MESIS :: Volume #2

#119: Pit younger brother specialized household ( 2 )

Qin Ze was summoned Star Skills by a elder sister telephone, is 2 : 00 pm. This time does not need reception desk to telephone to Qin Baobao, recognizes Qin Ze. The reception desk younger sister makes an effort to give Qin Ze to throw charming eyes. 秦泽姐姐一个电话召唤到星艺,已经是下午 2 点。这次不用前台打电话给秦宝宝,一眼就认出秦泽前台妹子使劲给秦泽媚眼 The passed by office lady also made remarks toward Qin Ze, looked, Qin Baobao younger brother.” 路过的女职员也朝秦泽评头论足,“看呐,秦宝宝弟弟耶。” good handsome, oneself am more graceful than the video.” 好帅,本人比视频更帅。” Superficial, looks at his stature, that is the best quality goods.” “肤浅,看他身材啊,那才是极品。” Un un, my desktop is his half naked photo! Really ultra man.” “嗯嗯,我的桌面就是他的半裸照!真的超man的。” Qin Ze braces oneself, found the elder sister office familiar and easy, does not knock on a door, pushes the door to go in directly. 秦泽硬着头皮走过去,轻车熟路找到姐姐办公室,也不敲门,直接推门进去。 Qin Baobao is eating between -meal snack at this time, finds younger brother to come in suddenly, hurries in between -meal snack conceals drawer, putting on airs is wiping tears, the yīng yīng sob: A'Ze, elder sister puts in great inconvenience at heart, must hug, must lift high......” 秦宝宝此时正啃着零食,冷不丁瞧见弟弟进来,慌忙把零食藏抽屉里,装模作样的抹着眼泪,嘤嘤哭泣:“阿泽,姐姐心里委屈,要亲亲要抱抱,要举高高......” Scratches to be clean you corners of the mouth to continue again, otherwise too play.” Qin Ze puts out a hand to help elder sister wipe off between -meal snack fragment of corners of the mouth, seizes she tender slippery cheek to make an effort, the elder sister's face distorts in his hands, wā wā called out: Pain thoroughly......” “把嘴角擦干净你再继续,否则太出戏了。”秦泽伸手帮姐姐擦掉嘴角的零食碎片,掐住她嫩滑的脸蛋使劲一拉,姐姐的脸在他手里变形,哇哇叫道:“痛痛痛......” After having punished elder sister, Qin Ze enters the subject: You make what monster.” 惩罚过姐姐后,秦泽直入主题:“你又作什么妖。” He knows that elder sister asks him definitely to have the matter to discuss. 他知道姐姐找他肯定有事商量。 Qin Baobao then narrated the matter simply. The word, eager looks at Qin Ze. 秦宝宝便将事情简单叙述一遍。言罢,眼巴巴的看着秦泽 Qin Ze wants to give a elder sister expression: excuse me? 秦泽很想给姐姐一个表情:excuseme Why therefore you do make my phone call are?” Qin Ze has hugged the elder sister's head, according to own chest, wants to cry to cry, I use taking advantage of you solid chest.” “所以你打我电话到底是为什么?”秦泽一把搂过姐姐的脑袋,按在自己胸口,“想哭就哭吧,我把坚实的胸膛借你用一下。” The Qin Baobao fee/spent big strength shoves open him, almost feeling stifled, pants saying: Who wants your chest.” 秦宝宝费好大的力气推开他,差点给憋死,气喘吁吁道:“谁要你的胸。” You do not ask me to complain?” Qin Ze stares. “难道你不是找我来诉苦的吗?”秦泽一愣。 Although younger brother is the good-for-nothing matter, I slightly knew very much, but you also look at slightly importantly yourself, the waste can also use.” Qin Baobao hmph hmph to say. “虽然弟弟废柴的事,我很小就知道了,但你也稍稍把自己看重要一点,废物也可以利用的。”秦宝宝哼哼道。 Hey, the courage was fat, for a long time has not listened to your tsukkomi I.” Qin Ze pinches the elder sister's cheek. But by her avoid. “嘿,胆子肥了,好久没听你吐槽我了。”秦泽又去捏姐姐的脸蛋。但被她躲开 Qin Baobao is hugging the arm of younger brother, sends to whine to act like a spoiled brat: old bro, you help elder sister.” 