MESIS :: Volume #2

#137: Telephone( fourth)

The audience stares, at once smiles to spurt. 台下观众一愣,旋即笑喷了。 āi yōu wèi, loves dearly the Qin Ze three seconds.” 哎呦喂,心疼秦泽三秒。” hā hā hā, is quite funny, does elder sister commit a crime younger brother to come under attack?” 哈哈哈,好逗,姐姐犯事弟弟挨打?” This younger brother is the sufficient phone bill delivers.” “这弟弟是充话费送的吧。” Chu Ai'ai is repressing laughter, felt that your younger brother is really pitiful, you since childhood are such being together way. Does elder sister cause trouble younger brother to be a scapegoat?” 楚嫒嫒忍着笑,“感觉你弟弟真可怜,你们从小就是这样的相处方式吗。姐姐闯祸弟弟背锅?” The audience raises up the ear. 现场观众竖起耳朵。 The selling point of this grade of program is to talk over thoroughly the sentimental life and work place of celebrity is rough, celebrity gossip forever is the thing that the populace like and paying attention. 这档节目的卖点就是深谈明星的感情生活、职场坎坷,明星身上的八卦永远是大众喜欢、关注的东西。 Qin Baobao said: That does not have, I since childhood clever, he was punched by the father frequently, my father snort/hum, standing at attention of his conditioned reflex.” 秦宝宝道:“那倒没有,我从小就乖巧,他经常被老爸揍,我爸哼一声,他就条件反射的立正。” We know, the intelligent child is very mischievous.” Wang Zhiyu said. “我们都知道,聪明的孩子特别顽皮。”王志羽说。 The Qin Baobao heart said, the fart, he was too stupid took a beating. 秦宝宝心说,屁嘞,他是太蠢了才挨揍。 But she definitely cannot speak the younger brother malicious remarks at the program, said: Yes, my younger brother was most intelligent.” 但在节目上她肯定不能说弟弟坏话,就说:“是的,我弟弟最聪明了。” Before online had the biography, said that your songs possibly were not a person write, because was too astonishing, I am very curious, how a talented person, can write so many songs of pleasant to hear.” Chu Ai'ai said: I am your younger brother fans, you can introduce his creation process simply.” “之前网上有传,说你的那些歌不可能是一个人写的,因为真的太惊人了,我现在都很好奇,怎么样一个才华横溢的人,才能写出那么多好听的歌曲。”楚嫒嫒说:“我是你弟弟粉丝,你能简单介绍一下他的创作经过吗。” Qin Baobao boasted: Most inspirations are I give him, he has the talent since childhood very much. Also thanked him for the song that I wrote very much, my younger brother was best.” 秦宝宝吹牛:“大部分灵感是我给他的呗,他从小就很有才华。同时也很感谢他为我写的歌,我弟弟最棒了。” „The Baobao's enterprise is problem-free, that sentimental how.” Chu Ai'ai asked. 宝宝的事业一帆风顺,那感情方面怎么样。”楚嫒嫒问道。 The audience came the interest immediately, the special male comrade, wishing one could makes the parents regenerate a pair of ear. In celebrity gossip, there is any ratio on is in love. 观众顿时来了兴趣,特别男同志,恨不得让爸妈再生一对耳朵。明星八卦里,有什么比的上谈恋爱。 Talked nonsense what/anything,” Wang Zhiyu angrily said: My Goddess does not have the sentiment to live, my Goddess must be the single dog, not, single aristocrat.” “瞎说什么呢,”王志羽生气道:“我的女神没有感情生活,我的女神必须是单身狗,啊不,单身贵族。” Qin Baobao argued: Because I and younger brother stay together, therefore has not considered the matter in sentimental temporarily.” 秦宝宝辩解道:“因为我和弟弟住在一起,所以暂时没有考虑感情方面的事。” Discretion that very she replied, will not say absolutely oneself had boyfriend what/anything, truly did not have. But will not say oneself long have not been in love greatly. Said no one to believe that instead felt her to do, moreover very lost face. 她回答的很谨慎,绝对不会说自己有男朋友什么的,确实也没有。但也不会说自己长这么大没谈过恋爱。说出来没人信,反而觉得她作,而且也挺丢人。 The Wang Zhiyu god comes one: Is because has been liking younger brother?” 王志羽神来一笔:“是因为一直喜欢着弟弟吗?” A Qin Baobao old blood: Where has. It is not convenient.” 