MESIS :: Volume #2

#117: singing accompaniment

《Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again》 increases in the online heat degree successively, the Great Ming General Liang new promotional film by the high praise, recalled the reputation of slowdown, no, not only recalled, because of this song fire, attention of new opera also another level higher. 《向天再借五百年》在网上热度节节攀升,大明良将的新宣传片备受好评,算是挽回了下滑的口碑,不,岂止是挽回,因为这首歌大火,连带着新剧的关注度也更上一层楼。 Online starts to disseminate this promotional film, is treats as MV to watch completely. the MV charm is, it can serve as contrast a song perfectly the emotion. 网上开始传播这段宣传片,完全是当做mv观看。mv的魅力在于,它可以完美衬托一首歌的情感。 Many songs, listening to the feeling to be ordinary, but once matching conforms to the song subject MV, or sad touching love, the touching kinship wait/etc., the effect is completely different. 很多歌,听着感觉一般,可一旦搭配符合歌曲主题的mv,或是凄美爱情,或是感人亲情等等,效果就完全不一样。 The cavalries highlight, propaganda picture that ten thousand army face, in matching 《Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again》 this spirited heroic, the song of blood and iron loyalty, both enhance one another's beauty, the scale rubs the promotion. Couple days ago people's tsukkomi, is also full of praise now, 铁骑突出,万军对垒的宣传画面,搭配上《向天再借五百年》这首激昂豪迈,铁血丹心的歌曲,两者交相辉映,档次蹭蹭提升。前几天还全民吐槽,现在则赞不绝口, The Qin Ze Music Genius reputation, fires again. 秦泽音乐鬼才的名声,再次打响。 The netizens teased: Writes the song I to take Qin Ze and in history quickest Quick Shooter wait/etc.. 网友纷纷调侃:“写歌我就服秦泽”、“史上最快快枪手”等等。 Industry in praises. 业内纷纷赞扬。 Some recording company. 某唱片公司 „Did MV of Daliang star look?” “大良名将的mv看了吗?” Any MV, that is the promotional film.” “什么mv,那是宣传片。” In any case I, when the MV hear, was really of pleasant to hear, one's blood bubbles up to the brim.” “反正我当mv听,真是太好听了,热血沸腾。” This Qin Ze was too fierce, has him to write the song? Also made other musicians live, the high-quality song, said that wrote writes, didn't need time to precipitate?” “这个秦泽太厉害了,有他这么写歌的?还让不让其他音乐人活了,精品歌曲,说写就写,都不用时间沉淀?” Leadership, we have not thought recruits into company to come Qin Ze?” “领导,咱们就没想过把秦泽招进公司来?” How no, was rejected. Qin Baobao is the Star Skills person, Star Skills has not incurred him.” “怎么没有,被拒绝了。秦宝宝星艺的人,星艺都没把他招进去。” Star Skills Entertainment. 星艺娱乐 Several young leaders dine together outside. 几个小领导在外聚餐。 《Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again》 hear?” 《向天再借五百年》听了吗?” This song is good, in matching the promotional film, the feeling was different.” “这首歌不错,搭配上宣传片,感觉就不一样了。” Heard that Human Resources Department telephone to Qin Ze several times, was rejected.” “听说人事部几次打电话给秦泽,都被拒绝了。” Others have no interest in coming the entertainment world probably.” “人家好像没兴趣来娱乐圈。” You said that this Qin Baobao, has the good song not to give the company operation unexpectedly, makes private list arbitrarily „”. ” “你说这个秦宝宝,有好歌居然不给公司运作,擅自做“私单”。” Cannot say, the copyright of her several song did not give the company operation.” “也不能这么说,她那几首歌的版权不是都给公司运作了么。” Big end on the net copyright, this has not given.” “大头在网络版权上面,这个没给吧。” This matter does is truly unattractive, the high level is very discontented.” “这事做的确实不漂亮,高层很不满。” Chief Kang wants to block actually her, but Chief Huang is pressing, you said how Chief Huang settled on Qin Baobao, is protecting her?” 