秦宝宝搂着弟弟的胳膊,发嗲撒娇:“老弟啊,你帮帮姐姐呗。” Qin Ze is confused: How to help? Wrote the song the words I to write, I was responsible for writing, you were responsible for singing, I have completed quest, only needed to shout that at the competition several nicely done were good. How Do You Want Me.” 秦泽一头雾水:“怎么帮?写歌的话我已经写好了,我负责写,你负责唱,我已经完成任务,只需要在比赛的时候喊几声666就好了呀。你还要我怎样。” Qin Baobao said: „Are you only will shout nicely done salted fish? How I do not want you, makes my singing accompaniment on the line.” 秦宝宝道:“你只是个会喊666咸鱼吗?我不要你怎样,做我帮唱嘉宾就行。” Qin Ze strange visits her, good long time, whispered: My elder sister is not funny fool.” Searched the Qin Baobao's forehead, wonders: Has not had a fever.” 秦泽奇怪的看着她,好半晌,嘀咕道:“我的姐姐不是逗逼呀。”探了探秦宝宝的额头,更纳闷:“也没发烧啊。” You funny fool, your entire family is funny fool...... bah bah,” Qin Baobao spat his one, dies to pinch the waist of younger brother, rubbish, complies, to comply with reward oh. quickly “你才逗逼,你全家都是逗逼......呸呸呸,”秦宝宝啐了他一口,死掐弟弟的腰,“别废话,快答应,答应有奖励哦。 Qin Baobao finger according to red lip, but also threw charming eyes, elder sister always uses such routine. And instills into to him is not average person „I am under fan younger sister's innumerable big net celeb many younger sisters is weeping and wailing must to oneself live monkey and so on thought. 秦宝宝手指按在红唇,还抛了个媚眼,姐姐总是用这样的套路。并且给他灌输“自己已经不是普通人”“我是麾下迷妹无数的大网红”“很多妹子哭着喊着要给自己生猴子”之类的思想。 Your other old pit am I good, can little select routine, many points of true feelings?” Qin Ze bore, had not been seduced by elder sister. “你别老坑我好不好,能不能少点套路,多点真情?”秦泽忍住了,没被姐姐诱惑。 Said again, even my popular, impossible to be a little higher than celebrity.” Qin Ze is very sane, he suspected that elder sister IQ regressed. “再说,就算我有点人气,也不可能比明星高吧。”秦泽很理智,他怀疑姐姐智商退步了。 Speaking of the proper business, elder sister then does not make the monster, sincere say/way: Before company arranged A-list to me, but afterward failed, although company also calculates that waits me is not thin, but I cannot struggle Xu Lu. Other B-list artist running schedules cannot stand in line, force with C-list celebrity on, I do not have the least bit to hope at the final.” 说到正事,姐姐便不作妖,正色道:“之前公司给我安排了一位一线,但后来黄了,虽然公司也算待我不薄了,但我争不过徐璐。其他二线艺人档期排不上,勉强用三线明星将就,我在总决赛没半点希望。” Qin Baobao no doubt has the potential, but she is an rookie, Xu Lu is A-list, both phase difference is really big. But the contribution to company is also no comparison between them. Star Skills is not Qin Family, is thinking Qin Baobao everywhere? Possibly. 秦宝宝固然有潜力,可她是新人,徐璐一线,两者相差甚大。而对公司的贡献也不可同日而语。星艺又不是秦家的,处处想着秦宝宝?可能吗。 She can be on " I am a Singer » stage as rookie, sang with a A-list artist help/gang to her, Star Skills has regarded as important her very much, entire company which rookie had her such treatment? 她能以新人的身份登上《我是歌星》舞台,又给她配一位一线艺人帮唱,星艺已经很看重她了,全公司哪个新人有她这样的待遇? Qin Ze nods, it seems like elder sister's IQ online. 秦泽点点头,看来姐姐的智商在线。 You let that song that I practice, the elder sister really cannot sing, but I thought that is I biggest the chip at the finals.” “你让我练的那首歌,姐是真唱不上去,但我觉得那是我在决赛上最大的筹码。” So?” Qin Ze visits her. “so?”秦泽看着她。 