秦宝宝一口老血:“哪有。是不方便。” The audience laugh. 观众们哄笑。 Trading is I, has such versatility, there is face value younger brother, unavoidably wants the feelings of love to ripple.” “换了是我,有这么个多才多艺,又有颜值弟弟,难免要春心荡漾。” Qin Baobao was anxious, my mother has arranged my matchmake actually, but had not found the right object.” 秦宝宝急了,“我妈其实一直安排我相亲,只是没有找到合适对象而已。” Her heart said, this what/anything god launches, we must discuss that what taboo topics, please hurry to finish. 她心说,这什么神展开,我们是要讨论什么禁忌话题吗,请赶紧结束。 Chu Ai'ai is surprised her response, tears the topic: „Do you have the boyfriend to close my what/anything matter, I cared that my younger brother does have the girlfriend.” 楚嫒嫒惊讶她的反应,扯开话题:“你有没有男朋友关我什么事,我关心咱家弟弟有没有女朋友。” Qin Baobao: Where he asks...... him not to have.” 秦宝宝:“他哪找......他也没有。” Almost blurted out: His where looking to girlfriend. 差点脱口而出:他哪找的到女朋友。 Because of the otaku reason?” Wang Zhiyu said: I remember that you had time have said at the program, younger brother was otaku such words.” “是因为宅男的原因吗?”王志羽说:“我记得你有次在节目上说过,弟弟宅男这样的话。” The Qin Baobao heart said, I had saying that said I did not acknowledge. 秦宝宝心说,我有说嘛,说了我也不承认。 Because is practices piano and reason of songwriting,” Chu Ai'ai said: Must look for the inspiration everywhere, often closed/pass oneself in the room three days and three nights what/anything.” “因为是练钢琴和创作歌曲的缘故吧,”楚嫒嫒说:“要到处找灵感啊,动不动就把自己关在房间里三天三夜呀什么的。” Qin Baobao nods, the recovery said: He usually is writes the song, the ball piano, therefore always stays at home. My younger brother may be fierce.” 秦宝宝点点头,补救道:“他平时就是写写歌,弹弹钢琴,所以老是呆在家里。我弟弟可厉害了。” Shoots piano what/anything, naturally does not exist. 钢琴什么的,当然是不存在的。 Previous time said that old bro is otaku, he is not happy. The circle came back finally. 上次说老弟宅男,他不高兴了。总算圆回来了。 elder sister and younger brother two live together, would not the convenient place, can you have the friction?” Chu Ai'ai discovered, so long as talked about Qin Baobao's younger brother, following audience then very interested appearance, she as far as possible topic toward this aspect belt/bring. 姐弟俩生活在一起,总会有不方便的地方吧,你们会不会起摩擦?”楚嫒嫒发现,只要谈到秦宝宝的弟弟,下面的观众便很有兴趣的样子,她尽量把话题往这方面带。 He does not meet sometimes obedient, in childhood what/anything listened actually my.” “他有时也会不听话啦,小时候倒是什么都听我的。” Can have to go wild specially.” “会不会有让人特别抓狂的时候。” That, he usually with not respecting me, I am elder sister. I said at home what/anything is what/anything.” Qin Baobao speaks plausibly. “那不会,他平时跟尊敬我,我是姐姐嘛。在家里我说什么就是什么。”秦宝宝振振有词。 Has such younger brother to be really good.” Chu Ai'ai indicated to envy. “有这样的弟弟真好。”楚嫒嫒表示羡慕。 I also want Baobao (darling) such elder sister.” Wang Zhiyu said. “我也想有宝宝这样的姐姐。”王志羽说。 The program arrived here, time remains are not many, Chu Ai'ai loudly said: Then we enter the last interactive session, is voted by the audience, can decide that makes our honored guests do a matter.” 节目到这里,时间所剩不多了,楚嫒嫒大声道:“那么我们进入最后一个互动环节,由现场观众投票,可以决定让我们的嘉宾做一件事。” The large screen presents several options, dancing and singing and acrobatics and crosstalk wait/etc., telephones with the closest person.” 