MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#99: Loren's new service

Loren looks that after that curls upwards loli of dull wool was giving these deer biscuits, then remaining biscuit people have sole possession , the corners of the mouth pulled out pulling out slightly. 洛伦看着那翘着呆毛的萝莉给了那些鹿一只一块饼干后,然后将剩下的饼干一个人独吞,嘴角微微抽了抽。 Can make this operation, except for stupid la, he could not think of others. 能做出这种操作的,除了笨菈,他也想不到其他人了。 However self-satisfied la has not eaten several biscuits, stared by these angry deer, stretches out the long tongue to snatch her hand upper garment biscuit the bag, lived appearance that licked the dog. 然而得意的洛菈还没吃几块饼干,就被那些愤怒的鹿盯上了,一个个伸出长长的舌头去抢她手上装饼干的袋子,活成了舔狗的样子。 Ha! Does not want!” “呜啊!不要!” Fool, do not come, does not permit to lick with the tongue!” “笨蛋,都别过来,不准用舌头舔!” I really must be angry! Even you are very lovable, I will still make to roast the deer you!” “我真的要生气了!就算你们很可爱,我也会把你们做成烤鹿的!” la was pursued by one flock of deer quickly is being upon the jump in the garden, then does not have the energy very much threatens. 洛菈很快就被一群鹿追着在花园里跑来跑去,然后很没底气的进行威胁。 Loren empty eye, somewhat does not have the eye to look at own fool, this is predicted that must rule the world to control all fiendish people, but also is really enough funny. 洛伦虚着眼睛,有些没眼去看自家的笨蛋,这就是预言中要君临天下主宰一切的魔王吗,还真是够搞笑的呢。 Also does not know these people who initially surrounded to seal/confer Moting what kind of idea see this scene to be, but was a pity very much, their most people could not see, otherwise said that will not permit to regret. 也不知道当初围堵封魔厅的那些人看到这幅场景会是怎么样的想法,不过很可惜,他们大部分人都看不到了,不然说不准会后悔吧。 Loren lets loose the sensation, after definite here does not have others are staring, turns toward la to walk quietly. 洛伦放开感知,确定这边没有其他人盯着的后,才悄然向着洛菈走去。 He also wanted to find the opportunity to look for the small girl secretly, the result has not thought that she ran. 他本来还想要找机会偷偷去找下小丫头,结果没想到她自己跑出来了。 Un, but must look for stupid la is not because thought her, was several days has not mainly pinched her face strangely not to adapt. 嗯,不过要找笨菈也不是因为想她了,主要是几天没捏她脸怪不适应的。 But Loren approaches, seems like detected fearful aura that the youngster lends, these besiege and pursue the deer that blocks off la also like that are must by the villain who the lead installs to compel to hit the face, immediately same place sharply checks, turns around to run. 而洛伦靠近的时候,似乎是察觉到少年散发出的可怕气息,那些围追堵截洛菈的鹿也像那是要被主角装逼打脸的反派一样,登时原地一个急刹,转身就跑。 la saw that flock of deer run away, the earliest possible time response was own Overlord naivete played the role, but she quickly grasped the meaning of something suddenly, dull wool on head toward rear finger/refers. 洛菈看到那群鹿跑掉,第一时间的反应就是自己的王霸稚气发挥了作用,但突然间她又是一个激灵,脑袋上的呆毛向着后方指去。 What do you make here?” Loren opens the mouth saying that simultaneously no longer hidden the aura intentionally. “妳在这里做什么?”洛伦开口道,同时不再故意隐藏气息。 „!” “!” The dull wool of la top of the head curls upwards instantaneously the straight line, then the girl turns around hastily, sees Loren, on la face just about to shows the smile, but seemed like remembered anything afterward, is putting on a serious face to hmph hmph saying: 洛菈头顶的呆毛瞬间翘成直线,然后女孩连忙转过身来,看到了洛伦,洛菈脸上刚要露出笑脸,但后来又像是想起了什么,板着脸哼哼道: I am feeding the deer.” “我在喂鹿。” Hey the deer? What's wrong, in your belly also hid a deer to be inadequate?” “喂鹿?怎么,妳肚子里还藏了头鹿不成?” Loren looks at the biscuit remnant of la corners of the mouth speechless, when the girl has not responded helps her wipe off conveniently, then skilled pinched the girl young tender cheeks to pinch pinching. Several days have not pinched, are familiar soft. 洛伦无言的看着洛菈嘴角的饼干残屑,在女孩还没反应过来的时候顺手帮她擦掉,然后就是熟练的掐着女孩幼嫩的脸颊捏了捏。