MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#94: Father and son

... 。。。 Who is this fellow?” “这家伙是谁?” Elf king Muguang is astonished, has not expected completely will also present such extra accident at this time. 精灵王目光惊愕不解,完全没料到这种时候还会出现这样额外的变故。 Moreover in his hand the long sword attaches the holy blood the strength to prick that matter space, actually obviously felt the huge resistivity, the opposite party in the space magic class attainments very powerful. 而且他手中长剑附着圣血的力量刺入那层空间,竟然明显的感觉了巨大的抵抗力,对方在空间魔法类的造诣十分的强大。 Rance does not understand that had anything, but the offensive of elf king is blocked, this to him is the best opportunity. 兰斯也不明白发生了什么,但是精灵王的攻势受阻,这对他而言就是最好的机会。 He has not continued to communicate the strength under abyss, when Mar bus also diverts attention erupted to mump, shakes these to control own black fine lace. 他没有继续沟通深渊之下的力量,只是在马尔巴士同样分心的时候爆发斗气,震断了那些控制自己的黑色细线。 The next second, Rance pounds down in view of that fist of Mar bus. 下一秒,兰斯针对马尔巴士的那一拳砸下。 Bang!” “轰!” Thunders cannot withstand shatter bursting out of impact with the ground, gushes out also has jet black battle qi of galloping. 轰鸣随着地面不堪冲击的破碎迸发,紧接着涌出还有奔腾的漆黑斗气。 The strength of Rance this fist does not keep the ample force, a fist pounds on the head of Mar bus, only saw that the innumerable giant cracks spread toward all around, but also unceasingly sparkle black ray from that crack. 兰斯这一拳的力量丝毫不留余力,一拳砸在马尔巴士的脑袋上,只看到无数巨大的裂纹向着四周扩散,而从那裂缝中还不断闪耀黑色的光芒。 The form of Mar bus twists in black light of eruption, breaks up. 马尔巴士的身影在爆发的黑光中扭曲,崩解。 But she looks that Rance's vision actually becomes the incomparable tranquility. 可她看着兰斯的目光却变得无比的平静。 Rance, you should not choose the betrayal, the person who the choice abandons the demon god, never has the good end.” “兰斯,你不该选择背叛的,选择背弃魔神的人,从来没有好下场。” The Mar bus spooky sound resounds. 马尔巴士幽幽的声音响起。 Very pitifully.” “很可惜。” Rance holds her head indifferently, the blackness in hand battle qi saves again: So long as can rescue them, what kind of fate I never care about myself to be.” 兰斯漠然的抓住她的脑袋,手中的漆黑斗气再次积蓄:“只要能救回她们,我从来不在乎自己会是怎样的下场。” The words fall, wild battle qi bursts out again, grinds the head of Mar bus directly. 话语落下,狂暴的斗气再次迸发,将马尔巴士的脑袋直接碾碎。 When the body explodes broken, Mar bus also at chuckle: Right...... that you escape diligently, before my main body regains consciousness thoroughly, escapes the farther the better, then enjoys your few time heartily, I think that you will not anticipate our next meets is too quick.” 然而在身体爆碎的时候,马尔巴士还在轻笑:“是吗……那你就努力逃跑吧,在我的主体彻底苏醒之前,逃得越远越好,然后尽情享受你为数不多的时光吧,我想你不会期待我们下次的见面来的太快的。” In Rance eyes flashes through together the cold light, may after that darkness twists, the lifting hand suddenly, held down cut from side to own long sword, then the sword light of eruption drove back him backward. 兰斯眼中闪过一道冷光,可在那黑暗扭曲后,忽然的抬手,按住了从旁边斩向自己的长剑,而后爆发的剑光将他向后逼退。 The elf king looks at Rance to avoid the sword light, cold sound opens the mouth: Hands over the heart of Saint tree.” 精灵王看着兰斯避开剑光,冷声开口:“交出圣树之心。” Speech time, in the elf king hand takes out a dead wood scepter, inserts in the ground directly! 说话的时候,精灵王手中取出一根枯木权杖,直接插在地上! Buzz!” “嗡!” Rich life aura eruption. 浓郁的生命气息爆发。 Elf king although cannot fuse the strength of Saint tree, but swallowed him of most holy blood also to have the good strength, let alone, he also recycled the rare treasure that oneself past stored up at this time. 精灵王虽然没能融合圣树的力量,但吞噬了大半圣血的他也已经拥有不俗的战力,更何况,他此时还回收了自己过去储存的秘宝。 This scepter rare treasure, solidifies Elisha had previously used the taboo magic, the dense/woods of all phenomena on earth. 这权杖秘宝,就固化了先前艾丽莎使用过的禁忌魔法,万象之森。 