MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#85: Lost heart

Mar bus looks at Loren speechless, Loren saw that she is shocked to urge: What's wrong, you accounted orally the duty either to me are also good.” 马尔巴士无言的看着洛伦,洛伦看到她愣住催促道:“怎么了,要么妳把任务口述给我也行。” This fellow, how seems like some far-fetched appearance. 这家伙,怎么看上去有些不靠谱的样子。 Mar bus does not have to think oneself give a message also to have this trick, looked especially forgot may be good, but she takes out a paper after a while to Loren, this time had not burnt, making Loren look that process. 马尔巴士也没想到自己传递个消息还能出这幺蛾子,特么看完忘记了可还行,可过了一会她还是又取出一张纸条给洛伦,这次也没烧了,让洛伦看完自己处理。 You must look for the elf king, was inferior that together how I and you do go?” “你要去找精灵王,不如我和妳一起去怎么样?” After Loren looks at the paper, has not continued exasperating, the transit said. 洛伦看完纸条后也没继续气人,转口说道。 Mar bus deeply looked at his one eyes: 马尔巴士深深看了他一眼: Hehe, is Luke also interested in the plan of elf king now?” “呵呵,卢克阁下现在也对精灵王的计划感兴趣了吗?” Plans anything has no relations with me, I want to know where that fellow hides, can avoid my sensation unexpectedly completely.” Loren said. “计不计划什么的跟我没啥关系,我就是想知道那家伙藏在哪里,竟然可以完全避开我的感知。”洛伦说道。 Right.” Mar bus chuckle said: I can tell you now am that fellow entered some consciousness space, that place also only has the consciousness body to enter, moreover is unable to sneak and hide, so long as will enter is detected by him. But Luke is our copes with the key of that fellow, if you expose prematurely, will affect our follow-up actions, therefore this time acts I only to be able the go it alone, but also asked your excellency to excuse me.” “是吗。”马尔巴士轻笑说道:“我现在可以告诉你的就是那家伙进入了某个意识空间,那个地方也仅有意识体进入,而且无法潜行和隐藏,只要进入就会被他察觉。而卢克阁下是我们的对付那家伙的关键,如果你过早暴露,会影响我们后续的行动,所以这次行动我只能单独行动,还请阁下见谅了。” Consciousness space.” “意识空间吗。” Loren looked at present controlled maid one eyes looking pensive, then probably said careless: On the other hand, I have not as if seen your excellency main body until now, does not know when can meet with your excellency truly?” 洛伦若有所思的看了眼前被控制的女仆一眼,然后像是漫不经心道:“话说回来,我到现在为止似乎也还未见过阁下的本体,不知道什么时候可以和阁下真正碰面?” „In our that tank processing that the speech does not beam with joy generally of pleasant to hear, Mar bus your excellency speaks is so of pleasant to hear, never appears the true body, therefore I am very curious your excellency am a tank.” “在我们那,一般说话好听又不露脸的一律当坦克处理,马尔巴士阁下说话这么好听,又从来不现出真身,所以我很好奇阁下是不是坦克。” What is a tank?” “什么是坦克?” Mar bus is pressed the brow, feels this noun strangely exceptionally. 马尔巴士蹙起眉头,感觉这个名词异常的陌生。 That is one type lets myriad masculine crazy existences sufficiently.” Loren said with deep veneration. “那是一种足以让万千男性疯狂的存在。”洛伦肃然道。 In the past after Qiao appeared the tank true body, the list one crazy to carried the train station to travel at the same night. 当年乔陛下现出坦克真身后,榜一疯狂到连夜扛着火车站跑路了。 It seems like I was somewhat friendless and unlearned, actually has not listened to such name, the tank, this word was very interesting.” Mar bus shows the charming smile: Perhaps...... according to your excellency words, I really can be the tank.” “看来是我有些孤陋寡闻了,竟然从没听过这样的称呼,坦克吗,这个词还挺有意思的。”马尔巴士露出迷人的笑容:“……按阁下的话来说,说不定我真的会是坦克吧。” Words that meets, now is also not the time, naturally your excellency can feel relieved, the time of meeting will not be late.” “不过见面的话,现在还不是时候,当然阁下可以放心,我们的见面的时间也不会太晚了。” Mar bus was saying chuckle, Loren not before demon god signing contract, she not meets by the main body and Loren, after all her existence also very special, the main body appeared equivalent exposed the weakness. 