MESIS :: Volume #2

#127: piano

11 : 00 pm, Wang Zijin according to the guidance, turns into the sluiceway, the vehicle drives out of the highway. Got out of trouble and opened for a half hour, arrives at that old town finally. 十一,王子衿根据导航,拐入闸道,车子驶出高速路。兜兜转转又开了半个小时,总算来到那座古镇。 Qin Ze shakes to wake elder sister, Qin Baobao glassy-eyed glancing right and left, Qin Ze cancels her corners of the mouth suspicious clear gently, perhaps this movement should not his makes younger brother does, Qin Baobao shy. 秦泽姐姐摇醒,秦宝宝目光呆滞的左顾右盼,秦泽轻轻抹去她嘴角可疑的晶莹,许是这个动作不该他这个做弟弟的来做,秦宝宝羞涩了一下。 The old town is situated in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai transportation hub, east to international airport, western even Wang. Golden waterway water transport Qinghe puts on the town/subdues. House overlooking the river of white wall black tile constructs, real pillow water others. 古镇坐落在江浙沪交通要枢,东靠国际机场,西通平望。黄金水道漕青河穿镇而过。白墙黑瓦的房子临河而建,货真价实的枕水人家。 Qin Ze feared that Wang Zijin has not come, half according to remembering, half according to the online information, act as the guide to illustrate. 秦泽王子衿没来过,一半根据记忆,一半根据网上查的信息,充当向导解说。 Although cannot compared with Wu Town, here be the Shanghai first old town, the Jiangnan water town characteristics, have the water to have the bridge to have the blue stone alley. Heard that today has the rain, does not know that can appreciate to holding the oiled paper umbrella is passing through the beautiful woman of long street.” “虽然不能和乌镇相比,这儿算是沪市第一古镇了,江南水乡特色,有水有桥有青石小路。听说今天有雨,不知道能不能欣赏到撑着油纸伞走过长长巷弄的美女。” Wang Zijin smiles. 王子衿莞尔。 Qin Baobao brandishes bullies wins the snow white arms, said: I come me to come, A'Ze has the idea of such perverted, elder sister, only then promised you encouragingly.” 秦宝宝挥舞欺胜雪皓腕,说:“我来我来,阿泽有这么变态的想法,姐姐只有勉为其难的答应你了。” Urges to go faster!” Qin Ze scolded. “去去去!”秦泽骂道。 „When attended the elementary school, the parents led us to come several times, the change was very big, at that time the water was more limpid, the house was more ancient, the arched bridge of river bank is proliferating the heterogeneity of years,” they walked in the old town smooth avenue, remembers that here had the road that many cobblestones spread, now did not have, all changed into the flagstone or the cement. Very pitifully. Before Qin Baobao, still has tripped and fallen in the cobblestone, the knee knocked to break, pitch-dark of crying. Harmed I was punched by old gentleman.” “读小学时,父母带我们来过几次,变化挺大的,那时候水更清澈,房子更古旧,河上的拱桥遍布着岁月的斑驳,”他们行走在古镇平坦的大街,“记得这里有很多鹅卵石铺成的路,现在没了,全换成石板或水泥。挺可惜的。秦宝宝以前还在鹅卵石上摔过跤,膝盖磕破了,哭的昏天黑地。害的我被老爷子揍了一顿。” Wang Zijin smiles: Why hits you?” 王子衿噗一声笑出来:“为什么打你?” Qin Baobao said ill-humoredly: Also is not he pursues me, I trip and fall.” 秦宝宝没好气道:“还不是他追我,我才摔跤的。” Qin Ze recalls: I remember that was you snatched my between-meal snack, took to one's heels to run, finally fell to go fall flat on one's face. Qin Baobao may go bad in childhood, always bullies me.” 秦泽回忆道:“我记得是你抢了我的零食,撒丫子就跑,结果摔了个狗吃屎。秦宝宝小时候可坏了,老欺负我。” Wang Zijin sighs with emotion: Originally is the retributions.” 王子衿感慨道:“原来都是报应呐。” Qin Baobao stares bosom friend one: You where?” 