大屏幕出现几个选项,“跳舞”、“唱歌”、“杂技”、“相声”等等,还有一个“与最亲密的人通电话。” Dances, I must look at Qin Baobao to dance.” “跳舞,我要看秦宝宝跳舞。” Sang, Qin Baobao sang of pleasant to hear.” “唱歌吧,秦宝宝唱歌好听。” Acrobatics have the quality of being worth looking.” “杂技岂不是更有看头。” Do not tease, where Goddess will play the acrobatics.” “别逗,女神哪会耍杂技。” „Did that engage in the crosstalk?” “那就说相声?” Chooses last: „ Telephones with the closest person. ” “选最后一个:“与最亲密的人通电话”。” This good, this interest.” “这个好,这个有意思。” The result votes, the last interactive game gets the ticket to be highest. 结果投票出来,最后一项互动游戏得票最高。 Telephones with the closest person, it seems like also wants to know that who the Baobao (darling) closest person is.” “与最亲密的人通电话,看来也很想知道宝宝最亲密的人是谁。” Qin Baobao blinks, smart-alecky say/way: „ Naturally was 秦宝宝眨眨眼,俏皮道:“当然是我妈了。” Implore! 吁! Under stage a hiss piece. 台下嘘声一片。 Said that must look at you and parents telephone, chatting to have what/anything to be good to chat. 说要看你和父母通电话啊,拉家常有什么好聊的。 Under the stage has female audience both hands to make the trumpet shape, shouted: Must telephone with Qin Ze.” 台下有个女观众双手做喇叭状,大喊:“要和秦泽通电话。” The audience eyes are greatly bright, a booing: Qin Ze!” 观众眼睛大亮,一片起哄声:“秦泽!” Qin Ze!” 秦泽!” Qin Ze!” 秦泽!” Wang Zhiyu proposed: Great idea.” 王志羽提议道:“好主意。” Stupid idea.” Qin Baobao does not want, but the request of program, she must coordinate. “馊主意。”秦宝宝不太愿意,但节目的要求,她得配合。 Is chats in any case, this discretion old bro can act bashful. 反正就是聊聊天而已吧,这点分寸老弟能拿捏住。 Does not need you to hit, gives me to be good his number.” Who knows Chu Ai'ai thread of conversation one revolution. “不用你打,把他号码给我就行。”谁知楚嫒嫒话锋一转。 Qin Baobao has not cared, gave the number Qin Ze number. 秦宝宝也没在意,就把号码秦泽号码给了出去。 Wang Zhiyu gives the staff the number, „the present invites our backstage dial telephone......” 王志羽把号码交给工作人员,“现在请我们的后台拨打电话......” Qin Ze receives the call time, being in the kitchen is busy, time is 7 : 30 pm. 秦泽接到电话的时候,正在厨房忙碌,时间是晚上 7 点半。 I have a little donkey that I never ride......” telephone came. 我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑......”电话来了。 Which?” Qin Ze answering. “哪位?”秦泽接听。 The program studio, the Qin Ze's sound spreads over the audience through the loudspeaker. 节目现场,秦泽的声音通过扩音器传遍全场。 Chu Ai'ai made hiss movement, hints under the field the audience to maintain the peaceful, clear throat, hello/you good, I am «Appointment with a Nova» program Host Chu Ai'ai, are you Mr. Qin Ze?” 楚嫒嫒做了个“嘘声”动作,示意场下观众保持安静,清嗓,“你好,我是《新星有约》节目主持人楚嫒嫒,请问你是秦泽先生吗?” Is I pulls out chuuni and other prizes by the TV program group, reward is a notebook and a 10,000 Yuan cash, but needs to submit the handling charge 1000 Yuan?” Telephone that head, sneers: Funny, several hundred years ago routine.” “是不是我被电视台节目组抽中二等奖,奖励是一台笔记本电脑和一万元现金,但是需要提交手续费1000元?”电话那头,冷笑一声:“逗,几百年前的套路了。” Then, he hangs up the telephone. 说完,他挂断电话。 Chu Ai'ai blinks, is vacant and vertical, dumbfounded and pitiful appearance. 楚嫒嫒眨了眨眼,茫然而立,又懵逼又可怜的模样。 The audience are completely silent, a female audience could not bear, pū chī smiles, subsequently the full house laughs, the noisy laughter instantaneous such as the ocean waves surge. 全场鸦雀无声,一名女观众没忍住,噗嗤一声笑出来,继而满堂哄笑,嘈杂的笑声瞬间如海浪涌起。 hā hā hā, he made the telephone call, āi yōu, the belly smiled to hurt.” 哈哈哈,他挂电话了,哎呦,肚子笑疼了。” Cheats the telephone? nicely done “诈骗电话?666 This does not have the problem, I have also received this type of call.” “这个没毛病,我也接到过这种电话。” Teased me, you looked at the Host expression, sought the trauma area.” “逗死我了,你们看主持人的表情,求心理阴影面积。” Most likes this link, because does not have the script. Is distracted very much.” “最喜欢这个环节,因为没有剧本。