The number of times that although can use is limited, but for the heart of Saint tree, the elf king is also liberal with the loss of rare treasure, after all compared with these precious items, after fusing the Saint tree , the permanent strength is he most important taking advantage. 虽然能够使用的次数有限,但是为了圣树之心,精灵王也不吝秘宝的损耗,毕竟比起这些珍贵的道具,融合圣树后永久的力量才是他最重要的依仗。 Mar bus was repulsed instead is a good deed, elf king very clear Reims consumed massive strengths and cards in a hand to him, this was he recaptures the best time of heart of Saint tree. 马尔巴士败退对他而言反而是件好事,精灵王很清楚兰斯消耗了大量的力量和底牌,这是他夺回圣树之心的最佳时机。 At this time makes him dread that also presents the strange master in battlefield edge suddenly. 此时让他忌惮的,也就是忽然出现在战场边缘的奇怪法师。 He does not know the goal of opposite party, but this does not hinder him first to use to tie, isolates the battlefield. 他不知道对方的目的,可这并不妨碍他第一时间动用结界,隔绝战场。 Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” Almost is in a flash, the innumerable lofty trees grow, form huge knot to block Rance, but this knot also has the isolation space strength. 几乎是转瞬之间,无数参天大树生长,形成巨大的结界将兰斯封锁,而这结界也有着隔绝空间的力量。 Rance look is indifferent, raises head to look at the elf king of float in midair, did not say a word, brought the tea with milk to retreat directly backward, wants from tying breaks through. 兰斯眼神冷漠,仰头望着漂浮在半空的精灵王,一言不发,直接带着奶茶向后退去,想要从结界中突围。 Fellow who another does not attend to stupidly.” Elf king Dandan said. “又一个冥顽不顾的家伙么。”精灵王淡淡道。 The next second, the figure of elf king from vanishes same place. 下一秒,精灵王的身形从原地消失。 Rance retrocedes lifts the hand such as the whip to sweep swiftly fiercely to being sideways, appears there by chance one person's shadow, just holds the arm that he swept. 兰斯后退的时候倏然抬手如鞭猛地扫向侧身,在那里恰巧一个人影出现,却是刚好抓住了他扫来的手臂。 Bang!” “嘭!” The wild fresh breeze has swept, the elf king holds down Rance's palm to cover a golden red ray, the aura incomparable richness of his holy blood, shines on him really has the Spiritual God mystical. 狂暴的劲风扫过,精灵王按住兰斯的手掌覆盖着一层金红色的光芒,他的身上圣血的气息无比的浓郁,映照在他身上竟然有种神灵的神异。 „...... Human, you do not know very much pitifully, you are facing anything!” “很可惜……人类,你根本不知道,你在面对什么!” Nearly most flourishing elf king Liliang erupts, his body, as if blooms the radiant sunlight, the innumerable gold/metal pigment figures wind also appear his another lifting arm, making on his fist also as if package blazingly like the solar flame. 近乎全盛的精灵王力量爆发,他的身上,仿佛绽放璀璨的日光,无数金色纹络随之浮现他另一只抬起的手臂,让他的拳头上也仿佛包裹起炽热如太阳般的火焰。 Meanwhile, Rance's pupil inspires slightly, the body also boils the jet black abyss to mump again, welcomes the fist of elf king to pound. 于此同时,兰斯的瞳孔微微一振,身上也再次沸腾起漆黑深渊斗气,迎着精灵王的拳头砸去。 In a flash, takes two people as the boundary, the jet black and golden battle qi ray collides loudly together. 一瞬间,以两人为界限,漆黑和金色的斗气光芒轰然碰撞在一起。 But finally, jet black battle qi was shattered. 可最终,漆黑的斗气还是破碎。 Rance protects the tea with milk to be pounded to fly backward, the both feet stepped on into the ground to stop drew back the potential, but at this time, the form of elf king flashed before again, a foot trampled to rumble. 兰斯护着奶茶被向后砸飞,双脚踩入地面止住了退势,可这时,精灵王的身影再度闪现,一脚直踹轰出。 Thump!” “咚!” This time Rance only resists with enough time, may after the impact erupts, his body departed like the shell backward, pounds to put on several giant ancient wood to stop finally, but he drew the tea with milk to crawl, all around Rance discovered by the thick vine package, moreover these vines same have twined to him like the flexible python. 这次兰斯只来得及抵挡,可在冲击爆发后,他的身体如同炮弹般向后飞出,砸穿了几棵巨大的古木才终于停下,不过他才拉着奶茶爬起,兰斯就发现四周又被粗大的藤蔓包裹,而且那些藤蔓已经如同灵活的巨蟒一样向他缠绕而来。 