MESIS :: Volume #2

#124: Soul Singer

On the field bursts into thunderous applause, the cheers fluctuate, many audience and other groups, who want to take a look at Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment are, what kind of song she will put out. Anticipates the Qin Baobao's new song, became the custom of audience early. But the final, what kind of song will she put out? Although A'Chu Girl is of pleasant to hear, but compared with exaggerate, Blue and White Porcelain and Departure Song, was more inferior. 场上掌声雷动,欢呼声起伏,很多观众都在等这一组呢,都想看看秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾是谁,她会拿出怎样的歌。期待秦宝宝的新歌,早成了观众们的一个习惯。而总决赛,她又会拿出怎么样的歌来?阿楚姑娘虽然好听,但比起浮夸青花瓷离歌,逊色了一些。 Wins the championship three big popular characters, Wells forcing Huang Yuteng, just like becomes the person of champion hopefully. 夺冠三大热门人物,威尔斯力压黄宇腾,俨然是最有希望成为冠军的人。 The Qin Baobao last chance, what song will she put out? The audience are filling with the anticipation. 秦宝宝最后的机会了,她会拿出什么样的歌?观众们满怀着期待。 The Qin Baobao tall proud figure shuttle in the numerous colored lantern light, moves toward the stage slowly, the aisle both sides spouts bunches of smog. In she steps into central that bunch of lights instantly, the accompaniment music resounds. 秦宝宝高挑傲人的身段穿梭在纷彩灯光中,缓缓走向舞台,走道两侧喷出一簇簇烟雾。在她踏入中心那束灯光的刹那,伴奏音乐响起。 The front auditorium, Li Donglai is excited: She came, she came. Your tickets also in? Throws to her quickly.” 前排观众席,李东来兴奋不已:“她来了,她来了。你们的票还在吗?快投给她。” Zhang Wangyun hehe said with a smile: I understand, my ticket also remains to her.” 张望云嘿嘿笑道:“我懂的,我的票也留着给她。” Li Weizong also wants to vote to Qin Baobao, he looked at Pei Ziqi one: Ziqi throws to anyone, I throw anyone.” 李卫宗也想给秦宝宝投票,他看了裴子淇一眼:“子淇投给谁,我就投谁。” Li Donglai said: Then on Qin Baobao.” 李东来道:“那就秦宝宝了。” Ziqi has not said.” 子淇还没说呢。” She throws Qin Baobao.” “她就投秦宝宝。” How you know.” “你怎么知道。” The Li Donglai heart said that nonsense, that is Brother Qin elder sister. 李东来心说,废话,那是秦哥姐姐 Li Weizong casts the vision that inquired toward Pei Ziqi, Pei Ziqi did not say patiently: Why you look at me, whom likes throwing to throw anyone.” 李卫宗裴子淇投去询问的目光,裴子淇不耐烦道:“你看我干吗,爱投谁投谁。” Li Weizong is startled: „Do you really throw to Qin Baobao? Don't you dislike her?” 李卫宗吃了一惊:“你真投给秦宝宝啊?你不是讨厌她吗?” You manage? The idle talk are many.” Pei Ziqi temperament smelly. “你管的着吗?废话多。”裴子淇脾气臭的很。 She does not like Qin Baobao real, who lets her is Qin Ze's elder sister, do not look that Pei Ziqi looks cold and indifferent to Qin Ze, even the slander quarrels, actually does not dislike him. 她不喜欢秦宝宝是真的,但谁让她是秦泽的姐姐,别看裴子淇秦泽爱答不理,甚至恶语相向,其实并不讨厌他。 Ye Rou said: My ticket gave Huang Yuteng.” 叶柔说:“我的票给黄宇腾了。” Ge Qing indicated: My ticket gave Wells.” 葛庆表示:“我的票给威尔斯了。” Chen Qingyuan said: I too do not pay attention to Qin Baobao, but my ticket also. Does not want to throw her.” 陈清袁说:“我不太关注秦宝宝,但我的票还在。不想投她。” She sends Qin Ze diligently harassment message, forgot the voting. This miss entire program is absent-minded. 她孜孜不倦发秦泽“骚扰”短信,忘了投票。这姑娘整场节目都心不在焉。 Pei Ziqi reminded: Do not regret.” 裴子淇提醒道:“你别后悔啊。” Chen Qingyuan stares, why will ask, the Qin Baobao's singing sound still transmits. She looks startled to the stage. 陈清袁一愣,正要问为什么,秦宝宝的歌声依然传来。她愕然看向台上。 Pei Ziqi also turns the head to look at the stage, what song Uh...... is this?” 裴子淇也转头看舞台,“……这是什么歌?” Meanwhile, the roll titles reappearing song name and lyrics of large screen. 与此同时,大屏幕的滚动字幕浮现歌名和歌词。 The lounge, Li Rongxing is confused: „Does she want to sing that foreign language? What that did singing accompaniment sing?” 