MESIS :: Volume #2

#123: Reaches the last act

This Wells went on stage, he and singers shakes hand, turns around to go out of the lounge. 威尔斯上场了,他和众歌手握手,转身走出休息室。 The Li Rongxing smiling face is somewhat desolate, he has missed the champion, is good because of having the preparation. Looked that these issues of popular knew. 李荣兴笑容有几分落寞,他已经无缘冠军了,好在有心理准备。看这几期的人气就知道了。 In the screen a squeal, Wells mounted the stage, opening the throat first sentence makes the audience surprised. 屏幕里一阵尖叫声,威尔斯上台了,开嗓第一句就让观众惊讶。 What he sang was the Chinese Language song. 他唱的是中文歌。 On Wells so many issue of programs, first time sang the Chinese Language song, a foreign singer sang the Chinese Language song at the finals, without doubt hit the people crisp, moreover was a golden tune. 威尔斯上了这么多期节目,第一次唱中文歌,一个外国歌手在决赛唱中文歌,无疑击中了国人的爽点,而且还是一首金曲。 Celebrates this valentine day, the mood has not felt better!” “过完这个情人节,心情并没有好受点!” The resonant delightful female voice transmits together, singing accompaniment walks from the shadow. Is the moon-face tall female, the age of old yet still graceful, the corners of the mouth also has a mole. 一道嘹亮悦耳的女声传来,帮唱嘉宾从阴影里走出来。是个圆脸高挑的女子,风韵犹存的年纪,嘴角还有一颗美人痣。 After she presented that entire audience instantaneous stares wide-eyed, the startled chin almost fell. 当她亮相后,全场观众瞬间瞪大眼睛,惊的下巴差点掉下来。 This person everyone was too familiar. 这个人大家太熟悉了。 Lina Yang! 杨丽娜 A song world elder sister! 歌坛一姐! In the song world, Lina Yang is the topest that pinch of person. Sang more than ten years of song, many audience on the scene, are her fans. Status similar Heavenly Queen. The Heavenly King Heavenly Queen title, was very long ago popular, sings, the media hype, can perhaps win the Heavenly King title. Is the name of earlier entertainment world. Nowadays, celebrity springs up everywhere, one generation of up-and-comers change the early man, Heavenly King Heavenly Queen describe some rank, rather than independent several people. 在歌坛,杨丽娜是最顶尖的那一撮人。唱了十几年的歌,在场很多观众,都是她的粉丝。地位类似天后天王天后的称号,早些年很流行,唱歌好一点,媒体炒作一下,没准就能获封天王称号。是早年娱乐圈的叫法。现如今,明星遍地开花,一代新人换旧人,天王天后形容某一级别,而不是单独的几个人了。 The Lina Yang song world status, is higher than Huang Yuteng and Li Xuegang. 杨丽娜的歌坛地位,比黄宇腾李学刚还要高。 Really is she?” “真的是她啊?” I go, online said that Wells signs the Lina Yang work room ?” “我去,网上说威尔斯签约杨丽娜工作室,是真的?” Sister Yang led a cheer for the artist.” 杨姐是为旗下艺人助阵来了。” I go to school that to like listening to her song, although likes Qin Baobao now. But full is recalls.” “我上学那会就喜欢听她的歌,虽然现在更喜欢秦宝宝。可满满都是回忆啊。” I do not like Wells, but Sister Yang is his singing accompaniment, I decided that casts the ticket to him.” “我不喜欢威尔斯,但杨姐是他的帮唱嘉宾,我决定把票投给他。” Uh...... is Lina Yang the plan holds Wells? Felt that Supreme Rush moved, didn't fear suffered an unexpected failure?” ......杨丽娜是打算捧威尔斯么?感觉太冲动了吧,就不怕阴沟里翻船?” Capsizes? How possibly.” “翻船?