MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#95: Caro tall light

The Caro within the body charm fluctuates inflates unceasingly, in space that at this moment twists, the world as if starts to incline. 卡罗体内魔力波动不断膨胀,这一刻扭曲的空间中,天地仿佛开始倾斜。 Bang the loud sound floods the entire space, the wild charm sweeps across everywhere, Caro stands in merely same place, but feels actually seems like his strength to fill this trim region, imposing manner vast......, and is unable to prevent. “轰隆”的巨响充斥整个空间,狂暴的魔力四处席卷,卡罗仅仅是站在原地,可是给人的感觉却像是他的力量在填充这一整片区域,气势浩瀚……且无法阻挡。 What strength is this?!” “这是什么力量?!” Elf king scalp tingles, within the body holy blood non-stop fleeing, fuses together loudly, pours into the powerful strength to pour into his body. 精灵王头皮发麻,体内圣血不停窜动,轰然融为一体,灌注强大的力量注入他的身体。 Only human...... can also break that shackles, enters the class of god?” “区区一个人类……也能打破那桎梏,进入神的阶层?” The elf king cannot believe. 精灵王不敢相信。 The strength that but Caro displays at present, makes him have to believe that this human has touched god throne, even if has not strided in thoroughly, at least still half feet make great strides forward. 可眼前卡罗展现的力量,却让他不得不相信这人类已经触摸到了神座,就算没有彻底跨入,至少也有半只脚迈进。 But Rance is looks that on Caro that shocks rushes the charm fluctuation that gushes out. 而兰斯更是震撼的看着卡罗身上澎湃涌出的魔力波动。 He has thought Caro has died in the vestige, has not thought completely Caro will appear in this case, the life and charm restored not to say to the peak, even has also broken through probably. 他一直以为卡罗已经死在遗迹,完全没有想到卡罗会在这种情况下出现,生命和魔力都恢复至巅峰不说,甚至好像还有所突破。 If my time can be much at that time.” “如果那个时候我的时间能够再多一些。” Caro has not cared about the complexion that the elf king changes, he looks up this twisted space, the vision is cold. 卡罗并没有在意精灵王变化的脸色,他抬头看着这被扭曲的空间,目光冷冽。 Eventually this strength, to him, comes was too later. 这力量,对他而言,终究还是来的太晚了一些。 Is only human, how even grasps this strength?!” “不过只是人类,就算掌握这力量又如何?!” May at this time, in elf king Yan erupt the cold light, holds time that Caro mind exposes weaknesses, acts outrageously! 可在这时,精灵王眼中爆发冷光,抓住卡罗心神露出破绽的时机,悍然出手! Caro's boundary indeed makes him surprised, but also merely surprised! 卡罗的境界的确让他惊讶,但也仅仅只是惊讶! The past time, the elf king what opponent has not seen, even if strongest Bailey will not make him truly desperate at that time. 过去的时代,精灵王什么样的对手没见过,就算是那个时候最强的贝莉尔都不会让他真正绝望。 Furthermore the layout ten thousand years, that long time have also been waiting for the opportunity by the seal, person who the elf king can it be that is so also easy to give up, he uses the demon empathize and moon/month hunts to consume other person of cards in a hand, oneself save the strength, is was not at this time, his strength, suppresses the final support of all accidents! 再者布局万年,被封印了那么长的时间也一直在等待机会,精灵王又岂是那么容易放弃的人,他利用魔神会和月狩消耗其他人底牌,自己积蓄力量,不也是等的就是这种时候,他自身的力量,就是压制一切变故的最后保障! The holy blood complete fusion, the elf king mortal body condenses, battle qi of boiling like fire of combustion Sun, condenses the sword in the elf king hand, the thorn to Caro. 圣血完全的融合,精灵王肉身凝聚,沸腾的斗气如同太阳之火燃烧,在精灵王手中凝聚成剑,刺向卡罗。 god throne presently, Caro's charm is not then able to transform completely, this and his present condition is also similar, the elf Wang Sheng blood strength can help him maintain the mortal body, even communicates the strength of this world to hold, is short is also the irrigation of Saint tree strength, his soul and holy blood physical body thorough union, then uses the Saint tree to break open the boundary shackles directly, inspires to high god throne directly arrives. 神座未现,卡罗的魔力便无法完全蜕变,这和他现在的状况也差不多,精灵王圣血的力量可以帮他维系肉身,甚至沟通这个世界的力量进行加持,所欠缺的也不过是圣树力量的灌注,将他的灵魂和圣血肉体彻底的结合,然后动用圣树直接破开境界的桎梏,直接引动至高神座降临。 