MESIS :: Volume #2

#142: Younger sister

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Food eats 2 : 00 pm, two uncles defeat on younger generation, the big uncle got drunk sang the Peking opera, little uncle liquor was better, after getting drunk, lay down toward the ground, how the dead dog was the same calls not to awake. 一顿饭吃到下午 2 点,俩姑父生生败在晚辈手上,大姑父喝醉了就唱京剧,小姑父酒品要好点,喝醉后往地上一躺,死狗一样怎么叫也不醒。 Empress, the empress, the empress please look.” “娘娘,娘娘,娘娘请看。” What is this?” “这是什么?” This is whisking that the leopard cat makes.” “这是狸猫做的拂尘。” What do you mean.” “你这是什么意思。” This thing conceals in the palace, may often remind us to think of danger in peace.” “此物藏于宫中,可经常提醒咱们居安思危。” When a big uncle typical Beijing accent, he is young has treated for many years in Capital City. 大姑父一口地道京腔,他年轻时在京城待过好些年。 The aunt holds husband staggering to walk toward out of the door, at the same time coaxing: Empress did not look, the empress does not look. We go home a bit faster.” 大姑扶着踉踉跄跄的丈夫往门外走,一边哄着:“娘娘不看,娘娘不看。咱们快点回家。” Mother Qin is helping supporting by the arm. 秦妈帮着搀扶。 Another head, old gentleman goes out at the back of the little uncle. 另一头,老爷子背着小姑父出门。 Jiang Cheng and Zhang Yunxi wave, older male cousin, older female cousin, sees again.” 江澄张芸熙挥手,“表哥,表姐,再见。” Qin Ze narrows the eyes to focus: Bye.” 秦泽眯着眼:“再见。” Qin Baobao pushed younger brother, you are good.” 秦宝宝推了推弟弟,“你还行吧。” Qin Ze hits a loud belch, Qin Baobao that the liquor air/Qi smokes covers the nose. 秦泽打一个响嗝,酒气熏的秦宝宝捂鼻子。 Qin Ze hā hā smiles: Small two, comes ten altars/jars again.” Then throws into the elder sister swollen milk-white bosom. 秦泽哈哈一笑:“小二,再来十坛。”然后一头扎进姐姐鼓胀胀的酥胸里。 Qin Baobao rushed to support younger brother, the heart said, the good elder sister chest was big, otherwise could not wrap up your drunkard. 秦宝宝赶忙扶住弟弟,心说,还好姐姐胸大,否则兜不住你这醉鬼。 Qin Ze shoves open elder sister, is blushing sings loudly: Does not believe your one bottle of white liquor not to fly, is casual you to fill many me also to accompany ....... 秦泽又推开姐姐,红着脸大声唱歌:“不信你一瓶二锅头还不飞,随便你能灌多少我也奉陪.......” Qin Baobao coaxes younger brother: Okay good, accompanies, we change a place to continue to drink, follows elder sister.” 秦宝宝就哄弟弟:“好好好,奉陪奉陪,咱们换个地方继续喝,跟姐姐走。” What song is this? Listens also to have the flavor. 这是什么歌?听着还蛮有味道。 Today puts together to understand that do not fear tired, dawn spits blood does not return.” Qin Ze starts the ghost to be howling. “今天来拼个明白都别怕累,天亮吐血也不回。”秦泽又开始鬼嚎。 old bro was laborious, old bro and two uncles are mutually wounded, elder sister then kisses reward fragrant.” Qin Baobao continues to coax. 老弟辛苦了,老弟和俩姑父两败俱伤,姐姐回头香吻奖励。”秦宝宝继续哄着。 Qin Baobao supported by the arm being dead drunk younger brother to walk toward the room, passed by the washroom, Qin Ze shoves open elder sister, threw spits to the toilet near crazily. Qin Baobao is busy at following, pats and strokes his back gently. 秦宝宝搀着烂醉如泥的弟弟往房间走,路过洗手间,秦泽推开姐姐,扑到马桶边狂吐。秦宝宝忙跟上,温柔拍抚他的背。 Will not drink little drinks.” Qin Baobao complained, her first time sees being dead drunk that younger brother drinks, old gentleman children drink up, but Qin Ze is not good from the small stomach, rarely drink up. “不会喝就少喝点。”秦宝宝抱怨,她第一次见弟弟喝的烂醉如泥,老爷子不禁子女喝酒,但秦泽自小肠胃不好,很少喝酒 Elder sister holds you to go to the room to rest.” Qin Baobao presses down the flush toilet, washes away the filthy thing that younger brother spits. “姐扶你回房间休息。”