MESIS :: Volume #2

#132: Satisfaction

Hongqiao Airport. 虹桥机场 Wang Zijin gets down from the taxi, through the security check of airport entrance, enters two buildings to embark a hall. 王子衿从出租车下来,通过机场门口的安检,进入二楼出发层大厅。 She wears the dye printing check shirt, inside matches small tank top, the body next light white seven points of jeans, the canvas shoe. Young and good-looking appearance. And with the meatball head that her oval face matches very much. 她穿着印花格子衬衫,里面配一件小背心,身下一条浅白色七分牛仔裤,帆布鞋。青春靓丽的打扮。以及和她鹅蛋脸很搭配的丸子头。 The contact male tourist looks at her two eyes all. 往来的男游客无不多看她两眼。 A cell phone text message comes: In and other ferry car(riage)s.” 一条手机短信过来:“在等摆渡车。” I on two building embarking levels.” “我在二楼出发层。” Approximately place?” “约个地点?” Does not use, here Starbucks.” “不用,就这里的星巴克吧。” Wang Zijin replies, holds into the cell phone the pocket. Was not lost to the peach blossom pupil of elder sister red phoenix eye by the Qin Ze appraisal in secret, takes a look at the tourist who comes and goes aimless. 王子衿回复完,把手机揣入兜里。私底下被秦泽评价不输给姐姐丹凤眼的桃花眸子,漫无目的打量来来往往的游客。 Outside heavy rain heavy rain. 外面大雨瓢泼。 Wang Zijin ordered two cups of coffee in Starbucks, waits for the second aunt, will not have soon by the flurry and anxiety of sending a punitive expedition. 王子衿星巴克点了两杯咖啡,坐等二姑,一点没有即将被兴师问罪的慌乱和紧张。 She is never that obedient female who the bystander thinks, the measuring appliance of performance is freely solemn, graceful calm, but the family members know that she is what goods. On getting up to make the monster the skill, will only be unruly to sway back and forth act moe bosom friend with younger brother, was worse than a 18 street her. 她从来不是外人认为的那种乖乖女,尽管表现的仪表端庄,优雅从容,但家里人都知道她是什么货色。论起作妖的本事,只会跟弟弟撒泼打滚卖萌闺蜜,比她差了十八条街。 She lived in the ancient times, the family member must certainly sigh with regret, hated is not the man. In childhood with the child who her courtyard grew up, knows that Wang Zijin was the small radish of spicy heart. 她生在古代,家人肯定要扼腕叹息,恨不是男儿身。小时候跟她一个院子长大的孩子,都知道王子衿是辣心的小萝卜。 In this time, the woman can also do many things, the least bit does not lose the man. The family members are very satisfied with her, the grandfather said that she scheme calculates skillfully, accepts good advice readily.” The father said her gentle and mild, motionless its.” 在这个时代,女人也能做很多事,半点不输男人。家人对她很满意,爷爷说她“机谋巧算,从善如流。”父亲说她“中正平和,不动其身。” But has the opinion. 但就是太有主见。 Wang Family big household, likes the doctrine of the mean docile juniors like this. Along road that the person of father's generation arranges, walks steadfastly, naturally reached the life peak. The point sharp unruly quality, suits the lead wolf or the founder who these rise to challenges. 王家这样的大家族,更喜欢中庸温顺的子弟。沿着父辈安排好的路,踏踏实实走下去,自然就登上人生巅峰了。锋芒锐利桀骜不驯的品质,适合那些披荆斩棘的领头狼或者开创者。 Without how long, she sees the second aunt to come, wears sunglasses. Dresses up the capable helping walking tractor the trumpet luggage box, blindly following suit is following she. Wang Zijin curls the lip immediately, when oneself are superstar, but also wearing sunglasses, you are not Qin Baobao. 没等多久,她就看到二姑过来,戴着一副墨镜。打扮干练的助手拖着小号行李箱,亦步亦趋的跟着她。王子衿当即就撇撇嘴,当自己是大明星呢,还戴墨镜,你又不是秦宝宝 The second aunt swept one in the Starbucks location, passes through directly. 二姑在星巴克场地扫了一眼,径直走过。 Has not waited for the long time.” “没等久吧。” The women take off the sunglasses, about the 40 mature woman, an expensive women casual attire, the facial features and Wang Zijin are somewhat similar, but without her is fine. The look is especially swift and fierce, looked when person has a dignity. 