MESIS :: Volume #2

#126: In the weekend roaming

Sitting of elder sister face hidden bitterness on the sofa, looks that old bro and several kids chatted to make fun, long time, Qin Ze coaxed finally one group of high-school students. 姐姐一脸幽怨的坐在沙发上,看着老弟和几个小屁孩聊天打诨,半晌,秦泽总算把一群高中生哄走。 The Chen Qingyuan whole face is disappointed, arrives at the gate, then said: Brother Qin, you put on the suit appearance to be really graceful.” 陈清袁满脸失望,走到门边,回头道:“秦哥,你穿西装的样子真帅。” Qin Ze hā hā smiles: Yes, I also thought so.” 秦泽哈哈一笑:“是嘛,我也这么觉得。” Chen Qingyuan was at heart sweet immediately, goes out. 陈清袁心里顿时甜滋滋,出门了。 Engages in self-examination to close the door, at this time, inside she heard the voice of beautiful woman transmitted that seductress: suit and you do not build, later little puts on suit.” 反身关门,这时,她听见里头传来那个狐狸精似的妖艳女人的声音:“西装和你不搭,以后少穿西装。” Then is the Qin Ze's sound: Yes? I also thought so.” 然后是秦泽的声音:“是嘛?我也这么觉得。” ...... ...... Chen Qingyuan was unemotional, puts out a hand to conduct the back to scratch in Li Donglai. 陈清袁面无表情,伸手在李东来背上擦了一下。 The Li Donglai complexion changes: Any thing, anything rubbed on me.” 李东来脸色一变:“什么东西,什么东西擦我身上了。” Chen Qingyuan said: Is the trust among people......” 陈清袁道:“是人与人之间的信任......” The people walk, elder sister on threatening throws, makes the to rub sleeve to hit the person shape, reprimanded tenderly: Day against night guarded, outside made you go to look for trouble, Qin Ze, you pulled up several younger sisters outside, honest confession.” 众人一走,姐姐就气势汹汹的扑过来,做撸袖管打人状,娇斥道:“日防夜防,还是让你去外面招蜂引蝶啦,秦泽,你在外面撩了几个妹,老实交代。” Pulls up what younger sister, I can't even pull up my sister.” Qin Ze argued. “撩什么妹啊,我连姐都没撩到。”秦泽辩解。 The Qin Baobao cheek becomes flushed instantaneously, urgently said: „Your you...... you spoke what impudent remark.” 秦宝宝脸蛋瞬间涨红,急道:“你你你......你说什么混账话。” Qin Ze one startled: āi yōu I go, what said is Sister Zijin. Do not want.” 秦泽一惊:“哎呦我去,说的是子衿姐。你别想多了。” Bah, who wants.” Qin Baobao stared at younger brother to look for several seconds, sighed: Son mother, wants to look for wife's heart greatly, blocks cannot block.” “呸,谁想多了。”秦宝宝盯着弟弟看了几秒,叹道:“儿大不由娘呀,想找媳妇的心,拦都拦不住。” Bah, whose are you mother? Where our mother you put.” “呸,你是谁娘?你把咱们老妈置于何地。” Long elder sister stepmother, elder sister excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate you raises, calculates half mother.” “长姐如母,姐一把屎一把尿把你拉扯大,也算半个娘嘞。” piss off, is I suffers great hardships to take care of you to grow up.” 滚犊子,是我含辛茹苦照顾你长大。” Fart.” “放屁。” Quite smelly.” “好臭。” The elder sister mouth artillery time is less than younger brother, displaying of air/Qi stresses the face marvelous ability, Qin Ze holds down her forehead, head swing back, cannot make her catch the flower the face. 姐姐嘴炮功夫不及弟弟,气的施展抓脸神功,秦泽一手按住她脑门,脑袋后仰,可不能让她抓花了脸。 account has not calculated with your small rascal.” “刚才的账还没跟你这小赤佬算。” Idiot, you make the monster also sub-field to gather, in them some people know that our relations, what did you shout an old probability?” “蠢货,你作妖也分场合啊,他们里有人知道咱们的关系,你喊一声老公算什么?” The facial expression, with was exactly the same initially, good Qin Ze responded quickly. 刚才的神情,与当初一模一样,还好秦泽反应快。 In the past that Little Cabbage did not know them to relate, Qin Baobao made noisily, Li Donglai and Pei Ziqi know they related, Qin Baobao tender dī dī shouted one: The husband, is this you beautiful slut that provokes outside? 