MESIS :: Volume #2

#135: Falls in love over time( third)

Wang Zijin is angry his eyes, Qin Ze grins, he has known the Wang Zijin's part black history now, moreover she should also compare to care. Because the previous time the television has problems, Qin Baobao vents anger he, he and Qin Baobao create a disturbance, elder sister according to begged for mercy on the sofa by him, fruitless, makes bosom friend help, Wang Zijin does not want, Qin Baobao then threatens to say her secret. 王子衿就嗔他一眼,秦泽咧嘴,他现在已经知道王子衿的部分黑历史了,而且她自己应该还比较在意的。上次因为电视机出问题,秦宝宝迁怒他,他和秦宝宝打闹,姐姐被他按在沙发上求饶,无果,就让闺蜜帮忙,王子衿不愿意,秦宝宝便威胁说出她秘密。 At that time Wang Zijin compromised. 当时王子衿就妥协了。 Was betrayed by bosom friend eventually. 终究还是被闺蜜背叛。 Qin Baobao and Wang Zijin go at first sight, is different, actually many something in common, for example their temper is quite pale, Qin Baobao outside is also a Goddess model/pattern, but became funny fool in front of younger brother. 秦宝宝王子衿乍一看去,性格迥异,其实有很多共同之处,比如她俩性子都比较淡,秦宝宝在外面也是一副女神范的,只是在弟弟面前就成了逗逼 Therefore, in sentimental, they belongs to fall in love over time, being well-prepared type. routine of falling in love both hot romantically, is not suitable on them. Therefore they can become bosom friend. 因此,在感情方面,她俩都属于日久生情,厚积薄发类型。一见钟情干柴烈火的套路,在她们身上不适用。所以她们才能成为闺蜜 To come, the mother also worries blindly, oneself daughter did not understand, these objects who she said that did not conform to the Qin Baobao's selecting a friend for marriage pattern, even because of this character, elder sister to forcing to locate object matter to conflict with the stranger very much. 这么想来,老妈也是瞎操心,自己的女儿自己都不了解,她介绍的那些对象,根本不符合秦宝宝的择偶模式,甚至因为这个性格,姐姐对强迫与陌生人处对象这件事很抵触。 But may also be the mother expands the daughter friend encircle, compares goods, the life circle only has a younger brother opposite sex , not good...... 但也有可能是老妈在扩展女儿的“朋友圈”,货比三家么,生活圈只有弟弟一个异性,也不好…… Qin Ze suddenly startled back thin perspiration. 秦泽忽然惊的脊背一层细汗。 In the evening finished eating the food, Qin Ze goes out bought one packet of smoke, after coming back, discovered that table in confusion is left intact, Wang Zijin mindless bent over the sofa watches the soap opera, this elder sister gentle natural is not false, makes the consciousness of housework does not have. Should train from the small home education. But elder sister sits on the sofa, a face completely understood that the common custom the sadness and tragic, on the knee put a book. 晚上吃完饭,秦泽出门买了一包烟,回来后发现狼藉的餐桌原封不动,王子衿没心没肺趴在沙发看电视剧,这姐姐温婉大方不假,做家务的觉悟是一点都没有。应该是自小的家庭教育培养出来的。而姐姐坐在沙发上,一脸看透世俗的忧伤和凄楚,膝盖上搁一本书。 Does.” Qin Ze curious say/way. “干嘛呢。”秦泽好奇道。 Life so difficult, really does not have the attachment.” Qin Baobao shows the sad look, referred to the book on knee: elder sister now is very sad, is very disconsolate, wants to sleep immediately.” “人生如此的艰难,真是毫无眷恋啊。”秦宝宝露出忧伤神色,指了指膝盖上的书:“姐姐现在很忧伤,很惆怅,想马上睡觉。” Qin Ze takes a look at a that book, the book title is called «Years of Innocence», title page collected sayings: Light sad, said the completely lifetime journey slowly. 秦泽瞅一眼那书,书名叫做《清白之年》,封面语录:淡淡忧伤中,缓缓道尽一生旅途。 Is the hipster novel. 是本文青小说。 