秦宝宝按下抽水马桶,把弟弟吐的秽物冲走。 Qin Ze breaks free from her hand suddenly, lifts to cover entirely the eye of blood threads, loudly said: Elder sister? I do not have elder sister, I do not have elder sister.” 秦泽忽然甩开她的手,抬起布满血丝的眼睛,大声道:“姐?我没有姐姐,我没有姐姐。” Who I am, your mother.” Qin Baobao said ill-humoredly. “那我是谁,你妈么。”秦宝宝没好气道 Qin Ze is staring at her long time, eats to say with a smile: You is a younger sister, pretty younger sister.” 秦泽盯着她半晌,吃吃笑道:“你是妹子,漂亮妹子。” It seems like really drank confused.” Qin Baobao is disinclined to haggle over with drunkard younger brother, line, I am a younger sister, I was the younger sister can.” “看来真喝晕头了。”秦宝宝懒得和醉鬼弟弟计较,“行,我是妹子,我是妹子可以了吧。” younger brother and two uncles drank two bottles of white liquors, more than ten bottles of beer. 弟弟和俩姑父喝了两瓶白酒,十几瓶啤酒。 Qin Ze breaks free from elder sister's once again, hehe smiles: „Does younger sister, have the boyfriend?” 秦泽又一次甩开姐姐的手,嘿嘿笑:“妹子,有男朋友没有?” If no, minded that has one.” “没有的话,介不介意有一个。” „Do some words, how trade one?” “有的话,换一个怎么样?” How you look at me, considers.” “你看我怎么样,考不考虑吧。” The Qin Baobao heart said, you were really drunk, enunciation clear. 秦宝宝心说,你真的醉了吗,口齿蛮清晰的嘛。 On the mouth deals with: Without, temporarily does not want. Your forget it, I am your elder sister, I cannot be your younger sister, must be soaked the pig cage.” 嘴上应付:“没有没有,暂时不想有。你就算了吧,我是你姐姐,我不能做你妹子,要被浸猪笼的。” Qin Ze watched her meeting, vomiting spat. 秦泽看了她一会,“呕”又吐了。 Qin Baobao is covering the nose, pats him to carry. 秦宝宝捂着鼻子,拍他背。 Qin Ze spits, lies dozes off in the toilet. Qin Baobao supports by the arm him diligently, cannot make him rest here, toward inside what to do if thirsty drank one. 秦泽吐完,趴在马桶边打瞌睡。秦宝宝努力搀扶他,可不能让他就在这里睡,万一口渴了往里头喝一口怎么办。 The person of alcoholic intoxication is easiest thirstily. 醉酒的人最容易口渴。 Qin Baobao said, the elder sister leads you to go to the room, there has the younger sister to wait. 秦宝宝说,姐带你回房间,那里有妹子等着。 Qin Ze one hear, cheers up, with elder sister to go to the room, passed by Room Qin Baobao, goes on to bind, is murmuring the younger sister, younger sister. 秦泽一听,高兴起来,就随着姐姐回房间,路过秦宝宝,一头就扎进去,囔囔着妹子呢,妹子呢。 The Qin Baobao dead vigor entrains him outward, cheats: Here does not have the younger sister, the younger sister in the next door.” 秦宝宝死劲把他往外拽,连哄带骗:“这里没妹子,妹子在隔壁。” Deceived people!” Qin Ze shoves open elder sister suddenly, staggering, the anger of whole face, mother said my younger sister here, here , you...... do not want to deceive me.” “骗人!”秦泽忽然推开姐姐,踉踉跄跄,满脸的愤怒,“妈说我的妹子就在这里,就在这里,你,你......别想骗我。” Qin Baobao was shocked, looks at the complexion to be red, unconscious younger brother, she remembers many year ago past event, Qin Ze from small ordinary, although a little small handsome, but without the contrast , there would be no injury, Qin Baobao was fresh-faced in childhood, some where walks Sirs to praise, the parents feel have the face. younger brother and elder sister compare, is the ugly duckling. 秦宝宝愣住了,看着脸色通红,神志不清的弟弟,她想起很多年前的一桩旧事,秦泽从小普通,虽然有点小帅,但没有对比就没有伤害,秦宝宝小时候粉嫩可爱,走哪里都有大人夸赞,爸妈倍感有面子。弟弟姐姐比起来,就是丑小鸭。 Qin Baobao liked the show superiority feeling in childhood very much in front of younger brother, after laughing at him, cannot marry the wife. The children are naive, Qin Ze felt oneself will not really be able to marry the wife, runs up to front of mother to complain tearfully. 