MESIS :: Volume #2

#116: 《Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again》

What song do you have?” Li Yanhong asked, she remembers the Qin Baobao's song is her younger brother writes, this has not said to his younger brother. “你有什么歌?”李艳红就问,她记得秦宝宝的歌都是她弟弟写的,这都没跟他弟弟说呢。 Qin Baobao had not replied, but is brushing Weibo, got a sudden inspiration, sent Weibo: „The «Great Ming General Liang» dramatic team song, how do you see? Standing in the Distance, Watching the Passing Childhood 秦宝宝没回答,而是刷着微博,灵机一动,发了一条微博:“《大明良将》剧组约歌,你怎么看?@站在远处看童年 She thought that own present understands the hype technique. Also understands why finally these celebrity have the matter to be all right to like sending Weibo, even if the selfie photo. 她觉得自己现在深谙炒作手法。同时也终于明白那些明星为什么有事没事喜欢发微博,哪怕是自拍照。 However, Qin Ze's Weibo is uneventful, has not responded to the elder sister's request slightly. 然而,秦泽的微博风平浪静,丝毫没有回应姐姐的要求。 Immediately has the Qin Baobao's fans reply: 立刻就有秦宝宝的粉丝回复: „Did the dramatic team of Ming Dynasty look for the Qin Baobao song?” “大明的剧组找秦宝宝约歌了?” „Did hā hā, really look?” 哈哈,真的找了?” big-breasted sister, your younger brother pays no attention to you.” 大胸妹,你弟弟不理你。” This was awkward.” “这就尴尬了。” Fears the air sudden peace.” “就怕空气突然的安静。” Touched somebody's sore spot old bro.” “扎心了老弟。” This is I have seen most awkward Weibo.” “这是我见过最尴尬的微博。” Under everyone mouth in Germany, do not send not to have the matter of significance, shouted nicely done on the line.” “大家嘴下留德,别发没意义的事情,喊666就行了。” My Goddess is so funny, that video I am still tasting.” “我的女神还是那么逗,那段视频我至今还在回味。” Qin Ze sound asleep, system extracted an energy at this time, pulls out night of to rub conditions him instantaneously seven times. 秦泽此时正呼呼大睡,系统抽取了一次能量,瞬间把他抽成一夜撸七次的状态。 He wakes up, immediately sees reminded through the cell phone information, saw Qin Baobao's Weibo. In order to prevent the photo album event happened again, he opened the information cue. 他醒来,立刻就看到通过手机资讯提醒,看到了秦宝宝的微博。为了防止写真集事件再次发生,他开了信息提示。 piss off.” 滚犊子。” He replies in Weibo, song your younger sister, I felt that the body pulled out to empty, where has the time to accompany you to mess around. The cell phone loses , to continue to sleep. 他在微博里回复,约歌你妹啊,我都感觉身体被掏空了,哪有功夫陪你瞎闹。手机一丢,继续睡觉。 The office, Qin Baobao sees the reply of younger brother, withstood/top the first position by the netizen instantaneously, various fans types teases. 办公室,秦宝宝看到弟弟的回复,瞬间被网友顶上第一位,粉丝各种取笑。 She curls the lip. 她撇撇嘴。 Qin Ze does not interact with her , are not related, the song has in any case ready-made. She has not wanted Qin Ze to write a song meaning again. 秦泽不跟她互动,也没关系,反正歌曲有现成的。她没想要秦泽再写一首歌的意思。 Qin Baobao turned out a collection of music scores from the drawer of desk, Qin Ze wrote for long before her, she could not use, remaining. 秦宝宝从办公桌的抽屉里翻出一张曲谱,秦泽很早以前写给她的,她用不上,一直留着。 Sister Li, contacts with the recording technician, I record a little guy.” 李姐,联系一下录音师,我录个小样。” Great Ming General Liang dramatic team. 大明良将剧组。 The small half-day time, the dramatic team has collected several songs, the person who the entertainment world has this food are many, bright is also not infrequent, each song and poem writer will create all kinds of songs, did not say that has the order to compose, but had the inspiration to write several. Is just like the painter and writer. Some people want the song, if has suitably inventory, can sell immediately. 