当年那颗小白菜不知道他俩关系,秦宝宝闹就闹罢,李东来裴子淇可是知道他俩关系的,秦宝宝滴滴喊一声:老公,这就是你在外面招惹的妖艳贱货么? My image wanted. 我的形象要不要了。 I do not attach great importance to face-saving. 我不要面子的啊。 Always has blindness the pig of cabbage caring my family's.” Qin Baobao disdains to say. “总有瞎了眼的白菜惦记我家的猪。”秦宝宝不屑道。 Qin Ze saw the room no one, pulled out on a smoke point, just attracted one, was won by Qin Baobao, throws into the mineral water jar., Extinguished. 秦泽见房间没人了,就掏出一根烟点上,刚吸了一口,被秦宝宝夺走,丢进矿泉水瓶子里。哧一声,灭了。 You little smoke a smoke to be good to cut down, later three days one package, abstained slowly.” Qin Baobao teaches younger brother. “你少抽点烟好伐,以后三天一包,慢慢戒了。”秦宝宝教训弟弟 You no matter always my these.” Qin Ze is depressed: Also can play well.” “你从来不管我的这些的。”秦泽郁闷道:“还能不能好好玩耍了。” elder sister manages younger brother, is not perfectly justified.” The Qin Baobao both hands fork waist, exhibits the elder sister's impressive and dignified manner diligently. 姐姐弟弟,不是天经地义的么。”秦宝宝双手叉腰,努力摆出姐姐的威仪。 Zijin said oneself did not have the elder sister image, frequently was bullied by him. 子衿说自己就是太没姐姐形象了,才经常被他欺负。 Snort, blames him not being obedient. 哼,都怪他不听话。 „Do you want to take a beating?” Qin Ze squint. “你是不是又想挨揍了?”秦泽斜眼。 „Is Qin Ze, good to the face.” Stamping the feet of Qin Baobao air/Qi. 秦泽,给点面子行不行。”秦宝宝气的跺脚。 Handles the following matter, already 10 : 00 pm. 处理完后续事情,已经晚上 10 点。 Qin Baobao drives, Qin Ze according to like that holds the elder sister's 8,000 block silver yuan high-heeled shoes in the past. The stage need, Qin Baobao wears ten centimeters high-heeled shoes to mount the stage, this shoes put on have no way to drive, the brake does not step on steadily. 秦宝宝开车,秦泽依照往常那般,捧着姐姐的八千大洋的高跟鞋。舞台需要,秦宝宝穿着十公分的高跟鞋上台的,这鞋子穿着根本没法开车,刹车都踩不稳。 next day, various large network news push " I am a Singer » program information unceasingly. 第二天,各大网络新闻不断推送《我是歌星》节目资讯。 «I am a Singer Perfectly Receives Officer» 我是歌星完美收官》 «Opera 2 Causes a stir in Audience» 歌剧2轰动全场》 «God General Singing voice» 《神一般的歌喉》 «After 90, Ability Small Heavenly King» 《九零后才气小天王 uc: «Shock, Finally Person of Winning Unexpectedly Is Her» uc:《震惊,最后夺冠之人竟然是她》 This chapter of Qin Baobao fire, true success, although now the celebrity hype is very easy, the ease can fry red celebrity, creates the phenomenon that the entertainment world springs up everywhere, likely many years ago, some batch of big success dominate the time of entertainment world, has passed. The present is celebrity like garlic chives, old garlic chives no yellow, new garlic chives has not cropped up. But celebrity hypes easily, maintaining the heat degree is very difficult, fire time, gets down depressed. 这回秦宝宝火了,真正的大红大紫,虽然现在明星炒作很容易,轻而易举就能炒红一个明星,也造成娱乐圈遍地开花的现象,像很多年前,某一批大咖雄霸娱乐圈的时代,早就过去了。现在是明星韭菜,老韭菜还不没黄,新韭菜就已经冒头。但明星炒作容易,维持热度却很难,火个一段时间,就消沉下去。 Can Qin Baobao appear briefly, did not say, but she absolutely was fleeing quickest celebrity. A grade of variety show, the short two months, Qin Baobao has become at present one of the hottest female artists. Entertainment world topic many new promote female celebrity. 秦宝宝会不会昙花一现,不好说,但她绝对是窜的最快的明星。一档综艺节目,短短两个月,秦宝宝已经成为时下最火的女艺人之一。娱乐圈话题最多的新晋女明星 This day is on Saturday. 这天是周六。 