elder sister rubs the head of younger brother, said in a soft voice: But your line, you have sung not, let alone you now a little fame, even if you do not have the fame, depending on the shocking degree of that song, I still has very big assurance to struggle the champion with these singers. Li Yanhong said that your fame cannot compare C-list, is the fact, but C-list celebrity may be unable to sing that song.” 姐姐揉揉弟弟的脑袋,柔声道:“可是你行啊,你唱过的不是嘛,别说你现在有点名气,就算你没名气,凭那首歌的惊艳程度,我也有很大的把握和那些歌手争一争冠军。李艳红说你名气比不上三线,是事实,但三线明星可唱不了那首歌。” She is very big to Qin Ze's that song confidence. 她对秦泽的那首歌信心很大。 The Qin Ze doubt said: Therefore you do not fear, you have wanted to draw me to launch, declining the little fresh meat help/gang to sing, but is the matter of pushing the boat along.” 秦泽狐疑道:“所以你一点都不怵,你早就想拉我下水了,拒绝小鲜肉帮唱,不过是顺水推舟的事。” He does not believe own elder sister is stupid, white, and sweet. elder sister is one of the most favored singers, the attention, is one. elder sister discovered after oneself cannot sing that song, thought that wins the championship not ninety percent sure, sprouts the thought that at heart Latvia launched, exactly originally singing accompaniment failed, therefore she takes advantage of opportunity to reject little fresh meat. 他可不相信自家姐姐傻白甜姐姐是夺冠呼声最高的歌手之一,注意,是之一。姐姐发现自己唱不出那首歌后,觉得夺冠并不是十拿九稳,心里就萌生了拉自己下水的念头,恰好原本帮唱嘉宾黄了,于是她顺势拒绝小鲜肉 What was bullied, needed younger brother to take responsibility plays the role before him pitifully. 什么“又被欺负了”,“需要弟弟做主”都是在他面前扮可怜咯。 All press her mentality to walk. 一切都按着她的思路走。 Qin Ze discovered oneself were bullied by elder sister since childhood, has the reason. 秦泽发现自己从小被姐姐欺压,是有原因的。 Qin Baobao likes playing the role of woman in front of younger brother all along, sees him somewhat to taste, rushes to act like a spoiled brat, āi yā: Helps elder sister.” 秦宝宝一贯喜欢在弟弟面前扮“弱女子”,见他有些回过味来,赶忙撒娇,“哎呀”一声:“帮帮姐姐嘛。” He is knitting the brows, first two big, were tired. 他皱着眉,一个头两个大,烦死了。 Qin Ze since childhood is clever child, on kindergarten has taken the salvia cocinea, all personnel have that the first grade has taken good child certificate, is still all standard configuration. After that certificate thing basically misses with him. Such a mediocre child, mounts the stage to speak two legs to become tender, the tongue ties a knot. Pushes up the stage suddenly, stands in the radiant light, faces directly several hundred audience, looks at the live broadcast national audience innumerably. 秦泽从小就是“乖”孩子,也就幼儿园时拿过小红花,全班都有的那种,一年级拿过“好孩子”奖状,依然是全班标配。此后,奖状这东西就基本与他无缘。这么一个平庸的孩子,上台发言都两腿发软,舌头打结。突然间推上舞台,站在璀璨灯光中,直面数百位现场观众,还有数不清看直播的全国观众。 The sincerity sends being afraid/painful. 真心发憷。 Qin Baobao sees him not to speak for a very long time, the younger brother what/anything morality she has not known, does not know in the heart wonderfully, pesters to death saying: A'Ze, you are the only child of our family/home, the man who elder sister can depend upon only. elder sister excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate to pull you to grow up after all, is quite laborious, cannot such unfeeling know that cuts down.” 秦宝宝见他久久不语,弟弟什么德性她还不知道,心知不妙,死乞白赖道:“阿泽,你是咱们家的独苗,姐姐唯一能依靠的男人啦。