MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#87: Choice of both sides

Unknowingly, at night arrives, holy city high and low, is tightly guarded. 不知不觉,夜晚降临,圣城上下,戒备森严。 May at this time, above some street midair, the dark shadow flash through together, quiet, no one detected. 可在这时,某片街道半空之上,一道幽暗影子闪过,悄无声息,无人察觉。 Then is that almost covers the survey fluctuation of holy city to sweep, when touches that shadow, was resisted by its jet black ray, after the penetration, has not sent out any to survey the early warning of unusual goal. 便是那几乎笼罩圣城的探测波动扫过,触及那黑影时,也被其身上一层漆黑光芒抵挡,穿透之后,并没有发出任何探测到异常目标的预警。 Shortly after that shadow leaves, in position that he vanishes, presented another to wear the mask, white-haired man. 只是那黑影离开后不久,在他消失的位置,却是出现了另一个戴着面具,满头白发的男人。 This fellow...... really has the issue.” “这家伙……果然有问题。” Rance coldly locks itself to track the shadow that. 兰斯冷冷的锁定自己跟踪的黑影。 That is by one of adventurers the demon empathize convenes temporarily, the name was called Eden's fellow. 那是被魔神会临时召集的冒险者之一,名字叫艾登的家伙。 After encircling kills the layout that Elisha ended, Rance calms down to recall that the detail of that action, then detected Eden's difference, is different from other adventurers, the fellow has followed in his side, behind aims at Elisha to hide for a long time sneak attack, is not the opposite party pure luck, is more like the careful arrangement. 围杀艾丽莎的布局结束后,兰斯冷静下来回想那次行动的细节,便察觉到艾登的异样,和其他冒险者不一样,那家伙一直跟在他的身边,还有后面针对艾丽莎隐藏许久的偷袭,也不是对方单纯的运气,更像是精心的安排。 The fellow seems to have expected him likely to give the opportunity that Elisha creates to escape in the process of fight, therefore has been staring at him, does not give him any opportunity. 那家伙似乎早就料到他很可能在战斗的过程中给艾丽莎创造逃跑的机会,所以一直在盯着他,不给他任何的机会。 Detected that this, Rance more wants more to think that Eden's status is not quite right, he thought that Eden is very possible is Mar bus sends out to hide in the side monitors his person. 察觉到这点,兰斯越想就越觉得艾登的身份不太对劲,他觉得艾登很可能是马尔巴士派出隐藏在身边监视他的人。 After that fight, Rance had stared at Eden several days, today finally discovers the flaw of opposite party, this fellow could not bear finally acts quietly, as if must go to consult with anyone, Rance has followed in his behind, wants to confirm own guess. 那场战斗过后,兰斯已经盯了艾登几天,今天终于发现了对方的破绽,这家伙最后还是没忍住悄悄行动,似乎要去和什么人接洽,兰斯一直跟在他的身后,想要验证自己的猜测。 If he is really sees her......” “如果他真的是见她……” Rance vision twinkle, but state of mind too many fluctuating, should not come cannot escape after all . Moreover the opposite party is also monitoring now, he also has the time preparation. 兰斯目光闪烁,不过心绪并没有太多的起伏,该来的总归是逃不掉的,而且对方现在也只是在监视,他还有时间准备。 Follows in Eden behind, he can learn the trend of opposite party ahead of time. 跟在艾登的身后,他可以提前获悉对方的动向。 Moreover...... I have the standard to stab Sya Laposs's strength, even if really sees her, so long as is more careful, is still not necessarily able to expose weaknesses.” “而且……我有格剌西亚拉波斯的力量,就算真的去见她,只要小心一些,也未必会露出破绽。” In Rance pupil dim light sparkle. 兰斯瞳孔中幽光闪耀。 He remembers previous several times with meeting of Mar bus. 他想起先前几次和马尔巴士的见面。 Even if the opposite party has real eye, cannot see through his hidden completely. 就算对方拥有“真实之眼”,也不能完全看穿他的隐藏。 ......” “呼……” Two shadows in tandem shuttle back and forth in the holy city midair fast. 两道黑影一前一后飞快在圣城半空穿梭而过。 Eden circled the big half-turn regarding the holy city, suddenly vigilant stopping, after taking a fast look around one, probably discovered anything, returns to the body return trip directly, seemed gave up consulting, decided to return. 