女人摘下墨镜,四十左右的成熟女人,一身昂贵的女式休闲装,眉眼与王子衿有几分相似,但没她精致。眼神尤为凌厉,看人时带着一股威严。 A half hour.” Wang Zijin said, pushes Starbucks to the second aunt. “半个小时。”王子衿说,把星巴克推给二姑。 Now lives?” Wang Lingyan drinks coffee, the tone is optional. “现在住哪儿?”王灵雁喝一口咖啡,语气随意。 Lives in the hotel.” Wang Zijin said. “住酒店。”王子衿说。 Mouthful lie.” Wang Lingyan is angry to say. “满嘴瞎话。”王灵雁嗔道。 Really lives in the hotel, after all has treated for two years in Shanghai, admires my person to have large bundle.” The Wang Zijin smile, one type „I am talking nonsense deceives you the calm. “真的住酒店,毕竟在沪市待过两年,仰慕我的人还是有大把大把的。”王子衿微笑,给人一种“我就是在瞎说糊弄你”的淡定。 Your father is angry very much, making you hurry. Listens to the sister-in-law/little aunt, do not bear a grudge with the family/home.” Wang Lingyan urged. “你爸很生气,让你赶紧回去。听小姑的,别和家里怄气。”王灵雁劝道。 Bears a grudge? I am come out to play, ventilated, plays enough naturally to go back.” Wang Zijin blinks. “怄气?我就是出来玩的,透透气,玩够了当然就回去。”王子衿眨眨眼。 Wang Zijin does not press her mentality to walk, although has not played the game, but knows that had the rhythm is very fatal. 王子衿根本不按她的思路走,虽然没玩过游戏,但知道被人带节奏是很致命的。 Wang Lingyan forced smile, the words of full belly stopping up. This niece, is not since childhood good to cope. 王灵雁苦笑,满肚子的话给堵了回去。这侄女,从小就不好对付。 Your grandfather is also angry very much......” “你爷爷也很生气......” Wang Zijin smiles, second aunt, do not deceive my line, is he angry, I in childhood my parents' marriage certificate ripping, him had not made my father hit me.” 王子衿就笑,“二姑,别糊弄我行么,他生什么气啊,我小时候把我爸妈的结婚证给撕了,他也没让我爸打我。” You were so big, has own opinion, but this second aunt of urging must urge. Yes, now is not popular the life of parents matchmaker's word, may get married such big matter, is impossible all by your temper and fondness, the opinion of elder must observe.” “你都这么大了,有自己的主见,但该劝的二姑还是要劝。是,现在不流行父母之命媒妁之言,可结婚这么大的事,不可能全由着你的性子和喜好,长辈的意见一定要遵守。” Wang Zijin rolls the eyes: Said seems me to ask a poor scholar to marry, is you do life of parents matchmaker's word that set. The second aunt you leaves the crooked building to be good.” 王子衿翻白眼:“说的好像我要找个穷秀才嫁出去似的,是你们搞父母之命媒妁之言那一套。二姑你别歪楼好不好。” Marries this matter, the feeling of elder must certainly consider, otherwise what comes to see guardian this word, but she does not accept the blind marriage to marry mutely, actually does not calculate that the blind marriage marries mutely, she and bridegroom is very ripe, since childhood puts on open pants to grow up, can not be ripe? Wang Zijin a slap flies, he kneels to shout elder sister, existence that since childhood bullies. 结婚这件事,长辈的感受肯定要考虑,不然何来“见家长”这词,但她不接受盲婚哑嫁,其实也不算盲婚哑嫁,她和“新郎官”很熟,从小穿开裆裤长大,能不熟?王子衿一巴掌飞过去,他就跪下来喊姐姐,从小欺负惯的存在。 Crooked building?” Wang Lingyan stares. “歪楼?”王灵雁一愣。 Network word usage, refers to the deviation subject and changes the concept.” Wang Zijin said. Qin Ze there studies. “网络用词,指偏离主题和偷换概念。”王子衿说。秦泽那里学来的。 Wang Lingyan visits her, Zijin, you changed.” 王灵雁看着她,“子衿,你变了。” Felt that the niece became female otaku quickly. 感觉侄女快成宅女了。 Mingcheng where is not good, since childhood sensible, diligently, the elders mentioned him to give the thumbs-up. Also grows up together with you.” Second aunt earnestly married young woman. 明诚哪里不好,从小就懂事,努力,长辈们说起他都竖大拇指。又和你从小一起长大。”二姑苦口婆娘 Wang Zijin beckons with the hand: Was too ripe had not felt, his six years old stole family's money, ten -year-old broke to implicate falsely his younger brother his grandfather's antique, the 15 year looks for old driver to have his prostitute...... I had him greatly the black history everywhere, he also had I big black history, the second aunt, we were really impossible. I continuously him, when elder brother.” 