MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#90: insurance protects

The accident comes up in great numbers and from all sides. 变故横生。 Eden shocking looked that to the man who the side camouflages the gold metallurgy puppet, the opposite party quiet cold pupil looks, he has to plant by the feeling that the terrifying ominous beast stares at unexpectedly. 艾登震惊的看向身边伪装成炼金傀儡的男人,对方幽冷瞳孔望过来,他竟是有种被恐怖凶兽盯上的感觉。 The next second, Eden within the body battle qi the inflation, drinks a fist to wield fiercely toward the man. 下一秒,艾登体内斗气膨胀,猛喝一声一拳向着男人挥去。 But the black robe person also lifted another palm, before Eden that fist pounds, holds down again his attack. 而黑袍人也抬起了另一只手掌,在艾登那一拳砸来前,再次按住他的攻击。 Bang! 轰! The wild qi energy that a Eden fist pounds, before the palm of black robe person like the solidification stagnation, then, with a black ray eruption, the startled day air wave takes two people to explode toward the two sides as the center of circle. 艾登一拳砸出的狂暴气劲,在黑袍人的手掌前如凝固般停滞,而后,随着一圈黑色的光芒爆发,惊天的气浪以两人为圆心向着两边炸出。 The cape of black robe person was swayed by the strong winds, flap flap makes noise, his both legs step on the crack land, but has not stepped back, hits also seems like by before his body to the storm of Reims a sword general cliff incision, does not have any strength can injure to his behind young girl. 黑袍人身上的斗篷被狂风吹拂,猎猎作响,他的双腿踩裂大地,可是未曾退后一步,撞向兰斯的风浪在他的身前也像是被一座剑一般的峭壁切开,没有任何的力量可以伤到他身后的少女。 In Eden eyes appears slightly the blood threads, his battle qi in that short instantaneous has stimulated to movement to the limit, may be unable to shake at present the man slightest, his imposing manner like the abyss, is very sincere , makes one unable to see clearly the depth completely. 艾登眼中浮现微微血丝,他的斗气在那短短瞬间已然催动至极限,可也无法撼动眼前男人分毫,他气势如同深渊,无比厚重,也让人完全看不清深浅。 Stands erect before the young girl body, is the natural moat that spans, making one is unable to overstep. 屹立在少女身前,便是横亘的天堑,令人无法逾越。 The tea with milk grasps own time lonely, the nightmare that ten several years has covered the man mind as if emerges again, what kind of despair that is the pain, helplessly looks that the beloved person proceeds toward in own surface dies, looks that her smile dissipates in own life, her palm touches unreachable, that second that the life withers and falls she wants to hold anything. 奶茶孤独的抱住自己的时候,十数年一直笼罩男人脑海的噩梦仿佛再次涌现,那是一种怎样的绝望和痛苦,眼睁睁的看着心爱的人在自己的面前赴死,看着她的笑容消逝在自己的生命,她的手掌触不可及,生命凋落的那一秒她想要抓住什么的吧。 Reims, Reims......” “兰斯,兰斯……” Dark as if has gentle talking during sleep to summon his name, that sound is familiar and strange, but in awakens the dignity of anger and hidden in male person eyes little. 冥冥中仿佛有轻柔的呓语呼唤他的名字,那声音熟悉又陌生,可是在一点点唤醒男人眼中的愤怒和隐藏的威严。 Even if the father as the Odin empire well-known legend, Rance's given name were still never depressed, he was then forever glorious from the birth, but that ray and because not only Caro was his father excels by far his top of the head, because he was also talent extremely. 即便父亲作为奥丁帝国闻名的传奇,兰斯的名号也从未被压下,他从出生便光芒万丈,可那光芒并不只是因为卡罗是他的父亲而冠绝他的头顶,因为他本身也是绝顶的天才。 For he own liked being dormant, abandoned all brilliance and glorious, got the ignominious rebel label, the father and son breaks off, father and daughter shape with stranger, because wanted to complete the redemption personally. 他为了自己的所爱蛰伏,抛弃了一切的光辉和荣耀,被打上可耻的叛徒标签,父子决裂,父女形同陌路,因为想要亲手完成救赎。 At this time this nightmare was torn, ray that Rance suppresses then also blooms in this, ten years ago he hates not to have the strength, but he has the strength now, how also to be resigned to stay behind again regretted, the past these are unable to make up, but will redeem all these in the present future after all hopefully. 