艾登围绕着圣城绕了大半圈,突然警惕的停下,扫视一圈后,像是发现了什么,直接返身回程,好似放弃了接洽,决定返回。 Rance continues to hide in the hidden place, tranquil watches Eden's performance, he affirmed that oneself has not exposed, all these that the opposite party displays, merely is some method of shaking off the track. 兰斯继续隐藏在暗处,平静的看着艾登的表演,他肯定自己没有暴露,对方所表现的这一切,仅仅是某种摆脱跟踪的手段。 Really, with shortly, Eden changed the direction again, this time has not rerolled the bend, but goes to his destination rapidly. 果然,跟了不久后,艾登再次改变了方向,这次没有再绕弯子,而是迅速前往他的目的地。 By this time, Rance's body completely by the empty shadow package of demon god, had vanished does not see. 到了这个时候,兰斯的身体已经完全被魔神的虚影包裹,消失不见。 After several minutes, Eden enters to a room in carefully, the ray in room is the same like the distortion, was being attracted by central one group of shadows. 数分钟后,艾登小心进到一个房间之中,房内的光线如同扭曲一样,被中央的一团黑影吸引着。 Mar bus Sir.” “马尔巴士大人。” Eden saw after that group of shadows, salutes slightly. 艾登看到那团黑影后微微行礼。 „Did Rance recently have what unusuality.” “兰斯最近有没有什么异常。” The Mar bus light opens the mouth, making Eden report the situation. 马尔巴士淡淡开口,让艾登汇报情况。 No, the fellow has stayed in the foothold, the Sir can feel relieved, has me to stare at him, will not let any unexpected appearance absolutely.” Eden's saying with a laugh: Moreover he to the present had not discovered that I am your person.” “没有,那家伙一直呆在据点,大人可以放心,有我盯着他,绝对不会让任何的意外出现。”艾登笑呵呵的说道:“而且他到现在都还没发现我是您的人。” „Hasn't his meeting really discovered?” Mar bus shakes the head: Do not despise that fellow.” “他真的会没发现吗?”马尔巴士摇了摇头:“不要太小看那家伙。” I know that Sir, I also said, naturally will not despise him, even comes to meet with you, I am exceptionally careful.” Eden sincere say/way: On the other hand, the Sir this time summoned me to come, what action instruction had?” “我知道的,大人,我也只是说说,当然不会轻视他,就算来和你会面,我都是异常小心。”艾登正色道:“话说回来,大人这次召唤我过来,是有什么行动指示吗?” Tomorrow evening, we and elf kings will have a transaction.” “明天晚上,我们和精灵王会有一场交易。” You must guarantee that stares at that elf, do not make any accident/surprise happen.” Mar bus opens the mouth to say. “你要确保盯好那个精灵,不要让任何的意外发生。”马尔巴士开口道。 That elf...... you were say......” “那个精灵……妳是说……” Un, is side Reims that......” “嗯,就是兰斯身边的那个……” Mar bus however said quiet: She is our important board game pieces, is the essential item that we and elf king Jinhang trade, the elf king needs her as the sacrificial offering.” 马尔巴士幽然道:“她是我们重要的棋子,也是我们和精灵王进行交易的关键道具,精灵王需要她作为祭品。” But she is Rance's subordinate.” Eden hears the word slightly one startled: We make the transaction with her, can trigger his reaction.” “可她是兰斯的部下。”艾登闻言微微一惊:“我们拿她去做交易,会不会引起他的反弹。” Relax, he does not dare, will not do that.” “放心吧,他不敢,也不会这么做的。” Mar bus sneers: After all, his all hopes on our bodies, he also need to rely on our strengths, helping him resurrect his lover.” 马尔巴士冷笑一声:“毕竟,他所有的希望都在我们的身上,他还需要借助我们的力量,帮他复活他的爱人。” Only pitifully, his times disappoint our trusts, was the time gives him slightly the lesson.” “只可惜,他一次次辜负我们的信任,也是时候稍微给他些教训了。” Mar bus was saying laughs at one: „The fellow has not known to the present probably, resurrects his lover's key, actually has been placed his side by us, but he has actually searched for in other places with hardship.” 