MESIS :: Volume #2

#133: Secret

Qin Ze turns on the radio to adjust communications station, in the broadcast is disseminating news the rainstorm red early warning, three hours of rainfall amount will achieve above 50 mm. The highway white piece, the field of vision visibility is very low, highway momentarily possible traffic control. 秦泽打开收音机调到交通台,广播里正在播报暴雨红色预警,三小时降雨量将达到50mm以上。高速路白茫茫一片,视野能见度很低,高速路随时可能交通管制。 Qin Ze stops the car(riage) is urgently needing the parking space, hits double flashes, the headlight flashes in the rainstorm extinguishes, reminded to the rear vehicles. 秦泽把车停在急用停车位,打双闪,车灯在暴雨中一闪一灭,给后方车辆提个醒。 Field of vision is not good, you come.” Qin Ze turned the head to say to elder sister of copilot position. “视野不好,你来开吧。”秦泽转头对副驾驶位的姐姐说。 Clear weather , he in addition is cautious, at present this heavy rain heavy rain, Qin Ze does not dare to drive. 天气晴朗,他尚且小心翼翼,眼下这大雨瓢泼,秦泽不敢开车。 Qin Baobao rolls up on the seat plays the cell phone, hearing this, curls the lip: Wants your what to use.” 秦宝宝蜷缩在座位上玩手机,闻言,撇撇嘴:“要你何用。” Qin Ze said sincerely: „Is, I am useless, elder sister is old driver, autumn Mountain Car God. The little brother candidly admits defeat.” 秦泽诚恳道:“是是,我没用,姐姐才是老司机,秋名山车神。小弟甘拜下风。” Speech is mystifying.” Qin Baobao knife hand chops in the younger brother top of the head, charmingly angry thin angry, do not think that she cannot understand the wisdom in Qin Ze words. “说话阴阳怪气。”秦宝宝一记手刀劈在弟弟头顶,娇嗔薄怒,别以为她听不懂秦泽话里的机锋。 Outside is raining hard, definitely has no way to get out to change positions to set. Qin Baobao bents, as cross as driving position, lies on the steering wheel, squats the posture that partly lies to be stiff by one -and-a-half types, urged younger brother: You quick in the past, this is quite tired.” 外头下着大雨,肯定没法下车换位置。秦宝宝猫着腰,跨到驾驶位,趴在方向盘上,以一种半蹲半趴的姿势僵着,催促弟弟:“你快过去,这样好累的。” Qin Ze looks at a elder sister plump, toward own buttocks, does not know is the misconception, was butt also round big ? 秦泽瞄一眼姐姐圆滚滚的,朝着自己的臀儿,不知道是不是错觉,屁股又大了、圆了一圈? Mentioned butt of woman, Qin Ze studied under the network old driver vision and level, the connoisseurship skill selects full level. Woman butt is not only big, but must have circle to curl upwards two characters, such is the best quality goods. However the bigger the better, mainly looks at the stature proportion, petite younger sister, butt too big being out of sorts feeling on. 说起女人的屁股,秦泽师从网络老司机的眼光和水准,鉴赏技能点满级。女人屁股不光要大,还要有“圆翘”二字,那样才是极品。不过也不是越大越好,主要看身材比例,身材娇小的妹子,屁股太大违和感就强。 The Qin Baobao 1.72 m tall stature, the big long leg and big chest, must roll big butt that curls upwards with a circle, this does not waste natural talent. 秦宝宝一米七二高挑个子,大长腿、大胸脯,就得配一个圆滚翘的大屁股,这样才算不浪费“天资”。 After is rehearses the dance, result that the body industriously exercises? Was hit by me? 是练舞之后,身体勤加锻炼的结果?还是被我打出来? Does, said very tired.” Qin Baobao sees younger brother not to leave, impatient urging. “干嘛呢,都说了很累的啦。”秦宝宝弟弟迟迟不动身,不耐烦的催促。 oh oh!” Qin Ze supports the body immediately, because drives space to be narrow, he boldly thrusts forward, the lower abdomen hit Qin Baobao's butt, knocks a forehead that elder sister withstand/top on the windshield, thump. 哦哦哦!”秦泽立刻支起身子,但因为驾驶位空间狭窄,他一挺身,小腹就撞到了秦宝宝的屁股,把姐姐顶的一脑门磕在挡风玻璃上,“咚”的一声。 The Qin Baobao air/Qi cries: Your intentional, wants to love the dead mother is!” 