康总倒是想封杀她的,可黄总压着呢,你说黄总怎么就看中秦宝宝了,这么护着她?” Also is not that matter, had a liking for her, this miss really attractive, that leg can clamp the deceased person.” “还不是那点事儿,看上她了呗,这姑娘是真的漂亮,那腿能夹死人。” Understanding laughter. 一阵心领神会的笑声。 In the evening, Weibo attention superstar Chu Youyou that counts whatever happens|10 million sent Weibo: New promotional film everyone looked, the theme song is very good, burns very much, hopes that everyone pays attention much. Please support «Great Ming General Liang», younger brother good. My this will not sing could not bear want to look for your song. Un, makes? Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood 晚上,微博关注量数千万大明星楚悠悠发了条微博:“新的宣传片大家看了没,主题曲很棒,很燃,希望大家多多关注。请支持《大明良将》,弟弟好棒。我这个不会唱歌的都忍不住想找你约歌了。嗯,约吗?@站在远处看童年 Another acts the leading role in Zhang Jinyun give a like. 另一位主演张晋云点赞 fans support oneself idol below, the warm-hearted sending commentary, teased Qin Ze occasionally: „Is younger brother the officer calls?” Then continues to talk about other topics, for example Chu Youyou puts on the costume piece to be really beautiful, was brightly blind, ancient costume first beautiful woman no one can compared with what/anything. 粉丝们在下面支持自己的偶像,热心的发评论,偶尔调侃一下秦泽:“弟弟是官称吗?”然后继续聊着其他话题,比如楚悠悠穿古装剧真美,亮瞎了,古装第一美人无人能比什么的。 Who knows rarely in Qin Ze that Weibo makes an appearance, leaves a message under Weibo unexpectedly. He said like this: Does not make, the Qin Baobao brocon circumstance even more was recently serious, in trembling with fear.” 谁知很少在微博露面的秦泽,竟然在微博下面留言。他是这样说的:“不约,最近秦宝宝弟控情节愈发严重,战战兢兢中。” His is must to the Qin Baobao forcefully drawing topic, rubs the heat degree. 他这是要给秦宝宝强行拉话题,蹭热度。 Right now lives it up, stimulates compared with such and such Heavenly Queen noisy scandals simply. A stone arouses thousand overlapping waves. 这下子热闹了,简直比某某天后闹绯闻还刺激。一石激起千层浪。 The Qin Ze's reply went against the first position instantaneously. 秦泽的回复瞬间被顶到第一位。 The netizens love, teased. 网友喜闻乐见,纷纷调侃。 old bro, steady.” 老弟,稳。” Sits, delivers you to come up.” “坐好,送你上去。” Urinates the non- wall, takes you on motherf**ker.” “尿尿不扶墙,就tm服你。” What did I see? The information content is big.” “我看到了什么?信息量好大。” No, my Goddess is brocon.” “no,我的女神弟控。” hā hā hā, German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act) rhythm.” 哈哈哈,德国骨科的节奏。” German Orthopedic Surgery (sis and bro caught in the act) walks.” 德国骨科走起。” You too dirty, I only want to say nicely done “你们太污了,我只想说666 nicely done 666 Quickly, goes to @QinBaobao in a big hurry, sought her trauma area.” “快快快,去@秦宝宝,求她心理阴影面积。” younger brother must be finished, the elder sister going home big stick serves.” 弟弟要完蛋,姐姐回家大棒伺候。” Qin Ze died, died at the age of......, many are coming greatly?” 秦泽卒,享年......咦,多大来着?” This has not calculated, Chu Youyou silently give a like. 这还不算完,楚悠悠默默点赞 Zhang Jinyun silently give a like. 张晋云默默点赞 Xu Yunhan silently give a like. 