MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#92: The person of to look into the distance

„Do you want to tear to pieces the beforehand agreement?” “你们想要撕破之前的协议吗?” Eden was trampled to fly, the rib broke several, may turn over/stand up to jump, coldly looks to Loren. 艾登被一脚踹飞出去,肋骨断了几根,可还是翻身跃起,冷冷看向洛伦。 After oneself will transform the dead souls lifeform, the ordinary injury was unable to become any injury to other party. 将自己转化成死灵生物后,普通的伤势已经无法对他造成任何的伤害。 Tears to pieces the agreement, that is also you attacks elf Sir king in first, we counter-attack.” “撕破协议,那也是你们攻击精灵王大人在先,我们只是进行反击。” Bastard, that obviously is us rebel the hand of moving.” Eden gets angry said that if at this time elf king side influence meddled, the war without doubt will become extremely chaotic. “混蛋,那明明是我们这边叛徒的动的手。”艾登怒道,这个时候若是精灵王这方势力插手,战局无疑会变得极度混乱。 Right, they were also our here rebels.” “是吗,那他们也是我们这边的叛徒了。” „The present is the war of rebel army, if they handled anything out of the ordinary I unable to control, but everyone can feel relieved, after this matter ended, I can definitely suppress them, will not continue to expand the influence.” “现在是叛军之战,要是他们做了什么出格的事情我也管不了,不过各位可以放心,这件事结束后我肯定可以重新镇压他们,不会继续扩大影响。” Talked nonsense anything's Loren opens the mouth. 胡扯什么的洛伦张口就来。 Eden hears the word to be at a loss for words, moreover he did not have the time to say anything again, after Loren ordered, these months hunted have started. 艾登闻言语塞,而且他也没时间再说什么,洛伦下令后,那些月狩已经启动。 Zheng!” “铮!” The sword light punctures together, plunders before Eden body instantaneously. 一道剑光刺出,瞬间掠至艾登身前。 Nora pushes to the front, as original moon/month hunting team leader, only then she first indicates the attitude, other members will also choose to begin. 娜拉一马当先,作为原本的月狩队长,只有她先表明态度,其他的成员也才会选择动手。 But she was also clear that cannot have the least bit to hesitate absolutely, because if her stop makes other moon/month of hunting people not obey Loren's order, Loren really will perhaps process the rebel these people afterward. 而她也清楚自己绝对不能有半点迟疑,若是因为她的停顿让其他月狩的人没有听从洛伦的命令,那洛伦说不定事后真会将那些人将叛徒处理。 Eden cold snort/hum, in the eye the quiet fire locks that rapid sword light, in the hand the jet black axe blade on draws suddenly. 艾登冷哼一声,眼中幽火锁定那迅疾剑光,手中漆黑斧刃猛然上拉。 The sword axe collides, sparks/Mars jumps to shoot. 剑斧碰撞,火星迸射而出。 Nora's cutting strikes to keep off, the body was shaken by the great strength slightly draws back, the axe of Eden another hand delimits the quiet cold arc light to turn toward her head to cut to fall together directly. 娜拉的斩击被挡下,身体被巨力微微震退,艾登另一只手的斧头划过一道幽冷弧光直接向着她的脑袋斩落。 Looks at that imposing axe light, in the Nora eyes does not have to fear intent slightly, after stopping the footsteps of retreat, is working as Eden's surface savings sword potential unexpectedly, prepares to use the thunder strikes, as if planned that trades the wound by the wound, but this decision has seemed somewhat stupid facing Eden of dead souls, in the latter eye the quiet fire leaps like the taunt, but the next second stagnates suddenly stiffly, the vision is gloomy. 