秦宝宝闺蜜一眼:“你哪边的?” They turn around the intersection just in time, the front is a stone bridge, the river is quiet, the restaurant restaurant riverside stands, is the restoring the old style, black tile white wall, the diner can glance the overlooking the river scenery. 正巧他们拐过街口,前方是一座石桥,大河静谧,酒楼餐馆沿河而立,俱是复古风格,黛瓦白墙,食客可以一览临河风景。 Qin Baobao said excitedly: Quick photograph, quick photograph.” 秦宝宝兴奋道:“快拍照,快拍照。” She stands on the bridge, a fork waist, compared with scissors. The background is water transport Qinghe that flows quietly, the Jiangnan water town style historic building. 她站在桥上,一手叉腰,一手比剪刀手。背景是静谧流淌的漕青河,江南水乡风格的古建筑。 Qin Ze said, your face does not reveal, the photograph does not need completely. Come, Zijin both of us illuminate one. 秦泽说,你脸都不露,拍照完全没必要嘛。来,子衿我们俩照一张。 Qin Baobao picks the hat and sunglasses immediately. 秦宝宝当即就去摘帽子、墨镜。 Yeah.” Two people stop by calling her. “哎。”两人喊住她。 Finally, three people in stand together shoulder to shoulder, Qin Ze is long, is responsible for taking the cell phone, the adjustment angle, kā cā, the picture frames. 最后,三人在一起并肩而立,秦泽手长,负责拿手机,调整角度,“咔擦”一声,画面定格。 In the Qin Ze stations, the left is little elder sister Wang Zijin, the right is blood related elder sister Qin Baobao. 秦泽站中间,左边是小姐姐王子衿,右边是亲姐姐秦宝宝 When mischievous elder sister in Qin Ze according to the shutter, knife hand cuts on his head, Wang Zijin notices the bosom friend action, is slanting the eye to look, facial expression faint smile, like network expression in funny elder brother, is normal on the Qin Ze expression. 调皮的姐姐秦泽按快门时,一记手刀砍在他脑瓜上,王子衿注意到闺蜜的举动,斜着眼睛看过来,神情似笑非笑,像极了网络表情中的“滑稽哥”,就秦泽表情正常。 Afterward, Wang Zijin pursued Qin Ze to request to delete the picture, Qin Baobao snatches the cell phone to run. Said that must send the high school group. 事后,王子衿追着秦泽要求删照片,秦宝宝抢了手机就跑。说要发高中群。 At noon a restaurant in overlooking the river eats meal, Qin Baobao heroic spirit wanted the small passenger compartment, elder sister to enter the passenger compartment, cast off the sunglasses and service cap, the cheek flushed, sweat profusely: Was hot I, wished one could to throw into water transport Qinghe.” 中午在临河的一家餐馆吃饭,秦宝宝豪气的要了小包间,姐姐一进包间,就摘掉墨镜和大檐帽,脸蛋潮红,香汗淋漓:“热死我了,恨不得一头扎进漕青河。” The waitress of following on the heels called one suddenly. 跟在后面的女服务员忽然叫了一声。 Qin Baobao one startled, the heart said that āi yā is not good, the old lady was recognized. 秦宝宝一惊,心说哎呀不好,老娘被认出来了。 The waitresses are pointing at Qin Ze excitedly: I recognized you, you were Qin Ze, good handsome, was more graceful than the video. Can you to me a signature?” 女服务员激动的指着秦泽:“我认出你了,你是秦泽,好帅,比视频里更帅。你能给我个签名吗?” Qin Ze said: Does not have the issue, do not say.” 秦泽说:“没问题,你别说出去好吧。” Then signs. 遂签名。 In the process of ordering food, the waitress eyes do not leave Qin Ze. 点菜的过程中,女服务员双眼不离秦泽 Qin Ze wants to select the pig elbow. 秦泽想点猪肘子。 This vegetable/dish flavor is ordinary, I suggested that you eat the river fish, in the river catches presently, is very fresh.” Waitress suggestion. “这个菜味道一般,我建议你吃河鱼,河里现捕的,很新鲜。”女服务员建议。 Qin Ze felt that fries the wild herbs to be good. 秦泽感觉清炒野菜不错。 