秦宝宝气哭:“你故意的吧,想疼死妈是不是!” Mother?” Qin Ze put out a hand to pat elder sister buttock, the buttocks rippled, always do not occupy me to be cheap, but also occupied our mother to be cheap, believed me to say with the father.” “妈?”秦泽就伸手拍了姐姐屁股蛋一下,臀部荡漾,“别老占我便宜,还占咱妈便宜,信不信我跟爸说出来。” This ghost weather, the vehicle speed can only control in 60 about, double flashes cannot close, frequently makes the rear vehicles see. Is good because of high-speed also on the 30 kilometer about, had/left the highway, little red BMW turned into to go to the Hongqiao Airport high structure, the vehicles were obviously many. 这种鬼天气,车速只能控制在六十左右,双闪不能关,时刻让后方的车辆看到。好在高速也就三十公里左右,出了高速路,小红马拐入前往虹桥机场的高架,车辆明显多起来了。 Hongqiao this place, the passenger capacity is big, the unlicensed taxi driver is the case everywhere, bumps into weather bad time, the taxi driver will also be a guest performer an unlicensed taxi, butchers the tourist ruthlessly. 虹桥这地方,客流量大,黑车司机比比皆是,碰到天气糟糕的时候,出租车司机也会客串一把黑车,狠宰游客。 Hongqiao train station, embarking level. 虹桥火车站,出发层。 Mother Qin drills the taxi, the backhand closes the door: Thanks mentor.” 秦妈钻出出租车,反手关上门:“谢谢师傅。” She gazes after the taxi to sneak into the curtain of rain, has not entered the waiting room, but opens the gamp, moves toward nearby public transportation platform. 她目送着出租车窜入雨幕,没有进入候车厅,而是撑开大伞,走向旁边的公交车站台。 The train station and airport neighbor, by a hundred meters public transportation traffic lane connection. Tourists from train station to airport, so long as walks for five minutes. The heavy downpour, the pedestrian, here person are in a hurry few. 火车站和机场紧邻,靠一条百米长的公交车道连接。游客从火车站到机场,只要走五分钟。大雨滂沱,行人匆匆,这边人少。 She dials the telephone, informs itself to be. 她拨通电话,告知自己所在。 Soon, the man who puts on suit walks from the Hongqiao train station, side following assistant. 不多时,一个穿西装的男人从虹桥火车站走出来,身边跟着助手。 The man vision swept, solidifies on Mother Qin of distant place, told in a low voice the assistant waits same place, haunches a greatly black umbrella. The step walks steady. 男人目光扫了一圈,凝固在远处的秦妈身上,低声吩咐助手原地等候,撑起一柄大黑伞。步履稳健走来。 Mother Qin saw him in the crowd, looks that his towards oneself walks, enters the public transportation station awning, then closes the black gamp. 秦妈一眼就在人群中看见了他,看着他朝自己走来,走进公交站棚,然后合上黑色的大伞。 Little Lan, these many years had not seen, your appearance changed many.” The man smiling face is temperate. 小岚,这多年没见了,你样子变了好多。”男人笑容温和。 Should better not see for a lifetime.” Mother Qin sneers. “最好一辈子不见。”秦妈冷笑。 My this time comes Shanghai, discusses a business, wants to have a look at the child while convenient.” The men said. “我这次来沪市,是谈一笔生意,顺便想看看孩子。”男人说。 Mother Qin did not speak, indifferently by right. 秦妈不说话,冷眼以对。 The men smile bitterly saying: So many years, your vigilance is that heavy, I do not want to disturb your life, wants to have a look at the child, looks at one.” 男人苦笑道:“这么多年了,你戒心还是那么重,我没想打扰你们的生活,就想看看孩子,就看一眼。” Mother Qin shakes the head: Since has made the choice, why to be hard to solve? The child is not your family.” 秦妈摇摇头:“既然已经做了选择,何必纠缠不清?孩子已经不是你们家的了。” In the past everyone had the difficulties, you not.” Man hesitant, past you......” “当年大家都有苦衷的,你不也是么。”男人犹豫一下,“当年要不是你......” Shut up!” Mother Qin drinks in vain severely, the solemn Shuya's face somewhat is unexpectedly fierce, „the past matter do not raise again, rottenly in belly. No matter you have what/anything to plan, I will not allow you to see the child, absolutely not.” “住口!”