怎么可能。” Not to be how impossible, Huang Yuteng popular is not a lid, Li Xuegang also has large quantities of faithful powder, Qin Baobao.” “怎么就不可能,黄宇腾人气不是盖的,李学刚也有一大批忠实粉,还有秦宝宝。” I must support Sister Yang in any case.” “反正我要支持杨姐。” The stage, Wells and Lina Yang pour love to sing. 舞台,威尔斯杨丽娜倾情献唱。 Wells: This heart was when tired!” 威尔斯:“这颗心何时倦了!” Lina Yang: This sentiment was difficult forever!” 杨丽娜:“这份情永远难了!” Wells: Many years later looks back on this past events!” 威尔斯:“多年后回首这段往事!” Lina Yang: Is light or moved!” 杨丽娜:“是平淡还是伤感!” ...... …… The men and women sing in a chorus, the treble wind gets up: When the love has become the past events.” 男女合唱,高音飙起来:“当爱已成往事。” Flows like the full moon hidden dehydration east!” “恰如圆月隐去水东流!” A tenor, a soprano, enhances one another's beauty, whole face exclamation that the audience shakes. This men and women sing in a chorus, is one of the Lina Yang representative works, in the past in a complete mess of fire, KTV must select the program. Can be clear, unspotted sang this song, became the standard of benchmark art or technique of singing quality. 一个男高音,一个女高音,交相辉映,把观众震的满脸惊叹。这首男女合唱,是杨丽娜代表作之一,当年火的一塌糊涂,ktv必点曲目。能不能圆润,无瑕疵的唱完这歌,成了标杆唱功好坏的标准。 Wells Chinese Language is very bad, does not pronounce standard, but sang to move. 威尔斯中文很差,发音不标准,但唱在了调上。 Finally when ending, these two at mutually the wind treble, the aura are prolonged, the vital capacity goes against heaven's will, the major tone towed for a half minute. 最后结尾时,这两人还在互飙高音,气息绵长,肺活量逆天,长音足足拖了半分钟。 live broadcast barrage: nicely done 直播弹幕:“666 Wells is the treble artillery, now comes one.” 威尔斯已经是高音炮了,现在又来一尊。” Perfect combining and complementing one another, was too fierce.” “完美的合璧,太厉害了。” They are not the person, how to sing, I most sang half is not air/Qi.” “他俩不是人,怎么唱上去的啊,我最多唱一半就没气了。” This is specialized, does not lose the taping room simply.” “这就是专业的啊,简直不输录音棚。” Technical work, voting.” “技术活儿,投票。” Quick voting, although I am not Wells' fans, but I am Lina Yang really loves the powder.” “快投票,虽然我不是威尔斯的粉丝,但我是杨丽娜的真爱粉。” Dammit, my boyfriend said that must keep the ticket to Qin Baobao, irritated me.” 妈蛋,我男朋友说要留票给秦宝宝,气死我了。” Such boyfriend, did obeisance decisively, hā hā.” “这样的男朋友,果断拜了,哈哈。” Then the issue came, my girlfriend doom must give Wells to vote, what to do?” “那么问题来了,我女朋友死命要给威尔斯投票,怎么办?” Did obeisance, best do obeisance, the single dog was happy.” “拜了呀,最好都拜了,单身狗就开心了。” On the large screen demonstrates the final vote: 300 20,000. 大屏幕上显示最后的投票结果:三百零二万。 The audience in an uproar. 全场哗然。 The number of votes was too high, Xu Lu about 2 million, missed 1/3. 票数太高了,徐璐两百万左右,差了三分之一。 Li Rongxing, ended not to mention oppressively. 李荣兴更别提了,完虐。 Wells and Lina Yang hug, and expressed gratitude to the audience, then left the stage. 威尔斯杨丽娜拥抱,并向观众道谢,然后退出舞台。 The lounge, several singers applaud welcome, delivers to congratulate. 休息室,几个歌手鼓掌欢迎,送上恭喜。 Li Xuegang said in a low voice: Old Huang, a little difficulty.” 