MESIS :: Volume #2

#138: The head wins( before down)

The Qin Ze heart said, I have mmp not to know , said that did not work as to say. 秦泽心说,我有一句mmp不知当说不当说。 This does not have the means that my father that person, is mechanical and serious, is university professor, high school that little while, Qin Baobao wants to go to the entertainment world, was straightened up by him ruthlessly. Qin Baobao fears her father since childhood, sees her father ignition, instigated. What to do I can, unable to visit her to take a beating. This time pot does not want to carry must carry.” “这也是没办法的,我爸那人啊,又刻板又严肃,是大学教授,高中那会儿,秦宝宝想去娱乐圈,被他狠狠拾掇。秦宝宝从小就怕她爸,一见她爸发火,就怂了。我能怎么办,总不能看着她挨揍吧。这次的锅是不想背也要背。” Chu Ai'ai looks at Qin Baobao, is repressing laughter. 楚嫒嫒看着秦宝宝,忍着笑。 The innumerable audience look at Qin Baobao. 无数观众都看着秦宝宝 Well, with is not how right, should not be younger brother that said a moment ago sees the father to get angry on the leg since childhood is soft. 咦,怎么和刚才说的不对呀,不应该是弟弟从小见父亲发火就腿软了。 Some people have smiled to make noise, really cannot hold. 有的人已经笑出声来了,实在憋不住。 What sound?” Qin Ze asked. “什么声音?”秦泽问。 „, All right, here program was about to start, is quite noisy.” Chu Ai'ai hit Taiji, said: Looked coming out, elder sister and younger brother affectionate. What do you live will have to rub?” “哦,没事,这边节目快开始了,比较吵。”楚嫒嫒打了个太极,道:“看的出来,姐弟情深。你们生活中会有什么摩擦吗?” Has, Qin Baobao puts out a hand to be waited on hand and foot on the clothes at home, no taking care of oneself ability, is I am usually taking care of her. When younger brother becomes the father, sometimes will be very tired, making her help work, will only act like a spoiled brat to act shamelessly, unavoidably will have the friction.” “有啊,秦宝宝在家的时候就衣来伸手饭来张口,没什么自理能力,通常是我在照顾她。又当弟弟又当爹的,有时候就会觉得挺累,让她帮忙干活,只会撒娇耍赖,难免就会起摩擦。” The audience talked in whispers. 台下观众窃窃私语。 What son does Goddess act like a spoiled brat is?” 女神撒娇是什么样儿?” I go, the good benefits, to have such attractive elder sister to act like a spoiled brat, makes the cow to make the horse I to want.” “我去,好福利啊,有这么漂亮的姐姐撒娇,做牛做马我都愿意。” Has not thought that the warm male, liked Qin Ze more and more. Also will write the song to shoot piano, but also undertakes the housework, such younger brother has many me to want many.” “没想到还是暖男,越来越喜欢秦泽了。又会写歌又会弹钢琴,还承担家务,这样的弟弟有多少我要多少。” Goddess vivid instantaneous was bright, originally at home is lazy goods. ah hā hā hā.” 女神的形象瞬间鲜明了,原来在家里是个懒货。啊哈哈哈。” Felt that their life are very daily funny.” “感觉他俩的生活日常挺逗的。” „After Qin Baobao goes home, the small cosmos ironclad eruption, Qin Ze has not known oneself by pit.” 秦宝宝回家后,小宇宙铁定爆发,秦泽还不知道自己被坑了吧。” Qin Baobao after all is elder sister, she must punch younger brother, Qin Ze does not dare to hit back.” 秦宝宝毕竟是姐姐,她要揍弟弟,秦泽不敢还手。” The Qin Baobao corners of the mouth twitch, wishes one could to sneak in the telephone and Qin Ze at heart time comes honorable person PK, on the leaning side-view must force oneself to look cheerful. 秦宝宝嘴角抽搐,心里恨不得钻进电话里和秦泽来一次真人pk,偏偏脸上还要强颜欢笑。 