MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#89: Again facing

The time is close to the evening time, the tea with milk and Hill saw brings Eden who the new duty is coming. 时间接近傍晚的时候,奶茶和希尔见到了带着新任务过来的艾登。 On Eden was covered by dim black fog, making one unable to see clearly the facial features. 艾登身上被一层朦胧的黑雾覆盖,让人看不清面容。 This Sir, does not know that our duties are anything.” “这位大人,不知道我们的任务是什么。” After seeing Eden reveals the black feather mark on arm, determined Hill of his status looks at Eden to ask. 看到艾登露出胳膊上的黑色羽毛印记后,确定了他身份的希尔看着艾登问道。 In speech a pupil of time Hill's is rotating the quiet blue light, as to penetrate that black fog, but that ray flashes to pass. 说话的时候希尔的一只瞳孔中转动着幽蓝色的光,似乎想要穿透那黑雾,不过那光芒只是一闪而逝。 You knew to the place.” Eden returns lightly said, his vision similarly also sizes up on the tea with milk and Chille, later in the heart cannot bear the unstated criticism Rance's good luck, in the subordinates who the demon empathize leads is such pretty girls, but this called Hill's young girl, although the cheek was good, but the stature was extremely pitiful. “到地方你们就知道了。”艾登淡淡回道,他的目光同样也在奶茶和希尔身上打量,随后心中忍不住腹诽兰斯的好运,在魔神会带领的部下都是这么漂亮的女孩,不过这叫希尔的少女虽然脸蛋不错,但是身材太过可怜。 Finally his line of sight looked on the tea with milk was very long, the status of tea with milk elf was very good to identify, looks at a young girl naive appearance, in his heart somewhat was also regrettable, the good young girl, what a pity was dying quickly, he did not have an opportunity of own perfumed hair-oil. 最后他的视线在奶茶身上看了很久,奶茶精灵的身份很好辨认,看着少女一副天真的模样,他的心中也有些遗憾,多好的少女啊,可惜很快就要死了,他也没有一亲芳泽的机会。 The order of Mar bus he does not dare to defy, does not dare to cause what accident/surprise before the transaction, when depresses the observation to the tea with milk Qi in heart read. 马尔巴士的命令他不敢违抗,也不敢在交易前弄出什么意外,所以压下了望向奶茶时心中的绮念。 Walks.” “走吧。” Especially after thinking of Mar bus is possibly gazing at momentarily, in Eden heart is one cold, said one lightly, turning around stand forth. 特别是在想到马尔巴士可能随时注视着自己后,艾登心中更是一凛,淡淡说了一句,转身向前走去。 Hill, his vision...... is a little repugnant.” “希尔,他的目光……有点讨厌。” When Eden turns around, the tea with milk cannot help but drew Lahir's lower hem corner to say low voice. 而在艾登转身的时候,奶茶不由得拉了拉希尔的衣角小声说道。 Relax, we coordinate him to carry out task a time, Sir Rance will come back quickly.” “放心吧,我们只是配合他执行一次任务而已,兰斯大人很快就会回来的。” Hill said in a soft voice. 希尔轻声道。 Shortly, two people followed Eden to go to the edge in holy city, there had an abandoned manor, this worn-out construction seemed like many years ago died, gradually the dim sunlight sprinkled, according to this colossus residual corpse, left behind the heavy/thick shadow in the ground. 不久后,两人跟着艾登去到了圣城的边缘,那里有座废弃的庄园,这片破旧的建筑像是在很多年前死去,逐渐昏暗的日光洒落,照着这座庞然大物残留的“尸身”,在地面留下厚重的影子。 Hill looks toward the two sides, they when approach the manor, the side had/left many silent black robe people, having one type to wither the ice-cold aura. 希尔向着两边看去,他们在走近庄园的时候,身边多出了许多沉默的黑袍人,带着一种肃杀冰冷的气息。 Hill looks to these black robes, felt that the dense chill in the air such as the snake post attaches the skin, these black robe people are the gold metallurgy puppets, moreover when is the demon empathize with the artificial life refinement demon god vessel eliminated failure, naturally, as the vessel they are failure, is other relative puppets, these fellows are the top manufacture levels. 希尔看向那些黑袍,感觉到森森寒意如蛇贴附皮肤,这些黑袍人都是炼金傀儡,而且是魔神会用人工生命炼制魔神容器时被淘汰的失败品,当然,作为容器他们是失败品,可是相对其他的傀儡而言,这些家伙已经是顶尖的制造水平。 The puppets are glassy-eyed, when truly start will then erupt the thunder murderous intention, changes to the sharpest blade, tears into shreds all enemies. 