The waitresses say immediately: Actually is not the wild herbs, this year wild ratio domestic fragile, everyone eats the wild herbs, sold out early. The floral axis of garlic stir fries the cured meat to be good, cured meat that in the town peasant family pickle, the flavor is good.” 女服务员立刻道:“其实不是野菜,这年头野的比家养的都娇气,人人吃野菜,早卖光了。蒜苔炒腊肉不错,镇子里农家自己腌的腊肉,味道不错。” The waitresses went all out the recommendation, Qin Ze ordered the meat and fish salad two Soichi soup longingly, the service person had/left the theater box. The entire ordering food process she has not noticed Qin Baobao. 女服务员卖力推荐,秦泽点了四荤两素一汤,服务员恋恋不舍的出了包厢。整个点菜过程她都没注意到秦宝宝 Qin Baobao touches the face, finds the clue make. 秦宝宝摸摸脸,又摸头。 Does.” Wang Zijin asked. “干嘛呢。”王子衿问。 Qin Baobao dejectedly said: Looked that can touch next hat eyeglasses again.” 秦宝宝沮丧道:“看能不能再摸下一顶帽子一副眼镜。” I am false celebrity. 我是个假明星 The Shanghai dining has the unspoken rule that is vexed very much: The plate main dish are few. 沪市餐饮有个很糟心的潜规则:盘大菜少。 Not deceitful not business. 无奸不商嘛。 The flavor is good, but was raised to hold in the mouth two elder sister of mouth by Qin Ze looks like, too low, the restaurant in scenic area, you cannot count on it simply delicious. 味道还行,但被秦泽养叼嘴巴的两位姐姐看来,简直太low,风景区的餐馆,你不能指望它有多好吃。 Finished eating the food, Qin Ze and they strolls in the old town blindly, Qin Baobao passed by an artware shop, was younger brother chose sunglasses personally, that type of Republic of China age dog-headed military strategist special-purpose round frame sunglasses. 吃完饭,秦泽和她们在古镇瞎逛,秦宝宝路过一家艺术品店铺,亲自为弟弟挑选了一副墨镜,那种民国时代狗头军师专用的圆框墨镜。 Finally then leads to be better, meets Qin Ze to pass through, has the passer-by curiously looks like. 结果回头率更好,逢着秦泽走过,就有路人好奇看来。 Wang Zijin teased: Yo, two superstar, called me Passersby A tremendous stress.” 王子衿打趣道:“呦,两个大明星呐,叫我一个路人甲压力山大。” 2 : 00 pm, Qin Baobao shouted tired, hides in a restuarant blew the air conditioning, independently deciding wanted three sweets. 下午 2 点,秦宝宝直喊累,躲进一家西餐厅吹空调,自作主张的要了三份甜品。 This western-style restaurant repair is elegant, the service person unifies the European and US wind servant attire, the price is outside one time. The hall sits the tourist who drinks the afternoon tea, the big hot days, played came to drink by drink sweets what/anything tired. 这家西式餐厅装修精雅,服务员统一欧美风仆人装,价格是外面的一倍。大厅坐着许多喝下午茶的游客,大热天的,玩累了就进来喝被饮料甜品什么的。 The business hall also suspended piano, has the waiter to play, if the tourist has the interest, can offer one, but must pay the small working cost. 大厅中央还摆了一架钢琴,有侍者弹奏,游客若是有兴致,也可以献上一曲,但要交一点小小的使用费。 Qin Baobao is nipping the straw, rumble attracts one fiercely, stretched out the tongue to lick the fragrant cream, happy narrowed the eye: Quite comfortable, elder sister felt finally oneself lived.” 秦宝宝咬着吸管,咕噜噜猛吸一口,伸出舌头舔了舔香甜奶油,开心的眯起眼:“好舒服,姐姐终于觉得自己活过来了。” She turns head to look at the whereabouts out of the window blazing scorching sun, the jet black pupil maps the bright sunlight. 她扭头望着落地窗外炽烈的骄阳,漆黑的瞳孔映入明亮的阳光。 Only wants to hide under the air conditioning, when salted fish, does not want to go out to sun.” “只想躲在空调下当咸鱼,不想出去晒太阳了。” Qin Ze scoffs at one: salted fish elder sister!” 