秦妈徒然一声厉喝,端庄淑雅的脸庞竟有几分狰狞,“当年的事不要再提,烂在肚子里。不管你有什么打算,我都不会允许你见孩子,绝对不可以。” She seemed like by some stimulation, the body trembled, the lip also trembled, stared the man moment ruthlessly, she cried. 她像是受了某种刺激,身体发抖,嘴唇也发抖,狠狠瞪了男人片刻,她哭了。 A'Rong, you left look for me again, do not come to disturb my life, calculates that the elder sister asked you......” 阿荣,你别再来找我了,别来打扰我的生活,算姐求你了......” little red BMW stops from time to time, arrives at the Hongqiao Airport embarking level. 小红马走走停停,来到虹桥机场出发层。 elder sister pulls out telephone communication Wang Zijin, looking around that in all directions Qin Ze is bored to death, suddenly discovery side the public transportation platform in Hongqiao train station leaves, two person's shadows are exchanging flattery and favors. 姐姐掏电话联系王子衿,秦泽百无聊赖的四处张望,忽然发现旁侧的虹桥火车站的公交站台出,两个人影在拉拉扯扯。 Qin Ze thought that woman somewhat looks familiar, the rain gets down is too big, the running water forms the transparent water film on the car window. Qin Ze narrows the eyes to focus, carefully looks, the next moment, his pupil contracts suddenly. 秦泽觉得那女人有些面熟,雨下的太大,流水在车窗玻璃上形成透明水膜。秦泽眯着眼,仔细看去,下一刻,他瞳孔骤然收缩。 The woman is his mother, he will not admit mistakes absolutely, Mother Qin and a middle-aged man as if had the dispute, exciting is saying anything. The passer-by who the surroundings are opening an umbrella looks askance. 那女人是他母亲,他绝对不会认错,秦妈和一个中年男人似乎起了争执,神情激动的在说些什么。周围撑着伞的路人纷纷侧目。 How can mother here? 妈怎么会在这里? Who is that man? 那个男人是谁? Why argues? 为什么和人发生争执? Was bullied? 被人欺负了? This thought just got up, has not waited for Qin Ze to clash dispatches a vehicle, the movement of man lets his staying berth, such as falling icehouse. 这个念头刚起,还不等秦泽冲出车,那男人的一个动作让他呆坐车位,如坠冰窖。 That man wiped tears with the sleeve for Mother Qin. 那个男人用袖子替秦妈擦了擦眼泪。 Then draws Mother Qin to move toward the Hongqiao Airport waiting hall. 然后拉着秦妈走向虹桥机场候车大厅。 Qin Baobao puts down the telephone, looks following the younger brother vision, happen to sees Mother Qin cheek and form, gawked staring, A'Ze, is that our mother? She how here.” 秦宝宝搁下电话,顺着弟弟的目光看去,正好看见秦妈侧脸和身影,愣了愣,“阿泽,那是咱妈吧?她怎么在这里。” The rain is a little big, elder sister cannot determine. 雨有点大,姐姐也不敢确定。 Qin Ze felt that stingy pulled out ruthlessly painful, the huge fear and anger blasted out in the heart. 秦泽感觉心狠狠抽痛了一下,巨大的恐惧和愤怒在心底炸开。 He does not know that man, ruled out oneself relative's possibility, if the ordinary friend, will have the so intimate manner? 他不认识那个男人,也就排除了自家亲戚的可能,要是普通朋友,会有这般亲密的举止? Inexplicable, remembers that telephone that in childhood listened secretly, that cannot distinguish clearly him she name.( Suggested that everyone reviews the second chapter) 莫名的,想起小时候偷听的那个电话,那个分不清“他”还是“她”的称呼。(建议大家重温第二章) That deeply was buried the doubts of heart to surface by him finally, so long as pursues, can perhaps reveal the truth, he can untie to puzzle many years of heart knots finally. 那个被他深埋心底的疑惑终于浮出水面了,只要追上去,或许就能真相大白了吧,他终于可以解开困扰多年的心结。 But he does not dare, he knows the issue unties, is this small family torn to pieces time, Qin Ze turns the head slowly, is staring at the elder sister sweet and pretty face, no matter he or she, their elder sister and younger brother two how from place? How that he or „should she face directly old gentleman? 可他不敢,他知道问题解开的时候,也是自己这个小家庭支离破碎的时候,秦泽缓缓转头,凝视着姐姐娇美的脸庞,不管是“他”或是“她”,他们姐弟俩将如何自处?