马尔巴士说着轻笑一声,洛伦没有和魔神签订契约前,她不会以本体和洛伦相见,毕竟她的存在也十分的特殊,本体出现就相当于暴露了弱点。 Naturally , the thing that because her specialness, Mar bus hidden to the elf king also exerts its utmost. 当然,也正是因为她的这种特殊,马尔巴士对精灵王隐藏的东西也势在必得。 „, The following matter wanted Luke to take the trouble much, the fellow should also almost should discover that my existed, if there is any need, I will contact with you again.” “那么,接下来的事情就要卢克阁下多多费心了,那家伙应该也差不多该发现我的存在了,如果有什么需要吗,我会再和你联系。” Mar bus said that the purple ray that the maid eyes before Loren body condense diverges slightly, Loren's tranquil standing in same place, looks that fuzzy distortion the space collapses, after tying relieves, black fine lace also break that suddenly the maid behind connects. 马尔巴士说完,洛伦身前的女仆双眼凝聚的紫色光芒微微散去,洛伦平静的站在原地,看着身边模糊扭曲的空间崩溃,结界解除后,那女仆身后的连接的黑色细线也忽然的断裂。 Really could not find.” “果然还是找不到啊。” Loren looks at the heavy line of that break to integrate the space slowly, knits the brows slightly, this time enemy, is one by one discrete, does not make an appearance in his front. 洛伦望着那断裂的黑线缓缓融入空间,微微皱了皱眉,这次的敌人,一个比一个谨慎,根本不在他的面前露面。 Also was at this time, the maid of waking looks that Loren before body exuded one to call out in alarm, after lowering the head the apology, hastily flustered ran off to side, does not know that had anything a moment ago. 也是这时,醒过来的女仆看着身前的洛伦发出一声惊叫,低头道歉后,连忙慌张的向旁边跑开,根本不知道刚才发生了什么。 What is the plan of this fellow......?” “这家伙的计划……又是什么呢?” Loren looks that maid leaves, silently looked that to direction that heavy line vanishes finally, gave up tracing, he uses the destiny charm, could lock the heavy line final position, but oneself also possibly expose, when has not prepared draw in a net, he will not act rashly. 洛伦看着那女仆离开,默默的看向那黑线最后消失的方向,放弃了追踪,他动用命运魔力,或许可以锁定黑线最终的位置,但是自身也可能暴露,没做好收网的准备之时,他也不会轻举妄动。 After the bitter experience of Mar bus, Loren also felt that the present situation even more seems to be complex, method that this that fellow mysteriously appears and disappears, is worth very much vigilantly, his following conduct cannot be extremely negligent. 只是和马尔巴士的遭遇后,洛伦也感觉现在的形势似乎愈发的复杂起来,还有这那家伙神出鬼没的手段,也很值得警惕,他接下来的行事也不能太过大意。 Said that tree, perhaps is all these keys?” “说起来,那棵树,或许是这一切的关键?” Then, Loren remembers the strength that previously Xueli activated, although he does not have the holy blood, cannot see that strange Saint tree's shadow resembles, but Bailey to that all through the relation of consciousness told him after the sensation. 然后,洛伦又想起了先前雪莉激活的力量,他虽然没有圣血,看不到那奇怪的圣树影像,但是贝莉尔早在感知到那一切后就通过意识的联系告诉了他。 .. 。。 When that side Loren thinks deeply about all these silently. 就在洛伦那边默默思索这一切的时候。 In the royal palace giant study room, elf king Beifu both hands are standing before the desk, looks the dead ahead is hanging own portrait. 王宫巨大的书房之内,精灵王背负着双手站在书桌之前,望着正前方挂着的属于自己的画像。 On his face brings some to fondly remember and color of feeling, after 10,000 years of seal, he returned to this familiar place finally. 他的脸上带着些许怀念和感慨之色,一万年的封印后,他终于是回到了这个熟悉的地方。 10,000 years ago, so long as he stands in the stage in royal palace raises the arm wields, then some countless people crowd around to pay homage, can risk one's life for him, but 10,000 years later, his side these familiar existences have long evaporated, becomes a part of historical dust. 一万年前,他只要站在王宫的高台上振臂一挥,便有无数人簇拥膜拜,可以为他出生入死,可一万年之后,他身边那些熟悉的存在早就烟消云散,成为了历史尘埃的一部分。 Is because you do not believe me, therefore you end up such fate finally.” “就是因为你们不信我,所以你们最后才落得那样的下场。” Elf king Lengmo is thinking. 精灵王冷漠想着。 