Damn......” “该死……” Rance is cold the face to step on the ground fiercely, as cracks spread, battle qi of abyss embezzles all around loudly. 兰斯冷着脸猛地一踩地面,随着一圈圈裂纹扩散,深渊的斗气轰然吞没四周。 His battle qi can also use, but Rance had felt that oneself body transmits the intermittent ache, that is the physical body quickly to the feedback of limit, looked at one to be protected by oneself in the bosom young girl, Rance's expression became gloomy, the previous tea with milk kept off after him that struck received the heavy injury, then under several times of impacts, almost stupor in the past. 他的斗气还能使用,可是兰斯已经感觉到自己的身体传来阵阵疼痛,那是肉体快到极限的反馈,看了一眼被自己护在怀里的少女,兰斯的表情变得更加的阴沉,先前奶茶为他挡了那一击后就受了不轻的伤势,然后在数次的冲击下,几乎昏迷了过去。 Young girls in stupor, held his clothes stubbornly, seems like worried oneself were abandoned. 少女在昏迷的时候,还是死死抓住了他的衣服,似乎是担心自己被抛弃掉。 After Rance is slightly silent, grasped the palm of young girl, on the face actually showed the somewhat complex smile. 兰斯略微的沉默后,也抓紧了少女的手掌,脸上却是露出了有些复杂的笑容。 He this/should was also protecting Elisha's growth like this. 他本来也该是这样守护着艾丽莎的成长的。 However Elisha has the danger several times time, he cannot protect in her side. 然而几次艾丽莎有危险的时候,他都不能守护在她的身边。 Is looking at the tea with milk somewhat painful expression, Rance's vision becomes strengthens. 望着奶茶有些痛苦的表情,兰斯的目光变得更加的坚定起来。 Bang!” “轰!” The abyss that all around combustion surges battle qi by the towering breakthrough. 四周燃烧般涌起的深渊斗气被突兀的突破。 The elf king breaks through flashing before that the abyss battle qi, in the hand as if burns the long sword of fire of Sun toward the Reims overhead to cut, latter vision one cold, the abyss battle qi in the hand condenses the growth spear pierces to leave. 精灵王突破深渊斗气的闪现,手中仿佛燃着太阳之火的长剑向着兰斯当头斩下,后者目光一凛,深渊斗气在手中凝聚成长枪刺出。 The spear/gun sword balances, among two people was torn a huge crevice again, Rance's footsteps retreat, but grasped the arm of long spear/gun is being similar to inflates unexpectedly, the abyss battle qi crazy falling in torrents. 枪剑相抵,两人之间再次被撕裂出一道巨大的裂隙,兰斯的脚步后退,而握着长枪的手臂竟如同膨胀了一圈,深渊斗气疯狂的倾泻。 Rance another hand is holding the tea with milk, with the fight of elf king, he must branch out the strength to look after the tea with milk, latter's attack does not have scruples, because the goal of elf king is to kill the tea with milk, writes off living variable that the heart of Saint tree probably brings. 兰斯另一只手抱着奶茶,和精灵王的战斗中,他还要分出力量来照顾奶茶,后者的攻击则是毫不顾忌,因为精灵王的目标就是杀死奶茶,抹杀活着的圣树之心可能带来的变数。 Strength unceasing collision counter-balance of both sides, Rance's arm gradually is cracking the wound, has reached the limit the physical body already in the brink of collapse, but the expression on his face even more ice-cold. 双方的力量不断的碰撞抵消,兰斯的手臂在逐渐崩裂出伤口,已经到极限的肉体已经在崩溃的边缘,可他脸上的表情愈发的冰冷。 Merely several seconds, Rance's half body leached blood is incarnadine. 仅仅数秒的时间,兰斯的半边身体就被浸出的鲜血染红。 Elf king Wang this is revealing some ridicules. 精灵王望着这一幕露出些许的嘲弄。 Only then this degree.” “就只有这种程度了吗。” Then, a sound resounds. 然后,一个声音响起。 However said these words was not the elf king. 不过说出这句话的并非是精灵王。 Rance hears word one startled, subconscious looks in the direction of sound. 兰斯闻言一惊,下意识的向着声音的方向看去。 In his side, wears the master of mask is almost the emergence of no indication, lifts the law stick, punctures toward the spear/gun sword that two people balance. 在他的身边,戴着面具的法师几乎是毫无征兆的出现,抬起法杖,向着两人相抵的枪剑刺去。 bo......” “啵……” Two people attack the center that collides, bursts out the terrifying suddenly the strength, on the long sword and long spear/gun crack an cuns (2.5 cm) fissure! 