李学刚低声道:“老黄,有点难度了。” Huang Yuteng nods: Number of votes is a little scary,” 黄宇腾点头:“票数有点吓人,” Finally early some expectations, but the number of votes is never so expected that high. 结果早有预料,但没想到票数这么高。 Li Xuegang said: I first got up.” 李学刚道:“我先上了。” keep it up.” 加油。” In the stage, Yin Jia said: Astonishing number of votes, three singers have completed to sing at present, can the next singer, reconstruct the peak? Let our invited Li Xuegang.” 舞台上,尹佳道:“惊人的票数,目前已经有三位歌手完成演唱,下一位歌手,能否再造巅峰?让我们有请李学刚。” Li Xuegang goes on stage, he on the stage of final, prepared rock and roll for himself. Is his signature work. singing accompaniment enters the stage later. 李学刚上场,他在总决赛的舞台,为自己准备了一首摇滚。是他自己的成名作。帮唱嘉宾随后出场。 Old Zhou?” 老周?” Is he, will be the Rockers strength sings.” “是他啊,也是摇滚派实力唱将。” Old Zhou, the ballad singer family background, the rock and roll remembers that the status only misses Li Xuegang to plan.” 老周可以的,民谣歌手出身,摇滚记得地位只差李学刚一筹。” Quick voting.” “快投票。” Voting, this rock and roll real.” “投票,这场摇滚真嗨。” I do not like the rock and roll.” “我不喜欢摇滚。” Does not have Lina Yang to be shocking, both status difference was far.” “没杨丽娜惊艳啊,两者地位差远了。” Does not close my matter, my ticket has thrown.” “不关我事,我的票已经投出去了。” I must remain to Huang Yuteng, I do not throw.” “我要留着给黄宇腾,我不投。” The Li Xuegang number of votes is 200 38 ten thousand, is second, represents the chief champion is not destined to get. 李学刚的票数是两百三十八万,位列第二,同时也代表与总冠军无缘。 After drawing back the stage, he and singing accompaniment comes to the lounge together, shakes hand with the singers. 退台后,他和帮唱嘉宾一起来到休息室,与众歌手握手。 Then patted the shoulder of Huang Yuteng: Old Huang, by you. The chief champion cannot make the bystander take away. Otherwise domestic song world no one?” 然后拍了拍黄宇腾的肩膀:“老黄,靠你了。总冠军怎么也不能让外人拿去吧。否则岂不是国内歌坛无人?” Your this saying......” Huang Yuteng shakes the head to laugh in spite of trying not. “你这话……”黄宇腾摇头失笑。 Another side, Lina Yang chatted with English and Wells: He is you biggest opponent, can win the chief champion, looks at his number of votes.” 另一边,杨丽娜英语威尔斯聊天:“他是你最大的对手,能不能拿总冠军,就看他的票数。” Wells nods, gazes after Huang Yuteng to leave. 威尔斯点点头,目送黄宇腾离开。 Afterward, Huang Yuteng and his singing accompaniment Zhao Nan mount the stage. 随后,黄宇腾和他的帮唱嘉宾赵楠登台。 „, Is Zhao Nan.” “啊,是赵楠。” A-list big success, did Huang Yuteng give to invite him?” 一线大咖,黄宇腾把他给请来了?” He is my idol, is good to like him.” “他是我的偶像,好喜欢他。” Was A-list, the lineup is too luxurious. This phase of final was interesting.” “又是一位一线,阵容太豪华了。这期总决赛有意思了。” Chief champion should between Huang Yuteng and Wells.” “总冠军应该在黄宇腾威尔斯之间了。” Yes, several other singers were eliminated.” “是啊,其他几位歌手都出局了。” Qin Baobao is hopeful, looked that she puts out what song to come.” 