MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#88: Rance's having made up mind

In the evening. 晚上。 A Loren person stays in arranging in room, somewhat is slightly disconsolate. 洛伦一个人呆在安排好的房间里,稍微有些惆怅起来。 Stupid la carried off, but That side Xueli is also quite sensitive, he not good casual in the past, it seems like these days evening can only pass. 笨菈被带走,而雪莉那边又比较敏感,他也不好随便过去,看来这几天的晚上都只能自己一个人度过了。 Like this thinking, some Loren inexplicable faces are black, impulsion that somewhat wants to lay cards on the table. 这样想着,洛伦莫名有些脸黑,都有些想要摊牌的冲动了。 However thinks the plan of demon empathize and elf king, suppressed. 但是想想魔神会和精灵王的谋划,还是强忍了下来。 Un. 嗯。 It is not several days does not have the fiendish person to hold the pillow in the side, although la and Bailey hair is mild-mannered, the body is gentle and charming, occasionally will also act like a spoiled brat to sell to sprout/moe, the body also has the nice-smelling delicate fragrance, but what's the big deal. 不就是几天没有魔王抱枕在身边吗,虽然洛菈和贝莉尔头发柔顺,身子娇柔,偶尔还会撒娇卖萌,身上也有好闻的清香,但那又如何。 He is not greedy two people bodies. 他又不馋两人身子。 In the evening does not have stupid la to bully, but also really some are not familiar with.” “不过晚上没有笨菈欺负,还真有些不习惯啊。” Loren muttered in a soft voice. 洛伦轻声喃喃。 The royal palace he has looked basically, before the next action starts, Loren has a lot of free time. 王宫他基本看过一圈,在下一步行动开始前,洛伦有不少空闲的时间。 But at this moment, Loren brow selected, looks to the entrance. 而就在这时,洛伦眉头一挑,看向了门口。 Outside some people are close, without the hidden aura, who after surveying that aura is, Loren is astonished slightly. 外面有人接近,没有隐藏气息,在探测出那气息是谁后,洛伦稍微讶异。 After short knock, Loren opened the door. 短促的敲门声过后,洛伦打开了房门。 Elf king stands in the entrance, has fermented for a long time mood, after seeing Loren, on his face squeezed the smile: Luke......” 精灵王站在门口,已经酝酿了许久的情绪,看到洛伦后,他的脸上挤出了笑容:“卢克阁下……” Elf Sir king so will never be expected that late.” Loren looked at elf king one eyes, saw his consciousness body concise many . Moreover the body is hiding the powerful courage vigor, can condense the real body momentarily, saw this Loren then to know the opposite party to absorb these holy blood. “没想到精灵王大人会这么晚过来。”洛伦看了精灵王一眼,看出他的意识体凝练了不少,而且身上隐藏着强大的血气,随时都能凝聚真实身体,见此洛伦便知晓对方已经吸收了那些圣血。 I come today, mainly for the beforehand these things, I thought that perhaps among us has some misunderstanding.” “我今天过来,主要是为了之前的那些事情,我觉得我们之间或许存在一些误会。” The elf king looks at Loren's face, does not know why always felt this fellow seems like very under punches, but thinks, suppressed these ideas in heart, said with a smile. 精灵王看着洛伦的脸,不知道为何总觉得这家伙看上去就十分的欠揍,但想了想,压住了心中的那些想法,笑着说道。 Therefore......” “所以……” Elf king is saying, on the ring in the hand wipes, takes out that bottle of secret wine who previously prepared. 精灵王说着,在手中戒指上一抹,取出了先前准备的那瓶秘酒。 But he has not said the following words with enough time, sees that side Loren eyes one brightly, on the youngster desolate face changed into smiling: You were needless saying that I understand, elf Sir king, came for the beforehand crude apology?” 可他还没来得及说出下面的话,就看到那边洛伦眼睛一亮,少年本来冷淡的脸上换成了满脸笑容:“你不用说了,我明白的,精灵王大人,是来为之前的鲁莽道歉的吧?” How this feels all right, never expected that elf Sir king also wins such precious gift to come, not to need.” Loren is saying, snatches has seized secret wine from the elf king hand. “不过这怎么好意思呢,没想到精灵王大人还拿着这么珍贵的礼物来,没必要啊。”洛伦说着,抢似的从精灵王手中夺过了秘酒。 The rapidness of speed, the elf king has not even responded, moreover in that flickers, on elf king shocking seeing Loren of flashed passed the ray, as if used battle qi. 速度之快,精灵王甚至都没有反应过来,而且在那一瞬,精灵王震惊的看到洛伦身上闪逝了光芒,似乎都用了斗气。 „???” “???” Luke, you......” elf king looks own completely empty both hands, the eye stared in a big way, some little time recovered, especially what person, robber? When I had said I am apologize. “卢克阁下,你……”精灵王看着自己空空如也的双手,眼睛都瞪大了,好一会才回过神来,特么的这什么人啊,强盗吗?还有我什么时候说过我是来道歉的了。 Loren only treats as had not seen the complexion that the elf king becomes dark, putting out a hand with a laugh patted the shoulder of elf king. 洛伦只当作没看到精灵王发黑的脸色,笑呵呵的伸手拍了拍精灵王的肩膀。 You felt relieved the person, I am not calculating, previously punched you, is really not my original intention, I, really very reasonable, moreover elf Sir king the sincere apology, I will not certainly care about so many, later our normal cooperation.” “你放心吧,我也不是那么斤斤计较的人,先前揍你啊,真的不是我的本意,我这人,真的很讲道理的,而且精灵王大人都诚心道歉了,我当然也不会在意那么多,以后我们就正常合作。” Elf king silence looks after that secret wine to Loren hand, vanishes directly does not see, wants to denounce severely one, this fellow why so skilled, the satisfying ache makes him unable to say a few words for a short time. 精灵王沉默的看着那秘酒到洛伦手上后直接消失不见,很想痛斥一句,这家伙为什么这么熟练啊,可心中的疼痛让他一时半会说不出一句话来。 That is he collects ten thousand years of secret wine, originally he wants one glass of liquor to taste to Loren, finally finally turns into itself to link one not to taste, was robbed by Loren, is this person? 那是他珍藏万年的秘酒,本来他只是想给洛伦一杯酒尝尝的,结果最后变成自己连一口都没尝到,就被洛伦抢走了,这还是人吗? After stood for a half minute, elf king Caishen inspires, on the face actually showed the smile: Luke likes well.” 就这么站了半分钟后,精灵王才深吸了一口气,脸上却是重新露出了笑容:“卢克阁下喜欢就好。” With the heart of contrast Saint tree, the ten points that which is the lighter and which is the heavier elf king acts bashful clear, although that bottle of secret liquor are precious, but cannot bring about the substantive change to his strength, moreover after thinks shortly, the elf king also wants to understand, that bottle of secret liquor place Loren that actually also is only temporary depositing. 和圣树之心对比,孰轻孰重精灵王还是拿捏的十分的清楚的,虽然那瓶秘酒珍贵,但并不能给他的实力带来实质性的变化,而且短暂思索过后,精灵王也想明白了,那瓶秘酒放在洛伦那,其实也只算是暂时的存放而已。 After all these finished, he can recycle momentarily. 等到这一切结束后,他随时都能回收。 Loren hears the words of elf king, cannot help but looked at his one eyes, this fellow imagines compared with him can endure patiently. 洛伦听到精灵王的话,不由得多看了他一眼,这家伙比他想象的更能忍耐。 Actually I come to look for you tonight, besides apology, what is also important is must tell Luke.” “其实我今晚过来找你,除了道歉之外,也还有一件重要的是要告诉卢克阁下。” The elf king closes the door, the smile said: Now we should also calculate the friend.” 精灵王关上房门,微笑道:“现在我们应该也算朋友了吧。” Un.” “嗯。” Eats the person to have one's speech softened, is short with the manpower, Loren did not plan that really and elf king gets angry, the duty that furthermore the demon empathize arranges must fall on this fellow finally, therefore decided that listened to him to say well, naturally made that is two matters. 吃人嘴软,拿人手短,洛伦也不打算真和精灵王翻脸,再者魔神会安排的任务最后还得落在这家伙身上,所以决定听他好好说说,当然做不做那就是两回事了。 In a moment ago, encircled these people who kill Elisha to find me before, will force me tomorrow evening and they trades, in the holy blood with my hand will exchange in their hands to I very important thing.” “就在刚才,之前围杀艾丽莎的那些人找到我,逼迫我明天晚上和他们进行交易,用我手中的圣血交换他们手中一件对我很重要的东西。” Elf king Renzhen said: Since we now are the united fronts, therefore I hope that tomorrow Luke can lend a hand to assist.” 精灵王认真道:“既然我们现在是统一战线,所以我希望明天卢克阁下能够出手相助。” Wait, you said anything before, I have not listened clearly.” “等等,你之前说什么,我没听清楚。” I said that hopes Luke can lend a hand to assist.” Elf king Naixin said. “我说希望卢克阁下能够出手相助。”精灵王耐心道。 „It is not this, on.” “不是这个,上一句。” „Did the beforehand enemy find me to with me trade?” “之前的敌人找到我要和我交易?” „It is not, proceeds again.” “也不是,再往前一些。” Elf king knitting the brows head of: Now should we also calculate the friend?” 精灵王皱了皱眉头:“现在我们应该也算朋友了吧?” Excuse me, do we know?” Loren shows a face strange expression to look at the elf king. “不好意思,我们认识吗?”洛伦露出一脸奇怪的表情看着精灵王。 Elf king: „???” 精灵王:“???” Hears these words, the elf king felt the extravasated blood that within the body was mad must well up the head, he is staring Loren stubbornly, but after a while, unexpectedly was suddenly tranquil, deeply inspired: 听到这句话,精灵王感觉体内被气出的淤血都要涌上脑袋,他死死瞪着洛伦,可过了一会,竟是突然平静了下来,深吸一口气: Similar collection, actually I have other, so long as Luke lends a hand to assist, I will give the reward.” “类似的珍藏,其实我还有其他,只要卢克阁下出手相助,我自会给出报酬。” Elf Sir king you do not certainly match, when friend of mine, but starting today, you were my good brothers.” “精灵王大人你当然不配当我的朋友,不过从今天开始,你就是我的好兄弟了。” Loren hears word has profound respect, puts out two wine glasses, to oneself but actually one cup of secret wine, but in must also go forward to another cup, Loren suddenly thinks, changed the canteen to elf king inverted/fall one cup of tea, said with a laugh: I record suddenly, elf Sir king present body, is not definitely suitable to drink, then by tea generation of liquor, respects my one cup.” 洛伦闻言肃然起敬,拿出两个酒杯,给自己倒了一杯秘酒,可就在要给另一杯也倒上前,洛伦突然想了想,换了水壶给精灵王倒了一杯茶,笑呵呵道:“我突然记起来,精灵王大人现在的身体,肯定不适合喝酒,那么便以茶代酒,敬我一杯吧。” The taking up drinking glass that elf king palm trembles, the last cup of tea drink in the stomach, only thought that the whole body is getting angry. 精灵王手掌哆嗦的拿起水杯,最后一杯茶喝进肚里,只觉得浑身都在冒火。 He possibly is not individual, but this fellow is the real dog. 他可能不是个人,但这家伙是真的狗。 .. 。。 The turbulent tidal current, has not made the life of other holy city people come under too many influences in secret, even if declares martial law is still continuing, but that floods the life breath the block sufficiently to forget all worries and dangers. 暗中汹涌的潮流,并没有让圣城其他人的生活受到太多的影响,即便戒严还在继续,可是那充斥生活气息的街区却足以让人忘记一切烦恼和危险。 Rance Station in the street, looks at side pair of parents to take care of the child to go far away, the little girl closely is holding father's arm, occasionally acts like a spoiled brat noisily, side also follows the gentle woman, looks with the helpless vision to own daughter, with the man looks at each other, two people vision are gentle and favor to drown. 兰斯站在街边,望着身边一对父母带着小孩远去,小女孩紧紧抱着父亲的手臂,偶尔撒娇吵闹,旁边还跟着温柔的女人,用无奈的目光看向自己的女儿,和男人对视的时候,两人的目光都是温柔和宠溺。 Rance wears the mask, the face under mask also has no expression, he is familiar with hide oneself all with the mask, but also gradually discovered afterward that mask engraved probably on his face. 兰斯戴着面具,面具下的脸也没什么表情,他习惯用面具隐藏自己的一切,可后来也逐渐发现那面具像是刻印在了他的脸上。 Sir Rance, this gives you.” “兰斯大人,这是给你的。” Suddenly, before gripping the elf young girls in golden double ponytail are jumping to arrive at the body of Reims, the hot red steamed bean-jam bun stopper that will just buy gave Rance, on the young girl face grinning, looks that Rance shows the expression that flatters slightly. 突然之间,扎着金色双马尾的精灵少女蹦蹦跳跳来到兰斯的身前,将刚买的热腾腾的红豆包塞给了兰斯,少女脸上笑嘻嘻的,看着兰斯露出略微讨好的表情。 From entering the demon empathize starts, the tea with milk is Rance has brought to act, although seemingly is all day mindless, but in the tea with milk heart can actually distinguish others to oneself is good is bad. 从进入魔神会开始,奶茶就一直是兰斯带着在行动,虽然整天看上去没心没肺的,但是奶茶心中却能分辨出其他人对自己是好是坏。 Although icy Uncle Rance wears the mask daily seems like stuffy and bored, but the man looked brings the indescribable gentleness occasionally to her vision association/will. 