秦宝宝小时候很喜欢在弟弟面前秀优越感,笑话他以后娶不到老婆。小孩子天真单纯,秦泽就觉得自己真的会娶不到老婆,跑到妈妈面前哭诉。 Mother Qin on the comfort son, cannot marry the wife not to relate, later makes elder sister be the wife to you. Finally beaming with joy that the son coaxes. 秦妈就安慰儿子,娶不到媳妇没关系,以后让姐姐给你做媳妇。终于把儿子哄的眉开眼笑。 Mother Qin coaxes certainly the child, who would imagine he so many years. 秦妈当然是哄小孩的,岂料他记了这么多年。 The Qin Baobao heart softest place was touched, pulls the arm of younger brother, said in a soft voice: Okay good, younger sister here, you hurry on a bed to sleep, the younger sister comes later.” 秦宝宝心底最柔软的地方被触碰,挽住弟弟的胳膊,柔声道:“好好好,妹子就这里,你赶紧趟床上睡觉,妹子待会就来。” Qin Ze felt relieved immediately, lies down toward the elder sister bed on, but he cannot fall asleep, had a headache fierce, mumbled on the bed. 秦泽顿时放心,往姐姐床上一躺,可他睡不着,头疼的厉害,在床上哼哼唧唧。 Qin Baobao sits in the bedhead, gives him according to pinching the temples, looks at the younger brother face. In the room is silent, in her mind appears a song. 秦宝宝坐在床头,给他按捏太阳穴,看着弟弟的脸庞。房间里寂静无声,她脑海里浮现一首歌。 Time seems the worry-free song,” “时光好似无忧无虑的歌,” Actually wrote all over the note of growth.” “却写满了成长的音符。” Worried, feels sad, in high spirits.” “苦恼的,心酸的,还有兴高采烈的。” „The face of that youngster in memory fuzzy,” “那个少年的脸庞在记忆中模糊,” Back is increasingly estranged.” “背影渐行渐远。” Only remembers the proud manifesto,” “唯记得骄傲的宣言,” Puts out a hand to resemble to embrace the world.” “伸手似要拥抱世界。” In an instant after several years,” “转眼过了几年,” Frivolous language has precipitated.” “轻浮的语言都已沉淀。” Blazing sentiment deeply buries the soil.” “炽烈的感情深埋土壤。” We unceasing compromise,” “我们都在不断的妥协,” Compromises unceasingly......” “不断妥协......” The Qin Baobao surging emotions turn well up, the finger touches the face of younger brother, the corner of the eye brow tip, again to bridge of the nose lip...... 秦宝宝心潮翻涌,手指触摸弟弟的脸,眼角眉梢,再到鼻梁嘴唇...... We are compromising unceasingly, A'Ze! 我们都在不断妥协,阿泽 Qin Ze seems to be uncomfortable, moves the head, opens the blurred bleary eyes, then supports into the bosom Qin Baobao of bedhead. 秦泽似乎不舒服,动了动脑袋,恍惚间睁开迷离的醉眼,然后把床头的秦宝宝拥入怀里。 Qin Baobao one startled, struggled several, at this time, hearing Qin Ze to mutter in a low voice: „...... Elder sister, I love you......” 秦宝宝一惊,挣扎了几下,这时,听见秦泽低声喃喃:“......姐,我喜欢你......” Qin Baobao trembles at heart ruthlessly. 秦宝宝心里就狠狠一颤。 Qin Ze narrowed the eyes to focus, kissed Qin Baobao, seeming like wants to kiss, but did not have own, kissed in her cheeks. 秦泽眯着眼,亲了秦宝宝一下,似乎是想亲嘴,但没亲准,亲在了她脸颊。 Head of Qin Baobao stiff younger brother...... 秦宝宝板正弟弟的脑袋...... Saw that they must kiss in the same place, Qin Ze also said: Sister Zijin, I love you ....... 眼看他俩就要亲在一起,秦泽又道:“子衿姐,我喜欢你.......” The feeling startling thunderclap pounds Qin Baobao on face to sit the straight body together fiercely, is staring at Qin Ze stubbornly, the look is complex, she breathed several tones, the heart good and bad in life taste turbulently, waving is pā pā two slap on the younger brother face. A Qin Ze dead dog, is likely stirless. 感觉一道惊雷砸在脸上的秦宝宝猛地坐直身体,死死盯着秦泽,眼神复杂,她喘了几口气,心底酸甜苦辣的滋味汹涌不息,挥手就是“啪啪”两巴掌扇弟弟脸上。秦泽像条死狗,毫无动静。 Pushes Mother Qin that the gate comes to see this actually, called out: „Do you do, hits him to do in good condition.” 