望着那凛然斧光,娜拉眼中没有丝毫惧意,止住后退的脚步后竟然是当着艾登的面积蓄剑势,准备动用雷霆的一击,似乎打算以伤换伤,可这决策面对已然死灵化的艾登显得有些愚蠢,后者眼中幽火如同嘲讽般跃动,可下一秒又忽然僵滞,目光阴沉。 Bang, his side, the quiet green flame explodes, Nora's behind elf master floats the midair, the palm grasps lightly, the magic twinkling of having prepared takes shape, after the quiet green flame appears, inflates against the wind, changes to the giant quiet green fireball to swallow to him, in that flame actually also brings the astonishing toxin, even can corrode his skeleton. “嘭”的一声,他的身边,一点幽绿火光炸起,娜拉身后的精灵法师漂浮半空,手掌轻握,一直准备的魔法阵瞬息成型,幽绿火光浮现后迎风膨胀,化作巨大的幽绿色火球向他吞噬,那火焰中竟然还带着惊人的毒素,甚至可以腐蚀他的骸骨。 Eden does not think on obviously contaminates the green, an axe blade revolution of direction, cuts to the fireball, an axe chops to fall, as the huge wind pressure the axe light its tearing, may at simultaneously, the thunder presently, Nora gather a sword thorn that the potential completes for the first time to the Eden empty eye socket. 艾登显然不想自己身上沾染绿色,斧刃一转方向,斩向火球,一斧劈落,巨大的风压随着斧光将其撕裂,可在同时,雷霆乍现,娜拉蓄势完成的一剑刺向艾登空洞的眼眶。 Works as!” “当!” Battle qi to burst out, grating buzz the cry, the speeding away sword light his another hand by the black axe that lifts keeps off before Eden in the thorn. 斗气迸发,一声刺耳的嗡鸣,疾驰剑光在刺到艾登之前被他另一只手抬起的黑斧挡下。 Of sword sharp thorn on black axe its breakthrough, but Eden ground was also broken the spider web crevice immediately, the latter has any respite radically without enough time, his top of the head, there is a huge shadow pressure on fall, grasps the elf moon/month of giant tower shield to hunt from his top of the head pressure falls ruthlessly. 剑尖刺在黑斧上一点点的将其突破,而艾登脚下地面也顿时被震碎出蛛网般的裂隙,后者根本来不及有任何的喘息,他的头顶,又有巨大的黑影压落,手持巨大塔盾的精灵月狩从他的头顶狠狠压落。 The charm surges, battle qi the spout, kills facing encirclement that these strong odd month hunts, is uses strength of Eden demon god also only to support by strenuous efforts, if not he transfers one team of gold metallurgy puppets to help decompose the pressure promptly, in addition it is existence of dead souls, with several people of exquisite coordination, will not need for several minutes easily to be routed probably. 魔力涌动,斗气喷涌,面对那些强大月狩的围杀,便是动用魔神之力艾登也仅能苦苦支撑,若非他及时调动一队炼金傀儡来帮忙分解压力,再加上本身是死灵的存在,在几人精妙的配合下,大概不用几分钟就会被轻易击溃。 The moon/month that Xueli controls hunts after all is the army of legend, initially what also faced is Loren and Elisha will be repulsed jointly, however their opponents are impossible each time are that abnormal rank. 雪莉控制的这只月狩毕竟是传奇的部队,也就是当初面对的是洛伦和艾丽莎的联手才会败退,然而他们的对手不可能每次都是那种变态的级别。 Loren looks careless person hand/subordinate gangs up to surround and beats up the demon empathize, the innermost feelings sighs with emotion slightly, always only then his besieged share, where has to seem like many movements to besiege a person of opportunity today, the person, the association/will turns into the most repugnant appearance unknowingly. 洛伦漫不经心的看着手下的人围殴魔神会,内心则是微微感慨,从来都只有他被围攻的份,哪有像是今天多人运动围攻一人的机会,人啊,总会不知不觉就变成自己最讨厌的样子。 No wonder that stupid fiendish person has wanted to develop the little brother, some people work hand/subordinate can such comfortable. 啧,难怪那笨魔王一直想要发展小弟,手下有人打工原来可以这么舒服的吗。 