MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#96: Loren conscience discovery?

You......” elf king hear these words, the air/Qi almost direct cerebral hemorrhage, unceasing trundle of golden red courage vigor on him. “你……”精灵王听到这句话,气的差点直接脑溢血,金红色的血气在他身上不断的滚动。 This fellow took him to work as shield a moment ago even, after all some reasons said to protect him, but really must protect now, this fellow special severe wound? 这家伙刚才拿他当挡箭牌就算了,毕竟有理由说是为了保护他,可现在真要保护了,这家伙特么又重伤了? I gave your things to have the function of therapy...... elf king deep to inspire yesterday to say. “我昨天给你的那些东西有疗伤的作用……”精灵王深吸一口气道。 That is the duty reward that I obtain laboriously, if used up here, was not equal to that I worked white/in vain.” “那是我辛苦获得的任务报酬,要是在这里用掉了,不就等于我白打工了。” Loren knitting the brows head. 洛伦皱了皱眉头。 Elf king: „?” 精灵王:“?” He who this saying said probably have no reason to refute. 这话说的他好像还没有理由反驳。 You planned that anything does not do.” Elf king cold sound said. “那你就打算什么都不做吗。”精灵王冷声道。 I can do has completed.” Loren tranquil say/way: Moon/Month hunted to keep off demon empathize lots of manpower, but the card in a hand of this fellow also was almost consumed cleanly by me.” “我能做的已经做完了。”洛伦平静道:“月狩挡下了魔神会大量的人手,而这家伙的底牌也几乎被我消耗干净。” Loren was saying the vision also coldly looked at elf king one eyes: Elf Sir king does not think that I survived a price not to need to pay from previously such attack.” 洛伦说着目光也冷冷看了精灵王一眼:“还有精灵王大人不会以为我从先前那样的攻击中存活一点代价都不用付出来吧。” If I really have such strength, why I don't begin to take them directly?” “如果我真有这样的力量,我为什么不直接动手将他们所有人都拿下?” Elf king hears the words was startled. 精灵王闻言怔了一下。 Extremely was previously indignant, he also almost forgot, before he acted the card in a hand that Rance used caused heavy losses to Mar bus directly, then found the opportunity to kill Mar bus bang, although that was not Mar bus main body, but can achieve that degree, proved great strength that sufficiently Rance previously that struck. 先前太过气愤,他也差点忘记了,在他出手前兰斯动用的底牌直接重创了马尔巴士,然后找到机会将马尔巴士轰杀,虽然那并非马尔巴士本体,但能够做到那种程度,也足以证明兰斯先前那一击的强大。 Really was I wrongly accused him? 难道真是我错怪了他? Elf king thinks under cannot help but silent, he remembers Loren and Mar bus same stemming from that attack center, if really no no wound lives, that is a odder matter. 精灵王想了下不由得沉默了,他记得洛伦和马尔巴士一样都是出于那攻击的中心,要是真的毫无无伤的活下来,那才是更加离谱的事情。 Loren noticed that the silence of elf king continues saying: 洛伦看到精灵王的沉默继续道: „It is not everyone has the cockroach beast vitality like you.” “不是所有人都像你有着蟑螂兽一样的生命力。” Kept off the attack of that fellow a moment ago directly, has made me receive the serious internal injury, therefore the following fight, I cannot help you be too many, hope that you have other cards in a hand, otherwise, the plan of Sir stopped probably.” “刚才正面挡下那家伙的攻击,已经让我受了严重的内伤,所以接下来的战斗,我并不能帮到你太多,希望你还有其他的底牌,不然的话,大人的计划大概就到此为止了。” Elf king expression Yin clear uncertain, although has to accept Loren is seriously injured the setting, but he thought where has to be not quite right, suddenly the complexion asked strangely: What since you receive is the internal injury, what do you tie up the arm to make?” 精灵王表情阴晴不定,虽然不得不接受洛伦“身受重伤”的设定,但他还是觉得有哪里不太对劲,忽然面色古怪问道:“既然你受的是内伤,那你绑手臂做什么?” Loren said without hesitation: I received the internal injury to fear that you could not look, this non- bandage tied up on the arm more obvious.” 洛伦毫不犹豫道:“我受了内伤怕你看不出来,这不绷带绑手臂上明显些吗。” Elf king: „???” 