小半天的功夫,剧组已经搜罗到好几首歌,娱乐圈吃这口饭的人不少,有才华的也不在少数,每位词曲作家都会创作各种各样的曲子,不是说有订单才谱曲,而是有灵感了就写几笔。好比画家、作家。有人要曲子,如果恰好有适合的“存货”,立刻就能卖出去。 film director told: Does not have the little guy records a little guy to come out, has to compose not to have the word, finds the person to compose fixed-style verses. We take your time, select the good point song.” 导演吩咐道:“没小样的去录个小样出来,有谱曲没词的,找人填词去。咱们慢慢来,挑个首好一点的歌。” Music director zé zé said: Two also good, other general, some what/anything even are inferior to our existing that.” 音乐总监啧啧道:“有两首还行,其他的一般,有些什么甚至不如咱们现有的那首。” film director also said: You think, direct pass.” 导演又道:“你觉得不行的,直接pass。” The music director said: Traded was too hasty, the good song that the song traded not to suddenly come, these, it is estimated that were the beforehand work, coincidentally with. You must look for a fitting soap opera, is impossible. My suggestion is, the collection of music scores, finds the good composing fixed-style verses person spiritedly again, according to the subject of our soap opera composes fixed-style verses.” 音乐总监道:“换歌换的太仓促了,好歌不是说来就来,就这些,估计很多都是以前的作品,刚巧拿出来。你要找一首贴合电视剧的,不可能。我的建议是,曲谱激昂一点的,再找个好的填词人,按照咱们电视剧的主题来填词。” Appearance that film director is vexed very much: As far as possible hurry up, catches up in screening first a half month, too, the public opinion wind direction decided late, useless.” 导演很糟心的样子:“尽量快点,赶在上映前半个月,太晚了,舆论风向就定了,没用。” Music director: „, We the Dingqu spectrum, this song are first listening as far as possible also good, is most loses face/shows off, is Qin Baobao passes on?” 音乐总监:“尽量吧,咱们就先定曲谱,这曲子听着还行,算是最出彩的了,是秦宝宝传过来的?” „It is not, this is the song that Han teacher wrote last year.” “不是,这是韩老师去年写的曲子。” The music director asked: Which is Qin Baobao's? Should not, her younger brother be famous is too marketable, even if time is hasty, the written song should not be too bad.” 音乐总监问:“哪首是秦宝宝的?不应该啊,她弟弟是出名的太抢手,就算时间仓促,写的曲子也不应该太差。” film director shakes the head: Her that side does not have the song to pass on, you look at Qin Baobao's Weibo, his younger brother said piss off, does not help us write the song happily.” 导演摇头:“她那边没有歌传过来,你看秦宝宝的微博,他弟弟滚犊子,不高兴帮我们写歌。” Pitifully.” The music director sighed. “可惜了。”音乐总监叹气。 The music director picks over, finally the decision selects Han teacher that song, then prepares to look for composing fixed-style verses. 音乐总监挑来挑去,终于决定选用韩老师那首曲子,然后准备找填词。 Female staff came, is getting the middle-aged woman, said: film director, Qin Baobao's manager looks for you.” 一位女工作人员进来了,领着个中年女人,说道:“导演,秦宝宝的经纪人找您。” film director stares, then welcomed together with the music director. 导演一愣,便与音乐总监一同迎上。 Li Yanhong pulls out the name card to hand over, vermilion Dao, I am deliver the little guy.” 李艳红掏出名片递过去,“朱导,我是来送小样的。” Little guy?” film director a little dumbfounded. “小样?”导演有点懵逼 Li Yanhong nods. 李艳红点头。 Qin Baobao's song?” The music director supplements one. 秦宝宝的歌?”音乐总监补充一句。 Li Yanhong nods again. 李艳红再点头。 Isn't is not willing to write?” film director wondered. “不是不愿意写吗?”导演纳闷了。 Hi, their elder sister and younger brother joked.” Li Yanhong beckons with the hand: My this little guy sent, but can also have the false?” “嗨,他们姐弟闹着玩的。”