王子衿摆摆手:“就是太熟了才没感觉,他六岁偷家里的钱,十岁把他爷爷的古玩砸碎诬赖他弟弟,十五岁到处找老司机带他大宝剑......我有他大把的黑历史,他也有我大把的黑历史,二姑,我们真不可能。我一直把他当哥哥。” Although she is likes understanding slowly, the love pattern that slowly is together, in the Qin Ze's words: Fall in love over time! 她虽然是喜欢慢慢了解,慢慢相处的恋爱模式,用秦泽的话说:日久生情! But really not good friends from childhood. 但真不好青梅竹马这口。 Is just like some men to like the enchanting wife, or clear student younger sister, blacksilk-con, oneesan-con, uniform-con, queen-con, lolicon wait/etc.. 好比有的男人喜欢妖娆人妻,或者清纯学生妹,还有黑丝控御姐控制服控女王控萝莉控等等。 What she is controls, brocon? 那她是什么控,弟控 Bah!” The Wang Zijin gently fan the two palms of the hand, should not be infected by Qin Baobao. “呸呸!”王子衿轻轻扇了自己两巴掌,可不要被秦宝宝传染。 I continuously him, when elder brother...... 我一直把他当哥哥...... The Wang Lingyan heart said, Mingcheng this child must hear, it is estimated that must cry. 王灵雁心说,明诚这孩子要听到,估计得哭死。 You first go home, is no doubt free outside, in warm heart without family/home, outside food is not hygienic, where ratio on family/home Litt......” “你先回家好吧,在外面固然自由,到底没家里暖心,外面的食物也不卫生,哪里比的上家里特......” The Wang Lingyan words have not said, Wang Zijin breaks her, said: Let alone comes out for two characters especially, is harmonious.” 王灵雁话没说完,王子衿打断她,说:“特供两个字别说出来,要和谐。” Said good that again I eat, in good compared with family/home. Now does not have two large bowl food, I am unwilling.” Wang Zijin said. “再说我吃的挺好,比家里的都好。现在不吃两大碗饭,我都不甘心。”王子衿说。 My bosom friend is a glutton, has the slow in work not to have deftly. 我的闺蜜是吃货,手快有手慢无。 Wang Lingyan looks at carefully her long time, wonders saying: You were really fat.” 王灵雁端详她半晌,纳闷道:“你还真胖了。” You were also recently fat.” Similar words to any woman, are through strike without doubt. “你最近又胖了。”类似的话对任何女人来说,无疑是穿心一击。 The Wang Zijin complexion big change, second aunt, did you bring the mirror?” 王子衿脸色大变,“二姑,你带镜子了吗?” Today is to come out to play, she has not led hold/container hold/container. 今天是出来玩的,她没带包包。 Wang Lingyan fishes out the makeup mirror to hand over from name brand hold/container Baoli. 王灵雁愣愣从名牌包包里摸出化妆镜递过去。 Wang Zijin is looking at carefully in mirror, does not know that affects at heart, felt oneself were really clear. The oval face was rounder, the facial expression is also better, but fat this word is unacceptable, Wang Zijin puts on a long face, I said that daily eats, certainly must eat fat. Had a mortal hatred of him.” 王子衿端详着镜子里的自己,不知道是不是心里作用,觉得自己果然圆润了一圈。鹅蛋脸更圆了,气色也更好,但“胖”这个词不能接受,王子衿哭丧着脸,“我就说天天这么吃,肯定要吃胖的啦。恨死他了。” Blames Qin Baobao that glutton, every day snatches the vegetable/dish to eat with me. 都怪秦宝宝那吃货,每天跟我抢菜吃。 But Qin Baobao not fat, Qin Ze not fat, really envies to eat not the fat glutton. 秦宝宝一点都没胖,秦泽也没胖,真羡慕吃不胖的吃货。 Wang Lingyan raises up the ear: Who is he?” 王灵雁竖起耳朵:“他是谁?” Chef, I found a very good restaurant recently, the belt/bring second aunt you eat.” Pulling calf that Wang Zijin is without turning a hair. “厨师呗,我最近找到一家很不错的餐馆,有空带二姑你去吃。”王子衿面不改色的扯犊子。 Wang Lingyan faint smile: Zijin, won't you in Shanghai on this human relations, in the family/home be able to check? Do not hit the wise line with the second aunt.” 王灵雁似笑非笑道:“子衿,你在沪市就这点人脉关系,家里会查不出来?别和二姑打机锋行吗。” Wang Zijin narrows the eye: Second aunt, you do not do the unnecessary matter, oh. that can get angry 王子衿眯眼:“二姑,你别做多余的事,会翻脸的哦。 Considers as finished, my time comes Shanghai, discusses a business, has a look at you while convenient.” Wang Lingyan does not want to pull with this clever and exquisite clever and exquisite black belly niece. “算了算了,我这次来沪市,是谈一笔生意,顺便看看你。”