Duck of Qin Baobao on the sofa sits, is telephoning. Deals with mood that manager Li Yanhong is hard to take excitedly. 秦宝宝在沙发上鸭子坐,打着电话。应付着经纪人李艳红激动难耐的心情。 Qin Ze is also telephoning, is music top list that side telephone. 秦泽也在打电话,是音乐风云榜那边的电话。 Wang Zijin peaceful sits in the sofa pursues the play, this elder sister as if on this hobby. Usually writes the draft, flips the book, however watches the soap opera. 王子衿安安静静坐在沙发追剧,这位姐姐似乎就这点爱好。平时写写稿子,翻翻书,然而就是看电视剧。 Qin Baobao puts down the telephone, exciting swaying back and forth on spacious sofa, feels insufficiently, two big long leg tread tread treads kicked younger brother several feet, vented excitedly. 秦宝宝搁下电话,在宽敞沙发上兴奋的打滚,感觉不够,两条大长腿蹬蹬蹬踢了弟弟几脚,发泄兴奋。 Qin Ze cell phone kuāng dāng falls on the ground, a face visits her angrily. 秦泽手机哐当掉在地上,一脸愤怒看着她。 The body that Qin Baobao frightens shrinks, to Wang Zijin by going. 秦宝宝吓的身子一缩,向王子衿靠去。 Qin Ze picks up the telephone, ended the telephone conversation in a hurry. 秦泽捡起电话,匆匆结束通话。 „Hasn't opera copyright sold?” Wang Zijin while advertisement time, asked a mouth. “歌剧版权没卖?”王子衿趁着广告时间,问了一嘴。 Sold, but is divided. Only limits the net copyright.” Qin Ze replied, throws to catch the elder sister's small feet, pinches the sole board ruthlessly. “卖了,不过是分成。仅限网络版权。”秦泽回答,扑过去拽住姐姐的小脚,狠狠捏脚底板。 Qin Baobao eyah eyah the pitiful yell, said forgives. 秦宝宝咿咿呀呀惨叫,直呼饶命。 10 : 30, Qin Baobao proposed that travels. 十点半,秦宝宝提议出去旅游。 Then, Wang Zijin came Shanghai to have two months, their three people have not accompanied to travel. Some Qin Ze meanings move, hesitate saying: „Can you be recognized?” 说起来,王子衿沪市有两个月了,他们三人还没有结伴出游过。秦泽有些意动,沉吟道:“你会不会被认出来?” elder sister is no comparison between them, she must walk on the street, inside ten people, five can recognize her. 姐姐不可同日而语,她要走在街上,十个人里头,有五个能认出她。 Qin Baobao runs in the room barefoot, wears frog sunglasses to come out, head also woman service cap: Elder sister has the divine tool, guarantees the biological mothers unable to recognize certainly.” 秦宝宝光着脚丫跑进房间,戴着一顶蛤蟆墨镜出来,头上还有一顶女士大檐帽:“姐有神器,保准亲妈都认不出来。” Qin Ze takes a look at her, the sunglasses and service cap, block from her beautiful hair and enchanting cheek, only reveals the fair lower jaw and ruddy small mouth, the mother has not truly looked at the chin to recognize daughter's ability. 秦泽瞅瞅她,蛤蟆镜和大檐帽,把她一头秀发以及妖娆脸蛋遮住,只露出白皙下颌和红润小嘴,老妈确实没有看下巴认女儿的能力。 Immediately relax. 顿时放心。 Wang Zijin is not glad, her also several volumes saw the big result. Cannot support bosom friend to welsh shameless, said that makes me first download. 王子衿不太乐意去,她还有几集就看到大结局了。架不住闺蜜死皮白赖,就说让我先下载一下。 elder sister and younger brother two pay no attention to her, whispering was discussing where plays. 姐弟俩不理她,嘀嘀咕咕商议着去哪里玩。 Qin Baobao said, goes to Disney, since last year had completed has not gone. 秦宝宝说,去迪士尼,去年建成以来就没去过。 A Qin Ze veto, Disney by one of the dispute reasons: The people are too many. This will increase the probability that Qin Baobao was recognized, should not be stopped up in Disney. Moreover his most repugnant person are many, lining up will never be. 秦泽一口否决,迪士尼饱受争议的原因之一:人太多。这会加大秦宝宝被人认出来的几率,可不要被堵在迪士尼里。而且他最讨厌人多,排队遥遥无期。 Qin Baobao also said, goes to the zoo. 秦宝宝又说,去动物园。 Qin Ze overrules again. 秦泽再否决。 Qin Baobao also said, goes to the West Lake. 秦宝宝又说,去杭州西湖。 