冷冰冰的兰斯大叔虽然天天戴着面具看上去又闷又无聊,但是男人偶尔看向她的目光总会带着难以描述的温柔。 Such ice-cold Uncle Rance, if turns into the girl, definitely lovable many, should be insufficient so to be daily sad.” In the tea with milk brain had some strange ideas again. “这样冰冷的兰斯大叔要是变成女孩子,肯定会可爱不少,应该不至于天天那样沉闷了。”奶茶脑中再次冒出了一些奇怪的想法。 Rance said in a soft voice: Thanks.” 兰斯轻声道:“谢谢。” Right, Sir Rance, Mar bus Sir gave me and Hill duty a moment ago, said that is the evening has very vital duty to do, will Sir Rance also go?” “对了,兰斯大人,刚才马尔巴士大人给了我和希尔任务,说是晚上有很重要的任务去做,兰斯大人也会去吗?” Rance hears word stopped suddenly, said lightly: I have other duties, had no way with you together.” 兰斯闻言忽然停顿了一下,淡淡说道:“我还有其他的任务,没法和你们一起了。” Right, that was really a pity ~ Hill was too useless, makes the duty is not relieved with him.” “是吗,那真可惜了~希尔太没用了,和他做任务一点都不安心。” Relieved who is!” “不让人安心的到底是谁啊!” Side slender and delicate such as Hill of female sample could not bear refute one, ill-humored looks to grip the double ponytail innocent elf young girl. 旁边纤柔如女子样的希尔忍不住反驳了一句,没好气的看着扎着双马尾一脸无辜的精灵少女。 Naturally is Hill, is difficult to be inadequate I, slightly slightly.” “当然是希尔啦,难不成还是我啊,略略略。” The tea with milk makes faces, is spitting the tongue to Rance: Sir Rance must complete the duty to go home earlier, fool Hill is far-fetched.” 奶茶做了个鬼脸,然后对着兰斯吐了吐舌头:“那兰斯大人要早点做完任务回家哦,笨蛋希尔一点都不靠谱。” „Did you say again?” “妳再说?” Side remembers the slightly angry the sound. 旁边又想起微怒的声音。 I said, has the skill you to hit me.” “我就说,有本事你来打我啊。” Rance tranquil looks that the tea with milk runs suddenly far, in the brain appeared yesterday's chaotic train of thought. 兰斯平静的看着奶茶忽然跑远,脑中又浮现昨天的混乱思绪。 „Is tea with milk, related with?” “奶茶,和伊莎有关?” „Is the fellow, what meaning?” “那家伙,到底是什么意思?” Who you are.” “妳到底是谁。” After yesterday evening, learned the news that to make Rance nearly one night from Male bus that not sleep, may grasp the red steamed bean-jam bun that in the hand the residual heat is saving good, he is not thinking suddenly these, look at the young girl who went far away, Rance was unemotional. 昨天晚上后,从马尔巴士那获悉的消息让兰斯近乎一夜未眠,可抓着手中余温善存的红豆包,突然之间他又不在去想着这些了,看着远去的少女,兰斯面无表情。 He does not have to speak again, but sees the slender form of young girl silently, played tricks on Hill's tea with milk to be very happy, in fact she every day was this happy, so long as some minor matters, can make her happy one all day. 他没再说话,只是默默看着少女的纤细身影,戏弄了希尔的奶茶很开心,事实上她每天都是这样的开心,只要一些小事,就能让她高兴一整天。 Rance looks that runs the far young girl innocent jumps on the street, occasionally pinches the skirt to turn circle, the skirt suspends flies upwards gently. The flower that probably blooms slightly, he recalls suddenly, soon that day of wedding, the young girl in memory also so walked, shy pinched the skirt winning smile to be beautiful, the young girl body was gentle, draws his palm leads him to turn circle together, in his mind also planted a flower. 兰斯看着那跑远的少女天真烂漫的在街道上蹦蹦跳跳,偶尔捏着裙角转着圈,裙摆轻轻飞扬。像是微微绽放的花,他蓦然记起,快要婚礼的那天,记忆中的少女也是如此走来,羞涩的捏着裙角巧笑嫣兮,少女身子轻柔曼妙,拉着他的手掌带着他一起转圈的时候,在他的心中也种了一朵花。 Suddenly Rance's lowering the head slowly, the pupil dim light of man fluctuates, like the sea of turbulent fluctuating, completely all submerges his all mood. 忽然之间兰斯慢慢的低头,男人的瞳孔幽光浮动,如同汹涌起伏的大海,将他所有的情绪尽皆淹没。 Previous time he has not saved her, this time he will not make anybody win her from his hand. 上次他没有救到她,这次他不会让任何人从他手中将她夺走。 .. 。。 In the season the match K treasure's first seductive woman looked at me stupidly 季中赛K宝第一把妖姬把我看傻了
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