MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#91: Meddles „.”

Never expected that the mountain...... this fellow, hid such a unexpectedly.” “没想到岳……这家伙,竟然还藏了这么一手。” A Rance fist rumbles, racing wells up the abyss battle qi to just like the mighty current impact. 兰斯一拳轰出,奔涌的深渊斗气犹如洪流般冲击而过。 Loren carries the firm incomparable elf king shield, on elf king golden red ray sparkle, in the front interweaves the defense wall barrier of sparkle, blocked that wild energy. 洛伦扛着坚固无比的精灵王盾牌,精灵王身上金红色光芒闪耀,在前方交织出闪耀的防御壁障,挡住了那狂暴的能量。 The ground of under foot withstood the terrifying strength, was broken the close crack. 只是脚下的地面承受了恐怖力道,被震碎出细密的裂纹。 These months hunt, when Loren shouted propaganda, subconscious gathered, perhaps was folded the tofu suffer was too ruthless, subconscious does not want to defy Loren's orders, so as to avoid put on small shoes. 那些月狩在洛伦喊话的时候,下意识的就聚集了起来,也许是被叠豆腐被折磨的太狠,下意识的不想违抗洛伦的命令,免得被穿小鞋。 However after they gather, seeing Loren who one face compels ignorant grabs one of the elf king Dang shield, suddenly everyone held breath a cold air/Qi, even the air temperature drops much. 然而他们聚集后,就一脸懵逼的看到洛伦抓着精灵王当盾牌的一幕,一时间人人都倒吸了口冷气,连空气温度都下降不少。 Especially this is anything. 特么的这是个啥。 Was hostile toward these months of elf king to hunt to look at this, somewhat pitied faintly. 就连本来仇视精灵王的那些月狩看着这幕,都隐隐有些怜悯起来了。 Naturally are more, then yes rejoiced oneself have not done with this fellow right. 当然更多的,则是庆幸自己没有和这家伙做对。 Otherwise must live completely now, is very probably difficult. 不然要完整的活到现在,大概很困难。 In the brain flashes through these ideas, these are hitting protection moon/month hunting body very honest hiding of given name accumulation to Loren behind, taking advantage of the asylum resistance attack of elf king shield. 脑中闪过这些想法,那些打着“保护”名号聚集的月狩身体都十分老实的躲到了洛伦的身后,借着精灵王盾牌的庇护抵抗攻击。 The strength was removed majority by the elf king, these months hunt to resist is not difficult. 力量被精灵王卸去大部分,那些月狩抵挡起来并不算艰难。 That flows rapidly after battle qi incline, everyone's expression also somewhat dignified looked that the tread was rumbled a giant gully ground. 只是那奔流般的斗气倾斜过后,所有人的表情也都有些凝重的看着地面被轰出一条巨大沟壑的地面。 Such powerful attack exchanges their anyone to bump into directly, is very difficult to keep off. 这样强大的攻击换上他们任何一个人正面碰上,都很难挡下。 „Is Luke, what you making?” “卢克,你在做什么?” But at this time, elf king complexion shook off Loren's control pale, turns around to look angrily at the youngster, the interrogation of clenching jaws. 而这时,精灵王脸色铁青的摆脱了洛伦的控制,转身怒视少年,咬牙切齿的质问。 This fellow received his so many advantage, returns him like this? 这家伙收了他那么多好处,就是这样回报他的? The elf king deep city mansion, was still even difficult to be cruel enough at this time the anger. 精灵王就算再深的城府,这个时候也难忍心中的怒气。 Elf Sir king, my for a better protection you, the action that cannot make.” “精灵王大人,我这都是为了更好的保护你,才不得以做出的举动。” Loren earnest say/way. 洛伦认真道。 „Is your protection makes me help you resist this attack?” The elf king almost air/Qi smiled. “你的保护就是让我帮你抵挡这攻击?”精灵王差点气笑了。 Right, after all elf Sir king you ate this attack, so long as does not die there is no issue, but I was different, hard anti- this will strike will make me pay many prices, but I must guarantee the sufficient strength, if I were injured, but how also to protect you.” “没错,毕竟精灵王大人你吃了这攻击只要不死就没什么问题,但我就不一样了,硬抗这一击会让我付出不少代价,可我必须保证有足够的战力,要是我受伤了,还怎么保护你。” Loren serious say/way. 洛伦一本正经道。 Elf king: „???” 精灵王:“???” Elf king expression Yin clear uncertain, lip air/Qi trembled several, but does not know how for a short time actually should refute. 精灵王表情阴晴不定,嘴唇都气的哆嗦了几下,可是一时半会硬是不知道该怎么反驳。 