徐韵寒默默点赞 Huang Yuteng silently give a like. 黄宇腾默默点赞 Chen Xiaotong silently give a like. 陈小彤默默点赞 Hong Jingyao silently give a like. 洪敬尧默默点赞 The «Great Ming General Liang» dramatic team selected a to praise. 大明良将》剧组点了一个赞。 The «I am a Singer» program group also gave a big to praise. 我是歌星》节目组也给了个大大的赞。 Tuesday. 周二。 The «I am a Singer» final, will start the countdown, the entire net attention, the every large or small online media reported, brushed fully the heat degree. Meanwhile, the singer also buys the news, brushes the exposure rate/lead. 我是歌星》总决赛将至,进入倒计时,全网关注,大大小小的网媒争相报道,刷足了热度。同时,歌手也争相买新闻,刷曝光率。 The television station official site, the voting moves. The netizens can vote to the singer who oneself like, each id only limits a ticket. When ranking has the change, does not have some singer to push to the front, thus it can be seen, the chief championship match competes intensely. 电视台官网,有一个投票活动。网友可以给自己喜欢的歌手投一票,每个id仅限一票。排名时有变化,并不存在某位歌手一马当先,由此可见,总冠军决赛竞争激烈。 The day before yesterday taking advantage of the Great Ming General Liang heat degree, Qin Baobao once rushed to the first place. 前天借着大明良将的热度,秦宝宝一度冲上榜首。 Quick was surpassed, at present, the one who ranks first is mixed blood handsome fellow Wells, Soul Singer from Britain. 很快就被赶超,目前,排名第一的是混血帅哥威尔斯,来自英国的灵魂歌手 He joins " Singer » program in midway, successful counterattack. Becoming one of the popular hottest singers. 他中途加入《歌星》节目,成功逆袭。成为人气最热的歌手之一。 Star Skills Entertainment, Qin Baobao wears the small fresh cotton hemp one-piece dress, a shell cowboy clothes, lets in she gorgeous enchanting beauty, increased the makings of several points of literary young woman. Seeming like the respectable family were many. 星艺娱乐,秦宝宝穿小清新的棉麻连衣裙,外罩一件牛仔衣,让她艳丽妖娆的美色中,增了几分文艺女青年的气质。看起来良家很多了。 In Qin Baobao bored stirring cup attrition from soaking coffee, she and other singing accompaniment. Is the position works as red little fresh meat, a few years ago attended a grade of music variety show to be lucky, harvests important goods to confuse younger sister fans, situated in B-list. 秦宝宝无聊的搅拌杯子里自磨自泡的咖啡,她在等帮唱嘉宾。是位当红小鲜肉,前些年参加一档音乐综艺节目走红,收获一大帮迷妹粉丝,位居二线 This little while met was little too late, but cannot blame her, but must blame that Xu Lu. Originally her singing accompaniment is Star Skills some A-list singer, Xu Lu similarly is also the A-list honored guest, has saying that Star Skills truly takes seriously Qin Baobao, gave to pull out the ins and outs. But how has words to mention, plans unable to keep up with the change, Xu Lu's that singing accompaniment has a circular temporarily, must make the movie, male 2nd. In line with gaining for the lord, cannot participate in " Singer » help/gang sings. Then Qin Baobao's singing accompaniment, naturally became Xu Lu's. However Star Skills was also sincere, helping her look for one to work as red little fresh meat. 这会儿碰面有点晚了,但不能怪她,还得怪那个徐璐。本来她的帮唱嘉宾星艺的某位一线歌手,徐璐同样也是一线嘉宾,不得不说,星艺确实蛮重视秦宝宝,把老底都给掏出来了。但有句话怎么说来着,计划赶不上变化,徐璐的那位帮唱嘉宾临时有个通告,要去拍电影,男二号。本着盈利为主,就不能参加《歌星》帮唱了。那么秦宝宝的帮唱嘉宾,自然就成了徐璐的。