此时这噩梦被撕裂,兰斯压制的光芒的便也于此绽放出来,十年前他痛恨没有自己没有力量,可现在他拥有了力量,又怎甘心再次留下遗憾,过去的那些无法弥补,可是终归自己有希望在现在的未来救赎这一切。 The fire of that indignation since the chest torn fierce scar gushes out the agitated combustion, jet black battle qi like flame loudly, covers Rance's whole body. 那怨愤之火自心口被撕裂的狰狞的伤痕中涌出汹汹燃烧,漆黑的斗气如同火焰般轰然而起,覆盖兰斯的全身。 His battle qi fluctuates increases successively, by Rance is relieved for the seal that oneself suppose. 他的斗气波动节节攀升,为自己设下的封印被兰斯解除。 Since decided making a move, then does not need any scruples and hidden, all cards in a hand all may lift. 既然决定了出手,那么便无需任何顾忌和隐藏,所有底牌皆可掀开。 Mar bus last night words have made Rance set firm resolve, the attack and daughter who in addition previously Caro body died get sucked into the tight encirclement unable to help the acute agony, keeping Rance finally from enduring patiently, Mar bus exposed the tea with milk let alone lets the key that resurrected, he will not make anybody win the resurrecting hope. 马尔巴士昨晚的话已经让兰斯下定了决心,再加上先前卡罗身死的打击和女儿深陷重围无法施以援手的剧烈痛苦,让兰斯终于无法忍耐,更何况马尔巴士暴露了奶茶是让伊莎复活的关键,他不会让任何人夺走复活伊莎的希望。 When tyrannical battle qi ascension, Eden by Rance holding down both hands, really had to plant to be towed to entrain into the abyss little terrifying misconception. 暴虐的斗气升腾之际,艾登被兰斯按住双手,竟然有种被一点点拖拽入深渊的恐怖错觉。 He looks to Eden, in the vision as if there is blood-color vault of heaven, is simultaneously, Eden noticed that Rance covers the ice-cold iron mask on the face seems melting little, revealing the man was slightly pale, is the incomparably solemn face. 他望向艾登,目光中仿佛有着血色的天穹,也是同时,艾登看到兰斯覆盖在脸上冰冷铁质面具仿佛在一点点熔化,露出了男人略显苍白,可是无比冷峻的面庞。 As that mask melts, Eden feels the strength of Reims also the promotion of continuation. 然而随着那面具熔化,艾登感觉到兰斯的力量还在继续的提升。 After ten for several years, Rance shows the smile in the face of others for the first time, that smile both cold and extremely arrogant. 时隔十数年,兰斯第一次在其他人面前露出笑容,那笑容既冷冽又狂妄。 You are very pitiful.” “你很可怜。” Rance however opens the mouth quiet. 兰斯幽然开口。 Eden is very unlucky, the old unlucky egg is very difficult to annotate to his description, because he joins the demon empathize, was given to have not fresh duty by Mar bus like this. 艾登真的很倒霉,老倒霉蛋都很难诠释对他的形容,因为他才加入魔神会,就被马尔巴士赋予了这样有死无生的任务。 The demon empathize wants to test Rance, wants to compel his true goal, but this probe, often wants the deceased person. 魔神会想要试探兰斯,想要逼他真正的目的,可这试探,往往是要死人的。 Rance unties this seal is he strongest time, because he saves ten years of strength to be liberated today, this was also his abyss battle qi the truly powerful place. 兰斯解开这封印便是他最强的时候,因为他积蓄了十年的力量于今天被解放,这也是他深渊斗气真正强大的地方。 Eden already under Rance's imposing manner forces the cold sweat of whole face, in fact his battle qi also crazy eruption in this process, tries to escape from Rance's immobilization, however Rance's both hands same covered his both hands like the pincers ruthlessly. 艾登已经在兰斯的气势逼迫下满脸的冷汗,事实上在这个过程中他身上的斗气也疯狂的爆发,试图逃脱兰斯的钳制,然而兰斯的双手如同铁钳一样狠狠扣住了他的双手。 The time of this process seems like very long, in fact is less than several seconds, speech those words the ground then big piece of time Rance cracks the fissure, underground is suddenly turbulent to just like the volcanic eruption terrifying energy in this. 这个过程的时间看似很长,事实上不到数秒,说话那句话的时候兰斯脚下的地面便大片的崩裂出裂痕,于此地下忽然汹涌起犹如火山喷发般的恐怖能量。 Abyss. Bursts out.” “深渊.迸发。” The Rance light opens the mouth, the jet black light towering between filled up under crack, is the endless black ray shoots up to the sky suddenly, black light beam straight thrust sky cloud layer. 兰斯淡淡开口,漆黑的光突兀之间填满了底下的裂缝,然后是无尽的黑色的光芒忽然冲天而起,黑色的光柱直刺天空云层。 