MESIS :: Volume #2

#121: The final starts

Program studio. 节目现场。 3 “三” 2 “二” 1 “一” film director reports time personally, a salute loud sound, various machines take place, the live broadcast signal connection, «I am a Singer» final live broadcast formally starts. 导演亲自报时,一声礼炮般的巨响,各机就位,直播信号接通,《我是歌星》总决赛直播正式开始。 The Host Yin Jia splendid attire enters the stage, by the aisle, often has the smog to spurt. 主持人尹佳盛装出场,走道两侧,不时有烟雾喷起。 Welcome to watch bybright muscle cosmetics event sponsor broadcasts «I am a Singer», I am your Host Yin Jia, everyone's good of viewer friends arrives at the scene, audience everyone's good. Here is «Singer» final. Tonight, we will come out the champion in the singers. ” “欢迎收看由“亮肌”化妆品冠名播出的《我是歌星》,我是你们的主持人尹佳,来到现场的观众朋友们的大家好,电视机前的观众朋友们大家好。这里是《歌星》总决赛的现场。今夜,我们将在众歌手中决出冠军。” Applause and cheers. 掌声、欢呼声。 Under field warm spirited. 场下热情激昂。 In the audience hand is lifting the fluorescent board, above has Huang Yuteng, Wells, Xu Lu, Qin Baobao, Li Xuegang and Li Rongxing...... each singer to have own fans group. 观众手里举着荧光板,上面有黄宇腾威尔斯徐璐秦宝宝李学刚李荣兴......每个歌手都有自己的粉丝团。 Then Yin Jia leaves the stage, picture switching backstage. 接着尹佳退场,画面切换到后台。 The singer lounge, the singers talked at random, chat. 歌手休息室,众歌手东拉西扯,聊天。 At this time, some people pushed the door to come , the singers looked at the past, then the screams rose from all directions. 这时,有人推门进来,众歌手纷纷看过去,然后惊呼声四起。 āi yā, is you!!” Li Rongxing is dumbfounded. 哎呀,是你!!”李荣兴目瞪口呆。 How is you, Heavens.” A Li Xuegang item stares the dog dull appearance. “怎么是你,天呐。”李学刚一副目瞪狗呆模样。 Several other singers are also so, performing skill online. 其他几个歌手也是如此,演技在线。 For a long time does not see, for a long time does not see.” Huang Yuteng sets out to welcome with a smile, this is my singing accompaniment.” “好久不见,好久不见。”黄宇腾笑着起身相迎,“这是我的帮唱嘉宾。” The people are the surprised looks, the audience in field is curious, but who they cannot see clearly the future, because on that face hit the mosaic. 众人越是惊讶神色,场上的观众越是好奇,但他们看不清来者何人,因为那人脸上打了马赛克。 Who is, I go, must hang the person appetite.” “到底是谁啊,我去,要不要这么吊人胃口。” Looking at the clothes is a male.” “看衣服是个男的。” „Is singers very surprised appearance, who? Dammit, my curiosity.” “歌手们都很惊讶的样子,到底是谁?妈蛋,我的好奇心。” Good to rush to the backstage to have a look, what come is which big success?” “好想冲到后台去看看,来的是哪位大咖?” Huang Yuteng singing accompaniment, definitely is not an average person, is the song world, is the film and television circle?” 黄宇腾帮唱嘉宾,肯定不是一般人,是歌坛的,还是影视圈的?” In the field the audience seems has the cat claw in flexure. 场中观众心里好似有猫爪在挠。 Then, Li Xuegang, Xu Lu and Li Rongxing, singing accompaniment enters the stage in abundance, numerous singer floral formula show performing skill, but the audience cannot see the true colors of honored guest. The curiosity was about to explode. 接着,李学刚徐璐李荣兴,帮唱嘉宾纷纷出场,众歌手花式秀演技,但观众就是看不见嘉宾的真面目。好奇心快爆炸了。 Especially Wells and Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment enters the stage, the former, the response is loudly huge. The latter is dumb as a wooden chicken, quiet silent. Forms the strong contrast. 尤其是威尔斯秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾出场,前者轰然,反应巨大。后者呆若木鸡,寂寂无声。形成强烈反差。 Online, analyzed the emperors unable to sit still. 网上,分析帝们坐不住了。 