MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#86: The heart of Saint tree

„...... It is not right, where this not possible...... to have problems?” “不……不对,这不可能……到底是哪里出了问题?” Detected that loss of heart of Saint tree, the elf king whole body seems like by the cold sweat is soaked. 察觉到圣树之心的丢失,精灵王浑身像是被冷汗浸湿。 After this feeling looks like the business trip goes home, wife at home, but in family/home not only the man traded, especially the door lock also traded was the same. 这种感觉就像是出差后回家,老婆在家,可是家里不只是男人换了,特么的门锁也换了一样。 The elf king looks in the gate that helplessly eats, was wrested away by others, but cannot open the door. 精灵王眼睁睁的看着吃的在门里,被其他人霸占,但就是开不了门。 In his heart is somewhat alarmed and afraid, but the expression almost twisted crazily. 他心中有些惊惧,可表情几乎扭曲疯狂了。 Some people saw through his plan, therefore carried off the heart of Saint tree ahead of time, making him have no way to complete that most essential one step? 是有人看穿了他的计划,所以提前带走了圣树之心,让他没法完成那最关键的一步? Next quarter. 下一刻。 The elf king thought of Xueli. 精灵王想到了雪莉。 The strength that Xueli previously demonstrated that then communicates, she who the Saint tree gained through the heart of Saint tree obtained the jurisdiction of operation Saint tree. 雪莉先前展示的力量,便是沟通了圣树所获取的,她通过圣树之心获得了操纵圣树的权限。 But this also explained......, when Xueli inherits that strength, the heart of Saint tree has not lost! 而这也说明……在雪莉继承那力量的时候,圣树之心还没有丢失! But according to the truth, Xueli should not discover that he hidden in the secret of study room, only if...... 可是按道理来说,雪莉是绝不该发现他隐藏在书房的秘密的,除非…… „......!” “伊莎……!” The pupil contraction of elf king. 精灵王的瞳孔收缩。 Is she?” “是她吗?” The elf king expression becomes very gloomy and cold, he initially in vestige by seal, close to ten thousand years, the fee/spent air/Qi with every effort, finally the consciousness of communication Saint tree, left behind some information for him in the study room. 精灵王表情变得十分的阴冷,他当初在遗迹中被封印,接近万年的时间,费尽力气,才终于沟通圣树的意识,替他在书房留下了一些信息。 Contacts the information that his study room left behind, knew that to lose the clue of kingdom. 伊莎接触到了他书房留下的信息,才知晓了那失落王国的线索。 But these information, because is the Saint tree transmission, therefore also possibly becomes to contact the turning point of that Saint tree. 而那些信息,因为是圣树传递,所以也最可能成为伊莎接触到那圣树的契机。 Really, before me, she has come this space.” “果然,在我之前,她来过这个空间。” „After seeing this Saint tree, she perhaps guessed correctly some my plans, therefore leaves after the holy city, she had not come to help me untie the seal, because dreads from the vestige rescues me, will bring a bigger threat.” “看到这圣树后,她或许猜到了一些我的计划,所以从圣城离开后,她一直没有来帮我解开封印,因为忌惮从遗迹中救出我,会带来更大的威胁。” Elf Wang Yue thinks that the complexion is ugly. 精灵王越想脸色越是难看。 To prevent accident/surprise, did she also carry off the heart of Saint tree? But she had died, was the heart of Saint tree hidden by her where?” “为了防止意外,她还带走了圣树之心?可是她已经死去,圣树之心又被她藏在了哪里?” Elisha can remove directly, if the heart of Saint tree on Elisha, he has induced. 艾丽莎可以直接排除,如果圣树之心在艾丽莎身上,他早就有所感应。 As for Xueli. 至于雪莉。 In the conference palace the young girl uses that strength time, he has not induced to the aura of heart of Saint tree. 会议殿中少女动用那力量的时候,他也没有感应到圣树之心的气息。 If Xueli really obtained the heart of Saint tree, that will definitely discover that early the Saint tree exists, detected after his secret, she not possible and he cooperates, even in meeting first begins to him late. 而且如果雪莉真的获得了圣树之心,那肯定会早早发现圣树存在,察觉他的秘密后,她也不可能和他合作,甚至会在见面的第一晚就对他动手。 Therefore the elf king determined very Xueli does not know existence of heart of Saint tree, was left her strength secretly. 