Bang!” “轰!” The jet black light beam instantaneously submerges Eden and Rance together, such as the ripples equally unconventional air wave turns toward all around to wash out unceasingly, the demon god puppet also erupted concussion bomb that these clash flew, rolled several to set out on the ground, the body was shaken many fissures in the impact unexpectedly. 漆黑的光柱瞬间将艾登和兰斯一同淹没,如涟漪一样跌荡的气浪不断向着四周冲刷,那些冲上来的魔神傀儡也被爆发的冲击弹飞了出去,在地上滚了几圈才起身,身上在冲击中竟是被震出不少裂痕。 Until this time, others as if realized that had anything, silent and astonished looks at the black light beam of that eruption. 直到这时,其他众人似乎才意识到发生了什么,沉默又惊愕的看着那爆发的黑色光柱。 The tea with milk looks up dull own front light beam, at that time kept off before her body the back and sound of man she is such familiar. 奶茶呆呆抬头看着自己面前的光柱,当时挡在她身前男人的背影和声音她都是那样的熟悉。 Sir Rance......” “兰斯大人……” Young girl muttering in a soft voice, in the somewhat chaotic train of thought that seemed like touches certain fuzzy memories, tears uncontrolled dripping in young girl eyes fell. 少女轻声的喃喃,有些混乱的思绪中,又像是触及了某些模糊的记忆,少女眼中的泪水不受控制的淌落。 Hill also staying stands in same place, on the face of youngster flashes through inconceivable, but lowers the head later silently, the innermost feelings conduct the bitter battle. 希尔也呆站在原地,少年的脸上闪过一丝不可思议,可随后又是默默低头,内心进行激烈的争斗。 Mar bus vision is indifferent, narrows the eye to look to the center of that light beam, Rance strength erupts the time, in Mar bus heart also shocks, she has not expected deep that such opposite party can hide. 马尔巴士目光冷漠,微眯着眼睛看向那光柱的中心,兰斯力量爆发的时候,马尔巴士心中也有震撼,她没有料到对方会隐藏的这么深。 As for a elf king side, regarding this sudden accident is shocking inexplicable. 至于精灵王一方,对于这突然的变故更是震惊莫名。 Besides Loren, almost all people do not make clear the situation, the elf king vision strange looks at that light beam, he has thought will rob the resistance of heart of Saint tree to come from the demon god, has not thought before then, the interior of demon god erupted the turmoil unexpectedly. 除了洛伦之外,几乎所有人都搞不清楚情况,精灵王目光奇异的看着那光柱,他一直以为抢夺圣树之心的阻力会来自魔神,可没有想到在此之前,魔神的内部竟然爆发了动乱。 As the matter stands, is this perhaps the good opportunity of fishing in troubled waters? 这样一来,这说不定是浑水摸鱼的好机会? Elf king Yanshen glitters, then looked to Loren, saw only the youngster to look at the direction of light beam to reveal the ponder the expression, does not know that is thinking anything. 精灵王眼神闪烁,然后看向了身边洛伦,只见少年望着光柱的方向露出思考的表情,不知道在想些什么。 At this time, the Mar bus of distant place could not bear begin finally, she lifted the hand toward direction of light beam, an illusory black fine lace from the sky formed instantaneously, then in her hands tightened. 只是在这时,远处的马尔巴士也终于忍不住动手,她抬手向着光柱的方向一拉,一根虚幻的黑色细线瞬间在空中形成,然后在她的手中绷紧。 Another end of fine lace, the form was pulled together fiercely from the light beam, that form by the empty shadow package of demon god, facing the huge threat that Rance brings, Eden is certainly impossible to have the idea of any hidden strength, really offers sacrifices some oneself souls, summoned the demon god to arrive. 细线的另一端,一道身影被从光柱中猛地扯出,那身影被魔神的虚影包裹,面对兰斯带来的巨大威胁,艾登当然不可能有任何隐藏实力的想法,果然献祭自己部分灵魂,召唤了魔神降临。 Many thanks the Sir helps one another.” “多谢大人相助。” Pulls after the impact of jet black light beam, Eden's fierce respite, his body flesh incomplete most probably, seems like extremely scary! 被从漆黑光柱的冲击下拉扯出来后,艾登剧烈的喘息,不过他的身体血肉残缺了大半,看上去极度的骇人! Even if pulled out, still also has black battle qi to attach as before on him is burning, Eden's body unceasing has the flesh to fall off, incomparable shocking, but Eden actually seems like cannot feel the aching feeling of body completely, he looks distant place the man who goes out of the dissipation light beam slowly, in the eye gushes out extreme resenting. 