Wells' singing accompaniment as if there is background very much, looks at the expressions of several singers, unlike first several people obvious. I can conclude, the decision is big success, at least A-list, even is song world Heavenly King or Heavenly Queen. But Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment, pays attention to look at the expression of singers, surprised very vacant appearance, the contrast is too very obvious, if similarly is Heavenly King Heavenly Queen, or same heavyweight big success, that should be the same response: Shock! But is not, feels singers a little dumbfounded, therefore I analyzed, Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment, the status will be not as everyone expected. At present can only know that male, the height is very high.” 威尔斯的帮唱嘉宾似乎很有来头,看几个歌手的表情,与前几人明显不一样。我敢断定,决定是大咖,至少一线,甚至是歌坛天王或者天后。而秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾,注意看歌手们的表情,很吃惊很茫然的样子,反差太明显,如果同样是天王天后,或者同一重量级的大咖,那应该是一样的反应:震惊!但不是,感觉歌手们有点懵逼,所以我判断,秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾,身份可能会出乎所有人的预料。目前只能得知是男的,身高挺高的。” Real false, said rationally.” “真的假的,说的头头是道。” Heavenly King Heavenly Queen is impossible, will that progression, really come?” 天王天后不可能吧,那个级数的,真的会来?” Now where has Heavenly King Heavenly Queen, having is also flatters, now the entertainment world all flowers blooms together.” “现在哪有天王天后,有也是吹捧出来的,如今娱乐圈百花齐放。” What having is impossible? Now the entertainment world, three years trades one generation, even Heavenly King Heavenly Queen, does not represent to be able the looking disdainfully audience. Do not deify them.” “有什么不可能?现在娱乐圈,三年换一代,就算天王天后,也不代表能睥睨全场。别神化他们了。” Yes, Heavenly King Heavenly Queen has the advantage, but does not represent wins steadily, therefore they are not willing to attend this variety show, won should, lost humiliation.” “就是,天王天后有优势,但不代表稳赢,所以他们不愿意参加这种综艺节目,赢了是应该,输了丢脸。” Looks at the result, program group sincerity machine, too curious singing accompaniment.” “看结果吧,节目组真心机,太好奇帮唱嘉宾了。” Audience excited called, anticipated the singing accompaniment truth about the matter very much, especially Wells and Qin Baobao two people singing accompaniment. 观众兴奋的嗷嗷叫,很期待帮唱嘉宾的庐山真面目,尤其威尔斯秦宝宝两人的帮唱嘉宾 The effect that the program group wants still achieves, successfully evoked the curiosity of audience. 节目组要的效果依然达到,成功勾起了观众的好奇心。 Then enters the ballot link, the voting of first link gives the 500 audience on the scene, but no longer is two two PK patterns. 接下来进入抽签环节,第一环节的投票交给在场的五百位观众,但不再是俩俩pk的模式。 The ballot result decides the singer order: Li Xuegang, Li Rongxing, Huang Yuteng, Qin Baobao, Xu Lu and Wells. 抽签结果决定歌手顺序:李学刚李荣兴黄宇腾秦宝宝徐璐威尔斯 Only listens to Yin Jia to announce loudly: Is invited our first singer, Li Xuegang!” 只听尹佳大声宣布:“有请我们第一位歌手,李学刚!” Li Xuegang sang was not he depending on the becoming famous rock and roll, but was a slow rhythm song, spoke the father love. Coordinates him vigorously to mix with the hoarse voice, has the feeling. 李学刚唱的不是他赖以成名的摇滚,而是一首慢节奏的歌,讲父爱的。配合他浑厚中夹杂嘶哑的嗓音,非常带感。 The audience not parsimonious applause and cheers, his fans is excited: 观众不吝啬掌声和欢呼声,他的粉丝更是兴奋: Of pleasant to hear!” “好听!” Specialized is different.” “专业的就是不一样。” Quickly, votes to him quickly.” “快,快投票给他。” Under the Yin Jia management, the vote was published. 尹佳主持下,投票结果公布。 459 tickets, the applause gives our Li Xuegang teacher.” “459票,掌声送给我们的李学刚老师。” fans screamed. 粉丝们尖叫。 Li Xuegang is first temporarily. 李学刚暂时位列第一 The remaining singers enter the stage alternately, Huang Yuteng is listed as first, this ranking after Qin Baobao enters the stage, has the change. 剩下的歌手交替出场,黄宇腾暂列第一,这个排名在秦宝宝出场后,出现变化。 