MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#97: Caro's pleasant surprise?

Elf Sir king, is now!” “精灵王大人,就是现在!” The body and Caro penetrate flickers, Loren turn around to shout. 身体和卡罗穿透的一瞬,洛伦反身喊道。 But by a Loren such reminder, elf king body could not be borne quickly grasp the meaning of something, had a head to by in addition unexpectedly the strange feeling of buff. 而被洛伦这么一提醒,精灵王身体忍不住一个激灵,竟是有种头上被加了个必中buff的诡异感觉。 Naturally, even if Loren does not open the mouth, he is impossible to miss this opportunity. 当然,就算洛伦不开口,他也不可能错过这个机会。 Caro's law stick pounds down toward the top of the head of elf king, in the air curls up the wild ripples, the blazing ray that in the elf king hand condenses also interweaves in his front, goes toward the front bombardment like the thunder of big piece. 卡罗的法杖向着精灵王的头顶砸下,空气中卷起狂暴的涟漪,精灵王手中凝聚的炽烈光芒也在他的面前交织,如同大片的雷霆向着前方轰击而去。 That blazing brilliance impact before Caro's body, was actually dispersed along the arc barrier of distortion. 那炽热光辉冲击在卡罗的身前,却是沿着扭曲的弧形屏障被分散。 This is......!” “这是……!” In thundering that the light beam triggers, the pupil of elf king contracts suddenly, he noticed that light beam of that impact before Caro body was seized by that space finally, packages Caro's body to form a giant sphere. 光束引发的轰鸣之中,精灵王的瞳孔骤然收缩,他看到那冲击在卡罗身前的光束最后被那空间攫取,包裹着卡罗的身体形成一个巨大的圆球。 The strength of previously having had been wrapped elf king Tiyan who experience crosses that to be shattered by the space ball. 先前有过被空间球包裹经历的精灵王体验过那破灭的力量。 But this time, what was being wrapped by the space ball is Caro. 但这次,被空间球包裹着的是卡罗。 „It is not right, this magic......” “不对,这魔法……” The elf king realized not right time is too late, because he has entered around Caro to twist the space the range, body compulsory toward twisting the center draws, attack that the distortion center, he releases like by seal generally, hovering of unceasing disorder, lost and his strength contact. 精灵王意识到不对劲的时候为时已晚,因为他已经进入卡罗周围扭曲空间的范围,身体被强制性的向着扭曲的中心拉过去,扭曲的中心,他释放的攻击如同被封印了一般,不断无序的游动,也失去了和他的力量联系。 Empty cavity extinguishes.” “虚空洞灭。” Also was at this time, Caro's opens the mouth in a soft voice, but that mysterious recitation sound fell in the brain of elf king is similar to the thunder to be deafening unexpectedly! 也是这时,卡罗轻声的开口,而那玄奥的吟唱声落在精灵王的脑中竟是如同雷霆般震耳欲聋! The whole body twisted brilliance of quick elf king submerges, even the sensation was eliminated in the light of this distortion, centered on Caro, a transparent sphere unceasing outward diffusion, proliferated ten meters radius probably, that transparent sphere contracts in a flash. 很快精灵王的周身被扭曲的光辉淹没,连感知都在这扭曲的光中被剥夺,以卡罗为中心,一个透明的圆球不断的向外扩散,大概扩散了十米的半径,那个透明的圆球转瞬间收缩成一点。 Bang!” “轰!” After temporary solidification, the huge impact sweeps across toward all around. 短暂的凝固后,巨大的冲击向着四周席卷。 „!” “咔嚓咔嚓!” The surroundings giant trees cannot bear that wild impact, was interrupted around the middle, towering trees collapses, but maintains ties rune/symbol writing also to start to glitter, was shaken the innumerable fissures. 周围巨大的树木根本承受不住那狂暴的冲击,被拦腰截断,一棵棵参天的树木倒塌,而维持结界的符文也开始闪烁,被震出无数的裂痕。 Finally, elf Wang Yong in constructing the wooden scepter of this powerful knot turned into the fragment dissipation completely, entire knot starts to collapse. 最终,精灵王用于构造这强大结界的木质权杖完全变成了碎片消散,整个结界都开始崩溃。 The ground fierce vibration, these months hunts fearful and apprehensive look in that knot to burst out the strength that to fluctuate, after the mist and dust dissipation of soaring to the heavens, in collapse knot only have an incomparably smooth semicircle endocrater. 