The program group can do the matter. 节目组太会搞事情了。 How will you coordinate?” Chu Ai'ai is suppressing smiling. “那你们会怎么协调?”楚嫒嫒憋着笑。 Usually is fights. Right, such reply is not good, later at the program I should change a view, said finally the rational distribution housework.” “通常就是打架吧。对了,这么回答不行吧,待会节目上我应该换一个说法,就说最终合理分配家务。” Hou! 嚯! The people are startled. 众人吃了一惊。 Also really fights, multi- Sirs. 还真打架啊,都多大人了。 The Qin Baobao grievance said: Generally is he according to punches on the sofa me.” 秦宝宝委屈道:“一般都是他把我按在沙发上揍。” Under the stage coaxes one, the laughter rises from all directions. 台下哄一声,笑声四起。 Finally could not bear. 终于忍不住了。 hā hā hā, smiled.” 哈哈哈,笑死了。” Really funny.” “真逗。” Qin Ze also really hits elder sister, I must have such attractive elder sister, definitely does not hate to hit.” 秦泽还真打姐姐啊,我要有这么个漂亮姐姐,肯定不舍得打。” Others that is hits scolds is the love, has not looked at Qin Baobao that small expression.” “人家那是打是亲骂是爱,没看秦宝宝那小表情么。” Was too interesting, I like Qin Ze very much, likes Qin Baobao.” “太有意思了,我很喜欢秦泽,也喜欢秦宝宝。” Such big sound, Qin Ze cannot listen again, that was really stupid, what's the matter? How did I hear the laughter...... you to record the program? Qin Baobao you in the nearby.” 这么大的动静,秦泽再听不出,那就是真的蠢了,“怎么回事?我怎么听见了笑声......你们是在录节目吗?秦宝宝你在不在边上。” Chu Ai'ai hinted Qin Baobao to speak, Qin Baobao blade hidden in smiles: A'Ze, goes home elder sister to with you chat today well.” 楚嫒嫒示意秦宝宝可以说话了,秦宝宝笑里藏刀:“阿泽,今天回家姐姐一定要和你好好聊聊。” Qin Ze treats as unable to hear, stiff shift topic: Host is good, the viewer friends are good.” 秦泽当做听不见,生硬的转移话题:“主持人好,观众朋友们好。” Chu Ai'ai answers: Embarrassed Mr. Qin Ze, we had actually been recording the program a moment ago.” 楚嫒嫒搭腔:“不好意思秦泽先生,其实刚才我们已经在录节目了。” Is routine.” Qin Ze sighed one, that...... that on the scissors, we treated as a moment ago, makes phone call to be good a time nothing happened.” “都是套路啊。”秦泽感叹一声,“那个......刚才那段就剪了吧,我们当做什么都没有发生,重新打一次电话好不好。” The audience are one piece laughs. 观众们又是一片哄笑。 Ok, thanked Mr. Qin to participate in our programs very much, talked over the telephone here to finish.” Chu Ai'ai funny ended the topic: Viewer friends, to Mr. Qin said that the sound sees again.” “好了,很感谢秦先生参与我们的节目,通话到这里就结束了。”楚嫒嫒好笑的结束话题:“观众朋友们,跟秦先生说声再见。” Sees again resounds. 一声声再见响起。 Qin Ze helplessly said: Bye!” 秦泽无奈道:“再见!” In the family/home, Wang Zijin stands is auditing, cannot help smiling, that side Zhe Province television station? Really funny.” 家里,王子衿站在一旁听着,忍俊不禁,“浙省电视台那边的?真逗。” Not good is.” Qin Ze received the cell phone, Qin Baobao did not hurry back, we eat.” “无良才是。”秦泽收了手机,“秦宝宝赶不回来了,咱们吃吧。” Wang Zijin tsukkomi: Your this vegetable/dish has not put into the pot, how to eat.” 王子衿吐槽:“你这菜还没下锅呢,怎么吃。” Anxious should not be anxious, old driver shows one's skill to elder sister.” “别急别急,老司机姐姐露一手。” In the evening, Qin Baobao rushes home. The double foot pedal falls the high-heeled shoes, hold/container hold/container flings, seized greedily falls down Qin Ze, called out: Zijin, the old lady must clean up the gateway, the miscellaneous personnel retreats in a big hurry.” 