MESIS :: Volume #2

#125: Ending

The scene presents the flash the silence, as if also immersed in the music, seemed like not cruel enough to break this warm one. 现场出现一刹那的寂静,似乎还沉浸在刚才的音乐中,又像是不忍心打断这温馨的一幕。 Until Qin Ze and Qin Baobao holding hands bows, leaves the stage. 直到秦泽秦宝宝牵手鞠躬,退出舞台。 The entire live broadcast scene cheers like the sea tide, cried out, scream and wave both hands. 整个直播现场欢呼声如海潮,呐喊、尖叫、挥舞双手。 Countless people stand up, desperate is calling. Some people shouted Qin Baobao, some people shouted Qin Ze. Giant conference site, from the west side to the east side, a voice continuously. Does not seem like program live broadcast, is more like a grand concert. 无数人站起身来,拼命的叫着。有的人喊秦宝宝,有的人喊秦泽。巨大的会场,从西边到东边,一波波声浪此起彼伏。不像是节目直播,更像是一场盛大的演唱会。 The scene nearly loses control. 场面近乎失控。 The Director Peng complexion changed, not only happy and worries, this is live broadcast, is easiest the condition live broadcast. He must find the way to stand firm the mood of audience. Is good has left the stage because of Qin Baobao and Qin Ze, otherwise cannot guarantee that the excited excessive audience to/clashes to sign, or the female audience throws to shout that I must live monkey to you what everything in disorder. 彭导脸色变了变,既高兴又担忧,这是直播,最容易出状况的直播。他必须想办法稳住观众的情绪。好在秦宝宝秦泽已经退场,否则不敢保证有没有兴奋过头的观众冲出来要签名,或者女观众扑过来喊“我要给你生猴子”什么乱七八糟的。 The staff gesture in the place that the live broadcast lens cannot see, but the audience pays no attention radically. The cordial atmosphere maintained for several minutes, finally subsides. 工作人员在直播镜头看不见的地方打手势,但观众根本不理。热烈的气氛维持了几分钟,终于平息下来。 Yin Jia seizes the chance to mount the stage: This is a shocking performance, making one provide much food for thought that making the person mind ripple. Thank singer Qin Baobao for 《Opera 2》 that we brought, the audience, please take up your cell phones, grasped time to cast a ticket to the singers, the voting channel closes after ten minutes.” 尹佳趁机登台:“这是一场震撼的演出,让人回味无穷,让人心神荡漾。感谢歌手秦宝宝为我们带来的《歌剧2》,电视机前的观众朋友们,请拿起你们的手机,抓紧时间给歌手们投上一票,投票通道在十分钟后关闭。” Quickly, votes to Qin Baobao.” “快,投票给秦宝宝。” Definitely throws her, the opera was too shocking, was too fierce.” “肯定投她啊,歌剧太惊艳了,太厉害了。” āi yā, my ticket threw to Wells a moment ago. My telephoning makes my family member vote.” 哎呀,我的票刚才投给威尔斯了。我打电话让我家里人投票。” Shocked, compared with Wells and Qin Ze, exploded weakly.” “太震撼了,威尔斯秦泽相比,弱爆了。” This younger brother must go against heaven's will, talented.” “这个弟弟要逆天,才华横溢。” elder sister and younger brother two kiss to have the love, can let loose elder sister to come to me?” 姐弟俩亲吻好有爱,能不能放开姐姐冲我来?” No, is lets loose my Goddess to make me come.” “不,是放开我的女神让我来。” Felt that Qin Baobao possibly did not have her younger brother popular to be high, hā hā hā.” “感觉秦宝宝可能还没她弟弟人气高,哈哈哈。” Talked nonsense, Qin Baobao wanted B-list, today, was real B-list, perhaps can also proceed to flush again.” “瞎说,秦宝宝都要二线了,今天过后,就是货真价实的二线,没准还能再往前冲一冲。” wū wū, I cast the ticket to Wells, can I withdraw? I must throw the husband.” 