Read and hence, Loren walked under the god in the battlefield accidentally/surprisingly, because thinks left several people that from own side. 念及至此,洛伦在战场上意外的走了下神,因为想到了从自己身边离开的几人。 „......” “……” Living by pimping is not possible to live by pimping, my Loren this whole life is impossible to live by pimping.” “吃软饭是不可能吃软饭的,我洛伦这辈子都不可能吃软饭的。” But quick, Loren the vision strengthens. 但很快,洛伦又目光坚定起来。 Compared with was pressed below, he likes being driving. 比起被压在下面,他还是更喜欢主动一些。 That, how then should do.” “那么,接下来该怎么做呢。” After restraining the mind, Loren looks lightly to gradually the chaotic battlefield, these months hunt to tie down some Eden also many gold metallurgy puppets, were decomposed the pressure on Rance, this was also aims at the demon empathize following the desire of elf king, but later solved Rance's problem is the real trouble, Mar bus cannot easily let go him. 重新收敛心神后,洛伦淡淡看向逐渐混乱的战场,那些月狩缠住艾登还有不少炼金傀儡,算是给兰斯分解了压力,这也算是顺着精灵王的愿望去针对魔神会,可之后解决兰斯的问题才是真正的麻烦,马尔巴士不会轻易将他放走。 Could learn/study Rance to rescue Elisha's means initially, but knocked out the fist is too light, was easy the flaw, was too heavy, Loren worried that made what good and evil Rance. 或许可以学习当初兰斯救艾丽莎的办法,但是出拳太轻,容易出破绽,太重了,洛伦又担心把兰斯打出什么好歹。 And...... 而且…… Loren also worry. 洛伦还有一层顾虑。 That is, is actually Mar bus planning what? 那就是,马尔巴士究竟在算计些什么? Yesterday two people meeting, Mar bus entrusts to his duty and today's this transaction too has not actually related, on the paper gave him part in instruction, was makes him coordinate the action of elf king merely, learned that was the elf king's trust. 昨天两人的见面,马尔巴士托付给他的任务和今天这场交易其实并没有太多关系,纸条上给他指令中的一部分,也仅仅是让他配合精灵王的行动,获悉更多属于精灵王的信任。 But in which metaphor, then is also makes him not use in this fight extremely turns on the water, is him should the matter of doing. 而其中的隐喻,便也是让他不用在这场战斗太过放水,做他该做的事情。 Previously transaction of both sides, Loren also looked at the tea with milk is the key of this transaction, on her heart the thing of named Saint tree, was to the elf king incomparably important item. 先前双方的交易,洛伦也看出来奶茶是这场交易的关键,她身上那个叫圣树之心的东西,更是对精灵王无比重要的道具。 „If Rance really has to escape from this possibility, at that time, elf king also definitely not to hide the strength will continue to look on.” In Loren eyes cold light twinkle, present situation to Rance incomparable danger. “而且若是兰斯真的有逃出这的可能,那个时候,精灵王也肯定不会为了隐藏力量继续旁观。”洛伦眼中冷光闪烁,现在的情况对于兰斯而言无比的危险。 In the past Rance also provided many help to him, fellow proud tender the old father who probably loved Li, frequently appeared to brush oneself existence feeling, but did not have really to cope with his thoughts. 过去兰斯也给他提供了不少帮助,那家伙傲娇的像是爱莉的老父亲,经常出现刷刷自己的存在感,但没有真要对付他的心思。 In addition Elisha and Caro's relations, Loren is certainly impossible to look that Rance died in battle to leave alone in this. 再加上艾丽莎和卡罗的关系,洛伦当然不可能看着兰斯在此战死放任不管。 Saved the daughter to save the father, when the time comes must save the grandfather...... I also really to owe you.” Loren is complaining one at heart, but is thinking the past all, in the heart of youngster cannot help but flashed through some warmth. If were not Caro and Elisha first admitted his existence, perhaps he still roams about near the initial demon beast forest now. “救了女儿救爹,到时候还要救爷爷……不过我还真是欠你们的。”