MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#98: Fair assignment

„???” Caro looks at that paper, full head the question mark. “???”卡罗看着那纸条,满头的问号。 Although only has two characters, but that familiar flavor, familiar feeling. 虽然只有两个字,但还是那熟悉的味道,熟悉的感觉。 Caro stares, but after a while, smiled suddenly: This brat......” 卡罗瞪了瞪眼睛,可过了一会,突然又笑了起来:“这臭小子……” Oh, I am also really silly, actually believe this boy to be able such good intention.” “唉,我也是真傻,竟然会相信这小子会这么好心。” Caro whispered. 卡罗嘀咕道。 Why he was to know thing in the space bag now probably had not been short, because caught up is saving Elisha, therefore his coffee had not supplemented. 他现在大概是知道为什么自己空间袋中的东西没少了,因为一路赶着来救艾丽莎,所以他的咖啡一直没有补充。 Luke, Luke...... that fellow unexpectedly is really he.” “卢克,卢克……那家伙竟然真是他。” How grass...... this boy achieves.” “草……不过这小子到底是怎么做到的。” Caro also somewhat was suddenly vacant. 卡罗突然之间又有些茫然了。 Originally his strength progresses by leaps and bounds, even returns to the youth, body all functions restore the peak, has thought must to Loren pleasant surprise, plan, when Loren has the need enters the stage strongly, making him know that what is the dignity of elder, but now looks like...... 本来他的实力突飞猛涨,甚至重返青春,身体一切机能都恢复巅峰,是想过要给洛伦一个“惊喜”,打算在洛伦有需要的时候强势出场,让他知道什么叫长辈的威严,但是现在看来…… Some dreams have not started to be shattered. 有些梦还没开始就破灭了。 How therefore does this boy is a revolution of duty mump?? 所以说这小子是怎么转职斗气的?? How this special the cultivation to him to joking to be the same. 这特么修炼对他来说怎么就跟闹着玩一样吗。 Was I was old, couldn't keep up with the time?” “是我老了,跟不上时代了吗?” Caro does not know suddenly should say anything. 卡罗一时间不知道该说什么了。 This fellow enters a school is less than a half year, has the strength to kill the imperial capital, originally he thinks that this already enough exaggerating, how wants to obtain two months, this fellow became more exaggerating. 这家伙入学不到半年,就有实力杀出帝都,本来他以为这已经足够夸张,怎么又想得到两个月的时间,这家伙变得更夸张了。 To...... wait/etc, this fellow charm cannot cultivation such quickly, should have the help of fiendish person, perhaps where therefore , this fellow battle qi also has some fortuitous encounter...... to refer to erratically picked the girl of similar fiendish person.” “不对……等等,这家伙魔力能够修炼这么快,应该是有魔王的帮助,所以说,这家伙斗气或许也是有某种奇遇……指不定又从哪里捡了个类似魔王的女孩。” Caro thinks of here, the complexion somewhat becomes dark suddenly, felt oneself were close to some truth, as the matter stands, oneself granddaughter's position was even more in imminent danger in Loren that. 卡罗想到这里,脸色突然有些发黑,觉得自己接近了某种真相,这样一来,自己孙女的地位在洛伦那愈发岌岌可危了。 Grass.” “草。” Initially I should not pick that young bastard.” “当初我就不应该把那小混蛋捡回来。” Caro's depressed whisper. 卡罗郁闷的嘀咕。 But after a while, he also sighed, from vanished same place, toward foothold twinkle in the past. 但过了一会,他又是叹了口气,从原地消失,向着据点闪烁过去。 This boy grows stronger some is also good.” “这小子变强些也好。” „...... Will not be at least worrying.” “至少……不会再让人担心了。” In a while, Caro was previously preparing in some good room to appear. 没过多久,卡罗在先前准备好的某个房间中出现。 The center of room, has taken off Tory of hood the earliest possible time in Caro presenting to look. 房间的中央,已经摘下了兜帽的托莉雅在卡罗出现的第一时间就看了过去。 Caro, you are all right.” “卡罗,你没事吧。” Naturally all right, I want to walk, these fellows cannot detain my.” “当然没事,我想走,那些家伙留不住我的。” Caro tranquil say/way. 卡罗平静道。 His vision swept to Tory just in prepare small-scale law, in law filled with the rich life aura, that was the magic of extremely strong cure class, moreover outlined a law material...... to wrap life spring such rare treasure. 