MESIS :: Volume #2

#118: Pit younger brother specialized household ( 1 )

Verbal agreement, has not signed the formal contract,” little fresh meat female manager speaks plausibly: Said again, this matter we have raised, that side your company indicated, lets us and you discussed in private.” “口头协议而已,又没有签正式合同,”小鲜肉的女经纪人振振有词:“再说,这件事我们提过,你们公司那边表示,让我们与你们私下商量。” Sang has decided.” Li Yanhong said. “可是唱什么歌早就定了。”李艳红道。 Rehearsal has not started, how to decide? Decides in secret, can change.” The female economic man said. “排练都没开始,怎么就定了?私下里定的,可以改。”女经济人说。 Although is angry their sitting place starting price, but Qin Baobao hold lives, knit the brows saying: „Do you want to propagandize the new song? It is not good. This does not gather the custom.” 虽然恼怒他们的坐地起价,但秦宝宝hold住,皱眉说:“你们是想宣传新歌?不行。这不合规矩。” Li Yanhong interrupted: Song, is the agreement attached lists item by item, is in private Rio.” 李艳红插嘴道:“还有约歌,是协议附属条列,还是私下里约。” Female manager rolls the eyes: Naturally is the agreement attached lists item by item.” 经纪人翻白眼:“当然是协议附属条列。” Good, the meaning is to give in vain a song to others. 好吧,意思是白送一首歌给人家。 Li Yanhong was also disgruntled: Your this sits the starting price.” 李艳红也不悦了:“你们这是坐地起价。” We have not signed the contract, how to sit the starting price. On Young Li the program help/gang sang, runs risks. The opponents are musical world big success, can your somewhat assurance win? Taking a good position to be difficult. Once the position is too bad, Yang less/small have the danger of powder, for that appearance money? An advertisement compares this many.” “我们并没有签合同,怎么是坐地起价。李少上节目帮唱,是冒了风险的。要知道,对手都是乐坛大咖,你们有几分把握能赢?取个好名次都难。一旦名次太差,杨少就有掉粉的危险,为了那点出场费?一个广告都比这个多。” Li Yanhong said: „It is not good, two conditions, comply with one most.” 李艳红道:“不行,两个条件,最多答应一个。” „It is not good, cannot be few.” “不行,一个都不能少。” both sides are refusing to budge. 双方僵持着。 Young Li Old God, pondered looks at Qin Baobao. 李少老神在在,玩味的看着秦宝宝 This woman is really pretty, the stature aggravates. 这女人真漂亮啊,身材太惹火。 The best quality goods in best quality goods. 极品中的极品。 Qin Baobao sipped the coffee, coldly said: Sister Li, sees a visitor out.” 秦宝宝抿了抿咖啡,冷冷道:“李姐,送客。” Li Yanhong stares. 李艳红一愣。 Young Li smiling face one stiff. 李少笑容一僵。 Female manager selects the eyebrow say/way: Your what/anything meaning.” 经纪人挑眉道:“你什么意思。” Wording meaning.” Qin Baobao is looking straight ahead her, thanked you to find time very much, but I think that I did not need you to help sing, since were the verbal agreement, then broke a promise does not need to compensate the penalty.” “字面意思。”秦宝宝直视着她,“很感谢你们抽空过来,不过我想我不需要你们帮唱了,既然是口头协议,那么毁约也不必赔违约金吧。” You may think, several days later the final will start. Makes the help/gang to sing wants time, discussed that wants time, the rehearsal wants time. Do not be spur-of-the-moment. Your Star Skills has compared with the Yang less/small fame big artist, but if there is running schedule, will not look for us.” The female economic man said. “你可想好了,再过几天总决赛就开始了。约帮唱要时间吧,商议要时间吧,排练要时间吧。可别一时冲动。你们星艺比杨少名气大的艺人是有,但如果都有档期,就不会找我们了。”女经济人说。 