MDKCBTC :: Volume #11

#82: The relation of bloodlines

Grasped the elf of giant tower shield to resist a Loren's fist, the tower shield deeply inserted the ground, the crack that but on the shield was pounded by Loren started the rapid restore after his battle qi conduction. 手持巨大塔盾的精灵抗住了洛伦的一拳,塔盾深深插入了地面,不过盾上被洛伦砸出的裂纹在他的斗气传导后开始飞速的修复。 That tower shield powerful solely is not the defense capability, the self- repair capability of anomaly, previously by hollow getting down that Loren hit several times, but after less than a half minute of restoration, was only left over the surface layer slight fissure. 那塔盾强大的不单单是防御能力,还有变态的自我修复能力,先前几次都是被洛伦打的凹陷下去,可不到半分钟的时间的恢复后,就只剩下表层细微的裂痕。 However this time facing two people attacks, without other companions helps win the time, the tower shield in his hand has recovered without enough time. 然而这次面对两人的攻击,没有其他的同伴帮忙争取时间,他手中的塔盾已经来不及复原。 When the young girls with binding the sword light plunders, that powerful power and influence approaches, brought the enormous pressure on him. 少女携裹剑光掠出之际,那强大的威势逼近,也给他带来了极大的压力。 God mark barrier!” “神纹壁垒!” The sword light wells up, that month hunts to take the bull by the horns, stimulates the final defensive measure, full is on the crack black tower shield appears the innumerable gold/metal pigment figures to wind, finally interweaves before the black shield forms the huge golden shield barrier. 剑光涌来,那个月狩当机立断,激发最后的防御手段,满是裂纹的黑色塔盾上浮现无数金色纹络,最后交织在黑盾之前形成巨大的金色盾型屏障。 This is he grasps the deep meaning rank the protection capability, suppresses to lift as the card in a hand now, so long as under keeping off this struck, obtained the respite time slightly, he can coordinate with others, organized to defend. 这是他所掌握奥义级别的防护能力,憋到了现在才作为底牌掀开,只要挡下这一击,获得稍微的喘息时间,他就能和其他人配合,重新组织防御。 Facing the golden barrier of that separating, in the Elisha hand burns the long sword that the day is honoring battle qi to erupt more radiant luminous, the sword light punctures forward, the passing over gently and swiftly ground happened to crack, the young girl as if poured into all strengths in a sword, felt that to be youngster sincere earnest battle qi, Elisha thought that oneself strength also seemed like in this blazing sublimates. 面对那弹开的金色屏障,艾丽莎手中燃烧着天崇斗气的长剑爆发出更加璀璨的光亮,剑光向前刺出,掠过的地面发生崩裂,少女似乎将所有的力量都灌注在一剑之中,感受着那属于少年诚挚热切的斗气,艾丽莎觉得自己的力量也像是在这股炽热中升华。 Almost confirmed some guess in heart in this time Elisha, myriad state of mind fluctuate in the heart of young girl, the emotion that these must flood she is unable to express in the spoken language, therefore the young girl then vented that all in oneself sword, perhaps was also wants to give the youngster to transmit anything...... 在这个时候艾丽莎差不多确认了心中的某种猜测,万千心绪在少女的心底起伏,那些要满溢的情感她无法用言语表达,所以少女便将那一切发泄在自己的这一剑中,也或许是想要给少年传达些什么…… The long sword pricks that golden barrier, that is the incomparable firm heavy/thick defense, as if a giant mountain range keeps off before Elisha's body. 长剑刺入那金色屏障,那是无比的坚固厚重的防御,仿佛一座巨大的山脉挡在艾丽莎的身前。 But later, the sword, the star splendor of combustion is wrapping battle qi of young girl sharp, that bone-chilling cold sword intent, falls in torrents loudly! 