MESIS :: Volume #2

#131: Child

Qin Ze long is so big, has not discussed including the field formal love, takes a wife what/anything, he never imagined, is too remote. 秦泽长这么大,连场正儿八经的恋爱都没谈过,娶媳妇什么的,他想都没想过,太遥远。 Qin Baobao sneaks in little red BMW, the eye socket red, does not dare to look at younger brother, thinks, does not feel willing, said: Forgot the matter.” 秦宝宝钻进小红马,眼眶还是红红的,不敢去看弟弟,想了想,又觉得不甘心,就说:“把刚才的事忘了。” Qin Ze is bewildered: What had a moment ago?” 秦泽一脸茫然:“刚才发生了什么?” Qin Baobao snort/hum, the corners of the mouth turn upwards: Calculates that you know the limitation.” 秦宝宝“哼”一声,嘴角翘起:“算你识相。” The Qin Ze mouth is inexpensive: I do not remember that somebody is weeping and wailing asks me not to take a wife.” 秦泽嘴贱:“我才不记得某人哭着喊着求我别娶媳妇呢。” Old lady fought you.” Qin Baobao has a fit of bad temper, throws dead to pinch the Qin Ze's neck. In compartment pingpong intense fighting sound. “老娘跟你拼了。”秦宝宝炸毛,扑过来死掐秦泽的脖子。车厢里乒乒乓乓的激烈打斗声。 The Qin Baobao volt in the younger brother chest, both hands was cobra-twisted in the back, the big mouth respite, the head has not forgotten to make an effort to hit the chest of this fellow, in a low voice scolding: Bastard bastard...... 秦宝宝伏在弟弟胸口,双手被绞扭在背,大口喘息,脑袋还不忘用力撞这家伙的胸口,低声骂着:混蛋混蛋...... I thought that was you were old, this marriage. As for me, takes a wife also early.” Qin Ze sets aside a hand to pinch the elder sister's cheek. “我觉得吧,是你年纪不小了,该结婚了。至于我,娶媳妇还早着呢。”秦泽腾出一只手捏姐姐的脸蛋。 Unusual, Qin Baobao has not struggled, the eyeground flashes to pass low-spirited. 反常的,秦宝宝没挣扎,眼底黯然一闪而逝。 Does not take a wife, makes for a lifetime the single dog.” Qin Ze said. “不娶媳妇了,做一辈子单身狗。”秦泽说。 Qin Baobao face glowing with health, is happy: That was best.” 秦宝宝容光焕发,开心道:“那最好了。” What good is good, you did not say that I am family's only children, Old Qin is not good to bring up the rear, otherwise grandfather's coffin board do you press?” “好什么好,你不是说我是家里的独苗嘛,老秦家不好断后的,不然爷爷的棺材板你去按?” pā dā 啪嗒 Grain of pea-sized raindrop hits on the car window, subsequently the rainstorm falls in torrents, the huā lā la noise of the rain fills up the whole world. 一粒豆大的雨点打在车窗玻璃上,继而暴雨倾泻,哗啦啦的雨声填满整个世界。 The rainwater flows along glass huā lā la downward, forms transparent water film. The rain class/flow falls crazily, the ground splashes the dense drizzle. 雨水沿着玻璃哗啦啦往下流,形成一层透明水膜。雨流狂落,地面溅起稠密雨雾。 Rains?!” Qin Baobao strenuous holding up the head, looks around toward the glass outside. “下雨了?!”秦宝宝吃力的昂起头,朝车窗外张望。 Un.” Qin Ze loosens the hand, holds her. “嗯。”秦泽松开手,把她扶起来。 The summer rain is always anxious and fierce, without giving person one type of reason reactionary forces in the ascendant constriction. 夏天的雨总是又急又猛,没来由的给人一种“黑云压城城欲摧”的压迫感。 I have a little donkey that I never ride......” 我有一只小毛驴我从来也不骑......” The cell phone ring tone resounds, elder sister and younger brother two touch the pocket simultaneously, they daily at collision, as before are Qin Baobao's cell phone in the sound, the Qin Ze 22 year Passersby A template, being doomed his cell phone is lonely. 手机铃声响起,姐弟俩同时摸口袋,他俩天天在“撞车”,依旧是秦宝宝的手机在响,秦泽二十二年的路人甲模板,注定他手机冷清。 Mother......” Qin Baobao connection telephone, shouted one. “妈......”秦宝宝接通电话,喊了一声。 „Did you come back?” Mother Qin sound. “你回来了么?”秦妈的声音。 Is preparing to come back.” Qin Baobao said. “正准备回来呢。”