MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#93: It is expected that outside two people

The manor battlefield, the war is more intense. 庄园战场,战局更加激烈。 Two shadow conceals collect in another space, probably is away from transparent glass, looks at that side to be Rance's fight silently. 两道黑影藏敛在另一层空间,像是隔着一层透明的玻璃,默默看着那边属于兰斯的战斗。 Under that unusual technique -type hidden, the attention is noticed their existence by the people who the fight center involves completely completely, but in fact...... also no one can think probably, at this time, will also have other influence hidden here. 在那奇特术式的隐藏下,注意力完全被战斗中心牵扯的众人完全没有注意到他们的存在,而事实上……大概也没什么人能够想到,在这个时候,还会有另外的“势力”隐藏在这里。 You have not planned to begin.” “你还不打算动手吗。” The quiet and beautiful female voice resounds, the body throws over the slender form of black cape to open the mouth gently. 清幽的女声响起,身上披着黑色斗篷的纤细身影轻轻开口。 In her side, is grasps the law stick to lead the young master of mask. 在她的身边,则是手持法杖带着面具的年轻法师。 „It is not anxious.” “不急。” Master indifferent opens the mouth. 那法师淡然开口。 He can also support a meeting, now is not the essential time.” “他还能支撑一会,现在也不是关键的时候。” Essential time.” “关键的时候吗。” The women looked at that master one eyes looking pensive, the latter said in a soft voice: This is his fight, thing that at that time he cannot achieve, he is making up now.” 女人若有所思的看了那法师一眼,后者轻声道:“这还是属于他的战斗,那个时候他没能做到的事,现在他在弥补。” Now makes him vent well.” The young master vision is profound, probably sinks to the recollection, the imposing manner of but on him unceasingly saving, is gradually is profound like the boundless starry sky. “现在就让他好好发泄一下吧。”年轻法师目光幽深,像是沉入回忆,可是他身上不断积蓄的气势,却是逐渐深邃如同无边星空。 That fight. 那场战斗。 He should most should stand in him supports his person behind. 他本该是最应该站在他身后支持他的人啊。 But finally, he actually claimed that young people to pound personally ruthlessly to the stone of enemy, tacitly approved that choice, obviously essential time should be he has bravely stepped forward, may ultimately protect them is actually that delicate girl. 但最后,他却是亲手夺走了那年轻人狠狠砸向敌人的石头,默认了那选择,明明关键的时候本该是他挺身而出的,可最终保护了他们的却是那个柔柔弱弱的女孩。 Thank you, father.” “谢谢你,父亲。” After ten for several years, before the girl elapses the spoken language falls in his mind, as before is his eternal pain, she does not hope that oneself death makes anybody be injured, Caro thinks oneself can protect Rance and Elisha withstands all these, but loses truly, the old person discovered, in own heart was gouged the wound that is unable to cure. 时隔十数年,女孩逝去前的言语落在他的心中,依旧是他永恒的痛楚,她不希望自己的死让任何人受到伤害,卡罗本来以为自己可以为了保护兰斯和艾丽莎承受这一切,但真正失去的时候,老人才发现,自己的心中被剜去了一块无法治愈的伤口。 Also was starting from that day, they once had all happy, by thorough killing. 也是那一天开始,他们曾拥有的一切幸福美满,被彻底的杀死了。 You will not understand, I want to make anything.” “你不会理解,我想做什么的。” When the brain flashes through suddenly two people confront, the words that that familiar and strange form coldly, taunted his incompetent probably. 脑中忽然闪过两人对峙时,那个熟悉又陌生的身影冷冷的话语,像是嘲讽他的无能。 The growth of person, was a very strange process, the courage and uprightness and edges and corners is really smoothed by grinding, making him forget anything to be called the courage and uprightness suddenly. 人的成长,真的是一种很奇怪的过程,血性和棱角都被磨平,让他一时间都忘了什么叫做血性。 Until that day, he recalled suddenly, thing that oneself lose. 直到那一天,他才忽然的记起了,自己丢失的东西。 That evening, youngster extremely arrogant aims at others the knife point, in such hopeless situation, in such may not obviously obviously for in the position, the choice stood in that girl's side. 那个晚上,少年狂妄的将刀尖指向其他人,明明是在那样的绝境,明明是在那样不可为的境地中,选择站在了那女孩的身边。 Sometimes, the person should not make these...... seems like should be the correct matter. 