呜呜,我把票投给威尔斯了,请问我能撤回吗?我要投老公。” „Isn't your husband Wells?” “你老公不是威尔斯吗?” Talking nonsense, Qin Ze is.” “瞎说,秦泽才是。” Waste that many words, hurry to vote.” “废那么多话,赶紧投票。” Has the voting of ticket, without the ticket relation relatives and friends votes, the scene is extremely warm. 有票的投票,没票的联系亲朋好友投票,场面极其热烈。 The outside world, is defending the computer or the television watches the program, one is one, was shocked by that song. 外界,守着电脑或电视机观看节目的,有一个算一个,都被那首歌震撼到了。 They think clearly, how possibly not to have such sound. 他们想不明白,怎么可能有这样的声音。 His throat is what structure. 他的喉咙是什么结构啊。 Simply is not the person. 简直不是人。 In the family/home, Mother Qin and old gentleman sit in the living room watch the program, the old couples look in the screen dumbfoundedly pair of children. 家里,秦妈老爷子坐在客厅看节目,老两口目瞪口呆看着荧幕里一双儿女。 Really is this their children? 这真是他们的儿女? We had pair of fake children. 我们是不是生了一对假儿女。 The racket thigh that old gentleman is angry, elder sister mixed the entertainment world even, younger brother followed to join in the fun. Looked that I then do not punch them ruthlessly.” 老爷子生气的拍大腿,“姐姐去混娱乐圈就算了,弟弟怎么也跟着凑热闹。看我回头不狠狠揍他们。” The Mother Qin emphasis is obviously different, is frowning, this, how this on pro- Shangju, this was anything. You must punch ruthlessly, Baobao (darling) also punches together.” 秦妈关注点显然不一样,皱着眉头,“这,这怎么就亲上嘴了,这算什么事儿啊。你得狠狠揍,宝宝也一起揍。” Her voice passes for several points to clench jaws, 她声音透着几分咬牙切齿, old gentleman beckons with the hand: Perhaps is the program effect, before did not have celebrity to kiss mother at the program!” 老爷子摆摆手:“也许是节目效果吧,以前不也有个明星在节目上亲吻母亲!” At the program kisses, instead seems frank. Kisses in secret, old gentleman must certainly explode, therefore elder sister never kisses reward at home fragrant. 节目上亲嘴,反而显得光明磊落。私底下亲嘴,老爷子肯定是要炸的,所以姐姐在家里从来不香吻奖励 Mother Qin angrily said: That different, where has elder sister and younger brother kisses, you must say them, they do not have a conformation, elder sister not to make elder sister's type since childhood, younger brother do not have type that makes younger brother.” 秦妈生气道:“那不一样,哪有姐姐弟弟亲嘴的,你一定要说说他们,他俩从小就没个正形,姐姐没做姐姐的样儿,弟弟也没个做弟弟的样儿。” old gentleman said: Taking a look, is old-fashioned, the foreigner is not the cover kisses frequently, is very normal.” 老爷子说:“瞧瞧,多古板,外国人不是经常贴面啊亲嘴啊,很正常的。” Mother Qin starts to speak but hesitates. 秦妈欲言又止。 She thought that elder sister and younger brother two were old, must pay attention to the discretion, too intimately not necessarily is the good deed. old gentleman did not think that has what/anything is not good, because he had not seen pair of children on that day with the scene that the bed fools around together. 她就是觉得姐弟俩年纪大了,要注意分寸,太亲密不见得是好事。老爷子不觉得有什么不好,因为他那天没看见一双子女同床厮混的场景。 old gentleman said suddenly: Your that cell phone...... also votes.” 老爷子忽然道:“你那手机......