MESIS :: Volume #2

#122: 120 two chapters

Several singers in abundance look like. 几个歌手纷纷看来。 Qin Baobao said with a smile: Meeting, this song translates Chinese Language, the name calls «To let My Brokenhearted Girl», is that side Russian rock and roll, more than ten years.” 秦宝宝笑道:“会啊,这首歌翻译成中文,名字叫《让我心碎的女孩》,是俄国那边的摇滚,都十几年了。” Speaking of here, she knits the brows: „The Wells pronunciation is nonstandard, few sentences sang in the accent.” 说到这儿,她皱皱眉:“威尔斯发音不标准,没几句唱在调上。” How does this saying make me meet? 这话让我怎么接? Li Rongxing smiles bitterly at heart, „is Baobao (darling) the foreign language specialty?” 李荣兴心里苦笑,“宝宝是外语专业?” Qin Baobao shakes the head, is not.” 秦宝宝摇头,“不是。” Was not the foreign language you added that others Russian was nonstandard, then was also plausible. 不是外语你还说人家俄语不标准,还那么振振有词。 Hey, the little miss will very pull the calf to boast. 嘿,小姑娘挺会扯犊子吹牛皮。 People speechless. 众人心里一阵无语。 Xu Lu disdains to curl the lip, but does not have to question taunts Qin Baobao, is not does not think, the location is inappropriate. Here has the camera. 徐璐不屑撇撇嘴,但没去质疑嘲讽秦宝宝,不是不想,场地不合适。这里有摄像头的。 Mentioned Russian, Qin Baobao calculated half expert, was not at least worse than English. old gentleman is Russian advanced proficient, is of one's youth, deeply feeling the son aptitude is dull-witted, an institute studies to lack successors, projects 说起俄语,秦宝宝算半个行家,至少不比英语差。老爷子俄语高级精通,年轻时,深感儿子资质愚钝,一身所学后继无人,就把主意打到女儿身上。 Qin Baobao elementary school time may compel painstakingly, except for goes to school normally, but must study the ballet dance interest class, the violin interest class, the drawing interest class, goes home also to by father be caught study Russian. 秦宝宝小学的时候可苦逼了,除了正常上学,还要学芭蕾舞兴趣班,小提琴兴趣班,绘画兴趣班,回家还要被老子逮着学俄语 to bind pigtail elder sister late at night is often drilling the younger brother bedding upwards, first sheds vat tears without delay, then instigates younger brother: A'Ze, you bring elder sister to elope, elder sister by enough the crazy woman insane father, later elder sister was married you to be the wife to repay you.” 扎着朝天辫的姐姐时常深夜钻弟弟被窝,二话不说先流一缸眼泪,然后怂恿弟弟:“阿泽,你带姐姐私奔吧,姐姐受够疯婆子疯老子,以后姐姐嫁你做媳妇报答你。” Qin Ze the kindergarten kindergarten classes for six and seven year olds, had a mind to be incapable at that time at most . Moreover the especially puzzled character and style, shouts: mama, Qin Baobao wiped on the nasal mucus my new clothes.” 秦泽那时候顶多幼稚园大班,有心无力,而且特不解风情,嚷嚷说:“麻麻,秦宝宝把鼻涕擦我新衣服上了。” Good that time puzzled character and style, otherwise the small age sends to Germany to look at the orthopedics, to be how could it not be sad. 还好那时候不解风情,否则小小年纪送去德国看骨科,岂不悲哉。 That side, Wells sang finished, enters the voting link. 那边,威尔斯演唱结束,进入投票环节。 Now announces the vote!” Yin Jia said loudly: 468 tickets.” “现在公布投票结果!”尹佳大声说:“468票。” The applause breaks out. 掌声响起来。 The singers applaud, Li Rongxing said: Good was good, arranges the third position.” 歌手们鼓掌,李荣兴道:“不错了不错了,排第三位。” Xu Lu also said with a smile: Arranges behind Brother Huang.” 徐璐也笑道:“排在黄哥后面。” Good of Wells display, art or technique of singing online, before finals, the program group official Weibo's voting, Wells, Huang Yuteng and Qin Baobao three people are the favorites, first three are among them takes turn throughout. 