MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#84: Military training

Elf king said, is suppressing angry in heart, now is also not and Loren gets angry, moreover he then also has the important matter to do, with it and Loren conflict coming up in great numbers and from all sides accident, might as well endure a meeting again. 精灵王说完之后强忍着心中的恼怒,现在还不是和洛伦翻脸的时候,而且他接下来还有重要的事情去做,与其和洛伦冲突横生变故,不如再忍一会。 In any case what I need is the strength of holy blood, these moon/month of hunting boosts to me now dispensable, when I restored the strength, sooner or later can also control these fellows.” “反正我需要的是圣血的力量,这些月狩的助力对我现在而言可有可无,等我恢复了力量,迟早也能掌控这些家伙。” The elf king is not anxious. 精灵王一点都不急。 Actually deeply looked at a Loren as for Xueli at this time, she thinks previously the conflict of Loren and elf king, has not refused to make Loren control moon/month to hunt temporarily, in her opinion, compared with the elf king, instead is this as if has favorable impression human to be worth trusting some to Elisha. 至于雪莉这时却是深深看了一眼洛伦,她想到了先前洛伦和精灵王的冲突,并没有拒绝让洛伦暂时掌控月狩,在她看来,比起精灵王,反而是这个似乎对艾丽莎有好感的人类更值得信任些。 After Xueli a token gives Loren, the rebellion of parliamentary palace this time also calculates that marked a period, outside came from the influences of these Duke Frank to be suppressed, under Xueli's convening, the conference palace left behind some people the work that was responsible for wrapping up, but Loren they followed Xueli to return to the holy city royal palace completely together, that was the core of holy city is also. 雪莉将一枚令牌交给洛伦后,议会殿的叛乱到这个时候也算画上了一个句号,外面来自那些富兰克公爵的势力早就被镇压,在雪莉的召集下,会议殿留下了一些人负责扫尾的工作,而洛伦他们则是全部跟着雪莉一起返回了圣城王宫,那也是圣城的核心所在。 After returning to the royal palace, Xueli not with the idea that elf king Jixu discussed that leads Bailey and Elisha returned to own room together directly, she only wants to find a peaceful place to rest now, today's accident brought too many impacts on her, moreover she also needed the time and Elisha exchanges, in the Xueli heart had too the doubts. 回到王宫后,雪莉没有和精灵王继续商谈的想法,带着贝莉尔和艾丽莎一起径直返回了自己的房间,她现在只想找个安静的地方休息一下,今天的变故给她带来了太多的冲击,而且她也需要时间和艾丽莎交流,雪莉心中有太多疑惑。 Elisha in departure, looks at each other one with Loren, exchange that but two people have no, is only the tranquil moving away vision. 艾丽莎在离开的时候,和洛伦对视一眼,不过两人都没有任何的交流,只是平静的移开目光。 The quick elf king also leads several holy blood successors to depart, is only left over Loren to have several expression desolate months to hunt to stay in the main hall, Loren looked that hunts to these months, can see some vigilance and unwillingness from their faces. 很快精灵王也带着几个圣血继承人离去,只剩下洛伦带着几个表情冷淡的月狩留在大殿之中,洛伦看向那些月狩,能从他们的脸上看出些许的警惕和不甘。 Does not know that Luke needs us to make anything.” “不知道卢克阁下需要我们做什么。” In two sides silent looking at each other, Nora opens the mouth to break silence. 就在两边沉默的对视之时,娜拉开口打破了沉寂。 Although very discontented must obey Loren's order, but these people do not dare really said that but actually flagrantly own disaffection, after all was just punched, in addition is Xueli opens the mouth personally, making them instruct by Loren temporarily, these people have many refusing to accept , can only compromise for the general interest. 虽然很不满自己要听从洛伦的命令,但是这些人倒也不敢真的明目张胆表示自己的不满,毕竟刚刚才被揍了一顿,再加上是雪莉亲自开口,让他们暂时由洛伦指示,这些人有再多的不服,也只能委曲求全。 Now Nora expects only, is Loren do not force them to handle some extremely matter out of the ordinary. 现在娜拉唯一期望的,就是洛伦不要逼迫他们去做一些太过出格的事情。 Loren said lightly: I know that you do not have is so easy to obey my order, you do not believe me, I also do not believe you.” 