She has done the close investigation, knows that Qin Baobao lacks time, moreover Qin Baobao is the almost new person, has a weak foundation, the personal connection is thin, in short time could not find the person. Then has the energy to ask an outrageous price. 她是做过详细调查的,知道秦宝宝时间,而且秦宝宝是半新人,底子薄,人脉薄,短时间内根本找不到人。这才有底气漫天要价。 Does not need you to worry for me.” Qin Baobao rolls the eyes: Sees a visitor out.” “不需要你为我操心。”秦宝宝翻白眼:“送客。” That has nothing to discuss.” Female manager entrains the contract, left with little fresh meat. “那就没什么好谈的了。”女经纪人拽起合同,与小鲜肉离开了。 After two people leave . 两人离开后。 Any person.” Li Yanhong spat one. “什么人啊。”李艳红啐了一口。 Qin Baobao is unemotional: „Does Sister Xu have time?” 秦宝宝面无表情:“徐姐时间吗?” She went north the concert.” “她北上开演唱会去了。” In company really doesn't have the running schedule can pat the artist?” 公司里真没有档期拍得上的艺人?” „A B-list artist, the running schedule is very tight, temporarily inserts one, is not definitely good. The running schedule is not tight, fame possibly might as well Yang less/small.” “一二线的艺人,档期很紧,临时插进去一个,肯定不行。档期不紧的,名气可能还不如杨少。” After all he works as red little fresh meat. 毕竟他是当红小鲜肉 Qin Baobao brow tight wrinkle. 秦宝宝眉头紧皱。 Li Yanhong turns circle in the office back and forth, regretted, should promise them a moment ago, company blew to the honored guest who we reached an agreement, did not seem like the company confession.” 李艳红在办公室里来回转圈,后悔了,“刚才应该答应他们,公司给我们谈好的嘉宾这么吹了,也不好像公司交代。” Complies? You draw back one step, he enters ten steps, before believing the competition, he gives us to put in order what make trouble out of nothing to come.” Qin Baobao sneers. “答应?你退一步,他进十步,信不信比赛前,他又给咱们整出什么幺蛾子来。”秦宝宝冷笑一声。 That what to do?” Li Yanhong sighed: Sister Li enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that although cannot mix, touched the gravel to cross river after all for ten years in the manager circle, I found the person to help.” “那怎么办?”李艳红叹了口气:“李姐虽然没能混的风生水起,毕竟在经纪人圈子里摸石子过河了十来年,我找人帮帮忙。” „Does Brother Yang, have time tonight? Comes out to eat meal......, all right, wants to ask that our business teacher does have time, on Friday «Singer» finals live broadcast...... didn't that have the running schedule? That line, must come out to gather another day.” 杨哥,今晚有时间么?出来吃饭呗......嗨,也没什么事,就想问问咱们商老师有没有时间,周五《歌星》决赛直播......那没档期了啊?那行吧,改天一定要出来聚聚。” Hey, A'Dong, does your family artist have the running schedule on Friday? Without the running schedule, how did the elder sister request you to help ....... not try to know? Let me tell you, the Qin Baobao's song absolute high-quality goods, who will be the winner is uncertain, how did you instigate...... wèi wèi?” “喂,阿东,你家艺人周五有档期吗?没档期,那姐要求你帮个忙了.......没试过怎么知道?我跟你说,秦宝宝的歌绝对精品,鹿死谁手还不一定呢,你怎么就怂了......喂喂?” Li Yue, a few years ago you also owed me a favor to remember. The elder sister spoke frankly with you, Qin Baobao lacks singing accompaniment, are you week teacher manager...... are afraid of losing? Rubbish, complies? Do not pull these with me, does not comply to speak frankly.” 李悦,前些年你还欠我个人情记得吧。姐就跟你直说了,秦宝宝缺个帮唱嘉宾,你是周老师经纪人......怕输?甭废话,答不答应?你别跟我扯这些,不答应就直说。” Made a 4~5 phone call, Li Yanhong lost. 打了四五个电话,李艳红铩羽而归。 One group of packs of scoundrels,” Li Yanhong read broken, had the running schedule, was afraid of losing damaged popular, was not cost-effective. In the eye only then own benefit, does not know that helps friend.” “一群狐朋狗友,”李艳红碎碎念,“不是没档期,就是怕输了损人气,不划算。