傀儡目光呆滞,但真正启动之时便会爆发雷霆杀机,化作最锋利的刀刃,撕碎一切的敌人。 Mar bus Sir set out these puppets, should be to this duty unusual regarding as important. 马尔巴士大人出动了这些傀儡,应该是对这次任务异常的看重。 Hill silently is thinking, the manufactures of these puppets have part are his merit, but he has not operated the jurisdictions of these puppets, at least...... on does not have outwardly. 希尔默默的想着,这些傀儡的制作有一部分是他的功劳,但是他并没有操纵这些傀儡的权限,至少……明面上没有。 But looks that both sides these puppets establish separately, Hill suddenly also has a strange misconception, the duties of these puppets are to not just protect them, is imprisoning them probably. 而看着那些傀儡分立两侧,希尔忽然又有种诡异的错觉,这些傀儡的任务不单是保护他们,也像是在囚禁着他们。 Why I will have this strange idea. 为什么我会有这种奇怪的想法。 Hill smiles bitterly to look to the tea with milk, seeing only the tea with milk step is lively, jumping is walking, double ponytail in a flash, is still in a flash mindless, moreover expression, because the unknown duty seems somewhat excited. 希尔苦笑一下看向奶茶,只见奶茶步伐轻快,蹦蹦跳跳的走着,双马尾一晃一晃,依旧是没心没肺的,而且表情因为未知的任务显得有些兴奋。 Also at this time, walked in front Eden stopped the footsteps suddenly. 也是这时,走在前方的艾登忽然停下了脚步。 He looks to the front, the look becomes vigilant and dignified, Hill also blocked the tea with milk, is stopping same place, these gold metallurgy puppets also static, like the statue, formed the opposition with several people of front by far. 他看向前方,神色变得警惕而凝重,希尔也拦下了奶茶,在原地停下,那些炼金傀儡也随之静止了下来,如同雕像,远远和前方的数人形成对立。 Not far away elf king Qin the indifferent expression is standing in the frontline, his side is the careless black hair youngster, around two people, wears the elf dispersion of moon/month of seal cape to stand, peaceful wait in the one side, each elf gives Hill the tremendous pressure. 不远处精灵王噙着冷漠的表情站在最前方,他身边是漫不经心的黑发少年,在两人四周,还有身披月印斗篷的精灵分散而立,安静的守候在一旁,每一个精灵都给予希尔巨大的压力。 Elf moon/month hunts, this is the army of legend, that is...... the elf king?” “精灵月狩,这是传奇的部队,还有那个是……精灵王?” Hill turns very quiet, the shock looks to these elves, he has not thought that oneself duty will face such existence, at this moment his in the heart has the thick doubts again, why can such duty need him and tea with milk? 希尔屏住呼吸,震惊的看向那些精灵,他没有想到自己的任务会面对这样的存在,这一刻他心中再次生出浓浓的疑惑,为什么这样的任务会需要他和奶茶? Hill extremely in surprised, unexpectedly no earliest possible time discovered own elf young girl expression little becomes pale, she looks at that side elf king, the look of young girl has being frightened gradually, in the heart also had the inexplicable fear, the tea with milk does not know oneself are afraid anything, but she did not have the feeling of reason at this time anxiously, in the heart as if has a sound to tell her to leave here. At this time the attention of elf king was captured by the tea with milk completely, his within the body holy blood rapid surges, because was attracted by some type of aura, he can feel clearly quietly in some strength of tea with milk within the body. 希尔太过于惊讶,竟然没有第一时间发现自己身边的精灵少女表情一点点变得苍白,她看着那边的精灵王,少女的眼神渐渐多出了惊惶,心中也生出莫名的恐惧,奶茶也不知道自己在害怕什么,但是这个时候她没来由的感觉到了不安,心中似乎有个声音在告诉她要离开这里。此时精灵王的目光完全被奶茶吸引,他体内圣血急促的涌动起来,因为受到了某种气息的吸引,他能够清楚的感觉到沉寂在奶茶体内的某种力量。 „The heart of Saint tree!” “圣树之心!” This girl unexpectedly is the heart of Saint tree!!” “这个女孩竟然是圣树之心!!” The elf king breathes becomes loud, he has not thought that the heart of Saint tree had the consciousness, moreover transformed some type living existence, this transformation danger, he needed provided the strength to him the item, did not need one living soul! 