MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#83: I thought that is very reasonable

Your Highness Shirley......” “雪莉殿下……” In the main hall gradually the strange atmosphere, makes the moon/month hunting expression change that these gather uncertain. 大殿中逐渐诡异的气氛,让那些重新聚集起来的月狩表情变化不定。 The situation is too rapid, making them gradually unable to find out the condition. 形势变化太快,让他们逐渐摸不清楚状况。 Originally after the defense line was torn, they already somewhat desperate, that invisible domain dispersing that then Xueli launches held Elisha directly, should make them relax, yet now, is looking at the domain center, the pupil twinkle golden-red ray, but the body shivers slightly, even complexion more and more pale Xueli, these months hunted then realized, the present aspect, had some accident/surprise again. 本来在防线被撕裂后,他们已经有些绝望,而后雪莉展开的那无形领域散开直接抓住了艾丽莎,本该让他们松口气的,可如今,望着领域中心,瞳孔闪烁金红光芒,可身体微微颤抖,甚至脸色越来越苍白的雪莉,那些月狩便意识到了,眼下的局面,再次出现了某种意外。 That fellow...... to these words that your highness spoke, what meaning was?” “那个家伙……对殿下说的那些话,到底是什么意思?” They have not seen the appearance of Xueli so vacillation. 他们没见过雪莉如此动摇的模样。 Since Xueli lost dependence, after being in this position, Xueli had not then revealed oneself weakness in the face of others again. 自从雪莉失去了身边依靠,登上了这个位置后,雪莉便再没在其他人面前流露过自己的软弱。 But on the Xueli face is actually reveals the obvious sadness and pain now. 可现在雪莉脸上却是流露出明显的悲伤和痛苦。 Several people resent looks to the elf king outside domain. 几人愤恨的看向领域外的精灵王。 On elf king face smiles, appearance that has victory in the hand. 精灵王脸上微笑更甚,一副胜券在握的模样。 Loren is narrowing the eye slightly, the vision has swept between Elisha and Xueli, what he can determine, technique that Xueli uses will not have any injury to Elisha, but these words that elf king Xianqian spoke, making Loren also somewhat care. 洛伦微微眯着眼睛,目光在艾丽莎和雪莉之间扫过,他能确定的是,雪莉动用的术式对艾丽莎不会有任何伤害,而精灵王先前说的那些话,让洛伦也有些在意。 Person who she must find, is related with Elisha?” “她要找到的人,和艾丽莎有关?” Loren can think that Elisha and this world's only relation, only have her mother. 洛伦能够想到的,艾丽莎和这个世界唯一的联系,就只有她的母亲。 „......” “难道……” In Loren reveals the thinking the expression, Elisha in domain, in the eye the strength ray little dissipation of holy blood, pulled out from own past train of thought, Elisha completely has not recovered, she looks to that side Xueli, Xueli connects she consciousness, Elisha also very clear sensation to her existence. 就在洛伦露出思索的表情之际,领域中的艾丽莎,眼中圣血的力量光芒一点点消散,从自己过去的思绪中被抽离后,艾丽莎并没有完全回过神来,她怔怔的看向那边的雪莉,雪莉连接她意识的时候,艾丽莎也很清楚的感知到了她的存在。 She looked that” entered her memory to Xueli, hears elder sister who” Xueli shouted at that time two characters...... 她“看”到了雪莉进入了她的记忆,也听到了雪莉当时喊出的“姐姐”两字…… Therefore...... 所以说…… During one after another impact, making Elisha fall into is extremely absent-minded, because originally guessed state of mind that Loren status depresses with great difficulty, in Elisha's mind fluctuation again. 接二连三的冲击,让艾丽莎陷入极度的恍惚之中,本来因为猜测到洛伦身份好不容易压下的心绪,在艾丽莎的心中再一次的波动起来。 Xueli closes the eye, the tears in her eyes by the silent evaporation, later, her vision looks to Elisha, but this time, in her vision, then brings to be gentle and tender. 雪莉闭上眼睛,泪水在她的眼中被无声的蒸发,随后,她的目光才重新看向艾丽莎,可这一次,她的目光中,则是带着温柔和怜惜。 But in her mind, gushes out the infinite sadness, because from Elisha's memory, she also knew...... the deceased truth. 可在她的心中,也是涌出无限的悲伤,因为从艾丽莎的记忆中,她也得知了……伊莎已经去世的真相。 But persecutes to death her person...... 而逼死她的人…… Is certain hateful human. 