Moreover elf Sir king do not forget, you also need my strength to guarantee your later plan not.” “而且精灵王大人别忘了,你还需要我的战力去保证你之后的计划不是吗。” However a few words that Loren supplements, let elf king coldly snort one, gave up the thoughts of haggling over, his vision shifts to that side battlefield. 不过洛伦紧接着补充的一句话,让精灵王冷哼一声,放弃了计较的心思,他的目光转向那边的战场。 In fact when he and Loren have the conflict, that side Reims fight also gets stronger and stronger. 事实上就在他和洛伦发生争端的时候,兰斯那边的战斗也愈演愈烈。 When Rance disappears strikes to rumble, to Reims kills Eden who then to realize that the huge threat, summoned directly these gold metallurgy puppets encircled before the body forms the barrier, which puppets even if there are to resist, Eden was flown as before by a fist direct bang, pounded the pothole in the ground ruthlessly, but Rance still held the arm preparation of tea with milk to lead her to evacuate. 兰斯泯灭一击轰出时,向兰斯杀去的艾登便意识到巨大的威胁,直接召唤那些炼金傀儡围至身前形成壁垒,即便有哪些傀儡抵挡,艾登依旧还是被一拳直接轰飞出去,在地面狠狠砸出坑洞,而兰斯也抓住奶茶的手臂准备带她撤离。 In he just held the tea with milk, some of he and tea with milk the side innumerable jet black fine laces of extend suddenly, Mar bus twinkle appears in Rance behind, pulls taut a that fine lace end, gives the regular concept. 只是在他刚刚抓住奶茶时,他和奶茶的身边突然有无数漆黑细线延伸,马尔巴士闪烁般出现在兰斯身后,扯住那细线一端,赋予规则的概念。 Flash that jet black fine lace expands like the prisoner's cage, covers two people, a fine lace that simultaneously in Mar bus hand twines becomes the incomparable sharpness, just like the long spear/gun to puncture from the Reims back. 一瞬间那漆黑细线如同囚笼扩张,将两人笼罩,同时马尔巴士手中缠绕的一根细线变得无比的锋利,犹如长枪般从兰斯后背刺去。 That fine lace almost penetrated on Reims battle qi defense quietly, but before is penetrating Rance body truly, the Reims back pore contracts fiercely, the piercing chill in the air made Rance react instantaneously. 那细线几乎是悄无声息的穿透了兰斯身上的斗气防御,可就在真正穿透兰斯身体之前,兰斯背后毛孔猛地收缩,刺骨的寒意让兰斯瞬间做出了反应。 Bang!” “轰!” Rance abyss battle qi the spout, breaks the land instantaneously, battle qi strength that the vibration erupts, making Rance body reverse fiercely, avoided that fine lace of popping, but that fine lace touched and went his body finally, broke open an opening on Rance arm, exploded blood fog. 兰斯脚下深渊斗气喷涌,瞬间震碎大地,斗气震动爆发出的力量,让兰斯身体猛地扭转,避开了弹出的那根细线,只是那细线最终还是擦过他的身体,在兰斯手臂上破开一道口子,炸出一蓬血雾。 But Rance also completed turning around at this time, when facing Mar bus his another palm has gripped tightly, the arm muscle ballooning, the arm battle qi with the abyss that the sole spout explodes, during as if large-scale propeller same breath completes the acceleration. 可这时兰斯也完成了转身,面对马尔巴士之时他另一只手掌已然攥紧,手臂肌肉鼓胀,手臂和脚掌喷涌爆裂的深渊斗气,仿佛大型的推进器一样呼吸间完成加速。 Remnant shadow twinkle, Rance instantaneous and Mar bus cover, the gripped tightly fist lifts. 残影闪烁,兰斯瞬间和马尔巴士贴面,紧握的拳头抬起。 Mar bus pupil eruption purple ray, tries to vacillate the spirit of Reims, but on the face of man has the cold smile, his pupil flash also becomes profound incomparable, the demon god empty shadow appears, defends his spirit. 马尔巴士瞳孔爆发紫色光芒,试图动摇兰斯的精神,可是男人的脸上只是带着冷冽的笑容,他的瞳孔一瞬间也变得幽深无比,身后魔神虚影浮现,守住他的精神。 ...... 紧接着…… Then is a fist wields forward! 便是一拳向前挥出! The fist leaves, the wild wind pressure toward the Male bus extrusion, the air before Rance body just like the ripple to rock at this moment, the terrifying strength twists is strangling to death forward, as the wind pressure sweeps across, is wilder the scalding hot blackness to mump from a point starts to erupt. 拳出,狂暴的风压向着马尔巴士挤压而出,这一刻兰斯身前的空气犹如波纹般晃动,恐怖的力量扭曲着向前绞杀,而随着风压席卷的,还有更加狂暴灼热的漆黑斗气从一点开始爆发。 Mar bus vision sinks, the body violates the physical principle retreat backward, she lifts a palm forward racket, these stretched become the black fine lace twinkling of prison to draw before the body, establishes to just like the spider web. 