洛伦在心里吐槽一句,可是想着过去的一切,少年的心中不由得闪过些许的温暖。如果不是卡罗和艾丽莎先接纳了他的存在,他或许现在还在初始的魔兽森林附近流浪吧。 Next second of Loren moves sideways to disappear on the spot. 下一秒洛伦闪身消失在原地。 At this time the fight of Rance and Male bus also gradually turns red-hot. 此时兰斯和马尔巴士的战斗也逐渐白热化。 Rance the tea with milk back in the back, a hand has grabbed the war lance that seizes from these gold metallurgy puppet hands, the crazy rush, these puppets are not big to his hindrance, his true hindrance originates from conceals changes the body to sneak attack his Mar bus among the puppets unceasingly. 兰斯已经将奶茶背在背后,一只手抓着从那些炼金傀儡手中夺下的战矛,疯狂的冲杀,那些傀儡对他的阻碍不大,他真正的阻碍来源于藏在傀儡之间不断改变身位偷袭他的马尔巴士。 In the eye a shadow flashes through, in Rance hand fights the lance loudly by the abyss battle qi package, shoots like lightning, the terrifying air wave threw off many puppets, but the puppet body that the fought lance penetrates unexpectedly is direct blasting open, is scattered by the metal fragment that the flesh packages. 眼中一道黑影闪过,兰斯手中战矛轰然被深渊斗气包裹,闪电般掷出,恐怖的气浪掀翻了不少的傀儡,而被战矛穿透的傀儡身体竟是直接的炸裂,被血肉包裹的金属碎片四溅。 However that shadow actually scratches is fighting the lance to vanish, is only simultaneously, ground several tight heavy line balls suddenly, sweep like the sharp blade to Reims, the gold metallurgy puppet who several encircle to Reims avoids, had been swept by the fine lace, ** brittle agile cutting off round number truncation. 然而那黑影却是擦着战矛消失,只是同时,地面几根绷紧的黑线忽然的弹起,如同锋利的刀刃扫向兰斯,几个围向兰斯的炼金傀儡躲避不及,被细线扫过,**脆利落的斩断成数截。 Rance pupil, many scars of his body also in the chaotic war, the figure is indifferently distressed, may by he protects in the tea with milk not have the least bit injury, the black fine lace to sweep, Rance single fist grips tightly, backhands a fist to pound in in the air. 兰斯瞳孔漠然,他的身上在乱战中也有不少伤痕,身形狼狈,可被他护在的奶茶却是没有半点伤势,黑色细线扫来,兰斯单拳紧握,反手一拳砸在空中。 Huge thundering vibration, along with abyss battle qi to burst out jet black, in the air as if tore an opening, like launching the abyss crevice embezzled that several heavy lines. 巨大的轰鸣震动,伴随着深渊般的漆黑斗气迸发,空中仿佛撕裂了一道口子,如同展开的深渊裂隙将那数道黑线吞没了进去。 After that heavy line was embezzled, Rance's corners of the mouth are also the overflow light blood, the heavy line strength was mumped to consume by the abyss most probably, may have the strength of small part to become the injury to other party. 只是那黑线被吞没后,兰斯的嘴角也是溢出淡淡的鲜血,黑线力量被深渊斗气消耗了大半,可还是会有小部分的力量对他造成伤害。 Imaginary.” “幻。” Encircles in the puppet who kills again, the graceful shadow as if dances lightly at the dance party together, Mar bus flashes unceasingly transfers the figure, in the hand rouses several heavy line windings on Rance's body. 再次围杀过来的傀儡之中,一道曼妙黑影仿佛在舞会翩翩起舞,马尔巴士不断闪转身形,手中勾动数道黑线缠绕在兰斯的身上。 Several probes, Mar bus is very clear with this condition Rance meets the tough head-on with toughness is not the wise action, therefore transformed the tactic, uses other strength influences. 几次的试探,马尔巴士很清楚和这种状态的兰斯硬碰硬并非明智之举,所以转换了战术,动用其他的力量影响。 