可随后,剑尖一点,燃烧的星辉包裹着少女的斗气,还有那凛冽的剑意,轰然倾泻而出! „”! “咔嚓”一声! The startled day sword light dashes the barrier, will tear that black tower shield shortly, person's shadow flying upside down after tower shield, that thorn after the sword light even/including breaks two defenses, runs out toward the rear area at the irresistible strength. 惊天的剑光撞破屏障,将那黑色塔盾顷刻间撕裂,塔盾后的人影倒飞而出,那刺出的剑光连破两道防御后,以势不可挡的力量向着后方冲出。 When the sword light dissipates, the rear area of conference palace are many a giant hole, can see that the deep sword mark extended dozens meters distance from that hole together forward. 等到剑光消逝,会议殿的后方已经多出一个巨大的窟窿,可以看到一道深深剑痕从那窟窿向前延伸了数十米的距离。 Elisha's complexion is somewhat pale, for a long time but in the young girl eyes has does not see gentle appears luminously. 艾丽莎的脸色有些苍白,可是少女眼中却是有许久不见的温柔光亮浮现。 If between he and Loren has a mountain to block, sooner or later, she will cut this mountain range personally, met with the youngster. 如果他和洛伦之间有座山阻绝,迟早,她会亲自斩开这座山脉,与少年相见。 However, now is also not the time. 不过,现在还不是时候。 Is thinking these, Elisha tries hard to suppress the innermost feelings the emotion, looks to present Xueli. 想着这些,艾丽莎努力压制住内心的情感,望向眼前的雪莉。 Solved kept off after front great shield, between Elisha and Xueli, did not have other defense strength interception again. 解决了挡在面前的巨盾后,艾丽莎和雪莉之间,也再也没有其他的守备力量拦截。 The atmosphere of main hall, again becomes silent. 大殿的气氛,再一次变得寂静无声。 Perhaps is just now the strength of young girl that sword, is extremely unexpected. 或许是方才少女那一剑的力量,太过出人意料。 The rear elf king looked that is indistinct to Elisha's vision, is thinking the eruption of that sword, he does not know why has an inexplicable chill in the air to gush out unexpectedly, in eye flashing through together cold light cannot help but. 后方的精灵王看向艾丽莎的目光隐约复杂,想着那一剑的爆发,他不知为何竟是有种莫名的寒意涌出,眼中不由得的闪过一道冷光。 When Elisha and Loren figure interlocks, latter's petty action, he watches certainly, suspicion that but he also has no, only thought that this is the ordinary fight coordination. 艾丽莎和洛伦身形交错之际,后者的小动作,他当然看在了眼里,但他也没有任何的怀疑,只觉得这是普通的战斗配合。 Make him feel that some dignified, is he was not clear that the eruption of that sword mainly stems from Loren, is the strength of young girl. 让他感到些许凝重的,是他不清楚那一剑的爆发主要是源于洛伦,还是更多属于少女的力量。 However no matter how, Elisha accepted the speed of inheritance too to be quick. 不过不管如何,艾丽莎接受传承的速度都太快了。 This fight makes in elf king heart give birth to vigilance slightly, in fact, no matter the demon empathize or status unknown Loren, to his threat, are well below his present young girl. 这场战斗让精灵王心中生出微微的警惕,事实上,不管是魔神会还是身份未知的洛伦,对他的威胁,都远远不及他眼前的少女。 After all...... 毕竟…… His only weakness, was grasped by Elisha in the hand. 他唯一的弱点,被艾丽莎握在手上。 Is good will soon collect enough holy blood because of him, so long as his final one step is completed, he will become this world's most perfect existence, does not have any weakness, becomes the absolute invincibility. 好在他即将收集到足够的圣血,只要他最后的一步完成,他就将成为这个世界最完美的存在,没有任何的弱点,成为绝对的无敌。 