MESIS :: Volume #2

#115: fake

Before the Qin Baobao's commentary is a half hour, sends, withstood/top the first position by the netizen. The netizens reply, have the approval, there are to curse angrily Qin Baobao's. 秦宝宝的评论是半小时前发的,被网友顶上了第一位。网友纷纷回复,有赞同的,也有怒骂秦宝宝的 big-breasted sister held on to your hat, delivers you to come up.” 大奶妹坐稳了,送你上去。” Heroes think alike.” “英雄所见略同。” big-breasted sister your is not good, can rip to compel?” 大奶妹你这样不好吧,要撕逼吗?” Zhang Jinyun and Chu Youyou fans shouted abuse. 张晋云楚悠悠粉丝则破口大骂。 Go away, did you sing greatly?” “滚,你唱歌好了不起?” Dramatic team incurred you to annoy you.” “剧组招你惹你了。” ............ ............ „Does Qin Baobao join in the fun blindly, chaotic belt/bring rhythm.” film director stamps one's foot cursed: „Is this is rubs the heat degree forcefully.” 秦宝宝瞎凑什么热闹,乱带节奏。”导演跳脚大骂:“这是强行蹭热度是不是。” The staff also got angry: Her rookie, was too innocent.” 工作人员也怒了:“她一个人新人,太不懂事了。” Inflation.” “膨胀了吧。” film director, does our resentment go back?” 导演,我们怼回去?” Originally hyped the people of out of control dramatic team to choke with rage very much, Qin Baobao jumped to agitate, hits a person when he is down. 本来炒作失控剧组的人就很窝火了,秦宝宝又跳出来煽风点火,落井下石。 Uh......” discovered girl who a moment ago Qin Baobao commentary, the complexion is awkward, that...... film director, this is not the Qin Baobao's Weibo account number, is fake.” ……”刚才发现秦宝宝评论的女孩,脸色尴尬,“那个……导演,这不是秦宝宝的微博账号,是高仿。” The film director gathering computer previous looked, almost spits blood: How you do, works the dessert.” 导演凑到电脑前一看,差点吐血:“你怎么搞的,做事走点心。” Happy people simultaneously that scolded failed to explode. 骂的正欢的众人齐齐哑火。 On Weibo the fake account number were too many, which celebrity few fake account number pretends to be, except for without real name authenticates, imitation almost confuses falsehood with the truth. 微博高仿账号太多了,哪个明星没有几个高仿账号冒充,除了没实名认证,模仿的几乎以假乱真。 The urogenous of netizen first spurts one wave without delay, is quick detected that this is the fake account number, is one wave spurts. 网友的尿性是二话不说先喷一波,然后很快就察觉这是个高仿账号,又是一波喷。 Bothersomest these fake, mental handicap.” “最烦这些高仿,智障。” Entire family crematory.” “全家火葬场。” Powder, this is false.” “散了吧,这是假的。” One crowd of not long eyes, fake cannot recognize, our Baobao (darling) does not carry this pot.” “一群不长眼睛的,高仿都认不出来,我们宝宝不背这个锅。” Qin Baobao's fans cropped up, I help you summon Qin Baobao, you're welcome, song looks for her. @QinBaobao 秦宝宝的粉丝冒头了,“我帮你们召唤秦宝宝,不用谢,约歌找她。@秦宝宝 film director said suddenly: Has the Qin Baobao manager telephone?” 导演忽然道:“有秦宝宝经纪人的电话吗?” My.” “我查查。” Really can with the Qin Baobao song?” “真要跟秦宝宝约歌吗?” Qin Baobao, other composers also relate incessantly, first making, if there are appropriately, we can change the theme song, no, did not need to trade. Let the public relations group pay attention to the public opinion continually.” “不止秦宝宝,其他作曲人也联系起来,先约着,如果有合适的,咱们可以换主题曲,没有,就不用换了。让公关组持续关注舆论。” film director is not willing to change the theme song from the bottom of the heart, online said that the difference dramatic team can trade? After ten thousand change, shouted the difference? Moreover as the matter stands, the outside world will think that " Great Ming General Liang » dramatic team does not have the standpoint, is easy to vacillate. His film director will definitely be teased, joke by the colleague. 导演打心底不愿意换主题曲,网上说差剧组就要换?万一换了之后还是喊差呢?而且这样一来,外界会觉得《大明良将》剧组没立场,容易动摇。他这个导演肯定会被圈内人调侃、笑话。 film director is thinking, the woman who is responsible for relating the capital comes from outside, shouting: film director, the fund side requests to change the theme song, has made my three phone calls.” 