Qin Ze overrules again. 秦泽再次否决。 After several times, elder sister started to disturb, a while said that Capital City crawled Great Wall, toured fragrant hills. A while also said that Mount Putuo worships Buddha, blesses only child younger brother soon to marry the wife, is Old Qin is passed from generation to generation. The words just said that also tenderly said, A'Ze, or we go to the Tibet automatic pilot roaming, the elder sister strongest wish is you goes all over the nation. 几次之后,姐姐就开始捣乱了,一会儿说去京城长城,游香山。一会儿又说去普陀山拜佛,保佑独苗弟弟早日娶到媳妇,为老秦家传宗接代。话刚说完,又娇声道,阿泽,要不咱们去西(和谐)藏自驾游吧,姐姐最大的心愿就是和你走遍全国啦。 Qin Ze cannot bear her, a slap pats in the elder sister flexible outstanding buttocks, that called a clearness, angrily said: You roll you to roll. 秦泽受不了她,一巴掌拍在姐姐弹性十足的翘臀,那叫一个清脆,怒道:你滚你滚。 Qin Baobao is covering butt, draws bosom friend to own camp: Zijin, he hits my butt, you help me scold him quickly. 秦宝宝捂着屁股,把闺蜜拉到自己阵营:子衿,他又打我屁股,你快帮我骂他。 Qin Ze opens the map to search, considering weekend time are not many, had better be able go to about one point place, can drive well. Proposed that goes to the old town of suburb. 秦泽打开地图搜索一下,考虑到周末时间不多,最好能去近一点的地方,能开车去最好。就提议去郊外的一座古镇。 There has the old town, the drift and fish pond, can fish.” “那儿有古镇,还有漂流和鱼塘,可以钓鱼。” Wang Zijin eyes shined: Fishes to fish.” 王子衿眼睛一亮:“去钓鱼去钓鱼。” Qin Baobao opposed: In childhood has gone there, without the meaning, does not go.” 秦宝宝反对:“小时候去过那儿了,没意思,不去。” Qin Ze said, we vote. 秦泽说,那我们来投票。 Finally the elder sister alone palm difficult cry, two tickets to pass. 结果姐姐独掌难鸣,两票通过。 That old town leaves the Qin Ze 60 kilometer, today is in the weekend, the state of roads was crowd, spends for one hour to arrive at the highway charge mouth, Qin Baobao parks in the parking lane, throws up one's job does not do to make younger brother drive. 那座古镇离秦泽六十公里,今天是周末,路况拥堵,花了一个小时开到高速路收费口,秦宝宝在停车道泊车,撂担子不干让弟弟来开车。 Qin Ze said: your mother, you want to commit suicide together in the name of love with me.” 秦泽说:“尼玛啊,你想和我殉情是吧。” His driving record actually enough, doing to actual combat experience was insufficient, does not dare to open high-speed. 他驾龄倒是够了,奈何实战经验不足,不敢开高速。 Wang Zijin said, I come me to come. 王子衿说,我来吧我来吧。 The Qin Ze summit runs to sit the copilot position, was caught by Qin Baobao, turns Small Waist to drive back the back seat him, angrily said: Looks at your welldoing, became the pug dog quickly.” 秦泽屁颠颠跑去坐副驾驶位,被秦宝宝一把拽住,扭着小蛮腰把他推回后座,气道:“瞧你这德行,快成哈巴狗了。” Eats the taste very much stares Qin Ze one. Then closes the eye to take a nap, on high-speed, the vehicle is quick and steady, Qin Baobao sleepiness upwells, by falls asleep on younger brother. 很吃味的瞪秦泽一眼。然后闭上眼睛假寐,上了高速,车子又快又稳,秦宝宝困意上涌,靠在弟弟身上睡着。 Qin Ze is hugging the elder sister's small waist conveniently, is smelling on her the nice-smelling perfume. Looking from this angle, elder sister's face beautiful arrives simply explodes, the white and tender juicy cheek, is thick and dense eyelash, clear tip of the nose, thin lower jaw. 秦泽顺手搂着姐姐的小腰,嗅着她身上好闻的香水味。从这个角度看,姐姐的脸简直美到爆,白嫩水灵的脸蛋,又浓又密的睫毛,圆润的鼻头,瘦削的下颌。 He is looking at carefully, this face looked at 20 several years, has not been sick. 他就这么端详着,这张脸看了二十几年,从来没有看腻过。 Like this how many years can he also look? 他还能这样看几年?
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