不过星艺也厚道,帮她找了一位当红小鲜肉 Qin Ze slandering elder sister brocon time, Qin Baobao in the office ignition, has not been attending to looking for younger brother to do accounts. Is good has the progress because of the Qin Baobao recent mentality greatly, trades the beforehand glass heart, must hit younger brother telephone yīng yīng yīng. 秦泽“污蔑”姐姐弟控的时候,秦宝宝正在办公室发火,没顾上找弟弟算账。好在秦宝宝最近心态大有长进,换以前的玻璃心,又得打弟弟电话嘤嘤嘤 manager Li Yanhong pushes the door to come, getting two people to come , the woman who 30 years old raises one's head, about another 25, is similar to the Qin Baobao age, is charming little bro. 经纪人李艳红推门进来,领着两个人进来,一个三十岁出头的女人,另一个二十五左右,与秦宝宝年龄相仿,是个帅气小哥 He works as red little fresh meat. 他就是当红小鲜肉 Qin Baobao sets out immediately, the elegant face stacks the smiling face, hello/you good.” 秦宝宝当即起身,俏脸堆起笑容,“你好。” little fresh meat said: Hello.” 小鲜肉道:“你好。” His eye falls on the Qin Baobao face, a little cannot move, tried hard to put aside for a long time, then sized up the fearful disposition of Qin Baobao slender waist outstanding buttocks big long leg. The self-confidence that perhaps the flowering shrubs go smoothly everywhere vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the vision has the aggressiveness very much. 他眼睛落在秦宝宝脸上,有点挪不开,努力了好久才移开,转而打量秦宝宝细腰翘臀大长腿的可怕配置。兴许是纵横花丛无往不利的自信,目光很有侵略性。 Qin Baobao is without turning a hair, was really be used to it, every day some people peeped she. Always has no alternative but to go out. 秦宝宝面不改色,委实是习惯了,每天都有人偷看她。总不能不出门吧。 Li Yanhong is all smiles, thinks highly saying: Thanked you to help, this singing accompaniment, others I had not felt relieved that but you came, absolutely did not have the issue.” 李艳红笑容满面,恭维道:“非常感谢您帮忙,这个帮唱嘉宾,别人我还不放心呢,但您来,绝对没问题。” Smiling of little fresh meat politeness. His manager said: Happen to running schedule row on, came, to be honest, we actually run risks, by our popular, singing accompaniment was unnecessary, loses will fall the powder.” 小鲜肉礼貌的笑笑。他经纪人说道:“正好档期排的上,就过来了,说实话,我们其实冒了风险的,以我们的人气,帮唱嘉宾可做可不做,输了会掉粉。” The Qin Baobao smiling face goes pale, not words that liked her speaking. Li Yanhong is old youtiao, the smiling face does not change, said troubled was troublesome. 秦宝宝笑容淡去,不喜欢她说的话。李艳红是老油条,笑容不改,一个劲的说麻烦了麻烦了。 The female economic man and little fresh meat look at each other one, takes out a contract from the package: „Before the rehearsal, several requests first reach an agreement. first: At the program the male and female chorus link, hopes that can sing our Yang less/small song. second: Afterward no matter the result how, I want to be able for approximately one song.” 女经济人与小鲜肉对视一眼,从包里取出一份合同:“排练之前,有几个要求先说好。第一:节目上男女合唱环节,希望能唱我们杨少的歌曲。第二:事后不管结局如何,我希望能为约一首歌。” Saying, little fresh meat and female manager look to Qin Baobao. 说着,小鲜肉和女经纪人看向秦宝宝 Qin Baobao on the face did not have the smiling face at this time early, the expression is light, she did not speak. 秦宝宝此时脸上早没了笑容,表情淡淡,她不说话。 Fears air peace suddenly. 就怕空气忽然的安静。 At this time manifested the Li Yanhong use, her hollow laugh two: This does not seem like the content in agreement.” 这时候就体现出李艳红的用处,她干笑两声:“这好像不是协议里的内容吧。”
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