马尔巴士说着不禁嗤笑一声:“那家伙大概到现在还不知道,复活他爱人的关键,其实一直被我们放在了他的身边,可是他却一直在其他地方苦苦搜寻。” He does not seem to think, why we can an info clerk elf enter the demon empathize, after his lover, without other elves has appeared in the world of human obviously again.” “他好像从来都没有想过,为什么我们可以收纳一个精灵进入魔神会,明明在他爱人之后,再没有其他的精灵在人类的世界出现过。” Originally he has a lot of times opportunities to obtain your majesty to reward, but his times gave up, since he does not plan to treasure these opportunities, then we do not need to consider for him so many, seizes the thing that he treasures time from his side again, lets his long memory, said again, his value...... is also not enough to compare favorably with the elf king, if not looked that stabs in the shares of other Sya Laposs not vessels in square, this not obedient fellow, we early this/should except.” “本来他有很多次机会获得陛下奖赏,可是他一次次的放弃了,既然他不打算珍惜那些机会,那么我们也没必要为他考虑这么多了,从他的身边再夺走一次他珍惜的东西,让他长点记性吧,再说了,他的价值……也不足以和精灵王媲美,若非看在格剌西亚拉波斯没有其他容器的份上,这种不听话的家伙,我们早该除去了。” Mar bus however is saying quiet, in her eyes, Rance as if becomes the board game piece that can abandon at any time. 马尔巴士幽然说着,在她的眼中,兰斯似乎成为了一枚可以随时抛弃的棋子。 Naturally, you do not need extremely to dread, your majesty always good penalties clear(ly), so long as you were loyal to the demon empathize, naturally did not need to be worried that was abandoned by us, moreover you were the person who I chose personally, I favored your potential very much.” Mar bus looks at pale Eden, shows a faint smile, strike said: Goes out after here, you must remember only then my order, other irrelevant things forgot as soon as possible.” “当然,你也不用太过畏惧,陛下向来善罚分明,只要你对魔神会忠心,自然不用担心被我们抛弃,而且你是我亲自选择的人,我可是很看好你的潜力的。”马尔巴士看着脸色发白的艾登,又是微微一笑,敲打般说道:“从这里出去后,你要记得的就只有我的命令,其他无关的东西尽早忘记。” Perhaps tomorrow's transaction, you then with me together, elf king that side have other planning, I need to stare at him, you help me favor the goal, as for that fellow, you do not need to be worried completely, you will not meet, he will be arranged to make other duties, when he responds, all have been a foregone conclusion, he knows how should choose.” “明天的交易,你便和我一起,精灵王那边或许还有其他的算计,我需要盯着他,你就帮我看好目标,至于那个家伙,你也完全不用担心,你们不会碰面的,他会被安排去做其他的任务,等他反应过来,一切已成定局,他会知道该怎么抉择的。” I knew, Mar bus Sir.” “我知道了,马尔巴士大人。” Eden said hastily. 艾登连忙道。 This strength lends you to use temporarily, hopes that you will not disappoint me.” “这份力量暂时借给你使用,希望你不会让我失望。” Mar bus waves tranquilly. 马尔巴士平静挥手。 On Eden's index finger, twined a regular heavy line immediately, probably a careful hair. 艾登的食指上,顿时缠绕了一根规则黑线,像是一根细细的头发。 Feels in that heavy line the powerful strength, Eden deeply salutes again, then departs. 感受到那黑线中强大的力量,艾登再次深深行礼,然后离去。 In the quick room returned to normal. 很快房间里恢复了平静。 Rance floats in the midair, the fist gets hold of unknowingly, his vision has declined above the shadow in room and ensure own watching for will not cause any detection. 兰斯漂浮在半空,拳头不知不觉握紧,他的目光一直没落在房间中的黑影之上,保证自己的窥伺不会引起任何的察觉。 However is thinking such all that heard a moment ago, Rance's head seems like a blank, he is suppressing in the heart some impulsion, the vision even more cold. 然而想着刚才听到的那样一切,兰斯的脑袋像是一片空白,他强忍着心中某种冲动,目光愈发的冷冽。 Finally he deeply inspires, the returning to normal mood, anything has not done, after wiping the trace that disappears all possibly to leave, leaves with Eden. 最后他深吸一口气,平复心情,什么都没做,抹消一切自己可能留下的痕迹后,跟着艾登离开。 Rance does not know, after he leaves, Mar bus chuckle talking over: 兰斯并不知晓,他离开后,马尔巴士轻笑着念叨: If heard these, how you will do, Rance.” “如果听到了这些,你会怎么做呢,兰斯。” She lifts the eye, the purple ray glitters, as if by dense fog layer upon layer, saw some possible future. 她抬起眼睛,紫色光芒闪烁间,仿佛透过层层的迷雾,看到了某种可能的未来。 Then, happy expression. 然后,笑意更甚。 ... 。。。 Another side. 另一边。 The elf king sits in the study room, is thinking finally with the transaction that Mar bus sets, the look transformation is uncertain. 