那个“他”或者“她”该如何直面老爷子 Qin Baobao looked around, keeps saying: Probably is really a mother, how she here, A'Ze, helping elder sister look for the umbrella, I have a look.” 秦宝宝探头探脑,不停地说:“好像真是妈,她怎么在这里,阿泽,帮姐姐找找雨伞,我出去看看。” „It is not, you misread.” The Qin Ze's sound passes is being empty and numb. “不是,你看错了。”秦泽的声音透着空洞和麻木。 Fart, the elder sister 2.5 vision,” Qin Baobao throw to the vehicle door scoop channel of back seat in looks for the umbrella, has misread, takes a look to know.” “屁嘞,姐2.5的视力呢,”秦宝宝自己扑到后座的车门凹槽里找雨伞,“看没看错,下去瞅瞅就知道啦。” I said that misreads the person misreads the person!” Qin Ze in vain stern voice and appearance. “我说看错人就是看错人!”秦泽徒然声色俱厉。 Qin Baobao visits him dull, frightened moves does not dare to move. 秦宝宝呆呆看着他,吓的一动不敢动。 You misread.” The Qin Ze appearance is fierce, the frontal eminence blue vein anger explodes, a fist pounds on the vehicle door, thump loud sound. He exclaimed: Your does motherf**ker misread know that knew......” “你看错了。”秦泽面目狰狞,额角青筋怒爆,一拳砸在车门上,咚的巨响。他吼道:“你tm看错了知道不知道知不知道......” A Qin Baobao charming cheek delay, is looking at him, subsequently the eye eyelash trembles, tears huā lā la flows. 秦宝宝妩媚的脸蛋一片呆滞,怔怔望着他,继而眼睫一颤,泪水哗啦啦流下来。 From infancy to maturity, how could Qin Ze has the appearance is so fierce, never has her ominously, does not have one time. 从小到大,秦泽何曾有过这般面目狰狞,从来没有凶过她,一次都没有。 A compartment silence, outside noise of the rain. 车厢一片寂静,外头雨声哗哗。 The Qin Baobao depressing weeping sound, is covering mouth to sob, the eye socket was instantaneously red, the tears have inundated the cheeks agitated. 秦宝宝压抑的哭声,捂着嘴哽咽,眼眶瞬间就红了,泪水汹汹漫过脸颊。 She was frightened. 她被吓到了。 The heavy and unusual atmosphere floods in elder sister and younger brother two. 沉重而异样的气氛充斥在姐弟俩之间。 Qin Ze rubbed the face ruthlessly, by seat, both eyes silent: Sorry.” 秦泽狠狠搓了搓面孔,靠在座椅上,双目无声:“对不起。” Sorry three characters, a blade cut off the tight atmosphere probably, Qin Baobao „” cried, was sad and suffering, leave alone woman domineering, actually the essence was frail, they made threatening gestures before you, overbearing unreasonable, like high and cold, but tsundere cat. But if you roar they, they will cry. “对不起”三个字,像是一把刀砍断了紧绷的气氛,秦宝宝“哇”一声哭起来,又伤心又委屈,别管女人有多强势,其实本质是脆弱的,她们在你面前张牙舞爪,骄横无理,就像高冷傲娇的猫儿。可如果你吼她们,她们就会哭。 In the final analysis, the women need to protect. 归根结底,女人都是需要呵护的。 Wang Zijin holds to dash about wildly in the rainstorm, found little red BMW, draws the vehicle door to infiltrate, big that rain gets down, shoes wet......” 王子衿抱着头狂奔在暴雨中,找到小红马,一拉车门钻进来,“雨下的好大,鞋子都湿......” Choked her words to half, Qin Baobao wipes the nasal mucus while sobs, the eye socket is red, clearly cried. Qin Ze of doubtful chief criminal by the chair, looks at the vehicle roof to be in a daze. 她话到一半噎了回去,秦宝宝一边擦鼻涕一边抽抽噎噎,眼圈红红的,分明是大哭了一场。疑似罪魁祸首的秦泽靠在椅子上,望着车顶发呆。 What's wrong?” Wang Zijin cautious probe. “怎么啦?”王子衿小心翼翼的试探。 No.” Qin Baobao caught the eye to look at younger brother, said „after sorry, he has not spoken again, turned a deaf ear to about own sob, did not coax her like before attentively. At heart acid, tears pā dā pā dā class/flow. “没什么。”秦宝宝抬眼看了看弟弟,说完“对不起”后,他就没再说过话,对自己的哭泣充耳不闻,不像以前那样殷勤的哄她了。心里一酸,眼泪又啪嗒啪嗒的流。 Goes home already six points, the weather is gloomy, the rainstorm transfers the moderate rain, lightly. 回家已经六点,天色阴沉,暴雨转中雨,淅淅沥沥。 