MESIS :: Volume #2

#134: Time Boils the Rain

The room crystal chandelier is bright, has lightly, fragrance that could not say, the fragrance of bathing fluid? The fragrance of shampoo? elder sisters perfume? Also or yesterday has exposed to the sun quilt residual sunlight flavor. 房间水晶吊灯明亮,有股淡淡的,说不出的香味,沐浴液的香味?洗发水的香味?姐姐们身上的香水味?亦或是昨天晒过的被子残留的阳光的味道。 Qin Baobao sits on the bed, sobbingly is wiping tears. Different acted difficult in the past like that their time really capsized, Qin Baobao had not been roared by younger brother like this, she compares to do, likes boring tip of cows horn, more is more sad. 秦宝宝坐在床上,抽抽噎噎的抹着眼泪。不同往常那般闹别扭,他俩这次是真的翻船了,秦宝宝从来没被弟弟这样吼过,她又比较作,爱钻牛角尖,越想越伤心。 Similar situation is in love the little couple to make to divorce probably, or pal and between good bosom friend to have a falling out. 类似的情况大概是热恋中的小夫妻闹离婚,或者铁哥们、好闺蜜之间闹翻。 Qin Baobao thinks: younger brother this was, his appearance was quite fearful, can we also like before? After the sentiment had/left the fissure, walks since then respectively various, gradually feel alienated...... 秦宝宝就想:弟弟这是怎么了,他的样子好可怕,我们还能像以前那样好吗?感情出了裂痕之后,是不是就从此各走各的,渐渐疏离...... At this time, Qin Ze came, she looked up one, the timid look, turned rapidly one side. 这时,秦泽进来,她抬头看了一眼,怯生生的眼神,迅速把头扭到一边。 Qin Ze is somewhat guilty, he temper tantrum, how cannot be ominous at that time again she, she knows nothing, although elder sister is mindless, actually pulls out the lung to him from the heart, it can be imagined at that time elder sister suffering, sad. Frightened does not dare to speak, although did not feel where oneself make the mistake, still did the wrong thing like one, the suffering little girl, only dares to wipe tears. 秦泽有些愧疚,他当时情绪失控了,再怎样也不能凶她,她毫不知情,姐姐虽然没心没肺,对他却掏心掏肺,可想而知当时姐姐有多委屈,有多伤心。吓的都不敢说话了,尽管不觉得自己哪里做错,仍像一个做错事的,委屈的小女孩,只敢抹眼泪。 Elder sister......” Qin Ze called one, feels own sound somewhat hoarse. “姐......”秦泽叫了一声,感觉自己的声音有几分嘶哑。 Qin Baobao is nipping the lip, pays no attention to him. The heart said, finally coaxed me? Did early, do not think that I forgave you. 秦宝宝咬着唇,不理他。心说,终于来哄我了吗?早干嘛去了,别想我原谅你。 I sang to you.” Unexpectedly Qin Ze does not press the common sense to play a card, comes up to sing. “我给你唱首歌吧。”不料秦泽不按常理出牌,一上来就要唱歌。 Doesn't listen, pimp chanted scripture.” Qin Baobao is getting angry to call out. “不听不听,王八念经。”秦宝宝红着眼叫道。 No matter Qin Ze actually she, sits in the bedside, the vision looks to out of the window, in a low voice singing: Wind blows rain to become flower/spend, time cannot catch up with the white horse ....... 秦泽却不管她,坐在床边,目光望向窗外,低声唱着:“风吹雨成花,时间追不上白马.......” „The sleep-talking of your young palm.” “你年少掌心的梦话。” Still gripping tightly.” “依然紧握着吗。” Qin Baobao covers the ear. 秦宝宝捂住耳朵。 cloud Fanyong to become summer.” “云翻涌成夏。” Tears were evaporated by the years.” “眼泪被岁月蒸发。” Your my she on this road.” “这条路上的你我她。” Who became lost.” “有谁迷路了吗。” We reach an agreement do not separate.” “我们说好不分离。” Must continuously continuously in the same place.” “要一直一直在一起。” Even with time for enemy.” “就算与时间为敌。” Even if with departs in the world.” “就算与全世界背离。” Hears here, Qin Baobao loosens the hand, pupil bright as crystals. Qin Ze holds elder sister in the bosom. Qin Baobao symbolic struggles, yielding with a show of reluctance, since. 听到这里,秦宝宝松开手,眸子亮晶晶秦泽姐姐抱在怀里。秦宝宝象征性的挣扎一下,半推半就的从了。 Wind blows the bright snowflake, blows white/in vain our hair.” “风吹亮雪花,吹白我们的头发。” You had once said does not separate, must continuously continuously in the same place.” “你曾说过不分离,要一直一直在一起。” Now I want to ask you,” “现在我想问问你,” Whether is only child says shamelessly.” “是否只是童言无忌。” Naive years do not endure to bully.” “天真岁月不忍欺。” Youth is absurd I not to lose you.” “青春荒唐我不负你。” ............ ............ Qin Ze sang, discovered that elder sister is wiping tears secretly, was depressed: How you also cry, I later was not ominous you.” 秦泽唱完,发现姐姐偷偷抹着眼泪,郁闷道:“你怎么还哭,我以后不凶你了。” Shut up!” Qin Baobao wipes tears, heavy nasal sound: This is what song.” “闭嘴!”秦宝宝擦眼泪,重鼻音:“这是什么歌。” Does not make me shut up,” Qin Ze sees the elder sister two eyebrows to set upright, was busy at saying: Time Boils the Rain.” “不是让我闭嘴么,”秦泽姐姐两条眉毛竖起来,忙说:“时间煮雨。” Also very has the name of flavor.” Qin Baobao silvers tooth bites tightly: You , if ominous I, I break ties with you.” “还挺有韵味的名字。”秦宝宝牙紧咬:“你要是再凶我,我就和你绝交。” „, little elder sister so will not be attractive, does not give up ominously.” Qin Ze coaxes the elder sister daily. “不会了不会了,小姐姐这么漂亮,不舍得凶的。”秦泽日常哄姐。 If by some chance there are next time.” “万一有下次呢。” Lets my Dingding short five centimeters.” “让我丁丁短五厘米。” Is so poisonous! Are you five centimeters?” Qin Baobao shock. “这么毒!你有五厘米吗?”秦宝宝震惊了。 Qin Ze choked, definitely cannot pull out to give elder sister to look, then shift topic: Elder sister, heard that in the past grandfather did not agree our parents do marry?” 秦泽噎了一下,肯定不能掏出来给姐姐看,便转移话题:“姐,听说当年外公不同意咱爸妈结婚?” Un,” Qin Baobao nods: Probably dislikes in our father family/home poor? Afterward heard our mother was pregnant, the grandfather has to hold one's nose to agree with this wedding.” “嗯呐,”秦宝宝点头:“好像嫌咱爸家里穷?后来听说咱妈怀孕了,外公只好捏着鼻子同意这门婚事。” Really so! 果然如此! Qin Ze even more definitely guess at heart. 秦泽愈发肯定心里的猜测。 What thinks?” Qin Baobao said. “想什么呢?”秦宝宝道。 No wonder the grandfather does not like you since childhood.” Qin Ze said with a smile. “难怪外公从小就不喜欢你。”秦泽笑道。 „Is grandfather typical regarding men as superior to women of good, granddaughter where has the grandchild to be gratifying.” Qin Baobao curls the lip. “外公典型的重男轻女好不好,外孙女哪有外孙喜人。”秦宝宝撇嘴。 Qin Ze is thinking a moment ago that man is what status, now a little grasps at heart. Qin Baobao long attractively is too too juicy, but oneself are the worth looking at type, even system plastic surgery, still calculated handsome fellow, but actually with elder sister in the same place, there is a wee bit did not build. 秦泽刚才在想,那个男人到底是什么身份,现在心里有点把握了。秦宝宝长的太漂亮太水灵,而自己属于耐看类型,就算系统整容”,也算帅哥了,但其实跟姐姐在一起,还是有丁点儿的不搭。 If elder sister is not old gentleman one's own, was reasonable? Then old gentleman does know this matter? 如果姐姐不是老爷子亲生的,是不是就合理了?那么老爷子知不知道这件事? The old gentleman manner is honest, this is not false, but by understanding of Qin Ze of own father, he is not resigned to be the Scraps Picking Hero person. Has been concealed the truth? Don't the mother have the least bit to be guilty seriously? But so many years were together, he has not seen a clue obstinately. 老爷子为人正直宽厚,这点不假,但以秦泽对自己老子的了解,他可不是甘心做接盘侠的人。难道一直被瞒着?老妈就当真没有半点愧疚?可这么多年相处下来了,他愣是没看出一点端倪。 Perhaps here also has any unknown matter. 或许这里头还有什么不为人知的事。 The hall heard the bolt kā cā sound, the gate of washroom opens. 大厅传来锁舌咔擦声,洗手间的门开了。 Qin Baobao shoots immediately from the younger brother bosom, turns out the pajamas from the closet red, the cheek one: I take a bath.” 秦宝宝立刻从弟弟怀里弹起来,从衣柜里翻出睡衣,脸蛋一红:“我去洗澡。” elder sister and younger brother vanishing past animosity, but has the lump at heart eventually. 姐弟冰释前嫌,但心里终究有疙瘩。 After taking a bath, Qin Baobao not and Qin Ze speech. 洗完澡后,秦宝宝都不怎么和秦泽说话。 Qin Ze sees a elder sister round of tree top not to air-dry, took the towel to cover on her head to the washroom. Sees the insignificant minor matter, makes the Qin Baobao smiling face reappear the face, unties the heart knot thoroughly. 