秦泽嗤一声:“咸鱼姐姐!” You roll.” Qin Baobao wants to hit him, but Qin Ze and Wang Zijin sit opposite of her, she cannot project on. “你滚。”秦宝宝想打他,但秦泽王子衿坐她对面,她打不到。 „Did Baobao (darling), work recently how? Listened to A'Ze saying that asked you to trouble named Xu Lu's frequently?” Wang Zijin is meaningful. 宝宝,最近工作怎么样?听阿泽说有个叫徐璐的经常找你麻烦?”王子衿意味深长。 „It is not frequently, is the resources does not snatch her.” Qin Baobao said: Elder sister now is the kitten, the lackey not long sharp, waits later to develop the big tiger, did not fear her.” “也不是经常,就是资源抢不过她。”秦宝宝说:“姐现在是小猫,爪牙没长锋利,等以后发展成大老虎,就不怕她了。” Qin Ze daily tsukkomi: Tigress?” 秦泽日常吐槽:“母老虎吗?” elder sister cannot project on him, pays no attention to him simply, digs one spoon of sweets: This called to steel oneself for revenge.” 姐姐打不到他,索性不理他,挖一勺甜品:“这就叫卧薪尝胆。” The Qin Ze vision wanders, seeing the diagonally opposite to sit a pair of young lover, should be the same to them, tourist who Shanghai plays. 秦泽目光游荡,看见斜对面坐着一对小情侣,应该同他们一样,沪市过来玩的游客。 Young man and girl whispering moment, girl eyes shined, feeling pleased nod. 年轻男人与女孩低语片刻,女孩眼睛一亮,喜滋滋点头。 Then the young man however sets out leisurely, arrives at central piano, shoots piano service person whisper several with the clothing/taking, extracts Grandpa Mao to give the service person. 然后年轻男人施施然起身,走到中央钢琴边,与服弹钢琴的服务员耳语几句,抽出一张毛爷爷递给服务员。 The service people set out to offer one's seat to somebody to the young man. 服务员起身让座给年轻男人。 Tourist some all around looked at the past, some chatted. 周遭的游客有的看过去,有的自顾自聊天。 Then smiles to the young lover, the young man stiff back, turns on the shoulders, the standard posture can see, has practiced. 那对小情侣相视一笑,年轻男人挺直腰杆,打开双肩,标准的姿势可以看出,练过的。 Some Qin Ze surprise, nowadays, you catch a child to ask that can shoot piano, the probability of nod is very big, catches an adult to ask that can shoot piano, ten have 8~9 to shake the head. The present child may compel painstakingly, interest class that the been able to complete work, cannot finish attending. Parents mentality driven by hoping that a son will grow up to be successful, piano training class? On! Calligraphy and painting training class? On! Dance training class? On! Swimming training class? On! 秦泽有些诧异,这年头,你逮一个孩子问会不会弹钢琴,点头的概率挺大的,逮一个成年人问会不会弹钢琴,十有八九是摇头。如今的小孩可苦逼了,做不完的作业,上不完的兴趣班。父母在望子成龙的心态驱使下,钢琴培训班?上!书画培训班?上!舞蹈培训班?上!游泳培训班?上! On on! 上上上! Ignores the feeling of children completely, and in most parental eyes, oneself children is the super main character pattern plates, studies what/anything to have the talent, what/anything must study. 完全不顾孩子们的感受,并且在大部分父母眼里,自己孩子都是龙傲天模版,学什么都有天赋,什么都要学。 Also was the present current economic condition was good, like Qin Ze in childhood, the aptitude was given up by the parents dull-wittedly, trains elder sister. Even this, still goes to school one year or so, because the economic reason gave. 也是现在经济条件好了,像秦泽小时候,资质愚钝就被父母放弃,培养姐姐。就算是这样,也就学个一年半载,因为经济原因给断了。 The lively melodious piano sound flutters in the hall, such as the running water, such as the bell, the melody feeling is extremely good. 轻快悠扬的钢琴声飘荡在大厅中,如流水,如银铃,旋律感极佳。 