李艳红摆摆手:“我这小样都送来了,还能有假?” film director said: „Do we first listen to the little guy?” 导演说:“那咱们先听听小样?” Li Yanhong hearing this, pulls out the cell phone, selects a recording document, the Qin Baobao's sound spreads from the loudspeaker: 李艳红闻言,掏出手机,点开一份录音文件,秦宝宝的声音从扩音器传开: Along the undulant tender curve of rivers and mountains.” 沿着江山起起伏伏温柔的曲线。” I gallop around the loving country land.” 放马爱的中原爱的北国和江南。” Sang two, the music director eyes shone. 才唱了两句,音乐总监眼睛就亮起来了。 Good song! 好歌! The imposing manner is very vigorous, the melody is spirited, if changes into the vigorous male voice to sing, the effect will be better. 气势很雄浑,曲调激昂,如果换成浑厚的男声来唱,效果会更好。 In the face of meeting icy wind and sharp rain.” 面对冰刀雪剑风雨多情的陪伴。” I do treasure these golden years given from the heaven.” 珍惜苍天赐给我的金色的华年。” I get along with everyone in heroic and sincere temperament.” 做人一地肝胆。” I deal with anything without fearing hardships and dangers in living.” 做人何惧艰险。” I will hold the line on lofty sentiments and aspirations season by season.” 豪情不变年复一年。” Somewhat the noisy chaotic work room, does not know is when peaceful, the people encircled, the prick ear listens respectfully. 原先有几分嘈乱的工作室,不知何时安静下来,众人围了过来,竖耳聆听。 The music director has hit ten points, this song is in his eyes impeccable, is a rare good song. But film director is indecisive, some meanings move, is holding the mentality of waiting and seeing. 音乐总监已经非常打十分了,这首歌在他眼里无可挑剔,是首难得的好歌。而导演犹豫不决,有些意动,又抱着观望的心态。 Confronting the iron heel trampling on expansive country lands.” 看铁蹄铮铮踏遍万里河山。” I am in the teeth of the storm and try to control the sun and the moon cycling.” 我站在风口浪尖紧握住日月旋转。” Blood submerges the world to settle peacefully contently.” “血淹没人间安得太平美满。” I really also want to live again the 500 year.” “我真的还想再活五百年。” When sang this, the film director look changed, chewed repeatedly: I am in the teeth of the storm and try to control the sun and the moon cycling......” 当唱到这一句,导演神色变了,不停的嘴嚼重复:“我站在风口浪尖紧握住日月旋转......” Music conclusion! 音乐结束! film director fierce racket table, the complexion is excited, yelled: Good song, good song!” 导演猛一拍桌子,脸色激动,大叫:“好歌,好歌!” His music director has a scare, a face speechless expression, does not understand that he does do excitedly, oneself have not spoken as the professionals. 他身边的音乐总监吓了一跳,一脸无语的表情,搞不明白他这么激动干嘛,自己作为专业人士都没说话。 film director sees the surrounding person looks like, said excitedly: This song customizes for our soap opera simply, good, good.” 导演见周围的人看来,兴奋道:“这首歌简直是为我们电视剧量身定制,好,太好了。” You listen to the lyrics,” he broadcasts the recording document, „„ Confronting the iron heel trampling on expansive country lands and blood submerges the world, settles peaceful old age, especially this I stand in the crest of wave crest grip tightly livelihood revolving most to add the finishing touch. ” ” “你们听歌词,”他把录音文件重新播放,““看铁蹄铮铮踏遍万里河山”、“血淹没人间,安得太平晚年”,尤其这一句“我站在风头浪尖紧握住日月旋转”最点睛。”” The people have not understood, film director loudly said: „„ Livelihood for bright, protagonist as the anti- clear star, how could it not be stood in the crest of wave crest, the hand grasps Ming Dynasty. Too was really appropriate.” 众人没明白过来,导演大声道:““日月为明,主角做为抗清名将,岂不就是站在风头浪尖,手握大明。真是太贴切了。” Others awaken. 其他人醒悟。 Li Yanhong said at the right moment: Not is only the lyrics song ready-made, the collection of music scores of accompaniment I also brought.” 