导演这么想着,负责联系资方的女人从外头进来,嚷嚷着:“导演,资金方要求换主题曲,已经打我三个电话了。” film director despises saying: Without seeing great storms, the small fund side has not had the energy, the people write off, is terrified immediately.” 导演鄙夷道:“没见过大风大浪,小资金方就是没底气,民众一唱衰,就立刻惶恐。” Although words saying, the request of fund side he is irrecusable. 话虽然这么说,资金方的要求他是不能拒绝的。 Hurries to relate, looks for the song, has suitable us to trade.” “赶紧联系吧,找一找好歌,有适合的咱们就换。” Star Skills Entertainment. 星艺娱乐 The office, Qin Baobao and manager Li Yanhong is eating going, is a reputation good local cuisine, the taste is sweet, although is the Shanghai native, but Qin Baobao does not like the beet, but this local cuisine is cheap, two person five dishes, so long as 200 multi- silver yuan. 办公室,秦宝宝经纪人李艳红吃着外卖,是一家口碑不错的本帮菜,口味偏甜,虽然是沪市本地人,可秦宝宝并不喜欢甜菜,但这家本帮菜便宜,两个人五盘菜,只要两百大洋 After squanders the song copyright royalty rapidly, Qin Baobao falls into the financial crisis, the copyright royalties of various channels, for example KTV, in January/one month a knot. The Qin Baobao account had more than 300,000, but she is the temper of not being able to detain money, in the Qin Ze's words: Ruined family woman. 在迅速花光歌曲版权费后,秦宝宝又陷入财政危机,各渠道的版权费,比如ktv,一月一结。秦宝宝账户原本有三十多万,但她是个留不住钱的性子,用秦泽的话说:败家娘们。 Before Qin Baobao, knows to control, after all must shoulder the younger brother living expenses, since discovered that fading young younger brother is talented, is exceptional, she then degenerates rapidly, and more walks on the decayed path is farther. And speaks plausibly: elder sister raised your so many years, you must raise elder sister for a lifetime.” 秦宝宝以前还知道节制,毕竟要担负弟弟的生活费,自从发现衰仔弟弟才华横溢,能力出众,她便迅速堕落,并且在腐朽的道路上越走越远。并振振有词:“姐姐养了你这么多年,你要养姐姐一辈子。” Had money to buy! Except for giving bosom friend has bought one set of office lady suit, value 20,000, bought two sets of summer clothing for younger brother, shoes, total value 1,000. That side the parents also has the gift, delivers a Mother Qin 50,000 ice to plant the fluttering green emerald bracelet, grinning with ear to ear that Mother Qin smiles, said Baobao (darling) to have prospects, mother has not had this daughter white/in vain. 有钱了就要买买买!除了给闺蜜买过一套ol套装,价值两万,给弟弟买了两套夏装,一双鞋子,总价值一千。父母那边也有礼物,送秦妈一只五万的冰种飘绿翡翠镯,秦妈笑的合不拢嘴,说宝宝有出息,妈没白生这个女儿。 Then elder sister gave old gentleman to buy pair of leather shoes of four figure, old gentleman also showed the smiling face rarely, said that unmarried young woman was really sensible. 然后姐姐又给老爷子买了一双四位数的皮鞋,老爷子也难得露出笑容,说闺女真懂事。 Saying, the old couples shoot a look at to already the son who works but has no to express. 说着,老两口瞥向已经工作但没任何表示的儿子。 Qin Ze pretends to look at scenery in all directions. 秦泽假装看四处的风景。 Leaves the home, entered elder sister's little red BMW, Qin Ze poked the elder sister's waist fiercely, read broken: Reaches an agreement to help me manage bride's price.” 离开家,进了姐姐的小红马,秦泽就猛戳姐姐的腰,碎碎念:“说好帮我管老婆本的呢。” elder sister was grabbed the arm by him, cannot run away, struggling that cries and smiles, finally weak on seat, eyah eyah half-dead. 姐姐被他抓着胳膊,逃不走,又哭又笑的挣扎,最后瘫软在座椅上,咿咿呀呀半死不活。 Your money is my money.” elder sister does not submit. “你的钱就是我的钱。”姐姐不屈服。 Qin Ze refers to like the sword, she is busy at changing a statement: I compensate you.” 秦泽并指如剑,她忙改口:“我赔你。” Loses money or compensates the wife.” “赔钱还是赔老婆。” Compensates the wife.” elder sister vowed solemnly. “赔老婆。”姐姐信誓旦旦。 The Qin Ze happy expression fluctuates, „do you want to help me pursue Sister Zijin?” 秦泽喜色浮动,“你要帮我追子衿姐吗?” That is a bone that is difficult to gnaw. 那是块难啃的骨头。 On the Qin Baobao mouth said that must help younger brother pursue bosom friend, really pays lip service, the action is zero. 秦宝宝嘴上说要帮弟弟闺蜜,真的只是嘴上说说,行动为零。 Qin Baobao glances the graceful twinkle, the cheek flushed has not drawn back, bashful: Husband......” 