而且即便被拉出,也依旧还有黑色的斗气附着在他身上在燃烧,艾登的身上不断的有血肉在脱落,无比的触目惊心,可是艾登却像是完全感受不到身体的疼痛感,他只是看着远处从消散光柱中缓缓走出的男人,眼中涌出极度的愤恨。 Also on simultaneously, Eden body surged battle qi, grew black flame unexpectedly suddenly, evaporated in a flash all residual flesh, his body turns into a paint black skeleton completely, is only in that skeleton empty pupil, is lighting the quiet color flame, on his skeleton the jet black five corner/horn mark of brand mark! 也是在同时,艾登身上涌起了斗气,竟然是忽然增长了身上的黑色火焰,一瞬间蒸发了身上所有残留的血肉,他的身体完全变成一具漆黑色的骸骨,只是在那骸骨空洞的瞳孔中,点燃着幽色的火焰,他的骨骼上烙印的漆黑五角印痕! This is the 69 th demon god only Calaby's strength, Eden opened the front door of ghostdom, own transformation for a part of ghostdom. 这是属于第六十九魔神单卡拉比的力量,艾登打开了冥界的大门,将自己的转化为冥界的一部分。 This is taboo dead souls technique. 这是禁忌的死灵术式。 However took this step, Eden is unable to recall itself once to be the part of human, but he also only then by doing so, can live in Rance that tyrannical attack. 不过迈出了这一步,艾登也无法挽回自己曾经属于人类的部分,可他也只有这样做,才能在兰斯那暴虐的攻击中活下来。 Killed him.” “杀了他。” Mar bus looked at his one eyes lightly, then orders to say lightly. 马尔巴士淡淡看了他一眼,然后淡淡命令道。 The flame in Eden empty eye socket flashes through the cold light, the hand of fierce jet black bone startling takes down own double axe from the back, that black ray embezzles the double axe, as if transforms the weapon of ghostdom it. 艾登空洞眼眶中的火焰闪过冷光,狰狞漆黑的骨骇之手从背后取下自己的双斧,那黑色的光芒侵吞双斧,仿佛将其转化成冥界的兵器。 Told even without Mar bus, Eden also decides and Rance dies to fight, strips his life, infiltrates the ghostdom him, becomes oneself always servant, can resolve his hate. 就算不用马尔巴士吩咐,艾登也决定和兰斯死战到底,剥离他的生命,将他打入冥界,成为自己永世的奴仆,才能化解他的怨恨。 Bang!” “轰!” Eden's body runs out, tears the air wave of blasting open in the air, on the jet black skeleton bursts out the gloomy and cold ray, wields the double axe to cut outrageously toward Reims, the axe light interlocks the nether world the ray to fall ruthlessly. 艾登的身体冲出,在空气中撕裂出炸裂的气浪,漆黑的骸骨身上迸发出阴冷的光芒,悍然挥动双斧向着兰斯斩去,斧光交错出幽冥的光芒狠狠落下。 Rance is still unemotional, but the man the jet black ray corrodes the air at this moment behind instantaneously, the probably giant abyss in his behind expansion, swallows all. 兰斯依旧面无表情,只是这一刻男人身后漆黑的光芒瞬间侵蚀空气,像是巨大的深渊在他的身后展开,吞噬一切。 Abyss. Disappears!” “深渊.泯灭!” Rance makes a fist fiercely, then wields forward. 兰斯猛地握拳,然后向前挥出。 Huge thundering, deafening! 巨大的轰鸣,震耳欲聋! The endless black ray flash rushes to the front, falls in torrents like the jet black mighty current, wild destroys all, the goal of Rance this fist solely is not Eden, but is everyone in front. 无尽的黑色光芒一瞬间涌向前方,如同漆黑的洪流倾泻而出,狂暴的摧毁一切,兰斯这一拳的目标不单单是艾登,而是前方的所有人。 The terrifying aura flash presses on everyone's body, is some elf king absolutely terrified feelings, but other months hunt also same one startled, but at this moment, a calm sound resound in them behind, stabilized the morale of troops instantaneously. 恐怖的气息一瞬间压在所有人的身上,便是精灵王都有种毛骨悚然的感觉,而其他月狩也同样的一惊,可就在这时,在他们身后一个沉稳的声音响起,瞬间稳定了军心。 Protection elf king!” “保护精灵王陛下!” Loren tone serious shouting. 洛伦语气严肃的喊道。 The elf king also hears these words that resounds behind, but on the face has not revealed the happy expression, felt that own body was pulled ruthlessly, was treated as the shield to keep off by Loren in front. 精灵王也听到身后响起的这句话,可是脸上还没露出喜色,就感觉自己的身体被狠狠扯了一把,被洛伦当作盾牌挡在了前面。 Elf king: „???” 精灵王:“???” You special manages this called the protection!? 你特么管这叫保护!? ... 。。。 Wū wū, this is 999, too to the vigor, 3 : 0 sent off three stars neatly, was comfortable. 呜呜呜,这就是999吗,太给劲了,三比0干脆利落送走三星,舒服了。
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