威尔斯发挥的不错,唱功在线,根据决赛前,节目组官方微博的投票来看,威尔斯黄宇腾秦宝宝三人是夺冠热门,前三位始终是他们之间交替。 The Li Xuegang musical world status and Huang Yuteng are similar, but the style has very big limitation, likes his fans being frantic, does not like his, will then listen not to listen. Not everyone likes the rock and roll. 李学刚乐坛地位与黄宇腾相仿,但风格有很大的局限性,喜欢他的粉丝非常狂热,不喜欢他的,则听都不会听。并不是所有人都喜欢摇滚的。 The audience surface, he is less than Huang Yuteng and Qin Baobao. 受众面来说,他不及黄宇腾秦宝宝 Although Qin Baobao ranks first, everyone is relaxed, first number of votes differs not the big, many dozens tickets, few phase differences ten come the ticket. Furthermore, the voting channel has not opened, the scene the 500 audience, the truly big end is these watches the live broadcast user. 尽管秦宝宝排名第一,大家心里还是蛮轻松的,一来票数相差不大,多的几十票,少的相差十来票而已。再者,投票通道还没开启的,现场才五百观众,真正大头是那些观看直播的用户。 Immediately must enter the help/gang to sing the link, the climax must come. 马上要进入帮唱环节,重头戏要来了。 The audience is also good, defends the audience in front of television is also good, the interest is spirited. 现场观众也好,守在电视机前的观众也好,都兴致昂扬。 By the front auditorium somewhere, Chen Qingyuan glances right and left, pleasant unexpectedly is the dense head/number of people, the colored light is dazzling, she pushed Pei Ziqi, Ziqi, where did you say Brother Qin to be able?” 靠前排的某处观众席,陈清袁左顾右盼,入眼竟是黑压压的人头,霓灯耀眼,她推了推身边的裴子淇,“子淇,你说秦哥在会在哪儿?” How I know.” “我怎么知道。” You will add him at the scene.” Chen Qingyuan was angry, she felt that she was flickered. “那你还说他会在现场。”陈清袁生气了,她感觉自己被忽悠。 He and that's the end, breaks up in any case again after otherwise, you call him, asks personally.” “反正他再就是了,要不然散场后你打个电话给他,亲自问问。” Chen Qingyuan one hear, rational, „can also make him to eat to bake.”, Painstakingly face: I do not dare to make his phone call, Ziqi, you make him.” 陈清袁一听,有理,“还可以约他吃烧烤。”顿了顿,苦着脸:“我不敢打他电话,子淇,你约他。” „After breaking up, said.” “散场后再说。” The Pei Ziqi heart said, this girl was really no cure. 裴子淇心说,这丫头真是没药救了。 Chen Qingyuan twisted her arm, the panting with rage fishing out cell phone, edits the message, carefully looked several, the click transmission. 陈清袁拧了一把她胳膊,气呼呼的摸出手机,编辑短信,仔仔细细看了好几遍,点击发送。 This issue is live broadcast, the television station has not supposed the signal jammer. 这期是直播,电视台没设信号干扰器。 Does not need. 没必要。 Qin Ze in some backstage lounge, in the screen through room is watching the scene to compete at this time, cell phone dīng dōng one, is a strange number: Brother Qin, I at " Singer » live broadcast scene, Ziqi said you also.” 秦泽此时正在后台某个休息室,通过房间里的屏幕观看现场比赛,手机叮咚一声,是个陌生号码:“秦哥,我在《歌星》直播现场,子淇说你也在。” Brief one line of characters, the little miss deletes the deletion to change for five minutes. 简短的一行字,小姑娘删删改改五分钟。 The Qin Ze complexion is strange, he knows the master who this number who is, asking what Chen clear...... what/anything to come. KTV after on that day, this little girl sends harassment to him frequently message, for example: Today must rain, goes out to remember belt/bring umbrella Brother Qin.” Brother Qin thank you helped me on that day, my parents said that must thank you...... should want to ask him well to eat meal, but does not dare to say. 