MESIS :: Volume #2

#140: Ancestor worship

In the morning, Qin Ze is getting the Wang Zijin morning exercise, two people around the park one after another, 6 : 30, Sun have risen, the sunlight burns, Wang Zijin tired being sweating profusely, the oval face blushes such as is drunk, in the past at this time, she will stop to walk slowly, waits for the Qin Ze second circle to come back, runs again together. Today dies with Qin Ze, clenches teeth to support. 清早,秦泽领着王子衿晨练,两人绕着公园一圈又一圈,六点半,太阳已经升起来,阳光微灼,王子衿累的满头大汗,鹅蛋脸红晕如醉,往常这个时候,她会停下来慢走,等秦泽第二圈回来,再一起跑。今儿死跟秦泽,咬牙支撑。 Rests?” Qin Ze is with good intention. “休息一下?”秦泽善解人意。 Wang Zijin shakes the head. 王子衿摇摇头。 Exercise is not the one day and one night.” Qin Ze said. “锻炼不是一朝一夕的。”秦泽说。 But loses weight is urgent.” Wang Zijin said. “但减肥是刻不容缓的。”王子衿说。 When her face indeed compared with just came clear, to prevent to become the destiny of young pig fat, must increase the amount of exercise. 她的脸的确比刚来时圆润一圈,为了防止胖成小猪的命运,必须加大运动量。 Qin Ze sweeps a Wang Family elder sister symmetrical exquisite figure, fortunately, the Sister Paper Towel (zhijin) stature is that good.” 秦泽扫一眼王家姐姐匀称玲珑身段,“还好啦,纸巾姐的身材还是那么好。” Wang Zijin one hear, the corners of the mouth exude the smiling face. 王子衿一听,嘴角泛起笑容。 But Qin Ze looked at her face, shifting to a new subject: Face really circle.” 秦泽看了看她的脸,话锋一转:“脸是真的圆了。” The Wang Zijin instantaneous zombie face, comes one horizontally, is angry saying: Hits your oh. 王子衿瞬间僵尸脸,横来一眼,嗔道:“打你哦。 Wang Zijin envies the envy to hate: Qin Baobao eats so many daily, why isn't fat?” 王子衿羡慕嫉妒恨:“秦宝宝天天吃这么多,为什么不胖?” Is the talent in legend different reports probably.” “大概是传说中的天赋异禀吧。” Wang Zijin snort/hum said: Cursed her to become the young pig fat.” 王子衿哼道:“诅咒她胖成小猪。” Qin Ze could not bear smile, thought of such a picture, if Qin Baobao here, definitely met the both hands overlapping chest front, showed the defense posture, said loudly: Rebound curse!” 秦泽忍不住笑了,想到这样一幅画面,如果秦宝宝在这里,肯定会双手交叉胸前,摆出防御姿势,大声说:“反弹诅咒!” 7 : 30, rides to share the office worker of bicycle to be getting more and more, is mixing with the storage battery car. These fellows also want the fearful street killer compared with the female driver, in their eyes does not have the traffic regulations, batters. And to go the storage battery car to be maneating. 七点半,骑共享单车的上班族越来越多,夹杂着电瓶车。这些家伙是比女司机还要可怕的马路杀手,在他们眼里毫无交通规则可言,横冲直撞的。其中以外卖电瓶车凶悍。 Qin Ze proposed that the park trail jogs, avoids the bicycle and storage battery car, but Wang Zijin could not support, pants , indicating that must go home to rest. 秦泽提议到公园小径跑步,避开单车和电瓶车,但王子衿撑不住了,气喘吁吁,表示要回家休息。 Eight points return to the home, Wang Zijin takes a bath and has the breakfast, two goes out with elder sister and younger brother together. 八点返回家中,王子衿洗澡、吃早餐,与姐弟俩一同出门。 Qin Ze and Qin Baobao are opening little red BMW, moves to Yongle Cemetery of suburb, arrives in the destination, old gentleman and Mother Qin has waited under six meters high stone system memorial arch. The memorial arch is carving Yongle Cemetery four large characters. 秦泽秦宝宝开着小红马,驶向郊外的永乐公墓,抵达目的地,老爷子秦妈已经等在六米高的石制牌坊下。牌坊刻着“永乐公墓”四个大字。 old gentleman today's attire is straight black suit, the white shirt black tie, is very rare he to put on such officially, thinks also right, after all sees father's big day. His facial features are old-fashioned, knit the brows see pair of children. elder sister is pulling the arm of younger brother. 老爷子今天的装束是一身笔挺的黑色西装,白色衬衣黑色领带,很少见他穿这么正式,想想也对,毕竟是见老子的重要日子。他面容古板严肃,皱眉看着走来的一双儿女。