姐姐毕竟一把屎一把尿拉扯你长大,好辛苦的,可不能这么绝情知道伐。” The Qin Ze heart said, the fart, is looks growing up that my excrement holds up a baby so it can urinate. Your three years old also snatch my powdered milk to drink, five -year-old snatch my lollipop, in my small book records. 秦泽心说,屁嘞,是看着我一把屎一把尿的长大吧。你三岁还抢我奶粉喝,五岁抢我棒棒糖,我小本本里都记着的。 Qin Baobao sees to act like a spoiled brat uselessly, traded routine, soft is not good hardly, snort/hum said: The day before yesterday does not know that is who in Weibo slandered I am coming.” 秦宝宝见撒娇没用,换了个套路,软的不行来硬的,哼道:“前天不知道是谁在微博里诋毁我来着。” Qin Ze says immediately: My that to not cook up heat degree, for whom?” 秦泽立刻道:“我那不是为了炒热度么,为了谁?” Qin Baobao faintly said: You said that if I told the father, you can die was very miserable!” 秦宝宝幽幽道:“你说如果我告诉老爹,你会不会死的很惨!” Qin Ze scalp tingles, prospect did Qin Baobao, kill the enemy 1,000 to damage the 800 matter you also to do?” 秦泽头皮发麻,“出息了啊秦宝宝,杀敌一千自损八百的事你也干?” The Qin Baobao cheek raises: Come, mutual injury.” 秦宝宝脸蛋一扬:“来啊,互相伤害啊。” Qin Ze pondered several minutes, in this time, Qin Baobao the head by his shoulder, plays the cell phone absent-mindedly. 秦泽思考了几分钟,这段时间里,秦宝宝把脑袋靠在他肩膀,心不在焉玩手机。 Tries.” Qin Ze sighed. “试试吧。”秦泽叹道。 His quest is helps Qin Baobao win the championship, Qin Baobao can throw up one's job, he is not good, braces oneself also on. 他的任务是帮秦宝宝夺冠,秦宝宝可以撂担子,他不行,硬着头皮也得上。 Qin Ze yesterday and system ditch passed, inquired, if points reset, he will turn into the vegetable, unexpected, system said cannot. When the reason is system just lodged him, his physical condition enough does not pay the energy that system is separated from, but present he is no comparison between them, in other words, he has the sufficient energy to pay travel expense that” system leaves, but is Qin Ze really willing to discard system? 秦泽昨天和系统沟通过,询问如果积分清零,他是不是会变成植物人,出乎意料,系统说不会。原因是系统刚寄宿他时,他的身体状况并不足够支付系统脱离的能量,而现在的他不可同日而语,换句话说,他有足够的能量支付系统离开的“路费”,但秦泽真的愿意舍弃系统吗? Qin Baobao cheek blooming beautiful smiling face, pupil Jingjing is sparking, good younger brother, elder sister to kiss reward fragrant.” 秦宝宝脸蛋绽放明媚笑颜,眸子晶晶闪亮,“好弟弟,姐姐香吻奖励。” Then, the small mouth collects toward the Qin Ze face on, Qin Ze turns head intentionally, elder sister unexpected, kissed on his mouth. 说罢,小嘴就往秦泽脸上凑,秦泽故意一个扭头,姐姐猝不及防之下,亲到了他的嘴上。 Qin Baobao receives an electric shock separating, shames angrily said: You do.” 秦宝宝触电似的弹开,羞怒道:“你作死啊。” Qin Ze low voice whisper: Also has to kiss.” 秦泽小声嘀咕:“又不是没亲过嘴。” Qin Baobao made a big red painted-face, loudly said: Shut up, your smelly is not concerned about face.” 秦宝宝闹了个大红脸,大声道:“闭嘴,你这臭不要脸的。” How I smelly am not concerned about face, is you kisses/intimate on own initiative my.” “我怎么就臭不要脸了,是你主动亲我的好不。” elder sister kisses/intimate you are the concern, your blood related elder sister is damned animal.” 姐姐亲你是关爱,你亲姐姐就是鬼畜。” Not strange Qin Baobao understood like this, her fragrance kisses reward routine to inherit Mother Qin, takes a beating on Qin Ze, Mother Qin is holding the small Qin Ze comfort, gives him to kiss reward, Qin Ze felt the father, although is hateful, but in the family/home also has to love own mother, the injured mind has been comforted, Qin Baobao looks in the one side, comprehends Mother Qin routine. 