秦泽脸色古怪,他知道这号码的主人是谁,叫什么陈清……什么来着。ktv那天之后,这妞儿经常给他发“骚扰”短信,比如:“今天要下雨,外出记得带伞秦哥。”“秦哥谢谢你那天帮我,我爸妈说要好好谢谢你......”应该是想请他吃饭,但没敢说。 Again is some little girls' complaints, my mother is always reasonable to me, oneself actually cannot achieve.” My father does not go home today, mother flies into a rage.” In family/home is really fearful, is not warm.” 再就是一些小女孩的抱怨,“我妈总是跟我讲道理,自己却做不到。”“我爸今天又不回家,妈妈大发雷霆。”“家里真可怕,一点都不温馨。” The natural clay ox entering the sea, cannot obtain to respond, she actually enjoys, plays the single plane also to play such. 自然泥牛入海,得不到回应,她却乐此不疲,玩单机也能玩这么嗨。 Although Qin Ze is not the realm of love expert, but is not slow, pondering over this little girl is to oneself a little meaning. 秦泽虽不是情场老手,但不迟钝,琢磨出这妞儿是对自己有点意思吧。 The young girl mood always poem, what a pity Qin Ze this age, does not like campus love type of thing, he entered the society, was the adult, high school jk did not conform to his taste. 少女情怀总是诗,可惜秦泽这个年纪,不喜欢校园恋爱这种东西,他都步入社会了,是成年人了,高中jk不符合他的口味。 The younger sister of wave big buttocks outstanding big long leg most has the feeling. 还是波大臀翘大长腿的妹子最带感。 How the breast is not great gathers the will of the people. 乳不巨何以聚人心。 Even chest what/anything, oneself have. 平胸什么的,自己就有啊。 He returns in the cell phone the pocket, such as was ordinary in the past, cold treatment. 他把手机放回兜里,如往常一般,冷处理。 On the stage, Yin Jia said: Now enters the competition next link, first announced the ballot result. Please look at the large screen.” 台上,尹佳道:“现在进入比赛下一环节,先公布抽签结果。请看大屏幕。” The ballot result is as follows: Li Rongxing, Xu Lu, Wells, Li Xuegang, Huang Yuteng and Qin Baobao. 抽签结果如下:李荣兴徐璐威尔斯李学刚黄宇腾秦宝宝 Audience, the voting channel has cleared, under the screen will present the serial number and voting way of singers, casts your ticket, selects the champion in your mind.” Yin Jia said: Under, is invited our Li Rongxing and his singing accompaniment mounts the stage.” “电视机前的观众朋友们,投票通道已开通,屏幕下方将会出现歌手们的编号和投票方式,投出你的一票,选出你心目中的冠军。”尹佳说道:“下面,有请我们的李荣兴和他的帮唱嘉宾上台。” The audience elongate the neck to take a look toward the stage on, guessed singing accompaniment. 观众伸长脖子往台上瞅,纷纷猜测帮唱嘉宾 What Li Rongxing invited was who?” 李荣兴请的是谁?” Who knows that look.” “谁知道呢,看着吧。” On an issue of painted eggshell, said that is a strength sings, who does not know is, comes out quickly.” “上一期彩蛋,说是个实力唱将,不知道是谁,快出来啊。” The aisle after stage has the fireworks to blast out, the smog spout, Li Rongxing and a young man walk shoulder to shoulder, footsteps neither too fast nor too slow. The light does not have first time to give them, the audience can only see two people forms. 舞台后的走道有礼花炸开,烟雾喷涌,李荣兴和一个年轻男人并肩走来,脚步不疾不徐。灯光并没有第一时间给到他们,观众只能看见两人的身影。 Who is? 到底是谁? The accompaniment sound gets up. 伴奏声响起。 Li Rongxing current one step walks into the light halo, sang: „The sky will also shine, the wind can also get up, will you also come back?” 李荣兴当前一步走入光圈,唱道:“天还会亮,风还会起,你还会回来吗?” Friend of mine!” “我的朋友!” That person comes out of the shadow, sang: clouds the association/will to disperse, the rain will stop finally, I still remembered you.” 那人走出阴影,唱:“云总会散,雨终会停,我依然记得你。” Friend of mine.” “我的朋友。” In auditorium, immediately a squeal. 观众席上,顿时一片尖叫声。 