MESIS :: Volume #2

#130: Best result

The Qin Baobao both arms embrace the neck of younger brother, smart-alecky flushes air in his ear, Qin Ze shivers, the whole body goosebumps, scolded: Qin Baobao do do not make, believe me to throw in water transport Qinghe you.” 秦宝宝双臂揽住弟弟的脖子,俏皮的在他耳边吹气,秦泽打了个寒噤,浑身鸡皮疙瘩,骂道:“秦宝宝你别闹,信不信我把你丢漕青河里去。” You lose, such attractive elder sister you are willing to lose, calculates that you have the skill.” Qin Baobao seized the chance to give a Qin Ze Chinese chestnut. “你丢啊,这么漂亮的姐姐你都舍得丢,算你有本事。”秦宝宝趁机给了秦泽一顿板栗。 Qin Ze is disinclined to bicker with her. 秦泽懒得和她斗嘴。 The Qin Baobao threat said: Does not throw you are not the man.” 秦宝宝威胁道:“不丢你就不是男人。” Qin Ze forehead swing back, the skull hits in the elder sister forehead, the sore her loud pain shouted. 秦泽脑门后仰,脑壳撞在姐姐额头,疼的她大声痛呼。 Where comes that big resentment?” He said. “哪来那么大怨气?”他说。 The Qin Baobao cheek helps a drum: I want one to be black black your Sister Zijin.” 秦宝宝腮帮一鼓:“我要黑一黑你的子衿姐。” Qin Ze came the interest immediately: You said.” 秦泽顿时来了兴趣:“你说。” Qin Baobao thinks, resembles expresses in the fermentation, said: Knows why your Sister Zijin does come to our home?” 秦宝宝想了想,似在酝酿措辞,才道:“知道你子衿姐为什么来咱们家么?” She in Shanghai few intimate friends, therefore turned to you.” “她在沪市没几个知心朋友,所以投靠你了。” She why only then my bosom friend.” “那她为什么只有我一个闺蜜。” Because elder sister is Little Immortal Fairy, Little Immortal Fairy was certainly popular.” Time that Qin Ze flatters such as fire innocent. “因为姐姐小仙女嘛,小仙女当然受欢迎了。”秦泽拍马屁的功夫如火纯情。 Bah, disgusting.” On the Qin Baobao mouth scolded, actually enjoyed at heart very much, hmph hmph saying: Do not look that your Sister Zijin is very naturally gentle, actually she is the black belly female.” “呸,恶心。”秦宝宝嘴上骂,心里却很受用,哼哼道:“别看你子衿姐很温柔大方,其实她是个腹黑女。” How to say?” Qin Ze said. “怎么说?”秦泽道。 High that little while, her bedroom has beautiful female schoolmate, in the big bludger with school is the male and female friend relates, that schoolmate is unpleasing to the eyes Zijin, bullies her everywhere, throws the ground her quilt, the toothbrush towel throws the restroom. Zijin she has not said what/anything, buys silently newly, was thrown again, she buys again. Everyone thinks that she is very good to bully, is the soft egg. Like this passed half semester, some physical education, female schoolmate and boyfriend kiss in the secluded corner, pawing of practicing fraud. Zijin seizes the opportunity finally, patting. On the same day asked for leave to leave school, the picture entire color printing, the entire school that then dispersed is. headmaster alarmed.” “高一那会儿,她寝室有个挺妖艳的女同学,跟学校里的大混混是男女朋友关系,那同学看不顺眼子衿,就处处欺负她,把她被子扔地上,牙刷毛巾丢厕所。子衿她也没说什么,就是默默买好新的,再被扔,她再买。大家都认为她很好欺负,是软蛋。就这样过了半个学期,某次体育课,女同学和男朋友在僻静角落亲嘴,上下其手的乱摸。子衿终于逮住机会,给拍下来了。当天就请假出校,把照片全彩打印,然后散的全学校都是。校长都惊动了。” Such 6?” Qin Ze shock: Afterward.” “这么六?”秦泽震惊:“后来呢。” Dismissal, the high school was in love, so long as did not expose, teacher managed on being disinclined, this was the obvious unspoken rule. But exposed to be different, the school attached great importance to face-saving. If the bottom discovered in private, teacher can warn, a back punishment even, the school teachers and students knew, what to do doesn't dismiss can also? Is waiting for on the news? That that we read was the key high school. Did the Department of Education person talk? The school leader also fears.” “开除了呗,高中谈恋爱只要不暴露,老师就懒得管,这是心照不宣的潜规则。