精灵王呼吸变得粗重,他没有想到圣树之心拥有了意识,而且转变成了某种活着的存在,这种转变十分的危险,他需要的只是给他提供力量的道具,并不需要一个活着的灵魂! Elf king, I have demonstrated my sincerity now, should be you show oneself sincerity the time.” “精灵王阁下,现在我已经展示了我的诚意,也该是你表现自己诚意的时候了吧。” At this time sound spooky resounding, the darkness of both sides central position distortion appeared, condenses a fuzzy person's shadow, Mar bus smiles is looking to that side elf king. 这时一个声音幽幽的响起,双方中央的位置扭曲的黑暗浮现,凝聚出一个模糊的人影,马尔巴士微笑着看向那边的精灵王。 The elf king restrained the expression, lifts own hand, in his hand has a transparent crystal. 精灵王收敛了表情,抬起自己的手,他的手中有一枚透明的水晶。 These that you want, store up in this crystal completely, you can take at the scene confirmed in the past.” “妳要的那些,全部储存在这枚水晶中,妳可以当场拿过去验证。” But in Mar bus must tow in the elf king hand the crystal, elf king also said suddenly lightly: „Before confirmation, I also need to determine the authenticity of heart of Saint tree.” 可就在马尔巴士要牵引精灵王手中水晶之时,精灵王突然又淡淡道:“不过验证之前,我也需要确定圣树之心的真实性。” Saint tree...... heart......” “圣树……之心……” The noun that Hill muttered, in the heart was still doubtful, may in the next second, he notice anything probably, has turned the head fiercely, looked to tea with milk. 希尔喃喃的这个名词,心中依旧充满疑惑,可在下一秒,他像是注意到了什么,猛地转过头去,看向身边的奶茶。 The smile on young girl face has disappeared does not see, what then replaces is the incomparably frightened expression, the body of young girl in unceasing shivering, will resist is wanting to retreat in the future. 少女脸上的笑容早就消失不见,转而替换的是无比恐惧的表情,少女的身体在不断的颤抖,抗拒着想要往后退去。 That short several characters awakened the certain memories of young girl, 那短短几个字唤醒了少女的某些记忆, Looks at all these, in Hill's brain towering buzz like the blank, the doubts in heart were relieved, Hill only thought that the whole body blood seems like frozen. 看着这一切,希尔的脑中突兀嗡的一声如同空白,心中的疑惑被解除的时候,希尔只觉得浑身血液都像是被冻结。 We were convened, at all not for what duty.” “我们被召集过来,根本不是为了什么任务。” No wonder...... they must first transfer to a new job Sir Rance......” “难怪……他们要先调开兰斯大人……” In Hill eyes reveals to be angry and sorrowful. 希尔眼中露出愤怒和悲哀。 Brings to come her.” “把她带过来吧。” Mar bus tranquil opens the mouth. 马尔巴士平静的开口。 I knew, Sir.” “我知道了,大人。” Eden returns said, later the vision shifts to the rear area, coldly looks to the team middle tea with milk. 艾登回道,随后目光转向后方,冷冷望向队伍中间的奶茶。 No, I do not pass, I must see Sir Rance.” “不,我不要过去,我要见兰斯大人。” But looks Eden who approaches, suddenly the tea with milk probably frightened fawn same retreats backward, her within the body erupts the charm, but that charm ray emerges forms law, Eden is sneers one to lift the hand to press down toward the tea with milk. 而看着逼近的艾登,突然奶茶像是受惊的小鹿一样向后退去,她的体内爆发出魔力,可是那魔力光芒堪堪涌现形成法阵,艾登就是冷笑一声抬手向着奶茶按下。 Law that demon supernatural power direct tearing of boiling has not taken shape, the tea with milk called one from in the air falling. 沸腾的魔神力直接撕裂还未成型的法阵,奶茶呜鸣一声从空中坠下。 These demon god puppets start like lightning, the bone-chilling cold sword twinkling draws out, encircles to dropping the young girl, sieges the tea with milk like the prisoner's cage of steel in inside. 那些魔神傀儡闪电般启动,凛冽刀剑瞬息拔出,围向跌落的少女,如同钢铁的囚笼将奶茶围困在里面。 Does not want...... me not to want!” “不要……我不要!” The tea with milk falls on the ground, suddenly is holding a painful sob, with elf king cold vision looking at each other time, the young girl realized that some destiny must arrive, the tears uncontrolled flow off from her cheeks, is quite fearful, is quite lonely. 奶茶跌坐在地上,突然抱着头痛苦的哭泣起来,和精灵王冷冽目光对视的时候,少女意识到某种命运要降临了,泪水不受控制的从她的脸颊流下,好可怕,好孤独。 Probably must be belonged to dark, she will be imprisoned in that total darkness place again, is listening to near the ear innumerable soul pitiful crying loudly, that scene just like the hell, her consciousness forever drifts in such chaos, this time can also be redeemed? 