秦泽姐姐发梢没吹干,到洗手间拿了毛巾盖她脑瓜上。一见微不足道的小事,却让秦宝宝笑容重现脸庞,彻底解开心结。 Qin Baobao said, for a long time has not hit to play, the elder sister accompanies you to hit several games. 秦宝宝就说,好久没打游戏了,姐陪你打几局。 Qin Ze has not complied, she wrinkled the nose, oneself play. On the elder sister mouth said that plays the game to accompany younger brother, actually oneself addiction is very big. Qin Baobao plays the game to be the operation class/flow, the overall perception is not as good, often online does not collapse, hits the group to collapse. They play the game, is the Qin Ze belt/bring rhythms. 秦泽没答应,她就皱了皱鼻子,自己玩起来。姐姐嘴上说打游戏是为了陪弟弟,其实自个儿瘾头挺大。秦宝宝打游戏属于操作流,大局观要差一些,往往线上不崩,打团崩。他们打游戏,都是秦泽带节奏。 Wang Zijin relaxes, looks, bosom friend and younger brother have been good friends as at first. 王子衿松了口气,看得出来,闺蜜弟弟已经和好如初了。 This is she has seen most marvel elder sister and younger brother to elder sister and younger brother, actually elder sister and younger brother, looks like older brother and younger sister, was together for a long time, but also somewhat the feeling of couple. 这对姐弟是她见过最奇葩姐弟,实则姐弟,又像兄妹,相处久了,还有几分夫妻的感觉。 Qin Ze has said goodbye to the game gradually, the wholly-absorbed falling down stock market, he regards as the stock market fishes the first barrel gold/metal the place, the later plan, has, but is very fuzzy. 秦泽已经渐渐告别游戏,专心扑倒股市,他把股市视为捞第一桶金的地方,之后的规划,有是有,可很模糊。 For these days, Qin Ze realized that own social story was too shallow, even if some day flew the unexpected wealth, how he did not know plans, to be how better to invest. The stock market has ups and downs, bull market also on the 1~2 year. Moreover he does not gain in the stock market daily, occasionally will have the loss. 这几天,秦泽认识到自己的社会阅历太浅,哪怕某一天飞来横财,他也不知道如何规划,如何更好投资。股市有起有伏,牛市也就一两年。而且他在股市里不是天天赚,偶尔也会有亏损。 Now bull market approaches, is the initial steps, later will be more fearful, the profit is high, his fund has about 500,000 on hand, were many, but in these financial institution eyes, a drop in the bucket is not. 现在牛市来临,属于起步阶段,以后会更加可怕,利润丰厚,他手头资金有五十万左右,不少了,但在那些金融机构眼里,九牛一毛算不上。 Qin Ze sits near elder sister plays the computer, he receives a mail, is the resume reply of some large-scale public investment company: „ Respectable Mr. Qin Ze, hello! 秦泽坐在姐姐边上玩电脑,他收到一份邮件,是某个大型公募公司的简历回复:“尊敬的秦泽先生,您好! Thank you to give us xxx to throw the resume! 感谢您给我们xxx投来简历! After the prudent consideration and appraisal, thought that you do not suit this position temporarily, but we were still full of the confidence and respect to you, believes that you will find are more suitable your stage, we blessed you heartfeltly. ” 经过慎重的考虑和评估,觉得您暂时不适合这个职位,但是我们对您仍然是充满了信心和敬意,相信您会找到更加适合您的舞台,我们由衷地祝福您。” Others have not wanted him. 人家没要他。 The big company threshold is high, Economics Uni is no doubt good, after all does not have the name brand school graduating lives to be popular, but his idling tax in the home two months, passed the recruitment graduating fresh golden period, this move graduating lived to incur. 公司的门槛高,财大固然不错,毕竟没有名牌学府的应届生吃香,而他闲赋在家两个月,过了招收应届生的黄金期,该招的应届生都招到了。 Small company he is not willing to go, wastes time. 公司他又不愿意去,浪费时间 The situation with his selecting a friend for marriage difficult position so similar, mediocre miss he cannot have a liking, attractive Goddess cannot have a liking for him. 处境与他择偶困境如此的相似,平庸的姑娘他看不上,漂亮女神又看不上他。 Qin Ze stares a side played hi elder sister, was she maltreated own aesthetic standard. 秦泽不禁瞪了一眼身边玩嗨的姐姐,都是她虐待了自己的审美标准。 elder sister feels the younger brother ominous line of sight, vacant also the grievance said: Does.” 