Your Highness Shirley......” “雪莉殿下……” Looks at Elisha to approach Xueli, Nora under supporting by the arm of side companion, on the face reveals sorrowful and color of pain, however she does not dare to act rashly, because Loren observed closely them in the one side, let alone Elisha after putting together deep meaning sword technique, the aura that her strength sharp slowdown, Loren has also emitted locks them, cuts off the hope that they rescued completely. 看着艾丽莎逼近雪莉,娜拉在身边同伴的搀扶下,脸上流露出悲哀和痛苦之色,然而她根本不敢轻举妄动,因为洛伦在一旁盯住了他们,更何况艾丽莎对拼奥义剑技后,她的战力也已经剧烈的下滑,洛伦放出的气息锁定他们,完全断绝了他们救援的希望。 Elisha, you are a good girl, I am very curious, why you can with him stand.” “艾丽莎,妳是个善良的女孩,我很好奇,为什么妳会和他站在一起。” The Xueli very tranquil opens the mouth, and does not care about Elisha's threat, moreover her tone seems somewhat tender. 雪莉很平静的开口,并不在意艾丽莎的威胁,而且她的语气像是有些怜惜。 „...... Sorry.” “……对不起。” Elisha's saying in a soft voice: Your Highness Shirley, but also please give up resisting, I do not want to harm you.” 艾丽莎轻声的说道:“雪莉殿下,还请妳放弃抵抗,我并不想要伤害到妳。” Right.” “是吗。” Shirley sighed: Actually I do not want to harm you, but was a pity very much, you stood on the wrong path.” 雪莉叹了口气:“其实我也不想伤害到妳,但很可惜,妳站在了错误的道路上。” The Xueli voice falls, the pupil of young girl was covered by the golden red completely. 雪莉话音落下的时候,少女的瞳孔完全被金红色覆盖。 The small hand who she grabs Bailey sets out, when the young girl sets out, in front of her in the fight impact in the round table that escapes death by a hair's breadth repeatedly is the thorough disintegration comes finally, the ground was also torn fissures, centered on Xueli, as if invisible domain shoving open slowly, in that domain, the young girl has is controlling all strengths. 她抓着身边贝莉尔的小手起身,而在少女起身的时候,她面前在战斗冲击中多次幸免于难的圆桌终于是彻底崩碎开来,地面也被撕裂出一道道的裂痕,以雪莉为中心,仿佛有一个无形的领域缓缓的推开,在那领域中,少女拥有着操控一切的力量。 This is......” “这是……” The strength advances, Elisha promptly long sword insertion underground, the charm constructs to protect the shield before the body, resists the impact of that strength diligently. 力量推进,艾丽莎及时将长剑插入地下,魔力在身前构筑护盾,努力抵抗那力量的冲击。 This is the strength of holy blood...... is not right, this strength must be purer.” “这是圣血的力量……不对,这力量要更加纯粹。” Feels that proliferation domain, Xueli Bailey somewhat is also being surprised, but in girl's eyes reveals later suddenly, Xueli stimulates that strength time, the holy blood of Bailey within the body also received some hauling probably, saw Xueli behind the partly visible giant Saint tree. 感受着那扩散的领域,雪莉身边的贝莉尔也有些惊讶起来,可随后女孩的眼中露出恍然,雪莉激发那力量的时候,贝莉尔体内的圣血也像是受到了某种牵引,看到了雪莉身后若隐若现的巨大的圣树。 With was different in the Saint tree that the white thick fog saw initially, that Saint tree whole body was glittering and translucent carving, moreover is passing the blood-color ray, but seemed like not evil different, instead exceptionally sacred, probably built with the holy bloodstone, but during leaf blade shaking of that sparkle gloomily blue rays, the entanglement is condensing the incomparably huge consciousness. 和当初在白色浓雾看到的圣树不一样,那圣树浑身晶莹剔透,而且透着血色的光芒,但是看上去并不邪异,反而异常的神圣,像是用圣洁的血晶打造,而那一枚枚闪耀幽蓝光芒的叶片摇动之间,纠缠凝聚着无比庞大的意识。 