外界地面剧烈的震动,那些月狩更是胆颤心惊的望着那结界中迸发的力量波动,在冲天的烟尘消散过后,崩溃的结界之中只剩下一个无比光滑的半圆形巨坑。 Enough over the past several minutes, in pothole center, a form of human form condensation again. 足足过去几分钟,在坑洞的中央,一个人形的身影才重新的凝聚。 Elf king Xuruo coughs several, the body golden red courage vigor dissipates, these courage vigor gush out from his body unexpectedly, just like the thin snake the same as gather round his body to hover. 精灵王虚弱的咳嗽几声,身上金红色的血气逸散,那些血气竟然是从他的身体中重新涌出,犹如细蛇一样围着他的身体游动。 At this time his consciousness body extremely weak, even is unable to fuse the holy blood strength. 此时他的意识体极度的虚弱,甚至无法融合圣血力量。 Caro attacks erupts the time, he realized that fellow close to oneself, for does not give him any opportunity of escaping. 卡罗攻击爆发的时候,他才意识到那家伙靠近自己,就是为了不给他任何逃脱的机会。 However he had not responded at that time, even also letter/believed Luke's evil to spell hardly. 然而他那个时候还没反应过来,甚至还信了卢克的邪想要硬拼。 The final result was he by that strength writing off several times, consciousness body collapses, although there is a strength of sword of protection he really not dead, but the elf king does not think that experience died, after determining Caro left, he condensed the consciousness body. 最后的结果就是他被那力量“抹杀”了几次,意识体一次次崩溃,虽然有守护之剑的力量他不会真的死去,但是精灵王也不想一次次体验死亡,所以在确定卡罗离开后,他才重新凝聚了意识体。 „...... The magic of this fellow, I seem to have seen there.” “不过……这家伙的魔法,我似乎在那里见过。” Elf king Zhoumei is thinking. 精灵王皱眉想着。 The charm fluctuation that Caro previously erupted, gives him a familiar feeling. 卡罗先前爆发的魔力波动,就给他一种熟悉的感觉。 Elf Sir king was really powerful, withstands such attack to return safe and sound.” “精灵王大人果然强大,承受了这样的攻击都能毫发无伤。” At this time Loren also resurfaced, youngster bloodstained, seemingly incomparable distress. 这时洛伦也重新的出现,少年身上染血,看上去无比的狼狈。 Luke is not bad, experiences personally in the severely wounded situation, can live from such attack.” “卢克阁下也不差,身受重伤的情况下,也还能从那样的攻击中活下来。” The elf king looks at severe wound Loren vision twinkle. 精灵王看着“重伤”的洛伦目光闪烁。 This was lucky that elf Sir king attracted the attention of that fellow.” “这都多亏精灵王大人吸引了那家伙的注意。” Loren said modestly: Stemming from the trust the Sir, I after giving the Sir created the opportunity to evacuate directly, avoided the attack center exactly.” 洛伦谦虚道:“出于对大人的信任,我在给大人创造后机会就直接撤离了,也恰好避开了攻击的中心。” Naturally, after this time lives, my battle qi also really to limit.” “当然,这次活下来之后,我的斗气也是真的到了极限。” „......” “……” Elf king silence looks at Loren, the vision changes several times, finally has not begun to Loren. 精灵王沉默的看着洛伦,目光变化几次,最后还是没有对洛伦动手。 Although he wants to solve this unstable factor, but the present stage, he also needs to continue to rely on Loren's strength, in addition, by pit several times, elf king subconscious is not willing to believe Loren's nonsense. 虽然他很想解决这个不稳定的因素,但现阶段,他还需要继续借助洛伦的力量,此外,被坑了几次,精灵王下意识的不愿意相信洛伦的鬼话。 Let alone he himself consumes also big, too has not coped with Loren's assurance. 何况他自己消耗也不小,没有太多对付洛伦的把握。 Is thinking the heart of carried off Saint tree, his expression somewhat is also cloudy. 只是想着被带走的圣树之心,他的表情又有些阴沉。 Compares these not to have the collection simultaneous/uniform holy blood, this is a more serious failure, if then cannot before these human flee from the holy city the heart of recycling Saint tree, will then wait for his is the destructive crisis. 相比较那些还没有集齐的圣血,这是更加严重的失败,接下来如果不能在那些人类逃离圣城前回收圣树之心,那么等待他的将是毁灭性的危机。 Ten thousand years of painstaking care...... will not destroy like this, once.” “万年的心血……绝不会就这样毁之一旦。” Thinks of here, in elf king heart had some evil thought. 想到这里,精灵王心中生出了某种恶念。 Loren calm visits him, vision slightly cold. 洛伦一脸平静的看着他,目光微冷。 