还得秦泽来擦屁股。不过,他也没想过会瞒这么久,《歌星》决赛前夕才暴露,属于意外收获。 A elder sister face affected looks at younger brother. 姐姐一脸感动的看弟弟 The big uncle smooths over differences: drink up drink up.” 大姑父和稀泥:“喝酒喝酒。” Does the Qin Baobao liquor to the cup from the beginning, then cannot withstand, draws to keep off the liquor Qin Ze, because at home, the relative gathers together very much rarely, old gentleman and Mother Qin have not advised. 秦宝宝一开始酒到杯干,然后顶不住,把秦泽拉过来挡酒,因为在家里,亲戚又很难得聚在一起,老爷子秦妈就没劝阻。 male younger cousin Jiang Cheng is eager to try, wants to keep off the liquor for elder sister, but he is too young, but also does not have the qualifications and elder drink up. 表弟江澄跃跃欲试,很想替姐姐挡酒,但他年纪太小,还没资格和长辈喝酒 Qin Ze beforehand no alcohol capacity, since exercises every day, tempers the body and spirit, the liver sobering up function is exceptionally powerful, drank well-matched with two uncles unexpectedly. 秦泽以前没什么酒量,自从每天锻炼身体,锤炼体魄,肝脏解酒功能异常强大,竟和两个姑父喝了个旗鼓相当。 Right now cannot stop, two uncles urge to drink again and again, Qin Baobao sits side younger brother, helping him pour the liquor, clever likely young wife. 这下子就停不下来了,俩姑父连连劝酒,秦宝宝坐在弟弟身边,帮他倒酒,乖巧的像个小媳妇。 Mother Qin and two paternal aunts pull the topic to chat, the topic of woman except for the daily necessities basic kitchen necessities tea, and some gossip, again is the Qin Baobao's marriage important matter. Raises a mouth, sister-in-law/little aunt these years craves to be the matchmaker very much, reconciled several pairs of up-and-comers. Other day the matchmake object, was she introduces. 秦妈和两个姑姑扯话题聊天,女人的话题除了柴米油盐酱醋茶,以及一些八卦,再就是秦宝宝的婚姻大事。提一嘴,小姑这些年很热衷当媒婆,撮合了好几对新人。上回相亲对象,就是她介绍的。 Baobao (darling) was also old, I am hopeless she to get married immediately, but must have an object to locate.” Mother Qin heaved a sigh. 宝宝年纪也大了,我没指望她立马结婚,可总得有个对象处着吧。”秦妈唉声叹气。 Good man to have, is the Baobao (darling) present status occupation, not good casual place object, celebrity.” Sister-in-law/Little aunt analyzed: Or the colleague is more appropriate.” “好男人还是有的,就是宝宝现在的身份职业,不好随便处对象了,明星嘛。”小姑分析道:“或者圈内人更合适。” The aunt shakes the head: „It is not good, the entertainment world atmosphere is too open, you read in the news, is not this offtracking, is that goes off track, if Baobao (darling) marries the colleague, refers to erratically on the marital tragedy.” 大姑摇头:“不行,娱乐圈风气太开放,你看新闻里,不是这个出轨,就是那个出轨,宝宝要是嫁给圈内人,指不定就婚姻悲剧。” Mother Qin is unhappy, my daughter has not gotten married, you predicted her marriage tragedy. 秦妈不开心,我女儿还没嫁人呢,你就预言她婚姻悲剧了。 The sister-in-law/little aunt said: That marries the rich merchant, female celebrity likes marrying the rich merchant.” 小姑说:“那就嫁富商,女明星都喜欢嫁富商。” Enters rich and powerful families are as mysterious as the sea, the rich and powerful people are also the unfaithful/stamen people.” Jiang Cheng interrupted. “一入豪门深似海,富豪也是花心人。”江澄插嘴。 piss off.” Sister-in-law/Little aunt scalp truncates. 滚犊子。”小姑一头皮削过去。 Mother Qin one hear, worried. 秦妈一听,更愁了。 Qin Baobao curls the lip , to continue to give the younger brother but actually liquor. 秦宝宝撇撇嘴,继续给弟弟倒酒。 Has the good object, is her too rigidity, is not willing to be in love, otherwise our Baobao (darling) this condition, where will unable to find the boyfriend.” Mother Qin said. “不是没有好对象,是她太死性,就是不愿意谈恋爱,要不然咱们宝宝这条件,哪里会找不到男朋友。”秦妈说。 celebrity does not permit to be in love.” Jiang Cheng also interrupted. 明星都不准谈恋爱的。”江澄又插嘴。 piss off.” This chapter of aunt truncates his scalp. 滚犊子。”这回大姑削他头皮。 Perhaps has not met the person who likes, Baobao (darling) is so attractive, the vision high point is very normal.” The aunt said. “许是没遇见喜欢的人,宝宝这么漂亮,眼界高一点很正常。”大姑说。 Baobao (darling), what type man do you like?” Sister-in-law/Little aunt curious asking, knows that niece's taste, she looks for the outstanding man well. 宝宝,你喜欢什么类型的男人?”小姑好奇的问,知道侄女的口味,她才好物色优秀男人。 Qin Baobao is absent-minded, same was OK, like A'Ze.” 秦宝宝心不在焉,“一般般就可以了,像阿泽这样的。” The aunt smiled: Hi, that is not simple, grasps big.” 