但暴露出来就不一样了,学校要面子的呀。如果只是私下底发现,老师可以警告一番,背个处分就算了,全校师生都知道了,不开除还能怎么办?等着上新闻?咱读的那可是重点高中啊。或者教育部的人来约谈?校领导也怕啊。” Does not act already, making a move must kill.” Qin Ze appreciation. “不出手则已,出手必杀。”秦泽赞赏。 campus violence he has also experienced, the student who each has experienced campus violence, will cast entire life the shadow that is hard to erase. Qin Ze did not feel excess that Wang Zijin makes, doubles presents. 校园暴力他也经历过,每一个经历过校园暴力的学生,都会留下一生难以抹除的阴影。秦泽并不觉得王子衿做的过分,加倍奉还罢了。 For these years, the campus violence phenomenon were getting more and more, what/anything took off/escaped the clothes photograph, what beat in the corner, worked as the domestic animal completely, this was the abnormal phenomena that the education atmosphere of heavy result not heavy personal character formed. And what is more, maltreatment lethal, however and egg, has the underage waste...... the underage person protection method to protect, it is estimated that could not sentence the severe sentence. 这几年,校园暴力现象越来越多,什么脱衣服拍照啊,什么堵在角落拳打脚踢啊,完全把人当牲畜,这就是重成绩不重品德的教育风气形成的畸形现象。更有甚者,还有虐待致死的,然并卵,有未成年人渣......未成年人保护法守护着,估计也判不了重刑。 Also has.” Qin Baobao making an effort fierce and violent material, to outwit failure report gut retaliation a moment ago. “还有还有。”秦宝宝使劲暴猛料,为刚才智斗失败报一箭之仇。 „When high two, have rich second generation to pester her, in the family/home and school a little relate, that rich second generation sees Zijin, felt the companion of own life has appeared, all day pesters, does to unrequited love uninterested love, delivers the rose to deliver the luxury goods, all sorts conquer the way of woman no matter uses. Makes a determined effort, thinks force oneself upon.” “高二时,有个富二代纠缠她,家里和学校有点关系的,那富二代见到子衿,就觉得自己人生的伴侣已经出现,整日纠缠,奈何落花有意流水无情啊,送玫瑰送奢侈品,种种征服女人的方式都不管用呐。一发狠,就想霸王硬上弓。” So rampant? Is his father Li Gang?” Qin Ze anger. “如此嚣张?他爸是李纲么?”秦泽怒了。 How or saying that Zijin black belly, her cell phone opened the sound recording, recorded some dirty words that rich second generation lets success go to the head. Has the relations including the account family/home and the school, even the words how you how can still level and so on. Saying must by the river crab.” “要不怎么说子衿腹黑呢,她手机开了录音,把富二代得意忘形的一些龌龊话都录了进去。包括自述家里和学校有关系,就算把你怎么怎么样也能摆平之类的话。说出来要被河蟹的。” I want to know how she escapes from force oneself upon.” The Qin Ze comparison pays attention to this. “我就想知道她怎么逃脱霸王硬上弓的。”秦泽比较关注这个。 This is not the key point.” The Qin Baobao chin knocks in the younger brother back of the head, others deliver Department of Education the sound recording directly, good of suit school leader. Also looked for the attorney, the police and reporter. Stops up one group of school leaders in the office does not dare to come out. Then rich second generation transferred the school, headmaster came off sentry duty. Emma, shocked one crowd to eat the melon people.” “这不是重点。”秦宝宝下巴磕在弟弟后脑,“人家直接把录音上交教育部,投诉校领导的好不好。还找了律师、警察、记者。把一群校领导堵在办公室不敢出来。然后富二代转校了,校长下岗了。