精灵王坐在书房之中,想着最后和马尔巴士定下的交易,神色变换不定。 To be honest, the condition of Mar bus, lets his incomparable anger, he prepared ten thousand years of plan, but these fellow anything do not do, runs over to want the minute/share of cup thick soup directly, moreover one stroke is half, the random unequal treaty also wants the humiliation compared with he has signed. 说实话,马尔巴士的条件,让他无比的愤怒,他准备了万年的计划,可这些家伙什么都不做,就直接跑了过来想要分杯羹,而且一划就是一半,比他签过的任意一次不平等条约还要屈辱。 Elf king naturally not possible anything not to do, remains silent to eat up this to owe greatly. 精灵王当然不可能什么都不做,闷声吃下这个大亏。 Since Mar bus proposed the transaction, that tomorrow evening , must make him see the heart of Saint tree. 既然马尔巴士提出交易,那明天晚上,也必然要让他见到圣树之心。 At that time, may be his opportunity. 那个时候,或许会是他的机会。 Snatches, certainly must try to snatch, cannot snatch, when the time comes discussed other again, the elf king did not think that Mar bus will therefore tear to pieces the facial skin, after all both sides had the thing of wish. 抢,肯定是要试着抢下的,抢不过,到时候再谈其他,精灵王也不觉得马尔巴士会因此撕破脸皮,毕竟双方都有想要的东西。 However by his present strength, has no way to cope with Mar bus obviously. 不过以他现在的实力,显然没法对付马尔巴士。 Even fused these holy blood, but does not have in addition of Saint tree to hold, he has not even suppressed Luke's confidence. 就算融合了那些圣血,但是没有圣树的加持,他甚至还没有压制卢克的信心。 Thinks of here, the complexion of elf king was cloudier. 想到这里,精灵王的脸色更加的阴沉了。 He thinks oneself will not ask that side Luke to go for a lifetime again, is the present...... he suddenly depressed discovery, oneself want to snatch the heart of Saint tree, probably also really can have the help of that fellow? 他本来以为自己一辈子都不会再求到卢克那边去了,可是现在……他忽然郁闷的发现,自己想要抢回圣树之心,好像还真少不了那家伙的帮忙? Thinks of here, elf king complexion transformed for a long time, clenched teeth finally ruthlessly, knocked several on the desk, the holy blood deferred to the frequency flutter simultaneously, inspired him to arrange some mechanism/organization in desk. 想到这里,精灵王脸色变换了许久,最后狠狠咬牙,在书桌上敲了数下,圣血同时按照频率波动,引动他布置在书桌中的某个机关。 „” After, his behind book shelf turns toward the two sides to put aside suddenly, reveals the rear empty wall , are soon after many gracefully on that wall together luminous, launches together the light gate. “咔嚓”一声过后,他身后的书柜突然向着两边移开,露出后方空荡荡的墙壁,不久之后,在那墙壁上多出一道盈盈光亮,展开成一道光门。 That is a space secret room, is his personal treasury, only then he knows the way of opening. 那是一个空间密室,也是他的私人金库,只有他知道开启的方式。 Was cheap you.” “便宜你了。” Elf king deep inspires, when are not many takes out one bottle of seals from inside secret wine, looked for a long time, in the eye flashes through the color of deep meat pain. 精灵王深吸一口气,不多时从里面取出一瓶封印的秘酒,看了许久,眼中闪过深深肉痛之色。 This is he secret wine by the elf clan to the high life spring, the intelligent spring as well as innumerable precious material brewing, stored up for ten thousand years, originally when is elf king Liugei ascends the throne to control all enjoys again slowly, but now, he can only take out it, is used to boss around Loren, because must draw support from his strength resistance demon empathize. Trivial human, can taste the previous cup, was your greatest being honored.” 这是他以精灵族至高生命泉、智慧泉以及无数珍贵材料酿造的秘酒,储存了万年的时间,本来是精灵王留给自己重新登基掌控一切时再慢慢享用的,但是现在,他只能将其取出,用来笼络洛伦,因为要借助他的力量对抗魔神会。“区区人类,能够尝上一杯,便是你莫大的荣幸了。” Elf king coldly snort is drawing in the space secret room, changes to a ring to stay him in own, complexion gloomy departure study room. 精灵王冷哼着收拢空间密室,将其化作一枚指环呆在自己手上,面色阴沉的离开书房。 ... 。。。
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