很走心。” Chu Ai'ai has to hint the audience to be peaceful again, staff prepare, I count to three, dials. In this time, invited the audience slow one slow, kept quiet.” 楚嫒嫒不得不再次示意观众安静,“工作人员准备一下,我数到三,重新拨打。这段时间里,请观众们缓一缓,保持安静。” The telephone communicates again, Chu Ai'ai comes straight to the point: Mr. Qin Ze, I am «Appointment with a Nova» program Host Chu Ai'ai, Qin Baobao at our program.” 电话再次沟通,楚嫒嫒开门见山:“秦泽先生,我是《新星有约》的节目主持人楚嫒嫒,秦宝宝在我们节目。” Qin Ze stares, he knows that Qin Baobao attended some grade of variety show, but, makes my phone call to do? 秦泽一愣,他知道秦宝宝参加某档综艺节目,只是,打我电话干嘛? The words saying that your opening also looked like cheats the telephone. 话说你的开头也太像诈骗电话了。 Qin Ze said discretely: Qin Baobao in the nearby? I must telephone with her.” 秦泽谨慎道:“秦宝宝在边上吗?我要跟她通电话。” You could rest assured that we will not demand anything to you, if present, you can hang up the telephone immediately......” “你放心,我们不会向你索要任何东西,如果有,你可以立刻挂断电话......” I hung.” He is actually simple. “那我挂了。”他倒是干脆。 don't don't don't, our program group makes your phone call is because has this telephone conversation link later, ahead of time ventilates with you.” Chu Ai'ai quickly stops, the one breath spoke the words, for fear that he hangs up. 别别别,我们节目组打你电话是因为待会有这个通话环节,提前跟您透个气。”楚嫒嫒急忙打住,一口气把话说完,生怕他又挂断。 You said.” “你说。” film director also relaxes, told staff: This does not need to cut later, puts.” 导演也松了口气,跟身边的工作人员说:“这段后期不用剪,就这么放上去。” Makes your phone call, actually one time is previewed ahead of time, Baobao (darling) We first ventilate, several issues want to ask you, you, replied as usual, achieves everyone to know in heart.” “打你这个电话,其实是一次提前预演,宝宝待会就上节目了,有这么个通话环节。咱们先通通气,有几个问题想问你,你呢,照常回答,做到大家心里有数。” Qin Ze does not know that the program is several points records, several ended, otherwise decides cannot by the pit. Said, good, you asked.” 秦泽不知道节目是几点开录,几点结束,否则定不会被坑。就说,“好,你问吧。” Chu Ai'ai thinks, Baobao (darling) does have the boyfriend?” 楚嫒嫒想了想,“宝宝有男朋友么?” No.” “没有。” Was without boyfriend. 还在没男朋友。 Many audience are unexpected, they felt, if Qin Baobao so high-quality Goddess, how possibly does not have the boyfriend. Qin Baobao said does not have, they do not have the entire letter/believes, now Qin Ze also says does not have. 许多观众出乎意料,他们觉得,如秦宝宝这般优质女神,怎么可能没有男朋友呢。秦宝宝说没有,他们没全信,现在秦泽也说没有。 Chu Ai'ai asked: Listened to Baobao (darling) saying that was because you stayed together, therefore affected her makes the boyfriend, did you have the different opinions?” 楚嫒嫒问道:“听宝宝说是因为你们住在一起,所以影响到她交男朋友,你有不同意见么?” Qin Baobao Old God, one hear of issues, was not knowing in the heart wonderfully, she and younger brother mutual handsome fellow 20 year. 秦宝宝原本老神在在,一听问题,心知不妙,她和弟弟可是相互帅锅二十年。 Actually my mother has to arrange her matchmake, but has not succeeded each time.” “其实我妈有安排她相亲的,可每次都没成功。” Why?” “为什么?” Smelly temperament, this pot I do not carry.” “臭脾气呗,这个锅我可不背。” Auditorium. 观众席。 ......” “噗......” Some people have not borne, smile. Is good is not big because of the sound, under the Chu Ai'ai reminder, disappeared. 有人没忍住,笑出来了。好在声音不大,在楚嫒嫒提醒下,消了下去。 Mr. Qin, heard your family member elder sister takes the entertainment world route in any case right, the person who may come under attack finally is you. You have what/anything to feel.” 秦先生,听说你家人是反正姐姐走娱乐圈路线的对吗,可最后挨打的人是你。请问你有什么感受。”
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