Demon god shelters Rance's mental, but this asylum is not indestructible, under the Mar bus unceasing corrosion, has the crevice to reappear, the dogfight, Mar bus continually deepened that crevice, at this moment finally the start, gave the fine lace new concept, tried to drag into in -depth illusion Rance directly, came to control him in this method. 魔神的庇护兰斯的心智,可这种庇护也不是坚不可摧,在马尔巴士不断的侵蚀下,早就有裂隙浮现,刚才的缠斗,马尔巴士就是不断加深那裂隙,此刻终于启动,赋予细线新的概念,试图将兰斯直接拉入深层的幻境,以这种方法来将他控制住。 But the next second, another form flashes before the appearance, a Loren fist pounds indifferently toward Reims, all covers that fine lace in own attack range. 可是下一秒,另一道身影闪现般出现,洛伦漠然一拳向着兰斯砸出,将那细线也悉数笼罩在自己的攻击范围。 The day honors battle qi the eruption, that fine lace was destroyed instantaneously, Mar bus looked at his one eyes, but in the eye has the faint trace happy expression as before, was at this time, Loren discovered unexpectedly after that fine lace was interrupted, Rance's look also in unceasing perishing. 天崇斗气爆发,那细线被瞬间摧毁,马尔巴士看了他一眼,可是眼中依旧带着丝丝笑意,也是这时,洛伦蓦地发现那细线被截断后,兰斯的眼神还在不断的沉沦。 That fine lace has played the role, even if were pulled apart still does not have any influence. 那细线已经发挥了作用,就算被扯断也没有任何的影响。 But his fist did not have the reason of reclamation, a Loren fist continues to pound but to the body of Reims, simultaneously restrained the strength quietly. 可他这一拳也没有了收回的理由,洛伦无奈之下一拳继续砸向兰斯的身体,同时悄然收敛了力道。 Especially this was not I want to punch your...... Loren intentionally in the heart awkward thought one. 特么的这可不是我故意想揍你的……洛伦在心中尴尬的想了一句。 Bang after a fist. “嘭”的一拳过后。 Two forms were flown by the direct bang. 两道身影被直接轰飞出去。 Nearby Mar bus gave him quietly a favorable look. 旁边马尔巴士悄然给了他一个赞许的眼神。 Loren has not visited her, but look suddenly complex looked that stands up to that side difficultly the elf young girl. 洛伦没有看她,只是眼神忽然复杂的看向那边艰难站起的精灵少女。 Finally his fist has not rumbled on Reims, but gave self up to keep off by his behind tea with milk, the young girl mouth is coughing the blood, but she simply has not cared about oneself injury, but hurries to help up Rance. 最后他那一拳并没有轰在兰斯身上,而是被他身后的奶茶舍身挡下,少女嘴里咳着鲜血,不过她根本没有在意自己的伤势,只是慌忙将兰斯扶起。 The Mar bus layout such long strength can also it be that so simply is but good to get rid, several gold metallurgy puppets kill shortly on, Loren also plans to begin, suddenly stopped the footsteps. 可是马尔巴士布局这么久的力量又岂是那么简单好摆脱,眼看着数具炼金傀儡扑杀而上,洛伦也打算动手的时候,突然又是停下了脚步。 The blood of tea with milk drops after Rance's face, in the eyes of man suddenly left wiped the blood-color, the consciousness also perished obviously in the illusion, but his body actually acted, before several demon god puppets killed the young girl body, has pulled the young girl, a fist that rumbled ground the fragment several puppets simultaneously. 奶茶的鲜血滴落在兰斯的脸上后,男人的眼中忽的多出了一抹血色,明明意识还沉沦在幻境,可是他的身体却是行动了起来,在几个魔神傀儡扑杀到少女身前,一把扯过少女,轰出的一拳将几个傀儡同时碾成了碎片。 You have not calculated that begins.” “你还不算动手吗。” May also be at this time. 可也是这时。 Is waiting and seeing in existence of fight from afar, looks at that man to protect that elf young girl stubbornly, sound resounding gently. 远远观望着战斗的存在之中,望着那男人死死护住那精灵少女,一个声音轻轻的响起。 ... 。。。
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