晚上,秦宝宝赶回家。双脚蹬掉高跟鞋,包包一甩,一个饿虎扑羊就把秦泽扑倒,叫道:“子衿,老娘要清理门户,闲杂人等快快退去。” Wang Zijin „”, holds the computer to go to the room. 王子衿“哦”一声,捧着电脑回房间。 The non- moment, Qin Baobao has shouted in the living room saves a life. 过不片刻,秦宝宝在客厅直喊救命。 Zijin, the enemy is fierce, with great speed support.” 子衿,敌人凶猛,火速支援。” Zijin, help.” 子衿,救命啊。” ah hā hā hā...... do not poke my waist.” 啊哈哈哈......别戳我腰。” Qin Ze, your such elder sister really got angry again.” 秦泽,你再这样姐姐真的翻脸了。” ahhhhh, do not poke, good younger brother, the elder sister to ask you.” 啊啊啊,别戳了,好弟弟,姐求你了。” I forgave you, no, was I made a mistake, good younger brother, good A'Ze......” “我原谅你了,不,是我错了,好弟弟,好阿泽......” wū wū wū...... will bully me.” 呜呜呜......就会欺负我。” Wang Zijin puts on the earphone, ignores, she two has given up treating to elder sister and younger brother. 王子衿戴上耳机,置若罔闻,她已经对姐弟俩放弃治疗。 In the living room, the back cushion fell place. The tea table is crooked. 客厅里,靠枕掉了一地。茶几歪斜。 Qin Ze bold and uninhibited sits on elder sister, Qin Baobao strip salted fish, is considering only the respite likely. Swollen chest fluctuating is fierce. The black hair is disorderly, covers the having no time elegant face. The T-shirt skirt-width is being struggled raises, the small waist that grasps gracefully exposes like this. 秦泽大马金刀坐在姐姐身上,秦宝宝像条咸鱼,只顾着喘息。鼓胀胀的胸口起伏剧烈。青丝凌乱,遮住无暇俏脸。t恤下摆在挣扎中掀起,盈盈一握的小腰就这样暴露出来。 This elder sister and younger brother two do not know that several PK, still came to an end by the Qin Baobao rout. 这场姐弟俩不知道第几次pk,仍然以秦宝宝大败告终。 Qin Baobao is sprawled to lie down in the sofa, looks unfamiliar not to have the love. 秦宝宝四仰八叉躺在沙发,一脸生无可恋。 Gets up.” Qin Ze pokes her small waist gently. “起来啦。”秦泽轻轻戳她小腰。 Qin Baobao pays no attention to him spitefully. 秦宝宝赌气不理他。 elder sister this untidy appearance is uncouth, Qin Ze helps her draw the T-shirt skirt-width. 姐姐这副衣衫不整的模样太不雅观,秦泽就帮她把t恤下摆拉好。 Our armistice.” Qin Baobao said, she opens tender white Oubi, the acting like a spoiled brat shape: Draws me to get up.” “我们休战。”秦宝宝说,她伸出一条嫩白藕臂,撒娇状:“拉我起来。” Qin Ze hearing this, puts out a hand to draw her. Finally was put forth the vigor that nurses to entrain to stagger by her ruthlessly, the shoulders sink, two big long legs build in his shoulder, at once turns. 秦泽闻言,伸手去拉她。结果被她使出吃奶的劲狠狠拽了个踉跄,紧接着双肩一沉,两条大长腿搭在他肩头,旋即一扭一拉。 Qin Ze then hits the elder sister's lower abdomen, elder sister and younger brother two simultaneously āi yōu. 秦泽便一头撞到姐姐的小腹,姐弟齐齐哎呦一声。 Qin Baobao that the sneak attack goes well cannot attend to hurting, grasps a Qin Ze's arm, two legs cut the Qin Ze's nape of the neck, the small waist catches up, on lags behind the tread. 偷袭得手的秦宝宝顾不上疼,抱住秦泽的一条胳膊,两条腿剪住秦泽的脖颈,小腰发力,上拉下蹬。 I go, Qin Baobao your is not concerned about face smelly,” Qin Ze struggled several, unexpectedly has not worked loose, she may be really powerful, these months of dances are not white practice. “我去,秦宝宝你个臭不要脸的,”秦泽挣扎了几下,居然没挣脱,她可真有力,这几个月的舞不是白练的。 