两人攻击碰撞的中心,骤然迸发出恐怖的力量,长剑和长枪上崩裂出寸寸裂痕! The complexion of elf king changes, the next quarter, the impact of strength by the direct detonation, the air wave same was turned toward all around to lay out like the difficult situation, was involved in elf king body backing up in cannot help but impact. 精灵王的脸色一变,下一刻,力量的冲击被直接的引爆,气浪如同惊涛骇浪一样向着四周拍出,被卷入冲击中的精灵王身体不由自主的倒退。 But that impact hits to Reims time, was blocked by a transparent barrier, hits starts ripples above, finally was embezzled slowly vanishes. 可是那冲击撞向兰斯的时候,又被一层透明的屏障挡住,撞在上面掀起一道道涟漪,最后缓缓被吞没消失。 Elf king somewhat cannot believe looks at that master, does not know that the opposite party is knot how to break through itself to arrange quietly enters, he had not clearly felt that knot of tree encountered any attack. 精灵王有些不敢相信的看着那法师,不知道对方是如何悄无声息的突破了自己布置的结界进入,他分明没有感觉到树之结界遭到任何的攻击。 „Who are you?” “你是什么人?” Rance is protecting the tea with milk, then vigilant looks to this unidentified strange master, he recognizes this fellow is also the adventurer who Mar bus draws on, although was rescued one time, but he cannot think reason that any opposite party makes a move to help. 兰斯护着奶茶,则是警惕的看向这身份不明的诡异法师,他认出这家伙也是马尔巴士招来的冒险者,虽然又被救了一次,但是他想不到任何对方出手帮忙的理由。 I am your father.” Young master light opens the mouth. “我是你爹。”年轻法师淡淡开口。 You......” “你……” Rance's vision flash becomes the violent anger, a father is your grandfather almost blurted out. 兰斯的目光一瞬间变得暴怒,一句老子还是你爷爷呢差点脱口而出。 But, his words stopped, because of this time, the light master took off own mask that year slowly, reveals a Rance incomparably familiar face. 可紧接着,他的话语又止住了,因为这个时候,那年轻法师慢慢摘下了自己的面具,露出一张兰斯无比熟悉的面孔。 Rance's expression detention, the lip speaks haltingly, is looking at that master, actually could not speak suddenly. 兰斯的表情滞涩,嘴唇嗫嚅,望着那法师,竟然一时间说不出话来。 I have wanted you to study my magic, is you from the young rebel, is never willing to bear the temper to study with me.” Young master saying in a soft voice. “我一直想要你学习我的魔法,可是你从小叛逆,从来不愿意耐着性子跟我学习。”年轻的法师轻声的说道。 You only believe that your fist, thought the master is extremely spiritless, but today, is quite attractive, you gave up anything in the past.” “你只相信自己的拳头,觉得法师太过懦弱,不过今天,好好看吧,你过去到底放弃了什么。” His cold sound is saying, before crossing Rance to arrive at his body . 他冷声的说着,越过兰斯走到了他的身前。 Caro passed by side Reims time, the eye is actually closing slowly, suddenly has a sadness from the heart. 卡罗路过兰斯身边的时候,眼睛却是缓缓的闭上,突然有种发自内心的悲伤。 At that time. 那个时候。 Rance...... has been waiting for him, before standing his body . 兰斯……一直是在等着他,站到他的身前吧。 Therefore, on that day, he to his thorough disappointment. 于是,那天过后,他对他彻底的失望。 State of mind unceasing surging, on Caro law robe stirs simultaneously, the huge charm aura disperses from his within the body, this flash, knot of entire tree starts to twist, the space overlaps layer upon layer, as if even the ground becomes interlocks the distortion. 心绪不断的激荡,同时卡罗身上的法袍鼓荡,庞大的魔力气息自他体内散开,这一瞬间,整个树之结界开始扭曲,空间层层交叠,仿佛连地面都变得交错扭曲。 Caro opens the eye, looks to that side shocking elf king, the dim light in pupil becomes the incomparable profoundness. 卡罗重新睁开眼睛,望向那边震惊的精灵王,瞳孔中的幽光变得无比的深邃。 As human, would own spiritless, no matter cultivates the charm to mump is so.” “身为人类,总会有自己的懦弱,不管是修炼魔力还是斗气皆是如此。” But as the father, then must know that...... before vision of these anticipations, oneself must be indestructible.” “但是身为父亲,便要知道……在那些期待的目光之前,自己必须是坚不可摧的。” .. 。。 The room, really the intent difficult draw, after to looking at the interview of CCTV, was more uncomfortable. 屋子倒了,真的意难平,看了央视的采访后更难受了。 . 嘛。 Perhaps this is the reality, the perfect period corresponds to the story, but the real life, it is very real, will therefore not be perfect. 或许这就是现实吧,完美的句号对应于故事,可真实的人生,它很真实,所以不会太完美。
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