精灵王:“???” On the other hand, elf Sir king, you will not have detected, enemy who you later must face not only that master.” “话说回来,精灵王大人,你不会还没有察觉到,你之后要面对的敌人不只是那法师一人吧。” In elf king complexion somewhat becomes dark, Loren's opens the mouth again, is to make the body of elf king stagnate, under vision radical sinking, Rance's body had reached the limit, to him will not be the threat, therefore elf king very clear Loren will refer to also has existences of others. 就在精灵王脸色又有些发黑之时,洛伦再次的开口,却是让精灵王的身体一滞,目光彻底的沉下,兰斯的身体已经到了极限,不会对他是威胁,所以精灵王很清楚洛伦所指是还有其他人的存在。 The elf king had not forgotten that dense/woods of all phenomena on earth gaps and omissions, how Caro breaks through his knot not to trigger the counter-attack is confusion in his heart, but currently his in the heart has almost the answer. 精灵王并没有忘记万象之森的缺漏,卡罗如何突破他的结界没有触发反击一直是他心中的困惑,但现在他心中差不多有了答案。 This fellow also has other helpers, moreover that person of the magic of being skilled in the elf...... even can control technique that this type is almost lost.” “这家伙还有其他的帮手,而且那人精通精灵的魔法……甚至可以操控这种几乎失传的术式。” Elf king read/thought and in the heart jumps hence fiercely. 精灵王念及至此心中就是猛地一跳。 He did not think that the moon/month hunting these people have such ability, Elisha and Xueli were controlled by him in the royal palace, not possible in situation that in he not detects with, who then this person can be? 他不觉得月狩的那些人有这样的能力,艾丽莎和雪莉都被他控制在王宫之内,不可能在他毫无察觉的情况下跟过来,那么这个人会是谁? That time, other ghosts survived, moreover is his enemy? 那个时代,难道还有其他的亡魂存活了下来,而且是他的敌人? This fellow......” “这个家伙……” Elf king Shengchu dreaded, that side Caro has not continued to begin, before he returns to the body of Reims, facial expression slightly dignified looks at that side to present Luke. 精灵王生出忌惮,卡罗那边也没有继续动手,他回到兰斯的身前,神情略微凝重的看着那边出现的卢克。 In fact, for these days and Loren's related fight he paid attention, fully realized great strength that this young talent battle qi. 事实上,这几天和洛伦有关的战斗他都有所关注,也深知这个年轻天才斗气的强大。 Moreover the battle qi boundary of opposite party, as if misses only not to treadon into that class with him mostly. 而且对方的斗气境界,似乎和他差不多半只脚踏入那个阶层。 He actually lived......” “他竟然活下来了……” Rance vision twinkle, is somewhat inconceivable, he previously saw Loren's disappearance, but also thinks that the latter has died under that struck. 兰斯目光闪烁,有些不可思议,他先前看到洛伦的消失,还以为后者是早就死在那一击之下。 Initially he detonated these abyss bomb center, Mar bus can escape reluctantly is her strength is special, but how did this fellow achieve? 当初他引爆那些深渊“炸弹”的中心,马尔巴士能够勉强逃出是她的力量特殊,可这个家伙又是怎么做到的? May hear that side later two people dialogue, expression of Caro and Reims simultaneous somewhat strange, because there is a type inexplicably regards the feeling. 可随后听到那边两人的对话,卡罗和兰斯的表情都同时的有些古怪,因为有种莫名的即视感。 Especially Caro...... 特别是卡罗…… He has left behind the news to Loren, therefore knows that Loren has the possibility of rescuing, battle qi that but Loren shows really makes him ascertain airtight. 他给洛伦留下过讯息,所以知道洛伦有来救援的可能,只是洛伦展现的斗气实在让他捉摸不透。 After all, some are extremely exaggerating. 毕竟,有些太过夸张。 Although Loren that boy very seems like a soldier, but again resembles, not possible in short two months starts to contact to mump the legendary peak from zero? 虽然洛伦那小子挺像是个战士的,但再怎么像,也不可能在短短两个月的时间从零开始接触斗气到传奇巅峰吧? Caro read and hence, the state of mind was actually unceasing fluctuating...... 卡罗念及至此,心绪却是不断的起伏起来…… Must really be, what to do? 要真是,怎么办? Oneself lived so many years, lived on the dog? 自己活了这么多年,难道都活到狗身上去了? Moreover two months mump arrive at this boundary, your terribly not simple charm became the god to result in directly, but also made these at sixes and sevens things? 而且两个月斗气就到这个境界,你这么利害咋不干脆魔力直接成神得了,还弄这些乱七八糟的东西? However if this fellow is really that boy, that this goods...... were also basic. 