洛伦淡淡道:“我知道你们没那么容易听从我的命令,你们不相信我,我同样也不相信你们。” „, You should to know, although I broke the arm of this goods a moment ago big, broke by smashing with stone that fellow several ribs, but also almost beats a head of your person, however...... kills anything, actually does not conform to my scholarly amiable person to suppose, I am like the reasonable person very much.” “不过呢,你们应该要知道,虽然我刚才不小打断这货的手臂,砸断了那家伙几根肋骨,还差点打烂你们一个人的脑袋,但是呢……打打杀杀什么的,其实一点都不符合我儒雅随和的人设,我是个很喜欢讲道理的人。” Loren looked that hunts to these months, referred to several people saying casually, but these months hunted to hear Loren's words, have not stopped air directly. 洛伦看向那些月狩,随便指了几个人说道,而那些月狩听到洛伦的话,差点没直接闭过气去。 The gods special the scholarly is amiable. 神特么儒雅随和。 Sees these people not to refute anything, Loren continues saying: 见那些人没反驳什么,洛伦继续道: Therefore I hope that among us sets some rules slightly, this is together respectively, can be more relaxed.” “所以我希望我们之间稍微定些规则,这样各自相处,也能更加轻松一些。” I will not force you begin to your highness and your companions, but in addition, I hope that you can obey all my orders, why also do not ask me, this request should not be excessive.” “我不会逼迫你们对你们殿下和你们的同伴动手,但是除此之外,我希望你们能够听从我的一切命令,也不要问我为什么,这个要求应该不过分吧。” Naturally, has the opinion, you can raise although, reasonable I will choose to accept.” “当然,有意见,你们可以尽管提,有道理的我都会选择接受。” I hope is, our ideas can make into as soon as possible , is not right, should be achieves consistently, you said.” “我希望的就是,我们的想法能够尽早打成,哦,不对,应该是达成一致,你们说呢。” Loren smiles looked that hunts to these months. 洛伦微笑的看向那些月狩。 The gods special make into consistently, this fellow is intentional. 神特么打成一致,这家伙是故意的吧。 But hears Loren's changing a statement, these months hunt cannot help but to feel that the cold sweat leaches from the back, these people also understand suddenly why the previous elf king chose from the heart several times. 而听到洛伦的改口,那些月狩不由得就感觉到冷汗从后背浸出,突然之间这些人也明白了为什么先前精灵王几次都选择从心了。 Finally looks at Loren's smile, these people take a fast look around for quite a while mutually, had not seen actually some people suppress one from the mouth not character. 最后看着洛伦的微笑,那些人互相扫视半天,硬是没看到有人从嘴里憋出一个“不”字。 Because they suspected very much, if oneself really proposed that the objection...... this fellow will really project on them to be in agreement unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 因为他们很怀疑,要是自己真的提出异议了……这家伙真的会毫不客气打到他们意见一致。 So long as Luke ensure does not make us harm your highness, we naturally cannot have any objection.” “只要卢克阁下保证不让我们伤害殿下,我们自然不会有任何异议。” Also was at this time, Nora sighed to say. 也是这时,娜拉叹了口气说道。 Loren sets this custom straightforwardly, actually is also the best way. 洛伦直截了当的定下这规矩,其实也是最好的办法。 Does not know that your excellency currently has anything to order.” “不知道阁下现在有什么命令。” Then, Nora also asked. 然后,娜拉又问道。 Loren heard that the word reveals the thinking the expression, actually he really did not have to think that wants these people to make anything, he must come the control of these fellows before, but does not want to make the elf king control the royal family simply, moreover compared with letting the elf king sends these fellows to monitor him, might as well he himself acts on own initiative, first cuts off reading of opposite party to think. 洛伦闻言露出思索的表情,其实他还真没太想好要这些人做什么,他之前要来这些家伙的控制权,只是不想让精灵王那么简单的控制住王族,而且比起让精灵王派遣这些家伙来监视他,还不如他自己主动出手,先断绝对方的念想。 This, you first go to look for your quilts, folds a bean curd to show me?” “这样吧,你们先去把你们的被子找来,叠个豆腐块给我看看?” Loren thought deeply about one to look that suddenly these months hunted to say. 洛伦思索了一会突然看着那些月狩说道。 „???” “???” These months hunted hears word to confuse. 那些月狩闻言都迷了。 