姐姐挽着弟弟的胳膊。 „Does this what day, wear a sportswear? Your mother has not told you to put on suit to come.” old gentleman reproved the son. “这什么日子,穿一身休闲服?你妈没告诉你穿西装来么。”老爷子训斥儿子。 The man closet, wants one set of pure black suit, two situations will use it, funeral and wedding. 都说男人衣柜里,一定要有一套纯黑色西装,有两个场合会用到它,葬礼和婚礼。 But Qin Ze does not have suit, before he in the parental eyes was a child, can be more optional, he university graduation has stepped into the society now, this was Sir in the true sense. Rather than 18 year adult. 秦泽没有西装,以前他在父母眼里是孩子,可以随意些,现在他已经大学毕业踏入社会,这才是真正意义上的大人了。而不是十八岁成人。 I do not have suit.” Qin Ze argued. “我没西装。”秦泽辩解。 old gentleman stares: Your hasn't company requested to wear the formal dress?” 老爷子一愣:“你们公司没要求穿正装?” company of every on scale, has the uniform/subdue request, especially the real estate and financial two big industries, wearing the formal dress are the firm decisions. 凡上档次的公司,都有制服要求,尤其房地产和金融两大行业,穿正装是硬性规定。 Our that is small company, without such request.” Qin Ze one startled, quickly tries to cover up a lie. He deceived old gentleman to say oneself found to work, speculated in the stock market this matter at home, mixed the entertainment world same is not far-fetched with the daughter. The daughter has so been vexed, old gentleman must know that the son is shiftless to engage in speculation, that must explode. “我们那就是小公司,没这么要求。”秦泽一惊,急忙圆谎。他骗老爷子说自己找到工作了,在家炒股这种事,就跟女儿混娱乐圈一样不靠谱。女儿已经如此糟心,老爷子要知道儿子不思进取投机倒把,那就要炸了。 Any broken company.” old gentleman discontented talking incessantly. “什么破公司。”老爷子不满的唠叨。 Qin Ze relaxes, listens to elder sister tenderly said suddenly: Father, in the A'Ze lazy family/home does not work, you educate him quickly.” 秦泽松了口气,忽听姐姐娇声道:“爸,阿泽懒家里不工作,你快教育他。” fuck me! 卧槽 Qin Baobao you want to do the matter. 秦宝宝你想搞事情是吧。 Really, the old gentleman brow stands immediately. 果然,老爷子眉头当即立起来。 Mother Qin sees the situation is not right, the full display smooths over differences the 20 year profound skill: Ok, something went back to say again, don't dozen of grandsons before father.” 秦妈见形势不对,充分发挥和稀泥二十年的深厚功力:“行了,有事回去再说,别在爸面前打孙子。” The whole families enter the public cemetery, buys incenses and candles paper money and other goods. 一家人进公墓,买香烛纸钱等物品。 elder sister and younger brother two lag behind, Qin Ze made an effort to pinch elder sister butt. 姐弟俩落在后面,秦泽用力掐了姐姐屁股一把。 āi yōu!” 哎呦!” Qin Baobao wails. 秦宝宝哀嚎一声。 What's wrong?” old gentleman turns head. “怎么了?”老爷子回头。 Father, A'Ze hits me.” Qin Baobao complained. “爸,阿泽打我。”秦宝宝告状。 Father, I do not have, is Qin Baobao slanders me.” Qin Ze is without turning a hair. “爸,我没有,是秦宝宝污蔑我。”秦泽面不改色。 Speaking of moral behavior aspect, old gentleman favors the son who leads hand in hand, daughter who rather than spoils. elder sister from small does smartly bullies younger brother strangely, the old couples knows in heart. As everyone knows, the geomancy has transferred in turn. 说到人品这方面,老爷子更看好手把手带出来的儿子,而不是溺爱的女儿。姐姐从小机灵搞怪欺负弟弟,老两口心里有数。殊不知,早已风水轮流转。 All day hee laughed out loud noisily does not make sense, later enforced.” old gentleman reproved one. “整天嘻嘻闹闹不像话,待会严肃点。”老爷子训斥一声。 Turns head, transmits daughter's pitiful yell, old gentleman angrily said: How, not to have.” 一回头,身后又传来女儿的惨叫,老爷子怒道:“又怎么了,没完了是吗。” Qin Baobao is in one package of tears, the grievance said: Foot high/precipitous.” 秦宝宝含着一包泪,委屈道:“脚崴了。” The hand is actually rubbing buttock. 手却揉着屁股蛋 Qin Ze said wickedly: Makes you hit a person when he is down.” 