不过如果这家伙真是那小子,那这货……也基本完了。 In the brain flashes through these ideas, the mood that Caro surged, suddenly becomes very complex. 脑中闪过这些想法,卡罗本来激荡的心情,一时间变得无比复杂起来。 We retreat.” “我们撤退吧。” You could not kill that fellow.” “你杀不了那家伙的。” Also was at this time, Rance deeply put out the one breath, saying unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 也是这时,兰斯深深吐出一口气,毫不客气的说道。 Caro gripped tightens the law stick, the eye narrowed the eyes. 卡罗攥紧了法杖,眼睛微眯。 His previous continual magic bombing, is full power making a move, experienced the elf king Guiyi resurrecting strength. 他先前的连续魔法轰炸,都是全力的出手,也见识到了精灵王诡异的复活力量。 Must solve this fellow, indeed cannot eagerly for a while. 要解决这家伙,的确不能急于一时。 And...... 而且…… If his previous guess real, the boy hidden side the elf king, definitely also has his goal. 如果他先前的猜测是真的,那小子隐藏在精灵王身边,肯定也有他的目的。 Kills, is not you decides.” “杀不杀的了,不是你说了算的。” In the heart had the resolution, but Caro's reply actually seems like some is not convinced. 心中有了决断,但卡罗的回复却像是有些不服气。 You first walk.” “你们先走吧。” Idiot, remains again, the fellow will also catch up, this recovery can be his true body.” Rance shouted lowly. “蠢货,再留下去,那家伙也会赶来,这次复苏的会是他的真身。”兰斯低喝道。 Mar bus really did not die! 马尔巴士不是真的死亡! Compares in the threat of elf king, what Rance dreads is Mar bus, because has the strength of demon god, he was clear terrifying that these have. 相较于精灵王的威胁,兰斯更忌惮的是马尔巴士,因为拥有魔神的力量,他才清楚那些存在的恐怖。 Whom little brat your his mother scolded.” Caro gas channel/angrily said: „The excrement that father draws are more than food that you have, but also with you these, leading them to walk.” “小兔崽子你他妈骂谁呢。”卡罗气道:“老子拉的屎比你吃的饭还多,还用你来说这些,带他们走。” Rance expression becomes dark, but has not said anything, his expression changes, because another black robe person appeared in his side at this time. 兰斯表情发黑,可还没说什么,他的表情又是一变,因为这个时候又一个黑袍人出现在他的身边。 Gives me her.” “把她交给我吧。” Then is the gentle female voice resounds in Rance's ear. 然后是轻柔的女声在兰斯的耳边响起。 Rance's shocking raising the head, looks to the form of that black robe, quickly to the previous pair of incomparably gentle vision, under the black robe is the appearance is delicate, and makings elusive human female. 兰斯震惊的抬头,看向那黑袍的身影,很快对上一双无比柔和的目光,黑袍下是容貌清秀且气质空灵的人类女性。 Rance looks at the woman to stare some little time, at this time understands Caro said leads them to walk is what meaning, but thinks that the old man changes the young face suddenly, in his brain cannot help but appears to get a new lease on life four characters. 兰斯看着女人愣了好一会,这时才明白卡罗说的带他们走是什么意思,而想到老头子突然变年轻的面孔,他脑中不由得浮现枯木逢春四个字。 Thanks......” “谢谢……” Some little time, Rance recovers, said dry, suddenly is inexplicable some not to handle, does not seem to know how should face the opposite party. 好一会,兰斯才回过神来,干巴巴的说了一句,一时间莫名有些无措,似乎不知道该怎么面对对方。 The women smile gently, after receiving the tea with milk, another hand holds Reims, Reims from the beginning also some did not adapt, but after feeling within the body really has the elf charm that contains the vitality pours into, Rance's vision somewhat is also confused. 女人只是轻轻笑了笑,接过奶茶后,又一只手抓住了兰斯,兰斯一开始还有些不适应,但在感受到体内竟然有富含生命力的精灵魔力注入后,兰斯的目光又有些迷茫起来。 Tory, you first lead them to prepare the good foothold, I later I will hurry.” Caro shot a look at a sudden honest Rance, cold snort/hum a sound said. “托莉雅,妳先带他们去准备好的据点,我之后我会赶去。”卡罗瞥了一眼突然老实的兰斯,冷哼一声道。 Do not show off ability, Caro.” Holds Liya to exhort said. “不要逞能,卡罗。”托莉雅嘱咐道。 