马尔巴士目光一沉,身体违背物理法则般的向后退去,她抬起手掌向前一拍,那些本来绷直成囚牢的一根根黑色细线瞬息在身前收拢,重新编制犹如蛛网。 Bang!” “轰!” A fist that Rance pounds, the fist vigor will erupt the black light beam the giant spider web to submerge probably together, battle qi the black fine lace evaporation, will be only the strength of that fist also by absorption all. 兰斯砸出的一拳,拳劲像是爆发出一道黑色光柱将巨大的蛛网淹没,斗气将黑色的细线蒸发,只是那一拳的力量也被悉数的吸收。 Spreads out Mar bus vision to be indifferent, the finger enough black fine lace one group, the spatial warping, the form killed again gently together suddenly from Reims. 重新拉开距离的马尔巴士目光淡然,手指再度够了出黑色细线轻轻一拨,空间扭曲,一道身影骤然从兰斯身边杀出。 Eden grasps the jet black double axe, cuts to fall from the top of the head of Reims ruthlessly, the axe blade cuts the air ruthlessly, has the combustion brilliance. 艾登手持漆黑双斧,狠狠从兰斯的头顶斩落,斧刃狠狠切割空气,带着燃烧般的光辉。 Rance abyss battle qi to form the protection, the Eden double axe cuts above battle qi, the strength of eruption like the pebble investment sea, the abyss battle qi the fluctuation to flicker, swallows that strength unexpectedly completely. 兰斯身上深渊斗气形成防护,艾登双斧斩在斗气之上,爆发的力量如同石子投入大海,深渊斗气波动一瞬,竟是将那力量完全吞噬。 The next second, battle qi in the protection to pull open the gap, Rance finds out Eden who a palm holds avoids without enough time together, pounds him backhandedly when the ground, but when Rance foot treads, steps on the broken Eden's skull, Rance's vision flashes fiercely, battle qi the proliferation also to wrap the side tea with milk in inside. 下一秒,斗气防护中拉开一道间隙,兰斯探出一只手掌抓住来不及躲开的艾登,将他反手砸在地上,可就在兰斯一脚踏出之时,踩碎艾登的头骨时,兰斯的目光猛地一闪,斗气扩散将身边奶茶也包裹在里面。 Almost is simultaneously, after a fine lace that his body extends Mar bus pulls, unexpectedly forcefully is moved the position. 几乎是同时,他身上延伸的一根细线被马尔巴士扯动后,竟然是被强行移动了位置。 Is good after Rance battle qi packages the tea with milk, her together shifts. 好在兰斯斗气包裹住奶茶后,也将她一同转移。 After saving ten several years strength unsealing, Rance's this time strength can continue and Mar bus contends, but the latter also realized Rance's thorniness, no longer positive/direct attack, but drags him in the battlefield, does not make him have the opportunity of evacuation. 积蓄了十数年的力量解封后,兰斯此时的战力能够持续的和马尔巴士抗衡,而后者也意识到了兰斯的棘手,不再正面的攻击,只是将他拖在战场之中,不让他有撤离的机会。 Wakes up, the standard stabs Sya Laposs!” “醒来,格剌西亚拉波斯!” The regular fine lace twines on Reims time, Mar bus drinks one suddenly coldly, demon god who tries to awaken the Reims within the body deep sleep. 规则细线缠绕兰斯身上的时候,马尔巴士突然冷喝一声,试图唤醒兰斯体内沉睡的魔神。 Her sound straight thrust Rance soul, making Rance the empty shadow of demon god start to fluctuate behind. 她的声音直刺兰斯灵魂,让兰斯身后魔神的虚影开始波动。 Meanwhile, Rance is cold snort/hum one, the abyss battle qi to become the congealing reality, floods that demon god empty shadow completely. 只是同时,兰斯就是冷哼一声,深渊斗气变得更加凝实,完全充斥那魔神虚影。 Rance dares to betray the demon empathize, abandons the demon god contract, is takes advantage of his strange abyss to mump, this battle qi the abyss that forms even to swallow the demon god its seal, with the Rance unceasing growth and corrosion, the standard stabs Sya Laposs these years unable on him to affect the slightest, in turn reared in a pen by him, squeezing strength. 兰斯敢于背叛魔神会,背弃魔神契约,也是依仗他诡异的深渊斗气,这斗气形成的深渊甚至能够吞噬魔神将其封印,随着兰斯不断的成长和侵蚀,格剌西亚拉波斯这些年无法对他影响分毫,反过来被他圈养,压榨力量。 Before the thorough seal standard stabs Sya Laposs, Rance also bore patiently several years time. 而在彻底封印格剌西亚拉波斯前,兰斯也是隐忍了数年的时间。 Today that must come the return. 今天那一切都得来了回报。 