秦宝宝说。 Did not use,” in the Mother Qin tone holds reluctantly, Baobao (darling) I you told that matchmake matter failed.” “不用回来了,”秦妈语气中含着无奈,“宝宝我跟你说啊,相亲的事黄了。” failed?” Qin Baobao look one happy, tone indignation: How on failed, my to dress up to prepare to go out, said that yellow on failed, his several meanings, could not have a liking for me. Knows that I have face up to today's matchmake.” 黄了?”秦宝宝神色一喜,语气愤慨:“怎么就黄了,我这都打扮好准备出门了,说黄就黄了,他几个意思啊,看不上我么。知道我有多正视今天的相亲吗。” Qin Ze takes a look at the elder sister silver temples scattered in disorder appearance, the short sleeve is wrinkled, the neckband was also crooked, reveals half snow white shoulder and a chest front nice is white. 秦泽瞅了瞅姐姐云鬓散乱的模样,短袖皱巴巴,领口也歪了,露出半个雪白的肩膀和胸前一抹腻白。 What careful appearance this is said. 这叫做哪门子的精心打扮。 Qin Baobao was still complaining, said oneself put on grave, some anticipated, finally on such failed, is very disappointed, very injured. 秦宝宝还在抱怨,说自己穿的多庄重,有多期待,结果就这样黄了,很失望,很受伤。 Mother Qin one hear, was guilty, Baobao (darling) is all right, what the good man to be many, mother pays attention to you, next week you will come back again.” 秦妈一听,愧疚了,“宝宝没事,好男人多的是,妈给你留心留心,下星期你再回来。” Qin Baobao beautiful face changing colors, āi yā, mother, I wants saying that should not be like that the time-comsuming, is tired.” 秦宝宝花容失色,“哎呀,妈,我就是想说,你别费那般功夫了,多累啊。” Wanted wanting.” “要的要的。” Does not want does not want.” “不要的不要的。” Qin Ze shows the whites of the eyes, making you do. 秦泽翻了个白眼,让你作。 Made the telephone call, a Qin Baobao face dwelling fought the depressed appearance of failure. 挂了电话,秦宝宝一脸宅斗失败的沮丧模样。 The Qin Baobao's meaning is: The mother you are really far-fetched, harmed I anticipate in vain, later such matter be please less. 秦宝宝的意思是:妈你真不靠谱,害的我白白期待一场,以后这样的事情请少些。 The ginger is old spicy, Mother Qin the appearance that pretends unable to understand, understands daughter's meaning: The daughter likes matchmake very much, today this matter is I works has not completed, I review, and strives to do is better. 姜还是老的辣,秦妈装作听不懂的样子,把女儿的意思理解成:女儿很喜欢相亲,今天这事是我工作没做好,我检讨,并争取做的更好。 Crooked building crooked flawlessness. “歪楼”歪的天衣无缝。 Does not think that in whose belly you are come out, selects the wishful thinking, can hide the truth from our mother?” Qin Ze disdains. “也不想想你是谁肚子里出来的,就那么点小心思,能瞒得过咱妈?”秦泽不屑。 Shut up.” Qin Baobao snort/hum. “闭嘴。”秦宝宝哼了一声。 Qin Ze touches the elder sister's head, but was patted by her, this is opens the way that finds the clue make to kill correctly. 秦泽就去摸姐姐的头,但被她拍开,这才是摸头杀的正确打开方式。 Originally elder sister does not resist younger brother to find the clue make to kill, but some day, Qin Ze will touch the elder sister's head, hā hā will laugh saying: This is smiles to touch dog head that” online is widely known. 本来姐姐是不抗拒弟弟摸头杀的,但某天,秦泽摸完姐姐的头,哈哈大笑说:这就是网上盛传的“笑摸狗头”。 Was pursued the room to hit by elder sister, since then, Qin Baobao was not glad younger brother to find the clue make, and craved very much touches the head of younger brother with a smile. 姐姐追着满屋子打,自那以后,秦宝宝不乐意弟弟摸头了,并很热衷笑着摸弟弟的头。 