好像一切又要被归于黑暗了,她将再次被囚禁在那暗无天日的地方,听着耳边无数灵魂悲惨的嚎哭,那景象犹如地狱,她的意识将永远的在那样的混沌中漂泊,这次还能得到救赎吗? Mother......” “妈妈……” She is talking over that two characters suddenly gently, wants to put out a hand to hold anything, but the young girl gradually fell into at a loss, she recalls probably, that closely is hugging her, her the person who led from that place already not. 突然之间她轻轻念叨着那两个字,想要伸手抓住什么,可是少女又逐渐陷入了茫然,她好像记起,那个紧紧拥抱着她,将她从那个地方带出来的人早就不在了。 Young girl dull raising the head, looks at Hill to distant place, with flickers, Hill who the young girl looks at each other as if felt own heart ruthlessly was torn the same place, he sees the pupil of young girl is such emptiness and despair. 少女呆呆的抬头,看向远处的希尔,和少女对视的一瞬,希尔仿佛感觉自己的心脏狠狠的被撕裂一块,他看见少女的瞳孔是那样的空洞而绝望。 Hill anger, may before he has an action to perform, distant place Mar bus indifferent looked to him, the invisible imposing manner steamroll , a basin cold water twinkling from his top of the head pouring, extinguished his flame probably, making him feel the piercing chill in the air. 希尔愤怒,可在他有所动作之前,远处马尔巴士冷漠的看向了他,无形的气势碾压而下,像是一盆冷水瞬息从他的头顶浇下,熄灭了他内心的火焰,让他感觉到刺骨的寒意。 Eden sneers from process of Chille, the youngster can only look at Eden to move toward that side young girl helplessly, leads desperately to her. 艾登冷笑的从希尔的身边经过,少年只能眼睁睁的看着艾登走向那边的少女,将她带向绝望。 Finally in the end, my anything cannot change.” “结果到头来,我什么都没能改变。” Hill felt oneself seem like by lonely being stranded in same place, many years ago, he had also lost all. 希尔感觉自己像是被孤独的困在原地,很多年前,他也曾经失去过一切。 His throat dry, the breath is serious, such wants to save her obviously, but is been in-situ by tying up of being incapable. 他的喉咙干涩,呼吸沉重,明明那样想拯救她,可是被无力的捆缚在原地。 Path between Eden and tea with milk opens access, in the young girl eye of cowering wants to dissipate slowly, her charm in the strength of demon supernatural power by complete cut-off, her only resistance way was rolling up the body, lonely is hugging itself. 艾登和奶茶之间的道路畅通无阻,瑟缩的少女眼中希望缓缓消散,她的魔力在魔神力的力量被完全的切断,她唯一的对抗方式就是蜷缩着身体,孤独的抱着自己。 At this moment the worn-out manor seems somewhat quiet, the elf king side person has no movement, indifferent surrounds this farce, the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness interweaves vicissitudes of life of people, however these sorrow and joy among people not common. 这一刻破旧的庄园显得有些沉寂,精灵王方的人没有任何动作,冷漠的围观这场闹剧,喜怒哀乐交织出人们的悲欢离合,然而这些悲欢人与人之间并不共同。 Loren tranquil looks at all these, is looking at that young girl inexplicably thinks that night, the girl of silver hair was isolated in same place, is such startled not handles, probably in rainy night abandoned alone kitten. 洛伦平静的看着这一切,望着那少女莫名的想到了那个夜晚,银发的女孩被孤立在了原地,是那样的惊慌无措,像是雨夜中被抛弃的孤零零的小猫。 The corners of the mouth of youngster pull the danger the happy expression, however he has not acted, because before Eden arrives at the tea with milk, asking to grasp to the young girl time, the movement of man stagnates unexpectedly. 少年的嘴角扯出危险的笑意,然而他并没有动作,因为就在艾登来到奶茶之前,伸手要抓向少女的时候,男人的动作蓦地停滞。 Side should be static in same place demon god puppet lifts his palm, held Eden's arm, the finger threaded up, probably inserted in his flesh. 旁边一只该是静止在原地的魔神傀儡抬起的了他的手掌,抓住了艾登的手臂,手指紧扣,像是嵌入他的血肉之中。 Eden turns the head to look to that puppet, what sees under that black robe is an incomparably profound eye. 艾登转头望向那“傀儡”,在那黑袍下看到的是一双无比幽深的眼睛。 Some lives revolved one to fall on the front of man again, this time no one prevented him to erupt own having made up mind again, the shame of once evading tears into shreds today, he must complete oneself redemption and saving. 有些命运转了一圈再次落在了男人的面前,这一次没有人再来阻止他爆发自己的决意,曾经逃避的耻辱于今日撕碎,他要完成自己的救赎和拯救。 ... 。。。
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