Ten points that the elf king displays now weak, Loren also has to think while this opportunity the idea that the elf king imprisons, but detected after some sensation strengths of hidden, Loren restrained oneself killing intent as before patiently. 精灵王现在表现的十分的虚弱,洛伦也不是没有想过趁这个机会将精灵王囚禁的想法,但是察觉到一些隐藏的感知力量后,洛伦依旧是耐心的收敛了自己的杀意。 Rance carries off the heart of Saint tree, perhaps is not the accident/surprise in that fellow plan.” “兰斯带走圣树之心,或许不全是那家伙计划中的意外。” Loren coldly is thinking. 洛伦冷冷的想着。 But following also confirmed youth's suspicion quickly, sees only in battlefield that returned to normal, space occurrence again twists, this time is a dim darkness emerges. 而接下来的一幕也很快验证了少年的猜想,只见原本平复的战场之中,空间再次的发生扭曲,这次是一片朦胧的黑暗涌现。 Mar bus, do you also dare to appear in my front?” “马尔巴士,妳还敢出现在我的面前吗?” After sensation to that darkness, elf king raised the head indifferently, the cold sound opens the mouth, may speak, in his eye flashes through intense dreading. 感知到那黑暗后,精灵王漠然抬头,冷声开口,可说话的时候,他的眼中闪过强烈的忌惮。 Why I do not dare.” “我为什么不敢。” The lazy female voice resounds: I have the sincerity to come with you to trade, but eventual failure this transaction isn't the elf king you?” 慵懒的女声响起:“我带着诚意来和你交易,可最后破坏这交易的难道不是精灵王你本人吗?” Carries off the heart of Saint tree, but your person.” “带走圣树之心的可是你的人。” „The appearance of that rebel, indeed is my here careless mistake, however your subordinate wants to rob the heart of Saint tree while that confusion, but received your instruction.” “那个叛徒的出现,的确是我这边的纰漏,但是你的部下趁着那混乱想要抢走圣树之心的,可是接到了你的指示。” If you are really willing to cooperate with us, at that time should not arrange the manpower to launch the attack to my person, but will fully coordinate me, helping me first solve that rebel.” “如果你真的愿意和我们合作,那个时候就不应该安排人手对我的人发起攻击,而是会全力的配合我,帮我先解决那个叛徒。” Mar bus coldly said. 马尔巴士冷冷道。 But fact until finally, you have saved the strength in side, is waiting for our unfavorable situation, oneself pick up a bargain again, this idea is very good, but you have not unfortunately calculated that fellow will have other helpers.” “可事实是直到最后,你都是一直在旁边积蓄力量,等着我们的失利,再自己捡便宜,这个想法很好,但可惜的是你并没有算到那个家伙还会有其他的帮手。” Mar bus taunt looks to the elf king. 马尔巴士嘲讽的看向精灵王。 Elf king as before expression ice-cold, but restrained the angry look on face, how I know that all these are you direct and perform, these fellows who behind presents also with your related.” 精灵王依旧表情冰冷,但是收敛了脸上的怒色,“我怎么知道这一切是不是你自导自演,后面出现的那些家伙也和你有关把。” Now argued that these do not have the significance, you want the evidence, I can you, but is the premise is...... the elf king willing to cooperate with us sincerely. „ “现在争论这些没有意义,你要证据,我可以给你,不过前提是……精灵王阁下愿不愿意诚心和我们合作。“ Cooperation? What chip do you have and I cooperate?” Elf king Dandan said. “合作?妳还有什么筹码和我合作?”精灵王淡淡道。 If I do have the help/gang you to recover the method of heart of Saint tree?” “如果我有帮你追回圣树之心的方法呢?” Mar bus smile said: Does not use your big fee/spent flustered search holy city, I can make these fellows deliver personally again the thing that you want.” 马尔巴士微笑道:“不用你大费周章的搜索圣城,我可以让那些家伙亲自将你想要的东西再送回来。” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Is that meaning that you think, so long as you comply to cooperate, I will naturally deliver the method submissively.” “就是你想的那个意思,只要你答应合作,我自然会将方法拱手送上。” Mar bus said leisurely. 马尔巴士悠悠说道。 However is listening to her words coldly, the side Loren's line of sight even more. 然而听着她的话,旁边洛伦的视线则是愈发的冷冽。 He knows certainly, the method that the opposite party suggested was anything. 他当然知道,对方所暗示的方法是什么。 Elisha......” “艾丽莎……” That is the elf king grasps, is used to cope with Rance and Caro most valuable chip. 