MESIS :: Volume #2

#128: Fishing

Shot the branch?” Qin Baobao wonders to say. “弹岔了?”秦宝宝纳闷道。 Elusive mixes with a sadness, melodious contains wipes sorrowfully, is she has sung 《Legend》. She thinks that perhaps younger brother makes a mistake, gave the confusion two songs. 空灵中夹杂一丝悲伤,悠扬中蕴含一抹哀婉,是她唱过的《传奇》。她想弟弟许是失误,把两首歌给混淆了。 Right......” Wang Zijin has not listened to Legend. “是吗……”王子衿没听过传奇 Quite disgraced, wearing sunglasses comes up luckily.” Qin Baobao covers the face. “好丢人,幸好戴墨镜上去。”秦宝宝捂脸。 Was the ball mistakenly, a moment ago what shot was «Invisible Wings», this song melody was very familiar, I remember that what that did call to come?” “是不是弹错了,刚才弹的是《隐形的翅膀》吧,这首歌旋律很熟悉,我记得那首叫什么来着的?” A moment ago was Invisible Wings right, this was also the Qin Baobao's song, called 《Legend》.” “刚才是隐形的翅膀没错,这首也是秦宝宝的歌,叫《传奇》。” Should be shoots wrong, ok, on listening, is not specialized.” “应该是弹错了吧,算了,将就听吧,又不是专业的。” Many tourists in hall also listened, Qin Baobao several song fires spread north big Jiangnan, Qin Ze played «Invisible Wings», they thought very of pleasant to hear, the heart said that this young fellow had several brushes, sang " Invisible Wings » person are many, shot piano were not many. 大厅的不少游客也听出来了,秦宝宝几首歌火遍大江南北,秦泽弹奏《隐形的翅膀》,他们本来觉得挺好听的,心说这小伙子有几把刷子,唱《隐形翅膀》的人不少,弹钢琴的不多。 Qin Ze takes undivided attention, lowers the head shoots piano dedicated, both hands beats in the black and white key, strikes the key steadily the strength. 秦泽心无旁骛,低头专注弹钢琴,双手在黑白键跳动,击键平稳又力。 The people have accepted «Invisible Wings» change 《Legend》, but listens to listen, suddenly thought where is not right, is 《Legend》 so elegant? This melody ....... 众人已经接受《隐形翅膀》变《传奇》了,可是听着听着,忽然又觉得哪里不对劲了,《传奇》有这么典雅吗?这旋律....... Damn! 我去! Blue and White Porcelain?! 青花瓷?! When excessively arrived at Blue and White Porcelain to go, how not to have the hear. 什么时候过度到青花瓷去了,怎么没听出来。 „Did Uh ....... shoot Blue and White Porcelain? I responded.” .......怎么又弹青花瓷了?我才反应过来。” Shot wrong?” “又弹错了?” Which this is the ball is wrong, this is the string fever, string is so flawless, does not feel completely towering, excessive is very smooth.” “这哪是弹错,这是串烧吧,串的这么天衣无缝,完全不感觉突兀,过度的很流畅。” Yes, has listened to these songs, but also thinks that is the same first.” “是啊,要不是听过这几首歌,还以为是同一首曲呢。” This young people are very fierce.” “这个年轻人挺厉害的。” The tourists whisper, at first «Invisible Wings» cannot make them care, chatted respectively, when discovered that young fellow bullet made a mistake, funny discussion several, on the past, but discovers now, others were not the ball are at all wrong, this was the first string fever. 游客交头接耳,起初《隐形的翅膀》并不能让他们在意,各自聊天,等发现那小伙子弹错了,好笑的谈论几句,也就过去了,可现在才发现,人家根本不是弹错,这是首串烧。 Wang Zijin sighed: Ball real good.” 王子衿叹道:“弹的真好。” Qin Baobao restrains the amazed color, hmph hmph saying: Knows that shows off.” 秦宝宝收敛惊诧之色,哼哼道:“就知道出风头。” Shows off easily to pull up the younger sister imperceptibly. 太出风头容易无形中撩妹。 The Blue and White Porcelain melody is in the conclusion stage, falls in touching, gradually to low, this thinks that here this piano string fever ended. Ten fingers of that Qin Ze beats, suddenly, he steps on the tenuto footboard slightly fiercely, ten fingers of stop dances in the air on the key. 青花瓷旋律进入收尾阶段,在凄婉中滑落,渐至低迷,本以为到这里这场钢琴串烧结束了。秦泽跳动的十指微微一顿,突然,他猛地踩下延音踏板,停顿的十指飞舞在音键上。 the next moment, the spirited resounding tweedle blasts out, blast of no indication. From bass to treble, from last act to high tide. 