The scalding hot sword light flashes to pass in the distortion space, but that sword light punctures before the Caro body, actually fell into an invisible barrier, that sword light submerges in the barrier, like entered the huge mirror surface by the seal, was reduced the complete plane from the three-dimensional shape! 灼热的剑光在扭曲空间一闪而逝,可是那剑光刺到卡罗身前,却是落入了一层无形的屏障,那剑光没入屏障中,如同被封印入巨大的镜面,从立体的形态被压缩成完全的平面! That sword light splits the innumerable tiny golden sword light to sway in the mirror surface barrier unceasingly, however dashes in any event, is unable to break through the strange plane, the elf king shocking looks a sword that oneself puncture by that barrier complete embezzling. 那剑光分裂成无数细小金色剑光在镜面屏障中不断攒动,然而无论如何冲撞,都无法突破了诡异的平面,精灵王震惊的看着自己刺出的一剑被那屏障完全的吞没。 You said right, I indeed am only a human.” “你说的没错,我的确只是个人类。” But...... human how?” “但是……人类又怎么样?” „Couldn't human, kill you?” Caro opens the mouth indifferently, law stick light point ground, before his body , the mirror surface space is suddenly stave, the elf king detected that the crisis retrocedes rapidly, the speed that but in that mirror surface space a shadow runs out is faster than him! “人类,就杀不了你?”卡罗漠然开口,法杖轻点脚下地面,他身前镜面空间忽然破碎,精灵王察觉到危机飞速后退,可那镜面空间中一道黑影冲出的速度比他更快! That is one with his exactly the same human form, after that innumerable golden sword light/only follows that human form is running out , the fusion is a long sword falls into his hand, that human form follows close on a sword to puncture, the sword incurs the incomparable exquisiteness, the sword light of eruption fuses together, duplicates the strength that he previously that struck completely, or must be stronger! 那是一个和他一模一样的人形,那无数金色剑光跟随着那人形冲出后就融合为一柄长剑落入他的手中,那人形紧跟着一剑刺出,剑招无比的精妙,爆发的剑光融为一体,完全复制了他先前那一击的力量,或者说还要更强! Time that because this sword cuts, elf king by complete locking, even his space in unceasing inflation, he how, regardless to dodge, seems bogging down same place! 因为这一剑斩出的时候,精灵王被完全的锁定,甚至他身边的空间在不断的膨胀,他无论怎么闪避,都仿佛在原地停滞不前! The strength of that sword seems to be towing him to hit toward the sword light. 那一剑的力量似乎在牵引着他向着剑光撞去。 Bastard!” “混蛋!” Elf king cursed angrily one. 精灵王怒骂一句。 This human space the attainments incomparable profoundness of magic. 这个人类空间的魔法的造诣无比的高深。 But this strange exquisite magic, was he had not then seen in the past. 而这诡异精妙的魔法,便是他过去也未曾见过。 In fact this is also Caro studies diligently the space magic unceasingly, powerful magic arts that oneself develop, but past he, because the limit of age also has to the drop of charm control strength, lets many exquisite magics that he cannot abandon itself to grasp. 事实上这也是卡罗不断钻研空间魔法,自己开发出的强大法术,只是过去的他因为年龄的限制还有对魔力操控力的下降,让他不得以抛弃了自己掌握的很多精妙魔法。 But he returns to the youth now, the use of space magic, then no longer limits to the pure destructive power, naturally, even if destroys the nature similarly the magic, present he uses, the might still in several scales compared with past. 可现在他重返青春,空间魔法的使用,便不再局限于单纯的破坏力,当然,就算同样是破坏性质的魔法,现在的他来使用,威力也要比过去强上数个档次。 Present he, is true most flourishing, is similar to that segment once recorded legend. 现在的他,才是真正的全盛,也正如同那段曾经被记录的传奇。 Bang a sword that the sword light and elf king of eruption display again collides in together, the impact center that raises, the form of elf king flies upside down backward. “嘭”的一声,爆发的剑光和精灵王再次施展出的一剑碰撞在一起,掀起的冲击中心,精灵王的身影向后倒飞。 A transparent barrier that but in a while, the elf king hits, the great strength that the back transmits makes him cough fiercely together the golden red courage vigor, within the body the holy blood of fusion also encountered the sharp shake, almost from condition separation of fusion. 可是没过多久,精灵王就撞到的一层透明屏障,背后传来的巨力让他猛地咳出一道金红色的血气,体内的融合的圣血也遭遇了剧烈的震荡,差点从融合的状态分离。 