几天没掐,还是熟悉的柔软。 Loren somewhat fondly remembered the stupid fiendish person to hold the pillow suddenly. 洛伦忽然有些怀念笨魔王抱枕了。 !” “唔!” la blows up the cheeks, making Loren pinch is more comfortable, then whispers low voice: I am help them taste the biscuit to be delicious.” 洛菈鼓起脸颊,让洛伦掐的更加舒服一些,然后小声嘀咕:“我就是帮它们尝尝饼干好不好吃而已。” She indeed thinks like this, but after eating one,...... the surprise flavor is good, then did not have then. 她本来的确是这样想的,但是吃了一块后……意外发现味道还不错,然后就没有然后了。 But heard the Loren words, la thinks to feel suddenly, as if in the belly had a deer, like this fed more reasonable?? 而听到洛伦刚才的话,洛菈想了想忽然觉得,似乎肚子里有头鹿,这样喂起来就更合理了?? Fiendish people starts to deliberate on certain tyrannical policy at heart. 魔王的心里开始酝酿起某些“暴虐政策”。 On the other hand, how did you run?” “话说回来,妳怎么跑出来了?” Loren is also disinclined to haggle over la lining one's purse, palm routine placed on her head to trace. 洛伦也懒得去计较洛菈“中饱私囊”,手掌习惯性的放在了她的脑袋上摸了摸。 The dishonest chaotic shaking of dull wool of la top of the head in Loren's referring to seam, the girl dug pursed the lips saying: Elder Sister Elisha they have been speaking, I could also not interpose, but must according to Bailey instruction honest is staying, I thought that bored ran.” 洛菈头顶的呆毛在洛伦的指缝中不老实的乱晃悠,女孩撅了噘嘴道:“艾丽莎姐姐她们一直在说话,我又插不上话,还要按着贝莉尔的吩咐老老实实的呆着,我觉得无聊就跑出来了。” Right?” “是吗?” Yes, I can also testify, I comply with la definitely not to tell others, la absolutely is not because thinks that the Elder Brother runs, she is waiting in the garden specially, has not created and Elder Brother meet opportunity goal completely.” In the meantime, after connecting la dull wool antenna, in Loren's consciousness sea, then also appeared Bailey form, girl grinning saying. “是的,我也可以作证,我答应过洛菈肯定不会告诉其他人,洛菈绝对不是因为想哥哥才跑出来的,她特意在花园里等着,也完全没有创造和哥哥相遇机会的目的。”就在此时,接入了洛菈的呆毛天线后,洛伦的意识海中,便也浮现了贝莉尔的身影,女孩笑嘻嘻的说道。 la: „??????” 洛菈:“??????” Loren looks accidentally/surprisingly to la, not seem to think that this stupid fiendish person so will be intimate. 洛伦意外的看向洛菈,似乎没想到这笨魔王还会这么贴心。 I do not have!” “我才没有!” But was staring by Loren, la small face slightly red, denied hastily: Is Bailey is thinking the Elder Brother obviously.” 而被洛伦盯着,洛菈小脸微红,连忙否认:“明明是贝莉尔在想哥哥。” Hee hee, unexpectedly was discovered by stupid la, since stupid la does not want to see the Elder Brother, must make me control the body.” “嘻嘻,竟然被笨菈发现了吗,不过既然笨菈不想见哥哥的话,要不要让我来掌控身体。” la has not looked at Loren, but remains silent to reject: „...... Does not want, to give you you certainly to handle the strange matter.” 洛菈没看洛伦,只是闷声拒绝:“……才不要,给妳妳肯定又要做奇怪的事情。” la was saying panting in indignation, thinks first she in the consciousness into the sea|nautical mile looks several times helplessly Bailey handles these strange things to the Elder Brother, oneself help the Elder Brother makes up the demon the time has not felt to have anything, however onlooking time...... la thought each time is not very right. 洛菈说着气呼呼的,想到了前几次她在意识海里眼睁睁的看着贝莉尔对哥哥做那些奇怪的事情,自己帮哥哥补魔的时候还没觉得有什么,但是旁观的时候……洛菈每次都觉得很不对劲。 Loren is listening to two people quarrelling, maintained composure to shoot a look at a somewhat shy stupid fiendish person, always thought that within the body demon supernatural power was ready to make trouble, however honest he naturally not possible to have other what ideas at this kind of time, said again the demon supernatural power of his within the body and had no loss...... 洛伦听着两人的拌嘴,不动声色瞥了一眼有些害羞的笨魔王,总觉得体内魔神力蠢蠢欲动,但是正直的他当然不可能在这种时候有什么其他的想法,再说了他体内的魔神力并没有什么损耗…… Cannot say for safety's sake replaces in all over the body the demon supernatural power...... 