他的目光扫向托莉雅刚刚布置好的小型法阵中,法阵中充满了浓郁的生命气息,那是极强的治愈类的魔法,而且勾勒法阵的材料……包裹了生命泉这样的秘宝。 Old man, this what's the matter.” “老头子,这到底是怎么回事。” A law center, holds the tea with milk to be cured Rance who the magic packages unable to bear the opens the mouth, he looks at that side young Caro, only feels the incomparable irritability. 法阵的中央,抱着奶茶被治愈魔法包裹的兰斯忍不住开口,他看着那边年轻的卡罗,只觉得无比的别扭。 What what's the matter.” “什么怎么回事。” Caro light say/way. 卡罗淡淡道。 You do not die......” Rance to tell only half, was stared by Caro vision, changed a statement: Initially in that vestige, what exactly had?” “你不是死……”兰斯说到一半,被卡罗目光一瞪,顿了顿改口:“当初那遗迹中,到底发生了什么?” You are so intelligent, oneself cannot guess correctly.” “你那么聪明,难道自己猜不到吗。” Caro sneered was looking at oneself son one eyes. 卡罗冷笑着看了自己儿子一眼。 Rance: „......” 兰斯:“……” This, you called my father, asking my father me to tell you.” “这样吧,你叫我爸爸,叫我爸爸我就告诉你。” When Rance is speechless, Caro also said one suddenly. 就在兰斯无言的时候,卡罗突然又说了一句。 Rance: „????” 兰斯:“????” Hears these words, Rance's complexion was cloudier, the mouth shut tightly...... originally because of the past matter, Rance has also had the complaint to Caro, now saw that as if became compared with makes him who a he also young Caro face under punched call the father, Rance felt irritable, really had to plant by the feeling of profiting. 听到这句话,兰斯的脸色更加阴沉了,嘴巴紧闭……本来因为过去的事情,兰斯对卡罗一直还有怨念,现在看到似乎变得比他还年轻的卡罗一脸欠揍的让他叫爸爸,兰斯就感觉的别扭了,竟然有种自己被占了便宜的感觉。 Caro, you and Rance's relations imagines compared with me is much better.” “卡罗,你和兰斯的关系比我想象中要好许多。” At this moment, nearby Tory chuckle was saying. 就在这时,旁边的托莉雅轻笑着说道。 That is your misconception!” “那是你的错觉!” Tory, you definitely misread.” “托莉雅,妳肯定看错了。” Tory finishes speaking, two people are the simultaneous negative say/way, after saying, two people look at each other one, then various self-cooling snort/hum. 托莉雅话音刚落,两个人就是同时的否定道,说完之后,两人又对视一眼,然后各自冷哼一声。 This is......” “这位到底是……” After a while, under the Tory strange gaze, Rance breaks silent, deeply inspires to ask. 过了一会,在托莉雅古怪的注视下,兰斯才打破沉默,深吸一口气问道。 Caro does not have the direct reaction, but said lightly: You said before right, I should die in the vestige, was lucky Tory, I can live.” 卡罗没有直接回答,而是淡淡道:“你之前说的没错,我本来应该死在遗迹的,多亏了托莉雅,我才能活过来。” As for her status, is that loses the seductress/evil spirit kingdom original master, that half elf queen.” “至于她的身份,则是那失落妖精王国原本的主人,那位半精灵女王。” Half elf queen?” “半精灵女王?” In Rance heart trembles fiercely, somewhat unbelievable looks at the woman. 兰斯心中猛地一颤,有些难以置信的看着女人。 But in legend......” “可是传说中……” In legend, I should be commit suicide, right.” “传说中,我应该是自杀身亡了,没错吧。” Tory said with a smile lightly, on her face did not have the least bit to raise the unhappiness of that recollection. 托莉雅轻笑道,她脸上并没有半点提起那段回忆的不快。 I also think like this, but...... perhaps is the subject who my these died to my forgiveness, perhaps was also my father does not want me dead simply, the sword of that protection he left behind, making me live.” “我自己本来也是这样认为的,但是……或许是我那些死去的臣民对我的宽恕,也或许是我父亲不愿意我那么简单死去,他留下的那柄守护之剑,让我又重新活了过来。” My body continuously deep sleep by frozen inner and outer coffin, but my consciousness body is integrates in the sword of that protection, becomes the seductress/evil spirit dead spirit in legend, has drifted above my submerged kingdom.” “我的身体一直沉睡在被冰封的棺椁中,而我的意识体则是融入那守护之剑中,成为了传说中的妖精亡灵,一直漂泊在我那被淹没的王国之上。” Tory is saying in a soft voice, in the eye flashes through one to recall also has some sadness. 托莉雅轻声说着,眼中闪过一丝缅怀还有些许的哀伤。 