休息室,李荣兴一头雾水:“她要唱那首外语啊?那帮唱嘉宾唱什么?” Unexpectedly is not the chorus! 居然不是合唱! The Li Xuegang face was blacker. 李学刚脸更黑了。 Some Xu Lu quite schadenfreude: What language classification is this? Listens not to seem like English.” 徐璐颇有些幸灾乐祸:“这是什么语种?听着不像是英语。” Wells said with English: Is Russian Language. Will she sing the Russian song?” 威尔斯英语说:“是俄文。她会唱俄语歌?” He is somewhat surprised, he had sung Russian a moment ago, but the audience is not convinced. Why does Qin Baobao choose to sing Russian? 他有些惊讶,刚才他就唱过俄语,但观众并不买账。秦宝宝为什么选择唱俄语 Huang Yuteng knits the brows: „Isn't this song the chorus? Do two people divide a song?” 黄宇腾皱眉:“这首歌不是合唱吧?两个人分一首歌?” Although said, but always feels out of sorts. Insufficiently perfect. 虽然说也可以,但总觉得违和。不够完美。 Several singing accompaniment are also discussing and chatting. 几个帮唱嘉宾也在议论、谈笑。 Rhythm is very sprightly, is listening well.” “节奏挺明快的,听着还不错。” Ok, the opera I not am ripe, the connoisseurship level is limited.” “还行吧,歌剧我不怎么熟,鉴赏水平有限。” Wells will sing Russian, how asks him.” 威尔斯会唱俄语,问问他怎么样。” The singers look to Wells, Lina Yang give him to translate with a smile. 众歌手望向威尔斯,杨丽娜笑着给他翻译。 Wells thinks, also good.” 威尔斯想了想,“还不错。” His Russian crude person, the level did not have Qin Baobao to be good. The connoisseurship is higher than other singers, is limited. Therefore gave critical appraisal. 俄语半吊子,水平还没秦宝宝好呢。鉴赏能力比其他歌手高,也有限。于是给了中肯评价。 Everyone has several immediately. 大家心里顿时有数了。 Qin Baobao is clear and melodious: 秦宝宝清越嘹亮: доммойдостроен, “доммойдостроен, The house was completed, ” 房子落成了,” ноявнемодин. “ноявнемодин. Packs my aloneness 装满我的孤寂” хлопнулдверьзаспиной “хлопнулдверьзаспиной The gate is closed behind with a crash. ” 门在身后砰然关闭。” ветеросеннийстучитсявокно “ветеросеннийстучитсявокно The autumn wind is blowing bugle and beating drums the window. ” 秋风吹打着窗户。” The audience is startled, cannot think that Qin Baobao will sing Russian Language, they cannot understand, but thought that this song is good, but, uses, in the champion competes for at the match, as if insufficiently looks. 现场观众吃了一惊,想不到秦宝宝会唱俄文,他们根本听不懂,只是觉得这首歌不错,但,用在冠军争夺赛上,似乎不够看吧。 Some video live broadcast website, the barrage is thick falling, various commentaries. 某视频直播网站,弹幕纷纷扬扬,各种评论。 Was fierce, will Qin Baobao also sing Russian Language?” “厉害了,秦宝宝还会唱俄文?” Really is her younger brother creation song? Russian Language? Must have the talent.” “真的是她弟弟创作的歌?俄文?要不要这么有才。” Technology lives, really has that a wee bit shocking, but, this song listens is being good, may be unable PK Wells, the Huang Yuteng song to compare of pleasant to hear this.” “技术活,也确实有那么一丁点惊艳,但,这首歌听着是不错,可根本无法pk威尔斯吧,黄宇腾的歌都比这好听。” elder sister and younger brother two are the experts, I study Russian Language, I can say very much responsibly, Qin Baobao's Russian Language is very good, is better than Wells, Wells' Russian Language, at most is our ordinary university student English level.” 姐弟俩都是牛人,我是学俄文的,我可以很负责的说,秦宝宝的俄文很好,比威尔斯还好,威尔斯的俄文,顶多是我们普通大学生英语水平。” Championship competition, didn't she sing the Chinese Language song? What do you mean, Wells sang Chinese Language.” “冠军赛,她不唱中文歌?什么意思啊,威尔斯都唱中文。” Uh, I want to say that this song doesn't seem like the chorus? Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment?” ,我想说,这首歌不像是合唱吧?秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾呢?” Well, Qin Baobao's hasn't singing accompaniment entered the stage?” “咦,秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾还没出场?” „Won't she have helped sing?” “她不会没有帮唱吧?” Qin Baobao continues to sing: 秦宝宝继续唱着: плачетопятьнадомной. “плачетопятьнадомной. Wept in my top of the head in a low voice. ” 在我头顶低声啜泣。” ночьюгроза, анаутротуман. “ночьюгроза,анаутротуман. At night the heavy downpour, is blurred toward the fog in the morning. ” 夜间滂沱大雨,清晨朝雾迷离。” солнцеостылосовсем. “солнцеостылосовсем. Sun cools completely. ” 太阳完全冷却。” давниеболиидутчередой. “давниеболиидутчередой. The remote grief follows on somebody's heels. ” 久远的伤痛接踵而至。” At this time, was together resounding, the resonant and pure sound to resound, penetrated the audience like the sharp sword together, in the dissemination of amplifying equipment, flooded the entire scene. 这时,一道高亢、嘹亮、纯净的声音响起,像一道利剑穿透全场,在扩音设备的传播中,充斥整个现场。 ahhhhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~~啊~ ahhhhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~~啊~ This sound...... 这声音…… The audience look startled. 观众愕然望去。 In the shadow walks physique straight young people, puts on black suit, the leather shoes shiny, he takes the microphone, the sound bursts out from his throat. 阴影里走出来一个身姿笔挺的年轻人,穿黑色西装,皮鞋铮亮,他拿着麦克风,声音从他喉咙里迸发出来。 Only one sound, making the audience 500 many goose fleshes stick out suddenly. 只一个声音,让全场五百多人鸡皮疙瘩暴起。 Facial casts are looking at the stage, solidified the facial expression. 一张张脸庞望着舞台,凝固了神情。 Some network video live broadcast platform, the barrage vanishes suddenly, picture clean fearfulness. 某网络视频直播平台,弹幕忽然消失,画面“干净”的可怕。 The lounge, the singer looks at the scene through the screen, the full room is silent, atmosphere solidification. 休息室,歌手通过屏幕看现场,满室寂静,气氛凝固。 Even if this group of specialized singers, stare dumbfounded. 纵使这群专业歌手,亦是瞠目结舌。 Qin Baobao turns around, grips the hand of young people, two people stand in the stage hand in hand, she sang: 秦宝宝转身,握住年轻人的手,两人携手站在舞台上,她唱: пустьсобираютсявсе. “пустьсобираютсявсе. Tonight this gathers. ” 今夜来此相聚。” доммойдостроен, “доммойдостроен, The house was completed. ” 房子落成了。” ноявнемодин. “ноявнемодин. Inside packs my aloneness. ” 里面装满我的孤寂。” хлопнулдверьзаспиной. “хлопнулдверьзаспиной. The gate is closed behind with a crash. ” 门在身后砰然关闭。” ........... ........... The roll titles on screen come to the end, everyone thinks that this song has sung, but accompaniment sound as before. 屏幕上的滚动字幕走到尽头,所有人都以为这首歌已经唱完了,可伴奏声依旧。 Qin Ze grips the microphone, the straight jab to the soul sound resounds again. 秦泽握住话筒,直击灵魂的声音再次响起。 ahhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~啊~ ahhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~啊~ Pei Ziqi shivers slowly, unknowingly, back crawling full goosebumps. 裴子淇缓缓打了个寒噤,不知不觉,后背爬满鸡皮疙瘩。 Chen Qingyuan rubs one to stand, is looking at the young people on stage crazily, is also hard to put aside again. 陈清袁蹭一声站起来,痴痴望着台上的年轻人,再也难以移开。 The big scene is completely silent, without the discussion, without the noise, only has the accompaniment to continue. 偌大的现场鸦雀无声,没有议论声,没有吵闹声,唯有伴奏继续走着。 This what sound? 这什么声音啊? Also can sing like this? 还能这样唱? Why can sing is so high? 为什么能唱的这么高? In the lounge, Li Rongxing swallows the saliva: I go to me to go to me to go......” 休息室里,李荣兴咽了咽口水:“我去我去我去......” Huang Yuteng muttered: My Heavens.” 黄宇腾喃喃道:“我的天呐。” Li Xuegang is at heart complex, does not know that this should hate happily. 李学刚心里复杂,不知该喜该恨。 Wells opens mouth, quite a while only suppresses three words: Ohmygod!” 威尔斯张了张嘴,半天只憋出一个三个单词:“ohmygod!” Several singing accompaniment, A-list big success and B-list singer, the vision is staring at the screen, stubbornly staring. 几个帮唱嘉宾,一线大咖二线歌手,目光盯着屏幕,死死盯着。 