也投一票吧。” Mother Qin is stunned: „Do you also support them? You did not oppose that Baobao (darling) is the artist.” 秦妈愕然:“你还支持他们?你不是反对宝宝当艺人吗。” old gentleman argued: „Do I oppose usefully? She? Since attended the program, why can not take with the champion.” 老爷子辩解:“我反对有用吗?她还不是去了?既然参加节目了,能拿冠军为什么不拿。” old gentleman whispered: In the future makes A'Ze come back, heard that his song copyright sold a lot of money.” 老爷子嘀咕道:“赶明儿让阿泽回来一趟,听说他歌曲版权卖了不少钱。” Mother Qin rolls the eyes: Son's money do you keep thinking?” 秦妈翻白眼:“儿子的钱你都惦记?” These money I am saving to the son, later takes a wife to use, Baobao (darling) is mindless, do not give the anthosin light younger brother bride's price.” The old gentleman criticism said: Said that loving mother defeat, Baobao (darling) spoils to you.” “那些钱我给儿子存着,以后娶媳妇用,宝宝没心没肺的,别把弟弟老婆本给花精光咯。”老爷子批评道:“都说慈母多败儿,宝宝就是给你宠坏的。” I different favor A'Ze, without seeing him spoiled.” “我不一样宠阿泽,也没见他就宠坏了。” That is good that I educate.” “那是我教育的好。” How daughter you do not educate.” “女儿你怎么不教育啊。” Hey, do not bicker.” “嘿,你别抬杠。” The old couples also know, although elder sister has prospects intelligently, but also one pile of bad problems, arrogance, sluggish, will not do the housework...... 老两口也知道,虽然姐姐聪明有出息,但也一堆儿的坏毛病,骄气啊,懒散啊,不会做家务啊...... Mother Qin said: This weekend makes them come back, Yan Zi | Swallow introduced to me good young people, I look also very well, lets Baobao (darling) and he meets.” 秦妈说:“这周末就让他俩回来,燕子给我介绍了个不错的年轻人,我看着也挺好,让宝宝和他见见面。” old gentleman hesitates saying: Baobao (darling) this enterprise on just regular, is not quite good.” 老爷子沉吟道:“宝宝这事业刚上正规,不太好吧。” Dead old man, your also university professor, does the brain have. If by some chance looked at the cross-eye, hurried to get married, happen to made Baobao (darling) receive to have a change of heart, when what celebrity.” Mother Qin spat. “死老头子,你还大学教授呢,脑子有没有的。万一看对眼了,就赶紧结婚,正好让宝宝收收心,当什么明星啊。”秦妈啐道。 Also yes, this idea is good.” old gentleman nods. “也是,这主意好。”老爷子点头。 Mother Qin pulls out the cell phone impatiently: My this relates Yan Zi | Swallow.” 秦妈迫不及待掏手机:“我这就联系燕子。” Yan Zi | Swallow is old gentleman's younger sister, the Qin Ze elder sister and younger brother two sister-in-law/little aunt. 燕子老爷子的妹妹,秦泽姐弟俩的小姑。 Later, this also watches the program.” old gentleman said. “待会儿,这还看着节目呢。”老爷子说。 In the television, the program has entered the voting link. 电视里,节目已经进入投票环节。 The picture cuts on the large screen, the Qin Baobao's number of votes soars. 画面切到大屏幕上,秦宝宝的票数直线上升。 500,000. 50万。 1 million. 100万。 2 million. 200万。 At this time the Qin Baobao's number of votes placed third, first two are Huang Yuteng and Wells, the voting channel has not closed, their numbers of votes have been rising, but rises is very slow. Especially after Qin Baobao sings, two people numbers of votes were almost motionless. Respectively is 3.2 million and 3.5 million. 此时秦宝宝的票数排在第三,前两名是黄宇腾威尔斯,投票通道没有关闭,他俩的票数一直在涨,但涨的很缓慢。尤其是秦宝宝唱完歌后,两人的票数几乎不动了。分别是三百二十万三百五十万 But the Qin Baobao's number of votes is still rising. 