眼里只有自己的利益,都不知道帮朋友一把。” The Qin Baobao heart said that good that pack of scoundrels word uses, a point is unreliable. 秦宝宝心说,狐朋狗友这个词用的好,一点都靠不住。 Sister Li, could not find even,” Qin Baobao is very calm, both hands hold the chest, is more magnificent, I who her 36 D drags planned that asks my younger brother to help.” 李姐,找不到就算了,”秦宝宝很淡定,双手抱胸,把她的36d拖的更加壮观,“我打算找我弟帮忙。” He?” Li Yanhong both amused and angry, said: Baobao (darling), you did not have experience, I know that your younger brother popular was very high, my nieces confused him very much, was shouting must live the monkey to him, although she on junior middle school. But you are clear, net celeb and celebrity are two concepts, net celeb net celeb, red in network, limits in the network, popular in the reality is not good. Has not listened to pat the soap opera invited net celeb, did the advertisement to invite net celeb? Sister Li told you, please younger brother make singing accompaniment, might as well please C-list celebrity.” “他?”李艳红又好笑又好气,道:“宝宝,你太没经验了,我知道你弟弟人气挺高的,我外甥女都很迷他,喊着要给他生猴子,虽然她才上初中。可你要明白,网红明星是两个概念,网红网红,红在网络,也局限在网络中,在现实里人气就不行了。没听过拍电视剧请网红的吧,拍广告请网红的?李姐跟你说,请你弟弟帮唱嘉宾,还不如请个三线明星。” Lives...... lives the monkey?!” Qin Baobao by thunder. “生......生猴子?!”秦宝宝被雷到了。 This is not the key point.” Li Yanhong said loudly. “这不是重点。”李艳红大声说。 Do not look that your younger brother can shoot piano, will write the song, sends the photo album, on him the television station makes an appearance, is really far-fetched. The silly miss, do not indulge in fantasy.” “别看你弟弟又会弹钢琴,又会写歌,又发写真集,他上电视台露面,真的不靠谱。傻姑娘,别异想天开。” Rational that Li Yanhong said that Qin Baobao understands certainly, the Qin Ze fame had, but is insufficient with celebrity with stage PK, but Qin Baobao has her idea and plan. 李艳红说的有理,秦宝宝当然明白,秦泽名气是有了,但不足以和明星同台pk,但秦宝宝有她的想法和打算。 Qin Baobao remains unmoved, this matter I must first discuss with my younger brother.” 秦宝宝不为所动,“这事儿我要先和我弟商议一下。” Li Yanhong said: Looked that he is willing to come. You had said your younger brother does not like being paid attention.” 李艳红道:“就看他愿不愿意来了。你说过你弟弟不喜欢被关注。” Qin Baobao chuckle, is confident: This you could rest assured that I make him come, he cannot dare. Thus, making him give a try. With does not need him also to look at the performance. Un, you first go out.” 秦宝宝轻笑一声,信心十足:“这个你放心,我让他来,他不敢不来。这样,让他来试试看。用不用他还得看表现。嗯,你先出去一下。” Qin Baobao often boasted oneself have elder sister to be dignified at home, younger brother obedient. She does not have elder sister to be dignified in home more, more boasted outside. Probably is a performance that seeks the psychological balance. 秦宝宝常常吹嘘自己在家多么有姐姐威严,弟弟有多听话。她在家越没姐姐威严,在外面就越吹牛。大概是一种寻求心理平衡的表现。 Going out office that Li Yanhong is confused. 李艳红一头雾水的走出办公室。 The gate closes, Qin Baobao grasps the cell phone, dials the younger brother telephone, ferments for several seconds, turns hostile rapidly: A'Ze, elder sister was bullied, yīng yīng yīng......” 门关上,秦宝宝抓起手机,拨通弟弟电话,酝酿几秒钟,迅速变脸:“阿泽,姐姐又被人欺负了,嘤嘤嘤......” Was the time shows the true performing skill, this matter was a little thorny, first flickered to say old bro again. 