艾玛,惊呆了一群吃瓜群众。” She is officer second generation, in the family/home has the background.” Qin Ze feared that elder sister does not know. “她是官二代嘛,家里有背景的。”秦泽姐姐不知道。 Qin Baobao nods, who may say on a grand scale are oneself officer second generation? At that time I did not know her family background. No matter schoolmate or teacher, keep at a respectful distance to her, black belly, the method was too spicy and ruthless, threw her went in the ancient times, the proper dwelling fought the young expert.” 秦宝宝点点头,“可谁会大张旗鼓说自己是官二代?那时候我都不知道她的家庭背景。甭管同学还是老师,都对她敬而远之,太腹黑了,手段又辣又狠,把她丢古代去,妥妥的宅斗小能手。” Such woman, living that let alone the second aunt, the biological mothers not necessarily governed.” Qin Baobao said. “这样的女人,别说二姑了,亲妈都不一定治的住。”秦宝宝说。 Let alone the biological mother, the biological father has not controlled, left home.” Qin Ze feels very much the same way, to stare suddenly: Therefore you felt relieved that makes her go to the airport.” “别说亲妈,亲爸不也没驾驭住,都离家出走了。”秦泽深有同感,忽地一愣:“所以你才放心让她一个人去机场。” Elder sister, I was wrong.” Qin Ze apologizes immediately. He also worried a moment ago that what/anything second aunt leads one group of lackey lackeys, seizes to go home forcefully Wang Zijin. “姐,我错了。”秦泽立刻道歉。他刚才还担心那什么二姑带着一群奴才狗腿子,把王子衿强行掳回家去。 He is familiar with Qin Baobao, Qin Baobao is also familiar with him, before that discontented, hurt the elder sister's heart obviously. No wonder the resentment is so big. 他熟悉秦宝宝,秦宝宝也熟悉他,之前那不满的一眼,显然伤了姐姐的心。怪不得怨气这么大。 Bites to death you.” Qin Baobao takes great pains, in insignificant the stain the bright great image washes off finally, she paid great attention to herself the image in younger brother mind. “咬死你。”秦宝宝煞费苦心,总算把自己光明伟岸形象里微不足道的污点洗去,她太注重自己在弟弟心目中的形象了。 Bah, was salty.” Qin Baobao bites Qin Ze's ear one, told the water hastily. “呸,咸死了。”秦宝宝秦泽的耳朵一口,连忙吐口水。 This wave does not owe.” Qin Ze laughs. “这波不亏。”秦泽大笑。 Wang Zijin does not have the friend in Shanghai, she estimated that does not care, the character, she is such person. Has to plant eight winds to be motionless very much, treated with indifference flavor. Also the opinion consciousness is too it can be said that strong. From her leaving home this point. 王子衿沪市没朋友,她自己估计也不太在乎,性格上来说,她就是这样的人。很有种八风不动,淡然处之的味道。也可以说是主见意识太强。从她离家出走这一点就看出来。 On getting up slick, Qin Baobao stronger compared with Wang Zijin, elder sister is very since childhood outstanding, not only displays on IQ, but also displays on emotional quotient, Qin Baobao can systematic that oneself each circle handles, the schoolmate circle, the family circle and friend circle, each circle she can level, at home she is the clever daughter, in the school she is the good student. Could not find the reason of family visit to teacher well. 论起八面玲珑,秦宝宝王子衿要强,姐姐从小就很优秀,不单表现在智商上,还表现在情商上、秦宝宝能把自己每个圈子都打理的井井有条,同学圈、家庭圈、朋友圈,每个圈子她都能摆平,在家她是乖女儿,在学校她是好学生。好到老师连家访的理由都找不到。 Including her acting like a spoiled and cute brat in front of Qin Ze, actually is also emotional quotient the high part, tenderhearted younger brother always under the elder sister sugar-coated bullet, all contracts the house job. Qin Ze is a bum, but also enjoys very much. 包括她在秦泽面前撒娇卖萌,其实也是情商高的一部分,心软的弟弟总是在姐姐糖衣炮弹之下,把家务活一律承包。偏偏秦泽是贱骨头,还很享受。 