秦宝宝的票数还在疯涨。 2.6 million. 260万。 2.8 million. 280万。 3.1 million. 310万。 3.2 million. 320万。 At this time, from the voting channel closure, starts the countdown. 此时,距离投票通道关闭,进入倒计时。 10... 十... 9... 九... 8... 八... 7... 七... Number of votes: 3.3 million. 票数:330万。 3.4 million. 340万。 3.45 million. 345万。 3... 三... 2... 二... 1... 一... Voting channel closure. 投票通道关闭。 The large screen, demonstrates all singer final numbers of votes. 大屏幕,显示所有歌手最后的得票数。 Qin Baobao: 3.7 million. 秦宝宝:370万。 Wells: 3.5 million. 威尔斯:350万。 Huang Yuteng: 3.2 million. 黄宇腾:320万。 ........... ........... Yin Jia mounts the stage, announced loudly: «I am a Singer» second season champion Qin Baobao.” 尹佳登台,大声宣布:“《我是歌星第二季冠军秦宝宝。” At this moment the full house cheers, several want to throw off the vault. 这一刻满场欢呼,几欲掀翻穹顶。 Too splendid. 太精彩了。 The final shocked. 总决赛太震撼了。 Each singer is very powerful, Qin Baobao that but slaughters from many competitors is more powerful. 每一个歌手都很强大,但从众多竞争对手中厮杀出来的秦宝宝更强大。 Their first time hears such sound, as if the sound of penetration soul. 他们第一次听到这样的声音,仿佛穿透灵魂的声音。 This type surprised and shocked has exceeded the song. 这种惊奇和震撼已经超越了歌曲本身。 《Opera 2》, sufficiently stir domestic musical world. 一首《歌剧2》,足以轰动国内乐坛。 The program group went bad happily, the reputation of this season, in the previous quarter, can foresee , the topic of «Singer» program, will mount the major entertainment story headlines. The viewing ratio makes one anticipate. Does not know whether the broken variety show can record. 节目组高兴坏了,这一季的口碑,更甚上一季,可以预见,《歌星》节目的话题,会登上各大娱乐新闻头条。收视率更让人期待。不知能否破综艺节目记录。 The backstage, Qin Ze hears in the mind ding, system to send in the prompt: The success helps Qin Baobao win " I am a Singer » program champion, quest is completed. 后台,秦泽听见脑海里“叮”一声,系统发来提示:成功帮助秦宝宝拿到《我是歌星》节目冠军,任务完成。 reward 500 selects points. 奖励五百积分 The «I am a Singer» second season receives the officer perfectly, the audience leaves the stage one after another. 我是歌星第二季完美收官,观众陆续退场。 In some independent small room, Qin Baobao sits before the toilet table, smudges carefully takes off one's jewelry the water. 某个单独的小房间里,秦宝宝坐在化妆台前,仔细涂抹卸妆水。 Joyful elder sister snort/hum the folk song, Qin Ze is sitting in one side, plays the cell phone bored. 心情愉悦的姐姐哼着小调,秦泽坐在一边,无聊玩手机。 Qin Baobao said suddenly: A'Ze, you said that the parents can watch the program?” 秦宝宝忽然道:“阿泽,你说爸妈会不会看节目?” Also with saying? bosom friend attended the final, on their mouths said does not want, the body is honest.” Qin Ze curls the lip. “还用说?闺蜜参加总决赛,他们嘴上说不要不要,身体还诚实的。”秦泽撇嘴。 Qin Baobao worries saying: elder sister kissed reward a moment ago fragrant, can be seen by them?” 秦宝宝担忧道:“姐姐刚才香吻奖励,会不会被他们看到?” Qin Ze shrugs: All right, you had not looked that recently the online dove rubs wisdom hugged the 17~18 daughter to kiss, this called the kinship kiss.” 秦泽耸肩:“没事儿,你没看最近网上鸠摩智搂着十七八女儿亲嘴么,这叫亲情的吻。” Ghost, but also kinship kiss.” Qin Baobao pū chī. “鬼嘞,还亲情的吻。”