The matchmake matter, was the groom's family reneged on a promise, the fellow ordinary salariat, the family background was pure, had a house in Shanghai, 30 years old. The Qin Ze's sister-in-law/little aunt introduced that to Mother Qin, Mother Qin looks, āi yōu, long is very graceful, there is a house, is the native, watches to him the Qin Baobao's picture. Finally the groom's family looked, at that time instigated. superstar Qin Baobao who did not know that his one average person, cannot control. Had turning down of self-knowledge very much. Brings the mood of excited and losing to leave, it is estimated that he can blow for several years with the relatives and friends. 相亲的事,是男方反悔了,那家伙普通工薪阶层,家世清白,在沪市有套房子,三十岁秦泽的小姑介绍给秦妈的,秦妈一看,哎呦,长的挺帅,又有房子,也是本地人,就把秦宝宝的照片给他看。结果男方一看,当时就怂了。大明星秦宝宝谁不认识啊,他就一普通人,根本驾驭不住。很有自知之明的婉拒了。带着兴奋和失落的心情离开,估计他能跟亲朋好友吹好几年了。 How sister-in-law/little aunt has the leisurely mood to introduce the object to you.” Qin Ze asked. “小姑怎么有闲心给你介绍对象。”秦泽问。 Her son lived in our home to go.” Qin Baobao said. “她儿子住咱们家去了呗。”秦宝宝说。 What's the matter.” “怎么回事。” Has tested, possibly was plays the game to delay, the little uncle was very disappointed is very angry, but thinks, thought the son tested badly, at heart definitely also sad, the decision led him to go out to play, relaxed. Let male younger cousin manage the ID card.” Qin Baobao tone thick gossip aura: Result that small prick ignores, same knows to play the game with you, the little uncle exploded immediately, one beats mercilessly ruthlessly. Hits you also to suppress that type compared with the father. The little sister-in-law spoils the son, delivered her Elder Brother here to come, lay low until something blows over.” “中考没考好,可能是玩游戏耽误了吧,小姑父很失望很愤怒,但想了想,觉得儿子考坏了,心里肯定也难过,就决定带他出去玩玩,散散心。让表弟去办身份证。”秦宝宝语气浓浓的八卦气息:“结果那小王八蛋不理不睬,跟你一样就知道打游戏,小姑父顿时就炸了,狠狠一顿毒打。比老爹打你还狠那种。小姑太溺爱儿子,就把人送她哥这里来了,避避风头。” Loving mother defeat.” Qin Ze teased: He is not willing to come to our home, old gentleman talked about the major principle all day long, every day filled the poisonous chicken soup.” “慈母多败儿。”秦泽打趣道:“他也不愿意来咱们家吧,老爷子成天讲大道理,每天灌毒鸡汤。” You also know loving mother defeat.” Qin Baobao gives him one funnily elder brother's expression. “你也知道慈母多败儿。”秦宝宝给他一个“滑稽”哥的表情。 Loving mother defeats the female is also suitable.” Qin Ze said. “慈母多败女也是适用的。”秦泽说。 Fart, you are the only child son, mother are sorest you.” “屁,你是独苗儿子,妈最疼你。” Is sorest you, old gentleman hits my time she has not prevented.” “最疼你吧,老爷子打我的时候她也没阻止。” Defeats the son.” “败儿子。” Defeats the daughter.” “败女儿。” elder sister and younger brother bickers two daily. 姐弟俩日常斗嘴。 About this topic, they cannot convince anyone, Mother Qin is can hold a bowl of water steady, serves son's old gentleman as for the club daily, can only say that the educational method is different, hitting scolded is the love, these words described was the parents. To comparing to completely submissive daughter, Qin Ze felt oneself are the sufficient phone bill delivers. 关于这个话题,他们谁都说服不了谁,秦妈算是能一碗水端平的,至于天天棍棒伺候儿子的老爷子,只能说教育方法不同,打是亲骂是爱,这句话形容的就是父母。只是对比起千依百顺女儿,秦泽就觉得自己是充话费送的。 Same time, in family/home. 同一时间,家里。 The old gentleman both legs overlap sits in the sofa, launches a newspaper, Mother Qin hangs the power failure words, sighed, dead girl referred to happily erratically.” 老爷子双腿交叠坐在沙发,展开一份报纸,秦妈挂掉电话,叹了口气,“死丫头指不定有多开心。” old gentleman shakes the head: Was not free from worry, her present status , not suitable matchmake, if were photographed surreptitiously by the paparazzi team, the person has not married, the enterprise first destroyed.” 