You play the sneak attack unexpectedly.” “你居然玩偷袭。” The Qin Baobao whole body makes the vigor, resists the resistance of younger brother, red that the cheek suppresses, the respite said: There can never be too much deception in war, the elder sister said that must clean up the gateway to clean up the gateway, does not say that you have not been forewarned.” 秦宝宝浑身做劲,对抗弟弟的抵抗,脸蛋憋的通红,喘息道:“兵不厌诈,姐说要清理门户就要清理门户,勿谓言之不预也。” She returns to the Shanghai road, special search in the weak to subdue|grams strong method. In order to study the catching up skill, looked at several teaching videos. 她回沪市的路上,特别搜索了以弱克强的方法。为了学习发力技巧,看了好几个教学视频。 Your this having no regard for elders and superiors small rascal, the elder sister teaches you today well.” The Qin Baobao both legs catch up, runs metal into cracks the neck of younger brother stubbornly, this move of named Life-seizing Scissor Legs. “你这个目无尊长的小赤佬,姐今天好好教训你。”秦宝宝双腿发力,死死锢弟弟的脖子,这招叫做夺命剪刀脚 How to teach? Suffocates me in your both feets. 怎么教训?把我闷死在你的双脚之间吗。 Qin Ze thought that the neck must break, he can stand forcefully, but may pull injury the nape of the neck. 秦泽觉得脖子要断了,他可以强行站起来,但可能会拉伤脖颈。 Our armistice.” “我们休战。” Said quickly you were wrong.” “快说你错了。” I was wrong.” “我错了。” Later also dares to be impolite to elder sister.” “以后还敢不敢对姐姐无礼了。” Does not dare not to dare.” “不敢了不敢了。” Calculates you to know the limitation, shouted quickly three: Little Immortal Fairy elder sister forgives.” “算你识相,快喊三遍:小仙女姐姐饶命。” Was too ashamed, trading a name was good.” “太羞耻了吧,换个称呼行不行。” „It is not good, said quickly, I must unable to support......, I have the strength of great antiquity not to cause me,” “不行,快说,我要撑不住了……呸,我还有洪荒之力没使呢我,” Qin Baobao pants for breath while speaks, makes the vigor, she also tired unbearable. 秦宝宝一边喘息一边说话,这么做劲,她自己也累的够呛。 Qin Ze admits defeat to beg for mercy. 秦泽认输求饶。 Qin Baobao is well satisfied, loosens the leg rapidly, jumps from the sofa, after hiding the safe distance, has a good laugh three, is singing the Peking opera of weird creature: I am the Wolong online idler, climbs mountains dozen of beasts, goes to sea to seize the flood dragon, Mt. Liba the air/Qi is unparalleled, in ten thousand army clumps takes the enemy severed head only commonplace, only commonplace!” 秦宝宝心满意足,迅速松开腿,从沙发跳起来,躲到安全距离后,仰天大笑三声,唱着四不象的京剧:“我乃卧龙冈上一闲人,上山打大虫,下海擒蛟龙,力拔山兮气盖世,万军丛中取敌首级只等闲,只等闲!” The shoulders shake, the small fist in tandem , to continue to sing: Great talent tested in a small task punishes the young thief, the world altruism so person!” 双肩一抖,小拳头一前一后,继续唱:“牛刀小试惩小贼,世界无我这般人!” Then starting to walk walking smoothly with toes outward, an exuberant feeling turning back room: Some goes.” 然后迈开八字步,扬眉吐气的走回房间:“某去也。” Gate closes, locks on the other side, in the room resounds elder sister with wild laughing that bosom friend shows off to go against heaven's will overturns. 门“”一声关上,反锁,房内响起姐姐闺蜜炫耀逆天翻盘的猖狂大笑。 Qin Ze touches the nose, seems the delicate fragrance to wind around. 秦泽摸摸鼻子,似有幽香缭绕。
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