From city very far place.” “在距离城市很远的地方。” In my fertile plain smoke from kitchen chimneys hometown.” “在我那沃野炊烟的故乡。” Has a place named beacon tower,” “有一个叫烽火台的地方,” I once with a miss named Achu.” “我曾和一个叫阿楚的姑娘。” Each other relies on one another looks at moon together.” “彼此相依一起看月亮。” Is smelling that sweet-scented osmanthus light fragrance......” “嗅着那桂花淡淡的香……” Qin Baobao with the making a move song, naturally is the original, the Qin Ze product must be the high-quality goods, this is the consensus of most audience, only if not know where Qin Ze is sacred, for example absent-minded Chen Qingyuan. She does not pay attention to the entertainment world, has a look at little fresh meat occasionally. From the start does not pay attention to Qin Baobao, is unable to know Qin Ze and Qin Baobao's relations. Pei Ziqi had not said that because thought that this miss is hopeless, to be why hard to solve. Li Donglai cannot see Chen Qingyuan to drool from the start the master, what said for no reason? 秦宝宝拿出手的歌,当然是原创,秦泽出品必属精品,这是大部分观众的共识,除非不知道秦泽是何方神圣的,比如心不在焉的陈清袁。她是不怎么关注娱乐圈,也就偶尔看看小鲜肉。压根不去关注秦宝宝,也就无从得知秦泽秦宝宝的关系。裴子淇没说,因为觉得这姑娘没戏,何必纠缠不清。李东来压根就看不出陈清袁垂涎自己师父,平白无故说什么? Huang Yuteng nods: This song has the flavor very much, has vicissitudes in inside, the rhythm listens to be very comfortable.” 黄宇腾点点头:“这首歌很有味道,有种沧桑在里面,节奏听着很舒服。” Li Rongxing echoes: „The Qin Baobao aura is prolonged, is somewhat low and deep, very good control this song, sounded is not out of sorts.” 李荣兴附和:“秦宝宝气息绵长,有些低沉,很好的驾驭住了这首歌,听起来不违和。” Li Xuegang nods slightly. 李学刚微微颔首。 Xu Lu is simply silent. 徐璐干脆沉默。 Wells mumbling spoke a few words, does not need to listen to his assistant to translate, the people can understand English, Wells said: „Before this song of pleasant to hear, why the final, she has instead not chosen the good song, probably everyone does not choose to sing itself adeptly.” 威尔斯叽里咕噜说了一句话,不需要听他助手翻译,众人都能听懂英语,威尔斯说:“这首歌没以前的好听,为什么总决赛,她反而不选择好歌,好像大家都不选择唱自己最拿手的。” Li Rongxing rolls the eyes quietly, this foreign boy is really straightforward boy, is not good to explain, after all the national condition is different, the Chinese likes the good thing next to last act . Moreover the first field sings, to put it bluntly is preheating, true battle in behind, had not seen that the voting channel has not cleared, all audience who watch live broadcast can cast their ticket, did putting out trump card early, play later. 李荣兴悄悄翻白眼,这外国小子真是个耿直boy,也不好解释,毕竟国情不同,中国人喜欢把好的东西压轴,而且第一场演唱,说白了就是预热,真正的厮杀在后头,没见到投票通道都没开通吗,所有观看直播的观众都能投出自己的一票,早早的拿出杀手锏,待会儿还玩不玩了。 Several singers smile, similarly did not explain. 几个歌手笑了笑,同样不解释。 «A'Chu Girl» has the flavor song very much, has the chewability very much, initially does not listen shockingly, but more listens more of pleasant to hear. Naturally, definitely has the disparity with exaggerate and outmoded way of melodious Blue and White Porcelain tearing will of the people. 阿楚姑娘》是首很有味道的歌,很有嚼头,初听不惊艳,但越听越好听。当然,与撕裂人心的浮夸和古调悠扬的青花瓷肯定有差距。 Now announces the vote 470 tickets.” “现在公布现场投票结果470票。” In the screen, Yin Jia announced the Qin Baobao's number of votes, the full house cheers. 屏幕里,尹佳公布了秦宝宝的票数,满场的欢呼声。 A'Chu Girl is really of pleasant to hear.” 阿楚姑娘真好听。” Special vicissitudes, unique flavor. Unexplained flavors.” “特沧桑,特有韵味。有一种说不清道不明的味道。” „The Qin Baobao's art or technique of singing has progressive, the sound does not bring to tremble.” 秦宝宝的唱功有进步,声音都不带颤的。” elder sister is really fierce.” 姐姐真厉害。” ...... elder sister?” “噗……姐姐?” Her younger brother is “她弟弟是我老公,有问题?” hā hā hā.” 哈哈哈。” The next player is Xu Lu, the Xu Lu's number of votes is less than Qin Baobao, even is lower than Huang Yuteng and Li Xuegang. Only multi- Li Rongxing more than ten tickets, in singer stage, her popular sell at a discount. 下一个选手是徐璐,徐璐的票数不及秦宝宝,甚至比黄宇腾李学刚还低。只多李荣兴十几票,在歌星这个舞台上,她的人气是打折扣的。 