是某些可憎的人类。 Xueli is suppressing angry and sorrow in heart. 雪莉压制着心中的愤怒和悲哀。 She wants to take revenge, but she is also very clear, what oneself present most this/should doing is anything. 她想要为伊莎复仇,但她也很清楚,自己现在最该做的是什么。 Elder sister has no way to protect you in the future life, then...... is then protected by me.” “姐姐没法在今后的人生守护妳,那么……便由我来守护。” Now...... you should also understand a lot.” “现在……妳也应该明白很多事情了。” Saw after Xueli gradually calms down, elf king Cai opens the mouth slowly, the tone is sigh with emotion: 看到雪莉逐渐冷静下来后,精灵王才缓缓的开口,语气感慨: We are actually not the enemies.” Your older sister to save the elf clan, leaves the asylum of holy city, to the outside world of danger, what a pity is, before achieving all these, she was dashed the status by human, was killed.” Elf king Youyou said: Is good because, her mission and last wish completely all entrusted to Elisha, this was the summon of destiny, Elisha finally replaced her, found my deep sleep was, awakened me, making me have the opportunity to return to this state, lets opportunity that the elf clan had promotes.” “我们其实不是敌人。”“妳的姐姐是为了拯救精灵族,才离开圣城的庇护,去往危险的外界,可惜的是,在做到这一切之前,她就被人类撞破了身份,惨遭杀害。”精灵王悠悠道:“好在,她的使命和遗愿尽皆托付给了艾丽莎,这是命运的召唤,艾丽莎最终代替她,找到了我沉睡的所在,将我唤醒,让我有机会回归这个国度,让精灵族有重新振兴的机会。” Elisha hears here, but coldly looks to that side elf king. 艾丽莎听到这里,只是冷冷的看向那边的精灵王。 In fact after that vestige accident, Elisha understands suddenly, why before oneself mother dies, had almost not disclosed that any and seductress/evil spirit kingdom related information, she had perhaps found that vestige is, is only before the exploration, realized some not right place, gave up the exploration to the vestige. 事实上在那遗迹变故发生后,艾丽莎才突然的明白,为什么自己的母亲死前,几乎没有透露任何和妖精王国有关的信息,她或许是早就找到了那遗迹的所在,只是在探索前,意识到了某种不对劲的地方,放弃了对遗迹的探索。 She did not tell Elisha that all, to protect her. 她不告诉艾丽莎那一切,是为了保护她。 But under mistake arising out of chance circumstances, Elisha finally collection simultaneous/uniform and seductress/evil spirit kingdom related clue, untied that her mother the seal that wants to hide. 可是阴差阳错之下,艾丽莎最终还是集齐了和妖精王国有关的线索,解开了那个她的母亲想要隐藏下去的封印。 Therefore, should not be besotted, we should not be the enemies.” “所以,不要再执迷不悟了,我们不该是敌人。” Elf king see Shirley has not spoken, the tone said sincerely: All that I make, for the elf clan, perhaps in your opinion, my method slightly is cruel, but this to promote elf clan necessary sacrifice, the rebel who furthermore, these unite foreign clan, was not worth sympathizing, only then gouges the sloughs in these corroded clans, the elf clan can obtain the new life.” 精灵王见雪莉没有说话,语气诚恳道:“我所做的一切,都是为了精灵族,或许在妳看来,我的手段略显残忍,但这都是为了振兴精灵族所必要的牺牲,再者,这些联合外族的叛徒,本来也不值得同情,只有剜去那些侵蚀族内的腐肉,精灵族才能获得新生。” Xueli unemotional is listening to the words of elf king: I to your goal, the interest that your missions have no, you give me Elisha, I can all that you want.” 雪莉面无表情的听着精灵王的话:“我对你的目的,你的那些使命都没有任何的兴趣,你把艾丽莎交给我,我可以给你想要的一切。” Elisha's imprisonment had untied by Xueli, the strength of invisible domain transferred to Elisha's asylum, but Xueli also felt that at this time the elf king also had some type to control Elisha even to decide her life and death the method, otherwise this fellow is impossible such to visit her to control Elisha assuredly. 艾丽莎的身上的禁锢已经被雪莉解开,无形领域的力量转为了对艾丽莎的庇护,可雪莉此时也感觉到了精灵王还有某种控制艾丽莎甚至可以决定她生死的手段,否则这家伙也不可能那样笃定的看着她控制住艾丽莎。 