所以精灵王十分确定雪莉不知道圣树之心的存在,是伊莎偷偷将那份力量留给了她。 Damn fellow.” “该死的家伙。” Elf king suddenly incomparable irritation, if carries off the heart of Saint tree, even hid outside world, then his plan will be greatly affected. 精灵王一时间无比的烦躁,如果伊莎将圣树之心带走,甚至藏到了外面的世界,那么他的计划将受到极大的影响。 Not only that repugnant Luke is unable to solve, coveting in secret these demon empathizes, that is greatly threatens to him. 不单那个讨厌的卢克无法解决,那些魔神会的暗中觊觎,那是对他巨大的威胁。 Even if Luke he can limit with Elisha reluctantly, but demon empathize? 就算卢克他勉强可以用艾丽莎限制,但是魔神会呢? These people resort to all means that also does not care about any threat, even could not kill him, so long as seized the sword of protection, one day will discover to kill his means. 那些人不择手段,也不在乎任何威胁,就算杀不了他,但只要夺走了守护之剑,总有一天会找出杀死他的办法。 Not to mention these demon gods have various strange methods, once the elf king understood the fearfulness of these fellows with the demon god has fought. 更不用说那些魔神还有各种诡异的手段,曾经和魔神战斗过的精灵王深谙那些家伙的可怕。 Elf king thinks these, are stimulating to movement the holy blood suddenly again, his pupil reflects that Saint tree empty shadow, tries to use the position of heart of mystique backward Saint tree, even if could not find existence of goal, at least he can still first determine that the heart of Saint tree carried over the outside world in the holy city. 精灵王想着这些,突然再次催动圣血,他的瞳孔倒映出那圣树虚影,试图动用秘法追溯圣树之心的位置,就算找不到目标的存在,至少他也可以先确定圣树之心是在圣城内还是被带出了外界。 If still in the holy city, he also has means that can recover. 如果还在圣城中,他还有可以补救的办法。 However shortly after mystique activation, the elf king suddenly is stuffy snort/hum, his within the body golden red courage vigor was even shaken within the body by backlash of some strength. 然而秘法激活后没多久,精灵王忽然闷哼一声,他体内金红色的血气甚至都被某种力量的反噬震出了体内。 „Is this......?” “这是……?” He integrates the Saint tree aura, wants to see the heart of Saint tree is, in the image that but sees just had light/only appears, was swept across by the boundless darkness, finally he sees, only then pair of indifferent purple eyes open from the darkness slowly. 他融入圣树气息,想要看到圣树之心的所在,可是看到的图像中刚刚有光浮现,就被无边的黑暗席卷,最后他所看见的,就只有一双冷漠的紫色双眼从黑暗中缓缓睁开。 After that his secret technique was interrupted instantaneously, was impacted by backlash. 在那之后,他的秘术瞬间被截断,然后遭受了反噬的冲击。 May get back one's composure after absent-minded recalls the appearance of that eye, the elf king then cannot bear the low roar that clenches jaws: Mar bus!!” 可在恍惚后回过神记起那双眼睛的模样后,精灵王便忍不住咬牙切齿的低吼:“马尔巴士!!” The elf king is impossible to forget that eye, ten thousand years ago both sides on are the enemies, the day before yesterday, he also encountered bending down that Mar bus arranged to kill let alone. 精灵王不可能忘记那双眼睛,万年前双方就是敌人,更何况就在前天,他还遭遇了马尔巴士布置的伏杀。 After thinking of Mar bus, in the heart of elf king besides anger, cannot help but gushed out the deep fear. 想到马尔巴士后,精灵王的心中除了愤怒外,也不由得涌出了深深的恐惧。 He has not thought that the heart of Saint tree will be controlled by the demon god, this to him without doubt is the worst aspect. 他从来没有想到过,圣树之心会被魔神掌控,这对他而言无疑是最糟糕的局面。 Why, will the heart of Saint tree be won by them?” “为什么,圣树之心会被他们夺走?” In elf king brain full shocks and doubts. 精灵王脑中满是震惊和疑惑。 May at this time, the vision of elf king shake again, he turns head fiercely, looks to some behind space. 可在这时,精灵王的目光再次一震,他猛地回头,看向身后的某片空间。 The black fine lace came from another space puncture together, slowly ripped open an opening to open in the space, the whole body was presented by the female empty shadow of dark package in the front of elf king. 一道黑色的细线从另一层空间穿刺而来,缓缓的在空间中撕开了一道口子打开,浑身被黑暗包裹的女性虚影出现在了精灵王的面前。 