老爷子摇摇头:“不叫人省心,她现在的身份,也不适合相亲了,万一被狗仔队偷拍,人没嫁成,事业先毁了。” Mother Qin is wanting to refute, the cell phone made a sound, she lowered the eyebrow to sweep a number, the complexion changed, the subconscious gripping tightly cell phone, must live in cell phone connection ting conceals probably together. 秦妈正欲反驳,手机响了,她低眉扫了一眼号码,脸色顿变,下意识的紧握手机,像是要把手机连通铃声一起藏住。 old gentleman raised the head, how to answer the telephone?” 老爷子抬头,“怎么不接电话?” Mother Qin said with a smile: Strange number, perhaps sale call.” 秦妈强笑道:“陌生号码,许是推销电话。” She resisted to meet this to come the electricity. 她拒接了这条来电。 Mother Qin sent will stay, sets out saying: I go to the food market to transfer the revolutions.” 秦妈发了会呆,起身说:“我去菜市场转转。” old gentleman un, lowers the head to read a newspaper. 老爷子“嗯”一声,低头看报。 The Mother Qin crook of the elbow hangs the housewives to do grocery shopping the special-purpose cloth sack, raises the umbrella to go out. From the elevator to a building, she does intentionally the calm complexion unable to stretch finally, reveals the startled angry terrified color. 秦妈臂弯挂着家庭主妇买菜专用的布袋,提着雨伞出门。从电梯下到一楼,她故作镇定的脸色终于绷不住,露出惊怒惶恐之色。 The rain falls the crazy class/flow, the huā lā la rainstorm sound floods the world, the finger thick raindrop pounds to fall, in the world white piece. 雨落狂流,哗啦啦暴雨声充斥天地,指头粗的雨滴砸落,天地间白茫茫一片。 Mother Qin looks at the heavy downpour to be in a daze, the cell phone ring tone rings. 秦妈望着滂沱大雨发呆,手机铃声又响起来。 That number. 还是那个号码。 Mother Qin closely catches the cell phone, after hesitant, chose answered the telephone. 秦妈紧紧拽住手机,几经犹豫,选择了接听电话。 Little Lan, I arrived at Shanghai immediately.” In the telephone broadcasts the calm man voice. 小岚,我马上到沪市了。”电话里传来沉稳的男人声音。 Mother Qin sinks at heart in vain: You come Shanghai to do.” 秦妈心里徒然一沉:“你来沪市干嘛。” Comes to see you and child.” The men said. “来看看你和孩子。”男人说。 The Mother Qin sound is in vain incisive: Sees what child, which is your child, are not related with your family.” 秦妈声音徒然尖锐起来:“看什么孩子,哪个是你孩子,早就和你们家没关系了。” Men silent moment, sighed: You make me see the child line, I many years have not seen the child, after all blood is thicker than water.” 男人沉默了片刻,叹道:“你让我见见孩子行吗,我已经很多年没见孩子,毕竟血浓于水。” Mother Qin sneers: Blood is thicker than water? What you install to feel emotion the righteousness, initially on the matter of reaching an agreement, regretted? Late!” 秦妈冷笑一声:“血浓于水?你装什么有情有义,当初就说好的事情,后悔了?迟了!” Man solemnly said: Little Lan......” 男人沉声道:“小岚......” Mother Qin breaks him excitedly, stern voice and appearance: Sufficed, I warned you, do not disturb my life again, the child are not related with you, surnamed Qin.” 秦妈激动的打断他,声色俱厉:“够了,我警告你,别再来打扰我的生活,孩子跟你们没关系,姓秦。” The men said: We did not say in telephone, sees the face-to-face talk ?” 男人说:“咱们不在电话里说了,见面谈,好吗?” „It is not worthwhile.” Mother Qin angrily said: Where come, where rolls returns goes.” “犯不着。”秦妈怒道:“从哪里来,滚回哪里去。” I have ten minutes to the Hongqiao station, if you do not come, I go to your family, the address I remember.” “我还有十分钟虹桥站,如果你不来,我就去你家,地址我记得。” Mother Qin clenches teeth saying: Good, I now on the past.” 秦妈咬牙道:“好,我现在就过去。”
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