Life so difficult, why to read these everything in disorder books again, the disciple increases moved?” Qin Ze said ill-humoredly: You will look that this type of book is strange, Sister Zijin, you do not want to wash dishes.” “人生如此的艰难,何必再看这些乱七八糟的书,徒增伤感?”秦泽没好气道:“你会看这种书才怪,子衿姐的吧,你就是不想洗碗。” Qin Baobao immediately bared teeth. 秦宝宝登时呲牙 He never looked that to bestow on the new word said worried sad literature, just as he said that life already so difficult, why to read these books again, is vexed evenly white/in vain. Especially what youth pain and pain of growth and „the pain of first love and so on subject, except for deceiving wave of tears, what but also there is? Has this time, I might as well read the net article , the acid is crisp and exciting. 他从来不看“为赋新词强说愁”的忧伤文学,正如他所说,人生已经如此艰难,何必再看这些书,平白糟心。特别是一些什么“青春的痛”、“成长的痛”、“初恋的痛”之类的主题,除了骗一波眼泪,还有什么?有这功夫,我还不如看网文,又酸爽又刺激。 Xuhui, somewhere upscale private club. 徐汇,某处高档私人会所。 The woman who two complete spa sits before the round table drinks tea, the one who makes the tea is Pei Nanman, she throws over the bathrobe, the black hair is pulling, a pair of cheek has the color of beautiful woman. 两个做完spa的女人坐在圆桌前喝茶,煮茶的是裴南曼,她披着浴袍,青丝挽起,一双脸蛋有倾城之色。 Is throwing over black hair facing that woman, by the rattan chair, looks at the light rain dim light of night of whereabouts out of the window to be in a daze. On having facial features, she also wants the fine three points compared with Pei Nanman, the makings are lonely, has Konggu Youlan very much flavor. 面对那女人披着一头青丝,靠在藤椅上,望着落地窗外的小雨夜色发呆。论起五官,她比裴南曼还要精致三分,气质冷冷清清,很有“空谷幽兰”韵味。 They behind, the entire wall is a antique curio cabinet, is suspending the dazzling antique, naturally, is the sham. west spandrel wall wall hanging a giant ink and wash painting. 她们身后,整面墙都是博古架,摆着琳琅满目的古玩,当然,都是赝品。西侧墙壁挂着一幅巨大的水墨画。 Recently worked how?” Pei Nanman gave her to pour one cup of tea. “最近工作怎么样?”裴南曼给她倒了一杯茶。 Is vexed.” Konggu Youlan said with a sigh. “糟心。”空谷幽兰叹息道。 Pei Nanman said with a smile: This saying to be listening lethargic, initially you flickered I to invest to invest did not say. In one year the asset turns ten times, this brave words are still in the ear bank.” 裴南曼笑吟吟道:“这话听着暮气沉沉,当初你忽悠我投资入股的时候可不是这么说的。一年内资产翻十倍,这句豪言壮语可是犹在耳畔。” Is I innocent is young good.” Konggu Youlan sighed the one breath again: My father reaching an agreement makes me be the investment company helmsman, but just makes a result at present, big bro that my has great ambition but little talent wants to meddle impatiently. In my father bone believes to regard men as superior to women that set, cannot stand up to my big bro entanglement, inserts forcefully him, is vice-chief, irritated me.” “是我年少不懂事行不行。”空谷幽兰再叹一口气:“我爸说好让我做投资公司的掌舵人,可眼下刚做出点成绩,我那志大才疏的大哥就迫不及待想插手进来。我爸骨子里信奉重男轻女那一套,经不住我大哥纠缠,强行把他插进来,还是副总,气死我了。” Pei Nanman smiles saying: Needs me to help?” 