下一刻,激昂高亢的琴声炸开,毫无征兆的炸开。从低音到高音,从尾声到高潮。 Including three songs, Qin Ze was stepping on the supple sound footboard, the song or exquisite or elusive or classical, by a quite low and soft sound performance. 连着三首曲子,秦泽都踩了柔音踏板,曲子或优美或空灵或古典,在以一种比较低柔的声音演奏。 It is clearly towering, the engagement is not slightly clear, may actually give people one type from damping to the pleasant sensation and resonance of raising. 分明很突兀,衔接丝毫都不圆润,可却给人一种从抑到扬的快感、共鸣。 The music and speech initiate the sharp weapon of resonance. 音乐和演讲是引发共鸣的利器。 exaggerate!” A middle-aged person blurted out. 浮夸!”一个中年人脱口而出。 This is one of the Qin Baobao most famous works, but with was been different by 《Blue and White Porcelain》 of high praise, although exaggerate is extremely preferred, but not too suitable own Baobao (darling) to sing, was denounced by part of fans, felt the Qin Baobao also poor crucial moment. 这是秦宝宝最出名的作品之一,但和备受好评的《青花瓷》不同,浮夸虽然极受青睐,但不太适合亲宝宝唱,受一部分粉丝诟病,觉得秦宝宝还差一点火候。 Likes this song fans, mostly is a little social story, the child of puberty and does not eat world fireworks rich second generation, it is estimated that is nothing substitutes the feeling. 喜欢这首歌的粉丝,大多是有点社会阅历的,青春期的孩子和不食人间烟火富二代,估计是没什么代入感的。 Without enters the experience of dust lowly, how can realize that type is unwilling. 没有低入尘埃的经历,怎么能体会那种不甘。 Without making more than ten years of Passersby A, how to have had likely sudden singing loudly looks wildly. 没有做过十几年路人甲,怎么会有“像突然的高歌”的野望。 The person of protagonist template is very few, just like that lyrics: There's too many ordinary paths in this world, Which block do you live in again. 主角模板的人少之又少,正如那句歌词:在世间平凡又普通的路太多,屋村你住哪一座 Resonance! 共鸣! exaggerate is Qin Baobao has sung, resonance effect most excellent song. 浮夸秦宝宝唱过的,共鸣效果最出色的歌。 Many tourist following melody snort/hum. 不少游客跟着旋律哼起来。 Qin Ze invests gradually, strikes the movement of key to be getting bigger and bigger, as body melody from time to time left deviation, from time to time right supine, thinks a demented performer. 秦泽渐渐投入,击键的动作越来越大,身体随着旋律时而左倾,时而右仰,想一个癫狂的演奏家。 The note increases successively, layer upon layer progressive. 音符节节攀升,层层递进。 In most demented, most resounding place ending, just like this song to shout finished. 在最癫狂,最高亢之处结尾,正如这首歌以嘶吼结束。 The tune bullet ends. 曲子弹完。 Qin Ze long puts out the one breath. 秦泽长长吐出一口气。 pā pā pā!” 啪啪啪!” The applause resounds, the tourist applauds. 掌声响成一片,游客纷纷叫好。 Splendid! 精彩! Too splendid! 太精彩了! Few people can several song so perfect engagements, no being out of sorts feeling. The tourists feel the level to be good, being worth the applause encouraging. But if there is a music specialized person to present, it is estimated that must be shocked. This needs the good talents and understanding these songs and skilled. 很少有人能把几首歌如此完美的衔接,毫无违和感。游客只是觉得水平不错,值得掌声鼓励。但如果有音乐专业的人在场,估计得惊呆。这需要不俗的才华以及对这几首歌的了解、熟练。 2 : 00 pm, the day rapidly becomes Yin, the weather forecast said that today has the rainstorm, in the summer the nimbostratus is sincere, clear. In the winter the rainy day, the sky is the light gray. Qin Ze looked that the sky dark cloud is light, for a short time later, said the weather to be just right, everyone fishes. 下午 2 点,天迅速变阴,天气预报说今天有暴雨,夏季雨层云厚重,一目了然。冬季雨天,天空是浅灰色。秦泽看天空乌云淡淡,一时半会下不来,就说天气正好,大家去钓鱼吧。 