All network video platforms that connect the live broadcast signal, barrage simultaneously exploded. 所有连通直播信号的网络视频平台,弹幕齐齐炸了。 All kinds of barrages brush the screen. 各种各样的弹幕刷屏。 fuck, was I the ear have problems.” 我靠,我是不是耳朵出问题了。” nicely done nicely done nicely done 666666666 This, how this sang, this what sound, was not the common tenor, was too terrifying, how to have such throat?” “这,这怎么唱上去的啊,这什么声音啊,不是一般的男高音吧,太恐怖了,怎么会有这样的喉咙?” My whole body is the goosebumps.” “我浑身都是鸡皮疙瘩。” „The small fish that father frightens did falls.” “老子吓的小鱼干都掉了。” freaking awesome freaking awesome freaking awesome, the important words saying three.” 牛叉牛叉牛叉,重要的话说三遍。” This is false, I do not believe, this sound is unscientific, clearly is the electronic synthesis.” “这是假的吧,我不相信,这声音不科学,分明是电子合成的。” In does world have such outstandingly able person?” “世上有这样的奇人?” Good pure sound, straight jab to the soul, shocks, shocked.” “好纯净的声音,直击灵魂啊,震撼,太震撼了。” Mother asked why I kneel am watching the program, then she and I knelt together.” “妈妈问我为什么跪着看节目,然后她和我一起跪了。” āi yōu I go, who you look at him are.” 哎呦我去,你们看他是谁。” Who...... fuck me?!” “谁啊......卧槽?!” Qin Ze? Is this Qin Ze? I have not misread.” 秦泽?这是秦泽?我没看错吧。” Right, he is my idol, turns into the ash to know.” “没错,他是我偶像,化成灰都认识。” ahhhhh, the husband I loves you, I love you.” 啊啊啊,老公我爱你,我爱你。” Husband came, the husband came.” “老公来了,老公来了。” good handsome, was too graceful, the young girl heart of old lady melted.” 好帅,太帅了,老娘的少女心都化了。” How to have such man, is not good, is not good, great-aunt he does not marry.” “怎么会有这样的男人,不行了,不行了,姑奶奶非他不嫁。” Qin Ze traded the tone, the microphone approached the mouth. 秦泽换了口气,麦克风凑近嘴巴。 Also come? 还来? Everyone floats off as if by prior agreement this thought that the next moment: 所有人不约而同浮起这个念头,下一刻: ahhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~啊~ ahhhhh ~ ahhhhhhh ~ ah~ “呜啊啊啊~啊啊啊啊~啊~ It is not the common tenor, the tenor cannot sing such pure sound absolutely, is pure and sharp. From beginning to end Qin Ze does not have the lyrics, but his sound, is scene most dazzling existence. 不是一般的男高音,男高音绝对唱不出这么纯净的声音,纯净又犀利。从头到尾秦泽都没有歌词,但他的声音,已然是现场最耀眼的存在。 This is Qin Ze and Qin Baobao's chorus, Qin Ze had to prepare the male and female choral piece, A'Chu Girl is unnecessary, but this opera must sing. But the elder sister's throat cannot control, she practiced over half a month, the treble part really cannot sing, even if sang reluctantly, will make people feel not very pure, purely, mixed with a variant pronunciation. That will destroy this song. 这就是秦泽秦宝宝的合唱,秦泽本来有准备男女合唱歌曲的,阿楚姑娘可用可不用,但这首歌剧一定要唱。可姐姐的喉咙驾驭不住,她练了大半个月,高音部分真的唱不上去,哪怕勉强唱出来,也会让人感觉不够纯净、纯粹,夹杂一丝破音。那会毁了这首歌。 This is a perfect deduction. 这是一场完美演绎。 As the Qin Ze's sound falls, the residual sound curls, the accompaniment declines rapidly, vanishes does not see. 随着秦泽的声音落下,余音袅袅,伴奏迅速走低,消失不见。 The song ended. 歌曲结束。 Qin Baobao made an accidental/surprised movement, she turns around, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe, kisses the lower lip of younger brother lightly. 秦宝宝做了个让人意外的动作,她转身,踮起脚尖,轻吻弟弟的下唇。 The picture frames, princess who as if in Fairy Tale kisses the prince. 画面定格,仿佛童话里亲吻王子的公主。 The audience do not feel out of sorts, instead thought that this is perfect, receives the officer perfectly, perfect deduction. 观众并不觉得违和,反而觉得这样才完美,完美收官,完美演绎。 Was full of the artistic color. 充满了艺术色彩。 One such as the ending in Fairy Tale. 一如童话里的结尾。 Many years later, still some people remember this. 很多年以后,依然有人记得这一幕。
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