倒是推门进来的秦妈见到这一幕,叫道:“你干什么,好端端打他干嘛。” Mother startled anger. 老妈惊怒不已。 Qin Baobao eye socket one red, sobbed: He bullies me.” 秦宝宝眼圈一红,哽咽道:“他欺负我。” Talked nonsense, you did not bully him to thank heaven and earth.” Mother Qin pulls the daughter to push out her, is putting on a serious face to reprove: Soaks the cup of sobering up soup, bear the child.” “瞎说,你不欺负他就谢天谢地了。”秦妈牵起女儿就把她推出去,板着脸训斥:“去泡杯解酒汤,熊孩子。” Mother Qin searched son's forehead, the whisper complained one: Drinks so many, a point does not have the number.” Helps the son tuck by the corner/horn, lowers the air-conditioning temperature, goes out of the room. 秦妈探了探儿子的额头,嘀咕抱怨一句:“喝这么多,一点都没数。”帮儿子掖被角,调低空调温度,走出房间。 In the spacious room, Qin Ze opens the eye, is looking at the ceiling being in a daze moment, again close your eyes, heavy goes off. 空旷的房间里,秦泽睁开眼睛,望着天花板发呆片刻,重新闭眼,沉沉睡去。 Weather of September, sultry uncomfortable, Sun roasts is roasting the land, during the breath, the air is scalding hot. 九月的天气,闷热的让人难受,太阳炙烤着大地,呼吸间,空气都是灼热的。 During the daytime when ancestor worship perspires, the body contaminates younger brother some liquor air/Qi, Qin Baobao is holding the clothing of changing and washing, the approaching bathroom that the complexion is depressed. 白天祭祖时出了一身汗,身上又沾染弟弟的些许酒气,秦宝宝抱着换洗的衣衫,脸色闷闷的走近浴室。 In the family/home has two bathrooms, one big is small, the big bathroom built-in bathtub, the hot summer takes a cold water bath, or the winter takes the hot bath, is the life enjoys. What only regret is, this house buys, Qin Ze and Qin Baobao went to the elementary school, no good fortune swam in the bathtub. 家里有两间浴室,一大一小,大的浴室内置浴缸,炎炎夏季泡一个凉水澡,或者寒冬腊月泡热水澡,都是人生享受。唯一遗憾的是,这套房子买的时候,秦泽秦宝宝都上小学了,没福气在浴缸里游泳。 Qin Ze and Qin Baobao like swimming, before the junior middle school, frequently goes to the swimming pool to play, after Qin Baobao junior middle school, rarely. Because cannot bear lolicon old men to be shocking, but aggressive vision. The parents do not allow her to go, arrives at the high school again, the elder sister figure has looked disdainfully crowd of female, Qin Ze also opposed that elder sister goes to the public swimming pool, this benefits cannot make the bystander enjoy. 秦泽秦宝宝都喜欢游泳,初中前,经常去泳池玩耍,秦宝宝初中后就很少去了。因为受不了蜀黍们惊艳而侵略性的目光。爸妈也不允许她去,再到高中,姐姐身段已经睥睨群雌,秦泽也反对姐姐去公共泳池,这种福利不能让外人享受。 Qin Baobao often said, old bro, you later had prospects, must buy a villa, having swimming pool that type, elder sister to wear the swimsuit to look to you daily. 秦宝宝常说,老弟啊,你以后有出息了,要买栋别墅,带泳池那种,姐姐天天穿泳衣给你看。 Qin Ze of dashing spirit of fearless young people strikes one's chest to comply. 初生牛犊不怕虎的秦泽拍胸脯答应。 Afterward, Qin Baobao felt to count on younger brother, was for a lifetime impossible to realize, did not say that such words, corrected, later must make money, oneself bought a villa, had swimming pool that type. 后来,秦宝宝觉得指望弟弟,一辈子都不可能实现,就不说这样的话了,改口说,以后一定要挣大钱,自己买栋别墅,带泳池那种。 Actually by the Qin Ze's family property, is being worried unable to marry the wife who where uses, in leading the younger sister to return comes home strolls, marital important matter proper handling. Mother Qin was supposing has this self-confidence, not worry son's wedding. 其实以秦泽的家底,哪里用的着担心娶不到媳妇,带妹子回来家里逛一圈,婚姻大事妥妥的搞定。秦妈估摸着有这层自信,才不着急儿子的婚事。
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