裴南曼笑眯眯道:“需要我帮忙吗?” In not good and family/home have no consideration for face.” Konggu Youlan sighed. Again is the new company establishment, is talent shortage, I study the economy, macroeconomic I am an expert, manage the aspect not to have the issue, I said that this year the stock market meets the fire, at least all year round time cut this capital. Right, the stock market also truly returns to warmer weather gradually, but deals the aspect my rookies to be inferior, company that group of idiots, number model must entrust university professor, two months later, several tens of millions capital stock , a profit ten points cannot make. What I want cuts the cake, does not lick the cream that others leftovers.” “也不好和家里撕破脸。”空谷幽兰叹道。“再就是新公司成立,人才匮乏,我是学经济的,宏观经济这一块我在行,管理方面也没问题,我说今年股市会大火,至少有一整年的时间去切割这块资本。没错吧,股市也确实渐渐回暖,但操盘方面我连菜鸟都不如,公司那群蠢货,连个数模都要委托大学教授,两个月下来,几千万的股本,十分之一的利润都挣不到。我要的是切割蛋糕,不是舔别人吃剩的奶油。” company is newly-built, the talent is rare,” Pei Nanman comforted, last month did not have a group of graduates to enter the duty.” 公司新建,人才难得嘛,”裴南曼安慰道,“上个月不是有一批毕业生入职了吗。” Waits for young rookies grow, the stock market early fickleness of life.” Konggu Youlan complained: What your arm-flinging shopkeeper works as is relaxed.” “等那些小菜鸟成长起来,股市早人走茶凉。”空谷幽兰抱怨:“你这个甩手掌柜当的是轻松。” Pei Nanman is listening to her talking incessantly and complaint, smiles not to speak. 裴南曼听着她的唠叨和抱怨,笑而不语。 At the beginning of the year , this friend flickered she to invest, formed medium investment company, said own father wind leapt group to intend to pivot to capital operation, lacked a partner. Pei Nanman symbolic threw 50 million, accounts for the 20 percent stock. The talents put all sorts of things together, digs from each financial company or securities company, actually does not have being able to withstand that she said that the talent has, but company establishes time is too short, the mastery is shallow, where can charge into the horizon all of a sudden. Is this good friend request is too high. 年初时,她这个朋友忽悠她入股,组建了一家中型投资公司,说自己老爹风腾集团有意把重心转向资本运作方面,缺个合伙人。裴南曼象征性的投了五千万,占百分之二十的股份。人才都是东拼西凑,从各个金融公司或证券公司挖过来的,其实也没她说的那么不堪,人才还是有的,只是公司成立时间太短,底蕴浅,哪能一下子冲向天际。是她这个好友要求太高。 But to Pei Nanman, this is only one in her innumerable investment, can make money well. 而对裴南曼来说,这只是她数不清的投资中的一笔,能赚钱就好。 Did not say the matter that these are vexed,” Konggu Youlan drank Pu'er, the nimble and resourceful pupil flashes through the happy expression, recently had to bump into the fun matter and person, heard that your ex-husband did look for you?” “不说这些糟心的事,”空谷幽兰喝了口普洱,灵动的眸子闪过笑意,“最近有没有碰到好玩的事和人,听说你前夫又来找你了?” Pei Nanman knits the brows gently: Did not discuss him, good.” 裴南曼轻轻皱眉:“不谈他,好吧。” The Konggu Youlan least bit does not fear queen qi field, zé zé said: Really is sentimental unfaithful Chen Shimei, had the new joy, but also never forgets to the wife of trough rice polishings.” 空谷幽兰半点不怵女王气场,啧啧道:“真是个多情的陈世美,有了新欢,还对槽糠之妻念念不忘。” Pei Nanman hē hē said with a smile: Wife who shared husband's poverty?” 裴南曼呵呵笑道:“糟糠之妻?” killing intent fluctuates. 杀意波动。 Changes a topic.” Konggu Youlan tactful shift topic: I want to listen to some mishap on government, this you are clear. For example under your brother-in-law area inspection......” “换个话题。”空谷幽兰识趣的转移话题:“我想听官场上的一些乌龙,这个你门儿清。比如你那个姐夫下区考察......” Amusing thing has several, but does not want to say that felt oneself changed piece.” Pei Nanman hesitant, person has one actually.” “趣事有几件,但不想说,感觉自己变段子手了。”