Even if when the work circle, she does also good, first boss when she just before leaving, but also helped her want an interview quota, although possibly was the slight effort, but the ordinary staff, can boss manage you? elder sister often said that large-scale company is very repugnant, everywhere is the small plans of mistrusting each other, the common staff unstated criticism she, spoke her malicious remarks in secret, but she can stand firm in the general manager secretary position, fully explained the ability. 哪怕在工作圈,她做的也不错,前老板在她临走之际,还帮她要了一份面试名额,虽然可能是举手之劳,但普通员工,老板会管你?姐姐常说大型公司很讨厌,到处都是尔虞我诈的小心机,常有员工私底下腹诽她,说她坏话,但她能在总经理秘书位置上站稳脚跟,足以说明能力。 Where you cannot request to arrive at commend and praise, cannot request anybody is the allied forces. 你不能要求走到哪里都是称赞和表扬,不能要求任何人都是友军。 In Star Skills Entertainment, good, without and whom who Qin Baobao mixes splits, this is commendable, only then has some obvious manipulating strategically with Xu Lu, but that is the resources competes, is inevitable struggle. 星艺娱乐,秦宝宝混的还行,没和谁交恶,这就难能可贵,只有和徐璐有一些心照不宣的勾心斗角,但那是资源争夺,是不可避免的“斗争”。 In the parental eyes, daughter's only shortcoming is the life skills not, the Jiaojiao female in big city, generally is this. Now are also many a shortcoming, does not make the boyfriend. 父母眼里,女儿唯一的缺点就是生活技能没点,大城市的娇娇女,普遍都是这样。现在又多了一个缺点,死活不交男朋友。 But Qin Ze felt, elder sister and Wang Zijin comparison, loses on mental, has not seen one to play the role of pitiful elder sister's in front of younger brother daily. She fortunately is elder sister, occasionally must consider the elder sister's impressive and dignified manner, if she younger sister...... 秦泽觉得,姐姐王子衿比较,输在心智上,没见过一个天天在弟弟面前扮可怜的姐姐的。她还好是姐姐,偶尔要考虑一下自己姐姐的威仪,她要是妹妹...... Is silent a section of road, Qin Baobao the lower jaw pillow in the shoulder of younger brother, the side head, stares at the close face, distinctive outline, handsome bridge of the nose, shiny black shiny black pupil. Has intoxicated male character. time real quick, back then he followed to shout the elder sister's kid behind oneself butt. 沉默着走了一段路,秦宝宝把下颌枕在弟弟的肩膀,侧头,凝视近在咫尺的脸庞,棱角分明的轮廓,俊挺的鼻梁,黑亮黑亮的眸子。有着一股令人心醉的阳刚之气。时间过的真快,想当年他还是跟在自己屁股后面喊姐姐的小屁孩。 The scapegoat who whatever that she bullies, removes shy in the time, grows into man who is indomitable spirit. 那个任由她欺负的受气包,在时光中褪去青涩,长成顶天立地的男子汉。 Qin Baobao faint sigh: A'Ze, when you celebrate a birthday on 23, the heart of being lovesick is just like experiences one day like a year. The world wants the rain mother to get married, blocking cannot block. elder sister is thinks that you are late the marriage, we created a disturbance like the childhood again, happy wasn't? Later waits for you to deceive the juicy cabbage of which family/home, got married and began a career. I, will have my family and child probably. A'Ze, you said after us , is not so good. elder sister cannot kiss you casually, otherwise your wife must be jealous. You cannot hit elder sister's butt, otherwise your does not know that which corner corner the brother-in-law in must be jealous. Then our various, has had own husband wife, has own child. Meeting year enmity meets, chats , to continue to rush about for the life, works hard for the family member......” 