By this time, Xueli naturally also understands the elf king had expected she will not begin to arrange today's to Elisha, that fellow already stubbornly, knew these that she calculated, Xueli naturally stupid to not continue believe these nonsense that the elf king compiled. 到这个时候,雪莉自然也明白了精灵王是早就预料到了她不会对艾丽莎动手才安排了今天的一切,那个家伙早就将她算的死死的,知晓了这些,雪莉当然不会蠢到继续相信精灵王编纂的那些鬼话。 Although I am willing to give your trust, but I do not have the means to lift her limit now.” “虽然我很愿意给予妳的信任,但是我现在并没有办法解除她身上的限制。” Hears Xueli's words, elf king inverted/fall has not pulled other reasons that continues to beat around the bush, said lightly: Coming out that you also look , the present I real physical body, this has not been the reason why I must collect the holy blood, these holy blood was my thing.” 听到雪莉的话,精灵王倒也没有继续拐弯抹角的扯其他的理由,淡淡道:“妳也看的出来,现在的我并没有真实的肉体,这也是我为何要收集圣血的原因,那些圣血本来就是属于我的东西。” Before collecting enough holy blood restores, I am unable to be separated from the Elisha independent action, actually I do not want to limit her anything, but I must do this, has the opportunity of living.” “在凑齐足够的圣血恢复之前,我无法脱离艾丽莎单独的行动,其实我并不想限制她什么,只是我必须这样做,才有活下来的机会。” The words of elf king are half real , half fake. 精灵王的话语半真半假。 Loren who however hears these words actually showed expression looking pensive, deeply looked at elf king one eyes. 然而听到这句话的洛伦却是露出了若有所思的表情,深深看了精灵王一眼。 He previously could not find the key that kills the elf king continuously. 他先前一直找不到杀死精灵王的关键。 But now the youngster realizes...... this key suddenly, perhaps not in elf king consciousness. 但现在少年忽然意识到……这关键,或许并不在精灵王意识本身上。 You want anything.” “你想要什么。” Xueli listens to the words of elf king, stop after slightly, simple saying. 雪莉听完精灵王的话,稍微的停顿后干脆的说道。 Strength, but also puissant.” “力量,还有权力。” After all the time has passed was so long, initially the title of generation of elf kings, is only a spatial name, this name, cannot other to have the awe to me, instead will only let all that they coveted me once to have, these I had profound understanding on these traitors, moreover before the fellow died, has words also said but actually right, if wanted to change anything, the centralism of everyone strength was very necessary.” “毕竟时间已经过去了这么久,初代精灵王的称号,只是一个空名,这个称呼,并不能让其他人对我产生敬畏,反而只会让他们觊觎我曾拥有的一切,这些我在那些背叛者身上深有体会,而且那家伙死前有句话倒也说的没错,如果想要改变什么,所有人力量的集中是很有必要的。” I want to achieve my goal, must have these achievement support.” “我想要完成我的目标,就必须有这些作为支撑。” Elf Wang Pingjing said: So long as had these, I naturally do not need any limit to Elisha again . Moreover, you are my descendant, I have not thought harms you, will make all these, is I do not have other methods merely, cannot make such choice.” 精灵王平静道:“只要拥有了这些,我自然无需再对艾丽莎有任何的限制,而且,妳们都是我的后代,我本来就没有想过伤害你们,会做出这一切,也仅仅是我没有其他的方法,不得以才做出这样的选择罢了。” Elf king is saying, sighs with emotion: I know, these matters that I do, you are very difficult to understand for a short time, but this is also indifferent, when I complete that all, making the elf clan reappear the antiquity the honor, even dominated after these fellows thoroughly, you will understand my pains.” 精灵王说着,又感慨道:“我知道,我做的这些事,你们一时半会很难理解,但是这也无所谓,等我完成那一切,让精灵族重现上古的荣光,甚至彻底凌驾于那些家伙之上后,你们就会明白我的苦心的。” He is saying, the vision looks tranquilly to Xueli: Therefore...... I hope that you can make the correct choice.” 他说着,目光平静望向雪莉:“所以……我希望妳能做出正确的选择。” Your highness.” “殿下。” In the domain, these months hunt look to Xueli. 领域之中,那些月狩纷纷看向雪莉。 But Xueli shakes the head: I knew.” 可雪莉只是摇了摇头:“我知道了。” These I can you, but something , wants you to live up to one's words, otherwise......” Xueli deeply looked at elf king one eyes, the following words have not said. “这些我都可以给你,但有些事情,也希望你说到做到,否则……”雪莉深深看了精灵王一眼,后面的话并没有说完。 