That idiot, the disciple has such divine tool, actually does not know how should use, finally such pitiful dying, could not blame others.” “还有那个蠢货,徒有那样的神器,却不知道该如何使用,最后那样悲惨的死去,也怪不了其他人。” His under foot, is pouring several gradually the withered corpse, that several holy blood inherit the holy blood in human body to pull out by him leaves, the golden red courage vigor is revolving his body to hover slowly, final submerge his within the body, with the input of that holy blood, on the elf king gradually is concise some type of terrifying aura. 他的脚下,倒着几具逐渐枯萎尸体,那几个圣血继承人体内的圣血已经被他抽离,金红色的血气在围绕着他的身体缓缓游动,最后一道道没入他的体内,随着那圣血的输入,精灵王身上逐渐凝练着某种恐怖的气息。 Over half of holy blood fusions, I then had such strength, if the collection simultaneous/uniform all holy blood, I will be concise the most perfect physical body.” “超过一半的圣血融合,我便重新拥有了这样的力量,如果集齐所有的圣血,我将凝练出最完美的肉体。” The elf king Tai hand makes a fist gently, in the air resounds the slight fulmination sound unexpectedly! 精灵王抬手轻轻握拳,空气中竟然是响起细微的爆鸣声! The physical body strength that he unites temporarily is extremely strong, moreover under the support of holy blood even has the strength of inspiring this stretch of the world. 他临时凝聚的肉体力量太过强大,而且在圣血的支撑下甚至有着引动这片天地的力量。 However this strength, regarding the elf king, merely is only an outset. 然而这种力量,对于精灵王而言,仅仅只是个起始。 Human body is invincible, will coordinate the consciousness of sword of asylum protection never to obliterate again, I will support the impact of that innumerable consciousness sufficiently, so long as I fused the Saint tree, after fusing that all consciousness strengths, my strength even can exceed the Spiritual God at one fell swoop!” “肉体无敌,再配合守护之剑庇护的意识永不磨灭,我就足以支撑那无数意识的冲击,只要等我融合圣树,融合那所有的意识力量后,我的力量甚至可以一举超越神灵!” The powerful courage vigor that elf king Ganshou the holy blood in within the body accumulation is bringing, the state of mind cannot help but surges. 精灵王感受着体内聚集的圣血带来的强大血气,心绪不由得激荡。 This is his ultimate goal, the elf clan in this world 10,000 years of seal, the innumerable bloodlines iterations, the souls of innumerable elf becomes the nourishment of Saint tree, finally gathered that vast incomparable soul strength. 这才是他终极的目标,精灵族在这个世界一万年的封印,无数血脉迭代,无数精灵的灵魂成为圣树的养料,最终汇聚了那浩瀚无比的灵魂力量。 No one can resist the soul impact of that terrifying, but...... grasped him of sword of protection to be different, input him of sword of protection the soul, under the protection special strength asylum, the soul did not extinguish. 没有人能够对抗那恐怖的灵魂冲击,但是……掌握了守护之剑的他不一样,将灵魂输入了守护之剑的他,在守护特殊的力量庇护下,灵魂是不灭的。 This compared with physical body does not extinguish, must terrifying. 这比肉体的不灭,要更加的恐怖。 Depends on the asylum of this strength, he has supported a that nearly ten thousand years of seal, has lived the present, in this period innumerable the self- collapse, actually wheted his mind and soul was more powerful. 正是依托这力量的庇护,他才撑过了那近乎万年的封印,一直活到了现在,期间无数次自我的崩溃,却将他的心灵和灵魂磨砺的更加强大。 Has the asylum of sword of that protection, coordinates the perfect physical body, he can support the impact of Saint tree, completely grasps it, becomes a part of strength. 有那守护之剑的庇护,配合完美无缺的肉体,他就能够支撑圣树的冲击,完全将其掌握,成为自己力量的一部分。 Now my holy blood has collected to be over half, the body should also bear the impacts of Saint tree half of strength sufficiently.” “现在我的圣血已经凑齐超过一半,身体也应该足以承受圣树一半力量的冲击。” Elf king deep inspires, is constraining the excitement of innermost feelings, he such long layout, not for today, even now strength also not perfect, so long as can inspire half of Saint trees consciousness in addition to hold, his strength can sweep away all of this world, probably Luke's such insect, he can pinch conveniently. 精灵王深吸了一口气,压抑着内心的激动,他这么久的布局,不就是为了今天,就算现在力量还没有完满,但是只要能够引动一半的圣树意识加持,他的力量就可以横扫这个世界的一切,像是卢克那样的虫子,他随手就可以捏死。 