秦宝宝幽幽叹息:“阿泽,等你过了生日就二十三了,思春的心好比度日如年吧。都说天下要雨娘要嫁人,拦是拦不住的。姐姐就是想你晚点结婚,咱们再像小时候那样打打闹闹,多开心不是?以后等你骗到谁家的水灵白菜,成家立业了。我呢,大概也会有自己的家庭和孩子。阿泽,你说我们以后是不是就没这么好了。姐姐可不能随便亲你了,否则你媳妇要吃醋。你也不能打姐的屁股,要不然你那不知道在哪个犄角旮旯的姐夫也要吃醋。然后咱们各过各的,有自己的丈夫妻子,有自己的孩子。逢年过节见见面,聊聊天,继续为生活奔波,为家人操劳......” Qin Ze thought, this perhaps is the best result, elder sister has the elder sister's family, I have my family, the youth pain, the pain of first love, most did not have the significance. The four seasons circulation, the years is static, perhaps years later, they can also speak freely about the kidding around childhood, the happy youngster, and puzzled present will also turn into the remote youth. Their side is the respective child, the chase kids around...... 秦泽心想,这或许是最好的结局吧,姐姐姐姐的家庭,我有我的家庭,青春的痛啊,初恋的痛啊,最没有意义了。四季流转,岁月静好,若干年后,他们或许还能畅谈一下嬉闹的童年,开心的少年,以及纠结的现在也会变成遥远的青年。他们身边是各自的孩子,追逐嬉闹...... Qin Ze does not have the reason at heart flood grieved, scolded: For no reason has any good wound spring sad autumn, you must get married, I must take a wife.” 秦泽心里没来由的泛起酸楚,骂道:“平白无故的有什么好伤春悲秋,你总要嫁人,我总要娶媳妇。” This does not have the means that but you are elder sister excrement hold up a baby so it can urinate to raise......” “这个是没办法的啦,可你是姐一把屎一把尿拉扯大……” Qin Ze rolls the eyes, is this. Who would imagine a elder sister thread of conversation revolution: Raised such big pig to be given to butcher, was unwilling.” 秦泽翻白眼,又是这句。岂料姐姐话锋一转:“养这么大的猪被人给宰了,怎么也不甘心。” I who your car(riage) turns am caught off guard.” Qin Ze pinched elder sister's butt. “你这车翻的我措手不及。”秦泽掐了一把姐姐的屁股 Qin Baobao closely holds in the arms his neck, „after later matter, said that you leave take a wife early, is good.” 秦宝宝紧紧搂住他的脖子,“以后的事以后再说呗,你别那么早娶媳妇,好不好。” Qin Ze is silent. 秦泽沉默。 She with emphasis, entreated: Is good.” 她加重语气,略带一丝哀求:“好不好。” Qin Ze did not speak, he looks at the road of under foot. 秦泽还是不说话,他愣愣看着脚下的路。 Qin Baobao eye socket one red. 秦宝宝眼眶一红。 Mother made me go home matchmake, on tonight.” “妈又让我回家相亲了,就今天晚上。” Qin Ze „”. 秦泽“哦”了一声。 Qin Baobao is staring at younger brother cheek, attempts to see what/anything from his eye, but no. She said bitterly: I go home now, looked that pleasing to the eyes married casually.” 秦宝宝盯着弟弟侧脸,企图从他眼里看出什么,但是没有。她恨恨道:“我现在就回家去,看顺眼就随便嫁了。” Qin Ze footsteps, starts to walk slightly again, not salty not pale „”. 秦泽脚步微微一顿,再迈开,不咸不淡的“哦”一声。 The Qin Baobao tears flow immediately, lies in his shoulder, sobs. 秦宝宝眼泪当即就流下来,趴在他肩头,抽抽噎噎。 Walking was very long, had had the old town, she is still crying, this is cries endless elder sister. 走了很久,已经出了古镇,她还在哭,这是个哭起来没完没了的姐姐 Qin Ze did not say patiently: Having what/anything is prone to crying, the mother gives you to arrange matchmake, I did not prevent. The bastard but who which does not keep eyes open dares to pester you, I break his two legs, no, a third leg also breaks.” 秦泽不耐烦道:“有什么好哭的,老妈给你安排相亲,我阻止不了。但哪个不长眼的混蛋敢纠缠你,我打断他两条腿,不,第三条腿也打断。” Qin Baobao sniffs, makes an effort to nod: Un.” 秦宝宝抽鼻子,用力点头:“嗯。” Also cries!” Qin Ze stares. “还哭!”秦泽瞪眼。 Qin Baobao pū chī smiles, both hands dashed away the tears, nasal sound strong calling out: Impolite, in your eye also has my elder sister.” 秦宝宝噗嗤一笑,双手擦去眼泪,鼻音浓重的叫道:“没大没小,你眼里还有没有我这个姐姐。”
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