不怪秦宝宝这样理解,她的香吻奖励套路传承秦妈,每逢秦泽挨揍,秦妈就抱着小秦泽安慰,给他亲吻奖励,秦泽就觉得老爹虽然可恶,但家里还有疼自己的老妈,受伤的心灵得到抚慰,秦宝宝在一旁看着,领会到了秦妈套路 Qin Ze faintly said: Three years of blood gains, the death penalty does not owe.” 秦泽幽幽道:“三年血赚,死刑不亏。” What do you mean?” Qin Baobao does not have get to this stem. “什么意思?”秦宝宝没get到这个梗。 No.” “没什么。” If elder sister is Keyboard Hero, Qin Ze does not dare to speak these words. 如果姐姐键盘侠,秦泽就不敢说这句话了。 Qin Ze has bright becoming aware suddenly, elder sister was clever and eloquent in childhood, clever and exquisite spirit, likely oppression of small queen he. Now grew up, instead was weaker, likes flushing younger brother acting like a spoiled and cute brat , because declines in military force struggle, does not have looking of overturn again, then traded routine, retreats in order to advance? Makes full use of the status of woman, trades routine to eat younger brother stubbornly? 秦泽忽地心生明悟,姐姐小时候伶牙俐齿,鬼精灵的很,像个小女王似的欺压他。现在长大了,反而更幼稚了,喜欢冲弟弟撒娇卖萌,是不是因为在武力斗争方面江河日下,再无翻盘之望,便换了套路,以退为进?充分利用弱女子的身份,换个套路弟弟吃的死死的? your mother, my elder sister is the plans table. 尼玛,我的姐姐是心机表。 Thinks is forced somebody to do something he incapable, Qin Ze old boss is at heart uncomfortable, is depressed: This road is difficult to walk, the person under the eaves, is restrained everywhere, later I open entertainment company handful of you.” 想到被赶鸭子上架,秦泽心里老大不爽,郁闷道:“这条路不好走啊,人在屋檐下,处处受制,以后我自己开一家娱乐公司捧你。” Qin Baobao is not angry, is overjoyed, smiled lying on desk, the shoulder trembles: A'Ze, this is elder sister has listened to the funniest joke.” 秦宝宝不生气了,乐不可支,笑的趴在办公桌上,肩膀一颤一颤:“阿泽,这是姐姐听过最好笑的笑话。” Traded Qin Ze to be angry, most cannot endure elder sister's to look down upon, lifting the hand was a slap hits on butt that she turned upwards, angrily said: You smile again.” 秦泽生气了,最不能忍受姐姐的看不起,抬手就是一巴掌打在她翘起的屁股上,怒道:“你再笑。” Does not smile, does not smile, hā hā hā...... āi yōu, do not hit my butt.” Qin Baobao protects butt, covers the belly single-handedly. “不笑了,不笑了,哈哈哈......哎呦,别打我屁股。”秦宝宝一手护屁股,一手捂肚子。 Broker is company so good? First richly, furthermore must have the relations, otherwise the business is unpopular. younger brother rarely talks big before her, she listens to find it ridiculous. 经纪公司那么好开的?首先得有钱,再者要有关系,不然业务吃不开。弟弟很少在她面前说大话,她听着就觉得好笑。 elder sister bears good long while does not smile, carries the cup to drink tea, conceals the happy expression of corners of the mouth, asked: You have what/anything to plan not to have.” 姐姐好半天才忍住不笑,端起杯子喝茶,掩饰嘴角的笑意,问道:“那你有什么规划没有。” Qin Ze said earnestly: First decides a small target, un, gains one hundred million.” 秦泽认真道:“先定一个小目标,嗯,赚一个亿。” !” Tea all spurts on the Qin Ze face. The elder sister cup lost, smiles insanely. “噗!”一口茶全喷秦泽脸上。姐姐杯子一丢,笑疯了。 Qin Baobao!!!” The Qin Ze forehead blue vein jumps. 秦宝宝!!!”秦泽额头青筋跳起。 āi yōu, do not hit me, I do not laugh at you, should not be air/Qi is not air/Qi, lets elder sister...... hā hā hā hā!” 哎呦,别打我,我不是笑你,别气别气,让姐姐亲亲......哈哈哈哈!”
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