Throws Xu Lu quickly, are you perforated the light, A-list celebrity this ticket?” “快投徐璐啊,你们有没有眼光,一线明星才这点票?” „, She sang was of pleasant to hear than Qin Baobao.” “靠,她唱的比秦宝宝好听多了。” How this ticket.” “怎么才这点票啊。” Last singer Wells arrived, under field towering eruption cheers. 最后一位歌手威尔斯登场了,场下突兀的爆发欢呼声。 Especially female fans, screamed non-stop. 尤其女粉丝,尖叫不停。 Wells' face value cannot dispute, the facial features are profound, distinct contour, mixed blood reason , the gentleness of some Orientals, not like westerner rough. 威尔斯的颜值没的说,五官深刻,轮廓分明,混血儿的缘故,又有东方人的柔和,不像西方人那样粗犷。 Then, he and Qin Baobao are similar, close right up against face value to leap up with great speed red. Is starting from nothing. 说起来,他和秦宝宝相似,靠着颜值火速蹿红。都是从零开始。 Wells, Wells......” 威尔斯,威尔斯……” Husband, husband......” “老公,老公……” I go, really took your women, sees anyone to shout the husband.” “我去,真服了你们这些女人,见谁都喊老公。” Yes, added before Qin Baobao younger brother is a husband.” “是啊是啊,之前还说秦宝宝弟弟是老公。” Snort, wants you to manage? Leads justly.” “哼,要你们管?帅既正义。” Yes, in any case Qin Ze not on this stage. Does not conflict, today I come to Wells, is graceful, mixed blood is graceful.” “就是,反正秦泽不在这个舞台。不冲突,今天我就冲着威尔斯来的,多帅啊,混血就是帅。” Was too graceful, was too graceful.” “太帅了,太帅了。” Very interesting phenomenon, the Qin Ze's fan younger sister and Wells' fan younger sister does not conflict, stems from the woman unfaithful/stamen, they shouted the Wells husband, shouted the Qin Ze husband. 很有趣的现象,秦泽的迷妹和威尔斯的迷妹不冲突,源于女人的“花心”,她们既喊威尔斯老公,也喊秦泽老公。 The online national husband are more same, is not valuable with Otaku Goddess. 网上国民老公很多很多,就跟宅男女神一样不值钱。 Female fans always like saying that little fresh meat husband, is the driving word usage. But can let the Otaku Goddess title, as if always did not solicit the suggestions of otaku. 粉丝们总喜欢称小鲜肉“老公”,是主动用词。而能让宅男女神的称号的,似乎从来都不征求宅男们的意见。 Wells wears the British style coat to mount the stage, height 1.8 m several, described with the Korean drama, proper long leg oppa. 威尔斯穿着英伦风的大衣上台,身高一米八几,用韩剧形容,妥妥的长腿欧巴 mixed blood mounts the stage, makes an effort to throw charming eyes toward the audience, that small look, electricity to innumerable younger sisters. 混血儿一上台,使劲朝台下观众抛媚眼,那小眼神,电到无数妹子。 душинакрышемедленнодышатпередпрыжком.” “душинакрышемедленнодышатпередпрыжком.” слышувсетвоимысли, то, чтонамблизко, всёкувырком.” “слышувсетвоимысли,то,чтонамблизко,всёкувырком.” ............ ………… What this fellow sang was the Russian language classification, the song truly was the good song, the art or technique of singing also to approve very much, follows his Soul Singer treble style, had the penetrating power loudly and clearly. 这家伙唱的是俄语语种,歌确实是好歌,唱功也很赞,沿袭他灵魂歌手的高音风格,洪亮又具穿透力。 Has the characteristics. 非常有特色。 The audience cannot understand, but does not hinder them to be deluded, the song is good, is Wells sings, the idol will sing, sings lump of excrement, fans will also be full of praise. 观众们听不懂,但不妨碍他们如痴如醉,歌曲本身就不错,又是威尔斯唱的,偶像唱歌,唱成一坨屎,粉丝也会赞不绝口。 On the field the audience is good, at least has the large screen translation, singer had a dumbfounded expression of lounge, in the screen looks at the translation captions, cannot see clearly. 场上观众还好,至少有大屏幕翻译,休息室的歌手一脸懵逼,屏幕里看翻译字幕,根本看不清。 What that this sang, the good advanced appearance, a word could not understand. 这唱的什么啊,好高级的样子,一个词都听不懂。 Must say English to be good, everyone metropolis. Russian grasped blindly, 要说英语还好,大家都会。俄语就抓瞎了, Li Rongxing finds the Qin Baobao following rhythm to hit the racket, mouth does whispering, seem like with singing? 李荣兴瞧见秦宝宝跟着节奏打拍,嘴里嘀嘀咕咕,似乎是在跟唱? Li Rongxing ignorant circle: Baobao (darling), this you can also,” 李荣兴懵圈:“宝宝,这你也会啊,”
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