秦泽恶狠狠道:“让你落井下石。” Qin Baobao vertical eyebrow: Elder sister, shrinks in the family/home for your own good all day long, when salted fish, doesn't have prospects?” 秦宝宝竖眉:“姐是为你好,成天缩家里当咸鱼,有什么出息?” Qin Baobao thought that the younger brother mentality and condition are not right, many young people were in the idle family/home discard idly. Is the mentality of engaging in speculation is not again right, all day is thinking reaps profit in the stock market, typical delicious lazy gambler mentality. 秦宝宝觉得弟弟心态和状态都不对,好多年轻人就是闲家里闲废掉了。再就是投机倒把的心态不对,整天想着在股市捞一把,典型好吃懒惰的赌徒心理。 Fart, I was only had not found the appropriate post, said again I speculated in the stock market also made a lot of money.” “屁,我只是没有找到合适的岗位,再说我炒股也挣了不少钱。” How many?” Qin Baobao is busy at asking, she pays attention to the younger brother family property very much. To smelling the housewife of husband hiding contraband house rent is the same. “多少?”秦宝宝忙问,她很关注弟弟的家底。就跟嗅到丈夫藏私房钱的管家婆一样。 Qin Ze flips the palm, is self-satisfied: Turned one time.” 秦泽翻了翻手掌,得意到:“翻了一倍。” Qin Baobao was startled being startled, smiles to touch the younger brother dog head, said: „The time that this boasted with who studied, serious talking nonsense.” 秦宝宝怔了怔,笑摸弟弟狗头,道:“这吹牛皮的功夫是跟谁学的呀,一本正经的胡说八道。” You told that after all I am your excrement hold up a baby so it can urinate to raise.” Qin Ze counter- taunt. “跟你说的,毕竟我是你一把屎一把尿拉扯大的。”秦泽反嘲讽。 Excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate, pulls such good-for-nothing,” Qin Baobao hates bitterly, the small hand wields: Remelts to rebuild.” “一把屎一把尿,就拉扯出这么个废柴,”秦宝宝痛心疾首,小手一挥:“回炉重造。” Qin Ze looks at her lower abdomen. 秦泽就瞄她的小腹。 Qin Baobao is angry, knife hand cuts in the younger brother nape. 秦宝宝大怒,手刀砍在弟弟后颈。 In the public cemetery had one to imitate the church construction, the roof set up a big cross, the great hall also with church common no one, but did not have the statue of Christianity Jesus, but hung the Taoism Taoist trinity. A little nondescript. The church has sells the incenses and candles and so on shop. Person who comes here visiting a grave ancestor worship, is purchases in the public cemetery directly. 公墓里有一座仿教堂似建筑,屋顶立了一个大十字架,大堂也是与教堂一般无人,只是没有基督耶稣的雕像,而是挂了道教三清。有点不伦不类。教堂边有卖香烛之类的店铺。来这里上坟祭祖的人,都是直接在公墓里购买。 These things are handled by Mother Qin one, the Qin Baobao assistance, Qin Ze and old gentleman station smokes at the same time. 这些事情由秦妈一手操办,秦宝宝协助,秦泽老爷子站一边抽烟。 After Qin Ze smokes is on university, under sleeping director Li Liang and Zhao Baliang instigate learn, before then, old gentleman does not allow him to smoke, catches one to beat mercilessly. Now naturally not, Qin Ze immediately 23 year, his impossible manages for a lifetime . Moreover the old gentleman also tobacco and liquor moisten, this is not what abuse. So long as right amount on line. 秦泽抽烟是上大学之后,寝室长李良赵八两怂恿下学会的,在此之前,老爷子不允许他抽烟,逮到就一顿毒打。现在当然不会,秦泽马上二十三岁,他不可能管一辈子,而且老爷子自己也烟酒均沾,这并不算什么恶习。只要适量就行。 Mother Qin buys incenses and candles, sacrificial paper money and other goods, receives phone call that Aunts Qin Ze make, said that has bought the ancestor worship goods in the cemetery. 秦妈买完香烛、冥币等物品,接到秦泽姑姑们打来的电话,说已经在陵园里买祭祖物品了。 Made the telephone call same place, the family of four and other relatives. 挂了电话,一家四口在原地等亲戚。 The ancestor worship goods cannot help others, or makes others buy, because this was to being filial piety of passing away elder, cannot fake others the hand. 祭祖物品是不能帮别人,或让别人买的,因为这是对故去长辈的孝敬,不能假他人之手。 