秦宝宝眼波盈盈闪烁,脸蛋红潮未退,羞答答:“老公……” Go away.” Qin Ze is angry, felt oneself by elder sister routine, were poked her soft waist again. “滚。”秦泽大怒,觉得自己又被姐姐套路了,再戳她软腰。 Since then, Qin Baobao did not like responding Qin Ze, Qin Ze mentioned several times vaguely wants to take care of oneself the intention of bride's price, she also paid no attention. 自那以后,秦宝宝就不爱搭理秦泽了,秦泽几次隐晦提及想自理老婆本的意向,她也不理。 Has not really thought that she is such elder sister. 真没想到她是这样的姐姐 Qin Ze thinks in secret. 秦泽私下里想。 younger brother first wave bride's price losses none, Qin Baobao current equipment: Patek Philippe & Co. Ms. rose gold the wrist watch and LV hold/container hold/container, drag the Li Yanhong relative the manoloblahnik pure manual high-heeled shoes that brings from Italy. 弟弟第一老婆本了个精光,秦宝宝目前的装备:百达翡丽玫瑰金女士腕表、lv包包、拖李艳红亲戚从意大利带回来的manoloblahnik纯手工高跟鞋。 The food ate half, the Li Yanhong cell phone sound. 饭吃到一半,李艳红手机响了。 Hello, which?” “你好,哪位?” Is Li Yanhong Sister Li? We are the Great Ming General Liang dramatic teams.” “请问是李艳红李姐吗?我们是大明良将剧组的。” Li Yanhong gawked for several seconds, finally remembers «Great Ming General Liang» is anything, said: What matter has?” 李艳红愣了几秒,终于想起《大明良将》是什么东西,道:“有什么事吗?” Our dramatic team wants to look for a Teacher Qin approximately song, you also knew, online is not quite satisfied with our theme songs.” “我们剧组想找秦老师约首歌,想必你也知道了,网上对我们的主题曲不太满意。” Hi, a theme song, which is so serious.” “嗨,一个主题曲罢了,哪这么严重。” Our film director also said that but the fund side was worried, making us trade, strives before the soap opera screens, eliminates the negative impact completely.” “我们导演也这么说,可资金方担心,让我们换,争取在电视剧上映前,把负面影响全部消除。” „It is discrete,” Li Yanhong pulled several, „that or did our approximately place chat?” “还挺谨慎,”李艳红扯了几句,“那要不咱们约个地方谈谈?” The opposite party said: Does not use, if you have the song, first records a little guy to pass on, determined to want, we discussed again other.” 对方却说:“不用,您如果有歌,先录个小样传过来,确定要了,咱们再谈别的。” Li Yanhong ended the telephone conversation, curls the lip saying: „The Great Ming General Liang dramatic team, said that looks for your song. But also has not said wants, said that makes us record the little guy to them.” 李艳红结束通话,撇嘴道:“大明良将剧组的,说找你约歌。但又没说一定要,说让咱们录小样给他们。” That do not manage them.” Qin Baobao eats meal earnestly, the small mouth gloss shines. Who is impossible to lack the song, she looks for younger brother to want. Qin Ze wants her not to want, previous Xu Yunhan 《New Endless Love》 has made her love dearly regretted the period of time. “那就别理他们了。”秦宝宝埋头吃饭,小嘴油光发亮。不可能谁缺歌,她就去找弟弟要。秦泽愿意她还不愿意呢,上次徐韵寒《新不了情》已经让她心疼后悔了一阵子。 This topic is very hot, you must be able to rub the heat degree, is excellent.” Li Yanhong said: „The celebrity heat degree, except for the work, again is some entertainment gossip, therefore many celebrity will make company and work room buy the news. For example some not good browser, all day shocking shocking. Someone wore this clothes, the man looked silent, the woman looked at the envy. Again for example ancient costume most beautiful unexpectedly is not she is not she, but is she. Is buys to flatter.” “不过这个话题挺热的,你要能蹭一蹭热度,也是极好的。”李艳红说:“明星的热度,除了作品,再就是一些娱乐八卦,所以很多明星都会让公司、工作室买新闻。比如某无良浏览器,整天震惊震惊的。谁谁谁穿这件衣服,男人看了沉默,女人看了嫉妒。再比如古装最美的居然不是她也不是她,而是她。都是花钱买吹捧。” Qin Baobao asked: «Great Ming General Liang», what spoke?” 秦宝宝问道:“《大明良将》,讲什么的?” She had no interest in the ancient military play, had not paid attention. 她对古代军事剧没什么兴趣,一直没关注。 Li Yanhong accessed the net to search, Late Ming Early Qing, spoke a anti- clear star.” 李艳红上网搜了一下,“明末清初,讲一个抗清名将的。” Qin Baobao said: I have one actually.” 秦宝宝说:“那我倒是有一首。”
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