But thinks after that exasperating Luke, in the eyes of elf king has the cold light twinkle. 而一想到那个气人的卢克后,精灵王的眼中不禁有冷光闪烁。 If Loren displays does not seem like such rampant, obeys his order honestly, he can also tolerate that fellow some time, even gives him some to seal/confer bestows not to be impossible when the time comes. 如果洛伦表现的不像是这样嚣张,老实听从他的命令,他还可以多容忍那家伙一段时间,甚至到时候给他一些封赏也并不是不可能。 Person who what a pity, in this world, always has so many not to have the brain likes doing. 可惜的,这个世界上,总有那么多没脑子的人喜欢作死。 Is thinking previously Loren several threats, elf king start anticipated, after oneself fused some strengths, that human named Lu Ke in front of oneself jumps to stumble by oneself the racket is turned again later at the scene of ground, when the time comes the fellow shocking expression, should exceptionally funny. 想着先前洛伦几次的威胁,精灵王开始期待起来,自己融合了部分力量后,那个叫卢克的人类再在自己面前蹦跶时被自己随后拍翻在地上的场面,到时候那家伙震惊的表情,应该会异常的滑稽。 After the holy blood was absorbed, the body of elf king is actually vanishes from the studios suddenly, probably received receiving and instructing of some mysterious strength, after space distortion slightly, entered a special space. 圣血被吸收后,精灵王的身体却是忽然从书房之间消失,像是受到了某种神秘力量的接引,在空间微微的扭曲后,进入了一片特殊的空间。 That is a dazzlingly bright space, looking into the distance, can only see that the vast horizon is almost limitless, but in this space, is standing and waiting for a long time an incomparably tall blood-color Saint tree, the Saint tree is glittering and translucent carving, on the innumerable branches decorates completely the quiet blue leaf blade, each piece of leaf blade, is representing an independent soul. 那是一片白亮的空间,放眼望去,只能看到辽阔的地平线几乎无边无际,而在这个空间中,伫立着一棵无比高大的血色圣树,圣树晶莹剔透,无数的枝桠上缀满幽蓝色的叶片,每片叶片,都代表着一个单独的灵魂。 Initially when Loren and Bailey entered the elf vestige, that dispersion that felt by far the huge terrifying consciousness, was came from these by the soul of Saint tree absorption. 当初洛伦和贝莉尔进入精灵遗迹时,远远感受到的那分散又庞大的恐怖意识,便是来自这些被圣树吸收的灵魂。 Elf king Yangtou smiles looks the giant Saint tree that oneself cultivate personally, soon, within the body holy blood aura dispersing, inspires that huge Saint tree shivering slightly, between both as if has some resonance. 精灵王仰头微笑的看着自己亲手培育起来的巨大圣树,不久之后,体内圣血气息散开,引动那巨大的圣树微微的颤抖,两者之间仿佛存在某种共鸣。 The strength that in the parliamentary palace Xueli demonstrates, then confirmed the idea of elf king, the holy blood that he prepares, can inspire these souls strength in addition to hold, a strength of holy blood can activate such terrifying strength, not to mention present he gathered over half holy blood, so long as fuses the strength of half of Saint tree, his strength can fully restore, even far over ten thousand years ago. 议会殿中雪莉展示的力量,便是证实了精灵王的想法,他所准备的圣血,可以引动这些灵魂的力量加持,一份圣血的力量就可以激活那样恐怖的力量,更不用说现在的他聚集了超过半数的圣血,只要融合一半圣树的力量,他的实力就可以完全恢复,甚至远超万年前的自己。 He in the heart of communication Saint tree, that turns on the key of soul channel now, after untying the seal, he can obtain instilling into of Saint tree strength. 他现在就是在沟通圣树之心,那是打开灵魂通道的钥匙,解开封印后,他就可以获得圣树力量的灌输。 However a half minute of after past, his resonance triggers trembling of Saint tree merely, has not stimulated any other special strengths, detected that not to later, the elf king complexion changes, cannot bear pours into the Saint tree own consciousness, is in great surprise: 然而半分钟过去后,他的共鸣仅仅是引发圣树的震颤,并没有激发其他任何的特殊的力量,察觉到不对之后,精灵王脸色微变,忍不住将自己的意识注入圣树之中,紧接着便是大惊: This is impossible!!” “这不可能!!” How the heart of Saint tree may vanish!?” “圣树之心怎么可能会消失!?” .. 。。
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