是时候展现真正的演技了,这事儿有点棘手,先把老弟忽悠过来再说。 Star Skills nine, the yoga area, Xu Lu and manager sit cross-legged in the yoga fill up, both hands instead twist from the nape of the neck behind, a foot resists the waist, performs the show/unfolds plentiful exquisite figure, and pliable but hard to break curve. 星艺九层,瑜伽房,徐璐经纪人盘坐在瑜伽垫上,双手从脖颈反拧到背后,一只脚抵住后腰,尽展丰腴玲珑身段,以及柔韧的曲线。 Xu Lu 30, this age woman is most charming this year most has the flavor period, is light ripe female who old driver praised, may to woman, after 30 years old, the appearance flesh should go down hill. Again can good of maintenance, have the female of pair of ten time passage to slide tenderly compact? 徐璐今年三十,这个年龄正是女人最妩媚最有味道的时期,是老司机们交口称赞的轻熟女,可对女人自己而言,三十岁之后,容貌肌肤就该走下坡路了。保养的再好,能有双十年华的女子嫩滑紧致? The yoga is the best choice of molding fitness, she every day unshakeable makes two hours of yoga. 瑜伽是塑形健身的最好选择,她每天雷打不动的做两小时的瑜伽。 manager said with a smile: Heard that Qin Baobao did walk the singing accompaniment resentment?” 经纪人笑道:“听说秦宝宝帮唱嘉宾怼走了?” Xu Lu un: Has the rookie of result, has one share arrogance, does not understand the compromise and making concessions.” 徐璐嗯了一声:“有成绩的新人,都有一股子傲气,不懂得妥协和退让。” Discussion that manager has no immediate concern to oneself, their requests were excessive, will change me not to agree.” 经纪人事不关己的谈论,“他们的要求是过分了,换我也不会同意。” serene that Xu Lu smiles, Qin Baobao did not have singing accompaniment, is equivalent to the alienating oneself way out, she happily also without enough time. The work place like the battlefield, as one of the Star Skills playing cards female artists, she wants to maintain oneself status. These year of acting careers achieve the bottleneck, are the sense of crisis heaviest time, Qin Baobao appeared exactly, making her smell the crisis. 徐璐笑的云淡风轻,秦宝宝没了帮唱嘉宾,相当于自绝生路,她高兴还来不及。职场如战场,身为星艺打牌女艺人之一,她想保住自己的地位。这些年演艺生涯达到瓶颈,正是危机感最重的时候,恰好秦宝宝横空出世,让她嗅到了危机。 Xu Yunhan is not enough to shake her status, the B-list singer who can only sing, the look can have the obvious limitation. But Qin Baobao is different, this miss innate condition is good, has a good voice, has younger brother that is known as Music Genius, is the heaven looks upon with favor simply. Can foresee her to be successful in the song world in the future. Again a point, Qin Baobao long is too attractive, the stature leaves selects, once such woman mixes the film and television circle, boils several years, boils the performing skill, how that can be a scene. 徐韵寒不足以动摇她的地位,一个只会唱歌的二线歌手,相貌才能都有明显的局限性。但秦宝宝不同,这姑娘先天条件太好,拥有一副好嗓音,偏偏又有个号称音乐鬼才弟弟,简直是上天垂青。可以预见她将来会在歌坛大红大紫。再一点,秦宝宝长的太漂亮,身材太出挑,这样的女人一旦混影视圈,熬个几年,把演技熬出来,那会是怎样一幅场景。 A Star Skills elder sister's position, she cannot defend. 星艺一姐的位置,她守不住。 Xu Lu these years pushed several high-quality stocks, the plot open intrigue had used. Depends Kang Shi'an to support in the back, wins one victory after another. Ran into a wall to Qin Baobao here finally, this is a bone that is difficult to gnaw. 徐璐这些年挤走了好几个优质股,阴谋阳谋都用过。仗着康世安在背后撑腰,屡战屡胜。到了秦宝宝这里终于碰壁了,这是块难啃的骨头。 Why cannot comprehend Star Skills Director-General Huang Yicong so to protect to Qin Baobao. 搞不懂星艺总裁黄易聪为何对秦宝宝如此呵护。
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