For Qin Baobao!” Some tourists said. 致秦宝宝!”有游客说。 This song is of pleasant to hear, I have listened many times.” “这曲子好听的,我听过好多次。” For Qin Baobao?” An uncle of hoary hair is vacant. 致秦宝宝?”一个花白头发的大伯茫然不解。 Is female celebrity younger brother creates for her, some time ago very famous piano piece.” Accompanies the father the daughter who comes out to relax to explain in side. “是一个女明星弟弟为她创作的,前段时间很出名的钢琴曲。”陪父亲出来散心的女儿在旁解释。 „Very of pleasant to hear, is a little soft.” The uncle said. “是挺好听,就是有点软绵绵。”大伯说。 This writes the love.” The daughter said with a smile. “这是写爱情的嘛。”女儿笑道。 The uncle stares: Love? For the elder sister creation? This young fellow thought is very dangerous.” 大伯一愣:“爱情?为姐姐创作的?这小伙子思想很危险啊。” A tune ball ends, scattered applause. If you shoot piano to have the full house to cheer conveniently, that talent damn. However attracted the goal of eyeball to achieve, the guests in hall paid attention to this pair of lover. 一支曲弹完,稀稀落落的掌声。你要是随手弹个钢琴就有满堂喝彩,那才见鬼呢。不过吸睛的目的达到了,大厅的客人都关注这对情侣。 „Is this A'Ze that song?” Wang Zijin said. “这是阿泽的那首曲子?”王子衿说。 Un un.” The nod of Qin Baobao chicken pecking meter/rice, emphasized: Creates for me.” “嗯嗯。”秦宝宝小鸡啄米似的点头,强调道:“是为我创作的。” After Wang Zijin neglects automatically half a word, proposed: „Does A'Ze also go to shoot one?” 王子衿自动忽略后半句,提议道:“阿泽也去弹一首?” She has not seen Qin Ze to shoot piano, exception in video. 她还没见秦泽弹过钢琴,视频里的除外。 Qin Ze asked, what shoots?” 秦泽就问,“弹什么?” Wang Zijin said: Casual.” 王子衿道:“随便。” He looks at elder sister again, elder sister also said: Casual.” 他再看姐姐,姐姐也说:“随便。” Qin Ze thinks: Then on ball a moment ago that song.” 秦泽想了想:“那就弹刚才那首曲子吧。” No, this does not hit others faces.” Qin Baobao said. “别,这不是打人家脸吗。”秦宝宝说。 This is crisp, the metropolis crisp article likes this routine.” Qin Ze said. “这样才爽么,都市爽文都喜欢这种套路。”秦泽说。 Qin Baobao curls the lip: Crisp your younger sister, others incurred you to annoy you, must hit others faces. This called forcefully routine.” 秦宝宝撇嘴:“爽你妹哦,人家招你惹你了,要打人家脸。这叫强行套路。” Qin Ze said: „Not routine words, will feel the peaceful calm apathetic meaning. routine is excessively fierce, the reader felt own IQ was insulted.” 秦泽道:“可不套路的话,就会觉得太平淡没意思。套路过猛,读者就觉得自己智商被侮辱。” Qin Baobao sighs with emotion one: Therefore acting cool is the technology lives.” 秦宝宝感慨一声:“所以说装逼是技术活。” Qin Ze has a look at her: You do not need to install, inborn has this technology to live.” 秦泽看看她:“你不需要装,天生就有这门技术活。” Looks to hit.” Qin Baobao throws to twist the younger brother ear, Qin Ze busy avoid. “找打。”秦宝宝扑过去拧弟弟耳朵,秦泽躲开 Qin Ze said: „Does that come Fairy Tale?” 秦泽说:“那来一首童话?” No,” Wang Zijin said: Baobao (darling) often midnight sang Fairy Tale, the ear lives the cocoon.” “别,”王子衿说:“宝宝经常半夜唱童话,耳朵生茧子了。” You sang Fairy Tale to do.” Qin Ze looks at elder sister. “你唱童话干嘛。”秦泽姐姐 Qin Baobao urgently said: Wants you to manage.” 秦宝宝急道:“要你管。” exaggerate.” Qin Ze also said. 浮夸吧。”秦泽又说。 Does not want.” Two elder sister said with one voice. “不要。”两个姐姐齐声道。 Qin Ze takes a look at them, didn't say casually? Ok, this very woman.” 秦泽瞅了瞅她俩,“不是说随便吗?行,这很女人。” He sets out, suddenly remembers the incident: I come up to be recognized like this.” 