总不能说的为了保险起见重新置换一遍体内的魔神力吧…… „The service ticket that oh...... saves can only make up dozens times, but must think the means multi- pits to come back to be good.” “唉……积攒的服务券只能补个几十次了,还得想办法多坑一些回来才行。” Loren is thinking suddenly kept thinking about to only have tens of thousands service tickets merely. 洛伦想着突然又惦记起自己仅仅只有几万的服务券了。 Recently stupid la changed intelligent many, moreover turned into the young rich woman from the past poor loli, do not draw out money from his there, therefore made him rarely have the pit to the opportunity of service ticket. 最近笨菈变聪明了不少,而且也从过去的穷萝莉变成了小富婆,根本不要从他那里支取金钱,所以让他很少有坑到服务券的机会。 Like this thinking, Loren is opening the mouth to ask: Bailey, the Elisha that side is all right.” 这样想着,洛伦又开口问道:“贝莉尔,艾丽莎那边没什么事吧。” Loren arranges la and Elisha stays together, to let Bailey controls their trends momentarily. 洛伦安排洛菈和艾丽莎呆在一起,也是为了让贝莉尔随时掌控她们的动向。 Relax, Elder Brother, Elder Sister Elisha now is very safe . Moreover, the Xueli elder sister......, is not right, now should to call the aunt, she attempted to relieve the elf king for these days at the ban that Elder Sister Elisha leaves behind, but had not discovered.” “放心吧,哥哥,艾丽莎姐姐现在很安全,另外,雪莉姐……哦,不对,现在应该要叫阿姨了,她这几天尝试着想要解除精灵王在艾丽莎姐姐留下的禁制,但是一直没有发现。” Bailey earnest saying. 贝莉尔认真的说道。 In fact she also looked for the opportunity of ban to investigate on Elisha taking advantage of Xueli for these days, but also had not found the obvious ban on Elisha. 事实上她这几天也借着雪莉寻找禁制的机会在艾丽莎身上探查过,但同样没有在艾丽莎身上找到明显的禁制。 Ban that the fellow leaves behind not on Elisha's body.” “那家伙留下的禁制并不在艾丽莎的身上。” Loren tranquil say/way. 洛伦平静道。 He also more or less detects that now some clues, really must break this limit, the essential condition is also Protection. 他现在也或多或少察觉到了一些线索,真要打破这限制,关键的条件还在于【守护】。 These days, elf king should/must the holy blood that finds the way to capture you to have, but this is also indifferent, Bailey you coordinates them to be good when the time comes.” Loren is saying while the bag from la took the block small biscuit to eat. “这段时间,精灵王应该会想办法夺取妳们拥有的圣血,不过这也无所谓,贝莉尔妳到时候配合她们就好。”洛伦一边说着一边从洛菈手里的袋子拿了块小饼干吃。 la stared his one eyes, but was also used to it by Loren's exploitation, after Loren patted the head, the little miss snort/hum, showed not a happy expression, but is clever put out the biscuit to feed Loren's mouth from the bag. 洛菈瞪了他一眼,但也习惯了被洛伦的剥削,被洛伦拍了拍脑袋后,小姑娘哼了一声,摆出一副不高兴的表情,但还是乖巧的从袋子里拿出饼干喂到了洛伦的嘴里。 After the remaining several small biscuits Loren eats clean, la curls the lip, puts out some small between-meal snack from own hundred valuable bags , to continue to throw to Loren feeds. 剩下的几块小饼干被洛伦吃光后,洛菈又撇了撇嘴,从自己的百宝袋里拿出一些小零食,继续对洛伦进行投喂。 However eats behind, Loren also tastes a scrap, finally majority entered la belly. 不过吃到后面,洛伦也就尝一小块,最后大部分都进到了洛菈的肚子。 It looks like brings la is strolling on the food street the time, each time la in high spirits the thing that buys, will first give Loren to taste two, then remaining eat clean. 就像是过去带着洛菈去逛美食街的时候,每次洛菈兴冲冲的买回来的东西,都会先给洛伦尝两口,然后剩下的自己吃光。 Last street strolled, Loren ate to the full, la will not select the new thing. 最后一条街逛完了,洛伦吃饱,洛菈也不会去挑新的东西。 Remaining has not eaten ~ 剩下没吃过的~ Leaves will eat with the Elder Brother next time again. 就留给下次再和哥哥一起吃。 The stupid fiendish person also has own wishful thinking. 笨魔王也是有自己的小心思的。 Bailey in the consciousness sea, lies in everywhere sea of flowers edge, high and low is swinging the white calf, the red color skirt suspended has slipped into the edge of thigh, however and no one appreciated one that this was obviously playful but appears incomparably attracts. 贝莉尔在意识海中,趴在漫天的花海边缘,上下摇摆着白生生的小腿,绯色的裙摆早就滑到了大腿的边缘,然而并没有人欣赏这明明充满稚气但又显得无比魅惑的一幕。 