Three people then leave the restaurant, when going out, Qin Baobao referred to the Qin Ze's arm, turns head to ask Wang Zijin: „Do you hug?” 三人便离开餐厅,出门时,秦宝宝指了指秦泽的胳膊,扭头问王子衿:“你搂吗?” Wang Zijin has not responded, the subconsciousness said: I do not hug.” 王子衿没反应过来,下意识说:“我不搂。” Qin Baobao felt relieved immediately, said delighted: That is good.” Grasps the Qin Ze's arm, jumps. 秦宝宝顿时放心,乐滋滋道:“那就好。”抱住秦泽的胳膊,蹦蹦跳跳。 Outside the old town two kilometers, Dayutang, fishes to the tourist specially, the charging criterion gathers according to the day, everyone day of 300. 古镇外两公里,有一座大鱼塘,专门给游客钓鱼的,收费标准是按天收取,每人一天三百 This charge, cheats simply. 这收费,简直坑人。 The person of fishing are many, is good is big because of the fish pond enough, gathers together respectively. 钓鱼的人不少,好在鱼塘够大,各自聚在一起。 Qin Ze, Wang Zijin, the Qin Baobao three candidates unmanned place, on the bait, threw the hook. Sits on stool that provides in the fish pond lords, starts to fish. 秦泽,王子衿,秦宝宝三人选了一处无人之地,上饵,抛钩。坐在鱼塘主提供的小凳上,开始垂钓。 Some people like fishing very much, even if what/anything cannot fish, can sit for day. Some person most repugnant fishing , without patience and other fish to swallow the bait, thought that stupidly sits has achieved nothing, likely fool. 有的人很喜欢钓鱼,哪怕什么也钓不上来,也能坐一天。有的人最讨厌钓鱼,没耐心等鱼儿上钩,觉得傻坐着一无所获,像个傻逼。 Wang Zijin is the former, Qin Baobao is the latter. 王子衿是前者,秦宝宝是后者。 Qin Ze situated in both. 秦泽介于两者之间。 After elder sister the fishhook loses in the water penetration, does not manage, sits plays the cell phone on the small backless stool, brushes Weibo, reads the novel, was greasy, teases younger brother with the foot. Rubs on his thigh rubs. Qin Baobao puts on to lower with the sandals comes out, the toe is putting on the dark red cuticle cream, the sole is white and tender, the toe is clear, is the love full hobby huge benefits. 姐姐把鱼钩丢进水里后,就不管了,坐在小板凳上玩手机,刷微博,看小说,腻了,就拿脚丫子挑逗弟弟。在他大腿上蹭啊蹭。秦宝宝穿低跟凉鞋出来的,脚趾头涂着殷红指甲油,脚掌白嫩,脚趾圆润,是恋足癖的巨大福利。 Qin Ze is not the love full hobby, he is the short skirt hobby, elder sister puts on pleated mini skirt today exactly, he by the capriciousness that elder sister pulls up, angrily said: Law-abiding point line, was not exposed.” 秦泽不是恋足癖,他是短裙癖,姐姐今天又恰好穿百褶小短裙,他被姐姐撩的心猿意马,怒道:“安分点行不,都走光了。” The Qin Baobao bite back big long leg, suppresses the short skirt skirt-width, shames angrily said: „Does your elder sister skirt bottom look? damned pervert.” 秦宝宝急忙收回大长腿,压住短裙下摆,羞怒道:“你连姐姐裙底都看?死变态。” Wang Zijin shocking looks at Qin Ze. 王子衿震惊的看着秦泽 My my I...... Damn! 我我我......我去! Qin Ze stared elder sister, the look exchange: You are intentional. Destroys my image in front of Wang Zijin. 秦泽瞪了一眼姐姐,眼神交流:你是故意的吧。在王子衿面前毁我形象。 The Qin Baobao sharp lower jaw raised, gives him one to hit me. 秦宝宝尖尖下颌一扬,给了他一个“来打我呀”。 The Wang Zijin buoy sinks suddenly, the water surface swung the curve ripple, the fish swallowed the bait, the physique was big, the fishing pole bent the swift and fierce curve. 王子衿浮标忽然一沉,水面荡起曲线波纹,鱼儿上钩了,块头还不小,鱼竿弯出凌厉的弧度。 Qin Baobao throws excitedly, I come.” 秦宝宝兴奋扑过来,“我来。” Qin Ze holds on her, then gives to entrain in the water you.” 秦泽一把拉住她,“回头把你给拽水里去。” He feared that elder sister entrained tactless separates. 他怕姐姐没轻没重拽脱钩了。 Wang Zijin is fishing expert, understands the dogfight mystique, fish entanglement in neither too fast nor too slow and water, you struggle, no matter what you struggle, tired I towed you. Until the fish is exhausted, drags the shore. 王子衿是钓鱼高手,深谙缠斗秘法,不疾不徐的和水里的鱼儿纠缠,你挣扎任你挣扎,累了我就拖你。