秦宝宝还有希望,就看她拿出什么歌来。” Un, I also anticipate her singing accompaniment very much, if Lina Yang this rank, who will be the winner also really perhaps.” “嗯,我也很期待她的帮唱嘉宾,如果是杨丽娜这个级别的,鹿死谁手还真说不定。” Qin Baobao, Huang Yuteng and Wells, their three are the favorites. Huang Yuteng should go on stage, the quick three people change two people.” 秦宝宝黄宇腾威尔斯,他们三个是夺冠热门。黄宇腾该上场了,很快三人就变两人。” Qin Baobao popular has the weak trend, looked at her singing accompaniment. But I thought that the champion should be in Wells and Huang Yuteng.” 秦宝宝本身的人气有弱势,就看她的帮唱嘉宾了。但我觉得冠军应该是威尔斯黄宇腾中的一个。” Do not tease, Lina Yang such singing accompaniment, was impossible to have second again.” “你们别逗,杨丽娜这样的帮唱嘉宾,不可能再出第二个了。” I support Huang Yuteng, quick voting.” “我支持黄宇腾,快投票。” I must leave big-breasted sister the ticket.” “我要把票留给大奶妹。” What Huang Yuteng sang was a ballad, after the reorganization, integrated the popular music element, one such as his past style, this singer liked singing has the mood song. 黄宇腾唱的是一首民谣,改编之后,融入流行音乐元素,一如他往日的风格,这个歌手喜欢唱一些有情怀的歌。 Zhao Nan popular is very full, but many years have not mounted the stage to sing, as if are somewhat intense, or the art or technique of singing regresses, several details have not processed, presents the slight defect. 赵楠本身人气很足,可很多年没登台献唱,似乎有些紧张,或者唱功退步,几处细节没处理好,出现瑕疵。 On the large screen, the number of votes beats unceasingly, 500,000, 1 million, 1.5 million, 2.5 million...... 大屏幕上,票数不断跳动,五十万,一百万,一百五十万,两百五十万…… Under everyone vision focus, the number of votes frames slowly : 200 90 ten thousand. 所有人目光聚焦之下,票数缓缓定格,:两百九十多万。 The audience in an uproar! 全场哗然! Some people excited excited, some people beat the breast and stamp the feet, some people disappointed sad...... this number of votes was almost doomed Huang Yuteng is not impossible to win the championship, although the through ticket channel has not been closed, following will have the increase, but was the capitellums, in time that the singer sang, was the peak of voting. 有人兴奋激动,有人捶胸顿足,有人失望悲伤......这个票数几乎注定了黄宇腾不可能夺冠,虽然通票通道没有关闭,后续还会有涨幅,但都是小头,歌手唱歌的时间里,是投票的高峰期。 Toward the road in lounge on, Zhao Nan sighed: Excuse me, had the mistake a moment ago.” 往休息室的路上,赵楠叹道:“不好意思,刚才有失误了。” Huang Yuteng is quite free and easy: „The opposite party strength is too strong, Sister Yang popular was too high, originally is not wins steadily.” 黄宇腾比较洒脱:“对方实力太强,杨姐人气太高了,本来就不是稳赢。” Two people stop in the lounge entrance, Huang Yuteng deeply inspired, rubbed the cheek. Zhao Nan looks at the action of good friend, at heart slightly disconsolate, free and easy on his mouth saying, how not to care at heart. 两人在休息室门口停顿,黄宇腾深吸一口气,揉了揉面皮。赵楠看着好友的举动,心里微微惆怅,他嘴上说的洒脱,心里怎么会不在意。 In «Singer» this grade of program, Huang Yuteng popular and art or technique of singing all are best, he wins the championship hopefully. 《歌星》这档节目里,黄宇腾人气、唱功俱是拔尖,他最有希望夺冠的。 Who wants to kill a dark horse halfway, the Wells art or technique of singing is certainly excellent, he signed with by Lina Yang, to hold the artist in red work room, a song world elder sister helps sing for him personally. 