Is lying the girl is supporting the chin with a smile looks that unknowingly shrinks la that sits to Loren side, girl's bright red eyes only has is being full of the warm color at this moment, is looking at most important two people. 趴着的女孩撑着下巴笑吟吟的看着不知不觉就缩到洛伦身边坐着的洛菈,女孩鲜红色的眼睛唯有此刻才充满着温暖的色彩,望着自己最重要的两人。 Collects the holy blood to that fellow the opportunity, it seems like that the Elder Brother could not endure patiently finally.” “给那家伙收集圣血的机会,看来哥哥也终于忍耐不住了啊。” Then Bailey saying gently. 然后贝莉尔轻轻的说道。 After all the plan of Mar bus also arrived at last, before that cannot make that fellow grab the handle, moreover really must say that cannot endure patiently , can only be that fellow, although elf king by Mar bus hedging in her plan, but the not possible crisis not to have realized, if I have not miscalculated, after the talk of Mar bus ended, the fellow must actively change.” “毕竟马尔巴士的计划也到了最后一步了,在那之前,不能一直让那家伙抓着把柄,而且真要说忍耐不住的,也只会是那家伙,精灵王虽然被马尔巴士套进了她的计划里,但也不可能一点危机都没有意识到,如果我没有算错,和马尔巴士的谈话结束后,那家伙也要主动求变了。” Loren's assured saying. 洛伦笃定的说道。 After the heart of Saint tree Rance they seizes, evil thought Loren who the elf king reveals actually has the obvious capture, at that time, the elf king had some plan, moreover before Mar bus appears. 圣树之心被兰斯他们夺走后,精灵王露出的恶念洛伦其实有明显的捕捉到,那个时候,精灵王就有了某种计划,而且是在马尔巴士出现之前。 He wants the collapsing opportunity, we also push the boat along to help his, if not give him some confidence, the fellow will not easily deliver the flaw.” Loren tone is spooky. “他要破局机会,我们也不过是顺水推舟帮他一把,要是不给他一些信心,那家伙也不会那么轻易把破绽送出来啊。”洛伦语气幽幽。 Hee hee, the Elder Brother probably changed intelligent many.” “嘻嘻,哥哥好像变聪明了不少呢。” Bailey chuckle, is looking to Loren's look is condensing the star light probably, walks together, she also witnesses Loren's growth, how to turn into now such perfect shape. 贝莉尔轻笑着,望向洛伦的眼神像是凝聚着星光,一起走来,她也是见证洛伦的成长,怎样变成现在这样完美的形状。 Your this saying said that I was not intelligent before.” “妳这话说的,我以前就不聪明了吗。” Loren ill-humored say/way. 洛伦没好气道。 ~ I must say that not intelligent words, will the Elder Brother punish my speaking incorrectly words?” Bailey is blinking the eye, reveals the anticipation the expression. “唔~我要说不聪明的话,哥哥会惩罚我说错话吗?”贝莉尔眨巴着眼睛,露出期待的表情。 Words that do not punish, I taught la to be good directly.” Loren coughs, looked to la. “那倒不会,要惩罚的话,我直接教训洛菈就好了。”洛伦干咳一声,看向了洛菈。 Teaching Bailey is too dangerous, moreover regarding that girl, certain penalties is willing to be able bewildered to be turned into the reward by her. 教训贝莉尔太危险,而且对于那丫头来说,某些惩罚肯能莫名其妙就被她变成了奖励。 la: „???” 洛菈:“???” Looked, in you also calculate that in today obedient share, I did not continue to bully you, naturally...... corresponding, you must give me the protection money, as today not by the compensation that I bully.” “不过看在妳今天还算听话的份上,我就不继续欺负妳了,当然……相应的,妳也要交给我一些保护费,作为今天不受我欺负的补偿。” Loren hesitated to look to la: While convenient, the protection money gets online as the new service, first day gives you to be cheaper, gives ten 50% discount, moreover asked that la, did you like drawing?” 洛伦沉吟了一下看向洛菈:“顺便,保护费作为新服务上线,第一天就给妳便宜一些,打个十五折吧,另外问一下,洛菈,妳喜不喜欢抽奖?” Loren remembered himself recently some service tickets of being unable to make ends meet, decided that opened an exclusive prize pond to stupid la, inside stopper some math work and buffet bills of exchange wait/etc things as reward, naturally to tempt the fiendish person was swindled, but can also make some him to help massage and rub the service of back to put inside, then made la also feel anything to be called the fear that the Well 1 produced goods. 洛伦想起自己最近有些入不敷出的服务券,决定给笨菈开一个专属奖池,里面塞一些数学作业和自助餐兑换券等等东西作为奖励,当然为了引诱魔王上当,还可以弄一些他帮忙按摩和搓背的服务放里面,然后让洛菈也感受一下什么叫做一井出货的恐惧。 ... 。。。
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