大姑笑了:“嗨,那还不简单,一抓一大把。” Qin Ze thought that has not a visible arrow to prick at heart. 秦泽觉得有一支看不见的箭刺入心里。 Sister-in-law/Little aunt doubt: Do not coax the sister-in-law/little aunt, really this standard, you married the life kid early.” 小姑狐疑:“你别哄小姑,真这个标准,你早嫁人生娃了。” Another arrow shoots. 又一支箭射来。 The Mother Qin opens the mouth wants to say. 秦妈张口欲言。 Qin Ze became flushed the face, drink up drank, snatched the sound said: Mother, you chatted other.” 秦泽涨红了脸,喝酒喝的,抢声道:“妈,你们聊点别的。” Three women then change the topic, when chatting is young when the matter, chatted Grandpa Qin Ze and paternal grandmother were young the matter again. Said that at that time how to be how difficult, the place that in the family/home lives is a piece of bird does not defecate, now the tall building stands in great numbers, today we are no longer as we have been. 三妇女遂换话题,聊着自己年轻时的事情,再聊到秦泽爷爷和奶奶年轻时的事情。说那时怎么怎么艰苦,家里住的地方还是一片鸟不拉屎,如今高楼林立,今非昔比。 The aunt said: Yeah, I remember when our mother is young first embryo, what fresh is the twin, what a pity assigns/life thinly, raised for several months not to have. Elder Brother?” 大姑说:“哎,我记得咱妈年轻时第一胎,生的是双胞胎,可惜命薄,养了几个月就没了。是不是,哥?” old gentleman drank a liquor, recalls: Has such matter, in childhood listened to the father to say. Mother at that time almost depression.” 老爷子喝了口酒,回忆道:“是有这么回事,小时候听爹说过。妈当时差点得抑郁症。” The sister-in-law/little aunt said: Good second year, on bosom on you.” 小姑笑着说:“还好第二年,就怀上你了。” The aunt also said: Heard that the twin will inherit, perhaps Baobao (darling) or the A'Ze child, is a twin.” 大姑又说:“听说双胞胎会遗传的,没准宝宝或者阿泽的孩子,就是双胞胎。” Mother Qin vision twinkle, superficially regardless topic: Which does Cheng'er attend the high school now?” 秦妈目光闪烁,轻描淡写撇开话题:“澄儿现在读哪所高中?” Jiang Cheng eats just happy, thinks suddenly living room atmosphere one austere, has killing qi. 江澄吃的正欢,忽觉客厅气氛一肃,有杀气袭来。 Attended what high school, rolled to read the professional school.” Little uncle coldly snorted. “读什么高中,滚去读技校。”小姑父冷哼一声 The sister-in-law/little aunt stares a husband, helplessly said: Originally wants to be the same with Baobao (darling), reads the Fudan attached middle school, this child usual performance is also good, but was tests to pound. Now reads Annan High School.” 小姑瞪一眼丈夫,无奈道:“本来想和宝宝一样,读复旦附中,这孩子平时成绩也挺好,可就是中考考砸了。现在读安南高中。” Annan High School is only ordinary. 安南高中只算一般。 old gentleman with a chopsticks nephew, tests with the college entrance examination is the decision lifetime important matter, fish leaps over the dragon's gate, looks this two, you now are young, without the feeling, later understands, a good high school, decided after you, read what university, good university, will decide your future life.” 老爷子用筷子点点外甥,“中考和高考都是决定一生的大事,鱼跃龙门,就看这两次,你现在还小,没感觉,以后就会明白,一所好的高中,决定你以后读什么大学,一所好的大学,决定你未来的人生。” Jiang Cheng is not convinced: Now is to put together the father, I was just born have lost.” 江澄不服气:“现在都是拼爹的,我刚出生就已经输了。” The little uncle has a fit of bad temper, you said what/anything, looked that I do not beat to death your bear child.” 小姑父炸毛,“你说什么,看我不揍死你这熊孩子。” old gentleman beckons with the hand, stops the brother-in-law, sincere say/way: Since knows that the birth had lost, why not day after tomorrow diligently.” 老爷子摆摆手,制止妹夫,语重心长道:“既然知道出生已经输了,为什么不后天努力。” Jiang Cheng is not convinced: older male cousin has not read same university, I have the example I not to fear.” 江澄还是不服气:“表哥还不是读一般般的大学,我有榜样我不怕。” Qin Ze scalp truncates. 秦泽一个头皮削过去。 Jiang Cheng changes a statement immediately: older female cousin read Fudan, graduating was also not when celebrity, might as well these arts schools lived.” 江澄立刻改口:“表姐复旦,毕业还不是当明星,还不如那些艺校生嘞。” Qin Baobao scalp truncates. 秦宝宝一个头皮削过去。 Jiang Cheng also said: Therefore I will also read the arts school in the future, when celebrity......” 江澄又道:“所以我将来也读艺校当明星......” Sees the little uncle also to lift the palm of the hand, lowers the head to eat meal hastily, does not utter a word. 见小姑父也抬起巴掌,连忙低头吃饭,一声不吭。
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