谁想半路杀出一匹黑马,威尔斯唱功当然是极好的,他又被杨丽娜签约了,为捧红工作室的艺人,歌坛一姐亲自为他帮唱。 Adjusts the good facial expression, Huang Yuteng is with smile on the face, pushes the door to enter. 调整好面部表情,黄宇腾面带微笑,推门而入。 Several singers set out in abundance, shakes hand with Huang Yuteng, hug. 几位歌手纷纷起身,与黄宇腾握手,拥抱。 Sang was very good.” “唱的很好。” Was too of pleasant to hear.” “太好听了。” This song gets a light from another light certainly.” “这首歌绝对火啊。” Thanks......” Huang Yuteng to say. “谢谢谢谢......”黄宇腾笑着说。 Li Xuegang sighed, was disappointed, Huang Yuteng racket his shoulder, next was Qin Baobao.” 李学刚叹了口气,一脸失望,黄宇腾拍拍他肩膀,“下一个是秦宝宝了。” His intent has referred. 他意有所指。 Li Xuegang looks at his one eyes ill-humoredly, how Qin Baobao, she can also overturn the heavens inadequately, her popular slightly some were inferior compared with you, singing accompaniment that invited was also not celebrity. net celeb that artist is not a. 李学刚没好气的看他一眼,秦宝宝又怎么样,她还能翻天不成,她人气比你都稍有不如,请的帮唱嘉宾还不是明星。一个连艺人都算不上的网红 The Lina Yang corners of the mouth hold to smile, Wells is also all smiles, the determination has victory in the hand. 杨丽娜嘴角噙笑,威尔斯亦笑容满面,自觉胜券在握。 They use English to exchange in a low voice: Your champion was steady.” 他俩用英语低声交流:“你的冠军稳了。” Wells nods, „the song of Qin was very good, probably many people liked her song.” 威尔斯点点头,“秦的歌很不错,好像很多人都喜欢她的歌。” „Very good, but light/only depends on the song to be incorrect, this is the final, has singing accompaniment, at this time, popular more important than the good song.” “是很不错,但光靠歌不行的,这是总决赛,有帮唱嘉宾的,这个时候,人气比好歌更重要。” Yes, his younger brother is not a singer.” “yes,他弟弟不是歌手。” Does not calculate the artists.” “连艺人都不算。” Their voice is low, did not fear that was heard by others . Moreover the present is live broadcast, Qin Baobao went on stage, at this time the lens definitely followed the going on stage singer, will not pay attention to them. 他俩声音低,不怕被别人听到,而且现在是直播,秦宝宝上场了,这时候镜头肯定跟随上场歌手的,不会关注他们。 In the lounge, several singers discussed the Qin Baobao's song. 休息室里,几个歌手谈论起秦宝宝的歌曲。 Lina Yang said with a smile: Dress rehearsal time, what Qin Baobao sang was what song?” 杨丽娜笑道:“彩排的时候,秦宝宝唱的是什么歌?” Li Rongxing said: She prepared three songs, men and women sing in a chorus, A'Chu Girl, a foreign language song. That foreign language song should not sing.” 李荣兴说:“她准备了三首歌,一首男女合唱,一首阿楚姑娘,还有一首外语歌。那首外语歌应该不唱了。” Wells said with English: That male and female chorus is very of pleasant to hear.” 威尔斯英语说道:“那首男女合唱很好听。” Several singers smile. 几个歌手微笑。 Of pleasant to hear is of pleasant to hear, but a high-quality song is not enough to push up the champion title Qin Baobao. How can I say, is not very shocking. Insufficiently shocks. 好听是好听,可是一首精品歌不足以把秦宝宝推上冠军宝座。怎么说呢,不够惊艳。不够震撼。 In the screen, the Yin Jia sound conveys: Under, invited last singer Qin Baobao.” 屏幕里,尹佳的声音传来:“下面,有请最后一位歌手秦宝宝。”
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