有些时候,人不该做那些……看起来应该是正确的事情。 Because of sometimes. 因为在有些时候。 Certain things, are unable judge with the correct and wrong concept. 某些事情本身,是无法用正确和错误的概念去判断的。 Does not have any is worth or unworthy. 没有什么值得或不值得。 It looks like in that late to seal/confer Moting, the youngster without hesitation, the natural choice stands side that girl is the same. 就像是那晚封魔厅中,少年不假思索,理所当然的选择站在那女孩身边一样。 Is thinking initially with youth's these dialogues, he is also very clear, the idea in youngster heart, at all not cautious how plans to lead the girl to escape from the tight encirclement. 想着当初和少年的那些对话,他也很清楚,少年心中的想法,根本不是小心翼翼的算计着自己该怎么带着女孩逃出重围。 He is thinking merely. 他仅仅是想着。 Cannot let her facing such all. 不能让她一人面对这样的一切。 Is looking at that battlefield, is thinking these, the master got hold of own law stick, probably the taunt pulled the smile, that taunt was aims at many years ago. 望着那战场,想着这些,法师握紧了自己的法杖,像是嘲讽般扯出了笑容,那嘲讽是针对多年前的自己。 Sometimes, acknowledged oneself were old, perhaps is also a growth.” “有时候,承认自己老了,或许也是一次成长吧。” He is saying in a low voice. 他低声的说着。 His eye looks somewhat old, but actually ignition dignity gradually. 他的眼睛看上去有些苍老,可是却渐渐的燃起威严。 ... 。。。 Rance, full is the gold metallurgy puppet shatter wreckage. 兰斯脚下,满是炼金傀儡破碎的残骸。 He throws makes a move to break a section of sword, nearly will integrate the air, sneaks puppet neat nailing tight of side on the ground, then lifted stepping on that the foot was relentless to break to pieces the head of that puppet. 他掷出手中断裂一截的战刀,将近乎融入空气,潜入自己身边的一具傀儡干脆利落的钉死在地上,然后抬脚毫不留情的踩碎了那傀儡的脑袋。 In Rance's eyes full arrange/cloth blood-color, but at this time his abdomen, has passes through the wound of body together, after that is he draws in the imaginary technique that Mar bus constructs, taking advantage of short sobriety, with seizing the sword penetrates own body directly, with the fierce the crisis of painful and life and death, oneself will compel the illusion forcefully. 兰斯的眼中满布血色,而此时他的腹部,也还有着一道贯穿身体的伤口,那是他被拖入马尔巴士构筑的幻术后,借着短暂的清醒,用夺来的战刀直接穿透自己的身体,用剧烈的痛苦和生死的危机,将自己硬生生的逼出了幻境。 Naturally, time that blade punctures, Rance also avoided the strategic point, the injury is seemingly serious, actually will not have the too tremendous effect, under suppression of battle qi, by restore slowly. 当然,那一刀刺下的时候,兰斯也避开了要害,伤势看上去严重,其实也不会有太大的影响,在斗气的压制下,也在被缓缓的修复。 His back carries the weak tea with milk. 他的背后背着虚弱的奶茶。 In fact, if not before the tea with milk previously rushed to his body, for he kept off fatally attack, Rance will not be stimulated, had the short sobriety in the illusion. 事实上,若非奶茶先前冲到他的身前,为他挡下了“致命”的攻击,兰斯也不会受到刺激,在幻境中有短暂的清醒。 After all ten before several years, the beloved woman in that oneself died at present, the winding has been similar to the nightmare in Rance's mind. 毕竟十数年前,心爱的女人在自己眼前死去的那一幕,一直缠绕在兰斯的心中如同梦魇。 Never expected that you imagine compared with me can also insist.” “没想到你比我想象的还能坚持。” Mar bus looks at place the puppet wreckage, in the eye flashes through inconceivable, she has not expected, Rance that similar eruption strength, can continue such long time unable to see the declining tendency unexpectedly. 马尔巴士看着一地的傀儡残骸,眼中闪过一丝不可思议,她没有料到,兰斯那类似爆发般的力量,竟然可以持续这么久的时间还看不到颓势。 I suppressed so many years angers and hatreds, how possibly easily to burn completely.” “我压制了这么多年的愤怒和仇恨,怎么可能这么轻易就燃烧殆尽呢。” Rance light say/way. 兰斯淡淡道。 His vision has swept the direction of elf king, has not seen Elisha, making Rance also somewhat regrettable. 他的目光扫过精灵王的方向,没有看到艾丽莎,让兰斯又有些遗憾。 Good to be a pity. 好可惜啊。 The daughter cannot see own such supernaturally brave, this is the change daughter who he can win over with great difficulty to own attitude opportunity. 女儿没能看到自己这样神勇的一幕,这是他好不容易可以争取到的改变女儿对自己态度的机会啊。 