They lived were so long, but also first order that heard such rare and beautiful flowers. 他们活了这么久,还第一次听到这样奇葩的命令。 Luke, what is this?” “卢克阁下,这是什么意思?” Some people knit the brows to say. 有人皱眉道。 I folded the bean curd initially time also wants to know that what is this, Loren looks that these people said lightly: Said why do not ask, moreover you are not willing to fold the bean curd, added that will obey my order?” 我当初叠豆腐块的时候也想知道这是什么意思啊,洛伦看着这些人淡淡道:“说了不要问为什么,而且你们连豆腐块都不愿意叠,还说会服从我的命令?” These months hunt, although have a head wet from the fog, but look at the Loren desolate expression, have to bring the respective quilt, then according to the battle qi model that Loren gives start to operate, and forbid to use to mump with the charm. 那些月狩虽然满头雾水,但看着洛伦冷淡的表情,也只好取来各自的被子,然后按照洛伦给的斗气模型开始操作,并且禁止使用斗气和魔力。 In the quick main hall presented strange one...... several keeping aloof months to hunt under Loren's surveillance seems like the elementary student military training to fold the bean curd equally honestly. 很快大殿中就出现了诡异的一幕……几个高高在上的月狩在洛伦的监视下像是小学生军训一样老老实实叠豆腐块。 Has moon/month to hunt some is not convinced from the beginning, thought that this is what cerebral palsy order, but quick...... this thing returns really is not easy to fold on the silent discovery, the bean curd that makes is not half of big half is small, actually lacks corner few corners/horns. 有月狩本来一开始也有些不服气,觉得这算什么脑瘫命令,但很快就沉默的发现……这东西还真特么没那么容易叠出来,弄出来的豆腐块不是一半大一半小,却是缺棱少角。 After Loren successfully the military training beyond work also disseminates the different world frightened, looks at several people of satisfied nods, then left behind a rune/symbol writing to serve as the surveillance in the hall to leave, took over moon/month of hunting army to them look for something to do, this also exercises their obedient, while this time, he happen to can transfer the revolutions in the royal palace. 洛伦成功把作业之外的军训恐惧也传播到异世界后,看着几人满意的点了点头,然后在大厅内留下了一个符文用作监视就离开了,接手了月狩部队总要给他们找些事做,这也算是锻炼他们的服从性,趁这个时间,他正好可以在王宫转转。 The previous elf king leaves, where Loren also somewhat was curious that fellow to go, he has not left behind the tracing mark on the elf king, however in returning to royal palace on the way, left behind the mark on these holy blood successors quietly, locked their positions, basically can also find the elf king. 先前精灵王离开,洛伦也有些好奇那家伙去了哪里,他没有在精灵王身上留下追踪印记,但是在返回王宫的途中,悄然在那些圣血继承人身上留下了印记,锁定他们的位置,基本也能找到精灵王。 Has the general token that Xueli gives, Loren passes through in the royal palace will not have anything to stop basically, however in he is tracking down the mark transferred some time after the royal palace, Loren suddenly selected the eyebrow, discovered the mark that oneself leave behind lost the contact in some place. 拥有雪莉给的通行令牌,洛伦在王宫中通行也基本不会有什么阻拦,然而就在他追寻着印记在王宫里转了一段时间后,洛伦突然挑了挑眉,发现自己留下的印记在某个地方失去了联系。 Mark was discovered by that fellow...... that fellow entered some special space, cut off the mark relation?” “印记是被那家伙发现了……还是那家伙进入了某个特殊的空间,切断了印记联系?” Loren is frowning to think. 洛伦皱着眉头想着。 In the brain flashes through this idea, Loren's brow selects, looks to the front, on the corridor that at this time he was at the just right front surface had a maid to lower the head to his direction walks, detected some type of unusual aura from Loren of that maid. 脑中才闪过这个想法,洛伦的眉头一挑,看向前方,这时他所在的走廊上正好迎面有个女仆低头向他的方向走来,从那女仆的身上洛伦察觉到了某种异样的气息。 Two people positions will soon interlock, the maid does not have the indication to put out a hand toward Loren's abdomen, but before she touches herself, Loren holds her wrist/skill. 两人的位置即将交错的时候,那女仆毫无征兆向着洛伦的腹部伸手,可就在她触碰到自己之前,洛伦已经抓住了她的手腕。 