Caro tranquil takes forward one step, spans layer upon layer the space instantaneously, appears in a elf king Shenqian less than several meters distance, the law stick turns toward ground 1 points again. 卡罗平静的向前迈出一步,瞬间跨越层层空间,出现在精灵王身前不到数米的距离,法杖再度向着地上一点。 The ripples of proliferation mix the space of distortion again, the elf king are extruded by a terrifying strength stubbornly on behind the transparent wall, the four limbs launch, nearly by complete deadlocking, is simultaneously, his vision looked to Caro fills killed intent, body golden battle qi gushed out crazily, as if the body was also wrapped by Sun, the blazing temperature seemed like must burn through the space. 扩散的涟漪再次搅动着扭曲的空间,精灵王被一股恐怖的力量死死挤压在身后透明的墙壁上,四肢展开,近乎被完全的锁死,可是同时,他的目光望向卡罗充满了杀意,身上金色的斗气疯狂涌出,仿佛身体也被太阳包裹,炽热的温度像是要烧穿空间。 Caro another hand lifts grasps lightly, the elf king behind space barrier of towering is curving, unceasing collapsing, a plane by the unceasing curving compression, was formed a tremendous sphere space probably. 卡罗另一只手抬起轻握,精灵王身后的空间屏障突兀的弯曲起来,不断的坍缩,像是一个平面被不断的弯曲压缩,形成一个巨大的球形空间。 With the eruption of Caro charm, that spheroid by unceasing compression, but was wrapped also to feel that in the elf king of that space ball terrifying crisis, the body that he feels in the gradual distortion, as if must be compressed with the reduction of that spheroid to a minimum point. 随着卡罗魔力的爆发,那球体被不断的压缩,而被包裹在那空间球的精灵王也感觉到了恐怖的危机,他感觉的身体在逐渐的扭曲,仿佛要随着那球体的缩小被压缩到一个极小的点。 In the process of compression, the spheroid of that space flooded the unstable energy, as if must erupt and be disillusioned momentarily! 在压缩的过程中,那空间的球体更是充斥了不稳定的能量,仿佛随时都要爆发、破灭! „.” “咔嚓。” Finally, compresses presents together the fissure to the space ball of marble size, but was stranded the elf king body in that space ball also same was torn together the fissure. 最终,压缩到弹珠大小的空间球出现一道裂痕,而被困在那空间球中的精灵王身体也同样的被撕扯出一道裂痕。 However this together fissure, merely is the start of collapse. 不过这一道裂痕,仅仅是崩溃的开始。 As Caro's law stick peak knocks above that space spheroid, full is the space ball of fissure is reduced a flat circle suddenly again, the small-scale circle thorough disintegration, only saw that a giant gas ring is released toward the front, as if pricks the person soul the wailing with bursting out the air wave sweeps across toward all around, tears various sharp wounds in the ground. 随着卡罗的法杖顶端敲在那空间球体之上,满是裂痕的空间球突然再次被压缩成一个扁平的圆,小型的圆彻底的崩碎,只看到一道巨大的气环向着前方推出,仿佛刺入人灵魂的尖啸随着迸发的气浪向着四周席卷,在地面撕裂出各种尖锐的伤口。 After that impact vanishes, originally was stranded in the elf king of space ball has vanished does not see. 而在那冲击消失后,本来被困在空间球的精灵王已经消失不见。 May after several seconds, in the shatter ground be condensed the figure by the elf king who killing dies, the golden red courage vigor also as if appears from void, integrated his within the body again, but the complexion of elf king is seems somewhat pale, although he has Protection The asylum cannot really die, but the killed experience is real, if were killed repeatedly, he will have risk that enters the deep sleep. 可在数秒过后,被“杀”死的精灵王在破碎的地面重新凝聚了身形,金红色的血气也仿佛从虚空中浮现,重新的融入了他的体内,而精灵王的脸色则是显得有些苍白,虽然他有【守护】庇护不会真的死去,但是被杀的体验却是真实的,而且若是被杀死多次,他也会有进入沉睡的风险。 But he just a appearance, Caro was the expression desolate knocked the law stick again, the tilted world started to revolve, but the body of elf king unexpectedly was uncontrolled departure, formed a huge vortex in his space of top of the head distortion, must swallow to strangle to death him. 而他刚一出现,卡罗便是表情冷淡的再次敲动法杖,倾覆的天地开始旋转,而精灵王的身体竟是不受控制的飞出,在他的头顶扭曲的空间形成了一个巨大的漩涡,要将他吞噬绞杀。 