Qin Ze did not utter a word the washroom, left behind two elder sister to look at each other in blank dismay. 秦泽一声不吭进了洗手间,留下两个姐姐面面相觑。 Wang Zijin said: He how?” 王子衿说:“他怎么了?” Qin Baobao is nipping the lip, puts in great inconvenience to the disturbed appearance, the eye socket red. 秦宝宝咬着唇,委屈又忐忑的模样,眼眶还是红红的。 She does not know how Qin Ze, never had her younger brother ominously, is so unexpectedly scary, Qin Baobao is afraid is disturbed and sad, she this matter has not even associated toward doubtful Mother Qin, trades in usually, thoughts keen elder sister can definitely detect, but her in the brain starch, she cares about Qin Ze now. 她也不知道秦泽怎么了,从来没凶过她的弟弟,竟然如此吓人,秦宝宝又害怕又忐忑又伤心,她甚至没往“疑似秦妈”这事联想,换在平时,心思敏锐的姐姐肯定能察觉到的,但现在她脑子里一片浆糊,她太在意秦泽了。 In the washroom, Qin Ze washes the face, looks in mirror, is pale, the look remains sorrow angry. 洗手间里,秦泽洗了把脸,看着镜子里的自己,脸色苍白,眼神残留一丝哀怒。 He wishes one could to clash immediately goes home to lay cards on the table, interrogated that who mother that man is, in the past that telephone was what meaning. 他恨不得立刻冲回家摊牌,质问母亲那个男人是谁,当年那个电话是什么意思。 He wants to try to prove itself to guess. 他想去求证自己心里的猜测。 Mood bad to exploding. 心情糟糕到爆了。 He told himself to be calm, endured so many years, really can say? If guessed with him, father what to do? Can the parents divorce? He and can elder sister also happy the life like the present? 他告诉自己要冷静,都忍了这么多年,真的要说出来吗?如果和他猜测的一样,那爸怎么办?爸妈会不会离婚?他和姐姐还能像现在这样开心的生活么? He does not even dare to ask mother to lay cards on the table in secret, something, once brought to light, is very difficult to return to the original design again. 他甚至不敢私底下找母亲摊牌,有些事,一旦挑明了,就很难再回到原样。 Forgot that this matter, forgets this matter. 忘记这件事,忘记这件事。 Do not go into seriously ....... 别深究下去....... Qin Ze goes out of the washroom, elder sister and Wang Zijin in the living room, the rooms is not closing. He returns to oneself room, stands in the window frontier point cigarette, looks at the curtain of rain of out of the window to be in a daze. At this time, 6 : 00 pm, the weather is murky, car(riage)s drive from the distant place, moves to the distant place again, since splashes the misty mist. 秦泽走出洗手间,姐姐王子衿不在客厅,房间们关着。他回到自己房间,站在窗边点上一根烟,望着窗外的雨幕发愣。此时,已经下午 6 点,天色昏沉,一辆辆车从远方驶来,再驶向远方,溅起蒙蒙水雾。 The finger burns, the Qin Ze fainting from fear smoke burnt the finger. 手指一烫,秦泽惊觉烟烧到了手指。 The gate shoves open, Wang Zijin holds the pajamas to come, puts in the Qin Ze bed leg, is angry to say low voice: How you, the Baobao (darling) room were crying again.” 门推开,王子衿捧着睡衣进来,搁在秦泽床脚,小声嗔道:“你们又怎么了,宝宝再房间哭着呢。” Is all right.” Qin Ze is perfunctory to say. “没事没事。”秦泽敷衍道。 Definitely has the matter,” Wang Zijin pinched Qin Ze, the Qin Baobao's bad custom to study, your older sister cried this, I have not seen.” “肯定有事,”王子衿掐了秦泽一下,把秦宝宝的坏习惯给学来了,“你姐哭成这样,我是没见到过。” You, I had a look leave alone later.” “你别管了,我待会去看看。” Sees his attitude, obviously does not hope oneself intervene, Wang Zijin sighed: Said well, don't annoy your older sister to be angry...... your is also elder sister and younger brother?” 见他这个态度,明显不希望自己干预,王子衿叹口气:“好好说啊,别惹你姐生气了......你们这也是姐弟?” She is holding the pajamas, shook the head to sigh to take a bath. 她抱着睡衣,摇头叹气洗澡去了。 Qin Ze and other washroom heard the sound of water, before arriving at the elder sister door, grips the hand, pushed. 秦泽等洗手间传来哗哗水声,走到姐姐房门前,握住把手,推了进去。
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