You really grasped its strength.” “妳果然掌握了它的力量。” Not far away elf king see this has not displayed any shock, instead is indistinct within is somewhat frantic. 不远处精灵王见此并没有表现出任何震惊,反而是隐约间有些狂热。 His tentative plan until now, obtained the perfect confirmation on Xueli's body at this moment, 10,000 years of layout and diligently, this Saint tree raises in accumulated of innumerable elf, grows appearance that he wanted. 他一直以来的设想,此刻在雪莉的身上得到了完美的验证,一万年的布局和努力,这棵圣树在无数精灵的蕴养下,成长到了他想要的模样。 Really is the wonderful strength, merely is a fusion of holy blood, can use such huge energy, my design not wrong! Is these idiots is unable to understand my pains.” “真是美妙的力量,仅仅是一份圣血的融合,就能动用这样庞大的能量,我的设计没有错!是那些蠢货根本无法理解我的苦心。” Elf king in innermost feelings crazy is roaring, he looked that somewhat is suddenly infatuated to Xueli's vision, probably appreciates the peerless treasure that are building. 精灵王在内心疯狂的咆哮着,他看向雪莉的目光突然之间有些痴迷起来,像是欣赏着自己打造出的绝世瑰宝。 Elf king, I thinks that this farce should to end.” “精灵王陛下,我想这场闹剧应该要结束了。” Xueli is pressed the brow to look to the elf king, the latter gaze made her have a detesting feeling inexplicably. 雪莉蹙着眉头看向精灵王,后者刚才的注视让她莫名有种嫌恶的感觉。 But Xueli has not thought, she lifts the hand to wield, was fettered Elisha in domain protects the shield to be directly stave, the young girl uncontrolled float the midair, by the invisible strength imprisonment, Elisha was used to mump with the strength of charm probably, tries to get rid of that imprisonment, but is quick she to discover, as the strength of that imprisonment her struggling is getting more and more powerful. 但雪莉也没有多想,她抬手一挥,被束缚在领域中的艾丽莎护盾直接破碎,少女不受控制的漂浮到半空,像是被无形的力量禁锢,艾丽莎动用斗气和魔力的力量,试图摆脱那禁锢,可是很快她就发现,那禁锢的力量随着她的挣扎越来越强大。 Also was at this time, Elisha felt that periphery had/left sharp aura, the invisible strength twisted spiral long-barrelled guns to lock Elisha in her side, her strength consumption almost reached the limit, was very difficult to avoid such attack. 也是这时,艾丽莎感觉到周围多出了一道道锋锐的气息,无形的力量在她的身边扭曲一道道螺旋般的长枪将艾丽莎锁定,她的力量消耗几乎到极限,很难躲避这样的攻击。 Now, should be you give up resisting, that side Luke, I believes, you should not be willing to notice she was injured.” “现在,该是你们放弃抵抗了,还有那边的卢克阁下,我相信,你应该不愿意看到她受到伤害吧。” No, you will not begin to her.” “不,妳不会对她动手的。” May not have and other vision desolate Loren to say anything, the elf king is the spooky opens the mouth: On the contrary, I thought that you will want quickly very much, for she gives up resisting.” 可没等目光冷淡的洛伦说什么,精灵王就是幽幽开口:“相反,我觉得妳很快就会很愿意为了她放弃抵抗。” I do not understand that you are saying anything.” Xueli coldly said. “我不明白你在说什么。”雪莉冷冷道。 May say these words time, in her heart really has the type to palpitate inexplicably, the present was she grasped the aspect obviously. 可说出这句话的时候,她的心中竟然有种莫名悸动,明明现在是她掌握了局面。 Still remembers before me, has said that so long as you help me hold these holy blood successors, I told you one with her related information......” “还记得我之前说过,只要妳帮我抓住那些圣血继承人,我就告诉妳一个和她有关的情报吗……” Elf king Zhishi smiles, now, I can tell you, person who you want to find, is related with her.” 