Is Fang Chengmin, he came unexpectedly.” “是方成敏,他居然来了。” Fang Chengmin, has not thought is he, originally is he.” 方成敏,没想到是他,原来是他。” I guess that is he, I said that is he.” “我就猜是他吧,我就说是他吧。” I also guess am he, but did not have the news saying that last year they did have a falling out?” “我也猜是他,但去年不是有新闻说他们闹翻了吗?” Entertainment story do you also believe?” “娱乐新闻你也信?” When Fang Chengmin and Li Rongxing are make a debut the combination, popular is very prosperous. Afterward respective solo flying. Two people in the entertainment world are the well-known pals. 方成敏李荣兴是出道时的组合,人气很旺。后来各自单飞。两人在娱乐圈是众所周知的铁哥们。 Sang, Li Rongxing said: I must thank I many years of best friends, thanks him to arrive at this stage , helping my helping hand.” 一首歌唱完,李荣兴道:“我要感谢我多年的至交好友,谢谢他来到这个舞台,助我一臂之力。” Li Chengmin said: „Before coming, my manager told me, this stage was too powerful, opponent each was a weak one, making me think things over carefully before acting, even if I came like this, so many annual friendship, went through fire or water does not refuse under any circumstances. Hopes everyone can support us.” 李成敏道:“来之前,我的经纪人告诉我,这个舞台太强大了,对手每一个是弱者,让我三思而后行,就算这样我还是来了,这么多年的交情,赴汤蹈火也在所不辞。希望大家能支持我们。” Two handsome fellow hug. 两个帅哥拥抱。 Audience chirp, 观众们叽叽喳喳, Votes to them quickly.” “快投票给他们。” Good gay partner for a lifetime.” “好基友一辈子啊。” Did not say that my popular vote. Telephoning makes my family member throw together.” “不说了,我直接投票。打电话让我家里人一起投。” Shortly, finally in large screen announcement. 没多久,结果在大屏幕公布。 1,380,000 ticket. 一百三十八万票。 Li Rongxing is first, how the number of votes, without the opponent refers, for the time being is first. 李荣兴第一个,票数如何,没有对手参照,暂且位列第一 The second famous singer mounts the stage quickly, Xu Lu, her clothing is the big pinkeye pomegranate skirt, has bright-colored that the whole person supports magnificently and expensively. 第二名歌手很快上台,徐璐,她的服装是大红眼石榴裙,整个人承托的既华贵有明艳。 July 7 that night,” “七月 7 日的那天晚上,” You hold the rose to knock my main house gate.” “你捧着玫瑰花敲我家门。” Quick, singing accompaniment also goes on stage. 很快,帮唱嘉宾也上场。 Man who wears suit, Liu Weiqiang, A-list celebrity, is half song half-shadow celebrity. Just like Xu Lu, Star Skills Entertainment affiliated artist. This no suspense, many netizens guessed correctly. 一个身穿西装的男人,刘伟强,一线明星,也是半歌半影的明星。与徐璐一样,星艺娱乐旗下的艺人。这个没什么悬念,很多网友都猜到了。 Really is he.” “果然是他。” Star Skills A-list artist such several, sang, only had Liu Weiqiang and Xu Lu. Xu Yunhan is also good, but popular in B-list.” 星艺一线艺人就那么几个,唱歌好的,也只有刘伟强徐璐徐韵寒也不错,但人气二线。” Qin Baobao's is singing accompaniment Xu Yunhan?” 秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾是不是徐韵寒?” Should not be, Xu Yunhan holds the concert in Capital City, time to not on.” “应该不是,徐韵寒京城开演唱会呢,时间对不上。” Who Qin Baobao's is singing accompaniment? Do some people guess correctly?” 秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾是谁?有人猜到吗?” My more curious Wells' singing accompaniment, online that rumor real?” “我更好奇威尔斯的帮唱嘉宾,网上那个流言是不是真的?” „It is not clear, looks.” “不清楚,看下去吧。” Xu Lu's resulted in the vote result to come out. 徐璐的得票结果出来了。 more than 2.2 million ticket. 两百二十多万票。
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