李艳红适时道:“不光是歌词曲子现成,伴奏的曲谱我也带来了。” That was good.” The music director was happy, he can save many time. “那太好了。”音乐总监高兴了,他可以省很多时间 The film director smiling face whole face, said to Li Yanhong: This song we bought.” 导演笑容满脸,对李艳红说:“这首歌我们买了。” Li Yanhong said immediately: Our Baobao (darling) has a request, the copyright of this song does not sell, limited to the right of use of soap opera, in addition, the dramatic team cannot only in any way, gain with this song.” 李艳红当即道:“我们宝宝有个要求,这首歌的版权不卖,仅限于电视剧的使用权,除此之外,剧组不能以任何方式,用这首歌盈利。” film director hesitates: Does not have the issue. We do not need other copyrights.” 导演一沉吟:“没问题。我们也不需要其他版权。” We chatted the price......” Li Yanhong to smile. “那咱们谈谈价格......”李艳红笑了。 next day, " Great Ming General Liang » dramatic team, released the new promotional film in official Weibo. 第二天,《大明良将》剧组,在官方微博发布了新的宣传片。 On Weibo, the netizen is discussing. 微博上,网友正议论着。 New promotional film? Traded the song?” “新的宣传片?换歌了吗?” Traded? The dramatic team has the problem.” “又换了?剧组有毛病吧。” Is the Qin Ze's song?” “是秦泽的歌吗?” Should not be, haven't you looked at Qin Baobao yesterday's Weibo? Her younger brother lets her piss off.” “应该不是,你没看秦宝宝昨天的微博?她弟弟让她滚犊子。” piss off? hā hā hā.” 滚犊子哈哈哈。” Netizens bì bì, the click watched. Sincere spirited music in innumerable netizen ear bank crack: 网友们哔哔了一阵,点击观看。厚重激昂的音乐在无数网友耳畔炸响: Along the undulant tender curve of rivers and mountains.” 沿着江山起起伏伏温柔的曲线。” I gallop around the loving country land 放马爱的中原爱的北国和江南 In the face of meeting icy wind and sharp rain 面对冰刀雪剑风雨多情的陪伴 I do treasure these golden years given from the heaven 珍惜苍天赐给我的金色的华年 ...... ...... Soon, commented the cooker. 不多时,评论炸锅了。 I go, this song approved.” “我去,这首歌太赞了。” „Do I really also want to live again the 500 year? your mother, listened I one's blood bubbles up to the brim, simultaneously feels one, helpless with dismal.” “我真的还想再活五百年?尼玛,听的我热血沸腾,同时又感觉一股无奈和悲凉。” Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again, probably is the wish that soap opera protagonist most longs, drove out the Qing dynasty, but also my Ming Dynasty landscape, the mountains and rivers were what a pity stave, the nationality was trod the back. What kind of helplessness is this? The manpower is poor sometimes, therefore thinks Borrowing Five Hundred Years From The Lord Again. This song, really made me shocking.” 向天再借五百年,大概是电视剧主角最渴望的心愿,驱除满清,还我大明江山,可惜山河破碎,民族被踏碎脊梁。这是一种怎么样的无奈?人力有时穷,于是想向天再借五百年。这首歌,真的让我惊艳了。” Fierce Qin Ze, was too fierce, this song for «Great Ming General Liang» writes, you read the lyrics: „ I stand in the crest of wave crest after gripping livelihood revolving, on first hearing, felt has the imposing manner very much, is competitive, but here solely does not highlight aggressively, livelihood for bright. Has the profound meaning. ” “厉害了秦泽,太厉害了,这首歌是为《大明良将》而写的吧,你们看歌词:“我站在风头浪尖经握住日月旋转”,乍一听,感觉很有气势,霸气十足,但这里不是单单凸显霸气而已,日月为明啊。是有深意的。” Hateful, Qin Baobao did not send her younger brother fruit to illuminate recently, exasperating. Firmly resists this keeping everything for oneself behavior, everyone goes to her Weibo protest.” “可恶,秦宝宝最近都不发她弟弟果照了,气人。坚决抵制这种吃独食的行为,大家去她微博抗议。” Goes together, goes together.” “同去,同去。” We must look at husband's fruit photo.” “我们要看老公的果照。”
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