She will deliver the holy blood to the elf king, but is not all. 她会将圣血交付给精灵王,但不会是所有。 Relax, Xueli, so long as I restored the strength, naturally can relieve the limit to Elisha, will never break a promise.” “放心吧,雪莉,只要我恢复了力量,自然会解除对艾丽莎的限制,决不食言。” Elf Wang Wei said with a smile. 精灵王微笑道。 The present situation enough has actually made him satisfy, Xueli's regressing, making him have the opportunity to control royal family's strength, in addition the absorptions of these holy blood, will resume him of part of strengths is not suppressed by anybody again. 现在的情况其实已经足够令他满意,雪莉的退步,让他有机会重新控制王族的力量,再加上那些圣血的吸收,恢复了一部分力量的他将不会再受到任何人压制。 When the time comes, he can clean up these uncontrolled factor slowly, first is these fellows of demon empathize, then yes...... 到时候,他就可以慢慢清理那些不受控制的因素,首先是魔神会的那些家伙,然后是…… Elf king vision indifferent has swept from Loren , to continue saying: 精灵王目光漠然的从洛伦身上扫过,继续道: As the sincerity, I will make Elisha follow in your side, will not order to her additionally, but in return, I also hope, these months hunt to make me control temporarily, I need them to solve these outcomers.” “作为诚意,我会让艾丽莎跟在妳的身边,不会给她额外的命令,但是作为回报,我也希望,这些月狩能够暂时让我掌控,我需要他们来解决那些外来者。” Xueli looks to the elf king, the expression slightly ice-cold, but when this atmosphere congeals again, the Loren light opens the mouth said: I thought that this exchange is necessary.” 雪莉看向精灵王,表情略显冰冷,可就在这气氛再次凝结的时候,洛伦淡淡开口道:“我觉得这个交换很有必要。” The youngster sudden opens the mouth of makes the atmosphere on the scene somewhat dignified, Xueli looked that reveals the vigilant vision to Loren, this human somewhat is in her opinion immeasurably deep. 少年突然的开口让在场的气氛有些凝重,雪莉看向洛伦不由露出警惕的目光,这个人类在她看来有些深不可测。 But hears Loren's words, the elf king somewhat was actually accidental, but is actually sneering at heart, this fellow, thinks that now improves to own attitude, on energy 而听到洛伦的话,精灵王倒是有些意外了,可是心里却是在冷笑,这家伙,以为现在对自己态度改善,就能 Renovated in my impression. 刷新在我这的印象了吗。 Loren previous times offending, elf king can/but is not several easy to forget. 洛伦先前几次的冒犯,精灵王可没有那么容易忘记。 May at this time, only listen to Loren to continue saying: For safety, I suggested that is received these months to hunt by me.” 可在这时,只听洛伦继续说道:“为了安全起见,我建议由我来接收这些月狩。” As the collaborator of elf king, temporary left and right arms, I thought that I need to help people overcome their difficulties for him very much, investigate the threat that these people probably bring.” “作为精灵王的合作者,暂时的左膀右臂,我觉得我很有必要为他排忧解难,排查这些人可能带来的威胁。” Loren was saying shows the smile, turns to the elf king, the youngster within the body day honors battle qi to surge. 洛伦说着露出微笑,转向精灵王,少年体内天崇斗气激荡。 Elf Sir king, you feel like this, such mammoth task, only then I such outstanding person ability is competent probably right.” “精灵王大人,你是这样觉得的吧,这样艰巨的任务,只有像是我这样优秀的人才能胜任对吧。” Naturally, if you must oppose, we can also reasonable.” “当然,如果你要反对的话,我们也能讲讲道理。” The elf king looks at Loren to sneer, then almost bites the tooth to compel several characters: Does not use, I felt you said very reasonable!” 精灵王看着洛伦冷笑了一下,然后几乎是咬着牙齿逼出几个字:“不用了,我觉得你说的很有道理!” ... 。。。 Then is the essential plot, now some headaches, because there are many lines to need to process, gets so far as the same place, therefore compared with card. 接下来是关键的剧情,现在有些头疼,因为有很多条线需要处理,弄到一起,所以比较卡。
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