Moreover he had no way also to save Elisha while this opportunity. 而且他也没法趁着这个机会将艾丽莎也救走了。 The Rance's thought silently in heart, such crisis time, he also can only think these tried to find pleasure amidst suffering. 兰斯在心中默默的想到,这样危机的时候,他也只能想着这些苦中作乐了。 Let alone, this is also another in the faith in his heart burning. 何况,这也是另一份在他心中燃烧的信念。 Some own so many goals have not been completed, how can also drop down here? 自己还有那么多目标没有完成,又怎么能在这里倒下? More than ten years passes, you should not again be that accomplishing nothing waste. 十多年的时间过去,你不该再是那个一事无成的废物。 Suddenly in Rance hand had/left a jet black halo, to tread back-hand. 忽然兰斯手中多出了一枚漆黑的光环,向着地面反手拍下。 That halo obviously toward place lower hood, but this flickers, Loren and Mar in bus simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform midair had some induction, looks toward the top of the head. 那光环明明是向着地下罩去,可这一瞬,半空中的洛伦和马尔巴士都齐齐有了某种感应,向着头顶看去。 Their top of the heads open a jet black cavity swiftly, in that cavity seems hiding the endless destruction strength. 他们的头顶倏然打开一个漆黑的空洞,那空洞中仿佛隐藏着无尽的毁灭力量。 Not only Loren's their top of the heads, the other directions of battlefield also have the black halo to reappear, Rance has also been disposing these in the fight bomb. 不只是洛伦他们的头顶,战场的其他方向也同样有黑色光环浮现,兰斯在战斗的时候一直也在填埋这些“炸弹”。 That is he compresses to the powerful offensive that the pinnacle abyss battle qi to be concise, hides after the strength of demon god is void, is Mar bus has not noticed his petty action. 那是他压缩到极致的深渊斗气凝练出的强大攻击,借助魔神的力量藏匿虚空后,便是马尔巴士都没有注意到他的小动作。 At this moment these strengths were detonated by simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform! 这一刻那些力量被齐齐引爆! Nearly at the same time, ten several huge jet black light balls in blast in all directions battlefield, bring all that the light ball of annihilation strength is swallowing to submerge instantaneously. 近乎同一时间,十数个巨大漆黑的光球在战场的四处炸开,带着湮灭力量的光球瞬间吞噬淹没的一切。 Bang!” “轰!” As that light ball fuses in together, finally as if has a black small-scale Sun in the central formation in manor, these gold metallurgy puppets escape from the range of attack radically without enough time, by complete embezzling. 随着那一个个光球融合在一起,最后仿佛有个黑色的小型太阳在庄园的中心成型,那些炼金傀儡根本来不及逃出攻击的范围,就被完全的吞没。 In surrounding that ray embezzles, other months hunt to see this, are the complexion big changes, gave up the present enemy directly, withdraw crazily backward. 在那光芒吞没的外围,其他的月狩看到这一幕,更是脸色大变,直接放弃了眼前的敌人,疯狂向后退避。 The next second, the space of manor is similar one to flicker to turn into the black and white color, after that black and white was broken, concise black Sun blasts out from the middle unceasingly fiercely. 下一秒,庄园的空间仿佛有一瞬变成黑白的色彩,而在那黑白被打破后,不断凝练的黑色“太阳”从中间猛地炸开。 Sees only a huge black halo to proliferate from the middle, the unceasing inflation, the place visited, ground a large area of collapse, the innumerable stones scatter in all directions the splash, was ground a tinier powder. 只见一个巨大的黑色光环从中间扩散,不断的膨胀,所过之处,地面大面积的崩溃,无数石块四散飞溅,然后被碾碎成更细小的粉末。 The black halo impact has curled, these worn-out buildings were evaporated during the breath, the person's shadow of surrounding pounds in the ground unceasing tumbling, distressed pounds potholes. 黑色光环冲击卷过,那些破旧的建筑物如同呼吸间被蒸发,外围的人影砸在地面不断的翻滚,狼狈的砸出一个个坑洞。 However after this fierce attack, Rance also finally starts rapid gasping for breath, strength that he saves, many of too this attack consumption, moreover supports him to fight also is not only the strengths of these savings can achieve, the physical strength also has spiritual these unable the pre-position. 不过这次猛烈的攻击过后,兰斯也终于开始急促的喘气,他积蓄的力量,这一次攻击消耗的太多,而且支撑他战斗下去也不仅仅是那些积蓄的力量就可以做到的,体力还有精神这些都是无法事先储备的。 