But previously the strength that tried that space to be shattered, how the elf king readily will make Caro control again, the strength of holy blood from his within the body stimulation, inspired the strength of the world to shelter itself, resisted the guidance of Caro strength unexpectedly suddenly directly. 可是先前才尝试过那空间破灭的力量,精灵王又怎么会再轻易让卡罗控制住,圣血的力量从他的体内激发,引动外界天地的力量庇护自身,竟然是一时间直接抵挡住了卡罗力量的引导。 His body works loose dragging of space vortex to entrain, departs outward, kills directly to Caro. 他的身体挣脱空间漩涡的拖拽,向外飞出,直接杀向卡罗。 Also is simultaneously, the elf king took out a golden bugle backhandedly, moves in the mouth, Caro's body previous golden light halo opens, in that light halo, incomparably flaming golden light beam bang shoots together. 也是同时,精灵王反手取出了一根金色的号角,在口中吹动,卡罗的身前一个金色的光圈打开,紧接着在那光圈中,一道无比炽盛的金色光束轰射而出。 A Caro stick forward finger/refers, before the body , the space ripples the ripple, that beam in that mirror surface space, part was only absorbed, part scattered in all directions the refraction, falls cuts the giant opening in the ground directly, part is penetrating that space little, advances toward Caro. 卡罗法杖向前一指,身前空间荡漾出波纹,那光束射在那镜面空间上,一部分被吸收,一部分被四散折射,落在地面上直接切割出巨大的裂口,还有一部分则是一点点在穿透那空间,向着卡罗推进。 But when Caro resists that light beam, before the elf king also instantaneously approaches the body of Caro, sneers, a fist rumbles, the golden ray also erupts from his fist. 可在卡罗抵挡那光束的时候,精灵王也瞬间逼近卡罗的身前,冷笑一下,一拳轰出,金色的光芒也从他的拳头中爆发。 Caro turns a blind eye to his attack probably, withdraws backward one step, these step as if contracted another space the body, the elf king vision flashed, the holy blood fluctuated, with penetration space, but he penetrated a space every time, Caro also approaches in the space of level to go a step further. 卡罗对他的攻击像是视若不见,向后退出一步,这一步仿佛将身体收缩到了另一层空间,精灵王目光一闪,圣血波动,跟着穿透空间,而他每穿透一层空间,卡罗也向更里层的空间更进一步。 His fist almost pasted on Caro's face, but among two people the distance actually seemed like like the natural moat. 他的拳头几乎贴在了卡罗的脸上,可两人之间的距离却像是如同天堑。 „”. “啪”的一声。 Outside mirror surface space disruption, the golden light beam dissipation, Caro extracts the energy, the law stick wields forward, this time has not retroceded again, collides with the fist of elf king together. 外面镜面空间碎裂,金色的光束消散,卡罗重新抽出精力,法杖向前一挥,这次没再后退,和精灵王的一拳碰撞在一起。 Meanwhile, space that layer upon layer two people penetrate starts the disintegration suddenly, the expression of elf king changes again, but the strength flash of space disintegration inclines, flies backward the body bang of elf king. 于此同时,两人穿透的层层空间突然之间开始崩碎,精灵王的表情再次变化,可是紧接着空间崩碎的力量一瞬间倾斜而出,将精灵王的身体向后轰飞出去。 His body golden light sparkle is then disillusioned layer upon layer, after innumerable protects the shield to be stave, the body of elf king in the ground plow has together the deep gully, finally hits in dense/woods of edge that all phenomena on earth oneself constructed, seemed to be hard to move in the big tree by the card. 他的身体一层层金光闪耀然后破灭,无数层护盾破碎后,精灵王的身体在地面犁出一道深深的沟壑,最终撞在了自身构造的万象之森边缘,被卡在大树之中似乎难以动弹。 But looks that old person is close again, the corner of the eye of elf king pulled out pulling out, finally cannot bear the anger exclaim: 而看着那老人再次接近,精灵王的眼角抽了抽,最终是忍不住怒吼道: „Hasn't Luke, acted?” “卢克,还不出手?” The words fall, the side youngster appears, but on the arm of black hair youngster hit the bandage even also to entangle the plank unexpectedly, he called, youngster with hitting the palm of bandage is giving another hand also to entangle the bandage, while said sluggishly: 话落,旁边少年出现,不过黑发少年的一只手臂上竟然打着绷带甚至还缠上了木板,被他叫出来的时候,少年一边用打着绷带的手掌在给另一只手也缠着绷带,一边慢吞吞道: Elf Sir king, a war, I was seriously battered, to act a moment ago deeply again, feared that is beyond one's reach.” “精灵王大人,刚才一战,我深受重创,再出手,怕是力有未逮。” Elf king: „?????” 精灵王:“?????” .. 。。
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