裴南曼犹豫一下,“人倒是有一个。” Said that looks.” Konggu Youlan exhibits to listen attentively to the shape. “说说看。”空谷幽兰摆出倾听状。 Quite interesting young people,” Pei Nanman said: Accidentally knew, thought his is skillful, is not the hooligan. Originally wants to invite him to come my security company to work, the young fellow is very never expected that arrogant, cannot have a liking. Afterward, my nephew high school third year, the academic record made one be vexed, contacted the background of my aspect, all day long is thinking killing. Gets down sooner or later waste, his paternal grandmother occupies her pair of grandson granddaughter quite to have the veiled criticism to me. Thought of him, Economics Uni graduated, the school record also calculated to pass, met several hard skilled people, to Donglai, when home teacher was most suitable.” “一个比较有意思的年轻人,”裴南曼说:“偶然间认识的,觉得他身手不错,不是野路子。本来想聘请他来我安保公司做事,没想到小伙子挺傲,看不上。后来吧,我那侄儿高三了,学习成绩让人糟心,又接触我那方面的背景,成天想着打打杀杀。这么下去迟早得废,他奶奶对我占着她一对孙子孙女本来颇有微词。就想到他了,财大毕业,学历还算过得去,又会几手硬把式,给东来家教老师最适合不过。” You have said that cultivates the behavior like speculating in the stock market, bumps into the potential stock, invests to might as well. Who wants also is not the general potential stock, he day before made tutor, Donglai pats an examination paper on the table, put forward a request, forty minutes, above the 120 minute. I watch critically, disposition that mainly wants to try this fellow. How you guess the result.” “你说过的,做人就像炒股,碰到潜力股,投资一下无妨。谁想还不是一般的潜力股,他头天来做家教,东来把一张卷子拍在桌上,提了个要求,四十分钟,一百二十分以上。我冷眼旁观,主要想试试这家伙的心性。你猜结果怎么样。” Konggu Youlan asked: Did?” 空谷幽兰就问:“做出来了?” Far more than does.” Pei Nanman chuckle: twenty minutes, 150 difference.” “何止是做出来。”裴南曼轻笑:“二十分钟,一百五十分。” Such god?” Chilly such as she, stares wide-eyed, suspected subsequently: Deceived people. high school third year examination paper, twenty minutes, perfect score?” “这么神?”清冷如她,不禁瞪大眼睛,继而怀疑:“骗人的吧。高三的卷子,二十分钟,满分?” She was also Study Tyrant, the math had with the perfect score in the past, but twenty minutes was a little frightened. 她当年也是学霸,数学拿满分不是没有,但二十分钟就有点惊悚了。 Pei Nanman nods with a smile. 裴南曼笑着点头。 Knows that she never exaggerates, Konggu Youlan sighed to sigh one: Astonishing IQ.” 知道她从不夸大其词,空谷幽兰喟叹一声:“惊人的智商。” Is more interesting, Qin Baobao knows.” “还有更有趣的,秦宝宝认识吧。” New promote female singer, knew certainly.” “新晋女歌手,当然认识。” His elder sister.” “他姐姐。” Kisses/Intimate?” “亲的?” Picks difficultly inadequately?” Pei Nanman is angry to say. “难不成捡来的?”裴南曼嗔道。 Yeah,” Konggu Youlan is startled, what you said is Qin Ze.” “哎,”空谷幽兰吃了一惊,“你说的是秦泽吧。” Pei Nanman nods. 裴南曼点点头。 Konggu Youlan said with a smile: A little meaning.” 空谷幽兰笑道:“有点意思。” The women like paying attention to the entertainment world, she remembers the incident, asked full of enthusiasm: That is 《Opera 2》 lip-sync? Online said that is the sound of electronic synthesis.” 女人都喜欢关注娱乐圈,她想起一事,兴致勃勃问道:“那首《歌剧2》是不是假唱的?网上说是电子合成的声音。” Pei Nanman helplessly said: This I am not clear.” 裴南曼无奈道:“这个我不清楚。”
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