Elf king such affectionate summon I, does not know that what has to advise?” Mar bus chuckle is looking to the elf king, in the tone fills teased and teased. “精灵王阁下那样深情的呼唤我,不知道有什么指教呢?”马尔巴士轻笑着看向精灵王,语气中充满了戏谑和调侃。 You......” “妳……” The elf king looks at Mar bus vision twinkle. 精灵王看着马尔巴士目光闪烁。 Enough several seconds pass by, he cold sound opens the mouth: It seems like you all these, still know early even I will seek for the position of heart of Saint tree.” 足足数秒过去,他才冷声开口:“看来妳早就算准了这一切,也知道我会寻找圣树之心的位置。” After shock and impacts, the thought of elf king instead thorough calms down, how even if the state of mind is angry and unwilling, will not affect the present judgment and reason. 一次次震惊和冲击后,精灵王的思维反而彻底的冷静下来,即便心绪再如何愤怒和不甘,也不会影响到现在的判断和理智。 But after the calmness, the elf king then realized that purple eyes that fast oneself see, solely is not a method of shield sensation, similarly is the counter- tracing method that Mar bus leaves behind. 而在冷静之后,精灵王便飞快的意识到自己看到的那紫色双眼,不单单是一种屏蔽感知的手段,同样是马尔巴士留下的反追踪手段。 What a pity he was extremely scared at that time, suddenly has not thought of these, was locked this consciousness space position by Mar bus, now detects these, has been too late. 可惜他当时太过慌神,一时间没想到这些,被马尔巴士锁定了这意识空间的位置,现在察觉到这些,已经为时已晚。 Mar bus looks to calm down the elf king, acclaimed one at heart slightly, but has not answered his issue, but the vision feeling looked before the body the giant Saint tree, in seeing that huge treetop decorated the full soul leaf blade, after the huge strength in the Saint tree uniting, the look of Mar bus could not bear fluctuation slightly, flashed through dreads with dignifiedly. 马尔巴士看着冷静下来的精灵王,心里微微赞叹一声,但没有回答他的问题,只是目光感慨望向身前巨大的圣树,在看到那庞大树梢中缀满的灵魂叶片,还有圣树中凝聚的庞大力量后,马尔巴士的眼神都忍不住微微的波动,闪过忌惮和凝重。 Your excellency ten thousand years of preparation, really exceeds my imagination.” “阁下万年的准备,真是超出我的想像。” Mar bus, actually praise sincerely. 马尔巴士这句,倒是诚心诚意的夸奖。 If she does not have the heart of Saint tree, really made the elf king fuse all these strengths, playing chess bureaus of both sides, who will be the winner have really not said finally. 如果她没有圣树之心,真的让精灵王融合了这一切的力量,双方的弈局,最后鹿死谁手还真不好说。 Saw that Saint tree flickers, Mar bus understood the wildness of elf king to look thoroughly, then to high Spiritual God, isn't able to control such huge soul strength? 看到那圣树的一瞬,马尔巴士就彻底明了了精灵王的野望,便是至高的神灵,也无法掌控这样庞大的灵魂力量吧? Elf king who if Barr here, can cope with that condition? 若是巴尔陛下在此,能够对付那种状态的精灵王吗? Mar bus is hard to judge, because grasped Barr after that powerful divine creative force, the strength still in the unceasing transformation, gives her feeling now, nearly like faced Bailey to be equally immeasurably deep initially. 马尔巴士难以判断,因为掌握了那强大造物后的巴尔,实力还在不断的蜕变,现在给她的感觉,近乎如同当初面对贝莉尔一样深不可测。 If can give to that Sir this strength...... the demon god regiment, may earlier one step, arrive in this world. 要是能将这力量献给那位大人……魔神军团,或许会更早一步,降临于这世间。 Mar bus adjusted the breath rhythm that oneself changed diligently, on the face showed the smile again. 马尔巴士努力调整自己变化的呼吸节奏,脸上再度露出了微笑。 Now the elf king defect gained this strength most essential one step, this is also representing, she has the greatest opportunity to capture all these. 现在精灵王缺失了获取这力量最关键的一步,这也代表着,她有着莫大的机会夺取这一切。 Mar bus your excellency erroneous approved, the initial demon god swept away all obstacles, if were not you, we will not arrive this step.” The elf king light opens the mouth, after Mar bus sees the Saint tree , the slight change he had also detected, looked becomes to the vision of opposite party ice-colder. “马尔巴士阁下谬赞了,当初的魔神才是所向披靡,若非是你们,我们也不会走到这一步。”精灵王淡淡开口,马尔巴士看到圣树后细微的变化他也有所察觉,看向对方的目光变得更加冰冷。 