姐姐感受到弟弟凶巴巴的视线,茫然又委屈道:“干嘛呀。” „The resume that throws was returned.” Qin Ze said depressed. “投的简历被打回来了。”秦泽郁闷的说。 elder sister collects to look, ah hā hā hā laughs the taunt: Also wants to go to this company on you, forget it, who made you so weak, elder sister stayed up late to make up for a missed lesson to you initially, you could not test into Fudan.” 姐姐凑过来一看,“啊哈哈哈”大笑嘲讽:“就你还想去这家公司,得了吧,谁让你这么弱,姐姐当初给你熬夜补课,你都考不上复旦。” Qin Ze got angry, catches her arm, lifts the hand one to hit toward the outstanding buttocks randomly. 秦泽怒了,拽住她胳膊,抬手往翘臀一顿乱打。 Qin Baobao works loose with great difficulty, the corner of the eye with tears, holds the computer to shrink to sofa another goes. 秦宝宝好不容易挣脱,眼角含泪,抱着电脑缩到沙发另一头去。 Always do not bully your elder sister.” Wang Zijin reproved one superficially, was disinclined multibarreled, this always worked as the neglected advice her words to elder sister and younger brother in any case. “不要老欺负你姐姐。”王子衿不痛不痒训斥一句,懒得多管,反正这对姐弟总把她的话当耳边风。 The left single-seat sofa, Wang Zijin holds the knee to watch some grade of variety show, inside has several celebrity in the embarrassed song, the barrage hikes up. 左侧单人沙发,王子衿抱着膝盖看某档综艺节目,里面有几个明星在尬歌,弹幕飘起。 Looks at «I am a Singer», all music class variety shows are the trash.” “看完《我是歌星》,所有的音乐类综艺节目都是渣渣。” Listens to the Qin Baobao's song, all songs are the trash.” “听完秦宝宝的歌,所有的歌都是渣渣。” 《Opera 2》 really motherf**ker shocks.” 《歌剧2》tm震撼。” Forget it, that treble was false, was the electronic synthesis.” “得了吧,那段高音是假的,是电子合成的。” Right, the person is impossible to sing such sound.” “对,人不可能唱出这样的声音。” Spicy Chicken, you cannot sing, does not represent others is not good.” 辣鸡,你唱不出来,不代表别人不行。” Then is rational party and fans party forever will not have the argument of stopping. fans party wins total victories. 然后是“理智党”和“粉丝党”永无止息的争论。粉丝党大获全胜。 Wang Zijin raised the head saying: A'Ze, you in the song that «Singer» sang, was questioned. That group of people are really repugnant.” 王子衿抬头道:“阿泽,你在《歌星》里唱的歌,被人质疑了。那帮人真讨厌。” Qin Baobao plays the game, is not lifting, if we had known, some next day people said that the person the red right and wrong are many.” 秦宝宝玩着游戏,头也不抬,“早知道了,第二天就有人说了,人红是非多嘛。” Yes, online wants to rest your person big.” Qin Ze takes the opportunity to retaliate elder sister, elder sister takes the remote control to pound him. “是啊是啊,网上想睡你的人一大把。”秦泽借机报复姐姐,姐姐就拿遥控器砸他。 Today how not matchmake?” Wang Zijin asked. “今儿个怎么不相亲?”王子衿问。 failed.” Qin Baobao hmph hmph: Elder sister such wonderful female of talent and beauty, others confessed that cannot climb up high.” 黄了。”秦宝宝哼哼:“姐这样才貌双全的奇女子,人家自认高攀不上。” You are Little Immortal Fairy.” Qin Ze is mystifying. “你是小仙女嘛。”秦泽阴阳怪气。 In any case elder sister is a champion, quest completed, I continued to make salted fish to be good, the online baseless rumor, who managed him. 反正姐姐已经是冠军了,任务完成了,我继续做一条咸鱼就好了呀,网上的风言风语,谁管他。 Qin Baobao pays no attention to him, annoying say/way: Really was bothersome dead my mother, for fear that I did not marry, said did not want matchmake not to want matchmake, she did not listen, not good to have a fit of temper toward her.” 秦宝宝不理他,懊恼道:“真是烦死我妈了,生怕我嫁不出去,都说了不要相亲不要相亲,她也不听,又不好朝她发脾气。” Is the children, the small temperament can have, but cannot be red in the face with the parents, this conscience must have. 做子女的,小脾气可以有,但不能跟父母面红耳赤,这点良心要有。 Qin Ze undermines: Said seems you to dare to resemble, father's big box on the ear suddenly comes.” 秦泽拆台:“说的好像你敢似的,老爹的大耳瓜子说来就来。” Again was undermined, Qin Baobao is pointing at Qin Ze, angrily said: You look at him, you look at him. Really repugnant.” 一而再的被拆台,秦宝宝指着秦泽,气道:“你看他,你看他。真讨厌。”
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