秦宝宝噗嗤一声。 At this time, a message sent: Brother Qin, you also in television station? I look for you.” 这时,一条短信发过来:“秦哥,你还在电视台吗?我来找你。” This little girl is really also annoying. 这妞儿还真磨人。 Qin Ze enters the message: I not in television station......” 秦泽键入短信:“我不在电视台......” Does not wait for him to transmit, the knocking on a door sound got up. 不等他发送,敲门声响起来了。 elder sister kicks him with the foot, opens the door.” 姐姐拿脚丫子踢踢他,“开门去。” Perhaps the person of television station. 许是电视台的人。 Qin Ze is thinking like this, the gate opened, staff get one group of youngster young girls to come. 秦泽这样想着,门打开了,一个工作人员领着一伙少年少女进来。 Teacher Qin, they look your.” The staff said, immediately walks. 秦老师,他们找你的。”工作人员说完,立刻就走。 Does Qin Baobao stare, looks my? 秦宝宝一愣,找我的? Master, you are really awesome.” The Li Donglai whole face worship, to/clashes to impatiently with Qin Ze bear Bao, was turned by the Qin Ze a slap racket on the sofa. “师父,你太厉害了。”李东来满脸崇拜,迫不及待冲过来要和秦泽熊抱,被秦泽一巴掌拍翻在沙发上。 Several people smiled, greeted: Brother Qin!” 几个人都笑了,纷纷打招呼:“秦哥!” Qin Ze nods toward them, how his not curious this group of fellows come, one crowd of officer second generation rich second generation, in family/home a little influence. 秦泽朝他们点点头,他不好奇这群家伙是怎么进来,一群官二代富二代,家里有点势力。 Qin Baobao blinks, does not make clear the condition. 秦宝宝眨眨眼,搞不清楚状况。 Chen Qingyuan arrives around Qin Ze, raises the small face, called one gently: Brother Qin! 陈清袁走到秦泽跟前,扬起小脸,轻轻叫了一声:秦哥 Voice soft immerse, cheek slightly red, in the pupil of young girl bright as crystals, glitters is admiring, shyly, disturbed and joyful...... shows incisively the manner that a young girl is in love. 嗓音软濡,脸蛋微红,少女亮晶晶的眸子里,闪烁着仰慕、羞怯、忐忑、喜悦......把一个少女怀春的神态展现淋漓尽致。 Several youngster young girl looks ponder. 几个少年少女眼神玩味。 Chen Qingyuan likes the Qin Ze's matter, in their small groups is not the secret, this girl has not planned to hide the truth from oneself thoughts from the start, has the matter to be all right looks for Pei Ziqi or Li Donglai inquires the Qin Ze's matter. 陈清袁喜欢秦泽的事儿,在他们这个小圈子不是秘密,这丫头压根没打算瞒着自己的心思,有事没事就找裴子淇李东来打听秦泽的事。 Responded that slow Li Donglai gawked staring, has a look at Chen Qingyuan, has a look at Qin Ze, being suddenly enlighted of lagging behind. 反应迟钝的李东来愣了愣,看看陈清袁,又看看秦泽,后知后觉的恍然大悟。 your mother, Chen Qingyuan liked Brother Qin, was discovered by me, hehe. 尼玛,原来陈清袁喜欢秦哥,被我发现了,嘿嘿。 Suddenly discovered Ye Rou hidden bitterness looked at oneself one eyes. Li Donglai has a head wet from the fog. 忽然发现叶柔幽怨的看了自己一眼。李东来满头雾水。 Qin Baobao narrows the eyes to focus, the heart said that must end, this girl obviously covets my old bro. The small appearance that face feeling of love ripples, inscribes I love you on the difference four characters. 秦宝宝眯着眼,心说要完,这丫头明显觊觎我老弟。那一脸春情荡漾的小模样,就差写上“我喜欢你”四个字。 Qin Ze nods the smile toward her, has greeted. Asked Li Donglai: You did not begin school, the high school third year schoolwork was intense, always do not come out to fool around.” 