直到鱼儿精疲力竭,拖到岸边。 Qin Ze picks up the dip net to come up the big fish pocket, having his half arm is long. However is very common grass carp, the pulp is hard, the taste is not good. 秦泽捡起抄网把大鱼兜上来,有他半条手臂长。不过是很寻常的草鱼,肉质坚硬,口感不好。 Qin Baobao exciting squatting looks at the fish in the barrel. 秦宝宝兴奋的蹲在桶边看鱼儿。 Qin Ze said with a smile: Sister Zijin, do we compare? Looked the fish that who fishes are many.” 秦泽笑道:“子衿姐,我们来比一比?看谁钓的鱼多。” Wang Zijin is full of enthusiasm: Good.” 王子衿兴致勃勃:“好呀。” Qin Baobao says immediately: I also participate.” 秦宝宝立刻道:“我也参加。” Qin Ze said: Who loses who sweeps one week of place, brushes one week of bowl.” 秦泽说:“谁输谁扫一个星期的地,刷一个星期的碗。” The fish pond area is enormous, calculated on small reservoir, the water is water transport Qinghe directs, the fish are definitely many, but not deceitful not business, the fish pond main full full who the fish feeds, without is so easy to swallow the bait, moreover in the pond should no precious fingerling, fish many not to love dearly. 鱼塘面积极大,算的上小型水库,水是漕青河引过来的,鱼儿肯定不少,但无奸不商嘛,鱼塘主把鱼儿喂的饱饱的,没那么容易上钩,而且塘里应该没什么珍贵鱼种,钓多少都不心疼。 One hour later, Wang Zijin fishes to four fish, Qin Ze three, Qin Baobao does not have. Without the fish bites the hook actually not, the key will be she will not fish, the buoy will sink raises the bamboo pole, sometimes will be only the fish under probes the bait under water. Again is ferocity that too entrains, separates forcefully. 一个小时下来,王子衿钓到四条鱼,秦泽三条,秦宝宝一条都没有。倒不是没有鱼咬钩,关键是她不会钓鱼,浮标一沉就提竿,有时候只是鱼在水底下试探鱼饵。再就是拉拽的太猛,强行脱钩。 Qin Baobao took off/escaped the bamboo pole a fish, the air/Qi threw the fishing pole, stamps the feet, oh hmph hmph crying said: Qin Ze, here fish and you are equally repugnant.” 秦宝宝又脱竿了一条鱼,气的把鱼竿一丢,跺脚,“啊哼哼哼”的哭道:“秦泽,这里的鱼跟你一样讨厌。” Qin Ze disdains saying: Closes my divine horse (anything) matter.” 秦泽不屑道:“关我神马事。” whatever happens do not must meet her words, once you met, she will entangle you, uses various adept flinging pot technologies, finally cleaning the penalty of health flings to you. 千万不要接她的话,一旦你接了,她就会缠上你,使用各种娴熟的甩锅技术,最后把打扫卫生的惩罚甩给你。 My this whole life passes through the longest road, is elder sister's routine. 我这辈子走过最长的路,是姐姐的套路 Qin Baobao sees younger brother not to swallow the bait, is pursing the lips, sits on the small backless stool, the side to him, is penting up anger alone. 秦宝宝弟弟不上钩,撅着嘴,坐在小板凳上,侧对着他,独自生闷气。 Qin Ze and Wang Zijin try to overtake each other, fishes, although is the inexpensive fish, but comes to here to fish, is chart satisfies a craving happily, fishes indifferently. 秦泽王子衿你追我赶,钓上来的虽然都是贱鱼,但来这里钓鱼的,都是图个开心过瘾,钓什么鱼无所谓。 The competition rubber, is passing one suddenly, a stone pounds into the water surface, just bit the fish of hook to run away in fear Qin Ze. 比赛正胶着,忽然噗通一声,一块石头砸入水面,把秦泽刚刚咬钩的鱼儿吓跑了。 Does the mud that the monster elder sister claps, the corners of the mouth turn upwards. Saw the younger brother anger to thrive, is busy at calling out: My fishing pole had problems.” 作妖的姐姐拍拍手上的泥,嘴角翘起。见弟弟怒意勃发,忙叫道:“我的鱼竿出问题了。” Qin Ze comes to look, does not have the issue.” 秦泽过来一看,“没问题啊。” Qin Baobao quibbled: Had problems, I must play the drift. Do not fish.” 秦宝宝狡辩:“就是出问题了,我要去玩漂流。才不要钓鱼。” You lost, going back to sweep the floor.” “那你输了,回去要扫地。” Qin Baobao pretends not to hear, to turn butt to get out of the way fast. 秦宝宝装作没听见,扭着屁股快速走开。
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