精灵王只是微笑,“现在,我可以告诉妳了,妳想要找的人,和她有关。” The Xueli hears word body trembles fiercely, probably thought of anything, her some delay looks to Elisha in midair, the complexion is gradually pale, clenches teeth saying: 雪莉闻言身体猛地一颤,像是想到了什么,她有些呆滞的看向半空中的艾丽莎,脸色逐渐苍白,咬牙道: No, this is impossible!” “不,这不可能!” Is possible should with the fact to judge that I do not believe grasped that you of strength also to have the means of confirmation.” “可不可能都应该用事实来判断不是吗,我相信掌握了那力量的妳也有种验证的办法。” Elf king is saying with a smile. 精灵王笑着道。 The Xueli delicate hands grip tightly the fist, communicates the holy blood strength to affect Elisha again, originally heard the words of elf king also had Elisha of doubts subconsciously to Xueli's line of sight, later Elisha's pupil contracted slightly, in the eye the reappearing golden red was slowly luminous. 雪莉纤手紧握成拳,再次沟通圣血力量影响艾丽莎,本来听到精灵王的话还有疑惑的艾丽莎下意识的对上了雪莉的视线,随后艾丽莎的瞳孔微微收缩,眼中慢慢浮现金红色光亮。 With Shirley and Elisha's consciousness connection, next quarter, Xueli present all has the reorganization after shatter, the young girl discovered oneself appear in a decoration very warm room. 随着雪莉和艾丽莎的意识连接,下一刻,雪莉眼前的一切的在破碎后发生重组,紧接着少女发现自己出现在一个装饰十分温馨的房间中。 She stands in the entrance position, sees in that soft bedside, sits a she incomparably familiar form. 她站在门口的位置,看到在那柔软的床边,坐着一个她无比熟悉的身影。 The makings gentle woman has not noticed her arrival, but closely is hugging the bosom girl. 气质温柔的女人并没有注意到她的到来,只是紧紧抱着怀里的女孩。 Elisha.” “小艾丽莎。” Mother must go to very far travel expenditure, if cannot see mother, Elisha can be sad, but Elisha immediately was a big kid, cannot cry casually.” “妈妈就要去很远的地方旅行了,如果见不到妈妈的话,艾丽莎会不会伤心呢,不过艾丽莎马上就是大孩子了,不能随便哭鼻子的哦。” Obviously is the chuckle tone, but hugs girl's woman is actually being the whole face tears. 明明是轻笑般的语气,可是抱着女孩的女人却是满脸泪水。 Does not know looking how long, the woman yearned for grabs her clothes to some bosom fears, does not want to let the girl who she departs, in the hand the ray sparkle of magic, making the girl go off in the bosom, her gentle covers with the quilt for her, is touching her hair for the last time, kisses her forehead. 不知道过去了多久,女人留恋的望向怀里有些恐惧的抓着她的衣服,不想让她离去的女孩,手中魔法的光芒闪耀,让女孩在怀里睡去,她温柔的替她盖好被子,最后一次抚摸着她的头发,亲吻她的额头。 If the time can be much a point to be good, really wants to look that you grow up well.” “要是时间能再多一点就好了,真想看着妳好好长大啊。” Woman muttering in a soft voice, sorry, Elisha, mother later cannot take care of you, because mother must stay here to protect your later life.” 女人轻声的喃喃,“对不起了,艾丽莎,妈妈以后再也不能照顾妳了,因为妈妈要留在这里守护妳之后的人生啦。” Speaking of finally, the woman almost chokes with sobs, for a long time, she loosened setting out that the palm that holds the girl small hand, does not abandon, turns around to approaching the entrance. 说到最后,女人几乎泣不成声,许久,她才松开了抓住女孩小手的手掌,不舍的起身,转身对向门口。 Xueli Station in entrance, dull looks at that woman to be familiar with the facial features that the physical strength of her body seems like little by the draw off. 雪莉站在门口,呆呆的望着那女人熟悉的面容,她身体的气力像是被一点点被抽去。 Elder sister......” “姐姐……” .. 。。
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