秦泽朝她点头微笑,算是打过招呼。问李东来:“你不是开学了吗,高三课业紧张,别老出来鬼混。” Has not known that you will come, I come.” The Li Donglai hurried table is loyal. “还不是知道你会来,我才过来的。”李东来急忙表忠心。 Chen Qingyuan has snatched the topic immediately: Brother Qin, Ziqi said that you will come, I have not believed. You really here, I calculate that today has not come white/in vain.” 陈清袁立刻抢过话题:“秦哥,子淇说你会来,我还不信呢。你真的在这儿,我今天算没白来。” Qin Ze somewhat cannot bear this little girl valiant language style, looks to Pei Ziqi: Your did piano teacher find?” 秦泽有些受不了这妞儿彪悍的语言风格,看向裴子淇:“你的钢琴老师找到了吗?” Pei Ziqi was angry his eyes: Studied for half a month.” 裴子淇嗔了他一眼:“学半个月了都。” Qin Baobao looks at Pei Ziqi again, slightly one startled, Dammit, another juicy cabbage, is critical situation immediately. 秦宝宝再一看裴子淇,微微一惊,妈蛋,又一颗水灵白菜,顿时如临大敌。 Brother Qin, we eat to bake, I know that has a BBQ restaurant to be good.” Chen Qingyuan proposed. 秦哥,我们去吃烧烤吧,我知道有一家烧烤店不错。”陈清袁提议。 Does not go.” Brother Qin decline. “不去。”秦哥回绝。 Your rich second generation, does not eat the seafood abalone, asking me to eat to bake? 你一个富二代,不吃海鲜鲍鱼,请我吃烧烤? Goes, when wins the championship the celebration for you.” Li Donglai said. “去吧,就当为你夺冠庆祝。”李东来说。 Qin Ze looks at Chen Qingyuan, a latter eager hope appearance. 秦泽陈清袁,后者一副眼巴巴的期盼模样。 Qin Ze turns head to look at elder sister, she was today's protagonist, elder sister just won the champion, cannot abandon her. 秦泽又扭头看姐姐,她是今天的主角,姐姐刚拿冠军,总不能撇下她。 The Qin Baobao heart said, finally was one's turn me to enter the stage? This position with little authority old lady may receive enough. 秦宝宝心说,终于轮到我出场了吗?这冷板凳老娘可受够了。 Does not go.” Qin Baobao said: Television station also a little matter.” “不去。”秦宝宝说:“电视台这边还有点事。” Chen Qingyuan said: That finishes goes again.” 陈清袁道:“那忙完再去。” Finishes does not go, today was tired,” Qin Baobao outstanding one leg on the other, Goddess model/pattern is full. “忙完也不去,今天累了,”秦宝宝翘二郎腿,女神范十足。 Chen Qingyuan angrily said: Brother Qin, she is your what/anything person, you also help her sing.” 陈清袁生气道:“秦哥,她是你什么人,你还帮她唱歌。” Qin Ze looks to elder sister, Qin Baobao also looks to younger brother, the vision connection, two people simultaneously one cold. 秦泽看向姐姐,秦宝宝也看向弟弟,目光交汇,两人齐齐一凛。 Quick-witted younger brother sees the elder sister's look, immediately guessed correctly she hits what wicked scheme. No faint trace hesitates, a bow step raids to elder sister. 机智的弟弟看到姐姐的神色,顿时猜到她打什么鬼主意。没有一丝丝犹豫,一个弓步袭向姐姐 The thoughts that similarly quick-witted elder sister also second understood younger brother, sink at heart: It is not good, is quick! 同样机智的姐姐也秒懂了弟弟的心思,心里一沉:不好,要快! Old......” “老……” Is agile younger brother is eventually quicker one step, the cover of Qin Ze big hand on toward the elder sister face, pushes to overthrow in the sofa. 终究是身手敏捷的弟弟更快一步,秦泽大手往姐姐脸上一罩,一推推翻在沙发。 She is my elder sister, Qin Baobao.” Qin Ze vies to answer first. “她是我姐姐,秦宝宝。”秦泽抢答。
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