Sir Rance......” “兰斯大人……” Relax, we can certainly go out.” “放心吧,我们一定可以出去的。” Rance hears the back young girl's summon, saying in a soft voice. 兰斯听到背后少女的呼唤,轻声的说道。 The voice falls, in Rance's eyes is bursts out the cruel ray unexpectedly, the man jumps to jump without the indication, rumbles fiercely forward in the space that in the impact twists unceasingly a fist. 话音落下的时候,兰斯的眼中竟是迸发出暴戾的光芒,男人毫无征兆纵身跃起,在冲击中不断扭曲的空间中猛地向前轰出一拳。 That fist rumbles, the space of extrusion sends out the fulmination ruthlessly, but in that invisible space has a shadow to reappear! 那一拳轰出,狠狠挤压的空间发出爆鸣,可紧接着那无形空间中有一道黑影浮现! Was involved in previously annihilated the attack, pays Mar bus that not the poor price escapes from somewhat shocking looks to lock own Rance, the latter sneers, after a fist crushes the defense that Mar bus protected oneself, the arm actually deadlocked her nape of the neck ruthlessly, bringing her body to fall loudly to the tread. 被卷入先前湮灭攻击,付出不菲代价逃出的马尔巴士有些震惊的看着锁定自己的兰斯,后者冷笑一下,一拳击碎了马尔巴士护身的防御后,手臂却是狠狠锁死了她的脖颈,带着她的身体向着地面轰然坠去。 Bang , the ground again are many a gulf, just like among broken marks that the meteorite crashes to leave behind, Rance looks under the body the fuzzy shadow, the fist is gripping tightly again, refers to bursting out the wild abyss to mump. “嘭”的一声过后,地面再次多出一个深坑,犹如陨石坠落留下的碎痕之间,兰斯望着身下模糊的黑影,拳头再次紧握,指间迸发出狂暴的深渊斗气。 You know, you cannot kill me.” Was covered the throat by Rance, Mar bus look actually restored the tranquil light say/way. “你知道,你杀不死我。”被兰斯扣住喉咙,马尔巴士眼神却是恢复了平静淡淡的道。 I know certainly that...... I did not mind first collects an interest, even if only a vessel.” “我当然知道……不过我不介意先收点利息,就算只是一具容器。” The Rance cold opens the mouth, a fist pounds downward. 兰斯冷然开口,一拳向下砸出。 In simultaneously, the form of elf king quiet appears in Rance behind, on his face reveals light sneering and taunt, he waited for outside the battlefield was so long, finally was seized such essential opportunity by him. 只是在同时,精灵王的身影悄无声息的在兰斯身后浮现,他的脸上露出淡淡的冷笑和嘲讽,他在战场外等待了这么久,终于被他捕捉到了这样关键的机会。 Comes, in the elf king hand had had a long sword, turns toward Reims to puncture directly behind, this sword as if must penetrate tea with milk Rance directly together. 现身的时候,精灵王手中已经多出了一柄长剑,直接向着兰斯身后刺去,这一剑似乎要直接将奶茶兰斯一起穿透。 Mar bus sees in this purple light to bloom, the surprise attack of choice coordination elf king, Reims innumerable black fine laces spring, deadlock his movement. 马尔巴士见此眼中紫光绽放,选择配合精灵王的突袭,兰斯身上无数黑色细线弹出,锁死他的动作。 Rance heard the tea with milk somewhat painfully cry, felt the chill in the air of behind suddenly gushing out, the vision of man becomes crazier, his eyes like must overflow the blood, the abyss in within the body as if start to boil, as if has anything to brandish the sharp claws to tear the shackles, must break through that abyss to appear, the terrifying that has, must one and swallows probably together with his soul and body. 兰斯听到了奶茶有些痛苦的呜鸣,也感觉到了身后忽然涌出的寒意,男人的目光变得更加疯狂,他的双眼如同要溢出鲜血,体内的深渊仿佛开始沸腾,仿佛有什么挥舞着利爪撕扯着枷锁,要突破那深渊出现了,那存在的恐怖,像是要连同他的灵魂和身体一并吞噬。 But at this moment. 可就在这时。 Sincere.” “笃。” Sincere.” “笃。” The distant place as if had anyone to walk, the law stick had the rhythm rap ground, the sound resounded each time, the elf king Shenqian space swung ripples, the long sword in his hand punctured in that ripples, is unable unexpectedly the little advance slightest. 远处仿佛有什么人走来了,法杖有节奏的敲击地面,每次声音响起,精灵王身前的空间就荡起一层涟漪,他手中的长剑刺在那涟漪之间,竟然是无法寸进分毫。 The distant place leads the master of mask to walk slowly, but he every step spans, the heart of elf king beat ruthlessly, because of the opposite party in unceasing shuttle space. 远方带着面具的法师缓缓的走来,可他每一步跨越,精灵王的心脏就狠狠跳动了一下,因为对方在不断的穿梭空间。
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