I am very curious, the heart of Saint tree why in your hands.” “不过我很好奇,圣树之心为什么会在你们手上。” Then elf king cold sound said. 然后精灵王冷声道。 He has thought the reason that many plans are possibly blocked, has not thought of this only. 他想过很多计划可能受阻的原因,唯独没有想到这点。 Perhaps is the luck, perhaps is the destiny.” “也许是运气,也许是命运。” Mar bus smile said. 马尔巴士微笑道。 In fact after the demon empathize detected existence initially, but wants to hold her to open the elf knot, explores the elf is, they think what at that time takes care is opening ties the key, the secret that never expected that leaves behind is above their imagination, simply has not expected the elf clan to be such condition. 事实上魔神会当初发觉了伊莎的存在后,只是想要抓住她打开精灵的结界,探索精灵的所在,他们那时以为伊莎保管的是开启结界的钥匙,没有想到伊莎留下的秘密超乎她们的想象,也根本没料到精灵族会是这样的状况。 More than ten years ago by the demon empathize after the strength of tower of truth forces, to protect Elisha they, to protect the secret chose the suicide, originally demon empathize because also death gave up tracing, but no one has thought that shortly after died...... by the heart of Saint tree she hid unexpectedly is the initiative appearance in their front. 十多年前被魔神会借助真理之塔的力量逼迫后,伊莎为了保护艾丽莎她们,为了保护秘密选择了自杀,本来魔神会也因为伊莎的死放弃了追踪,可谁也没有想到,伊莎死去后不久……被她隐藏起来的圣树之心竟是主动的出现在了他们的面前。 Because of the heart of that Saint tree, was born the consciousness, becomes living existence. 因为那圣树之心,诞生了意识,成为了活着的存在。 Can hide to live in a dying thing, but she cannot bar up one living forever life. 伊莎可以藏住一个死物,但她并不能永远的关住一个活着的生命。 Because has some relation with, the heart of Saint tree found the demon empathize finally, after all after died, was preserved in the demon empathize. 因为和伊莎之间存在某种联系,圣树之心最后找到了魔神会,毕竟伊莎死去之后,就被保存在魔神会之中。 Said your conditions.” “说出你们的条件。” Looks at the smile of Mar bus silent, the elf king said for a long time. 看着马尔巴士的微笑,精灵王沉默了许久开口说道。 At this time, he also knows how oneself traced the opposite party to obtain the heart of Saint tree not to have the significance. 这个时候,他也知道,自己追溯对方怎样获得圣树之心已经没有了意义。 These fellows are controlling the heart of Saint tree, appears on own initiative announced here they to the ownership of heart of Saint tree, the meaning of its hidden are then telling him, these demon gods want to trade. 这些家伙掌控着圣树之心,又主动出现在这里宣告他们对圣树之心的拥有权,其隐藏的含义便是在告诉他,这些魔神想要交易。 The elf king once did not spare a glance to the proposition of demon empathize, is the destiny is always theatrical, he and demon empathize the victory and defeat, must fall during this direct transaction finally. 精灵王曾经对魔神会的提议不屑一顾,可是命运总是充满戏剧性,他和魔神会的胜负,最后还是要落在这一场直接的交易之中。 We can give you heart of exchange Saint tree, but the premise is...... we must develop this strength together.” “我们可以将圣树之心交换给你,但前提是……我们要共同开发这力量。” Mar bus no longer beat around the bush, said directly: 马尔巴士不再拐弯抹角,直接道: You need to tell me, controls the key of Saint tree, how for example to fuse the holy blood, the mystique of communication Saint tree, all. If these have no issue among us to establish the contract again, when tomorrow evening, I will give your excellency the heart of exchange Saint tree personally.” “你需要告诉我,控制圣树的关键,比如如何融合圣血,还有沟通圣树的秘法,所有的一切。如果这些都没什么问题我们之间再立下契约,等到明天晚上,我会亲自将圣树之心交换给阁下。” The strength of this Saint tree is very strong, but the strength was also limited by the elf king, can only by having the elf bloodlines, moreover fused the person use of holy blood, Mar bus wants to steal this strength, must understand this huge technique -type core. 这圣树的力量无比强大,可力量也被精灵王限制,只能由拥有精灵血脉,而且融合了圣血的人使用,马尔巴士想要窃取这力量,就必须要了解这庞大术式的核心。 ... 。。。 The princess connects young sweetheart wsl. 公主连接小小甜心wsl。
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