Relax......” Caro smiles: I am only something need to confirm.” “放心吧……”卡罗笑了笑:“我只是有些事情需要验证一下。” The voice falls, Tory brings Rance and tea with milk from disappears same place, is simultaneously, the elf king in distant place shocking looks knot of that tree oneself summoned opened an exit|to speak unexpectedly on own initiative, that exit|to speak vanished fast. 话音落下,托莉雅已经带着兰斯和奶茶从原地消失,也是同时,远处的精灵王震惊的看着自己召唤的树之结界竟是主动打开了一道出口,那出口又飞快消失。 This group of bastards! Really dares unexpectedly!!” “这群混蛋!竟然真的敢!!” This makes elf king nearly ya zi want to crack, his guess real, Caro's side indeed has the remnant party of old time to exist! 这一幕让精灵王近乎睚眦欲裂,他的猜测成真,卡罗的身边的确有旧时代的残党存在! But the opposite party carried off the heart of Saint tree, makes the anger of elf king arrive at the pinnacle. A transaction in good condition, was bothered by these at sixes and sevens human, if the heart of Saint tree were brought to flee from the holy city by these fellows, he does not know that must pay many prices to bring back. 而对方带走了圣树之心,也让精灵王的愤怒到达极致。好端端的一场交易,被这些乱七八糟的人类搅局,若圣树之心被这些家伙带着逃离了圣城,他不知道还要付出多少代价才能取回。 The key really lets departures of these fellows, is representing the exposition of holy city, without the support of Saint tree, the elf king did not feel oneself can resist the impacts of these greedy human armies. 钥匙真让那些家伙的离开,也代表着圣城的暴露,没有圣树的支撑,精灵王不觉得自己能够抵挡那些贪婪人类大军的冲击。 Bang!” “轰!” Elf Wang Sheng blood strength eruption. 精灵王圣血力量爆发。 But he has not run out with enough time, the form appears like the twinkle in his top of the head together. 可他还没来得及冲出,一道身影如同闪烁般出现在他的头顶。 „Does this fellow, dare driving being close unexpectedly?!” “这家伙,竟然敢主动的接近?!” Looks at Caro's flashing before, elf king Tongkong vibrates, but is actually felt later in the law stick of opposite party seems to be uniting an extremely terrifying strength. 看着卡罗的闪现,精灵王瞳孔震动,但随后却是感觉到对方的法杖中似乎凝聚着一种极其恐怖的力量。 What does he want to make?” “他想做什么?” The huge threat feeling sweeps across the whole body, the elf Wang Sheng courage vigor breath fluctuates, forms flake gold red light screen before the body, simultaneously his palm empty grasps, in the palm the blazing light condenses, prepares to counter-attack at any time. 巨大的威胁感席卷全身,精灵王圣血气息浮动,在身前形成一片金红色的光幕,同时他手掌虚握,掌心中炽烈的光凝聚,随时准备反击。 Caro behind, law of several overlay are revolving expansion, the giant celestial chart that probably unfolds, his hand during technique sticks pound downward, huge charm flash distortion space. 卡罗的身后,数道叠加的法阵旋转着展开,像是铺开的巨大星图,他手中法杖向下砸去,庞大的魔力一瞬间扭曲空间。 Elf Sir king, I will give you to create the opportunity!” “精灵王大人,我会给你创造机会!” But at this time, the elf king the sound resounded behind together, in his unbelievable line of sight, Loren figure flashed, actually welcomed Caro on own initiative. 而在这时,精灵王身后一道声音响起,在他难以置信的视线中,洛伦身形一闪,竟然是主动迎上卡罗。 The palm of youngster grasps to Caro, latter's body was hidden in the space of overlay, body penetration of his palm from Caro. 少年的手掌抓向卡罗,不过后者的身体被隐藏在了叠加的空间之中,他的手掌从卡罗的身体穿透。 The elf king has not cared about Loren's attack unfavorable situation, but locks Loren and Caro body stubbornly interlocks the process of penetration, he is very clear, Loren and Caro's body completely , when is Caro is separated from in -depth space, that also lets his best counter-attack time! 精灵王并没有在意洛伦的攻击失利,只是死死锁定洛伦和卡罗身体交错穿透的过程,他很清楚,洛伦和卡罗的身体完全穿过之后,就是卡罗脱离深层空间之时,那也是让他最佳的反击时机! This fellow...... has not affected completely.” “这个家伙……也不是完全没有作用啊。” .. 。。 Starts the compensatory leave surface knight, discovered that the Heavenly Dao main corporation is the real show, compared small clear(ly), I quite liked the Heavenly Dao the attire compelling. 开始补假面骑士,发现天道总司是真的骚,相比小明,我还是比较喜欢天道的装逼。
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