王灵雁不想跟这个鬼精鬼精腹黑侄女扯下去。 Paternal aunt nephew said goodbye at the airport, Wang Zijin gazed after her to ride the business automobile of driver minute of company sent out. 姑侄俩在机场告别,王子衿目送她坐上分公司派出的司机的商务车。 Second aunt this was tests her to come, oneself have not relented the sign that changed to pay attention, she should be very disappointed. Second aunt married young woman urged her earnestly, had the reason. Two uncles in the system, the Zhang Family standard-bearer, the Zhang Mingcheng father are the members. This on behalf of what/anything, it goes without saying. 二姑这是试探她来了,自己并没有松口改注意的迹象,她应该很失望吧。二姑苦口婆娘劝她,是有原因的。二姑父所在体系里,张家的旗手,张明诚父亲是一把手。这代表什么,不言而喻了吧。 Wang Zijin is sometimes very repugnant that family/home, regardless of working, always places the first position household, including her marriage. Her parents are the politics marry. 有时候王子衿挺讨厌那个家的,无论做什么事,总是把“家族”放在第一位,包括她的婚姻。她的父母便是政治联姻。 Although does not have what seizing power internal fight, but the wishful thinking should not be too many. 虽说不存在什么夺权内斗,但小心思不要太多。 Parental these years even more respected such as the ice, love that although they displayed at home as before, but Wang Zijin knows that the father is occupied by a woman, mother , although has not gone off track, but to this marriage already disappointed, regarded the matter, was getting more and more profit-centered. 父母这些年越发相敬如冰了,尽管他们在家里表现的恩爱如旧,可王子衿知道父亲心里住着一个女人,母亲虽然没有出轨,但对这份婚姻早已失望透顶,看待事情,越来越功利。 She is very satisfied with the present life, is very satisfied with Qin Baobao this bosom friend,...... is very satisfied with Qin Ze. 她对现在的生活很满意,对秦宝宝这个闺蜜很满意,对秦泽......很满意。 elder sister and younger brother two hee laughed out loud the noisy not right occupation, but elder sister relied on younger brother very much, younger brother also favored elder sister very much...... Uh, this was not right to elder sister and younger brother style some. It is in any case warm and that's the end. 姐弟俩嘻嘻闹闹没个正行,但姐姐很依赖弟弟,弟弟也很宠姐姐......,这对姐弟的画风有些不对。反正很温馨就是了。 Qin Uncle is quite old-fashioned, hitting the person gets up the starting thief to be black, looked coming out takes seriously the son very much, listening to bosom friend saying that old gentleman arrived at with great difficulty hopes that a son will grow up to be successful, was extremely panic-stricken, the general idea felt own son's opening way was not right. But Qin Baobao said, old gentleman is loses the confidence to own educational mode, then suspects the life. 秦叔叔比较古板,打人起来下手贼黑,看的出来很重视儿子的,听闺蜜说,老爷子好不容易盼到望子成龙,却万分惊恐,大概觉得自己儿子的打开方式不对。但秦宝宝说,老爷子是对自己的教育方式失去信心,进而怀疑人生。 After all family's ugly ducklings fly, turns into a white swan to fly, old gentleman felt oneself are an ugly duckling, therefore teaches an ugly duckling. 毕竟家里的丑小鸭飞出去,变成一只白天鹅飞回来,老爷子就觉得自己才是丑小鸭,所以教出来一只丑小鸭。 Mother Qin is also very interesting, is always worried about the daughter not to marry, when home, all day is busy at work is arranging matchmake. These years are even more intense, it is said after elder sister and younger brother two live together starts. 秦妈也很有趣,总担心女儿嫁不出去,居家之余,整日忙活着安排相亲。这些年越发变本加厉,据说是在姐弟俩同居之后开始的。 If she grows in such family, this good. 她要是生长在这样的家庭,该多好。 Hey, A'Ze, did you go home?” She dials the Qin Ze's telephone. “喂,阿泽,你们回家了吗?”她拨通秦泽的电话。 „On road.” “在回去的路上。” Can come Hongqiao to meet my one?” Wang Zijin hesitant, rain gets down is a little big.” “能来虹桥接我一下么?”王子衿犹豫一下,“雨下的有点大。” Good.” “好。” Wang Zijin hangs up the telephone, the corners of the mouth swings the supple happy expression. 王子衿挂断电话,嘴角荡起柔柔的笑意。
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