I the hero soul that wants these dead do not receive any disturbance again, therefore after waking, I consciousness integrated the entire kingdom, tried to construct the new seal, making my kingdom hide in the forest of that dense fog.” “我不愿意那些死去的英灵再受到任何的打扰,于是醒过来之后,我将意识重新融入了整个王国,试图构造了新的封印,让我的王国藏匿在那迷雾的森林中。” I planned to protect my kingdom, making these hero souls forever the deep sleep in the peace as making reparations, but I have not thought, the destruction of half elf, has not eliminated the ambitions of certain people completely.” “我原本打算一直守护着我的王国,让那些英灵永远沉睡在安宁之中作为赎罪,但我没有想到,半精灵的覆灭,并没有完全打消某些人的野心。” When I have not completed the seal with enough time, some people force one's way in the vestige that I constructed, the goal is to claim my father leaves my sword of that protection.” “在我还没来得及完成封印的时候,就有人强行闯入了我构造的遗迹之中,目的是夺走我父亲留给我的那柄守护之剑。” „After that person...... is defeats, should with the elf king who the destruction in elf kingdom died.” “那个人……就是战败后本该随着精灵王国的覆灭死去的精灵王。” Rance's sudden opens the mouth. 兰斯突然的开口。 Right.” Tory Yaping static say/way: He is unwilling is defeated like this, therefore has wanted to find my father to hide the sword of that protection, he passes and my father likes brothers, therefore also knows all secrets of sword of protection, and knows characteristics that it can the sense of protection body not extinguish, he offering sacrifices secret technique that needs this minute/share of strength to complete him to grasp, by own boundary breakthrough to another level, became existences above god.” “没错。”托莉雅平静道:“他不甘心就这样失败,所以一直想要找到我父亲藏起来那柄守护之剑,他过去和我的父亲情同手足,所以也知道守护之剑的一切秘密,并且知道其可以保护意识体不灭的特性,他需要这分力量来完成他所掌握的献祭秘术,让自己的境界突破到另一个层次,成为众神之上的存在。” At this time does not need Tory to continue to explain, Rance muttered the opens the mouth: However this holy city, is he for that technique preparation testing field, he prepared all, but he did not have to think oneself will be stranded in seal that in you supposed.” 此时不用托莉雅继续说明,兰斯喃喃开口:“而这个圣城,就是他为了那个术式准备的试验场地,他准备好了一切,但他没有想到自己会被困在妳设下的封印之中。” Tory nods: Discovered after his existence, I guessed correctly his goal, therefore takes the bait with the sword of protection, making he himself discard the physical body, the consciousness entered in the sword of protection, then seized the chance his seal, the sword of protection was the seal core that I prepared, I used that sword to take the shackles, his forever being stranded in the space of sword.” 托莉雅点头:“发现他的存在后,我猜到了他的目的,所以用守护之剑作为诱饵,让他自己舍弃了肉体,意识进入了守护之剑之中,然后趁机将他封印,守护之剑就是我准备的封印核心,我用那柄剑作为牢笼,将他永远的困在了剑的空间之内。” However after completing the seal of vestige, I also fell into the deep sleep, until one day......” “而在完成了遗迹的封印后,我自己也陷入了沉睡,直到有一天……” I and Elisha destroyed the seal of vestige, drew out the sword of protection, released to be stranded the elf king in sword, Tory of deep sleep was also awakened.” “我和艾丽莎破坏了遗迹的封印,拔出了守护之剑,也释放出了被困在剑中的精灵王,沉睡的托莉雅也被唤醒。” Caro joined the Tory words, helping her complement in the vestige all. 卡罗接上了托莉雅的话,帮她补全了遗迹中发生的一切。 Fellow in ten thousand years found a flaw of seal, gave the information by this in the holy city, but obtains his information the person who leaves from the holy city is.” “那家伙在万年的时间中找到了一丝封印的破绽,以此在圣城中传递了信息,而得到他的信息从圣城离开的人就是伊莎。” But at this point, Rance also almost understood all these beginning to end. 而说到这里,兰斯也差不多明白了这一切的始末。 