他起身,忽然想起一事:“我这样上去会被认出来的吧。” Here is the Shanghai outer suburbs, is not other provinces, referred to some uncertain people recognizing him, then involved elder sister, the traveling turns into the fans conference...... 这里是沪市远郊,不是外省,指不定就有人把他认出来了,然后牵连到姐姐,旅游变成粉丝见面会...... Qin Baobao thinks, puts on for the sunglasses that you buy the elder sister.” 秦宝宝想了想,“把姐给你买的墨镜戴上。” She does not feel safely, covers own women service cap on the younger brother head, giggle said with a smile: Such biological mothers cannot recognize.” 她觉得不保险,又把自己的女式大檐帽盖在弟弟脑袋上,咯咯笑道:“这样亲妈都认不出来啦。” Qin Ze passed, „can I use this piano?” 秦泽过去了,“我能使用这架钢琴吗?” The service people raised the head, stare at the appearance strange guest to look fiercely, „, 100.” 服务员抬起头,盯着打扮古怪的客人猛看,“可以,一首一百。” The built-in piano restaurant is uncommon, some restaurants allow the diner to play piano, some do not permit, after all you shoot one randomly, angry what to do walks the guest. 内置钢琴的餐厅不常见,有些餐厅允许食客弹奏钢琴,有些不允许,毕竟你乱弹一通,把客人恼走怎么办。 Qin Ze that but must collect fees has not seen, considering here is the scenic spot, various marvel charges can also understand. 但要收费的秦泽是没见过,考虑到这里是景点,各种奇葩收费也就可以理解了。 This is triangle piano, the black japan shiny shiny, but also is very new. Triangle piano is applicable to the large-scale performance or the professional, generally home is vertical piano. Qin Ze has not played vertical piano, inside the person of understanding, has piano on Pei Ziqi, is show package of triangle piano. 这是一架三角钢琴,黑漆铮亮铮亮,还挺新的。三角钢琴适用于大型演出或专业人士,一般家用的都是立式钢琴秦泽没玩过立式钢琴,认识的人里头,就裴子淇有一家钢琴,还是骚包的三角钢琴 Qin Ze sits well before piano, the back is tall and straight, is vigorous just like the bamboo node. Qin Baobao pointed at him saying: My younger brother graceful.” 秦泽钢琴前端坐,腰杆挺拔,宛如竹节般苍劲。秦宝宝就指着他说:“我弟弟帅吧。” Wang Zijin un un two: Graceful!” 王子衿“嗯嗯”两声:“帅!” Most graceful is not the face, is his vigor! 最帅的不是脸,是他的精气神! Although system helped him make the face trimming, but foundation was placed there, must say that led to alarm the party, was definitely false. Promotes handsome fellow in orthodox significance from worth looking at small handsome. The Wang Zijin family is not ordinary, have seen handsome fellow both hands adds the both feet unable to count. Qin Ze in inside, actually on the medium or higher level. 系统虽然帮他做了面部微调,可本身的基础摆在那里,要说帅到惊动党,肯定是假的。从耐看的小帅升级成正统意义上的帅哥而已。王子衿家境不一般,见过的帅哥双手加双脚都数不过来。秦泽在里面,其实就中上水平。 Qin Baobao wrinkles the nose: Does not give you.” 秦宝宝皱鼻子:“不给你。” Wang Zijin stares, shows the whites of the eyes. 王子衿一愣,翻了个白眼。 During the speeches, the piano sound flutters. Wonderfully melodic, gentle but firm. 说话之间,钢琴声飘起来。旋律优美,柔中带刚。 Invisible Wings.” Qin Baobao listens to own making a debut work immediately, curls the lip saying: Also ok.” 隐形的翅膀。”秦宝宝立刻听出自己的出道作品,撇嘴道:“还行吧。” Wang Zijin said: Un, the melody is quite simple.” 王子衿道:“嗯,旋律比较简单。” At this time, the rhythm arrived at the demi-section low graceful part, walked to glide, the sprightly melody suddenly changed melodious elusive. 这时,节奏到中半段低婉部分,走了个滑音,明快的旋律忽然变的悠扬空灵。 Well?” Qin Baobao stares. “咦?”秦宝宝一愣。
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