It seems like I underestimated you.” “看来我还是小看了你。” Mar bus looks that quiet demon god consciousness again, sneers, you think by these, can kill here?” 马尔巴士看着那重新沉寂的魔神意识,冷笑一声,“不过你以为凭借这些,就可以杀出这里?” In Mar bus eye the purple ray flashes, the form of distortion becomes the congealing reality, a more powerful strength arrives in this vessel. 马尔巴士眼中紫色光芒一闪,扭曲的身影变得更加的凝实,更强大的力量降临在这容器之中。 Imprisonment.” “禁锢。” With her cold sound opens the mouth, twines the black fine lace on Reims to change to the jet black ring to fetter on his body probably, at this moment Rance felt that the body and battle qi starts to be fettered. 随着她冷声开口,缠绕在兰斯身上的黑色细线像是化作漆黑的圆环束缚在他的身上,这一刻兰斯感觉身体和斗气都开始受到束缚。 However is only the next second, on Reims black ring has the fissure, obviously this imprisonment is unable to control Rance is too long, but Mar bus has not thought must take Rance depending on this, while this opportunity, she points at toward in the air wipes, the black fine lace forms a ring, then opens a channel from inside unexpectedly, the innumerable shadows leap suddenly from inside. 不过只是下一秒,兰斯身上的黑色圆环就产生裂痕,显然这禁锢无法控制住兰斯太久,不过马尔巴士本就没想过要凭此拿下兰斯,趁这个机会,她手指向着空中一抹,黑色细线形成一个圆环,而后从里面竟是打开一个通道,突然间无数黑影从里面跃出。 That is the gold metallurgy puppets leaps from the channel, encircles toward Reims kills to go, but they main goal is by the tea with milk that Rance protects, diverts Rance's attention by this. 那是一个个炼金傀儡从通道中跃出,向着兰斯围杀而去,而他们最主要的目标就是被兰斯保护的奶茶,以此分散兰斯的注意力。 Meanwhile Eden also seizes the opportunity, even the body skeleton is nearly stave, he in the savings terrifying attack, prepares to shoot the double axe as before, vented own anger to Rance. 于此同时艾登也抓住机会,即便身上骸骨近乎破碎,他依旧在积蓄恐怖攻击,准备掷出双斧,发泄自己的对兰斯的愤怒。 In the wink of an eye, Rance gets sucked into the tight encirclement again, the man vision is cold, the expression slight vacillation, not looking all around is destructive, battle qi breaks through the imprisonment diligently at the same time, firmly protection before tea with milk body. 瞬息之间,兰斯再次深陷重围,男人目光冷冽,表情没有丝毫的动摇,望着四周杀机四伏,斗气努力冲破禁锢的同时,牢牢守护在奶茶身前。 However these several seconds of delaying, also enough Eden saves the sufficient strength, saw that his ground disintegration, the double axe buzz the cry is ready loudly, but before his double axe shoots, Eden turns around with amazement, felt that behind attacks to transmit swiftly and fiercely, however just changed to half, the youngster who presents suddenly a foot has trampled to fly him. 不过这数秒的耽搁,也足够艾登积蓄起足够的力量,眼看他脚下地面轰然崩碎,双斧嗡鸣蓄势待发,可就在他双斧掷出之前,艾登又骇然转身,感觉到身后凌厉攻击传来,然而刚转到一半,身后忽然出现的少年已经一脚将他踹飞了出去。 Do not keep off father path.” “别挡老子路。” Loren looked at a kicked Eden, deeply after inspiring adjusted the mood, starts to hate bitterly opposite the accusation: You attacked to affect elf Sir king a moment ago, making elf Sir king experience personally the heavy losses, this is what kind of impoliteness, do you know that such offending must dead to the holy city people apologizes.” 洛伦看了一眼被踢飞的艾登,深吸一口气调整了情绪后,开始痛心疾首指责对面:“你们刚才的攻击波及精灵王大人,让精灵王大人身受重创,这是何等的无礼,你们知不知道这样的冒犯可是要以死向圣城人民谢罪的。” The elf king hears these words, on the face shows the grief and indignation expression, almost been mad and coughs several blood to come out, especially this fellow with him, when the shield, he will eat such attack hardly, should should be obviously you who apologized to the holy city people are right. 身后精灵王听到这句话,脸上不禁露出悲愤表情,差点被气的又咳出几口血出来,特么的要不是这家伙拿他当盾牌,他会硬吃那样的攻击,该向圣城人民谢罪的明明该是你才对。 ... 。。。 Copying the book review is not possible to copy the book review, this whole life is impossible to copy the book review. 抄书评是不可能抄书评的,这辈子都不可能抄书评的。 Is really fragrant. 诶,真香。
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