Elf king planned, he thought that will rescue from the vestige him, but he has not thought he imagines is intelligent, carried over the heart of Saint tree, guessed correctly some truth, know she will rescue elf king Zhi to bring a bigger disaster to the elf.” “精灵王算计了很多,他觉得伊莎会将他从遗迹中解救出来,但他并没有想到伊莎比他想象的还要聪慧,伊莎带出了圣树之心,也猜到了一些真相,知道她解救出精灵王只会给精灵带来更大的灾难。” She does not want to make us contact these, but the destiny always fills all kinds of accidents/surprises.” “她本来不想让我们接触到这些,但是命运总是充满各种各样的意外。” Caro said lightly: We faced these finally, perhaps but...... this is also the destiny gives our opportunity, making us complete the redemption.” 卡罗淡淡道:“我们最终还是面对了这些,但或许……这也是命运给我们的机会,让我们去完成救赎。” Rance's vision fell on the face of tea with milk, silent opened the mouth to say for a long time: Elisha also in the hand of that fellow.” 兰斯的目光落在了奶茶的脸上,沉默了许久才开口道:“艾丽莎还在那家伙的手上。” I know.” “我知道。” Caro said lightly: You can feel relieved, we have some preparations. Moreover, side elf king, but also has our planted agents.” 卡罗淡淡道:“你可以放心,我们已经有了一些准备。另外,精灵王身边,还有着我们的内应。” Planted agent? The fellow is really......” “内应?那家伙难道真是……” Rance hears word is on the rise suddenly, probably thought of anything. 兰斯闻言突然抬头,像是想到了什么。 ... 。。。 Meanwhile. 于此同时。 Loren had returned to the royal palace. 洛伦已经返回了王宫之中。 The private talk that Mar bus and elf queen continue, went to a more covert space, has not continued to watch for the opportunity that to him, but to him, the result of two people private talk was unimportant, because he roughly guessed correctly how the opposite party will do. 马尔巴士和精灵王后续的密谈,去了更隐蔽的空间进行,并没有给他继续窥伺的机会,不过对他而言,两人密谈的结果也不重要,因为他大致猜到了对方会怎么做。 All these, must finish finally.” “不过这一切,也终于要结束了啊。” Loren's thought silently. 洛伦默默的想到。 Unsurprisingly, the plan of demon empathize must enter last probably, no matter they must get up to what tricks, before the elf king fused the Saint tree strength, this can be their last chances, but must seize that opportunity, the demon god will also definitely expose weaknesses. 不出意外,魔神会的计划大概要进入最后一步了,不管他们要做什么手脚,在精灵王融合圣树力量之前,这都会是他们最后的机会,而要抓住那机会,魔神也必然会露出破绽。 Loren the need, seizes that turning point now. 洛伦现在需要的,就是抓住那个契机。 Kills the elf king, gets rid of all limits, then can unshackle to cope with the turning point of demon empathize. 杀死精灵王,摆脱所有限制,然后可以放开手脚对付魔神会的契机。 After that is also he harvests, all that these people plan, will become him 在那之后,也是他收获的时候,那些人算计的一切,都将成为他 Spoils of war. 的战利品。 Under the threat of demon empathize, the elf king is impossible to sit waiting for death.” “在魔神会的威胁下,精灵王也不可能坐以待毙的。” Loren was supposing in the opportunity two days that he waits for will appear probably, has ambushed was so long, Loren has the ample patience to wait for all these. 洛伦估摸着他等待的机会大概这两天内就会出现,已经潜伏了这么久,洛伦有足够的耐心等待这一切。 However in Loren returns to the royal palace shortly, actually saw unexpected existence. 不过就在洛伦回到王宫中后不久,却是看到了一个意外的存在。 In the garden in royal palace, a top of the head curls upwards blonde loli of dull wool to take one bag of small biscuits in feeding the garden is raising some demon beast deer. 王宫的花园中,一个头顶翘着呆毛的金发萝莉正拿着一袋小饼干在喂花园里养着的一些魔兽鹿。 Dozens demon beast deer Wei in loli’s side, look at the bag in her hand eagerly. 数十只魔兽鹿围在萝莉的身边,眼巴巴的看着她手中的袋子。 Little misses takes the biscuit to apportion these deer while also toward own mouth stopper, the dull wool of her top of the head self-satisfied is curling upwards, conducts the incomparably fair assignment: Your same place, my same place, your same place, I together...... remaining was my!” 小姑娘一边拿着饼干分给那些鹿一边也往自己嘴里塞着,她头顶的呆毛得意的翘着,进行无比公平的分配:“你一块,我一块,你一块,我一块……剩下的就是都是我的了!” Loren: „???” 洛伦:“???” ... 。。。
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