At this moment, other guards on corridor had not detected unexpectedly any difference, Loren looks at to that maid time, then saw that in her eyes appears the purple ray slightly, simultaneously on her face also showed the smile. 这一刻,走廊上的其他卫兵竟是没有察觉到任何的异样,洛伦看向那女仆的时候,便看到她的双眼里浮现起微微的紫色光芒,同时她的脸上也露出了笑容。 Luke's sensation also is really keen.” “卢克阁下的感知还真是敏锐啊。” The woman as if overlapped voice resounds, all around space twists slightly, as if formed knot to cover two people. 女人仿佛重叠的声音响起,四周的空间微微扭曲,仿佛形成了一个结界将两人笼罩。 Is you......” “是妳……” The body of maid, the fluctuation of demon supernatural power flashes slightly passes, her has the illusory black fine lace to extend behind unceasingly, finally submerges in the air to vanish does not see, another end of that fine lace was then controlled by the demon god. 女仆的身上,魔神力的波动微微闪逝,她的身后有条虚幻的黑色细线不断延伸,最终没入空气中消失不见,那细线的另一端便是被魔神所操控。 Loren narrows the eye to look at front maid slightly, he has not thought that Mar bus will suddenly appear in this place. 洛伦微微眯起眼睛望着面前的女仆,他没有想到马尔巴士会突然出现在这种地方。 Moreover this ability...... 而且这种能力…… Loren is very clear, the present maid is only an average person, but the body is occupied by Mar bus now completely. 洛伦很清楚,眼前的女仆本来只是个普通人,但是现在身体已经被马尔巴士完全占据。 This fellow...... is good at consciousness the level ability very much.” “这个家伙……很擅长意识层面的能力。” Loren remembers the experience that previously two people fought, the consciousness of Mar bus even can twist the rule, gives some concept its peeling. 洛伦想起先前两人交手的经历,马尔巴士的意识甚至可以扭曲规则,赋予某种概念将其剥离。 Luke's camouflage is completed is very good, you displayed me to watch a moment ago, the elf king now probably to you are' loving and hating'.” Without Loren spoke, Mar bus is the chuckle the opens the mouth. “卢克阁下的伪装完成的很不错,你刚才的表现我都看在眼里,精灵王现在大概对你是'又爱又恨'。”没等洛伦说话,马尔巴士就是轻笑着开口。 In conference palace that all, under her gaze?” “会议殿里发生的那一切,也在她的注视下吗?” Loren complexion is tranquil, he very clear...... the opposite party disclosed this news intentionally, was some deterrent. 洛伦面色平静,他很清楚……对方故意透露出这个消息,也是某种威慑。 Can have such result is lucky, does not know that Mar bus your excellency appears here, so-called what matter?” “能够有那样的结果都是侥幸,不知道马尔巴士阁下出现在这里,所谓何事?” After Loren lets loose the wrist/skill of maid, light say/way, before signed the contract time, Loren saw the real name of Mar bus, naturally did not need to be worried that looked through her name to be suspected. 洛伦放开女仆的手腕后淡淡道,之前签订契约的时候,洛伦看到了马尔巴士的真名,自然不用担心看破她的名字遭到怀疑。 Naturally to plan next step prepares, the goal already the thing that obtained him to want, almost prepared to swallow the bait.” Mar bus tranquil say/way. “当然是为了计划的下一步做准备,目标已经获得了他想要的东西,也差不多准备上钩了。”马尔巴士平静道。 Bumps into Luke exactly here, therefore I am then thinking before seeing that first delivers the new duty to your excellency, after all you have succeeded infiltrates the interior of elf king, although has not gained too his trust.” “恰好在这里碰上卢克阁下,所以我便想着在见那位之前,先把新的任务交付给阁下,毕竟你已经成功的打入精灵王的内部,虽然并没有获取太多他的信任。” At this point, Mar bus chuckle is giving Loren the paper in hand, Loren opened the paper to look had swept the above writing, later on the paper ignited suddenly the black flame fired the ashes it. 说到这里,马尔巴士轻笑着将手中的纸条递给了洛伦,洛伦打开纸条看了扫过上面的文字,随后纸条上突然燃起了的黑色火焰将其烧成了灰烬。 Looks at these, should your excellency be clear about the following duty?” Mar bus said that however the next second she noticed that Loren raised the head one will look silent to her: Comes again, the paper burnt a moment ago is too quick, I forgot.” “看完这些,阁下应该清楚自己接下来的任务了吧?”马尔巴士说道,然而下一秒她就看到洛伦抬起头沉默了一会看向她:“再来一遍,刚才纸烧太快,我忘了。” „????” “????” ... 。。。
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