Rank old boss of old gentleman in the previous generation, below has two younger sister. Aunt compared with the old gentleman mistress year, sister-in-law/little aunt small is six years old. 老爷子在上一辈里排行老大,下面有两个妹妹。大姑比老爷子小三岁,小姑小六岁。 The aunt called Qin Ruyue, the sister-in-law/little aunt to call Qin Ruyan. 大姑叫秦如月,小姑叫秦如燕 Less than five minutes, two paternal aunts and uncle came together, accompanying also has Qin Ze's male younger cousin female younger cousin, what aunt family/home is unmarried young woman, this year 18. Sister-in-law/Little aunt family/home that son, is Qin Ze 16 chuunibyou male younger cousin. 五分钟不到,两位姑姑和姑父一起过来了,随行的还有秦泽的表弟表妹,大姑家的是闺女,今年十八。小姑家那个儿子,就是秦泽十六中二病表弟 Both paternal aunts only have a child, the family planning, the city and countryside are different, in countryside, viviparity daughter, but can also regenerate an embryo. After all the countryside does the farm work, the son is the main force. 两位姑姑都只有一个孩子,计划生育,城市和乡下不一样,在乡下,头胎生了女儿,还能再生一胎。毕竟乡下干农活,儿子才是主力。 Before Qin Ze, hear of parents said, Mother Qin is hides in the Zhe Province native place to live him, when is naturalized also punished a lot of money. The Qin Baobao childhood always ridiculed that younger brother is unnecessary, Qin Ze cries to look for mother. At that time, gentle virtuous Mother Qin will clench teeth to punch Qin Baobao, after several times, Qin Baobao does not dare to ridicule younger brother like this. 秦泽以前听父母说,秦妈是躲到浙省老家才把他生下来的,入籍时还罚了不少钱。秦宝宝儿时总嘲笑弟弟是多余的,秦泽就哭着找妈妈。那时候,温柔贤惠的秦妈会咬牙揍秦宝宝一顿,几次之后,秦宝宝再也不敢这样嘲笑弟弟 Elder Brother!” “哥!” chuunibyou male younger cousin runs up to side Qin Ze excitedly. This boy called Jiang Cheng, the eye with mother, the nose with the father, inherited the parental most outstanding gene, according to him, he in the junior middle school was the School Grass Grade character. In this generation, he and Qin Baobao superficial appearance most loses face/shows off. 中二病表弟兴奋跑到秦泽身边。这小子叫江澄,眼睛随母亲,鼻子随父亲,都继承了父母最优秀的基因,据他自己吹牛,他在初中是校草级人物。这一辈里,就他和秦宝宝皮相最出彩。 The Qin Family gene has the strangeness, as if the gene passes on female does not pass on the male, when two paternal aunts are young, is the beautiful beautiful woman, old gentleman calculates that reluctantly the handsome fellow superficial appearance insufficiently looks. This generation, the Qin Ze look is ordinary, Qin Baobao is actually beguiles the child enchantingly. 秦家的基因有古怪,似乎好基因传女不传男,两位姑姑年轻时,都是标致美人,老爷子勉强算帅哥的皮相不够看。这一代,秦泽相貌普通,秦宝宝却是个妖娆狐媚子。 Elder Brother, how I felt that you changed the graceful.” female younger cousin Zhang Yunxi said with a smile. She keeps simultaneous/uniform bangs, seems somewhat lovable. “哥,我怎么感觉你变帅了。”表妹张芸熙笑吟吟道。她留着齐刘海,显得有几分可爱。 Growth.” Qin Baobao damaged a mouth. “发育了呗。”秦宝宝损了一嘴。 Goes!” Qin Ze stares her. “去!”秦泽瞪她。 The whole families enter the cemetery deep place, a candle in front of the old person grave, burns the paper money, scratches the tombstone the dust. 一家人进入陵园深处,在老人墓前点蜡烛,烧纸钱,擦一擦墓碑的灰尘。 Worships, old gentleman is pinching pinch of fragrance, closes one's eyes to mumble, second is Qin Ze, he is the long head of family branch grandson. Qin Family only child. 祭拜的时候,老爷子捏着一撮香,闭眼念念有词,第二个是秦泽,他是长房长孙。秦家独苗。 Qin Ze follows the example. 秦泽有样学样。 On the side of the Qin Baobao animated station, does strange dubbing: Grandfather blesses me soon to marry to look like the elder sister such pretty wife, then makes money, buys ten villas, hǒu hǒu hǒu......” 秦宝宝俏生生站一边,搞怪配音:“爷爷保佑我早日娶到像姐姐这么漂亮的媳妇,然后赚大钱,买十栋别墅,吼吼吼......”
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