那才是精灵王掌握的,用来对付兰斯和卡罗最有价值的筹码。 Mar bus plans this, therefore was secure before. 马尔巴士就是算计到这点,所以之前才有恃无恐吗。 ...... To rescue Reims, old man's exposition, in her planning, she has perhaps also compelled Rance's all cards in a hand, this can also guarantee that her later plan cannot have any omission. 还有……为了救走兰斯,老头子的暴露,或许也在她的算计之中,她已经逼出了兰斯所有的底牌,这也能保证她之后的计划不会有任何遗漏。 Read and hence, Loren actually wants to understand suddenly why this fight Mar bus has not arranged him to make other arrangement today again. 念及至此,洛伦却是忽然想明白,为什么今天这场战斗马尔巴士没有再安排他做其他的布置了。 The tea with milk by Rance's carrying off, likely is also part that she plans, enabling her to be able further and elf king cooperates, can more reasonable not that early hands over in the tea with milk the elf king hand, but how...... does this fellow following plan to operate? 奶茶被兰斯的带走,很可能也是她计划的一部分,让她可以进一步和精灵王合作,同时也可以更合理的不那么早将奶茶交到精灵王手中,但是……这家伙后续又打算如何操作? Loren's thought silently, Mar bus planned, but she does not think probably...... her only gaps and omissions, several times was previously she to his self-confident investigation. 洛伦默默的想到,马尔巴士算计了很多,但是她大概不会想到……她唯一的缺漏,就是先前她几次对他自信的探查。 Loren narrowed the eye slightly, if as expected, the old man also received his news probably. 洛伦微微眯了眯眼睛,如果不出意外的话,老头子大概也收到他的讯息了。 ... 。。。 Meanwhile, another side. 同时,另一边。 „The boy is like the monkey, draws back unexpectedly is so quick.” “那小子和猴子一样,竟然退这么快。” Has used the deep meaning after erupting, Caro has not prolonged contact, left the manor directly, went to a place of security. 动用过奥义的爆发后,卡罗没有恋战,直接离开了庄园,来到了一处安全的地方。 With Rance said that my magic did not have means solution that fellow...... Tory also saying that the strength of that sword, gave that bastard to shelter, only if entered to the world of sword writes off his consciousness body thoroughly......, otherwise......” “不过和兰斯说的一样,我的魔法没办法解决那个家伙……托莉亚也说过了,那柄剑的力量,给予了那个杂种庇护,除非进入到剑的世界彻底抹杀他的意识体……否则……” Caro vision is gloomy. 卡罗目光阴沉。 Meanwhile, old person's mood somewhat is also disturbed. 但同时,老人的心情又有些忐忑。 Because he was close to the elf king erupting the deep meaning at that time suddenly, besides probe , is to draw support from the eruption of attack to conceal itself and Loren's exchange, Caro saw Luke to run out at that time, but also thinks that wants the tacit coordination he. 因为他当时突然接近精灵王爆发奥义,除了试探外,也是想要借助攻击的爆发来掩饰自己和洛伦的交流,卡罗当时看到“卢克”冲出,还以为是要默契的配合他。 But Caro has not thought, the opposite party simply has not given the opportunity that he exchanges, after two people bodies interlock, chose to draw back without hesitation. 可卡罗没有想到,对方根本没有给他交流的机会,两人身体交错后,毫不犹豫的选择了退开。 „Is the boy............” “那小子……到底是不是……” Caro whispered, but suddenly, seemed like thought of anything, suddenly opened the space bag of oneself law robe to look. 卡罗嘀咕了一句,但突然,又像是想到了什么,突然打开了自己法袍的空间袋看了看。 The psychic force has swept, after discovering in the space bag anything has not been short, Caro cannot bear sigh, but after a while, his vision stiffens. 精神力扫过,发现空间袋里什么东西都没少后,卡罗忍不住叹了口气,但是过了一会,他的目光又僵住。 Although in the space bag does not have west the young master. 虽然空间袋里没少东西。 However...... were many coffee pot. 但是……里面多了个咖啡罐。 Moreover such type, his incomparable looking familiar. 而且那样式,他无比的眼熟。 This boy conscience discovery?” “这小子良心发现了?” After Caro recovers, suddenly somewhat exciting opening coffee pot, then...... found a paper in almost completely empty coffee pot. 卡罗回过神来后突然有些兴奋的打开咖啡罐,然后……在几乎空空如也的咖啡罐里找到了一张纸条。 Above only has two characters. 上面只有俩字。 On full.” “满上。” .. 。。
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